
58 KiB
Raw Blame History

21:2kowpWho were the “eyewitnesses” that Luke mentions?The “eyewitnesses” were the ones who were with the apostles from the beginning of Jesus ministry.
31:2gjx5What did some of the eyewitnesses do after they saw what Jesus did?They wrote down an account or story of what Jesus did.
41:4b5g8Why did Luke decide to write his own account of what Jesus said and did?He wanted Theophilus to know the certainty concerning the things he had been taught.
51:6ykneWhy did God consider Zechariah and Elizabeth to be righteous?God considered them to be righteous because they walked blamelessly in his commandments.
61:7lyssWhy did Zechariah and Elizabeth have no children?They did not have children because Elizabeth was unable to bear a child. Now she and Zechariah were very old.
71:8ndy2What work was Zechariah doing before God?Zechariah was serving as a priest.
81:9am5dWhat did Zechariah do in the temple?He burned incense to God.
91:10i1ypWhat did the people do while Zechariah was in the temple?The people stayed outside the temple and were praying.
101:11aeenWho appeared to Zechariah while he was in the temple?An angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah in the temple.
111:12x8vwHow did Zechariah act when he saw the angel?When Zechariah saw the angel, he was troubled and became very afraid.
121:13di28What did the angel say to Zechariah?The angel told Zechariah not to be afraid and that his wife Elizabeth would have a son. His sons name would be John.
131:16uvx1What did the angel say John would do for the sons of Israel?The angel said John would turn the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God.
141:17itoeWhat kind of people would John's deeds make ready?John's deeds would make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
151:19nsxzWhat was the angels name and where did he normally stay?The angels name was Gabriel and he normally stood in the presence of God.
161:20go3kWhat did the angel say would happen to Zechariah because he did not believe the angels words?Zechariah would not be able to speak until the child was born.
171:27sls7Sixth months after Elizabeths conception, who was Gabriel sent by God to see?He was sent to a virgin named Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, a descendant of David.
181:31mv8jWhat did the angel say would happen to Mary?The angel said that Mary would become pregnant and bear a son, whom she would call Jesus.
191:33c31eWhat would the child do?The child would reign over the descendants of Jacob forever, and there would be no end to his kingdom.
201:35gpscHow did the angel say this would happen since Mary was a virgin?The angel said that the Holy Spirit would come upon Mary and the power of the Most High would overshadow her.
211:35jxtbThe angel said that this holy child would be whose son?The angel said that the child would be called the Son of God.
221:37muvoWhat did the angel say is not impossible for God?Every word is not impossible for God.
231:41ln0xWhen Mary greeted Elizabeth, what did Elizabeths baby do?The baby leaped in her womb for joy.
241:42nyxbWho did Elizabeth say was blessed?Elizabeth said that Mary and her baby were blessed.
251:54bf4dWhy did God help his servant Israel?God remembered his mercy.
261:59so1wOn the day of circumcision, what would they normally have named Elizabeths son?Normally, they would name him Zechariah, after his father.
271:63oplsWhat did Zechariah write when asked what the name of the child should be?Zechariah wrote “His name is John.”
281:64yzdkWhat happened to Zechariah immediately after he wrote the childs name?Immediately after he wrote the childs name, Zechariah spoke and praised God.
291:66hn4hBecause of all these events, what did everyone realize about the child?They realized that the hand of the Lord was with him.
301:68hv8vWhat had God now accomplished that caused Zechariah to praise God?God had now accomplished redemption for his people.
311:77der1What was it Zechariah prophesied that his child John would help the people to know?John would help the people know how they could be saved through the forgiveness of their sins.
321:80jswcWhere did John grow up and live until he began to appear publicly?John grew up and lived in the wilderness.
332:3fd0vWhere did the people go to be registered for the census?The people went to their own town to be registered.
342:4o7h3Why did Joseph go to Bethlehem with Mary to be registered there?Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem because Joseph was a descendant of David.
352:7bzmxWhen Mary gave birth to her son, where did she place him?When the child was born, Mary placed him in a manger.
362:8euifWhat were the shepherds doing that night?They were staying in the open and keeping watch over their flocks.
372:9e8spHow did the shepherds react when they saw the angel?The shepherds were very afraid.
382:11vzkfWhat good news did the angel give to the shepherds?The angel told the shepherds that the Savior had been born, the one who is Christ the Lord.
392:15kpyaWhat did the shepherds decide to do after the angels left them?The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem to see the child that had been born.
402:16lk05What did the shepherds find in Bethlehem?The shepherds found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
412:21kk9xWhen was Jesus circumcised?Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth.
422:22rp5dWhy did Joseph and Mary bring the baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem?They brought him to the temple to present him to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice that was commanded in the Law of Moses.
432:26eh4jWhat did the Holy Spirit reveal to Simeon?The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he saw the Lords Christ.
442:32ssncWhat did Simeon say would happen to Mary because she was Jesus' mother?Simeon said that Jesus would be a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to Gods people, Israel.
452:35t21pWhat did Simeon say would happen to Mary as a result of Jesus?Simeon said that a sword would pierce her own soul.
462:38c215What did the prophetess Anna do when she came up to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus?Anna began to thank God and to talk about the child to everyone.
472:40spq8What happened to the child Jesus after he returned to Nazareth?Jesus grew and became strong, increasing in wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
482:44twwkWhy did Jesus parents not realize he had stayed behind in Jerusalem during the Festival of the Passover?They did not realize because they assumed that he was in the group that was traveling with them.
492:46umuqWhere did his parents find Jesus and what was he doing?His parents found him in the temple, sitting in the middle of the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions.
502:49cp88What did Jesus answer when Mary said to him that they had been anxiously searching for him?“Did you not know I must be in my Fathers house?”
512:51n2awWhat was Jesus attitude toward his parents when they returned to Nazareth?He was subjected to them.
522:52zo9zAs Jesus grew up, what kind of young man was he?He grew in wisdom and stature, and increased in favor with God and people.
533:3ccc7What message did John preach throughout the region around the Jordan River?John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
543:4ep3tFor whom did John say he was making ready the way?John said he was making ready the way of the Lord.
