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2REV11kv410General Information:This is an introduction to the book of Revelation. It explains that it is a revelation from Jesus Christ and it gives a blessing to those who read it.
3REV11ik5vτοῖς δούλοις αὐτοῦ1his servantsThis refers to people who believe in Christ.
4REV11x8buἃ δεῖ γενέσθαι ἐν τάχει1what must soon take placethe events that must happen soon
5REV11kez4ἐσήμανεν1made it knowncommunicated it
6REV12va4cτὸν λόγον τοῦ Θεοῦ1the word of Godthe message that God spoke
7REV13dwt8ὁ ... καιρὸς ἐγγύς1the time is nearthe things that must happen will soon happen
8REV14vw1t0General Information:This is the beginning of John's letter. Here he names himself as the writer and greets the people he is writing to.
9REV14hl5cἀπὸ ὁ ὢν1from the one who isfrom God, who is
10REV14qsu6figs-metaphorὁ ... ἐρχόμενος1who is to comeExisting in the future is spoken of as coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
11REV15l3h8ὁ ... πρωτότοκος τῶν νεκρῶν1the firstborn from the deadthe first person to be raised from death
12REV15j1xpτῶν νεκρῶν1from the deadFrom among all those who have died. This expression describes all dead people together in the underworld. To come back from among them speaks of becoming alive again.
13REV15u6v7λύσαντι ἡμᾶς1has released ushas set us free
14REV16a4mqἐποίησεν ἡμᾶς βασιλείαν, ἱερεῖς1has made us a kingdom, priestshas set us apart and begun to rule over us and he has made us priests
15REV16c77qguidelines-sonofgodprinciplesΠατρί1FatherThis is an important title for God that describes the relationship between God and Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
16REV16vc5gτὸ κράτος1the powerThis probably refers to his authority as king.
17REV17ldv80General Information:In verse 7, John is quoting from Daniel and Zechariah.
18REV17t16vκαὶ ... οἵτινες αὐτὸν ἐξεκέντησαν1including those who pierced himeven those who pierced him will see him
19REV17lqs9ἐξεκέντησαν1piercedmade a hole in
20REV18in5efigs-metaphorὁ ... ἐρχόμενος1who is to comeExisting in the future is spoken of as coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
21REV19up7y0General Information:John explains how his vision began and the instructions the Spirit gave him.
22REV19mg1kfigs-you0your ... youThese refer to the believers in the seven churches. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
23REV19c1a9διὰ τὸν λόγον τοῦ Θεοῦ1because of the word of Godbecause I told others the word of God
24REV110lnj2τῇ Κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ1the Lord's daythe day of worship for believers in Christ
25REV110fa68figs-simileφωνὴν μεγάλην ὡς σάλπιγγος1loud voice like a trumpetThe voice was so loud it sounded like a trumpet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
26REV110dn8eσάλπιγγος1trumpetThis refers to an instrument for producing music or for calling people to gather together for an announcement or meeting.
27REV111kq6xtranslate-names0Smyrna ... Pergamum ... Thyatira ... Sardis ... Philadelphia ... LaodiceaThese are names of cities in the region of western Asia that today is modern Turkey. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
28REV112dkp10Connecting Statement:John begins to explain what he saw in his vision.
29REV113xmx7figs-metaphorΥἱὸν Ἀνθρώπου1son of manThis expression describes a human figure, someone who looks human. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
30REV113y6qkζώνην χρυσᾶν1a golden sasha piece of cloth worn around the chest. It may have had golden threads in it.
31REV114j9w4ἔριον1woolThis is the hair of a sheep or goat. It was known to be very white.
32REV115ldx7καμίνῳ1furnacea strong container for holding a very hot fire. People would put metal in it, and the hot fire would burn away any impurities that were in the metal.
33REV115izg60the sound of many rushing watersThis is very loud, like the sound of a large, fast flowing river, of a large waterfall, or of loud waves in the sea.
34REV116pp580a sword ... was coming out of his mouthThe sword blade was sticking out of his mouth. The sword itself was not in motion.
35REV116zy4dῥομφαία δίστομος ὀξεῖα1a sword with two sharp edgesThis refers to a double-edged sword, which is sharpened on both sides to cut both directions.
36REV117twy9figs-simileἔπεσα πρὸς τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ, ὡς νεκρός1fell at his feet like a dead manJohn lay down facing the ground. He was probably very frightened and was showing Jesus great respect. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
37REV117jw5rἔθηκεν τὴν δεξιὰν αὐτοῦ ἐπ’ ἐμὲ1He placed his right hand on meHe touched me with his right hand
38REV117uc3dfigs-merismἐγώ εἰμι ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος1I am the first and the lastThis refers to the eternal nature of Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
39REV119u49x0Connecting Statement:The Son of Man continues to speak.
40REV120d6ezwriting-symlanguageἀστέρων1starsThese stars are symbols that represent the seven angels of the seven churches. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
41REV120fl5dwriting-symlanguageλυχνίας1lampstandsThe lampstands are symbols that represent the seven churches. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:12](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
42REV120e25nἑπτὰ ... ἐκκλησιῶν1seven churchesThis refers to seven churches that actually existed in Asia Minor at that time. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/
43REV21mn8x0General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Ephesus.
44REV21i92awriting-symlanguageἀστέρας1starsThese stars are symbols. They represent the seven angels of the seven churches. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:16](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
45REV21ugs3writing-symlanguageλυχνιῶν1lampstandsThe lampstands are symbols that represent the seven churches. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:12](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
46REV22szc1καὶ ... οὐκ εἰσίν1but are notbut are not apostles
47REV22ka9eεὗρες αὐτοὺς ψευδεῖς1you have found them to be falseyou have recognized that those people are false apostles
48REV25j6p5ἐὰν μὴ μετανοήσῃς1Unless you repentIf you do not repent
49REV26cvi5translate-namesΝικολαϊτῶν1Nicolaitanspeople who followed the teachings of a man named Nicolaus (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
50REV28is3w0General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Smyrna.
51REV28key2translate-namesΣμύρνῃ1SmyrnaThis is the name of a city in a part of western Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
52REV28k7qkfigs-merismὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος1the first and the lastThis refers to the eternal nature of Jesus. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:17](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
53REV29qf9pκαὶ ... οὐκ εἰσίν1but they are notbut they are not real Jews
54REV29a4yufigs-metaphorσυναγωγὴ τοῦ Σατανᾶ1a synagogue of SatanPeople who gather to obey or honor Satan are spoken of as if they were a synagogue, a place of worship and teaching for the Jews. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
55REV212ll170General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Pergamum.
56REV212il7ctranslate-namesΠεργάμῳ1PergamumThis is the name of a city in a part of western Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
57REV212f6s5ὁ ἔχων τὴν ῥομφαίαν τὴν δίστομον τὴν ὀξεῖαν1the sword with two sharp edgesThis refers to a double-edged sword, which is sharpened on both sides to cut both directions. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:16](../01/
58REV213ryn6figs-metonymyὁ θρόνος τοῦ Σατανᾶ1Satan's thronePossible meanings are 1) Satan's power and evil influence on people, or 2) the place where Satan rules. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
59REV213lu4btranslate-namesἈντιπᾶς1AntipasThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
60REV214j3nctranslate-namesτῷ Βαλὰκ1BalakThis is the name of a king. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
61REV215hc85translate-namesΝικολαϊτῶν1NicolaitansThis was the name for a group of people who followed the teachings of a man named Nicolaus. See how you translated this in [Revelation 2:6](../02/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
62REV216rwa4μετανόησον οὖν1Repent, thereforeSo repent
63REV216fd6uπολεμήσω μετ’ αὐτῶν1wage war against themfight against them
64REV218b83m0General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Thyatira.
65REV218kd5vtranslate-namesΘυατείροις1ThyatiraThis is the name of a city in a part of western Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
66REV218q3w9guidelines-sonofgodprinciplesΥἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ1Son of GodThis is an important title for Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
67REV222h8fzτοὺς μοιχεύοντας1commit adulterypractice adultery
68REV223kx34τὰ τέκνα αὐτῆς ἀποκτενῶ ἐν θανάτῳ1I will strike her children deadI will kill her children
69REV227c9gu0He will rule ... break them into piecesThis is a prophecy from the Old Testament about a king of Israel, but Jesus applied it here to those to whom he gives authority over the nations.
