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2EXOfrontintrob4pp0# Introduction to Exodus<br>## Part 1: General Introduction<br><br>### Outline of Exodus<br><br>1. Israel in Egypt; preparing to depart from slavery (112)<br>- First genealogy (1:16)<br>- Israel as slaves in Egypt (1:722)<br>- Moses history to the time of the Exodus (2:14:26)<br>- Israel suffers in Egypt (4:276:13)<br>- Second genealogy (6:1427)<br>- Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh (6:287:25)<br>- The plagues (8:111:10)<br>1. Instructions for celebrating the Passover (12:130)<br>1. From Egypt to Mount Sinai (12:3118:27)<br>- The Passover; preparing to leave Egypt; leaving Egypt (12:3150, 13:122)<br>- Journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai (14:118:27)<br>1. Mount Sinai and the Law (19-40)<br>- Preparing for the covenant (19:125)<br>- The Ten Commandments (20:117)<br>- The covenant described (20:1823:33)<br>- The people agree to the covenant; Moses returns to Mount Sinai (24:118)<br>- Design of the tabernacle and its furnishings; what was required of those who serve in it; tabernacle functions (25:131:18)<br>- The golden calf; Moses prays for the people (32:133:22)<br>- The covenant described again (34:135)<br>- Making of the ark and its furnishings (35:138:31) and priestly garments (39:143, 40:133)<br>- The cloud (40:3438)<br><br>### What is the Book of Exodus about?<br><br>Exodus continues the story of the previous book, Genesis. The first half of Exodus is about how Yahweh made Abrahams descendants into a nation. This nation, which would be called “Israel,” was meant to belong to Yahweh and worship him. The second half of Exodus describes how God gave the Israelites his law through Moses. The law of Moses told the Israelites how to obey and worship Yahweh properly.<br><br>The Book of Exodus tells how the Israelites were to build the tabernacle. The tabernacle was a tent where Yahweh would be among his people. The Israelites worshiped and sacrificed animals to Yahweh at the tabernacle. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])<br><br>### How should the title of this book be translated?<br><br>“Exodus” means “exit” or “departure.” Translators may translate this title in a way that can communicate its subject clearly, for example, “About the Israelites Leaving Egypt” or “How the Israelites Left the Land of Egypt.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])<br><br>### Who wrote the Book of Exodus?<br><br>The writers of both the Old and New Testaments present Moses as being very involved with writing the book of Exodus. Since ancient times, both Jews and Christians have thought that Moses wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.<br><br>### Why did Moses write so much about God delivering or rescuing the people of Israel?<br><br>Moses wrote much about God rescuing his people from the Egyptians to show that Yahweh is very powerful. Egypt was the most powerful nation at that time. And Yahweh was still able to free the Israelites from the Egyptians. Also, by rescuing the Israelites, Yahweh showed that he had chosen them as his people and they should worship him.<br><br>### How does the Book of Exodus show the fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham?<br><br>The Book of Exodus shows God beginning to fulfill his promise to Abraham. In Genesis, God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants and that they would become a large nation. When God rescued the Israelites from the Egyptians, he took them to Mount Sinai. There he made a covenant with them, and they became the nation that belonged to Yahweh.<br><br>## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts<br><br>### What was the Jewish Passover?<br><br>The Jewish Passover was a religious festival. Yahweh commanded the Israelites to celebrate it every year. Passover was a time to remember how God rescued them from the Egyptians. The first Passover meal was eaten in the evening just before they left Egypt.<br><br>### What was the law of Moses to the people of Israel?<br><br>The law of Moses instructed the people of Israel what Yahweh required them to do as his people. In the law, God told the people how they should live so that they honor him. He also instructed them about their need to offer animal sacrifices. God required these sacrifices so that he could forgive their sins and continue living among them. The law also described the duties of the priests and told how to build the tabernacle.<br><br>### What did it mean that Israel was to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (19:6 ULT)?<br><br>Israel was a holy nation because Yahweh separated them from all other nations to belong to him. They were to honor and worship him only. This made them different than all the other nations of the world. These other nations worshiped many false gods.<br><br>## Part 3: Important Translation Issues<br><br>### Why are the details of the construction of the tabernacle in Exodus 2532 repeated in Exodus 3540?<br><br>In Exodus 25-32, God describes exactly how the tabernacle was to be built. The details were repeated in Exodus 35-40. This showed that the people were to be careful to do exactly as God commanded.<br><br>### Are the events in the order that they actually happened?<br><br>Most but not all of the events in the Book of Exodus are told in the order that they actually happened. Translators may need to make it clear when the events are in an unusual order.<br><br>### What does it mean that God “lived” among his people?<br><br>The Book of Exodus presents God as living in the tabernacle among the nation of Israel. God is everywhere, but he lived among the Israelites in a special way. God dwelled with Israelites because they belonged to him. He promised to lead them and bless them. In return, the people were to worship him and honor him.