553:8hnfbWhat did John tell the people to do instead of trusting in the fact that Abraham was their father?John told them to produce fruits that come from repentance.
563:9az6sWhat did John say happens to the tree that does not produce good fruit?John said that it is chopped down and thrown into the fire.
573:13r6m1What did John tell the tax collectors they must do to show true repentance?John said that they must not collect more money than they were ordered to collect.
583:16nu5nJohn told the people that he baptized with water. With what did he say that someone was coming would baptize?John said someone was coming who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
593:19qu43Why did John rebuke Herod?John rebuked Herod because Herod had married his own brothers wife and had done many other evil things.
603:20cblfWho put John into prison?Herod put John into prison.
613:21t9leWhat happened right away after John baptized Jesus?After John baptized Jesus, the heavens opened up.
623:22pptoWho came down from heaven after John baptized Jesus?The Holy Spirit came down on Jesus like a dove.
633:22izpaWhat did the voice from heaven say?The voice from heaven said, “You are my beloved son. I am very pleased with you”.
643:23ndmrAbout how old was Jesus when he began to teach?Jesus was about 30 years old when he began to teach.
654:1ti9cWho led Jesus into the wilderness?The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness.
664:2qzuaHow long did the devil tempt Jesus in the wilderness?The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days.
674:3jpbnWhat did the devil challenge Jesus to do with the stones on the ground?The devil told Jesus to turn the stones into bread.
684:4ojkzWhat was Jesus response to the devil?Jesus said that it was written that man shall not live on bread alone.
694:5oi56What did the devil show to Jesus from a high place?The devil showed Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world.
704:7t1axWhat did the devil want Jesus to do?The devil wanted Jesus to bow down before him.
714:8j69zWhat was Jesus response to the devil?Jesus said that it was written that you must worship the Lord your God, and you must serve him only.
724:9plz7What did the devil tell Jesus to do when he took him to the highest point of the temple?He told Jesus to jump down from there.
734:12jttfWhat was Jesus response to the devil?Jesus said that it was written that you must not test the Lord your God.
744:13auprWhat did the devil do after Jesus refused to jump from the temple?The devil left Jesus until another time.
754:17wnkoFrom which book of the scriptures did Jesus read when he stood up in the synagogue?Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah.
764:21r497What did Jesus say was being fulfilled on that day?Jesus said that the scripture he had just read from Isaiah was being fulfilled that day.
774:24wikqWhat kind of reception did Jesus say a prophet receives in his own country?Jesus said that no prophet is accepted in his own country.
784:26pdoqIn Jesus first example to the people in the synagogue, where did God send Elijah to help someone?God sent Elijah to Zarephath, near the city of Sidon, to help a widow woman.
794:27ntocFrom what country was the person God had Elisha help in Jesus second example to the people in the synagogue?God had Elisha help Naaman, who was from Syria.
804:28ny7zHow did the people in the synagogue respond when they heard these examples from Jesus?They were filled with rage.
814:29x7xqHow did the people in the synagogue try to kill Jesus?They planned to throw him off the cliff on which their town was built.
824:30twblHow did Jesus avoid being killed by the people from the synagogue?Jesus walked right through their midst.
834:34dz1mIn the synagogue, what did the demon speaking through the man know about Jesus?The demon said that he knew Jesus was the Holy One of God.
844:36f7m7How did the people react after Jesus cast out the demon?The people were astonished and kept talking about it with one another.
854:40r8mtWhat did Jesus do for the sick who were brought to him?Jesus laid his hands on each of them and healed them.
864:41xytrWhat did the demons say as they were cast out, and why did Jesus not let them speak?The demons said that Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus did not let them speak because they knew he was the Christ.
874:43qj8pWhat did Jesus say was the reason he was sent?Jesus said he was sent to preach the gospel about the kingdom of God to many cities.
885:4efbbAfter using Simons boat as a place to teach the people, what did Jesus ask Simon to do with his boat?Take the boat out to deeper water and let his nets down into the water to catch some fish.
895:5tae9Even though Peter had caught nothing the previous night, what did he do?He obeyed and let down the nets.
905:6wnvwWhat happened when they let down the nets?They gathered so many fish that their nets began to break.
915:8inzbWhat did Simon then want Jesus to do? Why?Simon wanted Jesus to go away from him because Simon knew that he (Simon) was a sinful man.
925:10m4zrWhat did Jesus say to Simon about his future work?Jesus said that from now on Simon would be catching men.
935:15fsjgAt this time, who was coming to hear Jesus teach and to be healed of their sicknesses?Large crowds of people were coming to Jesus.
945:20rbbeWhat did Jesus say to the paralyzed man whose friends let him down through the housetop?Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven him.
955:21ykeaWhy did the scribes and the Pharisees think that this statement was blasphemy?They said Jesus words were blasphemy because God alone can forgive sins.
965:24cf3mWhat authority on earth did Jesus demonstrate that he had when he healed the paralytic man in this way?Jesus healed the man so they would know that he had authority on earth to forgive sins.
975:32g2e5When Jesus was eating and drinking at Levis house, what did Jesus say that he came to do?He came to call sinners to repentance.
985:35a1tsWhen did Jesus say that his disciples would fast?Jesus said his disciples would fast after he (Jesus) was taken away from them.
995:36qa45In Jesus parable, what will happen if a new piece of cloth is used to mend an old garment?The new will tear, and the old will not match the piece that is from the new.
1005:37w21bIn Jesus second parable, what will happen if new wine is put into old wine skins?A. the new wine will burst the wineskins, and it will be spilled out, and the wineskins will be destroyed.
1015:38wc0pWhat did Jesus say must be done to keep new wine properly?New wine must be put into fresh wine skins.
1026:1eiynWhat were Jesus disciples doing on the Sabbath that the Pharisees said was against the law?They were picking heads of grain, rubbing them between their hands, and eating the grain.
1036:5j2t9What title did Jesus claim for himself that gave him the authority to say what was lawful to do on the Sabbath?Jesus claimed the title, Lord of the Sabbath.
1046:11hmccWhen Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand on the Sabbath, how did the scribes and Pharisees react?They were filled with rage and talked about what they might do to Jesus.
1056:13zr2sWhat name did Jesus give to the 12 men that he chose on the mountain?Jesus called them “apostles.”
