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2018-05-31 21:08:53 +00:00
Book Chapter Verse ID SupportReference OrigQuote Occurrence GLQuote OccurrenceNote
ROM front intro gtn1 0 # Introduction to Romans<br>## Part 1: General Introduction<br><br>#### Outline of the Book of Romans<br><br>1. Introduction (1:1-15)<br>1. Righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ (1:16-17)<br>1. All mankind is condemned because of sin (1:18-3:20)<br>1. Righteousness through Jesus Christ by faith in him (3:21-4:25)<br>1. The fruits of the Spirit (5:1-11)<br>1. Adam and Christ compared (5:12-21)<br>1. Becoming like Christ in this life (6:1-8:39)<br>1. God's plan for Israel (9:1-11:36)<br>1. Practical advice for living as Christians (12:1-15:13)<br>1. Conclusion and greetings (15:14-16:27)<br><br>#### Who wrote the Book of Romans?<br><br>The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Romans. Paul was from the city of Tarsus. He had been known as Saul in his early life. Before becoming a Christian, Paul was a Pharisee. He persecuted Christians. After he became a Christian, he traveled several times throughout the Roman Empire telling people about Jesus.<br><br>Paul probably wrote this letter while he was staying in the city of Corinth during his third trip through the Roman Empire.<br><br>#### What is the Book of Romans about?<br><br>Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Rome. Paul wanted to get them ready to receive him when he visited them. He said his purpose was to "bring about the obedience of faith" (16:26).<br><br>In this letter Paul most fully described the gospel of Jesus Christ. He explained that both Jews and non-Jews have sinned, and God will forgive them and declare them righteous only if they believe in Jesus (chapters 1-11). Then he gave them practical advice for how believers should live (chapters 12-16),<br><br>#### How should the title of this book be translated?<br><br>Translators may choose to call this book by its traditional title, "Romans." Or they may choose a clearer title, such as "Paul's Letter to the Church in Rome," or "A Letter to the Christians in Rome." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])<br><br>## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts<br><br>#### What are the titles used to refer to Jesus?<br><br>In Romans, Paul described Jesus Christ by many titles and descriptions: Jesus Christ (1:1), the Seed of David (1:3), the Son of God (1:4), the Lord Jesus Christ (1:7), Christ Jesus (3:24), Propitiation (3:25), Jesus (3:26), Jesus our Lord (4:24), Lord of Hosts (9:29), a Stumbling Stone and Rock of Offence (9:33), the End of the Law (10:4), the Deliverer (11:26), Lord of the Dead and the Living (14:9), and the Root of Jesse (15:12).<br><br>#### How should theological terms in Romans be translated?<br><br>Paul uses many theological terms that are not used in the four gospels. As early Christians learned more about the meaning of Jesus Christ and his message, they needed words and expressions for new ideas. Some examples of these words are "justification" (5:1), "works of the law" (3:20), "reconcile" (5:10), "propitiation" (3:25), "sanctification" (6:19), and "the old man" (6:6).<br><br>The "key terms" dictionary can help translators understand many of these terms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])<br><br>Terms such as those given above are difficult to explain. It is often hard or impossible for translators to find equivalent terms in their own languages. It can help to know that word equivalents of these terms are not necessary. Instead, translators can develop short expressions to communicate these ideas. For example, the term "gospel" can be translated as "the good news about Jesus Christ."<br><br>Translators should also remember that some of these terms have more than one meaning. The meaning will depend on how the author is using the word in that particular passage. For example, "righteousness" sometimes means that a person obeys God's law. At other times, "righteousness" means that Jesus Christ has perfectly obeyed God's law for us.<br><br>#### What did Paul mean by "a remnant" of Israel (11:5)?<br><br>The idea of a "remnant" is important both in the Old Testament and for Paul. Most of the Israelites were either killed or scatt
ROM 01 intro hn5n 0 # Romans 01 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>The first verse is a type of introduction. People in the ancient Mediterranean region often started their letters this way. Sometimes this is called a "salutation."<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### The gospel<br>This chapter refers to the contents of the Book of Romans as "the gospel" ([Romans 1:2](../../rom/01/02.md)). Romans is not a gospel like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Instead, chapters 1-8 present the biblical gospel: All have sinned. Jesus died for our sins. He was raised again that we might have new life in him.<br><br>##### Fruit<br>This chapter uses the imagery of fruit. The image of fruit usually refers to a person's faith producing good works in their life. In this chapter, it refers to the results of Paul's work among the Roman Christians. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/fruit]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/righteous]])<br><br>##### Universal Condemnation and the Wrath of God<br>This chapter explains that everyone is without excuse. We all know about the true God, Yahweh, from his creation all around us. Because of our sin and our sinful nature, every person justly deserves the wrath of God. This wrath was satisfied by Jesus dying on a cross for those who believe in him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/believe]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### "God gave them over"<br>Many scholars view the phrases "God gave them over" and "God gave them up" as theologically significant. For this reason, it is important to translate these phrases with God playing a passive role in the action. God simply allows men to pursue their own desires, he does not force them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Difficult phrases and concepts<br><br>This chapter has many difficult ideas in it. How Paul writes makes many of the phrases in this chapter difficult to translate. The translator may need to use the UST to understand the meaning of the phrases. And it may be necessary to more freely translate these phrases. Some of the difficult phrases include: "obedience of faith," "whom I serve in my spirit," "from faith to faith" and "exchanged the glory of the imperishable God for the likenesses of an image of perishable man."<br>
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ROM 01 01 x3em figs-explicit 0 Paul Your language may have a particular way of introducing the author of a letter. You may also need to tell in this same verse who the people are to whom Paul wrote the letter ([Romans 1:7](./07.md)). Alternate translation: "I, Paul, wrote this letter" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 01 v5b9 figs-activepassive 0 called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God called me to be an apostle and chose me to tell people about the gospel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 01 sg88 0 called This means that God has appointed or chosen people to be his children, to be his servants and proclaimers of his message of salvation through Jesus.
ROM 01 02 r5x7 0 which he promised beforehand by his prophets in the holy scriptures God promised his people that he would set up his kingdom. He told the prophets to write these promises in the Scriptures.
ROM 01 03 lab1 0 concerning his Son This refers to "the gospel of God," the good news that God promised to send his Son into the world.
ROM 01 03 lk5q guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 Son This is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 01 03 rj9f figs-explicit 0 who was a descendant of David according to the flesh Here the word "flesh" refers to the physical body. Alternate translation: "who is a descendant of David according to the physical nature" or "who was born into the family of David" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 04 z3yq 0 Connecting Statement: Paul talks here about his obligation to preach.
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ROM 01 04 at5s figs-activepassive 0 he was declared with power to be the Son of God The word "he" refers to Jesus Christ. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God declared him with power to be the Son of God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 04 h97z 0 by the resurrection from the dead "by raising him from among the people who are dead." This expression speaks of all dead people together in the underworld, and coming alive again is spoken of as resurrection from among them.
ROM 01 04 m89w 0 Spirit of holiness This refers to the Holy Spirit.
ROM 01 05 ww9a figs-activepassive 0 we have received grace and apostleship God has given Paul the gift of being an apostle. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God caused me to be an apostle. This is a special privilege" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 05 sxc7 figs-metonymy 0 for obedience of faith among all the nations, for the sake of his name Paul uses the word "name" as a metonym to refer to Jesus. Alternate translation: "in order to teach all nations to obey because of their faith in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 01 07 z85a figs-activepassive 0 This letter is to all who are in Rome, the beloved of God, who are called to be holy people You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "I am writing this letter to all of you in Rome whom God loves and has chosen to become his people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 07 v8bl figs-activepassive 0 May grace be to you, and peace You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "May God give you grace and peace" or "May God bless you and give you inner peace" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 07 d8pa guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 God our Father The word "Father" is an important title for God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 01 08 e6el 0 the whole world the world Paul and his readers knew and could travel in, which was the Roman Empire
ROM 01 09 c7pa 0 For God is my witness Paul emphasizes that he earnestly prays for them and that God has seen him praying. The word "for" is often left untranslated.
ROM 01 09 dx6p 0 in my spirit A person's spirit is the part of him that can know God and believe in him.
ROM 01 09 rnp6 0 the gospel of his Son The good news (gospel) of the Bible is that the Son of God has given himself as the Savior of the world.
ROM 01 09 r2l5 guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 Son This is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 01 09 f9p2 0 I make mention of you "I talk to God about you"
ROM 01 10 mdc8 0 I always request in my prayers that ... I may at last be successful ... in coming to you "Every time I pray, I ask God that ... I may succeed ... in coming to visit you"
ROM 01 10 zfp4 0 by any means "in whatever way God allows"
ROM 01 10 is3p 0 at last "eventually" or "finally"
ROM 01 10 b5wy 0 by the will of God "because God desires it"
ROM 01 11 n5ql 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues his opening statements to the people in Rome by stating his desire to see them in person.
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ROM 01 11 ki6h 0 For I desire to see you "Because I really want to see you"
ROM 01 11 f3g1 figs-explicit 0 some spiritual gift, in order to strengthen you Paul wants to strengthen the Roman Christians spiritually. Alternate translation: "some gift that will help you to grow spiritually" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 12 ux1x figs-activepassive 0 That is, I long to be mutually encouraged among you, through each other's faith, yours and mine You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "I mean that I want us to encourage each other by sharing our experiences of faith in Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 13 yi1f figs-doublenegatives 0 I do not want you to be uninformed Paul is emphasizing that he wanted them to have this information. You can translate this double negative in a positive form. Alternate translation: "I want you to know" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 01 13 u1cq 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 01 13 ru3x figs-activepassive 0 but I was hindered until now You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "something has always prevented me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 13 gnu7 figs-metaphor 0 in order to have a harvest among you The word "harvest" is a metaphor that represents people in Rome whom Paul wants to believe the gospel. Alternate translation: "that more people among you might trust in Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 01 13 j96v 0 the rest of the Gentiles the Gentiles in the other regions where he had gone
ROM 01 14 s4bm figs-metaphor 0 I am a debtor both to Using the metaphor "debtor," Paul speaks of his duty to serve God as if he owed God a financial debt. Alternate translation: "I must take the gospel to" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 01 16 mm2f figs-litotes 0 I am not ashamed of the gospel You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "I trust completely in the gospel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-litotes]])
ROM 01 16 h7nu figs-explicit 0 it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes Here "believes" means that one puts his trust in Christ. Alternate translation: "it is through the gospel that God powerfully saves those who put their trust in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 16 f5x9 0 for the Jew first and for the Greek "for Jewish people and also for Greek people"
ROM 01 16 sz5b 0 first Here "first" means coming before all others in order of time.
ROM 01 17 ii3m 0 For in it Here "it" refers to the gospel. Paul explains why he completely trusts in the gospel.
ROM 01 17 h38h figs-activepassive 0 God's righteousness is revealed from faith to faith Paul speaks about the gospel message as if it were an object that God could physically show to people. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God has told us that it is by faith from beginning to end that people become righteous" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 17 igg9 figs-activepassive 0 as it has been written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "as someone has written in the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 17 hbv6 figs-explicit 0 The righteous will live by faith Here "righteous" refers to those who trust in God. Alternate translation: "It is people who trust in God that he considers right with him, and they will live forever" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 18 gqv3 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reveals God's great anger against sinful man.
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ROM 01 18 r15v figs-activepassive 0 For the wrath of God is revealed You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For God shows how angry he is" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 18 c69s 0 For Paul uses the word "for" to show he is about to tell why people know that what he has said in [Romans 1:17](../01/17.md) is true.
ROM 01 18 wzy3 figs-abstractnouns 0 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people The words "ungodliness" and "unrighteousness" are abstract nouns that can be expressed using the adjectives "ungodly," which describes the people, and "unrighteous," which describes their deeds. These nouns are metonyms for the people with whom God is angry. You can translate this in active form. Alternate translation: "God reveals from heaven how angry he is with people because they are ungodly and do unrighteous deeds" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 01 18 rn72 figs-explicit 0 hold back the truth Here "truth" refers to true information about God. Alternate translation: "hide the true information about God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 19 tbu2 figs-activepassive 0 that which is known about God is visible to them You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "they can know about God because of what they can plainly see" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 19 u8z3 figs-explicit 0 For God has enlightened them Here "enlightened them" means God has shown them the truth about him. Alternate translation: "Because God has shown everyone what he is like" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 20 szu6 figs-metaphor 0 For his invisible qualities ... have been clearly seen Paul speaks of people understanding God's invisible qualities as if people have seen those qualities. This can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: "For people have clearly understood God's invisible qualities, namely his eternal power and divine nature" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 20 wk7u 0 divine nature "all the qualities and characteristics of God" or "the things about God that make him God"
ROM 01 20 uvc1 0 world This refers to the heavens and the earth, as well as everything in them.
ROM 01 20 c7hp figs-activepassive 0 in the things that have been made This can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: "because of the things that God has made" or "because people have seen the things that God has made" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 20 dxr6 0 they are without excuse "these people can never say that they did not know"
ROM 01 21 xm6i figs-activepassive 0 became foolish in their thoughts You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "began to think foolish things" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 21 gw8y figs-metaphor 0 their senseless hearts were darkened Here "darkness" is a metaphor that represents the people's lack of understanding. Here "hearts" is a metonym for a person's mind or inner being. Alternate translation: "they became unable to understand what God wanted them to know" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 01 22 ddr2 0 They claimed to be wise, but they became foolish "While they were claiming that they were wise, they became foolish"
ROM 01 22 ly68 0 They ... they the people in [Romans 1:18](../01/18.md)
ROM 01 23 k9xu 0 exchanged the glory of the imperishable God "traded the truth that God is glorious and will never die" or "stopped believing that God is glorious and will never die"
ROM 01 23 x2wl 0 for the likenesses of an image of "and instead chose to worship idols that looked like"
ROM 01 23 r14e 0 perishable man "some human being that will die"
ROM 01 23 u971 0 of birds, of four-footed beasts, and of creeping things "or that looked like birds, four-footed beasts, or creeping things"
ROM 01 24 fvv6 0 Therefore "Because what I have just said is true"
ROM 01 24 ec9q 0 God gave them over to "God allowed them to indulge in"
ROM 01 24 tlv5 0 them ... their ... themselves These words refer to the "mankind" of [Romans 1:18](../01/18.md).
ROM 01 24 n8ac figs-synecdoche 0 the lusts of their hearts for uncleanness Here "lusts of their hearts" is a synecdoche that represents the evil things they wanted to do. Alternate translation: "the morally impure things they desired greatly" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 01 24 a8pm figs-euphemism 0 for their bodies to be dishonored among themselves This is a euphemism that means they committed immoral sexual acts. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "and they committed sexually immoral and degrading acts" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 25 dv6h 0 they This word refers to the "mankind" of [Romans 1:18](../01/18.md).
ROM 01 25 e9pj figs-explicit 0 who worshiped and served the creation Here "creation" refers to what God created. Alternate translation: "They worshiped things that God created" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 25 v89u 0 instead of "rather than"
ROM 01 26 jb2g 0 Because of this "Because of idolatry and sexual sin"
ROM 01 26 pil3 0 God gave them over to "God allowed them to indulge in"
ROM 01 26 hw81 0 dishonorable passions "shameful sexual desires"
ROM 01 26 j4ni 0 for their women "because their women"
ROM 01 26 vs4a figs-euphemism 0 exchanged natural relations for those that were unnatural The idea of relations "that were unnatural" is a euphemism for immoral sexuality. Alternate translation: "started practicing sexuality in a way God did not design" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
ROM 01 27 g3ja figs-euphemism 0 men also left their natural relations with women Here "natural relations" is a euphemism for sexual relationships. Alternate translation: "many men stopped having natural sexual desire for women" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
ROM 01 27 c7ja 0 burned in their lust for one another "experienced strong sexual desire for other men"
ROM 01 27 gn3f 0 committed shameless acts "committed acts for which they should have been ashamed, but they were not ashamed"
ROM 01 27 qvi3 0 men and received in themselves the penalty they deserved for their error "men, and God has punished them justly for the error they committed"
ROM 01 27 yvm1 0 error moral wrong, not a mistake about facts
ROM 01 28 cx7y 0 Because they did not approve of having God in their awareness "They did not think it was necessary to know God"
ROM 01 28 bt7u 0 they ... their ... them These words refer to the "mankind" of [Romans 1:18](../01/18.md).
ROM 01 28 yy1c figs-explicit 0 he gave them up to a depraved mind Here "a depraved mind" means a mind that thinks only about immoral things. Alternate translation: "God allowed their minds, which they had filled with worthless and immoral thoughts, to completely control them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 28 p8z2 0 not proper "disgraceful" or "sinful"
ROM 01 29 c2e2 figs-activepassive 0 They have been filled with You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "They have in them a strong desire for" or "They strongly desire to do deeds of" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 29 t4qm figs-activepassive 0 They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and evil intentions You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Many are constantly envying other people ... Many constantly desire to murder people ... to cause arguments and quarrels among people ... to deceive others ... to speak hatefully about others" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 01 30 f4tt 0 slanderers A slanderer says false things about another person in order to damage that person's reputation.
ROM 01 30 th8q 0 inventing ways of doing evil "thinking of new ways to do evil things to others"
ROM 01 32 cxx8 0 They understand the regulations of God "They know how God wants them to live"
ROM 01 32 ytu6 figs-explicit 0 that those who practice such things Here "practice" refers to continually or habitually doing things that are evil. Alternate translation: "and that those who keep on doing wicked things" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 01 32 z12q 0 are deserving of death "deserve to die"
ROM 01 32 ama2 0 these things "these kinds of evil things"
ROM 01 32 iqg1 figs-explicit 0 who do them Here the verb "do" refers to continuing to do things that are evil. Alternate translation: "who keep on doing evil things" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 intro dse2 0 # Romans 02 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter shifts its audience from Roman Christians to those who "judge" other people and do not believe in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/judge]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/believe]])<br><br>##### "Therefore you are without excuse"<br>This phrase looks back at Chapter 1. In some ways, it actually concludes what Chapter 1 teaches. This phrase explains why everyone in the world must worship the true God.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### "Doers of the Law"<br>Those who try to obey the law will not be justified by trying to obey it. Those who are justified by believing in Jesus show that their faith is real by obeying God's commands. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Rhetorical Questions<br>Paul uses several rhetorical questions in this chapter. It appears the intent of these rhetorical questions is to make the reader see their sin so they will trust in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]], [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/guilt]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>##### Hypothetical Situation<br>In context, "he will give eternal life" in verse 7 is a hypothetical statement. If a person could live a perfect life, they would earn eternal life as a reward. But only Jesus was able to live a perfect life.<br><br>Paul gives another hypothetical situation in verses 17-29. Here he explains that even those who earnestly try to obey the law of Moses are guilty of violating the law. In English, this is about those who follow the "letter" of the law but cannot follow the "spirit" or general principles of the law. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hypo]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### "You who judge"<br>At times, this could be translated in a simpler way. But it is translated in this relatively awkward way because when Paul refers to "people who judge" he is also saying that everyone judges. It is possible to translate this as "those who judge (and everyone judges)."<br>
ROM 02 01 y6ts 0 Connecting Statement: Paul has affirmed all men are sinners and continues to remind them that all people are wicked.
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ROM 02 01 d7pj figs-explicit 0 Therefore you are without excuse The word "therefore" marks a new section of the letter. It also makes a concluding statement based on what Paul has said in [Romans 1:1-32](../01/01.md). Alternate translation: "Since God will punish those who continually sin, he will certainly not excuse your sins" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 01 x3mi figs-apostrophe 0 you are Paul is writing here as if he were addressing a Jewish person who is arguing with him. Paul is doing this to teach his audience that God will punish everyone who continually sins, whether Jew or Gentile. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-apostrophe]])
ROM 02 01 md5e figs-you 0 you Here the pronoun "you" is singular. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 02 01 jt4b figs-explicit 0 you person, you who judge Paul uses the word "person" here to scold anyone who might think he can act like God and judge others. Alternate translation: "You are just a human being, yet you judge others and say they deserve God's punishment" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 01 ybp2 0 for what you judge in another you condemn in yourself "But you are only judging yourself because you do the same wicked deeds as they do"
ROM 02 02 jr4i figs-inclusive 0 But we know Here the pronoun "we" may include Christian believers and also Jews who are not Christians. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 02 02 kfy1 figs-personification 0 God's judgment is according to truth when it falls on those Here Paul speaks of "God's judgment" as if it were alive and could "fall" on people. Alternate translation: "God will judge those people truly and fairly" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 02 02 rgw4 0 those who practice such things "the people who do those wicked deeds"
ROM 02 03 wg1h 0 But consider this "So consider this" or "Therefore, consider this"
ROM 02 03 ijd6 0 consider this "think about what I am going to tell you"
ROM 02 03 zwg7 0 person Use the general word for a human being "whoever you are"
ROM 02 03 rk75 0 you who judge those who practice such things although you do the same things "you who say someone deserves God's punishment while you do the same wicked deeds"
ROM 02 03 p7mw figs-rquestion 0 Will you escape from the judgment of God? This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. You can also translate this question as a strong negative statement. Alternate translation: "You will certainly not escape God's judgment!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 04 pex3 figs-rquestion 0 Or do you think so little of the riches of his goodness, his delayed punishment, and his patience ... repentance? This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. You can also translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You should not act like it does not matter that God is good and that he patiently waits a long time before he punishes people, so that his goodness will cause them to repent!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 04 w537 0 think so little of the riches ... patience "consider the riches ... patience unimportant" or "consider ... not good"
ROM 02 04 swj9 figs-rquestion 0 Do you not know that his goodness is meant to lead you to repentance? This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. You can also translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You must know that God shows you he is good so that you might repent!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 05 t8pv 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues to remind the people that all people are wicked.
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ROM 02 05 agl8 figs-metaphor 0 But it is to the extent of your hardness and unrepentant heart Paul uses a metaphor to compare a person who refuses to obey God to something hard, like a stone. He also uses the metonym "heart" to represent the person's mind or inner being. Alternate translation: "It is because you refuse to listen and repent" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 02 05 f52g figs-doublet 0 hardness and unrepentant heart This is a doublet that you can combine as "unrepentant heart." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 02 05 fv4k figs-metaphor 0 you are storing up for yourself wrath The phrase "storing up" implies a metaphor that usually refers to a person gathering his treasures and putting them in a safe place. Paul says, instead of treasures, that the person is gathering God's punishment. The longer they go without repenting, the more severe the punishment. Alternate translation: "you are making your punishment worse" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 02 05 h8cp figs-doublet 0 on the day of wrath ... the day of the revelation of God's righteous judgment Both of these phrases refer to the same day. Alternate translation: "when God shows everyone that he is angry and that he judges all people fairly" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 02 06 c4dn 0 pay back "give a fair reward or punishment"
ROM 02 06 gj1q 0 to every person according to his actions "each person according to what that person has done"
ROM 02 07 gec6 0 have sought This means that they act in a way that will lead to a positive decision from God on judgment day.
