
2.3 KiB

Abraham, Abram

Quelques données :

Abram était un Chaldéen de la cité d'Ur qui fut choisi par Dieu pour être l'ancêtre des Israëlites* Dieu changea son nom en "Abraham".

  • Le nom "Abram" signifie "père exalté".
  • "Abraham" signifie, "père de la multitude".
  • Dieu promit à Abraham qu'il allait avoir plusieurs descendants, qui allaient devenir une grande nation.
  • Abraham crut en Dieu et lui obéit* Dieu le fit sortir de la Chaldée vers le pays de Canaan.
  • Pendant qu'ils vivaient dans le pays de Canaan, dans leur vieillesse, Abraham et sa femme Sara eurent un fils qu'ils appelèrent Isaac.

(Suggestions pour la traduction : Translate Names)

(Voir aussi : (../names/canaan.md), (../names/chaldeans.md), (../names/sarah.md), (../names/isaac.md))

Bible References :

Examples from the Bible stories :

  • 04:06 When Abram arrived in Canaan, God said, "Look all around you. I will give to you and your descendants all the land that you can see as an inheritance."
  • 05:04 Then God changed Abram's name to Abraham, which means "father of many."
  • 05:05 About a year later, when Abraham was cent years old and Sarah was 90, Sarah gave birth to Abraham's son.
  • 05:06 When Isaac was a young man, God tested Abraham's faith by saying, "Take Isaac, your only son, and kill him as a sacrifice to me."
  • 06:01 When Abraham was very old and his son, Isaac, had grown to be a man, Abraham sent one of his servants back to the land where his relatives lived to find a wife for his son, Isaac.
  • 06:04 After a long time, Abraham died and all of the promises that God had made to him in the covenant were passed on to Isaac.
  • 21:02 God promised Abraham that through him all people groups of the world would receive a blessing.

Données Word :

  • Strong's: H87, H85, G11