1066:20a30aWhat kind of people did Jesus say are blessed?Those who are poor are blessed.
1076:21fjadWhat kind of people did Jesus say are blessed?Those who are weeping are blessed.
1086:22q4f9What kind of people did Jesus say are blessed?Those who are hated, insulted, and rejected because of the Son of Man are blessed.
1096:23sugyAccording to Jesus, why should such people rejoice and leap for joy?They should rejoice because they will have a great reward in heaven.
1106:27dyy2How did Jesus say his disciples should treat their enemies and those who hate them?They should love their enemies and do good to those who hate them.
1116:35lx9xWhat is the Most High Fathers attitude toward unthankful and evil people?He is kind and merciful toward them.
1126:42jam3Before removing the speck from our brothers eye, what did Jesus say we must do?First, we must remove the log from our own eyes so that we can see clearly to take the spec out of our brothers eye.
1136:45qxfmWhat comes forth from the good treasure in a good mans heart?From the good treasure of a good mans heart, what comes forth is good.
1146:45lk20What does an evil man produce?An evil man produces what is evil.
1156:47se5nWhat does Jesus say the person who hears and does Jesus words is like?He is like a man who builds a house on the solid rock, so that his house survives the flood.
1166:49i6u0What is the person like who hears Jesus words and does not obey them?He is like a man who builds a house without a foundation, so that it collapses when the flood comes.
1177:3elokWhat did the centurion first ask Jesus to do when he sent the Jewish elders to Jesus?He asked Jesus to come and heal his slave.
1187:6pqmtWhy did the centurion then send friends to tell Jesus that he did not have to come to the house?The centurion said he was not worthy that Jesus should come to his house.
1197:7bsmvHow did the centurion then want Jesus to heal the slave?The centurion then wanted Jesus to heal the slave by just saying a word.
1207:9qlsdWhat did Jesus say about the faith of the centurion?Jesus said that not even in Israel had he found anyone with such faith.
1217:13r92jWhat was Jesus attitude toward the widow whose only son had died?He was moved with compassion.
1227:16ab9aWhat did the people say about Jesus after he raised the widows son from the dead?They said that a great prophet had been raised among them, and that God had visited his people.
1237:22vhdwHow did Jesus demonstrate to Johns disciples that he was the one who was coming?Jesus healed the blind, lame, lepers, and deaf, and he raised the dead.
1247:26tixfWhat did Jesus say that John was?Jesus said John was much more than a prophet.
1257:30fkr1What did the Pharisees and the experts in Jewish law do to themselves when they refused to be baptized by John?They rejected Gods purpose for themselves.
1267:33k4ygWhat accusation was made against John the Baptizer because he did not eat bread or drink wine?They said, “He has a demon.”
1277:34jkzsWhat accusation was made against Jesus because he came eating and drinking?They said, “He is a gluttonous man and a drunkard.”
1287:38xjeoWhat did the woman of the city do to Jesus in the Pharisees house?She wet Jesus feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed his feet, and anointed his feet with perfumed oil.
1297:47yz8lWhat did Jesus say was the reason the woman loved much?She loved much because her sins, which were many, have been forgiven.
1307:49zj8iHow did those reclining at the table react when Jesus told the woman that her sins were forgiven?They asked, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”
1318:3txmuWhat did a large group of women do for Jesus and his disciples?The women served them from their own possessions.
1328:11ubfyIn Jesus parable, what is the seed that is sown?The seed is the word of God.
1338:12ieebWho are the seeds that fall by the wayside, and what happens to them?They are people who hear the word, but then the devil comes and takes it away so that they may not believe and be saved.
1348:13i5xvWho are the seeds that fall on the rocky ground, and what happens to them?They are people who receive the word with joy, but then fall away during a time of testing.
1358:14xpglWho are the seeds that fall among the thorns, and what happens to them?They are people who hear the word, but then it is choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and they do not produce mature fruit.
1368:15tpqtWho are the seeds that fall on the good ground, and what happens to them?They are people who hear the word, hold onto it, and produce fruit with endurance.
1378:21cx2nWho did Jesus say are his mother and brothers?Jesus said that the people who hear the word of God and obey it are his mother and brothers.
1388:25pa23What did the disciples say when Jesus calmed the winds and water?They said, “Who is this that commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him?”
1398:29av16What did the demons cause the man from the region of the Gerasenes to do?They made him live without clothes in the tombs, they made him break chains and shackles, and they often drove him into the wilderness.
1408:33i745Where did the demons go after Jesus commanded them to leave the man?The demons entered into a herd of pigs, which rushed into the lake and drowned.
1418:39z7k5What did Jesus tell the man to go and do?Jesus told him to go to his house and describe all that God had done for him.
1428:48p21rAccording to Jesus, what had caused the woman with bleeding to be healed?She was healed because of her faith in Jesus.
1438:55jgt8What did Jesus do at Jairus house?Jesus raised Jairus daughter from the dead.
1449:2u637What did Jesus send the Twelve out to do?Jesus sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
1459:7icz0Why was Herod perplexed when he heard about what was happening?He was perplexed because some said that John the Baptizer had risen from the dead.
1469:8mtisWho else did people think might be causing the things that were happening?Some said Elijah had appeared, and some said an ancient prophet had risen.
1479:13l3ukWhat food did the disciples have to feed the crowd?They had five loaves of bread and two fish.
1489:14nid6How many men were following Jesus in the crowd that was in the desert place?About 5000 men were in the crowd.
1499:16eg5dWhat did Jesus do with the five loaves and two fish?He looked up to heaven, blessed them, broke them into pieces, and gave them to the disciples to give to the crowd.
1509:17k35iHow many baskets of leftover food were there?There were 12 baskets full of leftover food.
1519:20r6inWhen Jesus asked the disciples who he was, what did Peter answer?He said, “The Christ from God.”
1529:23zvgfJesus said that if anyone wants to come after him, he must do what?He must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Jesus.
1539:29agyqWhat happened to Jesus appearance on the mountain?The appearance of his face became different, and his clothing flashed as bright as lightning.
1549:30wo95Who appeared with Jesus?Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus.