3EXO1introcj550# Exodus 01 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter is intended to form a smooth transition with the last chapter of the book of Genesis.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Israels growth<br>Israel grew in number. This was in fulfillment of the covenant God made with Abraham. It also caused the Egyptians great concern that there would be more Israelites than Egyptians because they would be unable to defend themselves against such a large number of people. Pharaoh also tried to kill all of the male babies so they would not become soldiers who fought against him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/fulfill]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])<br><br>### End of the famine<br>It is obvious that some time has passed since the beginning of the famine which brought the Israelites into Egypt. Yahweh appears to be punishing the Hebrews for not returning back to the Promised Land instead choosing to stay in Egypt. No return attempt is recorded to have been made. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/promisedland]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### “All of the descendants of Jacob were seventy in number”<br>This number included both Jacobs children and grandchildren. It may cause confusion, but it is important to remember Jacob only had 12 sons.
4EXO11g89kfigs-metonymy0householdThis refers to all the people who live in a house together, usually a large family with servants. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
5EXO15fv84translate-numbers0seventy in number“70 in number” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6EXO15w4ni0Joseph was already in Egypt“Joseph lived in Egypt before his brothers”
7EXO16g5qg0all his brothersThis includes 10 older brothers and 1 younger brother.
8EXO17nk2lfigs-metaphor0were fruitfulThe birth of children to the Israelites is spoken of as if they were plants that were producing fruit. Alternate translation: “had many children” or “gave birth to many children” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
9EXO17r2f1figs-activepassive0the land was filled with themThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They filled the land” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
10EXO17piq40with themThe word “them” refers to the Israelites.
11EXO18t6jdfigs-metonymy0arose over EgyptHere “Egypt” refers to the people of Egypt. Alternate translation: “began to rule over the people of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
12EXO19tf590He said to his people“The king said to his people”
13EXO19x65i0his peopleThese were the people who lived in Egypt, the Egyptians.
14EXO110hiq4figs-inclusive0let usThe word “us” is inclusive and refers to the king and his people, the Egyptians. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-inclusive]])
15EXO110d9tcfigs-personification0war breaks outHere war is spoken of as a person that is able to act. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
16EXO110jc1h0leave the land“leave Egypt”
17EXO111y2mi0taskmastersEgyptians whose job was to force the Israelites to do hard work
18EXO111l9lj0to oppress them with hard labor“to force the Israelites to do hard work for the Egyptians”
19EXO111pkz40store citiesThese were places where the leaders put food and other important things to keep them safe.
20EXO113j1q60made…work rigorously“made…work very hard” or “harshly made…work”
21EXO114mx6vfigs-metaphor0made their lives bitterThe difficult lives of the Israelites are spoken of as if they were bitter food that was difficult to eat. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
22EXO114cuq70mortarThis was a wet glue or mud put between bricks or stones that held them together when it dried.
23EXO114gzq70All their required work was hard“The Egyptians made them work very hard” or “The Egyptians forced them to work very hard”
24EXO115yly50king of EgyptThe king of Egypt is called Pharaoh.
25EXO115hhw10midwivesThese were women who helped a woman give birth to a baby.
26EXO115h8f8translate-names0Shiphrah…PuahThese are Hebrew womens names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
27EXO116h3mbfigs-metonymy0on the birthstoolWomen sat on this short stool as they gave birth. Therefore, it is associated with birth. Alternate translation: “as they give birth” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
28EXO118y9g50midwivesThese were women who helped a woman give birth to a baby. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:16](../01/
29EXO118q1syfigs-rquestion0Why have you done this, and let the baby boys live?Pharaoh asked this question to rebuke the midwives for allowing the male children to live. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “You have disobeyed my order by not killing the male babies!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
30EXO119i8m10The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian womenThe midwives answered wisely to appease Pharaohs anger.
31EXO120l8xb0God protected these midwivesGod kept Pharaoh from killing these midwives.
32EXO120eh250midwivesThese were women who helped a woman give birth to a baby. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:16](../01/
33EXO120h1330The people increased in numbers“The Israelites increased in numbers”
34EXO121zj4t0feared God“revered God” or “had reverence for God”
35EXO121jx9c0he gave them families“the enabled them to have children”
36EXO122ld1jfigs-explicit0You must throw every son…into the riverThis order was given in order to drown the male children. The full meaning of this may be made explicit. Alternate translation: “You must…into the river so they will drown” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
37EXO2introrwf30# Exodus 02 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Moses heritage<br>In the first part of this chapter, Pharaohs daughter recognizes Moses as being a Hebrew, but in the last part of this chapter, the Midianites believe him to be an Egyptian.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Ironic situations<br>While Pharaoh tried to diminish the power of the Israelites by killing all of their baby boys, Yahweh used Pharaohs own daughter to save Moses. Moses was the one who would ultimately be used by Yahweh to deliver Israel.
38EXO21wvj9writing-newevent0NowThis word is used here to mark a break in the main event. Here the author starts to tell a new part of the narrative. If you have a way of doing this in your language, consider using it here. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]])
39EXO23t2gj0papyrus basketThis is a basket made from a tall grass that grows by the Nile River in Egypt.
