
38 KiB
Raw Blame History

21:1rxnuWho would lead the people of Israel when they went up against the Canaanites to fight against them?Judah would lead the people of Israel against the Canaanites to fight against them.
31:4-5cciwAgainst whom did the men of Judah fight?The men of Judah fought against Adoni Bezek.
41:7fe58Who gathered their food from under Adoni Bezeks table?Seventy kings, who had their thumbs and their big toes cut off, gathered their food from under Adoni Bezeks table.
51:10ntznWhat was the previous name of Hebron?The name of Hebron was previously Kiriath Arba.
61:12-13uct9What did Caleb give to Othniel?Caleb gave Achsah, his daughter, to be Othniels wife.
71:15f9oySince Achsah was in Negev, what did she want her father to give her?Since Achsah was in Negev, she wanted him to give her springs of water.
81:16sjw4Where is the wilderness of Judah?The wilderness of Judah is in the Negev.
91:19ofm8Why could the people of Judah not drive out the inhabitants of the plains?They could not drive out the inhabitants of the plains because the inhabitants had iron chariots.
101:21sdu5Why did the Jebusites live with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem?Because the people of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem, the Jebusites lived with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem.
111:25-26oj2hWhat happened to the man who showed the spies from the house of Joseph how to get into Bethel?The spies let the man and his family get away and the man went to the land of the Hittites and built a city and called it Luz.
121:28z5s6When Israel became strong, what did they do to the Canaanites?When Israel became strong, they forced the Canaanites to serve them with hard labor, but they never drove them out completely.
131:32lwezWhy did the tribe of Asher live among the Canaanites?The tribe of Asher lived among the Canaanites, because Asher did not drive them out.
141:34-35ml1tWho conquered the Amorites at Mount Heres, in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim?The house of Joseph conquered them.
152:1btmwWhere did the angel of Yahweh bring the people of Israel?The angel of Yahweh brought them to the land he swore to give to their fathers.
162:3-4r08tWhen the angel said he would not drive the Canaanites out before the people of Israel, what did they do?When the angel said he would not drive the Canaanites out before the people of Israel, they shouted and wept.
172:7tq1tHow long did the people serve Yahweh?The people served Yahweh during the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him.
182:12ki7rWhat gods did the people of Israel go after?The people of Israel went after the very gods of the peoples who were around them.
192:15nw5vWhat had Yahweh sworn to Israel?Yahweh had sworn that wherever Israel went out to fight, Yahwehs hand would be against them to defeat them.
202:16yjrxWhat did the judges do?The judges saved the people of Israel from the power of those who were stealing their possessions.
212:19ky9wWhat happened when the judge died?When the judge died, the people of Israel would turn away and do things that were even more corrupt than their fathers had done.
222:21-22x5yyWhy would Yahweh not drive out from Israel any of the nations that Joshua left when he died?Yahweh would not drive out from Israel any of the nations that Joshua left when he died, so that Yahweh could test Israel, whether or not they would keep the way of Yahweh and walk in it, as their fathers kept it.
233:1zoo6Why did Yahweh leave nations to test Israel?Yahweh left nations to test Israel to teach warfare to the new generation of the Israelites who had not known it before.
243:4jjnmWhat would Yahweh do by means of the remaining nations?Yahweh would test Israel by means of the remaining nations, to confirm whether they would obey the commands he gave their ancestors through Moses.
253:7rljeWhat did the people of Israel worship?They worshiped the Baals and the Asherahs.
263:9y8jlWho did Yahweh first raise up, who would come to help the people of Israel?Yahweh first raised up Othniel the son of Kenaz, Calebs younger brother.
273:12omwrWho gave strength to Eglon the king of Moab?Yahweh gave strength to Eglon the king of Moab.
283:15nc6zWhen did Yahweh raise up Ehud to help the people of Israel?Yahweh raised up Ehud to help the people of Israel when they called out to him.
293:16mgljWhere did Ehud strap on the sword he made?He strapped it on under his clothing on his right thigh.
303:19-20e1qqWho was with Ehud and the king when Ehud told him the message?Only Ehud and the king were there.
313:22hwhdWhy did fat close over the blade?Fat closed over the blade, for Ehud did not draw the sword out of the kings body.
323:24bqhnWhen the kings servants saw that the doors of the upper room were locked, what did they think?When the kings servants saw that the doors of the upper room were locked, they thought he was relieving himself in the coolness of the upper room.