1559:35w8apWhat did the voice say from the cloud that overshadowed them?The voice said, “This is my Son, the one who is chosen; listen to him.”
1569:39dl2iBefore Jesus cast out the demon, what did it cause the mans son to do?The demon caused him to cry out and have convulsions with foam.
1579:44n9w8What statement did Jesus make to the disciples that they did not understand?He said, “The Son of Man would be handed over into the hands of men.”
1589:48nspoWho did Jesus say is the one who is great among the disciples?The one who is least among them is the one who is great.
1599:51e4t5As the days were approaching when Jesus would go up to heaven, what did he do?He set his face to go to Jerusalem.
1609:62szmhTo be fit for the kingdom of God, what must a person not do once he has “put his hand to the plow?”That person must not look back.
16110:4fmh0What did Jesus tell the 70 not to carry with them?He told them not to carry a money bag, a sack, or sandals.
16210:9iuctWhat did Jesus tell the 70 to do in each city?He told them to heal the sick and to say to the people, “The kingdom of God has come close to you.”
16310:12op7jIf a city did not receive those whom Jesus sent to them, what would the judgment be like for that city?It would be worse for them than the judgment on Sodom.
16410:20ziwoWhen the 70 returned and reported with joy that they were able to cast out demons, what did Jesus say to them?He said, “Rejoice that your names are written in the heavens.”
16510:21fjkuTo whom did Jesus say it was well-pleasing to the Father to reveal the kingdom of God?It was well-pleasing to the Father to reveal the kingdom of God to those who are untaught, like infants.
16610:27w64kAccording to Jesus, what does the Jewish law say a person must do to inherit eternal life?You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
16710:31x812In Jesus parable, what did the Jewish priest do when he saw the half-dead man on the road?He passed by on the other side of the road.
16810:32t8ikWhat did the Levite do when he saw the man?He passed by on the other side of the road.
16910:34czk3What did the Samaritan do when he saw the man?He bound up his wounds, put him on his animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
17010:37ab3vAfter telling the parable, what did Jesus tell the teacher of the Jewish law to go and do?Go and show mercy like the Samaritan in the parable.
17110:39ejbfWhat did Mary do at the same time?She sat at Jesus feet and listened to him.
17210:40njpzHow did Martha act when Jesus came to her house?She was distracted with her serving.
17310:42gnocWho did Jesus say had chosen the better thing to do?He said that Mary had chosen the good part that would not be taken away from her.
17411:3x3s1What did Jesus want his disciples to pray would happen to the Fathers name?He wanted them to pray that the Fathers name would be made holy.
17511:4nxghAs we ask God to forgive our sins, what should we do about other people who sin against us?We should forgive them just as God has forgiven us.
17611:8u5viIn Jesus parable, why did the man get up and give his friend bread at midnight?Because of his friends persistence.
17711:13zda1What will the Father in heaven give to those who ask him?He will give them the Holy Spirit.
17811:15vyasWhen they saw him drive out demons, what did some accuse Jesus of doing?They accused him of driving out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of demons.
17911:20kpklBy what power did Jesus answer that he drove out demons?He said he drove out demons by the finger of God.
18011:26kk3vIf an unclean spirit leaves a man but then later returns, what will be the final condition of the man?The final condition of that man will be worse than the first condition.
18111:28f4dbWhen the woman cried out, blessing Jesus mother, who did Jesus say was blessed?Those who hear the word of God and keep it are blessed.
18211:32aci8Jesus said that he was greater than which two Old Testament men?He is greater than Solomon and Jonah.
18311:39n0trWhat did Jesus say the Pharisees were filled with on the inside?He said they were full of greed and evil.
18411:42efn9What did Jesus say the Pharisees neglected?They neglected justice and the love of God.
18511:46e2xnWhat did Jesus say the teachers of the law were doing to other men?They were burdening men with burdens difficult to carry, but not touching those burdens themselves.
18611:50a7knFor what did Jesus say this generation would be held responsible?They would be held responsible for all the blood of the prophets shed since the foundation of the world.
18711:54jqg1What did the scribes and Pharisees do after hearing Jesus words?They were lying in wait to trap him in his words.
18812:3y120According to Jesus, what will happen to everything you say in darkness?It will be heard in the light.
18912:5uwuuWho did Jesus say that you should fear?You should fear the one who, after he has killed us, has authority to throw you into hell.
19012:8ibxmWhat will Jesus do for everyone who confesses Jesus name before men?Jesus will confess that person before the angels of God.
19112:15jap9According to Jesus, of what does our life not consist?Our life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions.
19212:18t13lIn Jesus parable, what was the rich man going to do because his fields yielded abundantly?He was going to take down his barns and build bigger ones, and store all his grain and goods there.
19312:19hiidWhat did the rich man tell himself to do since he had much grain stored up?He told himself to relax, eat, drink, and be merry.
19412:20sz6uWhat did God say to the rich man?He said, “Foolish man, tonight your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?”
19512:31g72lInstead of being anxious about the things of life, what did Jesus say we should do?We should seek the kingdom of God.
19612:33rtvrWhere did Jesus say our treasure should be?Our treasures should be in the heavens.
19712:37h23zAccording to Jesus, which servants of God are blessed?Those are blessed who are found watching when Jesus comes.
19812:40yngqDo we know the hour when Jesus will come?No, he will come when we do not expect him.
19912:46pt7vWhat happens to the servant who abuses the other servants and is not ready for his masters return?The master will cut him in two and appoint a place for him with the unbelievers.
20012:48z0obWhat is required of those to whom much is given?Much is required of them.
20112:52tkcvAccording to Jesus, what kind of divisions will he bring on the earth?There will be people in the same house divided against each other.
20212:58hpl2According to Jesus, what should we do before we go with our adversary before the magistrate?We should make an effort to be released from our obligation before we arrive at the magistrate.
20313:3f9d1Did the Galileans who were killed by Pilate suffer in this way because they were more sinful than the other Galileans?No, they were not more sinful.
20413:8o1caIn Jesus parable, what did the servant want to do with the fig tree that did not bear fruit?He wanted to dig around it and put manure on it so that it might bear fruit.