40EXO23tn3yfigs-explicit0sealed it with bitumen and pitchYou could explicitly state that this was to keep out water. Alternate translation: “spread tar on it to keep water from getting into it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
41EXO23wpb60sealedHere “sealed” means that she applied a waterproof coating.
42EXO23ym3ktranslate-unknown0bitumenThis is a sticky black paste made from petroleum. It can be used to keep out water. Alternate translation: “tar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
43EXO23v825translate-unknown0pitchThis is a sticky brown or black paste that can be made from tree sap or from petroleum. Therefore, “pitch” would include not only “bitumen” but also plant-based resins. It too can be used to keep out water. Alternate translation: “tar” or “resin” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
44EXO23y8gq0reedsThese “reeds” were a type of tall grass that grew in flat, wet areas.
45EXO24av8b0at a distanceThis means she stood far enough away so that she would not be noticed, but close enough to see the basket.
46EXO25bi7s0her attendantsthe young women whose job was to be with her and make sure nothing bad happened to her
47EXO26g9n60BeholdThe word “behold” signals the surprising information that follows.
48EXO27d7aj0nursefeed with milk from the breast
49EXO210zj8h0she brought him“the Hebrew woman brought him”
50EXO210j7n10he became her son“he became the adopted son of Pharaohs daughter”
51EXO210nh2m0Because I drew him from the waterTranslators may add a footnote that says “The name Moses sounds like the Hebrew word that means pull.’”
52EXO210yax40drew him“pulled him”
53EXO211swn30striking a Hebrew“hitting a Hebrew” or “beating a Hebrew”
54EXO212m9bnfigs-merism0He looked this way and that wayThese two opposite directions have the combined meaning of “everywhere.” Alternate translation: “He looked all around” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
55EXO213qn450He went out“Moses went out”
56EXO213rgn10beholdThe word “behold” here shows that Moses was surprised by what he saw. You can use a word in your language that will give this meaning.
57EXO213i4d6figs-idiom0the one who was in the wrongThis was a customary way of saying “the one who started the fight.” Alternate translation: “the one who was guilty of starting the fight” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
58EXO214qb2nfigs-rquestion0Who made you a leader and judge over us?The man used this question to rebuke Moses for intervening in the fight. Alternate translation: “You are not our leader and have no right to judge us!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
59EXO214k6s5figs-rquestion0Are you planning to kill me as you killed that Egyptian?The man used a question here to be sarcastic. Alternate translation: “We know that you killed an Egyptian yesterday. You had better not kill me!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
60EXO215hh780Now when Pharaoh heard about itThe word “now” is used here to mark a break in the event. Here the author starts to tell a new part of the incident.
61EXO216shg50Now the priest of Midian had seven daughtersThe word “now” is used here to mark a break in the event. Here the author tells about new people in the narrative.
62EXO216i2jh0drew waterThis means that they brought up water from a well.
63EXO216g1e60troughsa long, narrow, open container for animals to eat or drink out of
64EXO217r3lp0drive them away“chase them away”
65EXO217z17m0helped them“rescued them”
66EXO220x9ybfigs-rquestion0Why did you leave the man?This question is a mild rebuke to the daughters for not inviting Moses into their home according to the normal hospitality of that culture. Alternate translation: “You should not have left this man at the well!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
67EXO221zvr10Moses agreed to stay with the man“Moses agreed to live with Reuel”
68EXO221y3q7translate-names0ZipporahThis is Reuels daughter. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
69EXO222n5b1translate-names0GershomThis is Mosess son. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
70EXO222q7d80resident in a foreign land“stranger in a foreign land”
71EXO223csg20groanedThey did this because of their sorrow and misery. Alternate translation: “sighed deeply”
72EXO223x84afigs-personification0their pleas went up to GodThe cries of the Israelites are spoken of as if they were a person and were able to travel up to where God is. Alternate translation: “God heard their pleas” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
73EXO224sja4figs-idiom0God called to mind his covenantThis was a customary way of saying God thought about what He had promised. Alternate translation: “God remembered his covenant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
74EXO3intron6ze0# Exodus 03 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter records one of the most important events in the history of the Israelite people: the revelation of the name Yahweh at the burning bush. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/reveal]])<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Gods holiness<br>God is so holy that people could not look upon him without dying. This is why Moses covered his eyes. It is also why he took off his shoes. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Yahweh<br>The name Yahweh is sacred in the Hebrew religion. It is the personal name of God, which he revealed to Moses. It is by this name, he is known. Yahweh means “I am.” Some translations use all capitals to set this apart, “I AM.” Great care must be taken in translating the phrase “I am that I am.” (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/yahweh]])
75EXO32lwq70angel of YahwehThis was Yahweh himself appearing as an angel, and not just an angel that Yahweh sent. “Yahweh appeared as an angel” .
76EXO32x5ci0YahwehThis is the name of God that he revealed to his people in the Old Testament. See the translationWord page about Yahweh concerning how to translate this.