70REV228hr39guidelines-sonofgodprinciplesτοῦ πατρός μου1my FatherThis is an important title for God that describes the relationship between God and Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
71REV228g5iywriting-symlanguageἀστέρα τὸν πρωϊνόν1morning starThis is a bright star that sometimes appears early in the morning just before dawn. It was a symbol of victory. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
72REV31k6b70General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Sardis.
73REV31q7n9translate-namesΣάρδεσιν1SardisThis is the name of a city in the western part of Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
74REV31t8wvwriting-symlanguageτοὺς ἑπτὰ ἀστέρας1the seven starsThese stars are symbols that represent the seven angels of the seven churches. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:16](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
75REV31ty18figs-metaphor0alive ... deadObeying and honoring God is spoken of as being alive; disobeying and dishonoring him is spoken of as being dead. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
76REV33ypw4figs-simileἥξω ὡς κλέπτης1I will come as a thiefJesus will come at a time when people do not expect him, just as a thief comes when not expected. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
77REV35d7l5ἐνώπιον τοῦ Πατρός μου1before my Fatherin the presence of my Father
78REV35bi3hguidelines-sonofgodprinciplesτοῦ Πατρός μου1my FatherThis is an important title for God that describes the relationship between God and Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
79REV37rf9b0General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Philadelphia.
80REV37mm6xtranslate-namesΦιλαδελφίᾳ1PhiladelphiaThis is the name of a city in the western part of Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
81REV37ih6iwriting-symlanguageκλεῖν Δαυείδ1key of DavidJesus speaks of his authority to decide who may go into his kingdom as if it were King David's key. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
82REV37aam60he opens and no one shutshe opens the door to the kingdom and no one can close it
83REV37pzy2κλείων καὶ οὐδεὶς ἀνοίγει1he shuts and no one can openhe closes the door and no one can open it
84REV38j1x7δέδωκα ἐνώπιόν σου θύραν ἠνεῳγμένην1I have put before you an open doorI have opened a door for you
85REV39x78mfigs-metaphorσυναγωγῆς τοῦ Σατανᾶ1synagogue of SatanPeople who gather to obey or honor Satan are spoken of as if they were in a synagogue, a place of worship and teaching for the Jews. See how you translated this in [Revelation 2:9](../02/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
86REV310e6bwfigs-metaphor0is comingExisting in the future is spoken of as coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
87REV314r6bz0General Information:This is the beginning of the Son of Man's message to the angel of the church in Laodicea.
88REV314wzg9translate-namesΛαοδικίᾳ1LaodiceaThis is the name of a city in the western part of Asia that today is modern Turkey. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:11](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
89REV319sf66ζήλευε ... καὶ μετανόησον1be earnest and repentbe serious and repent
90REV320une1figs-metaphorκαὶ ... δειπνήσω μετ’ αὐτοῦ1and will eat with himThis represents being together as friends. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
91REV321h9pf0Connecting Statement:This is the end of the Son of Man's messages to the angels of the seven churches.
92REV321un17guidelines-sonofgodprinciplesτοῦ Πατρός μου1my FatherThis is an important title for God that describes the relationship between God and Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
93REV4introcl9f0# Revelation 04 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 8 and 11.<br><br>John has finished describing the letters to the churches. He now begins to describe a vision that God showed him.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Jasper, carnelian, and emerald<br><br>These words refer to kinds of special stones that the people in John's day considered valuable. It may be difficult for you to translate these words if people in your culture do not value special kinds of stones.<br><br>### Twenty-four elders<br><br>Elders are church leaders. Twenty-four elders may be symbolic of the whole church through the ages. There were twelve tribes in Old Testament Israel and twelve apostles in the New Testament church. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br><br>### Seven spirits of God<br><br>These spirits are the seven spirits of [Revelation 1:4](../../rev/01/<br><br>### Giving glory to God<br><br>God's glory is the great beauty and radiant majesty that God has because he is God. Other Bible writers describe it as if it were a light so bright that no one can look at it. No one can give God this kind of glory, because it is already his. When people give glory to God or when God receives glory, people say that God has the glory that is his, that it is right for God to have that glory, and that people should worship God because he has that glory. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/glory]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/worthy]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/worship]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Difficult images<br><br>Such things as bolts of lightning coming from the throne, lamps that are spirits, and a sea in front of the throne may be difficult to imagine, and so the words for them may be difficult to translate. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br>
94REV41ws2q0General Information:John begins to describe his vision of the throne of God.
95REV41z8r8figs-metaphorθύρα ἠνεῳγμένη ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ1an open door in heavenThis expression stands for the ability that God gave John to see into heaven, at least by means of a vision. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
96REV41j713σάλπιγγος1trumpetThis refers to an instrument for producing music or for calling people to gather together for an announcement or meeting. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:10](../01/
97REV43m4mitranslate-unknownλίθῳ, ἰάσπιδι καὶ σαρδίῳ1jasper and carnelianThese are valuable stones. Jasper may have been clear like glass or crystal, and carnelian may have been red. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
98REV43aap1translate-unknownσμαραγδίνῳ1emeralda green, valuable stone (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
99REV44ivw8στεφάνους χρυσοῦς1golden crownsThese were likenesses of wreaths of olive branches or laurel leaves, hammered out in gold. Such crowns, made of leaves, were given to victorious athletes to wear on their heads.
100REV45ryb1ἀστραπαὶ1flashes of lightningUse your language's way of describing what lightning looks like each time it appears.
101REV45u1daφωναὶ, καὶ βρονταί1rumblings, and crashes of thunderThese are the loud noises that thunder makes. Use your language's way of describing the sound of thunder.
102REV47d84nfigs-simile0The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature was like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagleHow the head of each living creature appeared to John is expressed as a comparison with something more familiar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
103REV48n8g2κυκλόθεν καὶ ἔσωθεν γέμουσιν ὀφθαλμῶν1full of eyes on top and underneathThe top and bottom of each wing was covered with eyes.
104REV48y1u5figs-metaphorὁ ... ἐρχόμενος1who is to comeExisting in the future is spoken of as coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
105REV49xj6bεὐχαριστίαν, τῷ καθημένῳ ἐπὶ τῷ θρόνῳ, τῷ ζῶντι εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων1the one who sits on the throne, the one who lives forever and everThis is one person. The one who sits on the throne lives forever and ever.
106REV410c2vgπεσοῦνται1fall downThey purposely lie down facing the ground to show that they are worshiping.
107REV51txr50Connecting Statement:John continues to describe what he saw in his vision of the throne of God.
108REV51w3yiκαὶ εἶδον1Then I sawAfter I saw those things, I saw
109REV51yhm3βιβλίον, γεγραμμένον ἔσωθεν καὶ ὄπισθεν1a scroll written on the front and on the backa scroll with writing on the front and the back
110REV51aj7mκατεσφραγισμένον σφραγῖσιν ἑπτά1sealed with seven sealsand it had seven seals keeping it closed
111REV55b6wgfigs-metaphorὁ λέων1The LionThe king is spoken of as if he were a lion because a lion is very strong. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
112REV56v99jwriting-participants0General Information:The Lamb appears in the throne room. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-participants]])
113REV58e3fhwriting-symlanguageτοῦ Ἀρνίου1the LambThis is a young male sheep. Here is it used symbolically to refer to Christ. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
114REV58qak6writing-symlanguageφιάλας χρυσᾶς γεμούσας θυμιαμάτων, αἵ εἰσιν αἱ προσευχαὶ τῶν ἁγίων1a golden bowl full of incense, which are the prayers of the saintsThe incense here is a symbol for the believers' prayers to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
115REV59j1jnἐσφάγης1slaughteredIf your language has a word for killing an animal for a sacrifice, consider using it here.
116REV59zzc7ἐκ πάσης φυλῆς ... γλώσσης ... λαοῦ, καὶ ἔθνους1from every tribe, language, people, and nationThis means that people from every ethnic group are included.
