
70 KiB

2PHP11kze2Παῦλος καὶ Τιμόθεος ... καὶ διακόνοις1Paul and Timothy ... and deaconsIf your language has a particular way of introducing the authors of a letter, use it here.
3PHP11kx8hΠαῦλος καὶ Τιμόθεος, δοῦλοι Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ1Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ JesusTimothy, who are servants of Christ Jesus
4PHP11im6vἐπισκόποις καὶ διακόνοις1the overseers and deaconsthe leaders of the church
5PHP16s1l8πεποιθὼς1I am confidentI am sure
6PHP16jf4xὁ ἐναρξάμενος1he who beganGod, who began
7PHP19v2rw0Connecting Statement:Paul prays for the believers in Philippi and talks about the joy there is in suffering for the Lord.
8PHP110s4ecτὰ διαφέροντα1what is excellentwhat is most pleasing to God
9PHP112tu2tἀδελφοί1brothersHere this means fellow Christians, including both men and women, because all believers in Christ are members of one spiritual family, with God as their heavenly Father.
10PHP112q288μᾶλλον εἰς προκοπὴν τοῦ εὐαγγελίου ἐλήλυθεν1has really served to advance the gospelhas caused more people to hear the gospel
11PHP113dm1mπραιτωρίῳ1palace guardThis is a group of soldiers that helped protect the Roman emperor.
12PHP114gy47ἀφόβως τὸν λόγον λαλεῖν1fearlessly speak the wordfearlessly speak God's message
13PHP115vw1sτινὲς μὲν καὶ ... τὸν Χριστὸν κηρύσσουσιν1Some indeed even proclaim ChristSome people preach the good news about Christ
14PHP115f32hδιὰ φθόνον καὶ ἔριν1out of envy and strifebecause they do not want people listening to me, and they want to cause trouble
15PHP115v1sbτινὲς δὲ καὶ δι’ εὐδοκίαν1and also others out of good willbut other people do it because they are kind and they want to help
16PHP116qf4pοἱ1The latterThose who proclaim Christ out of good will
17PHP116st7kεἰς ἀπολογίαν τοῦ εὐαγγελίου1for the defense of the gospelto teach everyone that the message of Jesus is true
18PHP118ah9vπλὴν ὅτι παντὶ τρόπῳ, εἴτε προφάσει εἴτε ἀληθείᾳ, Χριστὸς καταγγέλλεται1Only that in every way—whether from false motives or from true—Christ is proclaimedAs long as people preach about Christ, it does not matter if they do it for good reasons or for bad reasons
19PHP118c8trἐν τούτῳ χαίρω1in this I rejoiceI am happy because people are preaching about Jesus
20PHP119qp81τοῦτό μοι ἀποβήσεται εἰς σωτηρίαν1this will result in my deliverancebecause people proclaim Christ, God will deliver me
21PHP119x3fsδιὰ τῆς ὑμῶν δεήσεως, καὶ ἐπιχορηγίας τοῦ Πνεύματος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ1through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christbecause you are praying and the Spirit of Jesus Christ is helping me
22PHP119c48jΠνεύματος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ1Spirit of Jesus ChristHoly Spirit
23PHP121p9b7ἐμοὶ γὰρ1For to meThese words are emphatic. They indicate that this is Paul's personal experience.
24PHP122y9fvκαὶ τί αἱρήσομαι1Yet which to choose?But which should I choose?
25PHP125bu8dτοῦτο πεποιθὼς1Being convinced of thisSince I am sure that it is better for you that I stay alive
26PHP127ej2sσυναθλοῦντες1striving togetherworking hard together
27PHP128i9ytfigs-youμὴ πτυρόμενοι ἐν μηδενὶ1Do not be frightened in any respectThis is a command to the Philippian believers. If your language has a plural command form, use it here. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
28PHP128l495ἥτις ἐστὶν αὐτοῖς ἔνδειξις ἀπωλείας, ὑμῶν δὲ σωτηρίας, καὶ τοῦτο ἀπὸ Θεοῦ1This is a sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation—and this from GodYour courage will show them that God will destroy them. It will also show you that God will save you
29PHP130x4z3τὸν αὐτὸν ἀγῶνα ἔχοντες, οἷον εἴδετε ἐν ἐμοὶ, καὶ νῦν ἀκούετε ἐν ἐμοί1having the same conflict which you saw in me, and now you hear in mesuffering in the same way that you saw me suffer, and that you hear I am still suffering
30PHP21xye50Connecting Statement:Paul advises the believers to have unity and humility and reminds them of Christ's example.