20513:9p9igWhat would the servant do with the fig tree if it still did not bear fruit after he put manure on it for a year?If it still did not bear fruit, his master would cut it down.
20613:11za5bIn the synagogue, what had caused the woman to be bent over for eighteen years?A spirit of weakness had caused her to be bent over and unable to stand up straight.
20713:14gq6dWhy was the synagogue ruler indignant when Jesus healed the woman?He was angry because Jesus had healed the woman on the Sabbath.
20813:15vkjhHow did Jesus show that the synagogue ruler was a hypocrite?Jesus reminded him that he would untie his animal on the Sabbath to allow it to drink, yet he was indignant when Jesus released the woman on the Sabbath.
20913:19m29vHow is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed?The kingdom of God starts small like a seed, but then grows into something very large.
21013:24mvuaWhen asked if many would be saved, what did Jesus answer?He said, “Struggle to enter through the narrow door, because many will seek to enter and will not be able.”
21113:28r4nlWhat will the people do who are thrown outside and are not able to enter Gods kingdom?They will wail and grind their teeth.
21213:28je79Who be in the kingdom of God?Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the prophets, and many from the east, west, north, and south will be in the kingdom.
21313:33ihpmWhere did Jesus say a prophet must be killed?It is not possible for a prophet to be killed anywhere but in Jerusalem.
21413:34uk84What did Jesus desire to do with the people of Jerusalem?He desired to gather them the way a hen gathers her brood of chicks.
21513:34zdxkHow did the people of Jerusalem respond to Jesus desire for them?They were not willing to be gathered by Jesus.
21613:35oha4What did Jesus prophesy about Jerusalem and its people?Their house was abandoned, and they would not see Jesus again until they said, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
21714:3czamWhat did Jesus ask the experts in the Jewish law and the Pharisees?He asked them if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?
21814:4yqwnWhat was the experts and Pharisees answer to Jesus?They kept silent.
21914:5rh3aHow did Jesus show that the experts and Pharisees were hypocrites?Jesus reminded them that they would help their own son or ox that fell into a well on the Sabbath.
22014:11u4nkWhat did Jesus say will happen to whoever exalts himself?The one who exalts himself will be humbled.
22114:11zvckWhat did Jesus say will happen to whoever humbles himself?The one who humbles himself will be exalted.
22214:14ntxeAccording to Jesus, how will a person be rewarded who invites the poor, crippled, lame, and blind into their home?They will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.
22314:18o6dzIn Jesus parable of the dinner, what did the people do who were originally invited?They began to make excuses about why they could not come to the dinner.
22414:21j9b0Who did the master then invite to his dinner?He invited the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.
22514:24ogwcWhat did the master then say about those who were first invited to his dinner?He said that none of them would taste his dinner.
22614:26kmi9According to Jesus, what must his disciples do?They must hate their own family and life in order to be Jesus disciple.
22714:27yhckAccording to Jesus, what else must his disciples do?Each disciple must carry his own cross and come after Jesus in order to be his disciple.
22814:28xrcfIn Jesus example about what it requires to follow him, what must a person do first who desires to build a tower?That person must count the cost.
22914:33kl2tAccording to Jesus, what must his disciples do?They must renounce everything that they possess.
23014:35q666If salt loses its taste, what is done with it?It is thrown away.
23115:4kf6sIn Jesus parable, what does the shepherd do who loses one of his 100 sheep?He leaves the other 99 and goes and finds the lost sheep.
23215:5bcmrIn Jesus parable, what does the shepherd do when he finds his lost sheep?He brings it back, rejoicing.
23315:8raynIn Jesus parable, what does the woman do who loses one of her ten silver coins?She diligently searches until she finds it.
23415:9xwq0In Jesus parable, what does the woman do when she finds her lost silver coin?She rejoices with her friends and neighbors.
23515:10zjx8What happens in heaven when one sinner repents?There is joy before the angels of God.
23615:12tjx8In Jesus parable, what request did the younger son make to his father?He asked his father to immediately give him the wealth that he would inherit.
23715:13jcgnWhat did the younger son do with his inheritance?He wasted the money by living recklessly.
23815:15o8hbAfter his money was gone, what did the younger son do in order to live?He hired himself out to feed another mans pigs.
23915:18rjhdWhen he began to think clearly, what did the younger son decide to do?He decided to go and confess his sin to his father.
24015:19pfkoWhat did the younger son plan to ask his father to do for him?He decided ask his father to hire him as one of his servants.
24115:20k49oWhat did the father do when he saw the younger son coming back home?His father was moved with compassion, ran to him, and hugged and kissed him.
24215:22n982What did the father quickly do for the younger son?The father gave him a robe, a ring, and sandals.
24315:23kzi7How did the father celebrate the return of his younger son?The father had the servants kill the fattened calf so they could eat and celebrate.
24415:28d3imWhat was the older sons reaction when he was told about the feast for the younger son?He was angry and would not go in to the feast.
24515:29xplsWhat was the older sons complaint to his father?The older son complained that he had followed his fathers rules, but had never been given a goat to have a feast with his friends.
24615:31oacmWhat was the fathers response to the older son?He said, “Child, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.”
24715:32gk62Why did the father say it was proper to have a feast for the younger son?It was proper to feast because the younger son had been lost and was found.
24816:1tesvWhat report did the rich man hear about his manager?He heard that the manager was wasting the rich mans possessions.
24916:5r9uoWhat did the manager do just before he was forced to leave his job?He summoned each one of his masters debtors.
25016:6wcfwWhat did the manager do for his masters first debtor?He allowed him to reduced his debt.
25116:7u323What did the manager do for his masters second debtor?He also allowed him to reduced his debt.
25216:8o750What was the rich mans response to his managers actions?He praised the manager because he had acted shrewdly.
25316:9cztpWhat did Jesus tell others to do based on this story?He said, “Make friends for yourselves by means of worldly wealth, so that when it is gone, they may welcome you into the eternal dwellings.”
25416:10for6What did Jesus say about the person who is faithful with very little?The person will also be faithful with much.
25516:13l7eyJesus said we cannot serve two masters. To what two masters was he referring?We must choose between serving God and serving wealth.
25616:16eljrSince John, the kingdom of God is proclaimed as good news. What two things were in effect before John?The Law and the Prophets were until John.