333:26x647When did Ehud escape?While the servants were waiting, wondering what they should do, Ehud escaped.
343:28h8p8How did the people of Israel prevent the Moabites from crossing the river?The people of Israel captured the fords of the Jordan across from the Moabites.
353:31nyifWith what did Shamgar kill 600 Philistines?Shamgar killed the Philistines with a stick used to goad the cattle.
364:3b15eWhy did the people of Israel call out to Yahweh for help?The people of Israel called out to Yahweh for help, because Sisera had nine hundred iron chariots and he oppressed the people of Israel with force for twenty years.
374:4ohfpWhy did the people of Israel come to Deborah?The people of Israel came to Deborah to settle their disputes.
384:7ms4gWhere would Yahweh cause Sisera to meet Barak?Yahweh would cause Sisera to meet Barak by the river Kishon.
394:8-9hyexWhy would Yahweh make a woman defeat Sisera?Yahweh would make a woman defeat Sisera because Barak did not go without Deborah.
404:11fx2lFrom whom did the Kenites descend?The Kenites descended from Hobab, Moses father-in-law.
414:16klihHow many of the army of Sisera survived?None of the army of Sisera survived.
424:17lf7aWhy did Sisera go to the tent of Jael?Sisera went to the tent of Jael, for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor, and the house of Heber, Jaels husband.
434:19dv9sWhen Sisera asked for water, what did Jael give him?When Sisera asked for water, Jael gave him milk.
444:21sw16How did Jael kill Sisera?Jael hammered the tent peg into the side of his head and it pierced through him and went down into the ground.
455:4xl77When did the earth shake?The earth shook when Yahweh went out from Seir, when he marched from Edom.
465:6vf31What paths did those who walked use?Those who walked used the winding paths.
475:8ue4fWhat was not seen among forty thousand in Israel?Neither shields nor spears were seen among forty thousand in Israel.
485:10lkwtWhat things were used as saddles on the white donkeys?Rugs were used as saddles on the white donkeys.
495:13le8vTo whom did the people of Yahweh come down?The people of Yahweh came down to Deborah among the warriors.
505:15oegjWhat was Issachar doing with Barak?Issachar was rushing after Barak into the valley under his command.
515:18o6q3What would Zebulun risk?Zebulun would risk their lives to the point of death.
525:20jm7oWhat fought against Sisera from their paths across the heavens?The stars fought against Sisera from their paths across the heavens.
535:24rpf0Why did the angel of Yahweh curse Meroz?The angel of Yahweh cursed Meroz because they did not come to help Yahweh.
545:26d5ngTo what did Jael put her hand?She put her hand to the tent peg, and her right hand to the workmans hammer.
555:28p4htWhere did the mother of Sisera look out?The mother of Sisera looked out of a window, through the lattice.
565:31uww9Like what should those who love Yahweh be?Those who love Yahweh should be like the sun when it rises in its might.
576:2urz2What did the people of Israel do because of Midian?Because of Midian, the people of Israel made shelters for themselves from the dens in the hills, the caves, and the strongholds.
586:3zj0xWhat happened any time the Israelites planted their crops?Any time the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, and the Amalekites, and the people from the east would attack the Israelites.
596:5h44eHow many Midianites and Amalekites would attack?It was impossible to count them.
606:10iucqIn whose land were the people of Israel living?They were living in the land of the Amorites.
616:11vcupWhy was Gideon separating out the wheat by beating it on the floor, in the winepress?Gideon was separating out the wheat by beating it on the floor, in the winepress to hide it from the Midianites.
626:13t48xWhat did Gideon think Yahweh had done to the people of Israel?Gideon thought Yahweh had abandoned them and had given them over to the power of Midian.
636:15adcnWhy did Gideon think he could not deliver Israel?Gideon thought he could not deliver Israel because his family was the weakest in Manasseh, and he was the least important in his fathers house.
646:18sqsuWhy did Yahweh wait for Gideon?Yahweh waited for Gideon to bring him a gift.
656:20mlzyWhere did the angel of God tell Gideon to put the meat and unleavened bread?The angel of God told Gideon to put the meat and unleavened bread on a rock.
