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Larry Sallee 2019-06-18 14:54:44 -04:00
parent 33a37dbbde
commit 9fc935dc65
31 changed files with 37 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
Les termes «croire» et «croire en» sont étroitement liés, mais ont des significations légèrement différentes:
### 1. believe ###
### 1. believe
* To believe something is to accept or trust that it is true.
* To believe someone is to acknowledge that what that person has said is true.
### 2. believe in ###
### 2. believe in
* To “believe in” someone means to “trust in” that person. It means to trust that the person is who he says he is, that he always speaks the truth, and that he will do what he has promised to do.
* When a person truly believes in something, he will act in such a way that shows that belief.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ The term “unbelief” refers to not believing something or someone.
* In the Bible, “unbelief” refers to not believing in or not trusting in Jesus as ones Savior.
* A person who does not believe in Jesus is called an “unbeliever.”
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Pour «croire» pourrait être traduit par «savoir pour être vrai» ou «savoir être juste*"
* Pour "croire en" pourrait être traduit comme «entièrement confiance» ou «la confiance et à obéir» ou «tout à fait compter sur et à suivre*"

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Dans l'Ancien Testament"le jour de Yahweh" est employé à un temps spécifique
* Sometimes the punishment is referred to as a “pouring out of Gods wrath” upon those who do not believe.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate “day of Yahweh” could include “time of Yahweh” or “time when Yahweh will punish his enemies” or “time of Yahwehs wrath.”
* Other ways to translate “day of the Lord” could include “time of the Lords judgment” or “time when the Lord Jesus will return to judge people.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Tous ces termes se refèrent aux démons qui sont des esprits qui s'opposent à
* Parce que les démons servent le diable,ils font de mauvaises choses*Souvent ils vivent dans les gens et les contrôlent.
* Les démons sont plus puissants que les hommes,mais pas aussi puissants que Dieu.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “demon” could also be translated as “evil spirit.”
* The term “unclean spirit” could also be translated as “impure spirit” or “corrupt spirit” or “evil spirit.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Une personne qui est possédé par un démon a un démon ou un mauvais esprit qu
* Souvent une personne possédée par un démon se blessera ou blessera d'autres personnes parce que le démon la provoque pour faire cela.
* Jésus a guéri les personnes possédées par le démon en ordonnant aux démons de sortir en eux * Ceci est appelé souvent "chasser les démons"
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Other ways to translate this term could include “demon-controlled” or “controlled by an evil spirit” or “having an evil spirit living inside.”

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Le terme "disciple"signifie une personne qui passe son temps avec un enseignant
* Juste avant le départ de Jésus au Ciel,il a ordonné à ses disciples d'enseigner à d'autres personnes comment devenir aussi les "disciples de Jésus.
* Celui qui croit en Jésus et qui obéit à ses enseignements est appelé un"disciple" de Jésus.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “disciple” could be translated by a word or phrase that means “follower” or “student” or “pupil” or “learner.”
* Make sure that the translation of this term does not refer only to a student who learns in a classroom.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Le terme "discipline"signifie entrainer les gens à obéir à un ensemble de lig
* La "discipline "inclut l'instruction sur la manière de vivre avec Dieu, en plus de la punition pour le comportement qui est contre la volonté de Dieu.
* L'autodiscilpine est le fait d'appliquer les principes moraux et spirituels à sa propre vie.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, “discipline” could be translated as “train and instruct” or “morally guide” or “punish for wrongdoing.”
* The noun “discipline” could be translated as “moral training” or “punishment” or “moral correction” or “moral guidance and instruction.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Le terme"divin"signifie toute chose qui appartient à Dieu.
* D'autres termes utilisés sont:"autorité divine,"pouvoir divin"*"la gloire divine".
* Dans un passage de la Bible,le terme"divin"est utilisé pour décrire quelque chose du mauvais dieu.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Ways to translate the term “divine” could include “Gods” or “from God” or “pertaining to God” or “characterized by God.”
* For example, “divine authority” could be translated as “Gods authority” or “authority that comes from God.”

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Le terme "règne "signifie pouvoir,contrôle,ou autorité sur les gens,les anim
* Le règne de Satan a été vaincu a jamais par la mort de Jésus-Christ sur la croix.
* A la création,Dieu a dit que l'homme doit règner sur les poissons,les oiseaux et toutes les créatures sur Terre.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate this term could include “authority” or “power” or “control.”
* The phrase “have dominion over” could be translated as “rule over” or “manage.”