25716:16mnwnAccording to Jesus, what is now being preached?The gospel of the kingdom of God is now being preached.
25816:18j7t2According to Jesus, what sin is committed by one who divorces his wife and marries another?The one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery.
25916:22q5urIn Jesus story, where did the beggar Lazarus go after he died?The poor man Lazarus was carried by angels to Abrahams bosom.
26016:23ll4nWhat happened to the rich man after he died?He was tormented in Hades.
26116:24ehd8What was the first request that the rich man made to Abraham?He asked Abraham to send Lazarus to bring him a little water because he was suffering greatly in the flame.
26216:26exfbWhat was Abrahams answer to the rich man?He said there was a great chasm between them that no one could cross.
26316:27dpl1What was the second request that the rich man made to Abraham?He asked Abraham to send Lazarus to the house of his father.
26416:28uwypWhy did the rich man want Lazarus to go to the house of his father?He wanted Lazarus to warn his brothers about Hades.
26516:29o62hWhat was Abrahams answer to the rich man?He said the rich mans brothers have Moses and the prophets, and they could listen to them.
26616:31l14wAbraham said that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, what else would not persuade them?They would not be persuaded even if someone rose from the dead.
26717:4cfwvWhat did Jesus say we must do if our brother sins against us seven times in a day and returns seven times saying, “I repent?”We must forgive him each time.
26817:10gpm0As servants, what should we say after we have done everything commanded us by our Master?We should say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what we ought to do.”
26917:12ls84Whom did Jesus meet when entering a village in the borderlands of Samaria and Galilee?He met ten lepers.
27017:13p3nlWhat did the ten lepers say to Jesus?They said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.”
27117:14nllgWhat did Jesus tell the lepers to do?He told them to go and show themselves to the priests.
27217:14owkhWhat happened to the lepers as they went to the priests?They were cleansed.
27317:15muqwHow many of the ten lepers returned to thank Jesus?Only one returned.
27417:16q4d6Where was the leper from who returned to thank Jesus?He was from Samaria.
27517:21sp3aWhen asked about the coming of the kingdom, where did Jesus say the kingdom of God is?He said that the kingdom of God is within them.
27617:24anleWhat did Jesus say it will be like in his day, when he appears again?It will be like the lightning flashing from one part of the sky to another.
27717:25pw95What did Jesus say must happen before he returns?He must suffer many things and be rejected by that generation.
27817:27ds1vWhat were the people doing in the days of Noah?They were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, unaware that the day of destruction had come.
27917:37py4qWhat example from nature did Jesus use to answer his disciples question, “Where, Lord?”Jesus used the example of a dead body and vultures. He said that where there is a body, there the vultures gather together.
28018:1s08kWhat did Jesus want to teach his disciples about prayer from this story?He wanted to teach them that they should always pray and not become discouraged.
28118:3a184What did the widow keep asking for from the unjust judge?She asked for justice against her opponent.
28218:5cxlaAfter a while, what did the unjust judge say to himself?He said, “Because this widow causes me trouble, I give her justice, so that she will not wear me out by coming continually.”
28318:8yqafWhat did Jesus want to teach his disciples about how God answers prayer?He wanted to teach them that God will bring justice to those who cry out to him.
28418:9rai4What was the Pharisees attitude about their own righteousness and about other people?They thought they were more righteous than other people.
28518:10acgrIn Jesus story, which two men went up into the temple to pray?A Pharisee and a tax collector went up into the temple to pray.
28618:11nhjeWhat was the Pharisees attitude about his own righteousness and about other people?He thought he was not sinful like other people.
28718:13lq5bWhat was the tax collectors prayer to God in the temple?He prayed, “God, be merciful to me, the sinner.”
28818:14e8c5Which man went back to his house justified before God?The tax collector was justified before God.
28918:16jpcdTo whom did Jesus say that the kingdom of God belongs?He said it belongs to those who are as children.
29018:22uunbWhat one thing did Jesus ask the ruler (the one who had obeyed Gods commandments from his youth) to do?Jesus asked him to sell all that he had and to distribute to the poor.
29118:23zar7How did the ruler respond to Jesus statement and why?He became extremely sad, for he was very rich.
29218:30ifxtWhat did Jesus promise those who have left earthly things for the sake of the kingdom of God?Jesus promised them much more in this world, and eternal life in the age to come.
29318:32l5w9According to Jesus, what had the Old Testament prophets written about the Son of Man?That he would be handed over to the Gentiles, mocked and shamefully treated.
29418:33b3fzWhat had the Old Testament prophets written that the Son of Man would do on the third day?They wrote that he would rise again on the third day.
29518:38xibjWhat did the blind man by the road cry out to Jesus?He said, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”
29618:43ow6cHow did the people respond after seeing the blind man healed?They glorified and praised God.
29719:2j7emWho climbed up a tree to see Jesus, and what was his occupation?The person who climbed the tree was Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich.
29819:7h09qWhat complaint did everyone make when Jesus went to Zacchaeus house?They said, “Jesus has gone in to be a guest with a sinful man.”
29919:9rhoaWhat did Jesus say about Zacchaeus after Zacchaeus announced his gifts to the poor?He said, “Today salvation has come to this house.”
30019:11d2yuWhat did the people expect would happen when Jesus reached Jerusalem?They thought that the kingdom of God would appear immediately.
30119:12f1eoIn Jesus parable, where was the nobleman going to travel?He was going to a far country to receive a kingdom, and then he would return.
30219:17mqajWhat did the nobleman do for the servant who had been faithful and had earned ten more minas?The nobleman gave him authority over ten cities.
30319:19h4aoWhat did the nobleman do for the servant who had been faithful and had made five more minas?He gave them authority over five cities.
30419:21wiupWhat kind of man did the wicked servant think the nobleman was?He knew the nobleman was a demanding man.
30519:24x7uvWhat did the nobleman do with the wicked servant?He took away the wicked servants mina.
30619:27fsqfWhat did the nobleman do with those who didnt want him to reign over them?The nobleman had them killed in front of him.
30719:30s06lWhat kind of animal did Jesus ride on as he went into Jerusalem?He rode on a donkey colt on which no one had ever sat.