117REV512gnv10Worthy is the Lamb who has been slaughteredThe Lamb who has been slaughtered is worthy
118REV513sad6figs-merismἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ ὑποκάτω τῆς γῆς1in heaven and on the earth and under the earthThis means everywhere: the place where God and the angels live, the place where people and animals live, and the place where those who have died are. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:3](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
119REV513t3zy0To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb beMay he who sits on the throne and the Lamb have
120REV6introzkn70# Revelation 06 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The author describes what happened after the Lamb opens each of the first six seals. The Lamb does not open the seventh seal until Chapter 8.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Seven Seals<br>Kings and important people in John's time wrote important documents on large pieces of paper or animal skin. They then rolled them up and sealed them with wax so they would stay closed. Only the person to whom the document was written had the authority to open it by breaking the seal. In this chapter, the Lamb opens the seals. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br><br>### The Four Horsemen<br>As the Lamb opens each of the first four seals, the author describes horsemen riding different colored horses. The colors of the horses seem to symbolize how the rider will affect the earth.<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### The Lamb<br>This refers to Jesus. In this chapter, it is also a title for Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lamb]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br><br>### Similes<br>In verses 12-14, the author uses several similes to try to describe the images he sees in the vision. He compares the images to everyday things. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])<br>
121REV61i3920Connecting Statement:John continues to describe the events that happened before the throne of God. The Lamb begins to open the seals on the scroll.
122REV61be7pἔρχου1Come!This is a command to one person, apparently the rider of the white horse who is spoken of in verse 2.
123REV62r5mhστέφανος1a crownThis was a wreath of olive branches or of laurel leaves like the wreaths that winning athletes received in contests at the time of John.
124REV65rm4yζυγὸν1a pair of scalesa tool used for weighing things
125REV66ej1vκαὶ ... τὸ ἔλαιον καὶ τὸν οἶνον μὴ ἀδικήσῃς1But do not harm the oil and the wineIf the oil and wine were harmed, there would be less of them for people to buy, and their prices would go up.
126REV66c5ikfigs-metonymyτὸ ἔλαιον καὶ τὸν οἶνον1the oil and the wineThese expressions probably stand for the olive oil harvest and the grape harvest. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
127REV68tjw8figs-metonymyῥομφαίᾳ1the swordA sword is a weapon, and here it represents war. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
128REV68n9x3ὑπὸ τῶν θηρίων τῆς γῆς1with the wild animals of the earthThis means that Death and Hades would cause the wild animals to attack and kill people.
129REV614jyb7figs-simileὁ οὐρανὸς ἀπεχωρίσθη ὡς βιβλίον ἑλισσόμενον1The sky vanished like a scroll that was being rolled upThe sky was normally thought of as being strong like a sheet of metal, but now it was weak like a sheet of paper and easily torn and rolled up. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
130REV615m6j6οἱ ... χιλίαρχοι1the generalsThis word refers to the warriors who command in the battle.
131REV615vl6hτὰ σπήλαια1caveslarge holes in the sides of hills
132REV617i7t4figs-metaphorἦλθεν1has comeExisting now is spoken of as having come. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
133REV7introf27i0# Revelation 07 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Scholars have interpreted parts of this chapter in many different ways. Translators do not need to fully understand what this chapter means to accurately translate its contents. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br><br>It is important to accurately translate the large numbers in this chapter. The number 144,000 is twelve times twelve thousand.<br><br>Translators should be aware that the tribes of the people of Israel are not listed in this chapter the same as they are generally listed in the Old Testament.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 5-8 and 15-17.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Worship<br>God saves his people and keeps them through times of trouble. His people respond by worshipping him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/worship]])<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### The Lamb<br>This refers to Jesus. In this chapter, it is also a title for Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br>
134REV71b1yl0General Information:John begins to describe a vision of 144,000 servants of God who become marked with seals. Their marking takes place after the Lamb opens the sixth seal and before he opens the seventh seal.
135REV73je8mμετώπων1foreheadsThe forehead is the top of the face, above the eyes.
136REV77ru7t0Connecting Statement:This continues the list of the people of Israel who were sealed.
137REV79cj5k0General Information:John begins to describe a second vision about a multitude praising God. This vision also takes place after the Lamb opens the sixth seal and before he opens the seventh seal.
138REV710m5az0Salvation belongs toSalvation comes from
139REV711a45pτῶν ... τεσσάρων ζῴων1the four living creaturesThese are the four creatures mentioned in [Revelation 4:6-8](../04/
140REV712lf1m0Praise, glory ... be to our GodOur God is worthy of all praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power and strength
141REV712d74f0forever and everThese two words mean basically the same thing and emphasize that the praise will never end.
142REV713wz8zπεριβεβλημένοι τὰς στολὰς τὰς λευκὰς1clothed with white robesThese white robes showed that they were righteous.
143REV715q73i0Connecting Statement:The elder continues to speak to John.
144REV715qs230they ... themThese words refer to those people who have come through the great tribulation.
145REV716p6u70They ... themThese words refer to those people who have come through the great tribulation.
146REV717wc490their ... themThese words refer to those people who have come through the great tribulation.
147REV717b5rpτὸ Ἀρνίον ... ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ θρόνου1the Lamb at the center of the thronethe Lamb, who is standing in the middle of the area around the throne
148REV8introma7f0# Revelation 08 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Seven seals and seven trumpets<br>This chapter begins to show what happens when the Lamb opens the seventh seal. God uses the prayers of all believers to cause dramatic things to happen on earth. John then describes what happens when angels sound the first four of seven trumpets. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Passive voice<br>John uses the passive voice several times in this chapter. This hides who performs the action. This will be difficult to convey if the translator's language does not have a passive voice. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])<br><br>### Similes<br>In verses 8 and 10, John uses similes to try to describe the images he sees in the vision. He compares the images to everyday things. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])<br>
149REV81d6520Connecting Statement:The Lamb opens the seventh seal.
150REV83f9g90he would offer ithe would offer the incense to God by burning it
151REV86xys50General Information:The seven angels sound the seven trumpets, one at a time.
152REV810int4λαμπάς1torcha stick with one end lit on fire to provide light
153REV811g4q5ἀπέθανον ἐκ τῶν ὑδάτων, ὅτι ἐπικράνθησαν1died from the waters that became bitterdied when they drank the bitter water
154REV91d26c0Connecting Statement:The fifth of the seven angels begins to sound his trumpet.
155REV91jim6εἶδον ἀστέρα ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ πεπτωκότα1I saw a star from heaven that had fallenJohn saw the star after it had fallen. He did not watch if fall.
156REV91v12jἡ κλεὶς τοῦ φρέατος τῆς Ἀβύσσου1the key to the shaft of the bottomless pitthe key that unlocks the shaft of the bottomless pit
157REV91p886τῆς Ἀβύσσου1the bottomless pitThis is an extremely deep narrow hole. Possible meanings are 1) the pit has no bottom; it continues to go down further forever or 2) the pit is so deep that it is as if it had no bottom.
158REV92nd4nἐσκοτώθη1turned darkbecame dark
159REV93mb9mtranslate-unknownἀκρίδες1locustsinsects that fly together in large groups. People fear them because they can eat up all the leaves in gardens and on trees. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
160REV93mjf1translate-unknownσκορπίοι1scorpionssmall insects with poisonous stingers on their tails. Their sting is extremely painful and the pain lasts a long time. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
161REV94cl6pἐρρέθη αὐταῖς ... μὴ ἀδικήσουσιν τὸν χόρτον τῆς γῆς, οὐδὲ πᾶν χλωρὸν, οὐδὲ ... δένδρον1They were told not to damage the grass on the earth or any green plant or treeOrdinary locusts were a terrible threat to people because when they swarm, they can eat up all the grass and all the leaves on plants and trees. These locusts were told not to do this.
162REV94tl6nμετώπων1foreheadsThe forehead is the top of the face, above the eyes.
163REV95vfj7αὐτούς1those peoplethe people whom the locusts were stinging
164REV95nm7q0to torture them for five monthsThe locusts would be allowed to do this for five months.
165REV95a3dw0to torture themto make them suffer terrible pain
166REV95qtk9βασανισμὸς ... σκορπίου1the sting of a scorpionA scorpion is a small insect with a poisonous stinger at the end of its long tail. The sting can cause severe pain or even death.
167REV97zh820General Information:These locusts did not look like ordinary locusts. John describes them by telling how parts of them looked like other things.
168REV97s9glστέφανοι ὅμοιοι χρυσῷ1crowns of goldThese were likenesses of wreaths of olive branches or laurel leaves, hammered out in gold. Examples actually made of leaves were given to victorious athletes to wear on their heads.