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The term “forever” refers to never-ending time. Sometimes it is used figurat
* The phrase “forever and ever” is a way of expressing what eternity or eternal life is. It also has the idea of time that never ends.
* God said that Davids throne would last “forever.” This is referred to the fact that Davids descendant Jesus will reign as king forever.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Other ways to translate “eternal” or “everlasting” could include”unending” or “never stopping” or “always continuing.”
* The terms “eternal life” and “everlasting life” could also be translated as “life that never ends” or “life that continues without stopping” or “the raising up of our bodies to live forever.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Un "évangeliste"est une personne qui parle aux autres de la bonne nouvelle de
* Tous les chrétiens sont exhortés à partager cette bonne nouvelle.
* Certains chrétiens ont un don spirituel spécial pour effectivement parler de la bonne nouvelle aux autres*On dit de ces gens ont le don de l'Evangile et sont appelés"évangelistes"
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “evangelist” could be translated as “someone who preaches the good news” or “teacher of the good news” or “person who proclaims the good news (about Jesus)” or “good news proclaimer.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Exalter c'est louer fort et honorer quelqu'un*Cela peut aussi signifier mettre q
* Dans la Bible ,le terme "exalter"est très souvent utilisé pour louer Dieu.
* Quand une personne s'élève,cela veut dire qu'elle pense de lui même dans une manière fière ou arrogante.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Ways to translate “exalt” could include “highly praise” or “honor greatly” or “extol” or “speak highly of.”
* In some contexts it could be translated by a word or phrase that means “put in a higher position” or “give more honor to” or “talk about proudly.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Tous ces termes ont une même signification qui indique un état d'être dans la foi en Jésus et être son disciple.
* Note: Parfois le mot "En" appartient au verbe* Par exemple; " avoir part en Christ" veut dire " partager avec" les bénéfices qui viennent de la connaissance de Christ* " Glorifier dans " le Christ veut dire d'être heureux et donner gloire à Dieu pour ce que Jésus est et ce qu'il a fait* " Croire" en Jésus veut dire faire confiance en Lui comme sauveur et le connaitre.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, different ways to translate “in Christ” and “in the Lord” (and related phrases) could include:

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Tous ces termes renvoient à être physiquement vivant, pas mort* Ils sont également utilisés au sens figuré pour désigner être vivant spirituellement* Ce qui suit traite de ce qu'on entend par «vie physique» et «vie spirituelle».
### 1. Physical life ###
### 1. Physical life
* Physical life is the presence of the spirit in the body. God breathed life into Adams body, and he became a living being.
* A “life” can also refer to an individual person as in “a life was saved”.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* The term “living” may refer to being physically alive, as in “my mother is still living.” It may also refer to dwelling somewhere as in, “they were living in the city.”
* In the Bible, the concept of “life” is often contrasted with the concept of “death.”
### 2. Spiritual life ###
### 2. Spiritual life
* A person has spiritual life when he believes in Jesus. God gives that person a transformed life with the Holy Spirit living in him.
* This life is also called “eternal life” to indicate that it does not end.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# world, worldly #
# world, worldly
## Definition: ##
## Definition:
The term “world” usually refers to the part of the universe where people live: the earth. The term “worldly” describes the evil values and behaviors of people living in this world.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The term “world” usually refers to the part of the universe where people liv
* The apostles also used “world” to refer to the selfish behaviors and corrupt values of the people living in this world. This can include self-righteous religious practices which are based on human efforts.
* People and things characterized by these values are said to be “worldly.”
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, “world” could also be translated as “universe” or “people of this world” or “corrupt things in the world” or “evil attitudes of people in the world.”
* The phrase “all the world” often means “many people” and refers to the people living in a certain region. For example, “all the world came to Egypt” could be translated as “many people from the surrounding countries came to Egypt” or “people from all the countries surrounding Egypt came there.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Adorqtion signifie honorer, prier et obeir
* When the Israelites worshiped God, it often included sacrificing an animal on an altar.
* Some people worshiped false gods.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “worship” could be translated as “bow down to” or “honor and serve” or “honor and obey.”
* In some contexts, it could also be translated as “humbly praise” or “give honor and praise.”