77EXO32d3tf0beholdThe word “behold” here shows that Moses saw something that was very different from what he expected.
78EXO35prv90set apart“made holy”
79EXO36sxk80the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of JacobAll of these men worshiped the same God. Alternate translation: “the God of your father, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob”
80EXO36l5sy0your fatherPossible meanings are (1) “your ancestor” or (2) “your father.” If it means “your ancestor,” then the phrases following it clarify who “your father” refers to: it refers to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If it means “your father,” then it refers to Mosess own father.
81EXO37xx7r0taskmastersEgyptians whose job was to force the Israelites to do hard work. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:11](../01/
82EXO38pxy8figs-metaphor0a land flowing with milk and honey“a land where milk and honey flow.” God spoke of the land being good for animals and plants as if the milk and honey from those animals and plants were flowing through the land. Alternate translation: “a land that is excellent for raising livestock and growing crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
83EXO38dtz90flowing with“full of” or “with an abundance of”
84EXO38q94ifigs-metonymy0milkSince milk comes from cows and goats, this represents food produced by livestock. Alternate translation: “food from livestock” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
85EXO38l1asfigs-metonymy0honeySince honey is produced from flowers, this represents food from crops. Alternate translation: “food from crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
86EXO39uup9figs-personification0the shouts of the people of Israel have come to meHere the word “shouts” are spoken of as if they were persons who are capable of moving on their own. Alternate translation: “I have heard the cries of the people of Israel” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
87EXO311y8crfigs-rquestion0Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh…Egypt?Moses uses this question to tell God that Moses is a nobody and no one will listen to him. Alternate translation: “I am not important enough to go to Pharaoh…Egypt!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
88EXO314cli80God said to Moses, “I AM THAT I AM.”This is Gods response to Moses question about Gods name. This can be made explicit. Alternate translation: “God said to Moses, Tell them that God says his name is, “I AM THAT I AM.”’”
89EXO314b6vk0I AM THAT I AMPossible meanings are (1) this whole sentence is Gods name or (2) God is not telling his name but something about himself. By saying this, God is teaching that he is eternal; he has always lived and always will live.
90EXO314s62u0I AMLanguages that do not have an equivalent to the verb “am” may need to render this as “I LIVE” or “I EXIST.”
91EXO316ec3v0General Information:God continues speaking to Moses.
92EXO316xqy90the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of JacobAbraham, Isaac and Jacob were three of Mosess ancestors. They all worshiped the same God.
93EXO316fv770I have indeed observed youThe word “you” refers to the people of Israel.
94EXO317pwn5figs-metaphor0a land flowing with milk and honey“a land where milk and honey flow.” God spoke of the land being good for animals and plants as if the milk and honey from those animals and plants were flowing through the land. See how you translated this in [Exodus 3:8](../03/ Alternate translation: “a land that is excellent for raising livestock and growing crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
95EXO317za9l0flowing with“full of” or “with an abundance of”
96EXO317rtr5figs-metonymy0milkSince milk comes from cows and goats, this represents food produced by livestock. Alternate translation: “food from livestock” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
97EXO317msf8figs-metonymy0honeySince honey is produced from flowers, this represents food from crops. Alternate translation: “food from crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
98EXO318j24k0They will listen to youThe word “you” refers to Moses. Alternate translation: “The elders will listen to you”
99EXO319idp70General Information:God continues speaking to Moses.
100EXO319qf46figs-metonymy0unless his hand is forcedThis can be stated in active form. The word “hand” is a metonym for the power of the owner of the hand. Possible meanings are (1) “only if he sees that he has no power to do anything else,” where the “hand” belongs to Pharaoh; where the “hand” belongs to Yahweh, (2) “only if I force him to let you go” or (3) “not even if I force him to let you go.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
101EXO320yds5figs-metonymy0I will reach out with my hand and attackHere “hand” refers to Gods power. Alternate translation: “I will powerfully attack” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
102EXO321kt7bfigs-doublenegatives0will not go empty-handedThe word here “empty-handed” is used to emphasize the opposite meaning. Alternate translation: “will go with your hands full of good things” or “will go with many valuable things” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
103EXO322w2av0any women staying in her neighbors houses“any Egyptian woman staying in the houses of her Egyptian neighbors”
104EXO4introkap50# Exodus 04 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Moses does not understand<br>Although Moses believes in Yahweh, he does not trust in him. This is because Moses lacks understanding. Moses tries to believe the things he is asked to do are done by his own power. Yahweh is trying to get Moses to trust that these are Yahwehs doing. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/believe]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/trust]])<br><br>### Children of God<br>This chapter really introduces the concept that the people group Israel is the chosen people of God and Gods children, possibly Gods firstborn children. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/elect]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/peopleofgod]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/firstborn]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heart<br>Scholars are divided over how to understand this statement. There is debate over whether Pharaoh plays an active or passive role in the hardening of his own heart. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
105EXO41j4yg0if they do not believe“if the Israelites do not believe”
106EXO44g6bk0take it by the tail“pick it up by the tail” or “grasp it by the tail”
107EXO44m86n0became a staff“turned into a rod” or “changed into a staff”
108EXO45jr8m0the God of their ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of JacobAbraham, Isaac and Jacob were three of their ancestors. They all worshiped the same God.