169REV910lim1ἐν ταῖς οὐραῖς αὐτῶν ἡ ἐξουσία αὐτῶν ἀδικῆσαι τοὺς ἀνθρώπους μῆνας πέντε1in their tails they had power to harm people for five monthsPossible meanings are 1) they had power for five months to harm people or 2) they could sting people and the people would be in pain for five months.
170REV911fiu6τῆς Ἀβύσσου1the bottomless pitThis is an extremely deep narrow hole. Possible meanings are 1) the pit has no bottom; it continues to go down further forever or 2) the pit is so deep that it is as if it had no bottom. See how you translated this in [Revelation 9:1](../09/
171REV912ts26figs-metaphor0there are still two disasters to comeExisting in the future is spoken of as coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
172REV913cyb60Connecting Statement:The sixth of the seven angels begins to sound his trumpet.
173REV913q3a3κεράτων τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου τοῦ χρυσοῦ1horns of the golden altarThese are horn-shaped extensions at each of the four corners of the top of the altar.
174REV916h8uf0General Information:Suddenly, 200,000,000 soldiers on horseback appear in John's vision. John is no longer speaking about the four angels mentioned in the previous verse.
175REV917mzf7ἐκ τῶν στομάτων αὐτῶν ἐκπορεύεται πῦρ ... καπνὸς, καὶ θεῖον1out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfurfire, smoke, and sulfur came out of their mouths
176REV918q9mp0Connecting Statement:John continues to describe the horses and the plagues brought upon humanity.
177REV101xr6f0General Information:John begins to describe a vision of a mighty angel holding a scroll. In John's vision he is viewing what is happening from earth. This takes place between the blowing of the sixth and seventh trumpets.
178REV101jj2efigs-metaphorπεριβεβλημένον νεφέλην1He was robed in a cloudJohn speaks of the angel as if he were wearing a cloud as his clothing. This expression may be understood as metaphor. However, because very unusual things were often seen in visions, it might be understood as a literally true statement in its context. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
179REV102l3r8ἔθηκεν τὸν πόδα αὐτοῦ τὸν δεξιὸν ἐπὶ τῆς θαλάσσης, τὸν δὲ εὐώνυμον ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς1He put his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the landHe stood with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land
180REV103ubb9καὶ ἔκραξεν1Then he shoutedThen the angel shouted
181REV105l5xytranslate-symactionἦρεν τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ τὴν δεξιὰν εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν1raised his right hand to heavenHe did this to show that he was swearing by God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
182REV106t2f6ὤμοσεν τῷ ζῶντι εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων1He swore by the one who lives forever and everHe asked that what he was going to say would be confirmed by the one who lives forever and ever
183REV108t61f0Connecting Statement:John hears the voice from heaven, which he had heard in [Revelation 10:4](../10/, speak to him again.
184REV108tkq7ἤκουσα1I heardJohn heard
185REV109x13bλέγει μοι1He said to meThe angel said to me
186REV111ba9b0General Information:John begins to describe a vision about receiving a measuring rod and two witnesses that God appointed. This vision also takes place between the blowing of the sixth and seventh trumpets.
187REV111ha6eτοὺς προσκυνοῦντας ἐν αὐτῷ1those who worship in itcount those who worship in the temple
188REV112jae6πατήσουσιν1trampleto treat something as worthless by walking on it
189REV113jk7r0Connecting Statement:God continues speaking to John.
190REV116a7edστρέφειν1to turnto change
191REV117i679Ἀβύσσου1bottomless pitThis is an extremely deep narrow hole. Possible meanings are 1) the pit has no bottom; it continues to go down further forever or 2) the pit is so deep that it is as if it had no bottom. See how you translated this in [Revelation 9:1](../09/
192REV118r45pτὰ πτώματα αὐτῶν1Their bodiesThis refers to the bodies of the two witnesses.
193REV118iea1ὁ Κύριος αὐτῶν1their LordThey served the Lord, and like him would die in that city.
194REV119bp610They will not permit them to be placed in a tombThis will be a sign of disrespect.
195REV1110dm89χαίρουσιν ἐπ’ αὐτοῖς, καὶ εὐφραίνονται1will rejoice over them and celebratewill rejoice that the two witnesses have died
196REV1110trs2translate-symaction0even send gifts to one anotherThis action shows how happy the people were. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
197REV1110h4pqὅτι οὗτοι ... δύο προφῆται ἐβασάνισαν τοὺς κατοικοῦντας ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς1because these two prophets tormented those who lived on the earthThis is the reason that the people will be so happy that the witnesses have died.
198REV1112f8zeκαὶ ἤκουσαν1Then they will hearPossible meanings are 1) the two witnesses will hear or 2) the people will hear what is said to the two witnesses.
199REV1112l1x7λεγούσης αὐτοῖς1say to themsay to the two witnesses
200REV1113f4r2ἔδωκαν δόξαν τῷ Θεῷ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ1give glory to the God of heavensay that the God of heaven is glorious
201REV1115l1be0Connecting Statement:The last of the seven angels begins to sound his trumpet.
202REV1115sw4uἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ κόσμου τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ τοῦ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ1The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his ChristOur Lord and his Christ are now the rulers of the world
203REV1118kx7k0Connecting Statement:The twenty-four elders continue praising God.
204REV1118amc2ὠργίσθησαν1were enragedwere extremely angry
205REV1119b6lyἀστραπαὶ1flashes of lightningUse your language's way of describing what lightning looks like each time it appears. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:5](../04/
206REV1119ap5gφωναὶ ... βρονταὶ1rumblings, crashes of thunderThese are the loud noises that thunder makes. Use your language's way of describing the sound of thunder. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:5](../04/
207REV121n4ii0General Information:John begins to describe a woman who appears in his vision.
208REV121tg62στέφανος ἀστέρων δώδεκα1a crown of twelve starsThis was apparently a likeness of a wreath made of laurel leaves or olive branches, but with twelve stars included in it.
209REV123y4c10Connecting Statement:John describes a dragon that appears in his vision.
210REV123s1j6writing-symlanguageδράκων1dragonThis was a large, fierce reptile, like a lizard. For Jewish people, it was a symbol of evil and chaos. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
211REV124r1lrἡ οὐρὰ αὐτοῦ σύρει τὸ τρίτον τῶν ἀστέρων1His tail swept away a third of the starsWith his tail he swept away a third of the stars
212REV125zr5qfigs-metaphorποιμαίνειν πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ1rule all the nations with an iron rodRuling harshly is spoken of as ruling with an iron rod. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Revelation 2:27](../02/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
213REV127tb66καὶ1NowJohn uses this word to mark a shift in his account to introduce something else happening in his vision.
214REV128uj6a0So there was no longer any place in heaven for him and his angelsSo the dragon and his angels could no longer stay in heaven
215REV1210yg1aἐβλήθη ὁ κατήγορος τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἡμῶν1the accuser of our brothers has been thrown downThis is the dragon that was thrown down in [Revelation 12:9](../12/
216REV1211lkk60Connecting Statement:The loud voice from heaven continues to speak.
217REV1211qmg8αὐτοὶ ἐνίκησαν αὐτὸν1They conquered himThey conquered the accuser
218REV1213z3hbἐδίωξεν τὴν γυναῖκα1he pursued the womanhe chased after the woman
219REV1214sxw1τοῦ ... ὄφεως1the serpentThis is another way of referring to the dragon.
220REV1215c73vὄφις1serpentThis is the same being as the dragon mentioned earlier in [Revelation 12:9](../12/
221REV1215a9whαὐτὴν ποταμοφόρητον1to sweep her awayto wash her away
222REV13introc9mw0# Revelation 13 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the words of verse 10, which are from the Old Testament.<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Similes<br>John uses many similes in this chapter. They help to describe the images that he sees in his vision. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Unknown animals<br>John uses different animals to try to describe what he saw. Some of these animals may not be known in the target language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])<br>
223REV132xa3aἔδωκεν αὐτῷ ὁ δράκων τὴν δύναμιν αὐτοῦ1The dragon gave his power to itThe dragon made the beast as powerful as he was. He did not lose his power, however, by giving it to the beast.
224REV132c4wx0his power ... his throne, and his great authority to ruleThese are three ways of referring to his authority, and together they emphasize that the authority was great.