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The terms “encourage” and encouragement” refer to saying and doing things
The term “discourage” refers to saying and doing things that cause people to lose hope, confidence, and courage and so to have less desire to keep working hard to do what they know they should do.
## Translation Suggestions ##
## Translation Suggestions
* Depending on the context, ways to translate “encourage” could include “urge” or “comfort” or “say kind things” or “help and support.”
* The phrase “give words of encouragement” means “say things that cause other people to feel loved, accepted, and empowered.”

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@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
Ce terme est employé pour désigner la mort physique et spirituelle*Physiquement,il désigne l'être physique, une personne qui ne vit plus*Spirituellement,il désigne les pécheurs qui sont séparés du Dieu saint à cause de leur péché.
### 1. Physical death ###
### 1. Physical death
* To “die” means to stop living. Death is the end of physical life.
* A persons spirit leaves his body when he dies.
* When Adam and Eve sinned, physical death came into the world.
* The expression “put to death” refers to killing or murdering someone, especially when a king or other ruler gives an order for someone to be killed.
### 2. Spiritual death ###
### 2. Spiritual death
* Spiritual death is the separation of a person from God.
* Adam died spiritually when he disobeyed God. His relationship with God was broken. He became ashamed and tried to hide from God.
* Every descendant of Adam is a sinner, and is spiritually dead. God makes us spiritually alive again when we have faith in Jesus Christ.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* To translate this term, it is best to use the everyday, natural word or expression in the target language that refers to death.
* In some languages, to “die” may be expressed as to “not live.” The term “dead” may be translated as “not alive” or “not having any life” or “not living.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Le terme "tromper"veut dire faire croire à quelqu'un une chose qui n'est pas vr
* Une personne,une action,ou un message qui n'est pas véridique peut être décrit comme" trompeur".
* Les termes "tromperie" ont la même signification,mais il y a de petites différences dans la manière dont ils sont utilisés.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Other ways to translate “deceive” could include “lie to” or “cause to have a false belief” or “cause someone to think something that is not true.”
* The term “deceived” could also be translated as “caused to think something false” or “lied to” or “tricked” or “fooled” or “misled.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Les termes "déclarer"et"déclaration se refèrent à un communiqué public,souv
* Une" déclaration" ne parle pas seulement de l'importance de ce qui est proclamé,mais il attire aussil'attention de celui qui fait la déclaration.
* Par exemple,dans l'Ancien Testament,un message de Dieu est souvent précédé par,la déclaration de Yahweh*"ou" c'est ce que Yahweh déclare*"Cette expression montre que c'est Yahweh lui même qui dit ceci*Le fait que le message vienne de Yahweh montre comment ce message est important.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, “declare” could also be translated as “proclaim” or “publicly state” or “strongly say” or “emphatically state.”
* The term “declaration” could also be translated as “statement” or “proclamation.”

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Les termes "salir" et "se salir" se refèrent à devenir sale ou pollué* Quelqu
* Il y avait aussi certaines sortes de traitements corporels qui salissent une personne temporairement mais elle pourrait devenir à nouveau rituellement pure.
* Dans le Nouveau Testament,Jésus a enseigné que les mauvaises pensées et actions sont celles qui salissent une personne.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “defile” can also be translated as “cause to be unclean” or “cause to be unrighteous” or “cause to be ritually unacceptable.”
* To “be defiled” could be translated as “become unclean” or “be caused to be morally unacceptable (to God)” or “become ritually unacceptable.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Dieu est aussi appelé un "libérateur"tout au long de l'histoire d'Israël,il a délivré ou a porté secours à son peuple contre leurs ennemis.
* Dans certains contextes,le terme "livrer"veut dire remettre à l ennemi,comme Judas a livré Jésus aux leaders Juifs*.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* In the context of helping people escape from their enemies, the term “deliver” can be translated as “rescue” or “liberate” or “save.”
* When it means to deliver someone over to the enemy, “deliver over” can be translated as “betray to” or “hand over” or “give over.”