30819:38sporWhat did the crowd cry out as Jesus approached the Mount of Olives?They cried out, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”
30919:40bsieWhat did Jesus say would happen if the people did not cry out rejoicing?He said that the stones would cry out.
31019:41guieWhat did Jesus do as he drew near to the city?He wept over it.
31119:44aanyWhat did Jesus then prophesy would happen to the people and the city?He said that enemies would smash the city to the ground and that not one stone would be left upon another.
31219:47n71aWho wanted to kill Jesus as he was teaching in the temple?The chief priests and the scribes and the leaders of the people wanted to kill Jesus.
31319:48e452Why could they not kill him at this time?They could not kill him because the people were listening to him intently.
31420:4zdtyWhen the Jewish leaders asked Jesus by what authority he taught, what question did Jesus ask them?He asked, “Was the baptism of John from heaven, or from men?”
31520:5xr1dIf they answered, “from heaven,” what did the Jewish leaders think that Jesus would say to them?The Jewish leaders thought that Jesus would say, “Then why did you not believe John?”
31620:6t8lnIf they answered, “from men,” what did they think that the people would do to them?They thought that the people would stone them.
31720:11nmxaIn Jesus parable, what did the vine dressers do when the lord sent his servants to get the fruit of the vineyard?They beat the servants, treated them shamefully, and sent them away empty-handed.
31820:13wzkbFinally, who did the lord send to the vine dressers?He sent his beloved son.
31920:15g3h7What did the vine dressers do when the son came to the vineyard?They threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
32020:16xvwtWhat will the lord of the vineyard do to those vine dressers?He will come and kill those vine dressers and give the vineyard to others.
32120:19vhxeAgainst whom did Jesus tell this parable?He told this parable against the scribes and the chief priests.
32220:25xrkvHow did Jesus answer the question about whether or not it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?He said to give the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God.
32320:27llsbWhat event did the Sadducees not believe in?They did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.
32420:34om9wWhat did Jesus say about marriage in this world?In this age, people marry and give in marriage.
32520:35c6zfWhat did Jesus say about marriage after the resurrection?After the resurrection of the dead, those people do not marry or give in marriage.
32620:37lu0xWhat Old Testament story did Jesus recall to prove the truth of the resurrection?He recalled the story of Moses and the bush, in which Moses calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
32720:42x938What did the Lord say to Davids Lord in the Psalms?The Lord said to Davids Lord, “Sit at my right hand.”
32820:47piwfBehind their outwardly righteous actions, what wicked things were the scribes doing?They were devouring widows houses, and pretentiously making long prayers.
32920:47ffc7How did Jesus say these scribes would be judged?He said that they will receive a greater condemnation.
33021:4a2e3Why did Jesus say that the poor widow put more into the treasury than all of the others?Jesus said this because she had very little and gave it all, while the others had a great deal and their giving was not a sacrifice.
33121:6qugbWhat did Jesus say would happen to the temple in Jerusalem?He said that it would be torn down and not one stone would be left on another.
33221:7pc0uWhat two questions did the people ask Jesus about the temple?They asked, “When will these things happen, and what will be the sign that they are about to happen?”
33321:8sdisJesus warned that many deceivers will come. What will these deceivers say?They will say, “I am he,” and “The time is approaching.”
33421:10wtnfWhat did Jesus say would happen before the end?There will be wars between nations and kingdoms.
33521:11cpx5What terrible events did Jesus say would happen before the end?There will be earthquakes, famines, plagues, and great signs from heaven.
33621:13pqwxWhat opportunity will the persecution of believers create?It will create an opportunity for their testimony.
33721:16kfhbWho will hate Jesus followers?Parents, brothers, relatives, and friends will hate them.
33821:20tqnbWhat event would indicate that Jerusalems destruction is near?When Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, its destruction is near.
33921:21l94zWhat did Jesus tell people to do who saw that the destruction of Jerusalem was near?He told them to flee to the mountains, to leave the city, and to not enter the city.
34021:22jp9sWhat did Jesus call the days of the destruction of Jerusalem?He called them the days of vengeance, to fulfil all the things written.
34121:24jd6oHow long will Jerusalem be trampled by the Gentiles?Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
34221:25h31eWhat signs did Jesus say would precede his coming with power and great glory?He said there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and distress of the nations on the earth.
34321:30riiaWhat example did Jesus give of how his listeners knew when a season had come?He said that when they see the leaves of the fig tree sprouting, they know that summer is near.
34421:33x80aWhat did Jesus say will pass away?He said that heaven and earth will pass away.
34521:33ce6dWhat will never pass away?Jesus words will never pass away.
34621:34qbn6What did Jesus warn his listeners not to do since that day will come suddenly?He warned them to not let their hearts become burdened with debauchery, drunkenness, and the worries of life.
34721:36to14What did Jesus warn his listeners to do since that day will come suddenly?He warned them to be alert and praying.
34822:1u719At this time, which Jewish feast was approaching?The feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was approaching.
34922:6e60kIn what circumstances was Judas looking for an opportunity to deliver Jesus to the chief priests?He was looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus when he was away from the crowd.
35022:12lurcWhere did Jesus and the disciples eat the Passover meal?They ate it in a large, furnished upper room in Jerusalem.
35122:16odszWhen did Jesus say he would eat the Passover meal again?He said he would eat the Passover meal again when it was fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
35222:19ltscWhat did Jesus say when he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples?He said, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
35322:20r654What did Jesus say when he gave the cup to the disciples?He said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
35422:22yz83Was it Gods plan that Jesus be betrayed?Yes, God had determined that Jesus would be betrayed.
35522:23j5qmDid the disciples know who was about to betray Jesus?No, the disciples had no idea who would betray Jesus.
35622:26vo91What did Jesus say the greatest among his disciples should do?He said the greatest among them should be like the youngest.
35722:27a1eyHow did Jesus live among his disciples?He lived among them as one who serves.
35822:30u7qmWhere did Jesus promise his disciples they would sit?He said they would sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
35922:34kor8What did Jesus predict that Peter would do?He said that Peter would deny that he knew Jesus three times before the rooster would crow.