ROM 02 07 ub51 0 praise, honor, and incorruptibility They want God to praise and honor them, and they want to never die.
ROM 02 07 m341 0 incorruptibility This refers to physical, not moral, decay.
ROM 02 08 guq1 0 Connecting Statement: Though this section is speaking to the non-religious wicked person, Paul sums it up by stating both non-Jews and Jews are wicked before God.
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ROM 02 08 wa6f 0 self-seeking "selfish" or "only concerned with what makes themselves happy"
ROM 02 08 fcb4 figs-parallelism 0 disobey the truth but obey unrighteousness These two phrases mean basically the same thing. The second intensifies the first. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
ROM 02 08 j1e6 figs-doublet 0 wrath and fierce anger will come The words "wrath" and "fierce anger" mean basically the same thing and emphasize God's anger. Alternate translation: "God will show his terrible anger" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 02 08 c2n3 figs-metonymy 0 wrath Here the word "wrath" is a metonym that refers to God's severe punishment of wicked people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 02 09 u8f7 figs-doublet 0 tribulation and distress on The words "tribulation" and "distress" mean basically the same thing here and emphasize how bad God's punishment will be. Alternate translation: "awful punishments will happen to" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 02 09 ck9i figs-synecdoche 0 on every human soul Here, Paul uses the word "soul" as a synecdoche that refers to the whole person. Alternate translation: "upon every person" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 02 09 n7q4 0 has practiced evil "has continually done evil things"
ROM 02 09 a9s5 0 to the Jew first, and also to the Greek "God will judge the Jewish people first, and then those who are not Jewish people"
ROM 02 09 n5ev 0 first Possible meanings are 1) "first in order of time" or 2) "most certainly"
ROM 02 10 vt1f 0 But praise, honor, and peace will come "But God will give praise, honor, and peace"
ROM 02 10 i9tg 0 practices good "continually does what is good"
ROM 02 10 zg3s 0 to the Jew first, and also to the Greek "God will reward the Jewish people first, and then those who are not Jewish people"
ROM 02 10 ib56 0 first You should translate this the same way you did in [Romans 2:9](../02/09.md).
ROM 02 11 s7a6 figs-litotes 0 For there is no favoritism with God You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "For God treats all people the same" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-litotes]])
ROM 02 12 wkx8 0 For as many as have sinned "For those who have sinned"
ROM 02 12 ml3k figs-explicit 0 without the law will also perish without the law Paul repeats "without the law" to emphasize that it does not matter if people do not know the law of Moses. If they sin, God will judge them. Alternate translation: "without knowing the law of Moses will certainly still die spiritually" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 12 m6cy 0 as many as have sinned "all those who have sinned"
ROM 02 12 y3bu figs-explicit 0 with respect to the law will be judged by the law God will judge sinful people according to his law. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "and who do know the law of Moses, God will judge them according to that law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 13 sw8x 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues to let the reader know that perfect obedience to God's law is required even for those who never had God's law.
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ROM 02 13 k32u 0 For Verses 14 and 15 interrupt Paul's main argument to give the reader extra information. If you have a way to mark an interruption like this in your language, you can use it here.
ROM 02 13 t28w figs-explicit 0 it is not the hearers of the law Here "the law" refers to the law of Moses. Alternate translation: "it is not those who only hear the law of Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 13 eg4h 0 who are righteous before God "whom God considers righteous"
ROM 02 13 s4na 0 but it is the doers of the law "but it is those who obey the law of Moses"
ROM 02 13 c1bu figs-activepassive 0 who will be justified You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "whom God will accept" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 14 tn5f figs-idiom 0 Gentiles, who do not have the law ... are a law to themselves The phrase "law to themselves" is an idiom that means that these people naturally obey God's laws. Alternate translation: "have God's laws already inside them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 02 14 q2id figs-explicit 0 they do not have the law Here "the law" refers to the law of Moses." Alternate translation: "they do not actually have the laws that God gave to Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 15 xl6v 0 By this they show "By naturally obeying the law they show"
ROM 02 15 x35c figs-metonymy 0 that the actions required by the law are written in their hearts Here "hearts" is a metonym for the person's thoughts or inner person. The phrase "written in their hearts" is a metaphor for knowing something in their mind. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "that God has written on their hearts what the law requires them to do" or "that they know the actions that God wants them to do according to his law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 15 z28q figs-idiom 0 bears witness to them, and their own thoughts either accuse or defend them to themselves Here "bears witness" refers to the knowledge they gain from the law that God has written in their hearts. Alternate translation: "tells them if they are disobeying or obeying God's law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 02 16 c5fp 0 on the day when God will judge This finishes Paul's thought from [Romans 2:13](../02/13.md). "This will happen when God judges"
ROM 02 17 lc6m 0 Connecting Statement: Here begins Paul's discussion that the law the Jews possess actually condemns them because they do not obey it.
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ROM 02 17 cnq7 0 if you call yourself a Jew "since you call yourself a Jew"
ROM 02 17 gz6j figs-metaphor 0 rest upon the law The phrase "rest upon the law" represents believing that they can become righteous by obeying the law. Alternate translation: "rely on the law of Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 02 18 l3we 0 know his will "and know God's will"
ROM 02 18 xn6w figs-activepassive 0 because you have been instructed from the law This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "because people have taught you what is right from the law" or "because you have learned from the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 19 wi7z figs-parallelism 0 that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness Here "the blind" and "those who walk in darkness" represent people who do not understand the law. Alternate translation: "that because you teach the law, you yourself are like a guide to blind people, and you are like a light to people who are lost in the dark" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 02 20 p7qq 0 a corrector of the foolish "you correct those who do wrong"
ROM 02 20 ar5a figs-metaphor 0 a teacher of little children Here Paul compares those who do not know anything about the law to very small children. Alternate translation: "and you teach those who do not know the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 02 20 gh9s figs-explicit 0 and that you have in the law the form of knowledge and of the truth The knowledge of the truth that is in the law comes from God. Alternate translation: "because you are sure you understand the truth that God has given in the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 02 21 uq9y figs-rquestion 0 You who teach others, do you not teach yourself? Paul is using a question to scold his listeners. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You teach others, but you do not teach yourself!" or "You teach others, but you do not do what you teach!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 21 hl38 figs-rquestion 0 You who preach against stealing, do you steal? Paul is using a question to scold his listeners. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You tell people not to steal, but you steal!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 22 vb45 figs-rquestion 0 You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? Paul is using a question to scold his listeners. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You tell people not to commit adultery, but you commit adultery!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 22 qn68 figs-rquestion 0 You who hate idols, do you rob temples? Paul is using a question to scold his listener. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You say you hate idols, but you rob temples!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 22 mv4d 0 rob temples Possible meanings are 1) "steal items from local pagan temples to sell and make a profit" or 2) "do not send to the Jerusalem temple all the money that is due to God."
ROM 02 23 grr3 figs-rquestion 0 You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? Paul uses a question to scold his listener. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "It is wicked that you claim to be proud of the law, while at the same time you disobey it and bring shame to God!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 02 24 q13d figs-activepassive 0 the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "many Gentiles blaspheme the name of God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 24 xq7q figs-metonymy 0 name of God The word "name" is a metonym that refers to the entirety of God, not just his name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 02 25 i497 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues to show that God, by his law, condemns even the Jews who have God's law.
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ROM 02 25 jg8q 0 For circumcision indeed benefits you "I say all of this because being circumcised does benefit you"
ROM 02 25 sbm3 0 if you break the law "if you do not obey the commandments found in the law"
ROM 02 25 xq62 0 your circumcision becomes uncircumcision "it is as though you were no longer circumcised"
ROM 02 26 vt7f 0 the uncircumcised person "the person who is not circumcised"
ROM 02 26 nf3j 0 keeps the requirements of the law "obeys what God commands in the law"
ROM 02 26 be71 figs-rquestion 0 will not his uncircumcision be considered as circumcision? This is the first of two questions Paul asks here to emphasize that circumcision is not what makes one right before God. You can translate this question as a statement in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will consider him as circumcised." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 27 lqz2 figs-rquestion 0 And will not the one who is naturally uncircumcised condemn you ... the law? This is the second of two questions that Paul asks here (the first is in Romans 2:26 (./26.md)) to emphasize that circumcision is not what makes one right before God. You can translate this questions as a statement in an active form. Alternate translation: "The one who is not physically circumcised will condemn you ... the law." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 02 28 g2vh 0 outwardly This refers to Jewish rituals, such as circumcision, which people can see.
ROM 02 28 bl6h 0 merely outward in the flesh This refers to the physical change to a man's body when someone circumcises him.
ROM 02 28 s44m figs-synecdoche 0 flesh This is a synecdoche for the whole body. Alternate translation: "body" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 02 29 hkk4 figs-parallelism 0 he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart These two phrases have similar meanings. The first phrase, "he is a Jew who is one inwardly," explains the second phrase, "circumcision is that of the heart." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
ROM 02 29 v149 0 inwardly This refers to the values and motivations of the person whom God has transformed.
ROM 02 29 dk8q figs-metonymy 0 of the heart Here "heart" is a metonym for the inner person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 02 29 dd3p figs-synecdoche 0 in the Spirit, not in the letter Here "letter" is a synecdoche that refers to written Scripture. Alternate translation: "through the work of the Holy Spirit, not because you know the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 02 29 qa6b 0 in the Spirit This refers to the internal, spiritual part of a person that "God's Spirit" changes .
ROM 03 intro y2kb 0 # Romans 03 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 4 and 10-18 of this chapter, which are words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>Chapter 3 answers the question, "What advantage does being a Jew have over being a Gentile?" (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]])<br><br>##### "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"<br>Because God is holy, anyone with him in heaven must be perfect. Any sin at all will condemn a person. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/heaven]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/condemn]])<br><br>##### The purpose of the law of Moses<br>Obeying the law cannot make a person right with God. Obeying God's law is a way a person shows they believe in God. People have always been justified only by faith. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Rhetorical Questions<br>Paul frequently uses rhetorical questions in this chapter. It appears the intent of these rhetorical questions is to make the reader see their sin so they will trust in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/guilt]])<br>
ROM 03 01 v788 0 Connecting Statement: Paul proclaims the advantage that Jews have because God gave them his law.
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ROM 03 01 gcd6 figs-explicit 0 Then what advantage does the Jew have? And what is the benefit of circumcision? Paul presents ideas that people might have after they hear what he wrote in chapter 2. He does this in order to respond to them in verse 2. Alternate translation: "Some people might say, 'Then what advantage does the Jew have? And what is the benefit of circumcision?'" or "Some people might say, 'If that is true, then the Jews do not have any advantage, and there is no benefit in being circumcised.'" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 02 rri9 figs-explicit 0 It is great in every way Paul now responds to the concerns brought up in verse 1. Here "It" refers to being a member of the Jewish people. Alternate translation: "But there is great advantage to being a Jew" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 02 q2dh 0 First of all Possible meanings are 1) "First in order of time" or 2) "Most certainly" or 3) "Most importantly."
ROM 03 02 r62g figs-explicit 0 the Jews were entrusted with revelation from God Here "revelation" refers to God's words and promises. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God gave his words that contain his promises to the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 03 d9k3 figs-rquestion 0 For what if some Jews were without faith? Will their unbelief abolish God's faithfulness? Paul uses these questions to make people think. Alternate translation: "Some Jews have not been faithful to God. Should we conclude from this that God will not fulfill his promise?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 04 z465 0 May it never be This expression strongly denies that this could happen. You may have an expression in your language that you could use here. "That is not possible!" or "Certainly not!"
ROM 03 04 kz4j 0 Instead, let "We should say this instead, let"
ROM 03 04 ld9h figs-explicit 0 let God be found to be true God will always be true and will keep his promises. Alternate translation: "God always does what he has promised" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 04 nud9 figs-hyperbole 0 even though every man is a liar The words "every" and "liar" are exaggerations here to add emphasis that God alone is always true to his promises. Alternate translation: "even if every man were a liar" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 03 04 te39 figs-activepassive 0 As it has been written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "The Scriptures themselves agree with what I am saying" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 04 x6ax figs-parallelism 0 That you might be shown to be righteous in your words, and that you might prevail when you come into judgment These two phrases have very similar meanings. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Everyone must acknowledge that what you say is true, and you will always win your case when anyone accuses you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 05 dgk8 figs-rquestion 0 But if our unrighteousness shows the righteousness of God, what can we say? Can we say that God is unrighteous to bring his wrath upon us? Paul uses these questions to present what some people were arguing and to get his readers to think about whether or not this argument is true. Alternate translation: "Some people say that since our unrighteousness shows God's righteousness, then God is unrighteous when he punishes us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 05 e9ux figs-metonymy 0 to bring his wrath upon us Here "wrath" is a metonym for punishment. Alternate translation: "to bring his punishment upon us" or "to punish us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 05 j631 0 I am using a human argument "I am saying here what some people say" or "This is what some people say"
ROM 03 06 gd5f 0 May it never be "We must never say that God is unrighteous"
ROM 03 06 zg9s figs-rquestion 0 For then how would God judge the world? Paul uses this question to show that the arguments against the gospel are not valid, since the Jews believe that God will judge all people. Alternate translation: "We all know that God will in fact judge the world!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 06 lnp3 figs-metonymy 0 the world The "world" is a metonym for the people who live in the world. Alternate translation: "anyone in the world" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 07 b9k1 figs-rquestion 0 But if the truth of God through my lie provides abundant praise for him, why am I still being judged as a sinner? Here Paul imagines someone continuing to reject the Christian gospel. That adversary argues, because his sin shows the righteousness of God, then God should not declare that he is a sinner on judgment day if, for example, he tells lies. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 08 tz14 figs-rquestion 0 Why not say ... come"? Here Paul raises a question of his own, to show how ridiculous the argument of his imaginary adversary is. Alternate translation: "I might as well be saying ... come!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 08 kb9d 0 as we are falsely reported to say "some lie to tell others that this is what we are saying"
ROM 03 08 cn1c 0 The judgment on them is just It will be only fair when God condemns these enemies of Paul, for telling lies about what Paul has been teaching.
ROM 03 09 z3wu 0 Connecting Statement: Paul sums up that all are guilty of sin, none are righteous, and no one seeks God.
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ROM 03 09 fia9 figs-rquestion 0 What then? Are we excusing ourselves? Paul asks these questions to emphasize his point. Alternate translation: "We Jews should not try to imagine we are going to escape God's judgment, just because we are Jewish!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 09 g85q 0 Not at all These words are stronger than a simple "no," but not as strong as "absolutely not!"
ROM 03 10 u88n figs-activepassive 0 This is as it is written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "This is as the prophets have written in the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 11 h9e9 figs-explicit 0 There is no one who understands There is no one who understands what is right. Alternate translation: "No one really understands what is right" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 11 y7et figs-explicit 0 There is no one who seeks after God Here the phrase "seeks after God" means to have a relationship with God. Alternate translation: "No one sincerely tries to have a right relationship with God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 12 cen3 figs-idiom 0 They have all turned away This is an idiom that means the people do not even want to think about God. They want to avoid him. Alternate translation: "They have all turned away from God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 03 12 y6qa figs-explicit 0 They together have become useless Since no one does what is good, they are useless to God. Alternate translation: "Everyone has become useless to God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 13 zf4i 0 Their ... Their The word "their" refers to the "Jews and Greeks" of [Romans 3:9](../03/09.md).
ROM 03 13 bbq5 figs-metonymy 0 Their throat is an open grave The word "throat" is a metonym for everything that people say that is unrighteous and disgusting. Here "open grave" is a metaphor that refers to the stench of the evil words of the people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 03 13 sx6y figs-metonymy 0 Their tongues have deceived The word "tongues" is a metonym for the false words that people speak. Alternate translation: "People speak lies" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 13 qk16 figs-metaphor 0 The poison of snakes is under their lips Here "poison of snakes" is a metaphor that is used to represent the great harm of the evil words that the people speak. The word "lips" refers to the words of the people. Alternate translation: "Their evil words injure people just like the poison of a venomous snake" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 14 sqr5 figs-metonymy 0 Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness Here "mouths" is a metonym that represents the evil words of the people. The word "full" exaggerates how often people speak bitterly and curse. Alternate translation: "They often speak curses and cruel words" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 03 15 vds1 figs-synecdoche 0 Their feet are swift to pour out blood Here "feet" is a synecdoche that represents the people themselves. The word "blood" is a metaphor that refers to killing people. Alternate translation: "They are in a hurry to harm and murder people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 03 15 a1dr 0 Their feet The word "their" refers to the Jews and Greeks in [Romans 3:9](../03/09.md).
ROM 03 16 d4y3 0 their paths The word "their" refers to the Jews and Greeks in [Romans 3:9](../03/09.md).
ROM 03 16 lyh1 figs-metonymy 0 Destruction and suffering are in their paths Here "destruction and suffering" are metonyms that represent the harm that these people cause others to suffer. Alternate translation: "They try to destroy others and cause them to suffer" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 17 zk1i 0 These people These words refer to the Jews and Greeks in [Romans 3:9](../03/09.md).
ROM 03 17 jb6b 0 a way of peace "how to live at peace with others." A "way" is a road or path.
ROM 03 18 cpf2 0 their This word refers to the Jews and Greeks in [Romans 3:9](../03/09.md).
ROM 03 18 bx27 figs-synecdoche 0 There is no fear of God before their eyes Here "fear" is a metonym that represents respect for God and willingness to honor him. Alternate translation: "Everyone refuses to give God the respect he deserves" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 03 19 e8h2 figs-personification 0 whatever the law says, it speaks to Paul speaks of the law here as if it were alive and had its own voice. Alternate translation: "everything that the law says people should do is for" or "all the commands that Moses wrote in the law are for" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 03 19 n399 0 the ones who are under the law "those who must obey the law"
ROM 03 19 cu9x figs-synecdoche 0 in order that every mouth may be shut Here "mouth" is a synecdoche that means the words people speak. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "so that no people will be able to say anything valid to defend themselves" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 19 w12y figs-synecdoche 0 the whole world held accountable to God Here "world" is a synecdoche that represents all the people who live in the world. Alternate translation: "that God can declare everyone in the world guilty" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 03 20 xs9x 0 flesh Here "flesh" refers to all human beings.
ROM 03 20 gaa3 0 For Possible meanings are 1) "Therefore" or 2) "This is because"
ROM 03 20 wtp4 0 through the law comes the knowledge of sin "when someone knows God's law, he realizes that he has sinned"
ROM 03 21 fqz4 0 Connecting Statement: The word "but" here shows Paul has completed his introduction and is now beginning to make his main point.
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ROM 03 21 y3te 0 now The word "now" refers to the time since Jesus came to the earth.
ROM 03 21 e4qe figs-activepassive 0 apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God has made known a way to be right with him without obeying the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 21 tnf8 figs-personification 0 It was witnessed by the Law and the Prophets The words "the Law and the Prophets" refer to the parts of scripture that Moses and the prophets wrote in the Jewish scriptures. Paul describes them here as if they were people testifying in court. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "What Moses and the prophets wrote confirms this" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 22 ffw8 figs-explicit 0 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ Here "righteousness" means being right with God. Alternate translation: "being right with God through trusting Jesus Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 22 s36i figs-explicit 0 For there is no distinction Paul implies that God accepts all people in the same way. Alternate translation: "There is no difference at all between the Jews and the Gentiles" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 03 23 lym5 figs-metonymy 0 come short of the glory of God Here the "glory of God" is a metonym that refers to the image of God and his nature. Alternate translation: "have failed to be like God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 24 xcu6 figs-explicit 0 they are freely justified by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Here "justified" refers to being made right with God. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God makes them right with himself as a free gift, because Christ Jesus sets them free" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 24 bcc2 0 they are freely justified This means that they are justified without having to earn or merit being justified. God freely justifies them. Alternate translation: "they are made right with God without earning it"
ROM 03 25 m159 figs-metonymy 0 in his blood This is a metonym for the death of Jesus as a sacrifice for sins. Alternate translation: "in his death as a sacrifice for sins" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 25 ieq9 0 disregard Possible meanings are 1) ignoring or 2) forgiving.
ROM 03 26 lm1r 0 This all happened for the demonstration of his righteousness at this present time "He did this to show how God makes people right with himself"
ROM 03 26 cg55 0 This was so he could prove himself just, and to show that he justifies anyone because of faith in Jesus "By this he shows that he is both just and the one who declares everyone righteous who has faith in Jesus"
ROM 03 27 fjm4 figs-rquestion 0 Where then is boasting? It is excluded Paul asks this question to show that there is no reason for people to boast about obeying the law. Alternate translation: "So there is no way that we can boast that God favors us because we obeyed those laws. Boasting is excluded" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 27 v3ut figs-rquestion 0 On what grounds? Of works? No, but on the grounds of faith Paul asks and answers these rhetorical questions to emphasize that each point he is making is certainly true. You can translate this by including the words that Paul implies, and by using an active form. Alternate translation: "On what grounds should we exclude boasting? Should we exclude it because of our good works? No, rather, we should exclude it because of faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 28 t8um figs-abstractnouns 0 a person is justified by faith Here "faith" is an abstract noun that refers to the person believing in God. The "person" here is any person. This can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: "God justifies any person who believes in God" or "when God justifies a person, he does so because the person believes in God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 03 28 ycx2 0 without works of the law "even if he has done no works of the law"
ROM 03 29 n7r5 figs-rquestion 0 Or is God the God of Jews only? Paul asks this question for emphasis. Alternate translation: "You who are Jews certainly should not think that you are the only ones whom God will accept!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 29 gdt4 figs-rquestion 0 Is he not also the God of Gentiles? Yes, of Gentiles also Paul asks this question to emphasize his point. Alternate translation: "He will also accept non-Jews, that is, Gentiles" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 30 gk5d figs-metonymy 0 he will justify the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through faith Here "circumcision" is a metonym that refers to Jews and "uncircumcision" is a metonym that refers to non-Jews. Alternate translation: "God will make both Jews and non-Jews right with himself through their faith in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 03 31 if2b 0 Connecting Statement: Paul confirms the law though faith.
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ROM 03 31 wb6r figs-rquestion 0 Do we then nullify the law through faith? Paul asks a question that one of his readers might have. Alternate translation: "Someone might say that we can ignore the law because we have faith." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 31 jdq1 figs-rquestion 0 May it never be This expression gives the strongest possible negative answer to the preceding rhetorical question. You may have a similar express in your language that you could use here. Alternate translation: "This is certainly not true" or "Certainly not" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 03 31 y6qx 0 we uphold the law "we obey the law"
ROM 03 31 nzr7 figs-inclusive 0 we This pronoun refers to Paul, other believers, and the readers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 04 intro f9jc 0 # Romans 04 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 7-8 of this chapter, which are words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### The purpose of the law of Moses<br>Paul builds upon material from chapter 3. He explains how Abraham, the father of Israel, was justified. Even Abraham could not be justified by what he did. Obeying the law of Moses does not make a person right with God. Obeying God's commands is a way a person shows they believe in God. People have always been justified only by faith. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>##### Circumcision<br>Circumcision was important to the Israelites. It identified a person as a descendant of Abraham. It was also a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh. However, no person was justified only by being circumcised. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/circumcise]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Rhetorical Questions<br>Paul uses rhetorical questions in this chapter. It appears the intent of these rhetorical questions is to make the reader see their sin so they will trust in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/guilt]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br>
ROM 04 01 gw29 0 Connecting Statement: Paul confirms that even in the past believers were made right with God by faith and not by the law.