109EXO46ep52figs-exclamations0beholdThis word is used to create an exclamation, showing surprise. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-exclamations]])
110EXO46pw7gfigs-simile0as white as snowThe word “as” here is used to compare what Moses hand looked like. Leprosy causes the skin to look white. You may not have a word for snow in your language. If so, consider an alternative that describes something white. Alternate translation: “as white as wool or as white as the sand on the beach” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
111EXO48lsb30pay attention“acknowledge” or “accept”
112EXO410w12a0have never been eloquent“have never been an excellent speaker”
113EXO410bv64figs-doublet0I am slow of speech and slow of tongueThe phrases “slow of speech” and “slow of tongue” mean basically the same thing. Moses uses them to emphasize that he is not a good speaker. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
114EXO410zm3yfigs-metonymy0slow of tongueHere “tongue” refers to Moses ability to speak. Alternate translation: “unable to speak well” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
115EXO411ks2mfigs-rquestion0Who is it who made mans mouth?Yahweh uses this question to emphasize that he is the Creator who makes if possible for people to speak. Alternate translation: “I Yahweh am the one who created the human mouth and the ability to speak!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
116EXO411e1y6figs-rquestion0Who makes a man mute or deaf or seeing or blind?Yahweh uses this question to emphasize that he is the one who decides if people can speak and hear, and if they can see. Alternate translation: “I Yahweh make people able to speak, or hear, or to see, or to be blind!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
117EXO411uq7jfigs-rquestion0Is it not I, Yahweh?Yahweh uses this question to emphasize that he alone makes these decisions. Alternate translation: “I, Yahweh, am the one who does this!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
118EXO412kkr1figs-metonymy0I will be with your mouthHere “mouth” refers to Moses ability to speak. Alternate translation: “I will give you the ability to speak” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
119EXO414ew4hfigs-metonymy0he will be glad in his heartHere “heart” refers to inner thoughts and emotions. Alternate translation: “he will be very happy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
120EXO415u97ffigs-metaphor0put the words to say into his mouthWords here are spoken of as if they were something that can be physically placed in a persons mouth. Alternate translation: “give him the message that he is to repeat” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
121EXO415q9cffigs-metonymy0I will be with your mouthThe word “mouth” here represents Moses choice of words. Alternate translation: “I will give you the right words to speak” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
122EXO415v57xfigs-metonymy0with his mouthThe word “mouth” here represents Aarons choice of words. Alternate translation: “I will give him the right words to speak” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
123EXO416z24tfigs-metonymy0He will be your mouthThe word “mouth” here represents Aaron repeating what Moses told him. Alternate translation: “He will say what you tell him to say” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
124EXO416gn5vfigs-simile0you will be to him like me, GodThe word “like” here means Moses would represent the same authority to Aaron as God did to Moses. Alternate translation: “you will speak to Aaron with the same authority with which I spoke to you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
125EXO418b6mf0father-in-lawThis refers to the father of Moses wife.
126EXO421bq9dfigs-synecdoche0will harden his heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. Alternate translation: “will cause Pharaoh to be stubborn” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
127EXO422pt4nfigs-metonymy0Israel is my sonThe word “Israel” here represents all the people of Israel. Alternate translation: “The people of Israel are my own children” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
128EXO422j4avfigs-metaphor0is my son, my firstbornHere the people of Israel are spoken of as if they were a firstborn son who causes joy and pride. Alternate translation: “is like my own firstborn son” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
129EXO423k7mhfigs-metonymy0you have refused to let him goThe word “him” refers to the people of Israel as Gods son. Alternate translation: “you have refused to let my son go” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
130EXO423re110I will certainly kill your son, your firstbornThe word “son” here refers to the actual son of Pharaoh.
131EXO424sp6h0Yahweh met Moses and tried to kill himThis may have been because Moses had not circumcised his son.
132EXO425m1latranslate-names0ZipporahThis is the name of Mosess wife. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
133EXO425a36h0flint knifeThis was a knife with a sharpened stone blade.
134EXO425l6srfigs-euphemism0to his feetIt is possible that the word “feet” here may have been a more respectful way to refer to the genital area of the body. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
135EXO425b2t3figs-metaphor0you are a bridegroom to me by bloodThe meaning of this metaphor is unclear. It was probably a known saying in that culture. Alternate translation: “you are related to me by this blood” or “you are my husband because of blood” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
136EXO427xk6b0Yahweh said to AaronYou may want to add a word that marks the beginning of a new part of the story, as the UST does with the word “Meanwhile.”
137EXO427wy4n0at the mountain of GodThis may have been the mountain at Sinai, but the text does not include that information.
138EXO428b4290he had sent him to sayThe word “he” refers to Yahweh, and “him” refers to Moses.