225REV133xx3hὀπίσω τοῦ θηρίου1followed the beastobeyed the beast
226REV134yuu8ἔδωκεν τὴν ἐξουσίαν τῷ θηρίῳ1he had given his authority to the beasthe had caused the beast to have as much authority as he had
227REV136ru6vεἰς βλασφημίας πρὸς τὸν Θεόν1to speak blasphemies against Godto say disrespectful things about God
228REV136k71y0blaspheming his name, the place where he lives, and those who live in heavenThese phrases tell how the beast spoke blasphemies against God.
229REV137f5rlπᾶσαν φυλὴν ... λαὸν ... γλῶσσαν, καὶ ἔθνος1every tribe, people, language, and nationThis means that people from every ethnic group are included. See how you translated a similar list in [Revelation 5:9](../05/
230REV138nr7rπροσκυνήσουσιν αὐτὸν1will worship itwill worship the beast
231REV138nj7eἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου1since the creation of the worldwhen God created the world
232REV139tdy80General Information:These verses are a break from John's account of his vision. Here he give a warning to the people reading his account.
233REV1310pk8r0Here is a call for the patient endurance and faith of the saintsGod's holy people must endure patiently and be faithful
234REV1311pg7g0Connecting Statement:John begins to describe another beast who appears in his vision.
235REV1312a2fpτὴν ... γῆν καὶ τοὺς ἐν αὐτῇ κατοικοῦντας1the earth and those who live on iteveryone on the earth
236REV1313z2wsποιεῖ1It performedThe beast from the earth performed
237REV1315dey8τῇ εἰκόνι τοῦ θηρίου1the beast's imageThis is the image of the first beast that had been mentioned.
238REV1315ruk50cause all who refused to worship the beast to be killedput to death anyone who refused to worship the first beast
239REV1316h9u9καὶ ποιεῖ πάντας1It also forced everyoneThe beast from the earth also forced everyone
240REV1317j8x4τὸ χάραγμα ... τοῦ θηρίου1the mark of the beastThis was an identifying mark that indicated that the person who received it worshiped the beast.
241REV1318i46m0General Information:This verse is a break from John's account of his vision. Here he gives another warning to the people reading his account.
242REV1318bbn2ἀριθμὸς ... ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν1is the number of a human beingPossible meanings are 1) the number represents one person or 2) the number represents all of humanity.
243REV14introq71v0# Revelation 14 General Notes<br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Harvest<br><br>Harvest is when people go out to gather ripe food from plants. Jesus used this as a metaphor to teach his followers that they need to go and tell other people about him so those people can be part of God's kingdom. This chapter uses the metaphor of two harvests. Jesus gathers in his people from the whole earth. Then an angel gathers in wicked people whom God will punish. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br>
244REV141ck6y0Connecting Statement:John begins to describe the next part of his vision. There are 144,000 believers standing before the Lamb.
245REV141rf47guidelines-sonofgodprinciplesτοῦ Πατρὸς αὐτοῦ1his FatherThis is an important title for God that describes the relationship between God and Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])
246REV142hwu4φωνὴν ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ1a voice from heavena sound from heaven
247REV146n1fr0Connecting Statement:John begins to describe the next part of his vision. This is the first of three angels who proclaim judgment on the earth.
248REV146pp1lπᾶν ἔθνος ... φυλὴν ... γλῶσσαν, καὶ λαόν1every nation, tribe, language, and peopleThis means that people from every ethnic group are included. See how you translated a similar list in [Revelation 5:9](../05/
249REV148kg1ifigs-metonymyἣ ... πεπότικεν1who persuadedBabylon is spoken of as if it were a person, instead of a city filled with people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
250REV148v3zkfigs-personificationτοῦ ... θυμοῦ τῆς πορνείας αὐτῆς1her immoral passionBabylon is spoken of as if it were a prostitute who has caused other people to sin along with her. This may well have a double meaning: literal sexual immorality and also the worship of false gods. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
251REV149z6xpἐν φωνῇ μεγάλῃ1with a loud voiceloudly
252REV1410bb38writing-symlanguageτοῦ ... κεκερασμένου ἀκράτου1that has been poured undilutedThis means that the wine has no water mixed into it. It is strong, and a person who drinks much of it will get very drunk. As a symbol, it means that God will be extremely angry, not just a little angry. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
253REV1410zl4gwriting-symlanguageποτηρίῳ τῆς ὀργῆς αὐτοῦ1cup of his angerThis symbolic cup holds the wine that represents God's anger. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
254REV1411hh910Connecting Statement:The third angel continues to speak.
255REV1413x62qοἱ νεκροὶ οἱ ... ἀποθνῄσκοντες1the dead who diethose who die
256REV1413vd4mτῶν κόπων1laborsdifficulties and sufferings
257REV1414ft6vwriting-symlanguage0John begins to describe the next part of his vision. This part is about the Son of Man harvesting the earth. Harvesting the grain is a symbol of God's judging people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
258REV1414gvw8figs-simileὅμοιον Υἱὸν Ἀνθρώπου1one like a son of manThis expression describes a human figure, someone who looks human. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:13](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
259REV1414i8seστέφανον χρυσοῦν1golden crownThis was the likeness of a wreath of olive branches or laurel leaves, hammered out in gold. Examples actually made of leaves were given to victorious athletes to wear on their heads.
260REV1414l89ctranslate-unknownδρέπανον1sicklea tool with a curved blade used for cutting grass, grain, and vines (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
261REV1415v6dyἐξῆλθεν ἐκ τοῦ ναοῦ1came out of the templecame out of the heavenly temple
262REV1415v2xffigs-metaphorἦλθεν ἡ ὥρα θερίσαι1the time to reap has comeExisting in the present is spoken of as having come. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
263REV1417fb4y0Connecting Statement:John continues describing his vision about the earth being harvested.
264REV1419f3mnτὴν ... ληνὸν τοῦ θυμοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ τὸν μέγαν1the great wine vat of God's wraththe large wine vat where God will show his wrath
265REV1420xt4zἄχρι τῶν χαλινῶν τῶν ἵππων1up to the height of a horse's bridleas high as the bridle in a horse's mouth
266REV1420m2i9τῶν χαλινῶν1bridlea device made of leather straps that goes around a horse's head and is used for directing the horse
267REV151p98c0General Information:This verse is a summary of what will happen in 15:6-16:21.
268REV151w6lf0seven angels with seven plaguesseven angels who had authority to send seven plagues on the earth
269REV151mw7g0which are the final plaguesand after them, there will not be any more plagues
270REV151gdt5ὅτι ἐν αὐταῖς ἐτελέσθη ὁ θυμὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ1for with them the wrath of God will be completedPossible meanings are 1) these plagues will show all of God's anger or 2) after these plagues, God will no longer be angry.
271REV152ytq60General Information:Here John begins to describe his vision of the people who had been victorious over the beast and who are praising God.
272REV152lra7τοῦ ... ἀριθμοῦ τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ1the number representing his nameThis refers to the number described in [Revelation 13:18](../13/
273REV153l5huᾄδουσιν1They were singingThose who had been victorious over the beast were singing
274REV155v4ye0Connecting Statement:The seven angels with the seven plagues come out of the most holy place. They were spoken of previously in [Revelation 15:1](../15/
275REV155da6nμετὰ ταῦτα1After these thingsAfter the people finished singing
276REV156f9gqοἱ ἑπτὰ ἄγγελοι οἱ ἔχοντες τὰς ἑπτὰ πληγὰς1the seven angels holding the seven plaguesThese angels were seen as holding seven plagues because in [Revelation 17:7](../17/ they are given seven bowls full of the wrath of God.
277REV156nei2λίθον1linena fine, expensive cloth made from flax
278REV156w9kwζώνας1sashesA sash is a decorative piece of cloth worn on the upper body.
279REV158s67rἄχρι τελεσθῶσιν αἱ ἑπτὰ πληγαὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ ἀγγέλων1until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completeduntil the seven angels finished sending the seven plagues to the earth
280REV161nj830Connecting Statement:John continues to describe the part of the vision about the seven angels with the seven plagues. The seven plagues are the seven bowls of God's wrath.