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ROM 04 01 gwp3 figs-rquestion 0 What then will we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, found? Paul uses the question to catch the attention of the reader and to start talking about something new. Alternate translation: "This is what Abraham our physical ancestor found" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 04 03 w9i5 figs-rquestion 0 For what does the scripture say Paul uses this question to add emphasis. He speaks of the Scriptures as if they were alive and could talk. Alternate translation: "For we can read in the scripture" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 04 03 smc6 figs-activepassive 0 it was counted to him as righteousness You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God considered Abraham as a righteous person" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 04 dsl8 figs-activepassive 0 what he is paid is not counted as a gift This can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: "no one counts what the employer pays him as a gift from the employer" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 04 et9x figs-activepassive 0 but as what is owed You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "but as what his employer owes him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 05 ynp2 0 in the one who justifies "in God, who justifies"
ROM 04 05 va3e figs-activepassive 0 his faith is counted as righteousness You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God considers that person's faith as righteousness" or "God considers that person righteous because of his faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 06 fhq9 0 David also pronounces blessing on the man to whom God counts righteousness without works "David also wrote about how God blesses the man whom God makes righteous without works"
ROM 04 07 dur6 figs-parallelism 0 whose lawless deeds are forgiven ... whose sins are covered The same concept is stated in two different ways. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "the Lord has forgiven those who have broken the law ... whose sins the Lord has covered" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 09 sgz7 figs-rquestion 0 Then is this blessing pronounced only on those of the circumcision, or also on those of the uncircumcision? This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "Does God bless only those who are circumcised, or also those who are not circumcised?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 04 09 dn7v figs-metonymy 0 those of the circumcision This is a metonym that refers to the Jewish people. Alternate translation: "the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 04 09 d5qp figs-metonymy 0 those of the uncircumcision This is a metonym that refers to the people who are not Jews. Alternate translation: "the Gentiles" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 04 09 m3uh figs-activepassive 0 Faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God considered the faith of Abraham as righteousness" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 10 uy4t figs-rquestion 0 So how was it counted? When Abraham was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Paul asks these questions to add emphasis to his remarks. Alternate translation: "When did God consider Abraham to be righteous? Was it before his circumcision, or after it?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 04 10 p5rp 0 It was not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision "It happened before he was circumcised, not after he was circumcised"
ROM 04 11 s2ez figs-explicit 0 a seal of the righteousness of the faith that he had already possessed when he was in uncircumcision Here "righteousness of the faith" means that God considered him to be righteous. Alternate translation: "a visible sign that God considered him righteous because he had believed in God before he was circumcised" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 04 11 i2vz 0 even if they are in uncircumcision "even if they are not circumcised"
ROM 04 11 a5b6 figs-activepassive 0 This means that righteousness will be counted for them You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "This means that God will consider them righteous" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 12 u8j3 0 Abraham became the father of the circumcision Here "the circumcision" refers to those who are true believers in God, both Jews and Gentiles.
ROM 04 12 s9jt figs-idiom 0 who follow in the steps of faith of our father Abraham Here "follow in the steps of faith" is an idiom that means to follow someone's example of follow. Alternate translation: "who follow our father Abraham's example of faith" or "who have faith as our father Abraham did" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 04 13 x9s9 figs-ellipsis 0 but through the righteousness of faith The words "the promise came" are understood from the first phrase. You can translate this by adding these implied words. Alternate translation: "but the promise came through faith, which God considers as righteousness" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 04 14 cf9t figs-metaphor 0 heirs The people to whom God has made promises are spoken of as if they were to inherit property and wealth from a family member. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 04 14 p51n figs-explicit 0 if those who live by the law are to be the heirs Here "live by the law" refers to obeying the law. Alternate translation: "if those who obey the law are the ones who will inherit the earth" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 04 14 gd78 0 faith is made empty, and the promise is void "faith has no value, and the promise is meaningless"
ROM 04 15 b3h8 figs-abstractnouns 0 there is no trespass This can be restated to remove the abstract noun "trespass." Alternate translation: "no one can break the law" or "it is impossible to disobey the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
ROM 04 16 d4jz 0 For this reason "So"
ROM 04 16 tm4j 0 it is by faith The word "it" refers to receiving what God had promised. Alternate translation: "it is by faith that we receive the promise" or "we receive the promise by faith"
ROM 04 16 mex6 figs-metaphor 0 in order that the promise may rest on grace Here "the promise may rest on grace" represents God giving what he promised because of his grace. Alternate translation: "so that what he promised might be a free gift" or "so that his promise would be because of his grace" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 04 16 ns6r 0 those who are under the law This refers to the Jewish people, who were obligated to obey the law of Moses.
ROM 04 16 v4z9 0 those who share the faith of Abraham This refers to those who have faith as Abraham did before he was circumcised. Alternate translation: "those who believe as Abraham did"
ROM 04 16 l7gg figs-inclusive 0 father of us all Here the word "us" refers to Paul and includes all Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Christ. Abraham is the physical ancestor of the Jewish people, but he is also the spiritual father of those who have faith. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 04 17 iju4 figs-explicit 0 as it is written Where it is written can be made explicit. You can also translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "as someone has written in the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 17 mxm5 figs-you 0 I have made you Here the word "you" is singular and refers to Abraham. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 04 17 ph37 figs-explicit 0 Abraham was in the presence of him whom he trusted, that is, God, who gives life to the dead Here "of him whom he trusted" refers to God. Alternate translation: "Abraham was in the presence of God whom he trusted, who gives life to those who have died" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 04 17 uun9 0 calls the things that do not exist into existence "created everything from nothing"
ROM 04 18 g8fm figs-explicit 0 In hope he believed against hope This idiom means that Abraham trusted God even though it did not seem that he could have a son. Alternate translation: "Even though it seemed impossible for him to have descendants, he believe God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 04 18 b92q figs-activepassive 0 according to what he had been told You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "just as God said to Abraham" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 18 p5el figs-explicit 0 So will your descendants be The full promise God gave to Abraham can be made explicit. Alternate translation: "You will have more descendants than you can count" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 04 19 m9gq figs-litotes 0 Without becoming weak in faith, You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "He remained strong in his faith, although" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-litotes]])
ROM 04 20 ep2z figs-doublenegatives 0 did not hesitate in unbelief You can translate this double negative in a positive form. Alternate translation: "kept on acting in faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 04 20 zdj5 figs-activepassive 0 he was strengthened in faith You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "he became stronger in his faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 21 y2sh 0 He was fully convinced "Abraham was completely sure"
ROM 04 21 sbu3 0 he was also able to accomplish "God was able to do"
ROM 04 22 i56a figs-activepassive 0 Therefore this was also counted to him as righteousness You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Therefore God counted Abraham's belief as righteousness" or "Therefore God considered Abraham righteous because Abraham believed him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 23 a92n 0 Now it was "Now" is used here to connect Abraham's being made right by faith to present-day believer's being made right by faith in Christ's death and resurrection.
ROM 04 23 r65c 0 only for his benefit "for Abraham only"
ROM 04 23 z432 figs-activepassive 0 that it was counted for him You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "that God counted righteousness to him" or "God considered him righteous" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 24 pfc9 figs-inclusive 0 for us The word "us" refers to Paul and includes all believers in Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 04 24 nh4k figs-activepassive 0 It was written also for us, for whom it will be counted, we who believe You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "It was also for our benefit, because God will consider us righteous also if we believe" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 04 24 a6c7 figs-idiom 0 him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead "Raised ... from the dead" here is an idiom for "caused to live again." Alternate translation: "him who caused Jesus our Lord to live again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 04 25 cca1 figs-activepassive 0 who was delivered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "whom God gave over to enemies for our trespasses and whom God brought back to life so he could make us right with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 intro i1dt 0 # Romans 05 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Many scholars view verses 12-17 as some of the most important, but difficult, verses in Scripture to understand. Some of their richness and meaning has likely been lost while being translated from how the original Greek was constructed.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Results of justification<br>How Paul explains the results of our being justified is an important part of this chapter. These results include having peace with God, having access to God, being confident about our future, being able to rejoice when suffering, being eternally saved, and being reconciled with God. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]])<br><br>##### "All sinned"<br>Scholars are divided over what Paul meant in verse 12: "And death spread to all people, because all sinned." Some believe that all of mankind was present in the "seed of Adam." So, as Adam is the father of all mankind, all of mankind was present when Adam sinned. Others believe that Adam served as a representative head for mankind. So when he sinned, all of mankind "fell" as a result. Whether people today played an active or passive role in Adam's original sin is one way these views differ. Other passages will help one decide. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/seed]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])<br><br>##### The second Adam<br>Adam was the first man and the first "son" of God. He was created by God. He brought sin and death into the world by eating the forbidden fruit. Paul describes Jesus as the "second Adam" in this chapter and the true son of God. He brings life and overcame sin and death by dying on the cross. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sonofgod]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/death]])<br>
ROM 05 01 xmp3 0 Connecting Statement: Paul begins to tell many different things that happen when God makes believers right with him.
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ROM 05 01 age4 0 Since we are justified "Because we are justified"
ROM 05 01 s6xd figs-inclusive 0 we ... our All occurrences of "we" and "our" refer to all believers and should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 01 p11y 0 through our Lord Jesus Christ "because of our Lord Jesus Christ"
ROM 05 01 me59 0 Lord Here "Lord" means that Jesus is God.
ROM 05 02 du8b 0 Through him we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand Here "by faith" refers to our trust in Jesus, which allows us to stand before God. Alternate translation: "Because we trust in Jesus, God allows us to come into his presence"
ROM 05 03 q5p7 0 Not only this The word "this" refers to the ideas described in [Romans 5:1-2](./01.md).
ROM 05 03 u14f figs-inclusive 0 we ... our ... We These words refer to all believers and should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 04 sx5f 0 certain hope This is the certainty that God will fulfill all his promises for those who trust in Christ.
ROM 05 05 i8pd figs-inclusive 0 our ... us These words refer to all believers and should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 05 pp1n figs-personification 0 that hope does not disappoint Paul uses personification here as he speaks of "confidence" as if it were alive. Alternate translation: "we are very confident that we will receive the things that we wait for" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 05 05 qka8 figs-metonymy 0 because the love of God has been poured into our hearts Here "hearts" represents a person's thoughts, feelings, or inner person. The phrase "the love of God has been poured into our hearts" is a metaphor for God showing love to his people. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "because he has loved us greatly" or "because God has shown us how much he loves us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 06 x5eg figs-inclusive 0 we The word "we" here refers to all believers and so should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 07 xv5w 0 For one will hardly die for a righteous man "It is hard to find someone who is willing to die, even for a righteous man"
ROM 05 07 nnj9 0 That is, perhaps someone would dare to die for a good person "But you might find someone who is willing to die for such a good person"
ROM 05 08 xew8 0 proves You can translate this verb in past tense using "demonstrated" or "showed."
ROM 05 08 bw77 figs-inclusive 0 us ... we All occurrences of "us" and "we" refer to all believers and should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 09 l35j figs-explicit 0 Much more, then, now that we are justified by his blood Here "justified" means that God puts us in a right relationship with himself. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "How much more will God do for us now that he has made us right with himself because of the death of Jesus on the cross" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 09 nvs3 figs-metonymy 0 blood This is a metonym for the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 05 09 sh8f 0 saved This means that through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross, God has forgiven us and rescued us from being punished in hell for our sin.
ROM 05 09 bev3 figs-metonymy 0 the wrath of God Here "wrath" is a metonym that refers to God's punishment of those who have sinned against him. Alternate translation: "God's punishment" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 05 10 v8a1 figs-inclusive 0 we were All occurrences of "we" refer to all believers and should be inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 05 10 u6bn 0 his Son ... his life "God's Son ... the life of God's Son"
ROM 05 10 rnc5 figs-activepassive 0 we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son The death of the Son of the God has provided eternal forgiveness and made us friends with God, for all who believe in Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God allowed us to have a peaceful relationship with him because his son died for us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 10 cu3c guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 Son This is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 05 10 qe6y figs-activepassive 0 after having been reconciled You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "now that God has made us his friends again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 12 hjx4 0 Connecting Statement: Paul explains why death happened even before God gave the law to Moses.
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ROM 05 12 wf9f figs-personification 0 through one man sin entered ... death entered through sin Paul describes sin as a dangerous thing that came into the world through the actions of "one man," Adam. This sin then became an opening through which death, pictured here as another dangerous thing, also came into the world. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 05 13 eqa2 figs-explicit 0 For until the law, sin was in the world This means that the people sinned before God gave the law. Alternate translation: "People in the world sinned before God gave his law to Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 13 juq7 figs-explicit 0 but there is no accounting for sin when there is no law This means that God did not charge the people with sinning before he gave the law. Alternate translation: "but God recorded no sin against the law before he gave the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 14 ev8a 0 Nevertheless, death "Even though what I have just said is true, death" or "There was no written law from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, but death" ([Romans 5:13](../05/13.md)).
ROM 05 14 bd3q figs-personification 0 death ruled from Adam until Moses Paul is speaking of death as if it were a king who ruled. Alternate translation: "people continued to die from the time of Adam until the time of Moses as a consequence of their sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 05 14 t481 0 even over those who did not sin like Adam's disobedience "even people whose sins were different from Adam's continue to die"
ROM 05 14 hdj4 0 who is a pattern of him who was to come Adam was a pattern of Christ, who appeared much later. He had much in common with him.
ROM 05 15 kln1 figs-explicit 0 For if by the trespass of one the many died Here "one" refers to Adam. Alternate translation: "For if by one man's sin, many died" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 15 p83v figs-explicit 0 how much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound for the many Here "grace" refers to God's free gift that he made available to everyone through Jesus Christ. Alternate translation: "even more through the man Jesus Christ, who died for us all, did God kindly offer us this gift of everlasting life, although we do not deserve it" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 16 pe38 figs-explicit 0 For the gift is not like the outcome of that one man's sin Here "the gift" refers to God's freely erasing the record of our sins. Alternate translation: "The gift is not like the result of Adam's sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 16 ci72 figs-explicit 0 The judgment followed one trespass and brought condemnation, but the gift ... justification Here Paul gives two reasons why "the gift is not like the result of Adam's sin." The "judgment of condemnation" implies that we all deserve God's punishment for our sins. Alternate translation: "Because on the one hand, God declared that all people deserve to be punished because of the sin of one man, but on the other hand" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 16 m63g figs-explicit 0 the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification This refers to how God makes us right with him even when we do not deserve it. Alternate translation: "God's kind gift to put us right with himself" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 16 uh4x 0 followed many trespasses "after the sins of many"
ROM 05 17 f94r 0 trespass of the one This refers to the sin of Adam.
ROM 05 17 kz6z figs-personification 0 death ruled Here Paul speaks of "death" as a king who ruled. The "rule" of death causes everyone to die. Alternate translation: "everyone died" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 05 18 wr2r 0 by one trespass "through the one sin committed by Adam" or "because of Adam's sin"
ROM 05 18 ta2j figs-explicit 0 condemnation came to all people Here "condemnation" refers to God's punishment. Alternate translation: "all people deserve God's punishment for sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 18 wgh4 0 one act the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
ROM 05 18 ifk1 figs-explicit 0 justification and life for all people Here "justification" refers to God's ability to make people right with him. Alternate translation: "God's offer to make all people right with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 19 j5yh 0 one man's disobedience the disobedience of Adam
ROM 05 19 q8lj figs-activepassive 0 the many were made sinners You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "many people sinned" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 19 aa3e 0 the obedience of the one the obedience of Jesus
ROM 05 19 w571 figs-activepassive 0 will the many be made righteous You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will make many people right with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 05 20 w958 figs-personification 0 the law came in Here Paul speaks of the law as if it were a person. Alternate translation: "God gave his law to Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 05 20 c59u 0 sin abounded "sin increased"
ROM 05 20 x7ny figs-explicit 0 grace abounded even more Here "grace" refers to God's undeserved blessings. Alternate translation: "God continued to act even more kindly toward them, in a way that they did not deserve" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 21 wmy8 figs-personification 0 as sin ruled in death Here Paul speaks of "sin" as if it were a king that ruled. Alternate translation: "as sin resulted in death" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 05 21 w4ut figs-personification 0 even so grace might rule through righteousness for everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord Paul speaks of "grace" here as if it were a king that ruled. Alternate translation: "grace gave people everlasting life through the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 05 21 m5by figs-personification 0 so grace might rule through righteousness Paul speaks of "grace" here as if it were a king that ruled. The word "righteousness" refers to God's ability to make people right with him. Alternate translation: "so God might give his free gift to people to make them right with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 05 21 ew1b figs-inclusive 0 our Lord Paul includes himself, his readers, and all believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 06 intro v522 0 # Romans 06 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Paul begins this chapter by answering how someone might hypothetically object to what he taught in Chapter 5. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hypo]])<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Against the Law<br>In this chapter, Paul refutes the teaching that Christians can live however they want after they are saved. Scholars call this "antinomianism" or being "against the law." To motivate godly living, Paul recalls the great price Jesus paid for a Christian to be saved. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/godly]])<br><br>##### Servants of sin<br>Before believing in Jesus, sin enslaves people. God frees Christians from serving sin. They are able to choose to serve Christ in their lives. Paul explains that when Christians choose to sin, they willingly choose to sin. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>##### Fruit<br>This chapter uses the imagery of fruit. The image of fruit usually refers to a person's faith producing good works in their life. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/fruit]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/righteous]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Rhetorical Questions<br>Paul uses rhetorical questions in this chapter. It appears the intent of these rhetorical questions is to make the reader see their sin so they will trust in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/guilt]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Death<br>Paul uses "death" many different ways in this chapter: physical death, spiritual death, sin reigning in the heart of man, and to end something. He contrasts sin and death with the new life provided by Christ and the new way Christians are supposed to live after they are saved. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/death]])<br>
ROM 06 01 x13n 0 Connecting Statement: Under grace, Paul tells those who believe in Jesus to live a new life as though dead to sin and alive to God.
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ROM 06 01 pvg3 figs-rquestion 0 What then will we say? Should we continue in sin so that grace may abound? Paul asks these rhetorical questions to get the attention of his readers. Alternate translation: "So, what should we say about all of this? We certainly should not keep on sinning so that God will give us more and more grace! (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 01 fj9e figs-inclusive 0 we say The pronoun "we" refers to Paul, his readers, and other people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 06 02 be39 figs-metaphor 0 We who died to sin, how can we still live in it? Here "died to sin" means that those who follow Jesus are now like dead people who cannot be affected by sin. Paul uses this rhetorical question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "We are now like dead people on whom sin has no effect! So we certainly should not keep on sinning!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 03 x4xs figs-rquestion 0 Do you not know that as many as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Paul uses this question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "Remember, when someone baptized us to show that we have a relationship with Christ, this also shows that we died with Christ on the cross! (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 04 f4va figs-metaphor 0 We were buried, then, with him through baptism into death Here Paul speaks of a believer's baptism in water as if it were a death and burial. Alternate translation: "When someone baptized us, it is just like that person buried us with Christ in the tomb" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 04 t47r figs-simile 0 just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so also we might walk in newness of life To raise from the dead is an idiom for causing a person to live again. This compares a believer's new spiritual life to Jesus coming back to life physically. The believer's new spiritual life enables that person to obey God. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "just as the Father brought Jesus back to life after he died, we might have new spiritual life and obey God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 06 04 ps5d 0 from the dead From among all those who have died. This expression describes all dead people together in the underworld. To be raised from among them speaks of becoming alive again.
ROM 06 05 wnd4 figs-metaphor 0 become united with him in the likeness of his death ... be united with his resurrection Paul compares our union with Christ to death. Those who are joined with Christ in death will share in his resurrection. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "died with him ... come back to life with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 06 f13e figs-metaphor 0 our old man was crucified with him The "old man" is a metaphor that refers to the person before he believes in Jesus. Paul describes our old sinful person as dying on the cross with Jesus when we believe in Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "our sinful person died on the cross with Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 06 m7c2 0 old man This means the person who once was, but who does not exist now.
ROM 06 06 l6pd figs-metonymy 0 the body of sin This is a metonym that refers to the whole sinful person. Alternate translation: "our sinful nature" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 06 06 syc4 figs-activepassive 0 might be destroyed You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "might die" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 06 ft8v figs-activepassive 0 we should no longer be enslaved to sin This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "sin should no longer enslave us" or "we should no longer be slaves to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 06 hq35 figs-metaphor 0 we should no longer be enslaved to sin Slavery to sin is a metaphor meaning having such a strong desire to sin that one is unable to stop himself from sinning. It is as if sin controls the person. Alternate translation: "we should no longer be controlled by sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 07 g3pf figs-explicit 0 He who has died is declared righteous with respect to sin Here "righteous" refers to God's ability to make people right with him. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "When God declares a person right with him, that person is no longer controlled by sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 08 muv7 figs-explicit 0 we have died with Christ Here "died" refers to the fact that believers are no longer controlled by sin. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 06 09 zkq2 figs-activepassive 0 We know that since Christ has been raised from the dead Here to raise up is an idiom for causing someone who has died to become alive again. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "We know since God brought Christ back to life after he died" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 06 09 kl3e 0 from the dead From among all those who have died. This expression describes all dead people together in the underworld. To be raised from among them is to become alive again.
ROM 06 09 wem1 figs-personification 0 death no longer has authority over him Here "death" is described as a king or ruler that has power over people. Alternate translation: "He can never die again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 06 10 s2xy figs-idiom 0 For in regard to the death that he died to sin, he died once for all The phrase "once for all" means to finish something completely. You can make this full meaning explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "For when he died he broke the power of sin completely" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 06 11 cac8 0 In the same way, you also must consider "For this reason consider"
ROM 06 11 jja7 0 consider yourselves "think of yourselves as" or "see yourselves as"
ROM 06 11 dw6l figs-metaphor 0 dead to sin Just as one cannot force a corpse to do anything, sin has no power to force believers to dishonor God. Alternate translation: "as if you were dead to the power of sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 11 q4ky 0 dead to sin, but alive to God "dead to the power of sin, but living to honor God"
ROM 06 11 vtl1 0 alive to God in Christ Jesus "living to honor God through the power Christ Jesus gives you"
ROM 06 12 dng2 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reminds us that grace rules over us, not the law; we are not sin's slaves, but God's slaves.