666:21iw2cWhat happened when the angel of Yahweh reached out with the end of the staff in his hand?When the angel of Yahweh reached out with the end of the staff in his hand, he touched the flesh and the unleavened bread; a fire went up out of the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread.
676:22-23il3qWhy was Gideon afraid when he understood that he had seen the angel of Yahweh?Gideon was afraid when he understood that he had seen the angel of Yahweh because he thought he would die.
686:26vxqpWhat did Yahweh tell Gideon to build on the top of the place of refuge?Yahweh told him to build an altar to Yahweh on the top of the place of refuge.
696:27jrsdWhy did Gideon do what Yahweh told him to do at night?Gideon did what Yahweh told him to do at night because he was too afraid of his fathers household and the men of the town to do it during the day.
706:30g7hpWhy did the men of the town want to put Gideon to death?The men wanted to put Gideon to death, because he pulled apart the altar of Baal, and because he cut down the Asherah beside it.
716:32rnvbWhy was Gideon given the name, “Jerub Baal”?Gideon was given the name, “Jerub Baal,” because he said, “Let Baal defend himself against him,” because Gideon pulled apart his altar.
726:36-37udzqWhat did Gideon do to find out if Yahweh intended to use him to save Israel?Gideon put a woolen fleece on the threshing floor. He said that if there was dew only on the fleece, and it was dry on all the ground, then he would know that Yahweh would use him to save Israel.
736:38dyimWhen Gideon pressed the fleece together, and wrung out the dew from the fleece, how much water was there?When Gideon pressed the fleece together, and wrung out the dew from the fleece, there was enough water to fill a bowl.
746:39a050What was Gideons second test for God?Gideons second test was for God to make the fleece dry, and let there be dew on all the ground around it.
757:2-3ct4pWhy did Yahweh have the fearful soldiers return?Yahweh had the fearful soldiers return so that Israel could not boast against Yahweh saying, “Our own power has saved us.”
767:4dpcoWhy did Yahweh tell Gideon to take the soldiers down to the water?Yahweh wanted to make the number of soldiers smaller by telling Gideon which ones would go with him.
777:5gyx4How did Yahweh tell Gideon to separate the soldiers?Yahweh told Gideon to separate everyone who lapped up the water, as a dog laps.
787:7-8lnrtHow many soldiers did Gideon keep?Gideon kept three hundred soldiers and sent the rest home.
797:10-11eb8hIf Gideon was afraid, what would strengthen Gideons courage?If Gideon was afraid, he was told to go down to the camp, and listen to what they were saying, and his courage would be strengthened to attack the camp.
807:13-14d9e5When one man was telling a dream to his companion, who did the companion say the dream was about?When one man was telling a dream to his companion, the companion said the dream was about Gideon. God had given him victory over Midian and all their army.
817:16eyhgWhat did Gideon give his three hundred soldiers?Gideon gave them all trumpets and empty jars, with torches inside each jar.
827:19bdr8When did Gideons soldiers blow the trumpets and break the jars that were in their hands?Just as the Midianites were changing the guard, Gideons soldiers blew the trumpets and broke the jars that were in their hands.
837:22stziWhen the soldiers blew the three hundred trumpets, what did Yahweh do?When they blew the three hundred trumpets, Yahweh set every Midianite mans sword against his comrads and against all their army.
847:24ayshHow far did the men of Ephraim gather together and take control of the waters?The men of Ephraim gathered together and took control of the waters, as far as Beth Barah and the Jordan River.
858:1dkawWhy did the men of Ephraim argue with Gideon?The men of Ephraim argued with Gideon because he had not called them when he went to fight against Midian.
868:5rnv1For what did Gideon ask the men of Succoth?Gideon asked the men of Succoth for loaves of bread for the people who followed him.
878:6mq7lWhy did Gideon tell the men of Penuel that he would pull down the tower?Gideon told the men of Penuel that he would pull down the tower because they would not give his army bread, just as the men of Succoth refused.
888:8-9wdqtWhy did Gideon tell the men of Penuel that he would pull down the tower?Gideon told the men of Penuel that he would pull down the tower because they would not give his army bread, just as the men of Succoth refused.
898:11r1gdWhy did Gideon defeat the enemy army past Nobah and Jogbehah?Gideon defeated the enemy army, because they were not expecting an attack.
908:15-16o44zWho did Gideon show to the men of Succoth before he punished them?Gideon showed Zebah and Zalmunna to the men of Succoth before he punished them.