139EXO430bm2x0in the sight of the people“before the people” or “in the presence of the people”
140EXO431q1er0had observed the Israelites“saw the Israelites” or “was concerned about the Israelites”
141EXO431g83atranslate-symaction0they bowed their headsPossible meanings are (1) “they bowed their heads in awe” or (2) “they bowed down low in reverence.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
142EXO5introkea20# Exodus 05 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### A slaves work<br>The Egyptians were known for making their slaves do a lot of work. They were forced to make a specific number of bricks every day. In this chapter, the were required to not only make these bricks, but also to gather the straw in order to make these bricks.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### “Let my people go”<br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.<br><br>### Titles<br>The leaders are given different titles in this chapter. The ULT uses “taskmasters” and “foremen.” Many cultures will not have these types of titles. Generic expressions like “Egyptian leaders” and “Hebrew leaders” may be necessary.
143EXO51q9kn0After these things happenedIt is unclear how long Moses and Aaron waited until they went to see Pharoah.
144EXO51u2vt0festival for meThis is a celebration to worship Yahweh.
145EXO52cm2lfigs-rquestion0Who is Yahweh?Pharaoh uses this question to show that he does not recognize Yahweh as a legitimate god. Alternate translation: “I do not know Yahweh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
146EXO52v4c1figs-rquestion0Why should I…let Israel go?Pharaoh uses this question to state that he has no interest in obeying Yahweh or in letting the Israelites go to worship him. Alternate translation: “He is nothing to me and I will not let Israel go!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
147EXO52c653figs-metonymy0listen to his voiceThe words “his voice” represent the words God spoke. Alternate translation: “listen to what he says” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
148EXO53y9ip0God of the HebrewsThis is a term also used for the Israelites God or Yahweh.
149EXO53gfs5figs-metonymy0or with the swordHere “sword” represents war or an attack by enemies. Alternate translation: “or cause our enemies to attack us” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
150EXO54kl1ifigs-rquestion0why are you taking the people from their work?Pharaoh uses this question to express his anger towards Moses and Aaron for taking the Israelites away from their work. Alternate translation: “stop distracting the people from doing their work!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
151EXO56zd4m0taskmastersEgyptians whose job was to force the Israelites to do hard work. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:11](../01/
152EXO57p9nxfigs-you0you must no longer giveThe word “you” in these verses is plural and refers to the taskmasters and foremen. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
153EXO510x4bi0taskmastersEgyptians whose job was to force the Israelites to do hard work. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:11](../01/
154EXO510gb4dfigs-you0I will no longer give youThe word “you” is plural and refers to the Israelite people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
155EXO511xe4ifigs-you0you can find…your workloadThe word “you” is plural and refers to the Israelite people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
156EXO511w918figs-rpronouns0You yourselves must goHere “yourselves” emphasizes that the Egyptians will no longer help them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rpronouns]])
157EXO511g5vb0your workload will not be reducedThis can be stated in positive form. Alternate translation: “you must continue to make the same number of bricks as before”
158EXO512s9dkfigs-hyperbole0throughout all the land of EgyptThis is an generalization used to show the extra effort Israel made to meet Pharaohs demands. Alternate translation: “to many places throughout Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
159EXO512q7y70stubblethe part of a plant that is left over after harvest
160EXO513th6x0taskmastersEgyptians whose job was to force the Israelites to do hard work. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:11](../01/
161EXO514eq22figs-rquestion0Why have you not produced all the bricks required of you…in the past?The taskmasters used this question to show they were angry with the lack of bricks. Alternate translation: “You are not producing enough bricks, either yesterday or today, as you did in the past!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
162EXO515emq70cried out“complained”
163EXO516hsa60they are still telling us, Make bricks!Here “they” refers to the Egyptian taskmasters.
164EXO519l9d2figs-activepassive0when they were toldThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “when Pharaoh told them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
165EXO520ve3z0palaceThis is a very large house that a king lives in.
166EXO521j3zpfigs-metaphor0you have made us offensiveThe Egyptians responded to the Israelites the same way they would respond to a foul odor. Alternate translation: “you have caused them to hate us” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
167EXO521d592figs-metonymy0have put a sword in their hand to kill usHere “a sword” represents an opportunity to destroy enemies. Alternate translation: “have given them a reason to kill us” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
168EXO522g4d5figs-rquestion0Lord, why have you caused trouble for this people?This question shows how disappointed he was that the Egyptians were treating the Israelites even more harshly now. Alternate translation: “Lord, I am sorry that you have caused this trouble for this people.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
169EXO522w8t1figs-rquestion0Why did you send me in the first place?This question shows how disappointed Moses was that God had sent him to Egypt. Alternate translation: “I wish you had never sent me here!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
170EXO523v2k2figs-metonymy0to speak to him in your nameThe word “name” here represents the message of God. Alternate translation: “to give him your message” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
171EXO6introwe5k0# Exodus 06 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Promised Land<br>According to the covenant Yahweh made with Abraham, Egypt is not the home of the Hebrew people. It is the Promised Land in Canaan. The people are to return home to their land. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/promisedland]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.