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ROM 06 12 s6h1 figs-personification 0 do not let sin rule in your mortal body Paul speaks of people sinning as if sin was there master or king that controlled them. Alternate translation: "Do not let sinful desires control you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 06 12 cm8d figs-synecdoche 0 in your mortal body This phrase refers to the physical part of a person, which will die. Alternate translation: "you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 06 12 r462 figs-personification 0 in order that you may obey its lusts Paul speaks of a person having evil desires as if it sin were a master that had evil desires. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 06 13 rh3z figs-synecdoche 0 Do not present the parts of your body to sin, to be tools used for unrighteousness The picture is of the sinner offering the "parts of his body" to his master or king. One's "body parts" are a synecdoche for the whole person. Alternate translation: "Do not offer yourselves to sin so that you do what is not right" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 06 13 r4wz figs-explicit 0 But present yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life Here "now living" refers to the believer's new spiritual life. Alternate translation: "But offer yourselves to God, because he has given you new spiritual life" or "But offer yourselves to God, as those who had died and are now alive" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 06 13 pgw5 figs-synecdoche 0 present the parts of your body to God as tools to be used for righteousness Here "parts of your body" is a synecdoche that refers to the whole person. Alternate translation: "let God use you for what is pleasing to him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 06 14 gez3 figs-personification 0 Do not allow sin to rule over you Paul speaks of "sin" here as if it were a king who rules over people. Alternate translation: "Do not let sinful desires control what you do" or "Do not allow yourselves to do the sinful things you want to do" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 06 14 iev9 figs-explicit 0 For you are not under law To be "under law" means to be subject to its limitations and weaknesses. You can make the full meaning explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "For you are no longer bound to the law of Moses, which could not give you the power to stop sinning" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 06 14 fl3e figs-explicit 0 but under grace To be "under grace" means that God's free gift provides the power to keep from sinning. You can make the full meaning explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "but you are bound to God's grace, which does give you the power to stop sinning" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 06 15 zxb8 figs-rquestion 0 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace? May it never be Paul is using a question to emphasize that living under grace is not a reason to sin. Alternate translation: "However, just because we are bound to grace instead of the law of Moses certainly does not mean we are allowed to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 15 c77g 0 May it never be "We would never want that to happen!" or "May God help me not to do that!" This expression shows an extremely strong desire that this does not take place. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here. See how you translated it in [Romans 3:31](../03/31.md).
ROM 06 16 jl1w figs-rquestion 0 Do you not know that the one to whom you present yourselves as slaves is the one to which you are obedient, the one you must obey? Paul uses a question to scold anyone who may think God's grace is a reason to keep sinning. You can translate this as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You should know that you are slaves to the master you choose to obey!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 16 q2i4 figs-personification 0 whether you are slaves to sin ... or slaves to obedience Here, Paul speaks of "sin" and "obedience" as if they were masters that a slave would obey. Alternate translation: "whether you are like slaves to sin ... or like slaves to obedience" or "You are either a slave to sin ... or you are a slave to obedience" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 06 16 w9wf 0 which leads to death ... which leads to righteousness "which results in death ... which results in righteousness"
ROM 06 17 dz5x 0 But thanks be to God! "But I thank God!"
ROM 06 17 yxt7 figs-metaphor 0 For you were slaves of sin Slavery of sin is a metaphor meaning having such a strong desire to sin that one is unable to stop himself from sinning. It is as if sin controls the person. Alternate translation: "you were like slaves of sin" or "you were controlled by sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 17 my2z figs-metonymy 0 but you have obeyed from the heart Here the word "heart" refers to having sincere or honest motives for doing something. Alternate translation: "but you truly obeyed" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 06 17 pz14 figs-activepassive 0 the pattern of teaching that you were given Here "pattern" refers to the way of living that leads to righteousness. The believers change their old way of living to match this new way of living that Christian leaders teach to them. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "the teaching that Christian leaders gave you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 18 y2zg figs-activepassive 0 You have been made free from sin You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Christ has freed you from sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 18 idu4 0 You have been made free from sin Here "free from sin" is a metaphor for no longer having a strong desire to sin and being able to stop oneself from sinning. Alternate translation: "Your strong desire to sin has been taken away" or "you have been made free from sin's control over you"
ROM 06 18 g42l figs-metaphor 0 you have been made slaves of righteousness Slavery of righteousness is a metaphor meaning having a strong desire to do what is right. It is as if righteousness controls the person. Alternate translation: "you have been made like slaves of righteousness" or "you are now controlled by righteousness" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 18 fx5r 0 you have been made slaves of righteousness This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "Christ has made you slaves of righteousness" or "Christ has changed you so that now you are controlled by righteousness"
ROM 06 19 l4cl 0 I speak like a man Paul may have expected his readers to wonder why he was speaking of slavery and freedom. Here he is saying that he is using these ideas from their everyday experience to help them understand that people are controlled either by sin or by righteousness. Alternate translation: "I am speaking about this in human terms" or "I am using examples from everyday life"
ROM 06 19 l4ah figs-metonymy 0 because of the weakness of your flesh Often Paul uses the word "flesh" as the opposite of "spirit." Alternate translation: "because you do not fully understand spiritual things" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 06 19 ran5 figs-synecdoche 0 presented the parts of your body as slaves to uncleanness and to evil Here, "body parts" refers to the whole person. Alternate translation: "offered yourselves as slaves to everything that is evil and not pleasing to God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 06 19 wzt1 figs-synecdoche 0 present the parts of your body as slaves to righteousness for sanctification Here "body parts" refers to the whole person. Alternate translation: "offer yourselves as slaves to what is right before God so that he might set you apart and give you the power to serve him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 06 20 i1ze figs-metaphor 0 you were free from righteousness Here "free from righteousness" is a metaphor for not having to do what is righteous. The people were living as though they thought that they did not have to do what was right. Alternate translation: "it was as though you were free from righteousness" or "you behaved as though you did not have to do what was right" or (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-irony]])
ROM 06 21 kjl5 figs-rquestion 0 At that time, what fruit then did you have of the things of which you are now ashamed? "Fruit" here is a metaphor for "result" or "outcome." Paul is using a question to emphasize that sinning results in nothing good. Alternate translation: "Nothing good came from those things that now cause you shame" or "You gained nothing by doing those things that now cause you shame" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 06 22 z3ap figs-activepassive 0 But now that you have been made free from sin and are enslaved to God This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "But now that you have become free from sin and have become God's slaves" or "But now that God has freed you from sin and made you his slaves" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 06 22 j25t figs-metaphor 0 But now that you have been made free from sin Being "free from sin" is a metaphor for being able not to sin. Alternate translation: "But now that God has made you able not to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 22 u9dm figs-metaphor 0 and are enslaved to God Being "enslaved" to God is a metaphor for being able to serve and obey God. Alternate translation: "and God has made you able to serve him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 22 npf3 figs-metaphor 0 you have your fruit for sanctification Here "fruit" is a metaphor for "result" or "benefit." Alternate translation: "the benefit is your sanctification" or "the benefit is that you live in a holy way" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 06 22 a478 0 The result is eternal life "The result of all of this is that you will live forever with God"
ROM 06 23 ze3f 0 For the wages of sin are death The word "wages" refers to a payment given to someone for their work. "For if you serve sin, you will receive spiritual death as payment" or "For if you continue sinning, God will punish you with spiritual death"
ROM 06 23 pf3s 0 but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord "but God gives eternal life to those who belong to Christ Jesus our Lord"
ROM 07 intro fl1y 0 # Romans 07 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>##### "Or do you not know"<br>Paul uses this phrase to discuss a new topic, while connecting what follows with the previous teaching.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### "We have been released from the law"<br>Paul explains that the law of Moses is no longer in effect. While this is true, the timeless principles behind the law reflect the character of God. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Marriage<br>Scripture commonly uses marriage as a metaphor. Here Paul uses it to describe how the church relates to the law of Moses and now to Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Flesh<br>This is a complex issue. "Flesh" is possibly a metaphor for our sinful nature. Paul is not teaching that our physical bodies are sinful. Paul appears to be teaching that as long as Christians are alive ("in the flesh"), we will continue to sin. But our new nature will be fighting against our old nature. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/flesh]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br>
ROM 07 01 nj1k 0 Connecting Statement: Paul explains how the law controls those who want to live under the law.
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ROM 07 01 mk7w figs-rquestion 0 do you not know, brothers ... that the law controls a person for as long as he lives? Paul asks this question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "So you certainly know that people have to obey laws only while they are alive" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 07 01 r9fl 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 07 02 as1h 0 Connecting Statement: This verse begins a description of what Paul means by "the law controls a person for as long as he lives" ([Romans 7:1](./01.md)).
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ROM 07 02 l6d9 figs-metaphor 0 the married woman is bound by law to the husband Here "bound by law to the husband" is a metaphor for a woman being united to her husband according to the law of marriage. Alternate translation: "according to the law, the married woman is united to the husband" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 02 iu7r 0 the married woman This refers to any woman who is married.
ROM 07 03 w3yw 0 Connecting Statement: This verse ends a description of what Paul means by "the law controls a person for as long as he lives" ([Romans 7:1](./01.md)).
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ROM 07 03 r2m4 figs-activepassive 0 she will be called an adulteress You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will consider her an adulteress" or "people will call her an adulteress" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 07 03 wg4k 0 she is free from the law Here being free from the law means not having to obey the law. In this case, the woman does not have to obey the law that says that a married woman cannot marry another man. Alternate translation: "she does not have to obey that law"
ROM 07 04 ne64 0 Therefore, my brothers This relates back to [Romans 7:1](../07/01.md).
ROM 07 04 u5nu 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 07 04 z8zj figs-activepassive 0 you were also made dead to the law through the body of Christ You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "you also died to the law when through Christ you died on the cross" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 07 04 t9nt figs-idiom 0 to him who was raised from the dead "Raised" here is an idiom for "caused to live again." This can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: "to him who was caused to live again" or "to him whom God raised from the dead" or "to him whom God caused to live again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 07 04 c4rl figs-metaphor 0 we might produce fruit for God Here "fruit" is a metaphor for actions that please God. Alternate translation: "we might be able to do things pleasing to God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 05 xed9 figs-metaphor 0 to bear fruit for death Here "fruit" is a metaphor for a "result of one's actions" or "outcome of one's actions." Alternate translation: "which resulted in spiritual-death" or "the outcome of which was our own spiritual death" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 06 mze7 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reminds us that God does not make us holy by the law.
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ROM 07 06 l8w4 figs-activepassive 0 we have been released from the law You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God has released us from the law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 07 06 j6i3 figs-inclusive 0 we This pronoun refers to Paul and the believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 07 06 l2l3 figs-activepassive 0 to that by which we were held This refers to the law. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "to the law which held us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 07 06 rm8r figs-explicit 0 the letter This refers to the law of Moses. Alternate translation: "the law of Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 07 07 k1jj figs-rquestion 0 What will we say then? Paul is introducing a new topic. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 07 07 erx6 0 May it never be "Of course that is not true!" This expression gives the strongest possible negative answer to the preceding rhetorical question. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here. See how you translated this in [Romans 9:14](../09/14.md).
ROM 07 07 zl8m figs-personification 0 I would never have known sin, if it were not through the law Paul is speaking of sin as if it were a person who can act. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 07 n43p 0 sin "my desire to sin"
ROM 07 08 mz77 figs-personification 0 But sin took the opportunity ... brought about every lust Paul continues comparing sin to a person who can act. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 08 nj21 0 lust This word includes both the desire to have what belongs to other people and wrong sexual desire.
ROM 07 08 r5i2 0 without the law, sin is dead "if there were no law, there would be no breaking of the law, so there would be no sin"
ROM 07 09 q9le figs-personification 0 sin regained life This can mean 1) "I realized that I was sinning" or 2) "I strongly desired to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 10 yu1u figs-metaphor 0 The commandment that was to bring life turned out to be death for me Paul speaks of God's condemnation as if it resulted primarily in physical death. Alternate translation: "God gave me the commandment so I would live, but it killed me instead" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 11 r582 figs-personification 0 For sin took the opportunity through the commandment and deceived me. Through the commandment it killed me As in [Romans 7:7-8](./07.md), Paul is describing sin as a person who can do 3 things: take the opportunity, deceive, and kill. Alternate translation: "Because I wanted to sin, I deceived myself into thinking that I could sin and obey the commandment at the same time, but God punished me for disobeying the commandment by separating me from him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 11 qi99 0 sin "my desire to sin"
ROM 07 11 cw46 figs-personification 0 took the opportunity through the commandment Paul is comparing sin to a person who can act. See how you translated this in [Romans 7:8](../07/08.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 11 f6sx figs-metaphor 0 it killed me Paul speaks of God's condemnation on sinners as if it resulted primarily in physical death. Alternate translation: "it separated me from God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 12 t9uk 0 holy Morally perfect, without sin
ROM 07 13 cz5k 0 Connecting Statement: Paul talks about the struggle inside his inner man between sin in his inner man and his mind with the law of God—between sin and good.
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ROM 07 13 us69 0 So Paul is introducing a new topic.
ROM 07 13 e1bx figs-rquestion 0 did what is good become death to me? Paul uses this question to add emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 07 13 g451 0 what is good This refers to God's law.
ROM 07 13 qwe9 0 become death to me "cause me to die"
ROM 07 13 hgm6 figs-rquestion 0 May it never be This expression gives the strongest possible negative answer to the preceding rhetorical question. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here. Alternate translation: "Of course that is not true" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 07 13 m4l5 figs-personification 0 sin ... brought about death in me Paul is viewing sin as though it were a person who could act. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 13 pnq6 0 brought about death in me "separated me from God"
ROM 07 13 a6zb 0 through the commandment "because I disobeyed the commandment"
ROM 07 15 udc8 0 Connecting Statement: Paul talks about the struggle inside his inner man between his flesh and the law of God—between sin and good.
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ROM 07 15 u3av 0 For what I do, I do not really understand "I am not sure why I do some of the things that I do"
ROM 07 15 hv9g 0 For what I do "because what I do"
ROM 07 15 az2z figs-hyperbole 0 what I want to do, I do not do The words "I do not do" are an exaggeration to emphasize that Paul does not do what he wants to do as often as he would like or that he does what he does not want to do too often. Alternate translation: "I do not always do what I want to do" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 07 15 zv5l figs-hyperbole 0 what I hate, I do The words "I do," which implies that he always does what he hates to do, are an exaggeration to emphasize that Paul does what he does not want to do too often. Alternate translation: "the things that I know are not good are the things that I sometimes do" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 07 16 y26s 0 But if I do "However, if I do"
ROM 07 16 q3b5 0 I agree with the law "I know God's law is good"
ROM 07 17 f6n8 figs-personification 0 the sin that lives in me Paul describes sin as a living being that has the power to influence him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 18 p1c1 figs-metonymy 0 my flesh Here "flesh" is a metonym for the sinful nature. Alternate translation: "my sinful nature" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 07 19 ri3b 0 the good "the good deeds" or "the good actions"
ROM 07 19 j69g 0 the evil "the evil deeds" or "the evil actions"
ROM 07 20 afw6 figs-personification 0 rather sin that lives in me Paul speaks of "sin" as if it were alive and living inside him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 21 fbr9 figs-personification 0 that evil is actually present in me Paul speaks of "evil" here as if it were alive and living inside him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 07 22 m13q figs-metaphor 0 the inner man This is the newly-revived spirit of a person who trusts in Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 23 clu4 0 But I see a different principle in my body parts. It fights against that new principle in my mind. It takes me captive "I am able only to do what my old nature tells me to do, not to live the new way the Spirit shows me"
ROM 07 23 t7yh 0 new principle This is the new spiritually alive nature.
ROM 07 23 fct8 0 a different principle in my body parts This is the old nature, the way people are when they are born.
ROM 07 23 u4ny 0 the principle of sin that is in my body parts "my sinful nature"
ROM 07 24 h8l8 figs-rquestion 0 Who will deliver me from this body of death? Paul uses this question to express great emotion. If your language has a way of showing great emotion through an exclamation or a question, use it here. Alternate translation: "I want someone to set me free from the control of what my body desires!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 07 24 nu6u 0 deliver me "rescue me"
ROM 07 24 md8e figs-metaphor 0 this body of death This is a metaphor that means a body that will experience physical death. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 07 25 w9ui 0 But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord This is the answer to the question in 7:24.
ROM 07 25 adx1 figs-metaphor 0 So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind. However, with the flesh I serve the principle of sin The mind and flesh are used here to show how they compare to serve either God's law or the principle of sin. With the mind or intellect one can choose to please and obey God and with the flesh or physical nature to serve sin. Alternate translation: "My mind chooses to please God, but my flesh chooses to obey sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 intro ev4r 0 # Romans 08 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>The first verse of this chapter is a transitional sentence. Paul concludes his teaching of Chapter 7 and leads into the words of Chapter 8.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verse 36. Paul quotes these words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Indwelling of the Spirit<br>The Holy Spirit is said to live inside a person or inside their heart. If the Spirit is present, this signifies that a person is saved. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]])<br><br>##### "These are sons of God"<br>Jesus is the Son of God in a unique way. God also adopts Christians to be his children. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sonofgod]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/adoption]])<br><br>##### Predestination<br>Many scholars believe Paul in this chapter teaches on a subject known as "predestination." This is related to the biblical concept of "predestine." Some take this to indicate that God has, from before the foundation of the world, chosen some to be eternally saved. Christians have different views on what the Bible teaches on this subject. So translators need to take extra care when translating this chapter, especially with regards to elements of causation. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/predestine]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Metaphor<br>Paul poetically presents his teaching in verses 38 and 39 in the form of an extended metaphor. He explains that nothing can separate a person from the love of God in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### No condemnation<br>This phrase must be translated carefully to avoid doctrinal confusion. People are still guilty of their sin. God disapproves of acting sinfully, even after believing in Jesus. God still punishes the sins of believers, but Jesus has paid the punishment for their sin. This is what Paul expresses here. The word "condemn" has several possible meanings. Here Paul emphasizes that people who believe in Jesus are no longer punished eternally for their sin by being "condemned to hell." (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/guilt]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/condemn]])<br><br>##### Flesh<br><br>This is a complex issue. "Flesh" is possibly a metaphor for our sinful nature. Paul is not teaching that our physical bodies are sinful. Paul appears to be teaching that as long as Christians are alive ("in the flesh"), we will continue to sin. But our new nature will be fighting against our old nature. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/flesh]])<br>
ROM 08 01 xq2y 0 Connecting Statement: Paul gives the answer to the struggle he has with sin and good.
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ROM 08 01 xw65 figs-explicit 0 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Here "condemnation" refers to punishing people. Alternate translation: "God will not condemn and punish those who are joined to Christ Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 01 i12t 0 therefore "for that reason" or "because what I have just told you is true"
ROM 08 02 x8uu figs-explicit 0 the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus This refers to God's Spirit. Alternate translation: "God's Spirit in Christ Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 02 th4n figs-metaphor 0 has set you free from the law of sin and death Being free from the law of sin and death is a metaphor for not being controlled by the law of sin and death. Alternate translation: "has caused the law of sin and death to no longer control you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 02 u82e 0 the law of sin and death Possible meanings are that this refers to 1) the law, which provokes people to sin, and their sin causes them to die. Alternate translation: "the law which causes sin and death" or 2) the principle that people sin and die.
ROM 08 03 j98t figs-personification 0 For what the law was unable to do because it was weak through the flesh, God did Here the law is described as a person who could not break the power of sin. Alternate translation: "For the law did not have the power to stop us from sinning, because the power of sin within us was too strong. But God did stop us from sinning" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 08 03 etf2 0 through the flesh "because of people's sinful nature"
ROM 08 03 p4qq 0 He ... sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh ... an offering for sin ... he condemned sin The Son of God forever satisfied God's holy anger against our sin by giving his own body and human life as the eternal sacrifice for sin.
ROM 08 03 csl8 guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 Son This is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 08 03 uf94 0 in the likeness of sinful flesh "who looked like any other sinful human being"
ROM 08 03 hfr2 0 to be an offering for sin "so that he could die as a sacrifice for our sins"
ROM 08 03 es29 0 he condemned sin in the flesh "God broke the power of sin through the body of his Son"
ROM 08 04 j9ff figs-activepassive 0 the requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "we might fulfill what the law requires" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 04 acc4 figs-metaphor 0 we who walk not according to the flesh Walking on a path is a metaphor for how a person lives his life. The flesh is an idiom for sinful human nature. Alternate translation: "we who do not obey our sinful desires" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] or [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 08 04 a5t4 0 but according to the Spirit "but who obey the Holy Spirit"
ROM 08 06 y6p7 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues to contrast the flesh with the Spirit we now have.
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ROM 08 06 vyw4 figs-personification 0 the mind set on the flesh ... the mind set on the Spirit Here Paul speaks of both the "flesh" and the "spirit" as if they were living persons. Alternate translation: "the way sinful people think ... the way people who listen to the Holy Spirit think" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 08 06 ec7j 0 death Here this means the separation of a person from God.
ROM 08 08 me7u 0 Those who are in the flesh This refers to people who do what their sinful nature tells them to do.
ROM 08 09 czm9 0 in the flesh "acting according to your sinful natures." See how "the flesh" was translated in [Romans 8:5](../08/05.md).
ROM 08 09 e54u 0 in the Spirit "acting according to the Holy Spirit"
ROM 08 09 p55f 0 Spirit ... God's Spirit ... Spirit of Christ These all refer to the Holy Spirit.
ROM 08 09 bei3 0 if it is true that This phrase does not mean Paul doubts that some of them have God's Spirit. Paul wants them to realize that they all have God's Spirit. Alternate translation: "since" or "because"
ROM 08 10 q8be figs-explicit 0 If Christ is in you How Christ lives in a person could be made explicit. Alternate translation: "If Christ lives in you through the Holy Spirit" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 10 e6g9 figs-idiom 0 the body is dead with respect to sin Possible meanings are 1) a person is spiritually dead to the power of sin or 2) the physical body will still die because of sin. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 08 10 yb1b figs-idiom 0 the spirit is alive with respect to righteousness Possible meanings are 1) a person is spiritually alive because God has given him power to do what is right or 2) God will bring the person back to life after he dies because God is righteous and gives believers eternal life. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 08 11 jlc9 0 If the Spirit ... lives in you Paul assumes that the Holy Spirit lives in his readers. Alternate translation: "Since the Spirit ... lives in you"
ROM 08 11 b9pu 0 of him who raised "of God, who raised"
ROM 08 11 jr6p figs-idiom 0 raised Jesus Here to raise is an idiom for causing someone who has died to become alive again. Alternate translation: "caused Jesus to live again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 08 11 t27d 0 mortal bodies "physical bodies" or "bodies, which will die someday"
ROM 08 12 mv1r 0 So then "Because what I have just told you is true"
ROM 08 12 qw5b 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 08 12 e3j8 figs-metaphor 0 we are debtors Paul is speaking of obedience as if it were paying back a debt. Alternate translation: "we need to obey" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 12 fb3m figs-ellipsis 0 but not to the flesh to live according to the flesh Again Paul speaks of obedience as if it were paying back a debt. You can include the implied word "debtors." Alternate translation: "but we are not debtors to the flesh, and we do not have to obey our sinful desires" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 13 ri75 0 For if you live according to the flesh "Because if you live only to please your sinful desires"
ROM 08 13 b9n5 0 you are about to die "you will certainly be separated from God"
ROM 08 13 ld2h figs-metaphor 0 but if by the Spirit you put to death the body's actions Paul speaks of the "old man," crucified with Christ, as the person who is responsible for his sinful desires. Alternate translation: "but if by the power of the Holy Spirit you stop obeying your sinful desires" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 14 u8pv figs-activepassive 0 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For all the people whom the Spirit of God leads" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 14 gd1i 0 sons of God Here this means all believers in Jesus and is often translated as "children of God."