918:18-19etwkWhat kind of men did Zebah and Zalmunna kill at Tabor?Zebah and Zalmunna killed Gideons brothers.
928:20ldh8Why did Jether not draw his sword?Jether did not draw his sword for he was afraid, because he was still a young boy.
938:23hucnWho did Gideon say would rule over the men of Israel?Gideon said Yahweh would rule over the men of Israel.
948:24oazwFor what did Gideon ask the men of Israel?Gideon asked them for the earrings of their plunder.
958:27zs4uWhat did Gideon make out of the earrings?Gideon made an ephod out of the earrings.
968:27vyu8What did Israel do to the golden ephod?Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it.
978:33y9myWhat happened as soon as Gideon was dead?As soon as Gideon was dead, the people of Israel turned again and prostituted themselves by worshiping the Baals.
989:1w5fvWho was Abimelechs father?Abimelechs father was Jerub Baal.
999:3s8bwWhy did Abimelechs mothers relatives agree to follow him?They agreed to follow Abimelech, for they said, “He is our brother.”
1009:4qsc4For what did Abimelech use the seventy pieces of silver?Abimelech used the seventy pieces of silver to hire men of lawless and reckless character.
1019:5of4pWhy was Jotham not murdered?Jotham was not murdered, for he hid himself.
1029:7lfdlOn what day did Jotham address the leaders of Shechem?Jotham addressed them on the same day they had risen up against his fathers house and killed his sons, seventy persons, upon one stone.
1039:18m3kfOn what day did Jotham address the leaders of Shechem?Jotham addressed them on the same day they had risen up against his fathers house and killed his sons, seventy persons, upon one stone.
1049:20ii3qIf the people acted with honesty and integrity with Jerub Baal and his house, what should happen?If the people acted with honesty and integrity with Jerub Baal and his house, fire should come out from Abimelech and burn up the men of Shechem and the house of Millo. Fire should come out from the men of Shechem and Beth Millo, to burn up Abimelech.
1059:20iw06What was the curse of Jotham?The curse of Jotham was for fire to come out from Abimelech and burn up the men of Shechem and the house of Millo, for fire to come out from the men of Shechem and Beth Millo, to burn up Abimelech.
1069:23-24j38oWhy did God send an evil spirit between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem?God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem so the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerub Baal might be avenged.
1079:25lt0rWho did the leaders of Shechem hope to ambush?The leaders of Shechem hoped to ambush Abimelech.
1089:28-29jl9yWho wished to command the people?Gaal wished to command the people.
1099:30eo5eWhy was Zebuls anger kindled?When Zebul heard the words of Gaal (the son of Ebed), his anger was kindled.
1109:31g2yaWhy did Zebul send messengers to Abimelech?He sent messengers to Abimelech in order to deceive him.
1119:36qn8sHow did Zebul describe the men on the hilltops?Zebul said they were shadows on the hills.
1129:38ax04What did Zebul tell Gaal to do?Zebul told Gaal to go out and fight against Abimelech.
1139:40z7vaWhat happened when Gaal fought Abimelech?Abimelech chased Gaal and Gall fled before Abimelech and many fell with deadly wounds before the entrance to the city gate.
1149:45u7l2What did Abimelech do after he captured the city?Abimelech tore down the city walls and spread salt over it.
1159:46u0vjWhere did the leaders of the tower of Shechem enter?The leaders of the tower of Shechem entered the stronghold of the house of El Berith.
1169:48-49mu3pHow did Abimelech kill all the leaders and people in the tower of Shechem?Abimelech went up to Mount Zalmon, piled branches on top of the underground chamber, and set it on fire above it.
1179:52-53jv8oWhen Abimelech came near the door of the tower of Thebez, what happened to him?When Abimelech came near the door of the tower of Thebez, a woman dropped an upper millstone on his head and it cracked his skull.
1189:54o93qWhy did Abimelech tell his armor-bearer to draw his sword and kill him?Abimelech told his armor-bearer to draw his sword and kill him, so no one would say a women killed Abimelech.
1199:57ry2jWhat was the curse of Jotham?The curse of Jotham was for fire to come out from Abimelech and burn up the men of Shechem and the house of Millo, for fire to come out from the men of Shechem and Beth Millo, to burn up Abimelech.