172EXO61ece6figs-metonymy0my strong handThe word “hand” here represents Gods actions or works. Alternate translation: “the power I show in my works” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
173EXO63l81y0I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob“I showed myself to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob”
174EXO63m27pfigs-activepassive0I was not known to themThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They did not know me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
175EXO65l3yc0groaningThis means making sad sounds because of pain and suffering.
176EXO66yv140say to the IsraelitesThis is a command from Yahweh to Moses. “Yahweh told Moses to say to the Israelites”
177EXO68g9ru0I swore“I promised” or “I said I would”
178EXO612k7hlfigs-rquestion0If the Israelites have not listened to me, why will Pharaoh listen to me, since I am not good at speaking?Moses asked this question hoping God would change His mind about using Moses. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “Since the Israelites did not listen to me, neither will Pharaoh, because I am not good at speaking!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
179EXO614h1950the heads of their fathers housesHere “heads” refers to the original ancestors of the clan. Alternate translation: “the ancestors of the clans”
180EXO614wv89translate-names0Hanok, Pallu, Hezron, and KarmiThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
181EXO615c1nitranslate-names0Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and ShaulThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
182EXO616k64htranslate-names0Gershon…MerariThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
183EXO616m36ftranslate-numbers0137 years old“one hundred and thirty-seven years old” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
184EXO618alm8translate-names0Amram…UzzielThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
185EXO618qu41translate-numbers0133 years old“one hundred and thirty-three years old” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
186EXO620ti6qtranslate-numbers0137 years“one hundred and thirty-seven years” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
187EXO621f3yrtranslate-names0Izhar…Korah…ZichriThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
188EXO622n7cltranslate-names0Uzziel…Mishael…SithriThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
189EXO623n1xhtranslate-names0Nadab…IthamarThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
190EXO625zvg2translate-names0PhinehasThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
191EXO625fck8figs-metonymy0These were the heads of the fathers housesThe word “heads” here represents family leaders. Alternate translation: “These were the leaders of the families” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
192EXO626ft6y0by their groups of fighting men“one tribe at a time” or “one family group after another”
193EXO630nf3wfigs-rquestion0I am not good…why will Pharaoh listen to me?Moses asks this question hoping to change Gods mind. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “I am not good…Pharaoh will certainly not listen to me!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
194EXO7intror9we0# Exodus 07 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Miracles<br>When Yahweh had Moses perform miracles, Pharaohs men were able to copy these miracles. It is unknown how they were able to do this, but since it was not from Yahweh, they were probably done under some evil power. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/miracle]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/evil]])<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.
195EXO71dn1s0I have made you like a god“I will cause Pharaoh to consider you as a god”
196EXO73dhi5figs-synecdoche0harden Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this in [Exodus 4:21](../04/ Alternate translation: “will cause Pharaoh to be stubborn” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
197EXO73vtt1figs-doublet0many signs…many wondersThe words “signs” and “wonders” mean basically the same thing. God uses them to emphasize the greatness of what he will do in Egypt. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
198EXO74e2kvfigs-metonymy0put my hand onThe words “my hand” represent Gods great power. Alternate translation: “use my power against” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
199EXO75npd6figs-metonymy0reach out with my hand onThe words “my hand” represent Gods great power. Alternate translation: “show my powerful acts against” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
200EXO77g7i5figs-ellipsis0Aaron eighty-three years old“Aaron was eighty-three years old” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
201EXO79jt9zfigs-quotations0When Pharaoh says to you, Do a miracle, then you will say to Aaron, Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, so that it may become a snake.This could be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “When Pharaoh tells you to do a miracle, then you will tell Aaron to take his staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, so that it may become a snake” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
202EXO712u6np0swallowed up“ate up” or “devoured”
203EXO713g42ffigs-synecdoche0Pharaohs heart was hardenedHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. Alternate translation: “Pharaoh became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
204EXO714d27rfigs-synecdoche0Pharaohs heart is hardHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Pharaoh is stubborn” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
205EXO715c5npfigs-explicit0when he goes out to the waterThe full meaning of this statement can be made explicit. Alternate translation: “when he goes down to the Nile River to bathe” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
206EXO716yqp70Say to him“Say to Pharaoh”
207EXO717j1ev0strike the water“hit the water”
208EXO719wxp20throughout all“in every part of”
209EXO720zy18figs-explicit0in the riverThe name of the river may be made explicit. Alternate translation: “in the Nile River” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
210EXO722qdc7figs-synecdoche0Pharaohs heart was hardenedHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Pharaoh became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
211EXO724m6znfigs-hyperbole0All the EgyptiansThe word “all” here is a generalization that means “many.” Alternate translation: “Many of the Egyptians” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
212EXO8introww1y0# Exodus 08 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.
213EXO83e7jffigs-explicit0The river“the Nile River” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
214EXO83ki530kneading bowlsThese are bowls in which bread is made.