281REV162nux1χάραγμα τοῦ θηρίου1mark of the beastThis was an identifying mark that indicated that the person who received it worshiped the beast. See how you translated this in [Revelation 13:17](../13/
282REV163sx66figs-synecdocheτὴν ... θάλασσαν1the seaThis refers to all the salt water lakes and oceans. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
283REV164xu1yfigs-synecdocheποταμοὺς καὶ τὰς πηγὰς τῶν ὑδάτων1rivers and the springs of waterThis refers to all bodies of fresh water. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
284REV165f35aτοῦ ἀγγέλου τῶν ὑδάτων1the angel of the watersPossible meanings are 1) this refers to the third angel who was in charge of pouring out God's wrath on the rivers and springs of water or 2) this was another angel who was in charge of all the waters.
285REV166jy6aαἷμα ... αὐτοῖς ἔδωκας πιεῖν1you have given them blood to drinkGod will make the evil people drink the waters that he turned to blood.
286REV169rd4ffigs-metaphorτὴν ἐξουσίαν ἐπὶ τὰς πληγὰς ταύτας1the power over these plaguesThis refers to the power to inflict these plagues on people, and the power to stop the plagues. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
287REV1610a2udfigs-metonymyτὸν θρόνον τοῦ θηρίου1the throne of the beastThis is where the beast reigns from. It may refer to the capital city of his kingdom. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
288REV1610pb1uἐμασῶντο1They chewedThe people in the beast's kingdom chewed.
289REV1611kna6ἐβλασφήμησαν1They blasphemedThe people in the beast's kingdom blasphemed.
290REV1613bb6dὡς βάτραχοι1looked like frogsA frog is a small animal that lives near water. Jews considered them unclean animals.
291REV1615u3v80General Information:Verse 15 is a break from the main story line of John's vision. These are words spoken by Jesus. The story line continues in verse 16.
292REV1615l16gfigs-explicit0Look! I am coming ... his shameful conditionThis is in parentheses to show that it is not part of the story line in the vision. Rather, this is something that the Lord Jesus said. It can be stated clearly that the Lord Jesus said this, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
293REV1615lgi6figs-simileἔρχομαι ὡς κλέπτης1I am coming as a thiefJesus will come at a time when people do not expect him, just as a thief comes when not expected. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Revelation 3:3](../03/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
294REV1616m2v7συνήγαγεν αὐτοὺς1They brought them togetherThe spirits of the demons brought the kings and their armies together
295REV1616x6fftranslate-namesἉρμαγεδών1ArmageddonThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
296REV1617ny8p0Connecting Statement:The seventh angel pours out the seventh bowl of God's wrath.
297REV1617a15pfigs-metonymy0Then a loud voice came out of the temple and from the throneThis means someone sitting on the throne or someone standing near the throne spoke loudly. It is unclear who is speaking. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
298REV1618x586ἀστραπαὶ1flashes of lightningUse your language's way of describing what lightning looks like each time it appears. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:5](../04/
299REV1618c9faφωναὶ ... βρονταί1rumbles, crashes of thunderThese are the loud noises that thunder makes. Use your language's way of describing the sound of thunder. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:5](../04/
300REV1620eb5w0Connecting Statement:This is part of the seventh bowl of God's wrath.
301REV171ppd70General Information:John begins to describe the part of his vision about the great prostitute.
302REV172ayw3figs-metaphorτῆς ... πορνείας αὐτῆς1her sexual immoralityThis may well have a double meaning: sexual immorality among people and also the worship of false gods. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
303REV173hf43writing-backgroundἀπήνεγκέν με εἰς ἔρημον ἐν Πνεύματι1carried me away in the Spirit to a wildernessThe setting changes from John being in heaven to being in a wilderness. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
304REV174rw19translate-unknownμαργαρίταις1pearlsbeautiful and valuable white beads. They are formed inside the shell of a certain kind of small animal that lives in the ocean. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
305REV176iq7b0General Information:The angel begins to explain to John the meaning of the prostitute and the red beast. The angel explains these things through verse 18.
306REV176iwz10was drunk with the blood ... and with the bloodwas drunk because she had drunk the blood ... and had drunk the blood
307REV176yqi7τῶν ... μαρτύρων Ἰησοῦ1the martyrs for Jesusthe believers who have died because they told others about Jesus
308REV176ydi9ἐθαύμασα1astonishedamazed, surprised
309REV178upm7τῆς Ἀβύσσου1the bottomless pitThis is an extremely deep narrow hole. Possible meanings are 1) the pit has no bottom; it continues to go down further forever or 2) the pit is so deep that it is as if it had no bottom. See how you translated this in [Revelation 9:1](../09/
310REV178glf1figs-activepassiveεἰς ἀπώλειαν ὑπάγει1it will go on to destructionThe certainty of what will happen in the future is spoken of as if the beast were going to it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
311REV179p3lb0Connecting Statement:The angel continues speaking. Here he explains the meaning of the seven heads of the beast that the woman is riding.
312REV179i6ta0This calls forThis makes it necessary to have
313REV1711b1ctἐκ τῶν ἑπτά ἐστιν1it is one of those seven kingsPossible meanings are 1) the beast rules twice: first as one of the seven kings, and then as the eighth king or 2) the beast belongs to that group of seven kings because he is like them.
314REV1712gq2m0Connecting Statement:The angel continues speaking to John. Here he explains the meaning of the ten horns of the beast.
315REV1715zsh5ὄχλοι1multitudeslarge groups of people
316REV1715ua3sfigs-metonymyγλῶσσαι1languagesThis refers to people who speak the languages. See how you translated this in [Revelation 10:11](../10/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
317REV1716j157ἠρημωμένην ποιήσουσιν αὐτὴν καὶ γυμνήν1make her desolate and nakedsteal everything that she has and leave her with nothing
318REV1718w2lu0Connecting Statement:The angel finishes speaking to John about the prostitute and the beast.
319REV18introj5qc0# Revelation 18 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 1-8.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Prophecy<br><br>The angel prophesies about Babylon falling, which here means being destroyed. It is spoken of as having already happened. This is common in prophecy. It emphasizes that the coming judgment will certainly happen. The angel also prophesies that the people will lament over Babylon falling. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/judge]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-apocalypticwriting]])<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Metaphors<br><br>Prophecy frequently uses metaphors. This chapter has a slightly different apocalyptic style than the Book of Revelation overall. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br>
320REV181xxe50Connecting Statement:Another angel comes down from heaven and speaks. This is a different angel than the one in the previous chapter, who spoke about the prostitute and the beast.
321REV182a2f5figs-metaphor0Fallen, fallen is Babylon the greatThe angel speaks of Babylon having been destroyed as if it had fallen. See how you translated this in [Revelation 14:8](../14/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
322REV183kp3pfigs-personificationτοῦ ... θυμοῦ τῆς πορνείας αὐτῆς1her immoral passionBabylon is spoken of as if it were a prostitute who has caused other people to sin along with her. This may well have a double meaning: literal sexual immorality and also the worship of false gods. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
323REV183ejc5ἔμποροι1merchantsA merchant is a person who sells things.
324REV183ql37ἐκ ... τῆς ... δυνάμεως τοῦ στρήνους αὐτῆς1from the power of her sensual way of livingbecause she spent so much money on sexual immorality
325REV184e7c70Connecting Statement:Another voice from heaven begins to speak.
326REV187i9bm0Connecting Statement:The same voice from heaven continues speaking about Babylon as if it were a woman.
327REV187we2tἐδόξασεν αὑτὴν1she glorified herselfthe people of Babylon glorified themselves
328REV187m3mgfigs-simileκάθημαι‘ βασίλισσα1I am seated as a queenShe claims to be a ruler, having her own authority. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
329REV187dy5kfigs-metaphorχήρα οὐκ εἰμί1I am not a widowShe implies that she will not be dependent on other people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
330REV188u6r9figs-metaphorἥξουσιν αἱ πληγαὶ αὐτῆς1her plagues will comeExisting in the future is spoken of a coming. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
331REV189pmz90Connecting Statement:John tells what people say about Babylon.
332REV189wk13μετ’ αὐτῆς πορνεύσαντες καὶ στρηνιάσαντες1committed sexual immorality and went out of control with hersinned sexually and did whatever they wanted just as the people of Babylon did
333REV1810qn81οὐαὶ‘, οὐαί1Woe, woeThis is repeated for emphasis.