12010:1tq8bWhere was Shamir?Shamir was in the hill country of Ephraim.
12110:6-7q67bWhy did Yahweh burn with anger toward the people of Israel?The people of Israel abandoned Yahweh and no longer worshiped him, so he burned with anger toward Israel.
12210:9hsb1Why was Israel greatly distressed?Ammonites crossed over the Jordan to fight against Judah, against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim, so that Israel was greatly distressed.
12310:14wx9gTo whom did Yahweh tell the people of Israel to call out for help?Yahweh told the people to call out to the gods that they had worshiped.
12410:16va6gWhy did Yahweh become impatient over the misery of Israel?Israel turned away from the foreign gods they owned and they worshiped Yahweh, so he became impatient over the misery.
12511:1vpt6Of whom was Jephthah the son?Jephthah was the son of a prostitute.
12611:5-6ztd7Why did the elders of Gilead go to bring Jephthah back from the land of Tob?The elders of Gilead went to bring Jephthah back from the land of Tob so he would be their leader.
12711:7-8xvxjWhy were the elders of Gildead turning to Jephthah?The elders of Gildead were turning to Jephthah because they were in trouble.
12811:9ksgzIf the elders of Gildeon brought Jephthah home again to fight against the soldiers of Ammon, and if Yahweh gave them victory over them, what would happen to Jephthah?If the elders of Gildeon brought Jephthah home again to fight against the soldiers of Ammon, and if Yahweh gave them victory over them, Jephthah would be their leader.
12911:12-13tsffWhy did the people of Ammon come with force to take the land of Israel?The people of Ammon came with force to take the land of Israel because when Israel came up out of Egypt, they seized the land of Ammon.
13011:17c205Who was not willing to let Israel pass?The king of Edom and the king of Moab were not willing to let Israel pass.
13111:18ojgvWhy did Israel not go into the territory of Moab?They did not go into the territory of Moab, for the Arnon was Moabs border.
13211:21ha07Who gave Israel victory over Sihon?Yahweh, the God of Israel, gave Israel victory over Sihon.
13311:26kqegFor how long did Israel live in Heshbon and its villages, and in Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities that are along the banks of the Arnon?Israel lived for three hundred years in Heshbon and its villages, and in Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities that are along the banks of the Arnon.
13411:30a8znIf Yahweh gave Jephthah victory over the people of Ammon, what would Jephthah do?If Yahweh gave Jephthah victory over the people of Ammon, Jephthah would offer up as a burnt offering whatever came out of the doors of his house to meet him.
13511:32clg2When Jephthah passed through to the people of Ammon to fight against them, who gave him the victory?When Jephthah passed through to the people of Ammon to fight against them, Yahweh gave him victory.
13611:34ytolHow many children did Jephthah have?Jephthah had only one child.
13711:36-37jnc6What did Jephthahs daughter want to do before he did everything he had promised?She wanted him to leave her alone for two months, that she could leave and go down to the hills and grieve over her virginity.
13811:39ge7mWhat did Jephthah do with his daughter?He did with her according to the promise of the vow he had made.
13912:1scmkWhat did the men of Ephraim want to do to Jephthahs house because he did not call them to go with him?Ephraim wanted to burn Jephthahs house down over him because he did not call them to go with him to fight against the people of Ammon.
14012:4fnbvWhy did the men of Gilead attack the men of Ephraim?The men of Gilead attacked the men of Ephraim because they said, “You Gileadites are fugitives from Ephraim—from within Ephraim and Manasseh.”
14112:5-6xeomHow did the men of Gilead test if a man was from Ephraim?They would tell him to say “Shibboleth.” And if he said, “Sibboleth,” (for he could not pronounce the word correctly), the Gileadites would seize him and kill him at the fords of the Jordan.
14213:2cagxWhy had Manoahs wife not given birth?Manoahs wife was not able to become pregnant and so she had not given birth.
14313:5q3ogWhy was no razor to come onto the childs head?No razor was to come onto his head, for the child was to be a Nazirite to God.
14413:6etrvLike what did the man of God look?The man of God looked like an angel of God.
14513:9iwheWhen the angel of God came a second time, who was there?When the angel of God came a second time, only Manoahs wife was there.
14613:12q7wnAbout what did Manoah ask the angel?Manoah asked the angel about the rules for the child and what his work would be.