ROM 08 15 ecq3 0 by which we cry "who causes us to cry out"
ROM 08 15 vxs9 translate-unknown 0 Abba, Father "Abba" is "Father" in the Aramaic language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 08 17 fj7w figs-metaphor 0 heirs of God Paul speaks of the Christian believers as if they will inherit property and wealth from a family member. Alternate translation: "we also will one day receive what God has promised us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 17 q751 figs-metaphor 0 we are joint heirs with Christ Paul speaks of the Christian believers as if they will inherit property and wealth from a family member. God will give to us what he gives to Christ. Alternate translation: "we will also receive what God has promised us and Christ together" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 17 j6ia figs-activepassive 0 that we may also be glorified with him God will honor Christian believers when he honors Christ. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "that God may glorify us along with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 18 phk6 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reminds us as believers that our bodies will be changed at the redemption of our bodies in this section which ends in [Romans 8:25](../08/25.md).
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ROM 08 18 i5nu 0 For This emphasizes "I consider." It does not mean "because."
ROM 08 18 b3b1 figs-activepassive 0 I consider that ... are not worthy to be compared with You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "I cannot compare the sufferings of this present time with" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 18 jjb8 figs-activepassive 0 will be revealed You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will reveal" or "God will make known" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 19 d911 figs-personification 0 the eager expectation of the creation waits for Paul describes everything that God created as a person who eagerly waits for something. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 08 19 dm6s figs-activepassive 0 for the revealing of the sons of God You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "for the time when God will reveal his children" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 19 sr2p 0 sons of God Here this means all believers in Jesus. You can also translate this as "children of God."
ROM 08 20 l9ab figs-activepassive 0 For the creation was subjected to futility You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For God caused what he had created to be unable to achieve what he intended" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 20 yvl3 figs-personification 0 not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it Here Paul describes "creation" as a person who can desire. Alternate translation: "not because this is what the created things wanted, but because it is what God wanted" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 08 21 l6qc figs-activepassive 0 the creation itself will be delivered You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will save creation" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 21 ba5h figs-metaphor 0 from slavery to decay Here being in slavery to decay is a metaphor for being certain to decay. Alternate translation: "from being like a slave to decay" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 21 tx57 figs-metaphor 0 that it will be brought into the freedom of the glory of the children of God "Freedom" here is in contrast with slavery to decay. It is a metaphor meaning that the creation will not decay. Alternate translation: "that it will become gloriously free from decay like the children of God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 22 l69k figs-metaphor 0 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors in pain together even now The creation is compared to a woman groaning while giving birth to a baby. Alternate translation: "For we know that everything that God created wants to be free and groans for it like a woman giving birth" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 23 k1wy figs-explicit 0 waiting for our adoption, the redemption of our body Here "our adoption" means when we become full members of God's family, as adopted children. The word "redemption" means when God saves us. Alternate translation: "waiting for when we are fully members of God's family and he saves our bodies from decay and death" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 24 x4gi figs-activepassive 0 For in this certain hope we were saved You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For God saved us because we hoped in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 24 tks9 figs-rquestion 0 Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he can see? Paul uses a question to help his audience understand what "hope" is. Alternate translation: "But if we are confidently waiting, that means we do not yet have what we want. No one can confidently wait if he already has what he wants" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 26 h8jy 0 Connecting Statement: Though Paul has been emphasizing that there is a struggle in believers between the flesh and the Spirit, he affirms that the Spirit is aiding us.
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ROM 08 26 jmp8 0 inexpressible groans "groanings that we cannot express in words"
ROM 08 27 tq4n figs-metonymy 0 He who searches the hearts Here "He" refers to God. Here "hearts" is a metonym for a person's thoughts and emotions. The phrase "searches the hearts" is a metaphor for examining thoughts and emotions. Alternate translation: "God, who knows all our thoughts and feelings" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 08 28 w4rz 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reminds the believers that nothing can separate them from God's love.
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ROM 08 28 q3ce figs-activepassive 0 for those who are called You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "for those whom God chose" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 29 m3vv 0 those whom he foreknew "those whom he knew before he even created them"
ROM 08 29 rg4t 0 he also predestined "he also made it their destiny" or "he also planned in advance"
ROM 08 29 xhn2 figs-activepassive 0 to be conformed to the image of his Son God planned from before the beginning of creation to grow those who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, into persons who are like Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "that he would change them to be like his Son" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 29 yuw2 guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 Son This is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 08 29 lf49 0 that he might be the firstborn "so that his Son would be the firstborn"
ROM 08 29 s552 figs-explicit 0 among many brothers Here "brothers" refers to all believers, both male and female. Alternate translation: "among many brothers and sisters who belong to the family of God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 30 hg3f 0 Those whom he predestined "Those whom God made plans for in advance"
ROM 08 30 g1y3 figs-explicit 0 these he also justified Here "justified" is in the past tense to emphasize that this will certainly happen. Alternate translation: "these he also put right with himself" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 30 g29g figs-explicit 0 these he also glorified The word "glorified" is in the past tense to emphasize that this will certainly happen. Alternate translation: "these he will also glorify" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 31 xpu3 figs-rquestion 0 What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? Paul uses questions to emphasize the main point of what he said previously. Alternate translation: "This is what we should know from all of this: since God is helping us, no one can defeat us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 32 l73i guidelines-sonofgodprinciples 0 He who did not spare his own Son God the Father sent the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to the cross as the holy, infinite sacrifice necessary to satisfy God's infinite, holy nature against the sin of humanity. Here "Son" is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
ROM 08 32 b3au 0 but delivered him up "but put him under the control of his enemies"
ROM 08 32 gk4l figs-rquestion 0 how will he not also with him freely give us all things? Paul is using a question for emphasis. Alternate translation: "he will certainly and freely give us all things!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 32 rib2 0 freely give us all things "kindly give us all things"
ROM 08 33 vr1b figs-rquestion 0 Who will bring any accusation against God's chosen ones? God is the one who justifies Paul uses a question for emphasis. Alternate translation: "No one can accuse us before God because he is the one who makes us right with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 34 vt5r figs-rquestion 0 Who is the one who condemns? Paul uses a question for emphasis. He does not expect an answer. Alternate translation: "No one will condemn us!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 34 vd8g translate-symaction 0 who is at the right hand of God To be at the "right hand of God" is a symbolic action of receiving great honor and authority from God. Alternate translation: "who is at the place of honor beside God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
ROM 08 35 h9ba figs-rquestion 0 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Paul uses this question to teach that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Alternate translation: "No one will ever separate us from the love of Christ!" or "Nothing will ever separate us from the love of Christ!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 35 m2hl figs-ellipsis 0 Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? The words "shall separate us from the love of Christ" are understood from the previous question. Alternate translation: "Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword separate us from the love of Christ?"(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 08 35 ldx1 figs-rquestion 0 Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Paul uses this question to emphasize that even these things cannot separate us from the love of Christ. Alternate translation: "Even tribulation, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, and sword cannot separate us from the love of Christ." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 08 35 qe2z figs-abstractnouns 0 Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? The abstract nouns can be expressed with verb phrases. Here "sword" is a metonym that represents being killed violently. Alternate translation: "Even if people cause us trouble, hurt us, take away our clothes and food, or kill us, they cannot separate us from the love of Christ." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 08 35 q2dc figs-doublet 0 Tribulation, or distress These words both mean the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 08 36 t67y figs-you 0 For your benefit Here "your" is singular and refers to God. Alternate translation: "For you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 08 36 s7wj figs-inclusive 0 we are killed all day long Here "we" refers to the one who wrote this part of Scripture, but not his audience, who was God. The phrase "all day long" is an exaggeration to emphasize how much danger they are in. Paul uses this part of Scripture to show that all who belong to God should expect difficult times. This can be translated in an active form. Alternate translation: "our enemies continually seek to kill us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 36 g3pi figs-simile 0 We were considered as sheep for the slaughter Here Paul compares to livestock those whom people kill because they are loyal to God. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Our lives have no more value to them than the sheep they kill" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 08 37 iui3 0 we are more than conquerors "we have complete victory"
ROM 08 37 wcm6 figs-explicit 0 through the one who loved us You can make explicit the kind of love that Jesus showed. Alternate translation: "because of Jesus, who loved us so much he was willing to die for us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 08 38 fch1 0 I have been convinced "I am convinced" or "I am confident"
ROM 08 38 js9q 0 governments Possible meanings are 1) demons or 2) human kings and rulers.
ROM 08 38 q7ti 0 nor powers Possible meanings are 1) spiritual beings with power or 2) human beings with power.
ROM 09 intro w6f4 0 # Romans 09 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>In this chapter, Paul changes what he is teaching about. In Chapters 9-11, he focuses on the nation of Israel.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 25-29 and 33 of this chapter. Paul quotes all of these words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Flesh<br>Paul uses the word "flesh" in this chapter only to refer to Israelites, people physically descending from Abraham through Jacob, who God named Israel. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/flesh]])<br><br>In other chapters, Paul uses the word "brother" to mean fellow Christians. However, in this chapter, he uses "my brothers" to mean his kinsmen the Israelites.<br><br>Paul refers to those who believe in Jesus as "children of God" and "children of the promise."<br><br>##### Predestination<br>Many scholars believe Paul in this chapter teaches extensively on a subject known as "predestination." This is related to the biblical concept of "predestine." Some take this to indicate that God has, from before the foundation of the world, chosen some people to eternally save. Christians have different views on what the Bible teaches on this subject. So translators need to take extra care when translating this chapter. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/predestine]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]])<br><br>##### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Stone of stumbling<br>Paul explains that while some Gentiles accepted Jesus as their savior by believing in him, most Jews were trying to earn their salvation and so rejected Jesus. Paul, quoting the Old Testament, describes Jesus as a stone that the Jews stumble over when walking. This "stone of stumbling" causes them to "fall." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### "It is not everyone in Israel who truly belongs to Israel"<br>Paul uses the word "Israel" in this verse with two different meanings. The first "Israel" means the physical descendants of Abraham through Jacob. The second "Israel" means those who are God's people through faith. The UST reflects this.<br>
ROM 09 01 b89f 0 Connecting Statement: Paul tells of his personal desire that the people of the nation of Israel will be saved. Then he emphasizes the different ways in which God has prepared them to believe.
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ROM 09 01 yg93 figs-doublet 0 I tell the truth in Christ. I do not lie These two expressions mean basically the same thing. Paul uses them to emphasize that he is telling the truth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 09 01 h9mp 0 my conscience bears witness with me in the Holy Spirit "the Holy Spirit controls my conscience and confirms what I say"
ROM 09 02 jx3a figs-idiom 0 that for me there is great sorrow and unceasing pain in my heart Here "unceasing pain in my heart" is an idiom that Paul uses to share his emotional distress. Alternate translation: "I tell you that I grieve very greatly and deeply" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 09 02 jky1 figs-doublet 0 great sorrow and unceasing pain These two expressions mean basically the same thing. Paul uses them together to emphasize how great his emotions are. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 09 03 rh5h figs-activepassive 0 For I could wish that I myself would be cursed and set apart from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race according to the flesh You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "I personally would be willing to let God curse me and, keep me apart from Christ forever if that would help my fellow Israelites, my own people group, to believe in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 03 eg9b 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 09 04 p1ys 0 They are Israelites "They, like me, are Israelites. God chose them to be Jacob's descendants"
ROM 09 04 l6vs figs-metaphor 0 They have adoption Here Paul uses the metaphor of "adoption" to indicate that the Israelites are like God's children. Alternate translation: "They have God as their father" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 06 s2ma 0 Connecting Statement: Paul emphasizes that those who are born in the family of Israel can really only be a true part of Israel through faith.
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ROM 09 06 equ8 0 But it is not as though the promises of God have failed "But God has not failed to keep his promises" or "God has kept his promises"
ROM 09 06 wy8z 0 For it is not everyone in Israel who truly belongs to Israel God did not make his promises to all the physical descendants of Israel (or Jacob), but to his spiritual descendants, that is, those who trust in Jesus.
ROM 09 07 s3rj 0 Neither are all Abraham's descendants truly his children "Nor are they all children of God just because they are Abraham's descendants"
ROM 09 08 s5xa figs-metonymy 0 the children of the flesh are not Here "children of the flesh" is a metonym that refers to the physical descendants of Abraham. Alternate translation: "not all of Abraham's descendants" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 09 08 y17u figs-metaphor 0 children of God This is a metaphor that refers to people who are spiritual descendants, those who have faith in Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 08 ta8t 0 children of the promise This refers to people who will inherit the promises that God gave to Abraham.
ROM 09 09 up57 0 this is the word of promise "these are the words God used when he made the promise"
ROM 09 09 wqb2 figs-activepassive 0 a son will be given to Sarah You can translate this in an active form to express that God will give a son to Sarah. Alternate translation: "I will give Sarah a son" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 10 mb5q figs-inclusive 0 our father Paul refers to Isaac as "our father" because Isaac was the ancestor of Paul and of the Jewish believers in Rome. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 09 10 icc1 0 had conceived "had become pregnant"
ROM 09 11 h16y 0 for the children were not yet born and had not yet done anything good or bad "before the children were born and before they had done anything, whether good or bad"
ROM 09 11 a1gz 0 so that the purpose of God according to choice might stand "so that what God wants to happen according to His choice will happen"
ROM 09 11 eez1 0 for the children were not yet born "before the children were born"
ROM 09 11 iw56 0 had not yet done anything good or bad "not because of anything they had done"
ROM 09 11 d6mr 0 because of him because of God
ROM 09 12 ze3m 0 Connecting Statement: It may be necessary in your language to place this verse between verse 10 and verse 11: "our father Isaac,it was said to her, 'The older will serve the younger.' Now the children were not yet born and had not yet done anything good or bad, but so that the purpose of God according to choice might stand—not because of actions, but because of him who calls. It is just"
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ROM 09 12 wv7n 0 it was said to her, "The older will serve the younger." "God said to Rebecca, 'The older son will serve the younger son'"
ROM 09 13 xt7t figs-hyperbole 0 Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated The word "hated" is an exaggeration. God loved Jacob much more than he loved Esau. He did not literally hate Esau. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 09 14 m8xk figs-rquestion 0 What then will we say? Paul is using the question to get the attention of his readers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 14 s1hm 0 May it never be "That is not possible!" or "Certainly not!" This expression strongly denies that this could happen. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here.
ROM 09 15 kq2c figs-metaphor 0 For he says to Moses Paul speaks about God's talking with Moses as if it is being done in the present time. Alternate translation: "For God said to Moses" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 16 d4f5 0 it is not because of him who wills, nor because of him who runs "it is not because of what people want or because they try hard"
ROM 09 16 ues3 figs-metaphor 0 nor because of him who runs Paul speaks of a person who does good things in order to gain God's favor as if that person were running a race. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 17 x1cj figs-personification 0 For the scripture says Here the scripture is personified as if God were talking to Pharaoh. Alternate translation: "The scripture records that God said" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 09 17 xu7s 0 I ... my God is referring to himself.
ROM 09 17 nfv5 figs-you 0 you singular (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 09 17 pz5x figs-idiom 0 I raised you up "Raised" here is an idiom for "to cause something to be what it is." Alternate translation: "I made you the powerful man that you are" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 09 17 gps5 figs-activepassive 0 so that my name might be proclaimed You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "that people might proclaim my name" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 17 jp6i figs-metonymy 0 my name This metonym refers either 1) to God in all of his being. Alternate translation: "who I am" or 2) To his reputation. Alternate translation: "how great I am" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 09 17 jn7u figs-hyperbole 0 in all the earth "wherever there are people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 09 18 a1uv 0 whom he wishes, he makes stubborn God makes stubborn whoever he wishes to make stubborn.
ROM 09 19 z4j2 figs-you 0 You will say then to me Paul is talking to the critics of his teaching as though he were only talking to one person. You may need to use the plural here. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 09 19 bbe4 figs-rquestion 0 Why does he still find fault? For who has ever withstood his will? These rhetorical questions are complaints against God. You can translate them as strong statements. Alternate translation: "He should not find fault with us. No one has ever been able to withstand his will." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 19 hqr7 0 he ... his The words "he" and "his" here refer to God.
ROM 09 19 n1ti 0 has ... withstood his will "has ... stopped him from doing what he wanted to do"
ROM 09 20 arw8 figs-metaphor 0 Will what has been molded say to the one who molds it, "Why ... way?" Paul uses the potter's right to make any kind of container he wants from the clay as a metaphor for the creator's right to do whatever he wants with his creation. Paul asks questions to emphasize his point. This can be translated as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "What a person has molded should never say to the one who molds it, 'Why ... way?'" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 20 wcj3 figs-rquestion 0 Why did you make me this way? This question is a rebuke and can be translated as a strong statement. Alternate translation: "You should not have made me this way!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 21 e94a figs-rquestion 0 Does the potter not have the right ... for daily use? This rhetorical question is a rebuke. Alternate translation: "The potter certainlly has the right ... for daily use." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 22 we86 figs-metaphor 0 containers of wrath Paul speaks of people as if they were containers. Alternate translation: "people who deserve wrath" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 23 ufj7 0 he ... his The words "he" and "his" here refer to God.
ROM 09 23 v33r figs-metaphor 0 containers of mercy Paul speaks of people as if they were containers. Alternate translation: "people who deserve mercy" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 23 she3 figs-metaphor 0 the riches of his glory upon Paul compares God's wonderful actions here to great "riches." Alternate translation: "his glory, which is of great value, upon" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 23 t41s figs-explicit 0 which he had previously prepared for glory Here "glory" refers to life in heaven with God. Alternate translation: "whom he prepared ahead of time in order that they might live with him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 24 y6vp figs-inclusive 0 also for us The word "us" here refers to Paul and fellow believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 09 24 t8rn 0 called Here "called" means God has appointed or chosen people to be his children, to be his servants and proclaimers of his message of salvation through Jesus.
ROM 09 25 eqc2 0 Connecting Statement: In this section Paul explains how Israel's unbelief as a nation was told ahead of time by the prophet Hosea.
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ROM 09 25 ewb4 figs-explicit 0 As he says also in Hosea Here "he" refers to God. Alternate translation: "As God says also in the book that Hosea wrote" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 25 m82v translate-names 0 Hosea Hosea was a prophet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 09 25 gi5k 0 I will call my people who were not my people "I will choose for my people those who were not my people"
ROM 09 25 yy15 figs-activepassive 0 her beloved who was not beloved Here "her" refers to Hosea's wife, Gomer, who represents the nation of Israel. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "I will choose her whom I did not love to be one whom I love" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 26 qe9f 0 sons of the living God The word "living" may refer to the fact that God is the only true God, and not like the false idols. Alternate translation: "children of the true God"
ROM 09 27 zqi1 0 cries out "calls out"
ROM 09 27 k9j8 figs-simile 0 as the sand of the sea Here Paul compares the number of the people of Israel to the number of grains of sand in the sea. Alternate translation: "too many to count" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
ROM 09 27 wig1 figs-activepassive 0 will be saved Paul uses the word "saved" in a spiritual sense. If God saves a person, it means that through believing in Jesus' death on the cross, God has forgiven him and rescued him from being punished for his sin. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will save" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 28 cm32 0 the Lord will carry out his sentence on the earth Here "sentence" refers to how he has decided to punish people. Alternate translation: "the Lord will punish people on the earth according to how he has said"
ROM 09 29 dl9x figs-inclusive 0 us ... we Here the words "us" and "we" refer to Isaiah and those to whom he spoke. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 09 29 tk2e figs-explicit 0 we would be like Sodom, and we would have become like Gomorrah God killed all of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin. Alternate translation: "we all would have been destroyed like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah" or "God would have destroyed all of us, like he destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gommorah" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 30 m5l2 figs-rquestion 0 What will we say then? Paul uses this question to get the attention of his readers. Alternate translation: "This is what we must say" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 30 ki4k 0 That the Gentiles "We will say that the Gentiles"
ROM 09 30 bnl6 0 who were not pursuing righteousness "who were not trying to please God"
ROM 09 30 gl4m figs-explicit 0 the righteousness by faith Here "by faith" refers to placing one's trust in Christ. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "because God made them right with him when they trusted in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 31 f18n figs-explicit 0 did not arrive at it This means that the Israelites could not please God by trying to keep the law. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "were not able to please God by keeping the law because they could not keep it" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 32 y4pf figs-ellipsis 0 Why not? This is an ellipsis. You can include the implied words in your translation. Paul asks this question to get the attention of his readers. Alternate translation: "Why could they not attain righteousness?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 09 32 j5jp figs-explicit 0 by works This refers to things that people do to try to please God. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "by trying to do things that would please God" or "by keeping the Law" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 09 33 kx9c figs-explicit 0 as it has been written You can indicate that Isaiah wrote this. You can also translate it in an active form. Alternate translation: "as Isaiah the prophet wrote" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 09 33 dy6x figs-metonymy 0 in Zion Here Zion is a metonym that represents Israel. Alternate translation: "in Israel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 09 33 u3dj figs-doublet 0 stone of stumbling and a rock of offense Both of these phrases mean basically the same thing and are metaphors that refer to Jesus and his death on the cross. It was as if the people stumbled over a stone because they were disgusted when they considered Jesus' death on the cross. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 09 33 tu4i 0 believes in it Because the stone stands for a person, you may need to translate "believes in him."
ROM 10 intro c2li 0 # Romans 10 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set prose quotations from the Old Testament farther to the right on the page than the rest of the text. The ULT does this with the quoted words in verse 8.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 18-20 of this chapter, which are words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### God's righteousness<br><br>Paul teaches here that while many Jews earnestly tried to be righteous, they did not succeed. We cannot earn God's righteousness. God gives us Jesus' righteousness when we believe in him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/righteous]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Rhetorical questions<br>Paul uses many rhetorical questions in this chapter. He does this to convince his readers that God does not save only the Hebrew people, so Christians must be ready to go and share the gospel with the whole world. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/save]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### "I will provoke you to jealousy by what is not a nation"<br><br>Paul uses this prophecy to explain that God will use the church to make the Hebrew people jealous. This is so they will seek God and believe the gospel. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/jealous]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br>
ROM 10 01 pi37 0 Connecting Statement: Paul continues stating his desire for Israel to believe but emphasizes that both those who are Jews as well as everyone else can only be saved by faith in Jesus.