334REV1810hkd8figs-metaphorἦλθεν ἡ κρίσις σου1your punishment has comeExisting in the present is spoken of as having come. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
335REV1811fe7uπενθοῦσιν ἐπ’ αὐτήν1mourn for hermourn for the people of Babylon
336REV1812xm9utranslate-unknownπορφύρας ... σιρικοῦ ... κοκκίνου1purple, silk, scarletPurple is a very dark red cloth that is very expensive. Silk is a soft, strong cloth made from the fine string that silkworms make when they make their cocoons. Scarlet is an expensive red cloth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
337REV1812hir4πᾶν ... σκεῦος ἐλεφάντινον1every vessel of ivoryall kinds of containers made of ivory
338REV1812b8xctranslate-unknownμαρμάρου1marblea precious stone used for building (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
339REV1813gz3vκιννάμωμον1cinnamona spice that smells nice and comes from the bark of a certain kind of tree
340REV1813z894ἄμωμον1spicea substance used to add flavor to food or a good smell to oil
341REV1814a1aaἐπιθυμίας τῆς ψυχῆς1longed for with all your mightwanted very much
342REV1816rtm9translate-unknownμαργαρίτῃ1pearlsbeautiful and valuable white beads. They are formed inside the shell of a certain kind of small animal that lives in the ocean. See how you translated this in [Revelation 17:4](../17/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
343REV1821b94u0Connecting Statement:Another angel begins to speak about Babylon. This is a different angel than the ones who have spoken previously.
344REV1821el4eμύλινον1millstonea large round stone used to crush grain
345REV1823d3yq0Connecting Statement:The angel who threw the millstone finishes talking.
346REV19introh7850# Revelation 19 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The beginning of chapter 19 concludes the topic of Babylon falling.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with verses 1-8.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Songs<br><br>The Book of Revelation often describes heaven as a place where people sing. They worship God with songs. This illustrates that heaven is a place where God is always worshiped. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/heaven]])<br><br>### Wedding celebration<br><br>The wedding celebration or feast is an important image in Scripture. Jewish culture often pictured paradise, or life with God after death, as a feast. Here, the wedding feast is for the Lamb, who is Jesus, and his bride, who is all his people.<br>
347REV191qu5h0General Information:This is the next part of John's vision. Here he describes the rejoicing in heaven over the fall of the great prostitute, who is the city of Babylon.
348REV192u1rpfigs-metaphorτὴν πόρνην τὴν μεγάλην1the great prostituteHere John refers to the city of Babylon whose wicked people rule over all the people of the earth and lead them to worship false gods. He speaks of the wicked people of Babylon as if they were a great prostitute. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
349REV195qdb3figs-merism0both the unimportant and the powerfulThe speaker uses these words together to mean all of God's people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
350REV196kq7nfigs-simileκαὶ ἤκουσα ὡς φωνὴν ὄχλου πολλοῦ ... ὡς φωνὴν ὑδάτων πολλῶν, καὶ ὡς φωνὴν βροντῶν ἰσχυρῶν1Then I heard what sounded like the voice of a great number of people, like the roar of many waters, and like loud crashes of thunderJohn speaks of what he is hearing as if it were like the sound made by a very large crowd of people, a large body of rushing water, and very loud thunder. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
351REV196e3uaὅτι ... Κύριος1For the LordBecause the Lord
352REV197hi520Connecting Statement:The voice of the crowd from the previous verse continues speaking.
353REV197bwf9figs-metaphor0wedding celebration of the Lamb ... his bride has made herself readyHere John speaks of the joining of Jesus and his people together forever as if it were a wedding celebration. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
354REV197r5xtwriting-symlanguageἈρνίου1LambThis is a young sheep. Here is it used symbolically to refer to Christ. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
355REV197j6d7figs-metaphorἦλθεν1has comeExisting in the present is spoken of as having come. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
356REV197q9e4figs-metaphorἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ ἡτοίμασεν ἑαυτήν1his bride has made herself readyJohn speaks of God's people as if they were a bride who has gotten ready for her wedding. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
357REV199ayc40General Information:An angel begins to speak to John. This is likely the same angel who began to speak to John in [Revelation 17:1](../17/
358REV199q4yafigs-metaphorτὸ δεῖπνον τοῦ γάμου τοῦ Ἀρνίου1the wedding feast of the LambHere the angel speaks of the joining of Jesus and his people forever as if it were a wedding feast. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
359REV1910uq6hἔπεσα ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ1I fell down at his feetThis means that John purposely lay on the ground and stretched himself out in reverence or submission. This action was an important part of worship, to show respect and willingness to serve. See note in [Revelation 19:3](../19/
360REV1911xx120General Information:This is the beginning of a new vision. John begins to describe a rider on a white horse.
361REV1911m1qnκαὶ εἶδον τὸν οὐρανὸν ἠνεῳγμένον1Then I saw heaven openThis imagery is used to signify the beginning of a new vision. See how you translated this idea in [Revelation 4:1](../04/ and [Revelation 11:19](../11/ and [Revelation 15:5](../15/
362REV1911hcs8ὁ καθήμενος ... αὐτὸν1The one riding itThe rider is Jesus.
363REV1912p9akfigs-simile0His eyes are like a fiery flameJohn speaks of the rider's eyes as if they shone like a flame of fire. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
364REV1915m9ynἐκ τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ ἐκπορεύεται ῥομφαία ὀξεῖα1Out of his mouth goes a sharp swordThe sword blade was sticking out of his mouth. The sword itself was not in motion. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Revelation 1:16](../01/
365REV1915uq4zfigs-metaphorποιμανεῖ αὐτοὺς ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ1rule them with an iron rodJohn speaks of the rider's power as if he were ruling with an iron rod. See how you translated this in [Revelation 12:5](../12/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
366REV1918khs9figs-merismἐλευθέρων τε καὶ δούλων ... μικρῶν καὶ μεγάλων1both free and slave, the unimportant and the powerfulThe angel uses these two sets of opposite-meaning words together to mean all people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
367REV1920gs37τὸ ... χάραγμα τοῦ θηρίου1the mark of the beastThis was an identifying mark that indicated that the person who received it worshiped the beast. See how you translated this in [Revelation 13:17](../13/
368REV1921qk9tτῇ ῥομφαίᾳ ... τῇ ἐξελθούσῃ ἐκ τοῦ στόματος1the sword that came out of the mouthThe sword blade was sticking out of his mouth. The sword itself was not in motion. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Revelation 1:16](../01/
369REV20introc7eh0# Revelation 20 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The thousand-year reign of Christ<br><br>In this chapter, Jesus is said to reign for a thousand years, at the same time that Satan is bound. Scholars are divided over whether this refers to a future period of time or to Jesus reigning now from heaven. It is not necessary to understand this passage in order to translate it accurately. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]])<br><br>### Final rebellion<br><br>This chapter also describes what happens after the thousand years are ended. During this time, Satan and many people will attempt to rebel against Jesus. This will result in God's ultimate and final victory over sin and evil. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/evil]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/eternity]])<br><br>### Great white throne<br><br>This chapter ends with God judging all people who ever lived. God separates people who believe in Jesus from those who do not believe in him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/judge]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/heaven]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Book of Life<br><br>This is a metaphor for eternal life. Those possessing eternal life are said to have their names written in this Book of Life. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Hades and the lake of fire<br>These appear to be two distinct places. The translator may wish to do further research to determine how to translate these two places differently. They should not be made the same as each other in translation. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/hell]])<br>
370REV201rkv70General Information:John begins to describe a vision of an angel throwing the devil into the bottomless pit.
371REV201c18cἈβύσσου1bottomless pitThis is an extremely deep narrow hole. Possible meanings are 1) the pit has no bottom; it continues to go down further forever or 2) the pit is so deep that it is as if it had no bottom. See how you translated this in [Revelation 9:1](../09/
372REV202r6eswriting-symlanguageδράκοντα1dragonThis was a large, fierce reptile, like a lizard. For Jewish people, it was a symbol of evil and chaos. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
373REV204lw2r0General Information:This is the next part of John's vision. He describes suddenly seeing thrones and the souls of believers.
374REV204tut2διὰ τὴν μαρτυρίαν Ἰησοῦ, καὶ διὰ τὸν λόγον τοῦ Θεοῦ1for the testimony about Jesus and for the word of Godbecause they had spoken the truth about Jesus and about the word of God
375REV205cw4jοἱ λοιποὶ τῶν νεκρῶν1The rest of the deadAll of the other dead people
376REV208g429figs-simile0They will be as many as the sand of the seaThis emphasizes the extremely large number of soldiers in Satan's army. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
377REV209jlc6ἀνέβησαν1They wentSatan's army went
378REV209f4t7τὴν ... πόλιν τὴν ἠγαπημένην1the beloved cityThis refers to Jerusalem.