36022:37ff1pWhat written prediction about Jesus was being fulfilled in these events?The written prediction about Jesus that was being fulfilled is the one that says, “And he was reckoned with the lawless.”
36122:40e6xcOn the Mount of Olives, for what did Jesus tell his disciples to pray?He wanted them to pray that they would not enter into temptation.
36222:42g3ooOn the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus pray?He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done.”
36322:45k50cWhat were the disciples doing when Jesus returned from praying?They were sleeping.
36422:48mv3kHow did Judas betray Jesus in front of the crowd?He betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
36522:51wok5What did Jesus do with the man whose ear was cut off?He touched his ear, and healed him.
36622:53oe9bWhere did Jesus say he was daily with the chief priests?He said he had been in the temple each day.
36722:54c3laAfter seizing him, where did the crowd take Jesus?The crowd took him to the house of the high priest.
36822:57kmuiWhat did Peter say when a certain maid said that Peter had been with Jesus?He said, “Woman, I do not know him.”
36922:60uifoWhat happened immediately after Peter denied knowing Jesus for the third time?A rooster crowed immediately after he denied knowing Jesus.
37022:62a42qWhat did Peter do after Jesus looked at him?He went outside and wept bitterly.
37122:63w011What did the men guarding Jesus do to him?They mocked and beat him.
37222:64p961How did the men guarding Jesus mock him?They blindfolded him and asked him who it was that hit him.
37322:67gohvThe council demanded that Jesus tell them if he is the Christ. What did Jesus say that they would not do if he did tell them?He said that they would certainly not believe.
37422:71ne3fWhy did the council say that they did not need witnesses to prove that Jesus claimed to be the Christ?They said they did not need more witnesses because they had heard Jesus, from his own mouth, claim that he was the Christ.
37523:2e9anWhat accusations against Jesus did the Jewish leaders make to Pilate?They said that Jesus was perverting the nation, forbidding tribute to Caesar, and saying that he was the Christ, a king.
37623:4qedlAfter questioning Jesus, what did Pilate say about him?He said, “I find no cause in this man.”
37723:8jwdgWhy did Herod want to see Jesus?Herod wanted to see Jesus do some sign.
37823:9ygkxHow did Jesus answer Herods questions?He answered Herod nothing.
37923:14wklxWhen Jesus was returned to Pilate, what did Pilate say about Jesus to the crowd?He said he found nothing in Jesus of the cause which they were charging against him.
38023:18h8loWho did the crowd want Pilate to release from prison for the Passover feast?They wanted him to release Barabbas, a criminal.
38123:21nim4What did the crowd shout should be done to Jesus?They shouted, “Crucify, crucify him.”
38223:22h0w3For the third time, what did Pilate tell the crowd about Jesus?Pilate said, “No cause for death have I found in him.”
38323:23u8mnWhy did Pilate finally grant the crowds demand to crucify Jesus?He granted their request because they were insisting with loud voices.
38423:26h3owWho carried Jesus cross and followed behind Jesus?Simon of Cyrene carried Jesus cross.
38523:28rlh5For whom did Jesus say the women of Jerusalem should weep instead of for him?Jesus said that they should weep for themselves and their children.
38623:32lwm9Who was crucified with Jesus?Two criminals were crucified with Jesus.
38723:35m8deSince Jesus claimed to be the Christ, what did the people, the soldiers and one of the criminals all challenge Jesus to do?They challenged him to save himself.
38823:38df2hWhat was written on a sign over Jesus?On the sign was written, “This is the King of the Jews.”
38923:42rv95What request did the second criminal make to Jesus?He said, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
39023:43og92What promise did Jesus make to the second criminal?He said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
39123:44f3diWhat miraculous event occurred immediately before Jesus death?Darkness came over the whole land for three hours.
39223:45aojrWhat miraculous events occurred immediately before Jesus death?The sun failed, and the curtain of the temple was torn in the middle.
39323:47k2ixWhat did the centurion say about Jesus after Jesus death?He said, “Certainly this man was righteous.”
39423:52oe25What did Joseph of Arimathea ask Pilate to give him?He asked Pilate for the body of Jesus.
39523:53pc7jWhat did Joseph of Arimathea do with Jesus body?He laid Jesus body in a new tomb.
39623:54f8c6What day was about to begin when Jesus was buried?The Sabbath Day was about to begin.
39723:56uuy5What did the women who had been with Jesus do on the Sabbath?They rested, according to Gods commandment.
39824:1jor7When did the women come to the tomb of Jesus?They came very early on the first day of the week.
39924:2ibneWhat did the women find had happened at the tomb?They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb.
40024:3hrr8What did the women find inside the tomb?They found that the body of Jesus was not there.
40124:6a7rzWhat did the two men in dazzling apparel (angels) say had happened to Jesus?They told the women that Jesus had risen.
40224:11vnuiWhat was the apostles reaction when the women told of their experience at the tomb?These words seemed before them like nonsense, and they disbelieved them.
40324:12e9umWhat did Peter see when he looked in the tomb?Peter saw the linen cloths lying by themselves.
40424:16a00eWhy did the two disciples going to Emmaus not recognize Jesus when Jesus joined them?Their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
40524:21dvfyWhile Jesus was alive, what were the disciples hoping he would do?They were hoping that he would redeem Israel.
40624:27tm5eWhat did Jesus explain to the two men from the scriptures?He explained what the scriptures said concerning himself.
40724:31ayx8What happened to the two disciples when Jesus blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to them?Their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.
40824:36wfmyWhat did Jesus say first when he appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem?He said, “Peace to you.”
40924:39yaw3How did Jesus prove that he was not just a spirit?He invited the disciples to touch him, and he showed them his hands and feet.
41024:45krxhHow were the disciples then able to understand the scriptures?Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures.
41124:47wvirWhat did Jesus say should be proclaimed to all the nations?Jesus said that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed to all the nations.
41224:49gwbdFor what did Jesus tell the disciples to wait?He told them to wait until they are clothed with power from on high.
41324:51iflyWhat happened to Jesus as he blessed the disciples near Bethany?He was carried up into heaven.
41424:53t0qpWhere did the disciples then spend their time, and what did they do?They were continually in the temple, blessing God.