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ROM 10 01 hj4b 0 Brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 10 01 tq7k figs-metonymy 0 my heart's desire Here "heart" is a metonym for a person's emotions or inner being. Alternate translation: "my greatest desire" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 01 tmf2 0 is for them, for their salvation "is that God will save the Jews"
ROM 10 02 y7qg 0 I testify about them "I declare truthfully about them"
ROM 10 03 bw97 figs-explicit 0 For they do not know of God's righteousness Here "righteousness refers to the way God puts people right with himself. You can make this explicit in the translation. Alternate translation: "For they do not know how God puts people right with himself" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 03 a6r4 0 They did not submit to the righteousness of God "They did not accept God's way of putting people right with himself"
ROM 10 04 x1w8 0 For Christ is the fulfillment of the law "For Christ completely fulfilled the law"
ROM 10 04 f6pu figs-explicit 0 for righteousness for everyone who believes Here "believes" means "trusts." Alternate translation: "in order that he may make everyone who trusts in him right before God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 05 qby2 figs-personification 0 the righteousness that comes from the law Paul speaks of "righteousness" as if it were alive and able to move. Alternate translation: "how the law makes a person right before God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 10 05 wjn6 figs-explicit 0 The man who does the righteousness of the law will live by this righteousness In order to be made right with God through the law, a person would have to keep the law perfectly, which is not possible. Alternate translation: "The person who perfectly obeys the law will live because the law will make him right before God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 05 qkz4 0 will live The words "will live" can refer to 1) eternal life or 2) mortal life in fellowship with God.
ROM 10 06 sr9z figs-personification 0 But the righteousness that comes from faith says this Here "righteousness" is described as a person who can speak. Alternate translation: "But Moses writes this about how faith makes a person right before God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 10 06 x7h4 figs-you 0 Do not say in your heart Moses was addressing the people as if he were speaking to only one person. Here "heart" is a metonym for a person's mind or inner being. Alternate translation: "Do not say to yourself" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 06 tf9r figs-rquestion 0 Who will ascend into heaven? Moses uses a question to teach his audience. His previous instruction of, "Do not say" requires a negative answer to this question. You can translate this question as a statement. Alternate translation: "No one is able to go up to heaven" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 06 gi7s 0 that is, to bring Christ down "in order that they might have Christ come down to earth"
ROM 10 07 w8xe figs-rquestion 0 Who will descend into the abyss Moses uses a question to teach his audience. His previous instruction of, "Do not say" requires a negative answer to this question. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "No person can go down and enter the place where the spirits of dead persons are" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 07 iw13 0 from the dead From among all those who have died. This expression describes all dead people together in the underworld. To be brought up from among them is to become alive again.
ROM 10 07 t8dd 0 dead This word speaks of physical death.
ROM 10 08 gz7t figs-personification 0 But what does it say? The word "it" refers to "the righteousness" of [Romans 10:6](../10/06.md). Here Paul describes "righteousness" as a person who can speak. Paul uses a question to emphasize the answer he is about to give. Alternate translation: "But this is what Moses says" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 08 kzb2 figs-personification 0 The word is near you Paul speaks of God's message as if it were a person who can move. Alternate translation: "You have heard the message" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 10 08 y6mq figs-metonymy 0 The word is ... in your mouth The word "mouth" is a metonym that refers to what a person says. Alternate translation: "You know how to speak ... God's message" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 08 zvx4 figs-metonymy 0 The word is ... in your heart The phrase "in your heart" is metonym that refers to what a person thinks and believes. Alternate translation: "You know what ... God's message means" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 08 lh5d 0 the word of faith "God's message that tells us that we must believe in him"
ROM 10 09 tz7r 0 if with your mouth you confess Jesus as Lord "if you confess that Jesus is Lord"
ROM 10 09 ie71 figs-metonymy 0 believe in your heart Here "heart" is a metonym for a person's mind or inner person. Alternate translation: "believe in your mind" or "truly believe" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 09 zdf5 figs-idiom 0 raised him from the dead "Raised" here is an idiom for "caused to live again." Alternate translation: "caused him to live again" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 10 09 c3cq figs-activepassive 0 you will be saved You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will save you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 10 10 g7i1 figs-metonymy 0 For with the heart one believes and has righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved Here "heart" is a metonym that represents the mind or will. Alternate translation: "For it is with the mind that a person trusts and is right before God, and it is with the mouth that a person confesses and God saves him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 10 xs8c figs-synecdoche 0 with the mouth Here "mouth" is a synecdoche that represents a person's capacity to speak. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 10 11 gu99 figs-personification 0 For scripture says Paul speaks of the Scripture as if it were alive and had a voice. You can make explicit who wrote the Scripture that Paul uses here. Alternate translation: "For Isaiah wrote in the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 11 nv71 figs-activepassive 0 Everyone who believes on him will not be put to shame This is equivalent to: "Everyone who does not believe will be shamed." The negative is used here for emphasis. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will honor everyone who believes in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 10 12 z8p4 figs-explicit 0 For there is no difference between Jew and Greek Paul implies that God will treat all people the same. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "In this way, God treats the Jews and the non-Jews the same" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 12 p9py figs-explicit 0 he is rich to all who call upon him Here "he is rich" means that God blesses richly. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "he richly blesses all who trust in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 13 pe96 figs-metonymy 0 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Here the word "name" is a metonym for Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "The Lord will save everyone who trusts in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 10 14 utr4 figs-rquestion 0 How then can they call on him in whom they have not believed? Paul uses a question to emphasize the importance of taking the good news of Christ to those who have not heard. The word "they" refers to those who do not yet belong to God. Alternate translation: "Those who do not believe in God cannot call on him!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 14 lx52 figs-rquestion 0 How can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Paul uses another question for the same reason. Alternate translation: "And they cannot believe in him if they have not heard his message!" or "And they cannot believe in him if they have not heard the message about him!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 14 mrl8 0 believe in Here this means to acknowledge that what that person has said is true.
ROM 10 14 iwc1 figs-rquestion 0 How can they hear without a preacher? Paul uses another question for the same reason. Alternate translation: "And they cannot hear the message if someone does not tell them!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 15 e8rt figs-metonymy 0 How beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim good news Paul uses "feet" to represent those who travel and bring the message to those who have not heard it. Alternate translation: "It is wonderful when messengers come and tell us the good news" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 16 hku8 0 not all of them obeyed Here "they" refers to the Jews. "not all of the Jews obeyed"
ROM 10 16 j3se figs-rquestion 0 Lord, who has believed our message? Paul is using this question to emphasize that Isaiah prophesied in the Scriptures that many Jews would not believe in Jesus. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "Lord, so many of them do not believe our message" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 10 16 z4s9 0 our message Here, "our" refers to God and Isaiah.
ROM 10 17 wu5a 0 faith comes from hearing Here "faith" refers to "believing in Christ"
ROM 10 17 nq87 0 hearing by the word of Christ "hearing by listening to the message about Christ"
ROM 10 18 f6jy figs-rquestion 0 But I say, "Did they not hear?" Yes, most certainly Paul uses a question for emphasis. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "But, I say the Jews certainly have heard the message about Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
ROM 10 18 s5zh figs-parallelism 0 Their sound has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. Both of these statements mean basically the same thing and Paul uses them for emphasis. The word "their" refers to the sun, moon, and stars. Here they are described as human messengers that tell people about God. This refers to how their existence shows God's power and glory. You can make explicit that Paul is quoting Scripture here. Alternate translation: "As the Scriptures record, 'The sun, moon, and the stars are proof of God's power and glory, and everyone in the world sees them and knows the truth about God.'" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 19 ib4m figs-rquestion 0 Moreover, I say, "Did Israel not know?" Paul uses a question for emphasis. The word "Israel" is a metonym for the people who lived in the nation of Israel. Alternate translation: "Again I tell you the people of Israel did know the message" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 10 19 jjt3 figs-you 0 First Moses says, "I will provoke you ... I will stir you up This means that Moses wrote down what God said. "I" refers to God, and "you" refers to the Israelites. Alternate translation: "First Moses says that God will provoke you ... God will stir you up" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
ROM 10 19 ve6t 0 by what is not a nation "by those you do not consider to be a real nation" or "by people who do not belong to any nation"
ROM 10 19 s3nz figs-explicit 0 By means of a nation without understanding Here "without understanding" means that the people do not know God. Alternate translation: "By a nation with people who do not know me or my commands" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 10 19 g7zt 0 I will stir you up to anger "I will make you angry" or "I will cause you to become angry"
ROM 10 19 a7k7 figs-you 0 you This refers to the nation of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 10 20 qcx2 0 General Information: Here the words "I," "me," and "my" refer to God.
ROM 10 20 cv1x 0 Then Isaiah was very bold when he says This means the prophet Isaiah wrote what God had said.
ROM 10 20 fc4b figs-activepassive 0 I was found by those who did not seek me Prophets often speak of things in the future as if they have already happened. This emphasizes that the prophecy will certainly come true. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Even though the Gentile people will not look for me, they will find me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 10 20 t78j 0 I appeared "I made myself known"
ROM 10 20 k8pp 0 he says "He" refers to God, who is speaking through Isaiah.
ROM 10 21 hw4w 0 All the day long This phrase is used to emphasize God's continual effort. "continually"
ROM 10 21 il8s 0 I reached out my hands to a disobedient and stubborn people "I tried to welcome you and to help you, but you refused my help and continued to disobey"
ROM 11 intro e9qz 0 # Romans 11 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 9-10, 26-27, and 34-35, which are words from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Grafting<br>Paul uses the image of "grafting" to refer to the place of the Gentiles and Jews in the plans of God. Making one plant to be permanently part of another plant is called "grafting." Paul uses the picture of God grafting the Gentiles as a wild branch into his saving plans. But God has not forgotten about the Jews, who are spoken of as the natural plant. God will also save Jews who believe in Jesus.<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### "Did God reject his people? May it never be"<br><br>Whether Israel (the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) has a future in the plans of God, or if they have been replaced in the plans of God by the church, is a major theological issue in Chapters 9-11. This phrase is an important part of this section of Romans. It seems to indicate that Israel remains distinct from the church. Not all scholars arrive at this conclusion. Despite their currently rejecting Jesus as their Messiah, Israel has not exhausted the grace and mercy of God. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/christ]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/grace]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/mercy]])<br>
ROM 11 01 p2h9 0 Connecting Statement: Though Israel as a nation has rejected God, God wants them to understand salvation comes by grace without works.
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ROM 11 01 wp35 0 I say then "I, Paul, say then"
ROM 11 01 p4zd figs-rquestion 0 did God reject his people? Paul asks this question so that he can answer the questions of other Jews who are upset that God has included the Gentiles among his people, while the hearts of the Jewish people have been hardened. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 01 wqu2 0 May it never be "That is not possible!" or "Certainly not!" This expression strongly denies that this could happen. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here. See how you translated this in [Romans 9:14](../09/14.md).
ROM 11 01 bc4g 0 tribe of Benjamin This refers to the tribe descended from Benjamin, one of the 12 tribes into which God divided the people of Israel.
ROM 11 02 h4qe 0 whom he foreknew "whom he knew ahead of time"
ROM 11 02 cjp6 figs-rquestion 0 Do you not know what the scripture says about Elijah, how he pleaded with God against Israel? You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Surely you know what the Scriptures record about when Elijah pleaded with God against Israel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 02 dd1e figs-personification 0 what the scripture says Paul is referring to the Scriptures as if they were able to speak. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 11 03 fh9i 0 they have killed "They" refers to the people of Israel.
ROM 11 03 ut1s 0 I alone am left The pronoun "I" here refers to Elijah.
ROM 11 03 dv5u 0 seeking my life "desiring to kill me"
ROM 11 04 rj4e figs-rquestion 0 But what does God's answer say to him? Paul is using this question to bring the reader to his next point. Alternate translation: "How does God answer him?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 04 x6e9 0 him The pronoun "him" refers to Elijah.
ROM 11 04 c9tc translate-numbers 0 seven thousand men "7,000 men" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
ROM 11 05 ce2r 0 remnant Here this means a small part of people whom God chose to receive his grace.
ROM 11 06 q6es figs-explicit 0 But if it is by grace Paul continues to explain how God's mercy works. Alternate translation: "But since God's mercy works by grace" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 07 k94b figs-rquestion 0 What then? "What should we conclude?" Paul asks this question to move his reader to his next point. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "This is what we need to remember" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 08 uc8g figs-metaphor 0 God has given them a spirit of dullness, eyes so that they should not see, and ears so that they should not hear This is a metaphor about the fact that the people are spiritually dull. They are not able to hear or receive spiritual truth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 08 z47a 0 spirit of Here this means "having the characteristics of," such as the "spirit of wisdom."
ROM 11 08 zyk1 0 eyes so that they should not see The concept of seeing with one's eyes was considered to be equivalent to gaining understanding.
ROM 11 08 ny8w 0 ears so that they should not hear The concept of hearing with the ears was considered to be equivalent to obedience.
ROM 11 09 kpg8 figs-metonymy 0 Let their table become a net and a trap "Table" here is a metonym that represents feasting, and "net" and "trap" are metaphors that represent punishment. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Please, God, make their feasts like a trap that catches them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 09 ya1g figs-metaphor 0 a stumbling block A "stumbling block" is anything that causes a person to trip so that he falls down. Here it represents something that tempts a person to sin. Alternate translation: "something that tempts them to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 09 xex5 0 a retribution for them "something that allows you to take revenge on them"
ROM 11 10 c1nj figs-metonymy 0 bend their backs continually Here "bend their back" is a metonym for forcing slaves to carry heavy loads on their backs. This is a metaphor for making them suffer. Alternate translation: "make them suffer like people carrying heavy loads" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 11 z8tw 0 Connecting Statement: With Israel as a nation rejecting God, Paul warns the Gentiles to be careful they do not make the same mistake.
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ROM 11 11 r9hg figs-rquestion 0 Did they stumble so as to fall? Paul uses this question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "Has God rejected them forever because they sinned?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 11 qbx4 0 May it never be "That is not possible!" or "Certainly not!" This expression strongly denies that this could happen. You may have a similar expression in your language that you could use here. See how you translated this in [Romans 9:14](../09/14.md).
ROM 11 11 f1jw 0 provoke ... to jealousy See how you translated this phrase in [Romans 10:19](../10/19.md).
ROM 11 12 ew4i figs-doublet 0 if their failure is the riches of the world, and if their loss is the riches of the Gentiles Both of these phrases mean basically the same thing. If you need to, you can combine them in your translation. Alternate translation: "when the Jews failed spiritually, the result was that God abundantly blessed the non-Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 11 12 dh1g 0 the riches of the world Because the Jews rejected Christ, God richly blessed the Gentiles by giving them the opportunity to receive Christ.
ROM 11 12 it9k 0 the world Here the "world" is a metonym that refers to the people who live in the world, especially the Gentiles.
ROM 11 14 ua2k 0 provoke to jealousy See how you translated this phrase in [Romans 10:19](../10/19.md).
ROM 11 14 h1qe 0 those who are of my own flesh This refers to "my fellow Jews."
ROM 11 14 gp38 figs-explicit 0 Perhaps we will save some of them God will save those who believe. Alternate translation: "Perhaps some will believe and God will save them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 15 es22 0 For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world "For if because God rejected them, he will reconcile the rest of the world to himself"
ROM 11 15 ui3i 0 their rejection The pronoun "their" refers to Jewish unbelievers.
ROM 11 15 m3fs figs-metonymy 0 the world Here "the world" is a metonym for the people who live in the world. Alternate translation: "the people in the world" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 11 15 em8m figs-rquestion 0 what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? Paul asks this question to emphasize that when God accepts the Jews, it will be a wonderful thing. You can translate it in an active form. Alternate translation: "how will it be when God accepts them? It will be like they have come back to life from among the dead!" or "then when God accepts them, it will be like they have died and become alive again!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 15 jn4l 0 the dead These words speak of all dead people together in the underworld.
ROM 11 16 b2s5 figs-metaphor 0 If the firstfruits are reserved, so is the lump of dough Paul is speaking of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Israelites' ancestors, as if they were the first grain or "firstfruits" to be harvested. He is also speaking of the Israelites who are descendants of those men as if they were a "lump of dough" that they made from the grain. Alternate translation: "If Abraham is counted as the first of what has been offered to God, all of our ancestors who followed should also be counted as God's possession" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 16 dci1 figs-metaphor 0 If the root is reserved, so are the branches Paul is speaking of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Israelites' ancestors, as if they were the root of a tree, and the Israelites who are descendants of those men, as if they were the tree's "branches." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 16 d1zi figs-metaphor 0 reserved The people always dedicated to God the first crops that they harvested. Here "firstfruits" stands for the first people to believe in Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 17 qv65 figs-you 0 if you, a wild olive branch The pronoun "you," and the phrase "a wild olive branch," refer to the Gentile people who have accepted salvation through Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 17 slf6 figs-metaphor 0 But if some of the branches were broken off Here Paul refers to the Jews who rejected Jesus as "broken branches." You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "But if someone broke off some of the branches" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 17 z6hr figs-metaphor 0 were grafted in among them Here Paul speaks of the Gentile Christians as if they were "grafted branches." You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God attached you to the tree among the remaining branches" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 17 s9w3 figs-metaphor 0 the rich root of the olive tree Here "the rich root" is a metaphor that refers to the promises of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 18 gqd6 figs-metaphor 0 do not boast over the branches Here "the branches" is a metaphor that stands for the Jewish people. Alternate translation: "do not say you are better than the Jewish people God has rejected" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 18 llz1 figs-metaphor 0 it is not you who supports the root, but the root that supports you Again Paul implies that the Gentile believers are branches. God saves them only because of the covenant promises that he made to the Jews. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 19 mm6w figs-metaphor 0 Branches were broken off Here "branches" refers to the Jews who rejected Jesus and whom God has now rejected. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God broke branches off" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 19 p9ti figs-metaphor 0 I might be grafted in Paul uses this phrase to refer to the Gentile believers whom God has accepted. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "he might attach me in" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 20 puj9 0 their ... they The pronouns "their" and "they" refer to the Jewish people who did not believe.
ROM 11 20 v2ua figs-metaphor 0 but you stand firm because of your faith Paul speaks of the Gentile believers remaining faithful as if they were standing firm and no one could move them. Alternate translation: "but you remain because of your faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 21 f6i7 figs-metaphor 0 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you Here the "natural branches" refers to the Jewish people who rejected Jesus. Alternate translation: "Since God did not spare those unbelieving Jews, who grew up like a tree's natural branches that came from the root, then know, if you do not believe, he will not spare you either (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 22 xdm3 0 the kind actions and the severity of God Paul is reminding the Gentile believers that although God may act very kindly toward them, he will not hesitate to judge and punish them.
ROM 11 22 p691 figs-abstractnouns 0 severity came on the Jews who fell ... God's kindness comes on you This can be restated to remove the abstract nouns "severity" and "kindness." Alternate translation: "God dealt harshly with the Jews who fell ... but God acts kindly toward you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
ROM 11 22 scf8 figs-metaphor 0 the Jews who fell Doing what is wrong is spoken of as if it is falling down. Alternate translation: "the Jews who have done wrong" or "the Jews who have refused to trust in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 22 z41m figs-abstractnouns 0 if you continue in his kindness This can be restated to remove the abstract noun "kindness." Alternate translation: "if you continue doing what is right so that he continues being kind to you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
ROM 11 22 t4mk figs-metaphor 0 Otherwise you also will be cut off Paul again uses the metaphor of a branch, which God can "cut off" if he needs to. Here "cut off" is a metaphor for rejecting someone. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Otherwise God will cut you off" or "Otherwise God will reject you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 23 lvk7 figs-doublenegatives 0 if they do not continue in their unbelief The phrase "do not continue in their unbelief" is a double negative. You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "if the Jews start believing in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 11 23 zu7k figs-metaphor 0 will be grafted in Paul speaks of the Jews as if they were branches that could be grafted back into a tree if they start to believe in Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will graft them back in" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 23 yjj6 0 graft This is a common process where the end of a live branch of one tree is inserted into another tree so that the new branch will continue to grow in that tree.
ROM 11 23 r5kg 0 they ... them All occurrences of "they" or "them" refer to the Jews.
ROM 11 24 s1a4 figs-metaphor 0 For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a good olive tree, how much more will these Jews, who are the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree? Paul continues speaking of the Gentile believers and Jews as if they were branches of a tree. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For if God had cut you out of what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature had grafted you into a good olive tree, how much more will he graft these Jews, who are the natural branches, into their own olive tree?" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 24 yn21 figs-metaphor 0 branches Paul is speaking of the Jews and Gentiles as if they were branches. The "natural branches" represent the Jews, and the "grafted branches" represent the Gentile believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 25 ye5w figs-doublenegatives 0 I do not want you to be uninformed Here Paul uses a double negative. You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "I very much want you to be aware" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 11 25 w7lx 0 brothers Here "brothers" means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 11 25 q3i2 0 I The pronoun "I" refers to Paul.
ROM 11 25 sf4v 0 you ... you ... your The pronouns "you" and "your" refer to the Gentile believers.
ROM 11 25 me1g figs-explicit 0 in order that you will not be wise in your own thinking Paul does not want the Gentile believers to think they are wiser than the Jewish unbelievers. Alternate translation: "so that you will not think you are wiser than you are" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 25 ec4j figs-metaphor 0 a partial hardening has occurred in Israel Paul speaks of "hardening" or stubbornness as if it were a hardening of physical organs in the body. Some Jews have refused to accept salvation through Jesus. Alternate translation: "many people of Israel continue to be stubborn" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 25 db1x 0 until the completion of the Gentiles come in The word "until" here implies that some Jews will believe after God has finished bringing the Gentiles into the church.
ROM 11 26 ds7a 0 Connecting Statement: Paul says that a deliverer will come out of Israel to the glory of God.