379REV2011n8h90General Information:This is the next part of John's vision. He describes suddenly seeing a great white throne and the dead being judged.
380REV2011pm1zfigs-personification0The earth and the heaven fled away from his presence, but there was no place for them to goJohn describes heaven and earth as if they were people who were trying to escape God's judgment. This means that God completely destroyed the old heaven and earth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
381REV2013ea2hfigs-personification0The sea gave up the dead ... Death and Hades gave up the deadHere John speaks of the sea, death, and Hades as if they were living persons. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
382REV211tj160General Information:John begins to describe his vision of the new Jerusalem.
383REV212er4ufigs-simileὡς νύμφην, κεκοσμημένην τῷ ἀνδρὶ αὐτῆς1like a bride adorned for her husbandThis compares the new Jerusalem to a bride who has made herself beautiful for her bridegroom. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
384REV213hpt1figs-parallelism0The dwelling place of God is with human beings, and he will live with themThese two phrases mean the same thing and emphasize that God will, indeed, live among men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
385REV216dq8nfigs-parallelismτὸ Ἄλφα καὶ τὸ Ὦ, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος1the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the endThese two phrases mean basically the same thing and emphasize God's eternal nature. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
386REV216wk2cfigs-metaphor0To the one who thirsts ... water of lifeGod speaks of a person's desire for eternal life as if it were thirst and of that person receiving eternal life as if he were drinking life-giving water. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
387REV217vms60Connecting Statement:The one seated on the throne continues to speak to John.
388REV218hma7τοῖς ... δειλοῖς1the cowardsthose who are too afraid to do what is right
389REV218k8ypἀπίστοις ... ἐβδελυγμένοις1the detestablethose who do terrible things
390REV219cf2mfigs-personificationτὴν νύμφην, τὴν γυναῖκα τοῦ Ἀρνίου1the bride, the wife of the LambThe angel speaks of Jerusalem as if it were a woman who is about to marry her groom, the Lamb. Jerusalem is metonymy for those who believers who will inhabit it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
391REV219bil2writing-symlanguageτοῦ Ἀρνίου1the LambThis is a young sheep. Here is it used symbolically to refer to Christ. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
392REV2110czp2writing-backgroundἀπήνεγκέν με ἐν Πνεύματι1carried me away in the SpiritThe setting changes as John is taken to a high mountain where he can see the city of Jerusalem. See how you translated this phrase in [Revelation 17:3](../17/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
393REV2111xvg6figs-parallelismὅμοιος λίθῳ τιμιωτάτῳ, ὡς λίθῳ ἰάσπιδι κρυσταλλίζοντι1like a very precious jewel, like a stone of crystal-clear jasperThese two phrases mean basically the same thing. The second emphasizes the brilliance of Jerusalem by naming a specific jewel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
394REV2111n51zκρυσταλλίζοντι1crystal-clearextremely clear
395REV2111vvq1translate-unknownἰάσπιδι1jasperThis is a valuable stone. Jasper may have been clear like glass or crystal. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:3](../04/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
396REV2114mm12Ἀρνίου1LambThis refers to Jesus. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/
397REV2118n3hufigs-simileχρυσίον καθαρὸν, ὅμοιον ὑάλῳ καθαρῷ1pure gold, like clear glassThe gold was so clear that it is spoken of as if it were glass. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
398REV2118h239translate-unknownἴασπις1jasperThis is a valuable stone. Jasper may have been clear like glass or crystal. See how you translated this in [Revelation 4:3](../04/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
399REV2119ke4btranslate-unknown0jasper ... sapphire ... agate ... emeraldThese are valuable stones. Jasper may have been clear like glass or crystal. See how you translated it in [Revelation 4:3](../04/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
400REV2120a2tmtranslate-unknown0onyx ... chrysolite ... beryl ... topaz ... chrysoprase ... jacinth ... amethystThese are all precious gems. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
401REV2121yn6itranslate-unknownμαργαρῖται1pearlsbeautiful and valuable white beads. They are formed inside the shell of a certain kind of small animal that lives in the ocean. See how you translated this in [Revelation 17:4](../17/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
402REV2121vp22figs-simileχρυσίον καθαρὸν ὡς ὕαλος διαυγής1pure gold, like transparent glassThe gold was so clear that it is spoken of as if it was glass. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Revelation 21:18](../21/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
403REV2122m2ewfigs-metaphor0Lord God ... and the Lamb are its templeThe temple represented God's presence. This means the new Jerusalem does not need a temple because God and the Lamb will live there. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
404REV2123v2m9figs-metaphor0its lamp is the LambHere the glory of Jesus, the Lamb, is spoken of as if it were a lamp that gives light to the city. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
405REV2126ps25οἴσουσιν1They will bringThe kings of the earth will bring
406REV2127cw99writing-symlanguageτῷ ... τοῦ Ἀρνίου1the LambThis is a young sheep. Here is it used symbolically to refer to Christ. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
407REV221b1ad0Connecting Statement:John continues to describe the new Jerusalem as the angel shows it to him.
408REV221vl23ποταμὸν ὕδατος ζωῆς1the river of the water of lifethe river flowing with life-giving water
409REV221yn2pfigs-metaphorποταμὸν ὕδατος ζωῆς1the water of lifeEternal life is spoken of as if it were provided by life-giving water. See how you translated this in [Revelation 21:6](../21/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
410REV221mxp4writing-symlanguageτοῦ ... Ἀρνίου1the LambThis is a young sheep. Here is it used symbolically to refer to Christ. See how you translated this in [Revelation 5:6](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
411REV226j51ifigs-explicit0General Information:This is the beginning of the end of John's vision. In verse 6 the angel is speaking to John. In verse 7, Jesus is speaking. This can be shown clearly as is is in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
412REV228xr170General Information:John tells his readers about how he responded to the angel.
413REV228uvk3ἔπεσα προσκυνῆσαι ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ποδῶν1I fell down to worship at the feetThis means that John purposely lay on the ground and stretched himself out in reverence or submission. This action was an important part of worship, to show respect and willingness to serve. See how you translated similar words in [Revelation 19:10](../19/
414REV2210gqa80Connecting Statement:The angel finishes speaking to John.
415REV2212idc6writing-endofstory0General Information:As the book of Revelation is ending, Jesus gives a closing greeting. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-endofstory]])
416REV2213f5jlfigs-parallelismτὸ Ἄλφα καὶ τὸ Ὦ, ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος1the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the endThese three phrases share similar meanings and emphasize that Jesus has and will exist for all time. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
417REV2213cpl9figs-merismὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος1the first and the lastThis refers to the eternal nature of Jesus. See how you translated this in [Revelation 1:17](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
418REV2214r16s0Connecting Statement:Jesus continues giving his closing greeting.
419REV2215aw1hἔξω1OutsideThis means they are outside the city and not allowed to enter.
420REV2217gig50Connecting Statement:This verse is a response to what Jesus said.
421REV2217lt8jfigs-metaphorἡ νύμφη1the BrideBelievers are spoken of as if they were a bride about to be married to her groom, Jesus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
422REV2217e2m5figs-metaphor0Whoever is thirsty ... the water of lifeA person's desire for eternal life is spoken of as if it were thirst and of that person receiving eternal life as if he were drinking life-giving water. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
423REV2217dwb6figs-metaphorὕδωρ ζωῆς1the water of lifeEternal life is spoken of as if it were provided by life-giving water. See how you translated this in [Revelation 21:6](../21/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
424REV2218fd5l0General Information:John gives his final remarks about the book of Revelation.
425REV2218jzu8ἐάν τις ἐπιθῇ ἐπ’ αὐτά, ἐπιθήσει ὁ Θεὸς1If anyone adds to them ... God will addThis is a strong warning to not change anything about this prophecy.
426REV2219ss3y0If anyone takes away ... God will take awayThis is a strong warning to not change anything about this prophecy.
427REV2220u6mb0General Information:In these verses John gives his and Jesus' closing greetings.
428REV2220y9p2ὁ μαρτυρῶν1The one who testifiesJesus, who testifies
429REV2221xr3d0with everyonewith every one of you