14713:16nhhjIf Manoah prepared a burnt offering, to whom was he to offer it?If Manoah prepared a burnt offering, he was to offer it to Yahweh.
14813:19-20jp46What marvelous thing did Yahweh do while Manoah and his wife were watching?While Manoah and his wife were watching, the angel of Yahweh went up in the flame of the altar.
14913:25o6pyWhere did Yahwehs Spirit begin to stir Samson?Yahwehs Spirit began to stir Samson in Mahaneh Dan.
15014:2hal5Who did Samson want his parents to get for him to be his wife?Samson wanted his parents to get a woman in Timnah, one of the daughters of the Philistines, for him to be his wife.
15114:3cp14Why did Samson want his parents to get him the woman in Timnah as his wife?He wanted his parents to get him the woman in Timnah as his wife, for when he looked at her, she pleased him.
15214:6x5lyHow was Samson able to tear the lion apart?Yahwehs Spirit suddenly came on him, and he tore the lion apart.
15314:8zpwgWhat was in the carcass of the lion?There was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of the lion.
15414:13x9mbWhat would Samson get if the thirty friends could not answer his riddle?Samson would get thirty linen robes and thirty sets of clothes if the thirty friends could not answer his riddle.
15514:15st3bWhat would happen to Samsons wife if she did not trick her husband and get the answer to the riddle?If Samsons wife did not trick her husband and get the answer to the riddle, the thirty friends would burn up her and her fathers houses.
15614:17mr3dFor how long did Samsons wife cry in order to get the answer to the riddle?She cried during the seven days that their feast lasted.
15714:19g561How did Samson get thirty sets of clothing?Samson went down to Ashkelon and killed thirty men among those people and took their sets of clothing.
15815:1xf27When Samson went to visit his wife, why did her father not allow him to go in?The father thought Samson hated his wife, so the father gave her to Samsons friend.
15915:3-4q2gsHow did Samson try to be innocent in regard to the Philistines when he hurt them?Samson tried to be innocent in regard to the Philistines when he hurt them by catching three hundred foxes, tying torches to them, and letting them go in the Philistines grain.
16015:6hcqxWhen the Philistines were told that Samson burned their fields, what did they do?When the Philistines were told that Samson burned their fields, they burned his wife and her father.
16115:7-8rss9Why did Samson cut the Philistines to pieces, hip and thigh, with a great slaughter?Samson cut the Philistines to pieces, hip and thigh, with a great slaughter to get revenge on them for killing his wife and her father.
16215:9-10w9guWhy did the Philistines come up to attack Judah?The Philistines came up to attack Judah so they could capture Samson, and so they could do to him as he did to them.
16315:12so92When the men of Judah came to tie Samson up, what did he make them swear?When the men of Judah came to tie Samson up, he made them swear that they would not kill him themselves.
16415:15nqvjWith what did Samson kill a thousand men?Samson killed a thousand men with a fresh jawbone of a donkey.
16515:18pzynAfter Samson killed a thousand men with a fresh jawbone of a donkey, how did he think he would die?After Samson killed a thousand men with a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he thought he would die of thirst.
16615:19shozHow did Samson get water?God split open the hollow place at Lehi, and water came out.
16716:2ewwzWhen did the Gazites plan to kill Samson?The Gazites planned to kill Samson at daylight.
16816:3mzwvHow did Samson escape Gaza?Samson took hold of the city gate and its two posts, and he pulled them up out of the ground, bar and all.
16916:5dhbtIf Delilah tricked Samson, what would the rulers of the Philistines give her?If Delilah tricked Samson, each of the rulers of the Philistines would give her 1,100 pieces of silver.
17016:9fe7pWhen Delilah told Samson the Philistines were on him, what did he do to the bowstrings with which he was tied?When Delilah told Samson the Philistines were on him, he broke the bowstrings.
17116:12ie6pWhen Samson tore off the ropes from his arms, where were the men lying in wait?When Samson tore off the ropes from his arms, the men lying in wait were in the inner room.
17216:16ycpbHow much did Delilah pressure Samson?She so pressured him that he wished he would die.
17316:17eyp0Why had Samson never had a razor cut the hair on his head?Samson had never had a razor cut the hair on his head, for he had been a Nazirite for God from his mothers womb.
17416:19sm10How was Delilah able to begin to subdue Samson?Delilah began to subdue him when the locks of his head were shaven off, for his strength left him.