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ROM 11 26 vu7t figs-activepassive 0 Thus all Israel will be saved This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "Thus God will save all Israel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 26 n7yf figs-activepassive 0 just as it is written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "just as the scriptures record" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 26 dm4e figs-metonymy 0 Out of Zion Here "Zion" is used as a metonym for the place where God dwells. Alternate translation: "From where God is among the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 11 26 v96c 0 the Deliverer "the one who brings his people to safety"
ROM 11 26 at55 figs-metaphor 0 He will remove ungodliness Paul speaks of ungodliness as if it were an object that someone could remove, perhaps like someone removes a garment. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 26 bkr2 figs-metonymy 0 from Jacob Here "Jacob" is used as a metonym for Israel. Alternate translation: "from the Israelite people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 11 27 ll39 figs-metaphor 0 I will take away their sins Here Paul speaks of sins as if they were objects that someone could take away. Alternate translation: "I will remove the burden of their sins" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 28 ctn9 figs-explicit 0 As far as the gospel is concerned You can make explicit why Paul mentions the gospel. Alternate translation: "Because the Jews rejected the gospel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 28 x6aa figs-explicit 0 they are enemies for your sake You can make explicit whose enemies they are, and how this was for the Gentiles' sake. Alternate translation: "they are God's enemies for your sake" or "God has treated them as enemies in order that you also might hear the gospel" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 28 dr2q figs-explicit 0 as far as election is concerned You can make explicit why Paul mentions election. Alternate translation: "because God has elected the Jews" or "because God has chosen the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 28 jas2 figs-explicit 0 they are beloved because of their forefathers You can make explicit who loves the Jews and why Paul mentions their forefathers. You can also translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God still loves them because of what he promised to do for their ancestors" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 11 29 p2sf figs-metaphor 0 For the gifts and the call of God are unchangeable Paul speaks of the spiritual and material blessings that God promised to give his people as if they were gifts. The call of God refers to the fact that God called the Jews to be his people. Alternate translation: "For God never changed his mind about what he has promised to give them, and about how he has called them to be his people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 30 bj8g 0 you were formerly disobedient "you did not obey in the past"
ROM 11 30 df91 figs-explicit 0 you have received mercy because of their disobedience Here mercy means God's undeserved blessings. Alternate translation: "because the Jews have rejected Jesus, you have received blessings that you did not deserve" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 11 30 g3cn figs-you 0 you This refers to Gentile believers, and is plural. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 11 32 t6cb figs-metaphor 0 God has shut up all into disobedience God has treated people who disobey him like prisoners who are unable to escape from prison. Alternate translation: "God has made prisoners of those who disobey him. Now they cannot stop disobeying God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 11 33 x3kb figs-doublet 0 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! Here "wisdom" and "knowledge" mean basically the same thing. Alternate translation: "How amazing are the many benefits of both God's wisdom and knowledge!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 11 33 u322 0 How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways beyond discovering "We are completely unable to understand the things that he has decided and find out the ways in which he acts toward us"
ROM 11 34 r2wj figs-rquestion 0 For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has become his advisor? Paul uses this question to emphasize that no one is as wise as the Lord. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "No one has ever known the mind of the Lord, and no one has become his advisor." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 11 34 yy52 figs-metonymy 0 the mind of the Lord Here "mind" is a metonym for knowing things or thinking about things. Alternate translation: "all that the Lord knows" or "what the Lord thinks about" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 11 35 j5cn figs-rquestion 0 Or who has first given anything to God, that God must repay him?" Paul uses this question to emphasize his point. Alternate translation: "No one has ever given anything to God that he did not first receive from God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]) * **For from him ... through him ... to him** - Here, all occurrences of "him" refers to God.
ROM 11 36 rpx6 figs-explicit 0 To him be the glory forever This expresses Paul's desire for all people to honor God. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "May all people honor him forever" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 12 intro aky9 0 # Romans 12 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the words of verse 20, which are from the Old Testament.<br><br>Many scholars believe Paul uses the word "therefore" in [Romans 12:1](../../rom/12/01.md) to refer back to all of Chapters 1-11. Having carefully explained the Christian gospel, Paul now explains how Christians should live in light of these great truths. Chapters 12-16 focus on living out one's Christian faith. Paul uses many different commands in these chapters to give these practical instructions. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Christian living<br>Under the law of Moses, people were required to offer temple sacrifices of animals or grain. Now Christians are required to live their lives as a type of sacrifice to God. Physical sacrifices are no longer required. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Body of Christ<br>The body of Christ is an important metaphor or image used in Scripture to refer to the church. Each church member plays a unique and important function. Christians need each other. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/body]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br>## Links:<br><br>* __[Romans 12:01 Notes](./01.md)__<br><br>__[<<](../11/intro.md) | [>>](../13/intro.md)__<br>
ROM 12 01 rhs3 0 Connecting Statement: Paul tells what the life of a believer should be and how believers should serve.
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ROM 12 01 d2y3 figs-explicit 0 I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God Here "brothers" refers to fellow believers, both male and female. Alternate translation: "Fellow believers, because of the great mercy that God has given you I very much want you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 12 01 w1mz figs-synecdoche 0 to present your bodies a living sacrifice Here Paul uses the word "bodies" to refer to the whole person. Paul is comparing a believer in Christ who completely obeys God to the animals that the Jews killed and then offered to God. Alternate translation: "to offer yourselves completely to God while you are alive as if you were a dead sacrifice on a temple altar" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 12 01 dwr5 figs-doublet 0 holy, acceptable to God Possible meanings are 1) "a sacrifice that you give to God alone and that pleases him" or 2) "acceptable to God because it is morally pure" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 12 01 tyk7 0 This is your reasonable service "This is the right way to worship God"
ROM 12 02 clc6 figs-metaphor 0 Do not be conformed to this world Possible meanings are 1) "Do not behave as the world behaves" or 2) "Do not think the way the world does." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 12 02 pyb6 figs-activepassive 0 Do not be conformed Possible meanings are 1) "Do not let the world tell you what to do and think" or 2) "Do not allow yourself to act and do what the world does." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 02 d2qq figs-metonymy 0 this world This refers to unbelievers who live in the world. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 12 02 na8p figs-activepassive 0 but be transformed by the renewal of your mind You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "but let God change the way you think and behave" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 03 nyc2 figs-explicit 0 because of the grace that was given to me Here "grace" refers to God's choosing Paul to be an apostle and leader of the church. You can make this explicit in your translation. You can also translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "because God freely chose me to be an apostle" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 03 s6yg 0 that everyone who is among you should not think more highly of themselves than they ought to think "that no one among you should think they are better than other people"
ROM 12 03 me4t 0 Instead, they should think in a wise way "But you should be wise in how you think about yourselves"
ROM 12 03 m8z7 figs-explicit 0 just as God has given out to each one a certain amount of faith Paul implies here that believers have different abilities that correspond to their faith in God. Alternate translation: "since God has given each of you different abilities because of your trust in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 12 04 zm8p 0 For Paul uses this word to show that he will now explain why some Christians should not think they are better than others.
ROM 12 04 v2pi figs-metaphor 0 we have many members in one body Paul refers to all the believers in Christ as if they were different parts of the human body. He does this to illustrate that although believers may serve Christ in different ways, each person belongs to Christ and serves in an important way. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 12 04 v5iy 0 members These are such things as eyes, stomachs, and hands.
ROM 12 05 dhx8 figs-metaphor 0 are individually members of each other Paul speaks of the believers as if God had physically joined them together like the parts of the human body. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God has joined each believer together with all other believers" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 06 hrr1 figs-metaphor 0 We have different gifts according to the grace that was given to us Paul speaks of believers' different abilities as being free gifts from God. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God has freely given each of us the ability to do different things for him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 12 06 bnk9 0 let it be done according to the proportion of his faith Possible meanings are 1) "let him speak prophecies that do not go beyond the amount of faith God has given us" or 2) "let him speak prophecies that agree with the teachings of our faith."
ROM 12 08 m2as figs-explicit 0 If one's gift is giving Here "giving" refers to giving money and other things to people. You can make this meaning explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "If one has the gift of giving money or other goods to people in need" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 12 09 iv5h figs-activepassive 0 Let love be without hypocrisy You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "You must love people sincerely and truly" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 09 eaw7 0 love The word Paul uses here refers to the kind of love that comes from God and focuses on the good of others, even when it does not benefit oneself.
ROM 12 09 mr8i 0 love This is another word that means brotherly love or love for a friend or family member. This is natural human love between friends or relatives.
ROM 12 10 ng86 0 Concerning love of the brothers, be affectionate Here Paul begins a list of nine items, each of the form "Concerning ... be" to tell the believers what kind of people they should be. You may need to translate some of the items as "Concerning ... do." The list continues to [Romans 12:13](../12/13.md).
ROM 12 10 ux2y 0 Concerning love of the brothers "As for how you love your fellow believers"
ROM 12 10 lcg8 figs-activepassive 0 be affectionate You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "show affection" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 10 tj57 0 Concerning honor, respect one another "Honor and respect one another" or "Honor your fellow believers by respecting them"
ROM 12 11 iu2i 0 Concerning diligence, do not be hesitant. Concerning the spirit, be eager. Concerning the Lord, serve him "Do not be lazy in your duty, but be eager to follow the Spirit and to serve the Lord"
ROM 12 12 l3es 0 be patient in suffering "Wait patiently whenever you have troubles"
ROM 12 13 vk5h 0 Share in the needs of the saints This is the last item in the list that began in [Romans 12:9](../12/09.md). "When fellow Christians are in trouble, help them with what they need"
ROM 12 13 exd8 0 Find many ways to show hospitality "Always welcome them into your home when they need a place to stay"
ROM 12 16 hwd1 figs-idiom 0 Be of the same mind toward one another This is an idiom that means to live in unity. Alternate translation: "Agree with one another" or "Live in unity with each other" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
ROM 12 16 ar7y 0 Do not think in proud ways "Do not think that you are more important than others"
ROM 12 16 cc23 0 accept lowly people "welcome people who do not seem important"
ROM 12 16 h469 0 Do not be wise in your own thoughts "Do not think of yourselves as having more wisdom than everyone else"
ROM 12 17 h2tz 0 Repay no one evil for evil "Do not do evil things to someone who has done evil things to you"
ROM 12 17 fzh8 0 Do good things in the sight of all people "Do things that everyone considers to be good"
ROM 12 18 pgt7 0 as far as it depends on you, live at peace with all people "do whatever you can to live in peace with everyone"
ROM 12 19 ew6x figs-metonymy 0 give way to the wrath of God Here "wrath" is a metonym for God's punishment. Alternate translation: "allow God to punish them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 12 19 ns3b figs-activepassive 0 For it is written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For someone has written" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 19 l2i8 figs-parallelism 0 Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay These two phrases mean basically the same thing and emphasize that God will avenge his people. Alternate translation: "I will certainly avenge you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
ROM 12 20 c4ig figs-you 0 your enemy ... feed him ... give him a drink ... if you do this, you will heap All forms of "you" and "your" are addressed as to one person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 12 20 q7dq 0 But if your enemy is hungry ... his head In 12:20 Paul quotes another part of Scripture. Alternate translation: "But the Scripture also says, 'If your enemy is hungry ... his head'"
ROM 12 20 e49j 0 feed him "give him some food"
ROM 12 20 wce6 figs-metaphor 0 heap coals of fire on his head Paul speaks of the blessings that the enemies will receive as if someone were pouring hot coals on their heads. Possible meanings are 1) "make the person who harmed you feel badly about how he has mistreated you" or 2) "give God a reason to judge your enemy more harshly." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 12 21 q761 figs-personification 0 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good Paul describes "evil" as though it were a person. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Do not let those who are evil defeat you, but defeat those who are evil by doing what is good" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 12 21 p7fd figs-you 0 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil These verbs are addressed as to one person and so are singular. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 13 intro l4q7 0 # Romans 13 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>In the first part of this chapter, Paul teaches Christians to obey rulers who govern them. At that time, ungodly Roman rulers governed the land. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/godly]])<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Ungodly rulers<br>When Paul teaches about obeying rulers, some readers will find this difficult to understand, especially in places where rulers persecute the church. Christians must obey their rulers as well as obey God, unless the rulers do not allow Christians to do something God explicitly commands them to do. There are times when a believer must submit to these rulers and suffer at their hands. Christians understand that this world is temporary and they will ultimately be with God forever. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/eternity]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Flesh<br><br>This is a complex issue. "Flesh" is possibly a metaphor for our sinful nature. Paul is not teaching that our physical bodies are sinful. Paul appears to be teaching that as long as Christians are alive ("in the flesh"), we will continue to sin. But our new nature will be fighting against our old nature. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/flesh]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br>## Links:<br><br>* __[Romans 13:01 Notes](./01.md)__<br><br>__[<<](../12/intro.md) | [>>](../14/intro.md)__<br>
ROM 13 01 v5ik 0 Connecting Statement: Paul tells believers how to live under their rulers.
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ROM 13 01 b8nf figs-synecdoche 0 Let every soul be obedient to Here "soul" is a synecdoche for the whole person. "Every Christian should obey" or "Everyone should obey" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 13 01 g1by 0 higher authorities "government officials"
ROM 13 01 emi2 0 for because
ROM 13 01 wii2 0 there is no authority unless it comes from God "all authority comes from God"
ROM 13 01 j3lr figs-activepassive 0 The authorities that exist have been appointed by God You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "And the people who are in authority are there because God put them there" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 13 02 ui8y 0 that authority "that government authority" or "the authority that God placed in power"
ROM 13 02 dsa3 figs-activepassive 0 those who oppose it will receive judgment on themselves You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will judge those who oppose government authority" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 13 03 m3yf 0 For Paul uses this word to begin his explanation of [Romans 13:2](../13/02.md) and to tell about what will result if the government condemns a person.
ROM 13 03 c2xa 0 rulers are not a terror Rulers do not make good people afraid.
ROM 13 03 jt2z 0 to good deeds ... to evil deeds People are identified with their "good deeds" or "evil deeds."
ROM 13 03 z4sq figs-rquestion 0 Do you desire to be unafraid of the one in authority? Paul uses this question to get people to think about what they need to do in order not to be afraid of rulers. Alternate translation: "Let me tell you how you can be unafraid of the ruler." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 13 03 ahl9 0 you will receive his approval The government will say good things about people who do what is good.
ROM 13 04 ink8 figs-litotes 0 he does not carry the sword for no reason You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "he carries the sword for a very good reason" or "he has the power to punish people, and he will punish people" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-litotes]])
ROM 13 04 s3vz figs-metonymy 0 carry the sword Roman governors carried a short sword as a symbol of their authority. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 13 04 au7j figs-metonymy 0 an avenger for wrath Here "wrath" represents the punishment people receive when they do evil deeds. Alternate translation: "a person who punishes people as an expression of the government's anger against evil" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 13 05 q81v 0 not only because of the wrath, but also because of conscience "not only so the government will not punish you, but also so you will have a clear conscience before God"
ROM 13 06 r1jy 0 Because of this "Because the government punishes evildoers"
ROM 13 06 r4b3 figs-you 0 you pay Paul is addressing the believers here, so this is plural. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 13 06 hy4f 0 For authorities "This is why you should pay taxes: authorities"
ROM 13 06 j1jm 0 attend to "administer" or "work on"
ROM 13 07 z9cn figs-you 0 Pay to everyone Paul is addressing the believers here, so this is plural. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 13 07 wg2l figs-ellipsis 0 Tax to whom tax is due, toll to whom toll is due; fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due. The word "Pay" is understood from the previous sentence. Alternate translation: "Pay tax to whom tax is due and toll to whom toll is due. Pay fear to whom fear is due and honor to him to whom honor is due" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 13 07 nwi2 figs-metaphor 0 fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due Here paying fear and honor is a metaphor for fearing and honoring those who deserve to be feared and honored. Alternate translation: "Fear those who deserve to be feared, and honor those who deserved to be honored" or "Respect those whom you ought to respect, and honor those whom you ought to honor" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 07 s2nf 0 toll This is a kind of tax.
ROM 13 08 s8pb 0 Connecting Statement: Paul tells believers how to act toward neighbors.
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ROM 13 08 a69g figs-doublenegatives 0 Owe no one anything, except to love one another This is a double negative. You can translate it in a positive form. Alternate translation: "Pay all you owe to everyone, and love one another" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 13 08 p6cw figs-you 0 Owe This verb is plural and applies to all the Roman Christians. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 13 08 ay3n 0 except to love one another This is the one debt that can remain as shown in the note above.
ROM 13 08 i5au 0 love This refers to the kind of love that comes from God and focuses on the good of others, even when it does not benefit oneself.
ROM 13 09 wad4 0 covet to desire to have or possess something that another person possesses.
ROM 13 10 vy62 figs-personification 0 Love does not harm one's neighbor This phrase portrays love as a person who is being kind to other people. Alternate translation: "People who love their neighbors do not harm them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 13 11 b6l3 figs-metaphor 0 you know the time, that it is already time for you to awake out of sleep Paul speaks of the need for the Roman believers to change their behavior as if they needed to wake up from being asleep. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 12 ahn4 figs-metaphor 0 The night has advanced Paul speaks of the time when people do evil deeds as night. Alternate translation: "The sinful time is almost over" or "It is as though the night is almost finished" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 12 p7xp figs-metaphor 0 the day has come near Paul speaks of the time when people do what is right as the day. Alternate translation: "the time of righteousness will begin soon" or "it is as though it will soon be day" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 12 bb8t figs-metaphor 0 Let us therefore put aside the works of darkness Paul speaks of of "works of darkness" as if they are clothing that a person puts aside. Here to "put aside" means to stop doing something. Here "darkness" is a metaphor for evil. Alternate translation: "Let us therefore stop doing the evil things that people do in the dark" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 12 y5n4 figs-metaphor 0 let us put on the armor of light Here "light" is a metaphor for what is good and right. Paul speaks of doing what is right as if it were putting on armor to protect one's self. Alternate translation: "let us start doing what is right. Doing this will protect us from what is evil like armor protects a solider" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 13 gv4q figs-inclusive 0 Let us Paul includes his readers and other believers with himself. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 13 13 e6ij figs-metaphor 0 Let us walk appropriately, as in the day Paul speaks of living as true believers as if one were walking while it is day. Alternate translation: "Let us walk in a visible way knowing that everyone can see us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 13 qes3 figs-doublet 0 in sexual immorality or in uncontrolled lust These concepts mean basically the same thing. You can combine them in your translation. Alternate translation: "sexually immoral acts" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 13 13 h6xl 0 strife This refers to plotting against and arguing with other people.
ROM 13 13 g117 0 jealousy This refers to negative feelings against another person's success or advantage over others.
ROM 13 14 sir6 figs-metaphor 0 put on the Lord Jesus Christ Paul speaks of accepting the moral nature of Christ as if he were our outer clothing that people can see. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 13 14 j795 0 put on If your language has a plural form for commands, use it here.
ROM 13 14 xre7 figs-metonymy 0 make no provision for the flesh Here the "flesh" refers to the self-directed nature of people who oppose God. This is the sinful nature of human beings. Alternate translation: "do not allow your old evil heart any opportunity at all for doing wicked things" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 14 intro kt8c 0 # Romans 14 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verse 11 of this chapter, which Paul quotes from the Old Testament.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Weak in faith<br><br>Paul teaches that Christians can have real faith and at the same time be "weak in faith" in a given situation. This describes Christians whose faith is immature, not strong, or misunderstood. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>##### Dietary restrictions<br><br>Many religions in the ancient Near East restricted what was eaten. Christians have freedom to eat what they want. But they need to use this freedom wisely, in a way that honors the Lord and does not cause others to sin. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>##### The judgment seat of God<br><br>The judgment seat of God or Christ represents a time when all people, including Christians, will be held accountable for the way they lived their lives.<br>
ROM 14 01 abm6 0 Connecting Statement: Paul encourages believers to remember that they are answerable to God.
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ROM 14 01 jf8v 0 weak in faith This refers to those who felt guilty over eating and drinking certain things.
ROM 14 01 p697 0 without giving judgment about arguments "and do not condemn them for their opinions"
ROM 14 02 ii8g 0 One person has faith to eat anything Here "faith" refers to doing what a person believes God is telling him to do.
ROM 14 02 n2n6 0 another who is weak eats only vegetables This describes a person who believes God does not want him to eat meat.
ROM 14 04 q9bx figs-rquestion 0 Who are you, you who judge a servant belonging to someone else? Paul is using a question to scold those who are judging others. You can translate this as a statement. Alternate translation: "You are not God, and you are not allowed to judge one of his servants!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
ROM 14 04 xq7r figs-you 0 you, you The form of "you" here is singular. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 14 04 ba38 figs-metaphor 0 It is before his own master that he stands or falls Paul speaks of God as if he were a master who owned servants. Alternate translation: "Only the master can decide if he will accept the servant or not" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 14 04 cp9y figs-metaphor 0 But he will be made to stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand Paul speaks of the servant who is acceptable to God as if he were being "made to stand" instead of falling. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "But the Lord will accept him because he is able to make the servant acceptable" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 14 05 x7j2 0 One person values one day above another. Another values every day equally "One person thinks one day is more important than all the others, but another person thinks that all days are the same"
ROM 14 05 m511 figs-explicit 0 Let each person be convinced in his own mind You can make the full meaning explicit. You can also translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Let each person be sure what he is doing is to honor the Lord" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 06 pfn6 figs-explicit 0 He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord Here "observes" refers to worshiping. Alternate translation: "The person who worships on a certain day does it to honor the Lord" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 06 esu5 figs-ellipsis 0 he who eats The word "everything" is understood from [Romans 14:3](../14/03.md). It can be repeatd here. Alternate translation: "the person who eats every kind of food" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 14 06 f9tm 0 eats for the Lord "eats to honor the Lord" or "eats that way in order to honor the Lord"
ROM 14 06 jh8j figs-ellipsis 0 He who does not eat The word "everything" is understood from [Romans 14:3](../14/03.md). It can be repeatd here. Alternate translation: "He who does not eat everything" or "The person who does not eat certain kinds of food" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 14 07 txm3 figs-explicit 0 For none of us lives for himself Here "lives for himself" means to live only to please oneself. Alternate translation: "None of us should live merely to please ourselves" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 07 u9ar figs-inclusive 0 none of us Paul is including his readers, so this is inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 14 07 c9ls figs-explicit 0 none dies for himself This means one's death affects other people. Alternate translation: "none of us should think that when we die, it affects only us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 08 s3lb figs-inclusive 0 General Information: Paul is speaking of both himself and his readers, so all instances of "we" are inclusive. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 14 10 db9a figs-you 0 why do you judge your brother? And you, why do you despise your brother? By using these questions, Paul is demonstrating how he might need to scold individuals among his readers. Alternate translation: "it is wrong for you to judge your brother, and it is wrong for you to despise your brother!" or "stop judging and despising your brother!" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 14 10 al55 0 brother Here this means a fellow Christian, male or female.
ROM 14 10 jq85 figs-metonymy 0 For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God The "judgment seat" refers to God's authority to judge. Alternate translation: "For God will judge us all" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 14 11 fel6 figs-activepassive 0 For it is written, "As You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For someone has written in the Scriptures: 'As" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 14 11 tf76 figs-explicit 0 As I live This phrase is used to start an oath or solemn promise. Alternate translation: "You can be certain that this is true" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 11 sb6q figs-synecdoche 0 to me every knee will bend, and every tongue will confess to God Paul uses the words "knee" and "tongue" to refer to the whole person. Also, the Lord uses the word "God" to refer to himself. Alternate translation: "every person will bow and give praise to me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
ROM 14 12 nsy8 0 will give an account of himself to God "will have to explain our actions to God"
ROM 14 13 ia62 figs-doublet 0 but instead decide this, that no one will place a stumbling block or a snare for his brother Here "stumbling block" and "snare" mean basically the same thing. Alternate translation: "but instead make it your goal not to do or say anything that might cause a fellow believer to sin" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 14 13 cx4s 0 brother Here this means a fellow Christian, male or female.