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Le terme "dévaster"ou"dévastation" signifie "avoir ses biens ou son terrain ru
* Par exemple la cité de Sodome était dévastée par Dieu comme punition pour les péchés des hommes qui y vivent.
* Le terme "dévastation"peut aussi inclure "provoquer une grande émotion, une douleur résultant de la punition ou la destruction.
## Translation Suggestions ##
## Translation Suggestions
* The term “devastate” could be translated as “completely destroy” or “completely ruin.”
* Depending on the context, “devastation” could be translated as “complete destruction” or “total ruin” or “overwhelming grief” or “disaster.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Le terme"discerner"veut dire être en mesure de comprendre quelque chose ,spéc
* Le terme "discernement " signifie comprendre et décider sagement d'une certaine affaire.
* Ceci veut dire avoir la sagesse et un bon jugement.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, “discern” could also be translated as “understand” or “know the difference between” or “distinguish good and evil” or “judge rightly about” or “perceive right from wrong.”
* “Discernment” could be translated as “understanding” or “ability to distinguish good and evil.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Un sacrifice de boisson était un sacrifice à Dieu qui comprend le versement de
* Paul fait allusion à sa vie comme avoir été déversée comme un sacrifice de boisson*Cela veut dire qu'il était totalement dévoué à servir Dieu en parlant aux gens sur Jésus,bien qu'il savait qu'il allait souffrir et probablement être tué à cause de cela.
* La mort de Jésus sur la croix était le sacrifice de boisson définitif c'est à dire son sang versé sur la croix pour notre péché*.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Another way to translate this term could be “offering of grape wine.”
* When Paul says he is being “poured out like an offering” this could also be translated as “I am completely committed to teaching Gods message to people, just like an offering of wine is poured out completely on the altar.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Le terme"Terre"signifie le monde où les êtres humains vivent,avec d'autres êr
* L'expression,"que la terre se rejouisse"et "il jugera la terre"sont les exemples des usages figuratifs de ce terme.
* Le terme"terrestre"généralement signifie les choses physiques en comparaison avec les choses spirituelles.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* This term can be translated by the word or phrase that the local language or nearby national languages use to refer to the planet earth on which we live.
* Depending on the context, “earth” could also be translated as “world” or “land” or “dirt” or “soil.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Le terme "subir"veut dire prendre du temps ou suporter une chose difficile avec
* L'encouragement aux chrétiens de "subir jusqu'au bout"est de leur demander à obéir à Jésus,même si cela les fait souffrir.
* "Subir la souffrance "peut aussi signifier"expérimenter la souffrance".
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* Ways to translate the term “endure” could include “persevere” or “keep believing” or “continue to do what God wants you to do” or “stand firm.”
* In some contexts, to “endure” could be translated as to “experience” or to “go through.”

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* Au sens figuré,les êtres humains sont "esclave"du péché jusqu'à ce que Jésus les libère.
* Quand une personne reçoit une nouvelle vie en Christ,il cesse d'être esclave du péché et il devient un esclave de la justice.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* The term “enslave” could be translated as “cause to not be free” or “force to serve others” or “put under the control of others.”
* The phrase “enslaved to” or “in bondage to” could be translated as “forced to be a slave of” or “forced to serve” or “under the control of.”

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Une génération est généralement le groupe de personnes qui s'étend des parents aux enfants.
* Dans la Bible, une génération est généralement considérée comme 40 ans.
## Translation Suggestions ##
## Translation Suggestions
* The phrase “this generation” or “people of this generation” could be translated as “the people living now” or “you people.”
* “This wicked generation” could also be translated as “these wicked people living now.”

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Le terme " temps" est aussi utilisé pour décrire " en ce moment" ou " maintenant*"
* Quand le texte parle de tard dans le " temps" , cela veut dire qu' il était tard dans la journée, que le soleil va bientôt couché.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* When used figuratively, the term “hour” can be translated as “time” or “moment” or “appointed time.”
* The phrase “in that very hour” or “the same hour” could be translated as “at that moment” or “at that time” or “immediately” or “right then.”

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The term “lawless” describes a person who does not obey laws or rules. When
* A lawless person is rebellious and does not obey Gods laws.
* The apostle Paul wrote that in the last days there will be a “man of lawlessness,” or a “lawless one,” who will be influenced by Satan to do evil things.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
## Translation Suggestions:
* This term “unlawful” should be translated using a word or expression that means “not lawful” or “lawbreaking.”
* Other ways to translate “unlawful” could be “not permitted” or “not according to Gods law” or “not conforming to our laws.”