31PHP21m84kεἴ τις κοινωνία Πνεύματος1if there is any fellowship in the Spiritif you have fellowship with the Spirit
32PHP21l2pxεἴ τις σπλάγχνα καὶ οἰκτιρμοί1if there are any tender mercies and compassionsif you have experienced many of God's acts of tender mercy and compassion
33PHP23y1leμηδὲν κατ’ ἐριθείαν μηδὲ κατὰ κενοδοξίαν1Do nothing out of selfishness or empty conceitDo not serve yourselves or think of yourselves as better than others
34PHP24ezk6μὴ τὰ ἑαυτῶν ἕκαστος σκοποῦντες, ἀλλὰ καὶ τὰ ἑτέρων ἕκαστοι1Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of othersDo not care only about what you need, but also about what others need
35PHP26hs4qἐν μορφῇ Θεοῦ ὑπάρχων1he existed in the form of Godeverything that is true of God was true of him
36PHP27yu25figs-metaphorἑαυτὸν ἐκένωσεν1he emptied himselfPaul speaks of Christ as if he were a container in order to say that Christ refused to act with his divine powers during his ministry on earth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
37PHP28hi57θανάτου δὲ σταυροῦ1even death of a crosseven to dying on a cross
38PHP29qsy9figs-metaphorὑπὲρ πᾶν ὄνομα1above every nameThe name is more important, more to be praised than any other name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
39PHP210kfb4καταχθονίων1under the earthPossible meanings are 1) the place where people go when they die or 2) the place where demons dwell.
40PHP212jnp30Connecting Statement:Paul encourages the Philippian believers and shows them how to live the Christian life before others and reminds them of his example.
41PHP212e359ἀγαπητοί μου1my belovedmy dear fellow believers
42PHP212c1ixἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ μου1in my presencewhen I am there with you
43PHP212u5ngἐν τῇ ἀπουσίᾳ μου1in my absencewhen I am not there with you
44PHP213m6b8καὶ τὸ θέλειν, καὶ τὸ ἐνεργεῖν, ὑπὲρ τῆς εὐδοκίας1both to will and to work for his good pleasureso that you will want to do what pleases him and will be able to do what pleases him
45PHP216m1z7figs-metaphorἔδραμον1runThe scriptures often use the image of walking to represent conducting one's life. Running is living life intensively. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
46PHP219dr9c0Connecting Statement:Paul tells the Philippian believers about his plan to send Timothy soon and that they should treat Epaphroditus as special.
47PHP219gml9ἐλπίζω δὲ ἐν Κυρίῳ Ἰησοῦ1But I have hope in the Lord JesusBut I confidently expect the Lord Jesus to allow me
48PHP220d9mwοὐδένα γὰρ ἔχω ἰσόψυχον1For I have no one else with his same attitudeNo one else here loves you as much as he does
49PHP222gm8ifigs-simileὡς πατρὶ τέκνον, σὺν ἐμοὶ ἐδούλευσεν1as a son with his father, so he served with meFathers and sons love each other and work together. Timothy was not really Paul's son, but he worked with Paul as a son works with his father. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
50PHP224yn62πέποιθα ... ἐν Κυρίῳ, ὅτι καὶ αὐτὸς ταχέως ἐλεύσομαι1I am confident in the Lord that I myself will also come soonI am sure, if it is the Lord's will, that I will also come soon
51PHP225k4wztranslate-namesἘπαφρόδιτον1EpaphroditusThis is the name of a man sent by the Philippian church to minister to Paul in prison. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
52PHP225qsd6ὑμῶν ... ἀπόστολον καὶ λειτουργὸν τῆς χρείας μου1your messenger and servant for my needswho brings your messages to me and helps me when I am in need
53PHP226gxn9ἐπιποθῶν ἦν πάντας ὑμᾶς, καὶ ἀδημονῶν1he was very distressed, and he longed to be with you allhe was very worried and wanted to be with you all
54PHP229y95xΠροσδέχεσθε ... αὐτὸν1Welcome EpaphroditusGladly receive Epaphroditus
55PHP230ns1yfigs-metaphorμέχρι θανάτου ἤγγισεν1he came near deathPaul here speaks of death as if it were a place that one could go to. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
56PHP230g98zfigs-metaphorἀναπληρώσῃ τὸ ὑμῶν ὑστέρημα, τῆς πρός με λειτουργίας1fill up what you could not do in service to mePaul speaks of his needs as if they were a container that Epaphroditus filled with good things for Paul. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
57PHP31e79h0Connecting Statement:In order to warn his fellow believers about Jews who would try to get them to follow the old laws, Paul gives his own testimony about when he persecuted believers.