ROM 14 14 t7gc figs-doublet 0 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus Here the words "know" and "am persuaded" mean basically the same thing; Paul uses them to emphasize his certainty. Alternate translation: "I am certain because of my relationship with the Lord Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 14 14 fuk1 figs-doublenegatives 0 nothing is unclean by itself You can translate this in a positive form. Alternate translation: "everything by itself is clean" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
ROM 14 14 mjc5 0 by itself "by its nature" or "because of what it is"
ROM 14 14 w3gg figs-explicit 0 Only for him who considers anything to be unclean, for him it is unclean Paul implies here that a person should stay away from anything that he thinks is unclean. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "But if a person thinks something is unclean, then for that person it is unclean and he should stay away from it" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 15 iw7w 0 If because of food your brother is hurt "If you hurt your fellow believer's faith over the matter of food." Here the word "your" refers to those who are strong in faith and "brother" refers to those who are weak in faith.
ROM 14 15 ln42 0 brother Here this means a fellow Christian, male or female.
ROM 14 15 bj8v figs-metaphor 0 you are no longer walking in love Paul speaks of the behavior of believers as if it were a walk. Alternate translation: "then you are no longer showing love" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 14 16 gl48 0 So do not allow what you consider to be good to be spoken of as evil "If someone thinks that something is evil, do not do it, even if you consider it to be good"
ROM 14 17 j92k figs-explicit 0 For the kingdom of God is not about food and drink, but about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit Paul argues that God set up his kingdom so he could give us a right relationship with himself, and to provide peace and joy. Alternate translation: "For God did not set up his kingdom so that he could rule over what we eat and drink. He set up his kingdom so we could have a right relationship with him, and so he could give us peace and joy" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 18 am8m figs-activepassive 0 approved by people You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "people will approve of him" or "people will respect him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 14 19 i3rv figs-explicit 0 let us pursue the things of peace and the things that build up one another Here "build up one another" refers to helping each other grow in faith. Alternate translation: "let us seek to live peacefully together and help one another grow stronger in faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 20 p65h figs-explicit 0 Do not destroy the work of God because of food You can make explicit the full meaning of this sentence. Alternate translation: "Do not undo what God has done for a fellow believer just because you want to eat a certain kind of food" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 20 dk72 figs-explicit 0 but it is evil for that person who eats and causes him to stumble Here anything that "causes him to stumble" means it causes a weaker brother to do something that is against his conscience. Alternate translation: "but it would be a sin for someone to eat food, which another brother thinks is wrong to eat, if by eating this causes the weaker brother to do something that is against his conscience" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 21 mrr4 0 It is good not to eat meat, nor to drink wine, nor anything by which your brother takes offense "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else that might cause your brother to sin"
ROM 14 21 iq9g 0 brother Here this means a fellow Christian, male or female.
ROM 14 21 e1du 0 your This refers to the strong in faith and "brother" refers to the weak in faith.
ROM 14 22 hjk9 0 The faith you have This refers back to the beliefs about food and drink.
ROM 14 22 b3hi figs-you 0 you ... yourself singular. Because Paul is addressing the believers, you may have to translate this using plural. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
ROM 14 22 r53r 0 Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves "Blessed are those who do not feel guilty for what they decide to do"
ROM 14 23 s1ph figs-activepassive 0 He who doubts is condemned if he eats You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "God will say that the person does wrong if he is not sure if it is right to eat a certain food, but he eats it anyway" or "The person who is not sure if it is right to eat a certain food, but then eats it anyway will have a troubled conscience" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 14 23 yr44 figs-explicit 0 because it is not from faith Anything that is "not from faith" is something that God does not want you to do. You can make explicit the full meaning here. Alternate translation: "God will say that he is wrong because he is eating something he believes God does not want him to eat" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 14 23 tr9i figs-explicit 0 whatever is not from faith is sin Anything that is "not from faith" is something that God does not want you to do. You can make explicit the full meaning here. Alternate translation: "you are sinning if you do something that you do not believe God wants you to do" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 intro ae9u 0 # Romans 15 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 9-11 and 21 of this chapter, which are words from the Old Testament.<br><br>Some translations set prose quotations from the Old Testament farther to the right on the page to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the quoted words in verse 12.<br><br>In [Romans 15:14](../../rom/15/14.md), Paul begins to speak more personally. He shifts from teaching to telling of his personal plans.<br><br>#### Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>##### Strong/Weak<br>These terms are used to refer to people who are mature and immature in their faith. Paul teaches that those who are strong in faith need to help those who are weak in faith. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br>
ROM 15 01 cx66 0 Connecting Statement: Paul concludes this section about believers' living for others with reminding them how Christ lived.
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ROM 15 01 u19s 0 Now Translate this using the words your language uses to introduce a new idea into an argument.
ROM 15 01 u73x figs-explicit 0 we who are strong Here "strong" refers to the people who are strong in their faith. They believe that God allows them to eat any kind of food. Alternate translation: "we who are strong in faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 01 dx9d figs-inclusive 0 we This refers to Paul, his readers, and other believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 15 01 cv61 figs-explicit 0 the weak Here "the weak" refers to the people who are weak in their faith. They believe that God does not allow them to eat some kinds of food. Alternate translation: "those who are weak in faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 02 z2k8 figs-explicit 0 to build him up By this, Paul means to strengthen someone's faith. Alternate translation: "to strengthen his faith" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 03 bcz1 figs-explicit 0 it was just as it is written Here Paul refers to a scripture where Christ (the Messiah) speaks to God. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "the Messiah said to God in the scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 03 qni7 0 The insults of those who insulted you fell on me The insults of those who insulted God fell on Christ.
ROM 15 04 txd4 figs-activepassive 0 For whatever was previously written was written for our instruction You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "For in times past, the prophets wrote everything in the Scriptures to teach us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 04 m7yy figs-inclusive 0 our ... we Paul includes his readers and other believers. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 15 04 g6r1 figs-explicit 0 in order that through patience and through encouragement of the scriptures we would have certain hope Here "have confidence" means that the believers will know that God will fulfill his promises. You can make explicit the full meaning in your translation. Alternate translation: "In this way the scriptures will encourage us to expect that God will do for us everything that he has promised" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 05 u2zm 0 Connecting Statement: Paul encourages the believers to remember that both Gentile believers and Jews that believe are made one in Christ.
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ROM 15 05 g5xm 0 may ... God ... grant "I pray that ... God ... will grant"
ROM 15 05 ws7q figs-metonymy 0 to be of the same mind with each other Here to be of the "same mind" is a metonym that means to be in agreement with each other. Alternate translation: "to be in agreement with each other" or "to be united" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 15 06 uz1z figs-metonymy 0 praise with one mouth This means to be united in praising God. Alternate translation: "praise God together in unity as if only one mouth were speaking" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 15 07 z941 0 receive one another "accept one another""
ROM 15 08 gbh8 0 For I say The word "I" refers to Paul.
ROM 15 08 k4my figs-metonymy 0 Christ has been made a servant of the circumcision Here "the circumcision" is a metonym that refers to the Jews. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "Jesus Christ has become a servant of the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 08 me1e 0 in order to confirm the promises This is one of the two purposes for which Christ became a servant of the circumcision.
ROM 15 08 gu7z figs-explicit 0 the promises given to the fathers Here "the fathers" refers to the ancestors of the Jewish people. You can translate this in active form. Alternate translation: "the promises that God gave to the ancestors of the Jews" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 09 k5q7 0 and for the Gentiles to glorify God for his mercy This is the second reason for which Christ became a servant of the circumcision. Alternate translation: "and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy"
ROM 15 09 xgc4 figs-activepassive 0 As it is written You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "as someone has written in the Scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 09 em5q figs-metonymy 0 sing praise to your name Here "your name" is a metonym that refers to God. Alternate translation: "sing praise to you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 15 10 yvy9 0 Again it says "Again the scripture says"
ROM 15 10 x4kg figs-explicit 0 with his people This refers to God's people. You can make this explicit in your translation. Alternate translation: "with the people of God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 11 xw7t 0 praise him "praise the Lord"
ROM 15 12 fta5 figs-metonymy 0 root of Jesse Jesse was the physical father of King David. Alternate translation: "descendant of Jesse" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 15 12 i4nn figs-explicit 0 in him the Gentiles will have hope Here "him" refers to the descendant of Jesse, the Messiah. Those who are not Jews will also trust him to fulfill his promises. Alternate translation: "The people who are not Jews can trust him to do what he has promised" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 13 w7wn figs-hyperbole 0 fill you with all joy and peace Paul exaggerates here to emphasize his point. Alternate translation: "fill you with great joy and peace" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 15 14 h98x 0 Connecting Statement: Paul reminds the believers in Rome that God chose him to reach the Gentiles.
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ROM 15 14 qfs6 figs-explicit 0 I myself am also convinced about you, my brothers Paul is quite sure that the believers in Rome are honoring each other in their behavior. Alternate translation: "I myself am completely sure that you yourselves have acted toward others in a completely good way" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 14 d878 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 15 14 qhv3 figs-hyperbole 0 filled with all knowledge Paul exaggerates here to emphasize his point. Alternate translation: "filled with sufficient knowledge to follow God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 15 14 ge2l figs-explicit 0 also able to exhort one another Here "exhort" means to teach. Alternate translation: "also able to teach each other" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 15 n2gr figs-activepassive 0 the grace given me by God Paul speaks of grace as if it were a physical gift that God had given him. God had appointed Paul and apostle even though he had persecuted believers before he decided to follow Jesus. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "the grace that God gave me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 16 wiw1 figs-metaphor 0 the offering of the Gentiles might become acceptable Paul speaks of his preaching the gospel as if he, as a priest, were making an offering to God. Alternate translation: "the Gentiles might please God when they obey him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 15 18 by9s 0 for the obedience of the Gentiles "so that the Gentiles will obey God"
ROM 15 18 xds3 figs-activepassive 0 These are things done by word and action This can be translated in active form: Alternative translation: Alternate translation: "These are things that Christ has accomplished through what I have said and done" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 19 lu97 figs-doublenegatives 0 by the power of signs and wonders, and by the power of the Holy Spirit You can translate this double negative in a positive form. Here "these are things" refers to what Christ has accomplished through Paul. Alternate translation: "For the sake of the obedience of the Gentiles, I will only speak of what Christ has accomplished through me in my words and actions and by the power of signs and wonders through the power of the Holy Spirit" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 19 g8bk figs-doublet 0 signs and wonders These two words mean basically the same thing and refer to various kinds of miracles. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 15 19 c8ff 0 so that from Jerusalem, and round about as far as Illyricum This is from the city of Jerusalem as far as the province of Illyricum, a region close to Italy.
ROM 15 20 x9xm figs-explicit 0 In this way, my desire has been to proclaim the gospel, but not where Christ is known by name Paul only wants to preach to people who have never heard of Christ. Alternate translation: "Because of this, I want to preach the good news in places where people have never heard of Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 20 kt3r figs-metaphor 0 in order that I might not build upon another man's foundation Paul speaks of his ministry work as if he were building a house on a foundation. Alternate translation: "in order that I might not be simply continuing the work that someone else already started. I do not want to be like a man who builds a house on someone else's foundation" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 15 21 rb5r figs-activepassive 0 It is as it is written Here Paul refers to what Isaiah wrote in the scriptures. You can translate this in an active form and make the meaning explicit. Alternate translation: "What is happening is like what Isaiah wrote in the scriptures" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 21 u8d6 figs-personification 0 Those to whom no tidings of him came Here Paul speaks of the "tidings" or message about Christ as if it were alive and able to move by itself. Alternate translation: "Those whom no one had told the news about him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 15 22 f1fq 0 Connecting Statement: Paul tells the believers in Rome about his personal plans to visit them and asks the believers to pray.
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ROM 15 22 ex5j figs-activepassive 0 I was also hindered You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "they also hindered me" or "people also hindered me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 23 b6kl figs-explicit 0 I no longer have any place in these regions Paul implies that there are no more places in these areas where people live who have not heard about Christ. Alternate translation: "there are no more places in these regions where people have not heard about Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 24 si59 translate-names 0 Spain This is a roman province west of Rome that Paul desired to visit. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 15 24 c6wq 0 in passing "as I pass through Rome" or "while I am on my way"
ROM 15 24 vya3 figs-explicit 0 and to be helped by you along my journey Here Paul implies that he wants the Roman believers to provide some financial assistance to him for his journey to Spain. Alternate translation: "that you will help me on my journey" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 24 wg6d 0 have enjoyed your company "have enjoyed spending some time with you" or "have enjoyed visiting you"
ROM 15 26 vn1r figs-synecdoche 0 it was the good pleasure of Macedonia and Achaia Here the words "Macedonia" and "Achaia" are synecdoches for the people who live in those areas. Alternate translation: "the believers in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia were happy" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
ROM 15 27 w5ap 0 Yes, it was their good pleasure "The believers in Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to do it"
ROM 15 27 tfz1 0 indeed, they are their debtors "indeed the people of Macedonia and Achaia are in debt to the believers in Jerusalem"
ROM 15 27 en7l 0 if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things, they owe it to them also to serve them "since the Gentiles have shared in the spiritual things of the Jerusalem believers, the Gentiles owe service to the Jerusalem believers"
ROM 15 28 zz8u figs-metaphor 0 made sure that they have received what was collected Paul speaks of the money he is taking to Jerusalem as if it were a fruit that was collected for them. Alternate translation: "and have safely delivered this offering to them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 15 29 ylq8 figs-explicit 0 I know that when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ This phrase means that Christ will bless Paul and the Roman believers. Alternate translation: "And I know that when I visit you, Christ will abundantly bless us" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 30 w1ta 0 Now If your language has a way to show that Paul has stopped talking about the good things he is confident of ([Romans 15:29](../15/29.md)) and is now starting to talk about the dangers he faces, use it here.
ROM 15 30 yb7m 0 I urge you "I encourage you"
ROM 15 30 v9iy 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 15 30 fy1v 0 you strive "you work hard" or "you struggle"
ROM 15 31 u7st figs-activepassive 0 I may be rescued from those who are disobedient This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "God may rescue me from those who are disobedient" or "God may keep those who are disobedient from harming me" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 15 31 nw5h figs-explicit 0 that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the believers Here Paul expresses his desire that the believers in Jerusalem will gladly accept the money from the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. Alternate translation: "pray that the believers in Jerusalem will be glad to receive the money that I am bringing them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 15 33 s947 figs-explicit 0 May the God of peace The "God of peace" means the God who causes believers to have inner peace. Alternate translation: "I pray that God who causes all of us to have inner peace" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 intro qy96 0 # Romans 16 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>In this chapter, Paul gives personal greetings to some of the Christians in Rome. It was common to end a letter in the ancient Near East with this type of personal greeting.<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>Because of the personal nature of this chapter, much of the context is unknown. This will make translation more difficult. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br>
ROM 16 01 sg6a 0 Connecting Statement: Paul then greets many of the believers in Rome by name.
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ROM 16 01 vkg8 0 I commend to you Phoebe "I want you to respect Phoebe"
ROM 16 01 sry4 translate-names 0 Phoebe This is a woman's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 01 q86q figs-inclusive 0 our sister The word "our" refers to Paul and all believers. Alternate translation: "our sister in Christ" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
ROM 16 01 q669 translate-names 0 Cenchrea This was a seaport city in Greece. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 02 cwx1 figs-explicit 0 receive her in the Lord Paul encourages the Roman believers to welcome Phoebe as a fellow believer. Alternate translation: "welcome her because we all belong to the Lord" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 02 yic3 0 in a manner worthy of the saints "in the way that believers should welcome other believers"
ROM 16 02 qp4w figs-euphemism 0 stand by her Paul encourages the Roman believers to give to Phoebe anything she needs. Alternate translation: "help her by giving her whatever she needs" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
ROM 16 02 inh1 0 has become a helper of many, and of myself as well "has helped many people, and she has also helped me"
ROM 16 03 c5lg translate-names 0 Priscilla and Aquila Priscilla was the wife of Aquila. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 03 fsk1 figs-explicit 0 my fellow workers in Christ Jesus Paul's "fellow workers" are people who also tell others about Jesus. Alternate translation: "who work with me to tell people about Christ Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 05 i32d 0 Greet the church that is in their house "Greet the believers who meet in their house to worship"
ROM 16 05 bn9z translate-names 0 Epaenetus This is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 05 d1f1 figs-metaphor 0 firstfruit of Asia to Christ Paul speaks of Epaenetus as if he were a fruit that he harvested. Alternate translation: "first person in Asia to believe in Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 06 ew2z translate-names 0 Mary This is a woman's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 07 tzk4 translate-names 0 Andronicus This is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 07 z9uk translate-names 0 Junias This could be either 1) Junia, a woman's name, or, much less likely, 2) Junias, a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 07 gce3 figs-activepassive 0 They are prominent among the apostles You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "The apostles know them very well" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 16 08 h976 translate-names 0 Ampliatus This is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 08 alh2 0 my beloved in the Lord "my dear friend and fellow believer"
ROM 16 09 bd5l translate-names 0 Urbanus ... Stachys These are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 10 k55t translate-names 0 Apelles ... Aristobulus These are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 10 q96n 0 the approved in Christ The word "approved" refers to someone who has been tested and proved to be genuine. Alternate translation: "whom Christ has approved"
ROM 16 11 gt6r translate-names 0 Herodion ... Narcissus These are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 11 ket9 figs-explicit 0 who are in the Lord This refers to those who trust in Jesus. Alternate translation: "who are believers" or "who belong to the Lord" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 12 sq9n translate-names 0 Tryphaena ... Tryphosa ... Persis These are women's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 13 zmf4 translate-names 0 Rufus This is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 13 zy3x figs-activepassive 0 chosen in the Lord You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "whom the Lord has chosen" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 16 13 hqf6 figs-metaphor 0 his mother and mine Paul speaks of the mother of Rufus as if she were his own mother. Alternate translation: "his mother, whom I also think of as my mother" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 14 dwh9 translate-names 0 Asyncritus ... Phlegon ... Hermes ... Patrobas ... Hermas These are men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 14 ck2w 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 16 15 ye9j translate-names 0 Philologus ... Nereus ... Olympas These are men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 15 n2rx translate-names 0 Julia The name of a woman. Julia was probably the wife of Philologus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
ROM 16 16 g2z1 0 a holy kiss an expression of affection for fellow believers
ROM 16 16 t1q4 figs-hyperbole 0 All the churches of Christ greet you Here Paul speaks in a general manner concerning the churches of Christ. Alternate translation: "The believers in all the churches in this area send their greetings to you" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
ROM 16 17 u1m9 0 Connecting Statement: Paul gives one last warning to the believers about unity and living for God.
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ROM 16 17 wx6r 0 brothers Here this means fellow Christians, including both men and women.
ROM 16 17 ztv5 0 to think about "to watch out for"
ROM 16 17 n59l figs-explicit 0 who are causing the divisions and stumbling This refers to those who argue and cause others to stop trusting in Jesus. Alternate translation: "who are causing believers to argue with one another and to stop having faith in God" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 17 j9x7 0 They are going beyond the teaching that you have learned "They teach things that do not agree with the truth you have already learned"
ROM 16 17 b318 figs-metaphor 0 Turn away from them "Turn away" here is an metaphor for "refuse to listen." Alternate translation: "Do not listen to them" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 18 ea6h figs-ellipsis 0 but their own stomach The words "they serve" are understood from the previous phrase. This can be expressed as a separate sentence. Alternate translation: "Rather, they serve their own stomach" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
ROM 16 18 nxn4 figs-metonymy 0 but their own stomach Here "stomach" is a metonym that refers to physical desires. Serving there stomach represents satisfying their desires. Alternate translation: "but they only want to satisfy their own selfish desires" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 18 eif6 figs-doublet 0 By their smooth and flattering speech The words "smooth" and "flattering" mean basically the same thing. Paul is emphasizing how these people are deceiving believers. Alternate translation: "By saying things that seem to be good and true" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
ROM 16 18 c2je figs-metonymy 0 they deceive the hearts of the innocent Here "hearts" is a metonym for a person's mind or inner being. Alternate translation: "they deceive the innocent believers" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
ROM 16 18 m9h5 0 innocent This refers to those who are simple, inexperienced, and naive. Alternate translation: "those who innocently trust them" or "those who do not know these teachers are fooling them"
ROM 16 19 imc7 figs-personification 0 For your example of obedience reaches everyone Here Paul speaks of the Roman believers' obedience as if it were a person who could go to people. Alternate translation: "For everyone has heard how you obey Jesus" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
ROM 16 19 le5l 0 innocent to that which is evil "not involved in doing evil things"
ROM 16 20 s3cq figs-metaphor 0 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet The phrase "crush under your feet" refers to complete victory over an enemy. Here Paul speaks of the victory over Satan as if the Roman believers were trampling an enemy under their feet. Alternate translation: "Soon God will give you peace and complete victory over Satan" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 21 z4g3 0 Connecting Statement: Paul gives greetings from the believers who are with him.
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ROM 16 21 ku15 translate-names 0 Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater These are men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 22 xu3q translate-names 0 Tertius, who write this epistle down Tertius is the man who wrote down what Paul spoke. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 22 nx4g 0 greet you in the Lord "greet you as a fellow believer"
ROM 16 23 sw7r translate-names 0 Gaius ... Erastus ... Quartus These are men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
ROM 16 23 j9u7 0 the host This refers to Gaius, the person in whose house Paul and his fellow believers gathered for worship.
ROM 16 23 m5hg 0 the treasurer This is a person who takes care of the money for a group.
ROM 16 25 psm3 0 Connecting Statement: Paul closes with a prayer of blessing.
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ROM 16 25 v71l 0 Now Here the word "now" marks the closing section of the letter. If you have a way of doing this in your language, you can use it here.
ROM 16 25 pp5k figs-metaphor 0 to make you stand Paul speaks here of having strong faith as if a person were standing, instead of falling. Alternate translation: "to make your faith strong" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
ROM 16 25 kmw1 0 according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ "by the good news that I have preached about Jesus Christ"
ROM 16 25 s5ky figs-metaphor 0 according to the revelation of the mystery that had been kept secret for long ages Paul says that God has revealed previously hidden truths to the believers. He speaks of these truths as if they were a secret. You can translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "because God has revealed to us believers the secret that he was keeping for a long time" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 16 26 d7r5 figs-doublet 0 but now has been revealed and made known through the prophetic writings to all nations, by the command of the eternal God The verbs "revealed" and "made known" mean basically the same thing. Paul uses both of them to emphasize his point. You can combine these words and translate this in an active form. Alternate translation: "but now the eternal God has made it known to all the nations through the prophetic writings" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
ROM 16 26 lc6d figs-abstractnouns 0 to bring about the obedience of faith Here "obedience" and "faith" are abstract nouns. You can use the verbs "obey" and "trust" in your translation. You may need to make explicit who will obey and trust. Alternate translation: "so that all nations will obey God because they trust in him" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
ROM 16 27 qmj7 figs-explicit 0 To the only wise God ... be glory forever. Amen Here "through Jesus Christ" refers to what Jesus did. To give "glory" means to praise God. Alternate translation: "Because of what Jesus Christ has done for us, we will praise forever the one who alone is God and who alone is wise. Amen" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])