17516:21b13hWhat work did the Philistines make Samson do?The Philistines made Samson turn the millstone at the prison house.
17616:23w3ieWhy did the rulers of the Philistines gather together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god?The rulers of the Philistines gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, for they said, “Our god has conquered Samson.”
17716:26fdqeWho helped Samson touch the pillars on which the building rested?The boy who held Samsons hand helped Samson touch the pillars on which the building rested.
17816:28mh4sWhy did Samson want God to strengthen him?Samson wanted God to strengthen him so that he could have revenge in one blow on the Philistines for taking his two eyes.
17916:30e3yfHow many people did Samson kill when the building fell?Samson killed more than those he killed during his life.
18017:2qysgWhat did Micah steal?Micah stole the 1,100 pieces of silver that were taken from his mother.
18117:3il0oFor what did Micahs mother set apart the silver?She set apart the silver to Yahweh, for her son to make a carved wooden figure and a cast metal figure.
18217:5weblTo what did Micah dedicate one of his sons?He dedicated one of his sons to become his priest.
18317:8xy2rWhy did the Levite leave Bethlehem?The Levite left Bethlehem to go and find a place to live.
18417:10r6ukWhat did Micah ask the Levite to be to him?Micah asked the Levite to live with him and be an adviser and a priest to him.
18517:13tyaiWhy did Micah think Yahweh would do good for him?Micah thought Yahweh would do good for him, because a Levite became his priest.
18618:1e4u2Why was the tribe of the descendants of Dan looking for a territory on which to live?The tribe of the descendants of Dan waslooking for a territory to live on, for up to that day they had not received any inheritance from among the tribes of Israel.
18718:5rhwoWhat did the people of Dan want the Levite to seek?The people of Dan wanted the Levite to seek the advice of God.
18818:9zd8aWhat did the five men from Dan want to do with the land of Laish?The five men from Dan wanted to conquer the land.
18918:14shz9What did the five men say was in the houses of Laish?The five men said that in the houses of Laish there were an ephod, household gods, a carved figure, and a cast metal figure.
19018:17cej3Who took the carved figure?The five men who had gone to scout out the land went there and they took the carved figure.
19118:24tlmzWhy was Micah angry?Micah was angry because the Danites stole the gods he made, they took the priest, and they were leaving.
19218:26hpy3When did Micah turn and go back to his house?When Micah saw that they were too strong for him, he turned and went back to his house.
19318:28ramyWhy was there no one to rescue the people of Laish?There was no one to rescue the people because it was a long way from Sidon, and they had no dealings with anyone.
19418:30h3z1Who were the priests for the tribe of the Danites?Jonathan the son of Gershom (the son of Moses), he and his sons were priests for the tribe of the Danites until the day of the lands captivity.
19519:1zzfzWhere was the Levite living?The Levite was living for a while in the most remote area of the hill country of Ephraim.
19619:3fcw2Where did the Levites concubine bring him?The concubine brought the Levite into the house of her father.
19719:5-6h1pfAlthough the Levite intended to go home, what did his father-in-law want him to do?His father-in-law wanted him to stay and spend the night.
19819:7aj54What did the Levite do about his plan to leave early and go home?He changed his plan and spent the night with his father-in-law.
19919:9ppa6What did the Levites father-in-law ask him to do again on the fifth day?His father-in-law asked him to stay another night and have a good time.
20019:12tktuWhy did the Levite not want to spend the night in Jebus?The Levite did not want to turn aside into a city of foreigners.
20119:15vr21Why did the Levite and his servant sit down in the city square?They sat down in the city square, for no one took them into his house for the night.
20219:16l2gfFrom what tribe were the men living in Gibeah?The men living in Gibeah were Benjamites.
20319:20ckdgWhat did the old man warn the Levite not to do?The old man warned the Levite not to spend the night in the square.
20419:22otbhWhy did the wicked men of the city want the old man to bring out the man who came into his house?The wicked men of the city wanted the old man to bring out the man who came into his house, so they could have sex with him.
20519:24w483Who did the old man offer to the wicked men in place of the Levite?The old man offered them his virgin daughter and the Levites concubine.
20619:25-26htpoWhat happened at dawn?At dawn the wicked men let the concubine go. She came and she fell down at the door of the mans house where her master was, and she lay there until it was light.
