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Raw Blame History

21:1xqexWho wrote 2 Peter?Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote the letter or book we call 2 Peter.
31:1xgzpTo whom did Peter write?Peter wrote to those who had received the same precious faith.
41:3b9f4How were all the things of divine power for life and godliness given to Peter and the recipients of faith?They were given to them through the knowledge of God.
51:3-4wiwaWhy did God give Peter and the recipients of faith all the things of divine power for life and godliness, along with great and precious promises?He did that so that they might be sharers in the divine nature.
61:5-7r519What were the recipients of faith ultimately supposed to gain through their faith?They were ultimately supposed to gain love through their faith.
71:9vu7sWhat has the spiritually blind person forgotten?He has forgotten the cleansing from his old sins.
81:10-11isneIf the brothers did their best to make their calling and election sure, what would happen?They would not stumble, and an entrance would be granted to them into the eternal kingdom of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
91:12-14lr25Why did Peter think it was right for him to remind the brothers of these things?Becuase their Lord Jesus Christ had shown him that he would soon remove his tent.
101:16-17kdelWhat did those who were eyewitnesses of Jesus majesty see?They saw that he received honor and glory from God the Father.
111:19-21joc2How can we be certain that the prophetic word is sure?Because written prophecy does not come from the reasoning of the prophet, nor any prophecy from the will of man, but by men carried along by the Holy Spirit who spoke from God.
122:1oma7What will false teachers secretly bring to the believers?False teachers will bring destructive heresies to the believers.
132:1eo34What will come upon the false teachers?False teachers will bring swift destruction upon themselves.
142:1-3zr5bWhat will false teachers do with deceptive words?False teachers greedily make a profit off of the brothers.
152:4-6zr3sWho did God not spare?God did not spare the angels who sinned, the ancient world, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
162:5ihlyWho did God preserve in the Flood?God preserved Noah with seven others.
172:9z9hzWhat did God show by not sparing some and preserving others?Gods actions showed that the Lord knows how to rescue the godly men and how to keep the unrighteous men in custody.
182:10-11l7wvWho were the glorious ones the ungodly men were unafraid to blaspheme?The glorious one were angels, who do not bring insulting judgments against men to the Lord.
192:14csstWho do the false teachers entice?The false teachers entice unstable souls.
202:15-16h6zaWho stopped the prophet Balaams insanity?A mute donkey speaking in a human voice stopped Balaam.
212:19j3g0To what is a man a slave?A man is a slave to whatever overcomes him.
222:20-21n7eyFor those who escape the wickedness of the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and then return to them, what would be better?What would be better is for them not to have known the way of righteousness.
233:1-2w5dnWhy did Peter write this second letter?He wrote so that the beloved might recall the words said before by the prophets and about the command of their Lord and Savior.
243:3-4cvbiWhat would mockers say in the last days?Mockers would question the promise of Jesus return and say that all things remain the same since the beginning of creation.
253:5-7zwweHow were the heavens and earth established, and how were they being reserved for fire and for the day of judgment and the destruction of ungodly people?They were established and reserved by the word of God.
263:9kthcWhy was the Lord patient towards the beloved?Because he desires that they not perish, but have time for all to repent.
273:10hto3How will the day of the Lord come?The day of the Lord will come like a thief.
283:11-13kxyzWhy did Peter ask the beloved what kind of people they should be in respect to holy living and godliness?Because the heavens and earth would be destroyed, and because they expected righteousness to live in the new heavens and new earth.
293:15-16ym7mWhat will happen to ignorant and unknowledgeable men who distort the wisdom given to Paul and distort other Scriptures?Their actions will result in their own destruction.
303:17-18g1t2Rather than being led astray by deceit and losing their own faithfulness, what did Peter command the beloved to do?He commanded them to grow in the grace and knowledge of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.