58PHP31zu9lἀδελφοί1brothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/
59PHP31ymm2χαίρετε ἐν Κυρίῳ1rejoice in the Lordbe happy because of all the Lord has done
60PHP31q4ptτὰ αὐτὰ γράφειν ὑμῖν, ἐμοὶ μὲν οὐκ ὀκνηρόν1For me to write these same things again to you is no trouble for meIt is no trouble for me to write these things again to you
61PHP32zin8τοὺς κύνας ... τοὺς κακοὺς ἐργάτας ... τὴν κατατομήν1the dogs ... those evil workers ... those who mutilate the fleshThese are three different ways of describing the same group of false teachers. Paul is using strong expressions to convey his feeling about these Jewish Christian teachers.
62PHP32cka6figs-hyperboleτὴν κατατομήν1mutilatePaul is exaggerating about the act of circumcision to insult the false teachers. The false teachers said God will only save a person who is circumcised, who cuts off the foreskin. This action was required by the law of Moses for all male Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
63PHP33k8phοὐκ ἐν σαρκὶ πεποιθότες1have no confidence in the fleshdo not trust that only cutting our flesh will please God
64PHP35am85ὀκταήμερος1the eighth dayseven days after I was born
65PHP36n51bδιώκων τὴν ἐκκλησίαν1I persecuted the churchI attacked Christians
66PHP37y1sgfigs-metaphorταῦτα ἥγημαι ... ζημίαν1I have considered them as lossPaul speaks of that praise as if he were now viewing it as a business loss instead of a profit. In other words, Paul says that all his religious acts of righteousness are worthless before Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
67PHP38cv55διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου μου1because of the surpassing value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lordbecause knowing Christ Jesus my Lord is worth so much more
68PHP38afs4ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω1so that I may gain Christso that I may have only Christ
69PHP39g9a9μὴ ἔχων ἐμὴν δικαιοσύνην τὴν ἐκ νόμου1not having a righteousness of my own from the lawPaul knows that he cannot become righteous by obeying the law.
70PHP310vj4sτὴν δύναμιν τῆς ἀναστάσεως αὐτοῦ1the power of his resurrectionhis power that gives us life
71PHP310xw42figs-activepassiveσυμμορφιζόμενος τῷ θανάτῳ αὐτοῦ1becoming like him in his deathPossible meanings are 1) Paul wants to be like Christ by dying as Christ died or 2) Paul wants his desire to sin to become as dead as Jesus was before he was raised. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
72PHP312xk5q0Connecting Statement:Paul urges the believers at Philippi to follow his present example because of heaven and the new bodies that wait for believers. He speaks of how he works as hard as he can to be like Christ, knowing that God will allow him to live forever in heaven, as if he were a runner racing for the finish line.
73PHP312ms3vἔλαβον1received these thingsThese include knowing Christ, knowing the power of his resurrection, sharing in Christ's suffering, and being united with Christ in his death and resurrection ([Philippians 3:8-11](./
74PHP312i5ldδιώκω δὲ1But I press onBut I keep trying
75PHP313tzg8ἀδελφοί1BrothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/
76PHP314lmr6figs-metaphorτῆς ἄνω κλήσεως1the upward callingPossible meanings are that Paul speaks of living eternally with God as if God were to call Paul to ascend 1) to heaven as Jesus did or 2) the steps to the podium where winners of races received prizes, as a metaphor for meeting God face to face and receiving eternal life. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
77PHP317uxc5ἀδελφοί1brothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/
78PHP318ab61πολλοὶ ... περιπατοῦσιν ... τοὺς ἐχθροὺς τοῦ σταυροῦ τοῦ Χριστοῦ1Many are walking ... as enemies of the cross of ChristThese words are Paul's main thought for this verse.
79PHP318zwp3πολλάκις ἔλεγον ὑμῖν1I have often told youI have told you many times
80PHP318h6pcκλαίων, λέγω1am telling you with tearsam telling you with great sadness
81PHP321eye2ὃς μετασχηματίσει τὸ σῶμα τῆς ταπεινώσεως ἡμῶν1He will transform our lowly bodiesHe will change our weak, earthly bodies
82PHP321b2bcσύμμορφον τῷ σώματι τῆς δόξης αὐτοῦ1into bodies formed like his glorious bodyinto bodies like his glorious body
83PHP41xmc40Connecting Statement:Paul continues with some specific instructions to the believers in Philippi on unity and then gives instructions to help them live for the Lord.