20719:28uspjWhat did the Levite do when his concubine did not answer him?When the Levites concubine did not answer him, he put her on the donkey, and the man set out for home.
20819:29v4gqWhat did the Levite do to his concubines body?The Levite cut her up, limb by limb, into twelve pieces, and sent the pieces everywhere throughout Israel.
20920:1dkqgWho assembled together before Yahweh at Mizpah?All the people from Dan to Beersheba, including the land of Gilead, assembled together before Yahweh at Mizpah.
21020:5vt7kWhat did the Levite say the relatives of Gibeah did to him?The Levite said the relatives of Gibeah attacked him, surrounding the house and intending to kill him.
21120:9zkwsHow would the people attack Gibeah?They would attack Gibeah as the lot directed them.
21220:13rhryWhy did the tribes of Israel tell Benjamin to give them those wicked men of Gibeah?The tribes of Israel told Benjamin to give them those wicked men of Gibeah, so the tribes might put them to death, and so they would completely remove this evil from Israel.
21320:14j3knWhy did the people of Benjamin come together out of the cities to Gibeah?The people of Benjamin came together out of the cities to Gibeah to get ready to fight against the people of Israel.
21420:16t09jWhat was special about the seven hundred chosen men?The seven hundred chosen men were left-handed; each of them could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.
21520:18w349Why did Judah attack Benjamin first?The people asked for advice from God, and Yahweh said, “Judah will attack first.”
21620:26n5daAfter Benjamin killed many soldiers of Israel, what did the soldiers of Israel do?After Benjamin killed many soldiers of Israel, the soldiers of Israel wept and fasted before Yahweh until evening. They also offered burnt offerings and peace offering before Yahweh.
21720:27nhb7How did the people of Israel ask Yahweh?The people of Israel asked Yahweh by using the ark of the covenant of God, which was there in those days.
21820:32mnadWhen the soldiers of Israel drew away from the city to the roads, what did the people of Benjamin think?When the soldiers of Israel drew away from the city to the roads, the people of Benjamin thought they were running away.
21920:36t142Why had the men of Israel given ground to Benjamin?The men of Israel had given ground to Benjamin because they were counting on the men they had placed in hidden positions outside Gibeah.
22020:38vrf5What was the signal between the soldiers of Israel and the men hiding in secret?The arranged signal between the soldiers of Israel and the men hiding in secret was that a great cloud of smoke would rise up out of the city.
22120:42wbt1Why could the men of Benjamin not escape?The men of Benjamin ran away from the soldiers of Israel escaping on the way to the wilderness, but the fighting overtook them.
22220:47wf01How many soldiers of Benjamin turned and fled to the wilderness?Six hundred men turned and fled to the wilderness.
22321:1yb29Why did the men of Israel worry that one of their tribes should be missing?The men of Israel worried that one of their tribes should be missing because they had promised to not give their daughters to marry a Benjamite.
22421:3sb0jWhy did the men of Israel worry that one of their tribes should be missing?The men of Israel worried that one of their tribes should be missing because they had promised to not give their daughters to marry a Benjamite.
22521:5syy4Who would certainly be put to death?Anyone who did not come up to Yahweh at Mizpah would certainly be put to death.
22621:8x72tWhich of the tribes of Israel did not come up to Yahweh at Mizpah?Jabesh Gilead did not come up to Yahweh at Mizpah.
22721:12sv35Who did the men take from those living in Jabesh Gilead?The men took four hundred young women who had never slept with a man from those living in Jabesh Gilead.
22821:14vmkmWhat was the problem when the Benjaminites returned at that time and they were given the women of Jabesh Gilead?When the Benjaminites returned at that time and they were given the women of Jabesh Gilead, there were not enough women for all of them.
22921:19skm0Where was Shiloh?Shiloh was north of Bethel, east of the road that went up from Bethel to Shechem, and south of Lebonah.
23021:21w5c5When were the Benjaminites to each rush out of the vineyards and grab a wife from the girls of Shiloh?When the girls from Shiloh came out to dance, they each were to rush out of the vineyards and grab a wife from the girls of Shiloh.
23121:22qcqnWhat excuse would the men of Israel tell the men of Shiloh about the girls?The men of Israel would tell the men of Shiloh to let the girls remain because the men of Israel did not get wives during the war.
23221:25r802How did everyone live?Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.