84PHP41fe2yὥστε, ἀδελφοί μου ἀγαπητοὶ καὶ ἐπιπόθητοι1Therefore, my beloved brothers whom I long forMy fellow believers, I love you and I greatly desire to see you
85PHP41ngs7ἀδελφοί1brothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/
86PHP41dz44οὕτως στήκετε ἐν Κυρίῳ, ἀγαπητοί1in this way stand firm in the Lord, beloved friendsso continue living for the Lord in the way that I have taught you, dear friends
87PHP43cm3utranslate-namesμετὰ ... Κλήμεντος1along with ClementClement was a man who was a believer and worker in the church at Philippi. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
88PHP43s9h9ὧν τὰ ὀνόματα ἐν βίβλῳ ζωῆς1whose names are in the Book of Lifewhose names God has written in the Book of Life
89PHP45snk5ὁ Κύριος ἐγγύς1The Lord is nearPossible meanings are 1) The Lord Jesus is near to the believers in spirit or 2) the day the Lord Jesus will return to the earth is near.
90PHP46h63gἐν παντὶ, τῇ προσευχῇ καὶ τῇ δεήσει μετὰ εὐχαριστίας, τὰ αἰτήματα ὑμῶν γνωριζέσθω πρὸς τὸν Θεόν1in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to Godwhatever happens to you, ask God for everything you need with prayer and thanks
91PHP47u1szἡ εἰρήνη τοῦ Θεοῦ1the peace of Godthe peace that God gives
92PHP47zr4xἡ ὑπερέχουσα πάντα νοῦν1which surpasses all understandingwhich is more than we can understand
93PHP48b8igτὸ λοιπόν1FinallyAs Paul ends his letter, he gives a summary of how believers should live to have peace with God.
94PHP48fxn5ἀδελφοί1brothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/
95PHP48r275ὅσα προσφιλῆ1whatever things are lovelywhatever things are pleasing
96PHP48i5glεἴ τις ἀρετὴ1if there is anything excellentif they are morally good
97PHP48e9ebεἴ τις ἔπαινος1if there is anything to be praisedand if they are things that people praise
98PHP49m145καὶ ἐμάθετε καὶ παρελάβετε, καὶ ἠκούσατε καὶ εἴδετε, ἐν ἐμοί1that you have learned and received and heard and seen in methat I have taught and shown you
99PHP410pwh90Connecting Statement:Paul begins to thank the Philippians for a gift that they have sent him. He begins in verse 11 to explain that he is thanking them for this gift simply because he is grateful, not because he needs them to give him anything more.
100PHP411ew5eἐν οἷς εἰμι1in all circumstancesno matter what my situation is
101PHP412lgp9figs-explicitοἶδα καὶ ταπεινοῦσθαι ... περισσεύειν1I know what it is to be poor ... to have plentyPaul knows how to live happily having either no possessions or many possessions. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
102PHP412i9vpfigs-parallelismχορτάζεσθαι καὶ πεινᾶν, καὶ περισσεύειν καὶ ὑστερεῖσθαι1how to be well-fed or to be hungry, and how to have an abundance or to be in needThese two phrases mean basically the same thing. Paul uses them to emphasize that he has learned how to be content in any situation. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
103PHP413z1pbπάντα ἰσχύω ἐν τῷ ἐνδυναμοῦντί με1I can do all things through him who strengthens meI can do all things because Christ gives me strength
104PHP414bs720Connecting Statement:Paul continues explaining that he is thanking the Philippians for their gift to him simply because he is grateful, not because he needs them to give him anything more (see [Philippians 3:11](../03/
105PHP415w23wfigs-metonymyἀρχῇ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου1the beginning of the gospelPaul refers to the gospel here as meaning his preaching of the gospel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
106PHP418p6y10Connecting Statement:Paul finishes thanking the Philippians for their gift (see [Philippians 3:11](../03/ and assures them that God will take care of them.
107PHP418fs44ἀπέχω ... πάντα1I have received everything in fullPossible meanings are 1) Paul has received everything that the Philippians sent or 2) Paul is using humor to continue the business metaphor from [Philippians 3:8](../03/ and saying that this part of the letter is a receipt for commercial goods that Epaphroditus delivered.
108PHP418en6tfigs-explicitπερισσεύω1even morePaul means plenty of the things that he needs for himself. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
109PHP419xmk2κατὰ τὸ πλοῦτος αὐτοῦ ἐν δόξῃ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ1according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesusfrom his glorious riches that he gives through Christ Jesus
110PHP421h2jrοἱ ... ἀδελφοί1The brothersThis refers to those people who were either ministering with or to Paul.
111PHP421z65aἀδελφοί1brothersSee how you translated this in [Philippians 1:12](../01/