215EXO88mhn30Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron“Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron”
216EXO89q3e40You can have the privilege of telling me when I should pray for you“You can choose when I will pray for you” or “You can choose the time I should pray for you”
217EXO815lv2nfigs-idiom0he hardened his heart“Pharaoh hardened his heart.” Here “hardened” means that he became stubborn. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
218EXO815b47h0just as Yahweh had said that he would do“just as Yahweh had said Pharaoh would do”
219EXO819lk2kfigs-metonymy0This is the finger of GodThe words “finger of God” represent the power of God. Alternate translation: “This is the powerful work of God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
220EXO819z1w2figs-synecdoche0Pharaohs heart was hardenedHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. See how you translated this in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Pharaoh became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
221EXO820j5n80stand in front of Pharaoh“present yourself to Pharaoh”
222EXO820eqd20Let my people go“set my people free”
223EXO822mv8w0General Information:Yahweh continues to speak to Pharaoh through Moses.
224EXO824nd6efigs-activepassive0the land was ruined because of the swarms of fliesThis can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: “the swarms of flies devastated the land” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
225EXO826gy7dfigs-idiom0right before their eyesThis was a customary way of saying “in the presence of someone.” Alternate translation: “in their presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
226EXO826i7dyfigs-rquestion0will they not stone us?Moses asks this question to show Pharaoh the Egyptians would allow the Israelites to worship Yahweh. Alternate translation: “they will certainly stone us!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
227EXO829bf85figs-doublenegatives0you must not deal deceitfully any more by not letting our people goThis can be stated in positive form. Alternate translation: “you must begin to deal truthfully with us and let our people go” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
228EXO829hh4q0But you must not deal deceitfully“But you must not deceive us” or “But you must not lie to us”
229EXO832sb5lfigs-synecdoche0Pharaoh hardened his heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. See how you translated this in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Pharaoh became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
230EXO9introhqw80# Exodus 09 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br><br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.
231EXO91se3f0General Information:Yahweh continues talking with Moses about dealing with Pharaoh and bringing the Hebrew people out of Egypt.
232EXO92l7ldfigs-parallelism0if you refuse to let them go, if you still keep them backThese two phrases mean basically the same thing. They will emphasize to Pharaoh what will happen if Pharaoh does this. Alternate translation: “if you continue refusing to let them go” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
233EXO93ume2figs-metonymy0then Yahwehs hand will be on your cattleThe word “hand” here represents Yahwehs power to afflict their animals with disease. Alternate translation: “then the power of Yahweh will afflict your cattle” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
234EXO93tn3z0on your cattleThe word “your” here refers to all the people of Egypt who owned cattle.
235EXO94lp3tfigs-metonymy0Israels cattleHere “Israel” refers to the people of Israel. Alternate translation: “the cattle belonging to the people of Israel” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
236EXO94fs25figs-metonymy0Egypts cattleHere “Egypt” refers to the people of Egypt. Alternate translation: “the cattle belonging to the people of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
237EXO95vqz20fixed a time“set a time” or “appointed a time”
238EXO96cx5ifigs-hyperbole0All the cattle of Egypt diedThis is exaggerated to emphasize the seriousness of the event. There were still some animals alive that were afflicted by later plagues. However, it may be best to translate this with the word “All.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
239EXO96gy7tfigs-metonymy0cattle of EgyptHere “Egypt” refers to the people of Egypt. Alternate translation: “the cattle belonging to the people of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
240EXO97puk50Pharaoh investigatedPharaoh collected facts about the situation.
241EXO97md840beholdThe word “behold” here shows that Pharaoh was surprised by what he saw.
242EXO97j51jfigs-synecdoche0his heart was stubbornHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. Alternate translation: “he refused to change his mind” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
243EXO98brm60kilna furnace
244EXO99d2v30finevery small
245EXO99eyc70to break out on“to quickly appear on”
246EXO912p5m5figs-synecdoche0Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Yahweh caused Pharaoh to became more defiant”(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
247EXO914n6wqfigs-rpronouns0on you yourselfThis means that even Pharaoh will be hurt by the plagues. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rpronouns]])
248EXO914hje30I will do this so that you may knowThe word “this” refers to the plagues that Moses had just told Pharaoh about.
249EXO915a3l8figs-metonymy0reached out with my hand and attacked youHere “my hand” refers to Gods power. Alternate translation: “used my power to strike you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
250EXO916nec7figs-metonymy0so that my name may be proclaimed throughout all the earthHere “my name” represents Yahwehs reputation. Alternate translation: “so that people everywhere will know I am great” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
251EXO917h3edfigs-metaphor0lifting yourself up against my peoplePharaohs opposition to letting Israel go to worship Yahweh is spoken of as if he was raising himself up as a barrier to them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
252EXO918fnd20Listen!“Pay attention to the important thing I am about to tell you”
253EXO927fu9c0to summon“to call”
254EXO929ajz30Moses said to him“Moses said to Pharaoh”
255EXO929b787translate-symaction0spread my hands out to YahwehThis symbolic gesture accompanies prayer. Alternate translation: “lift up my hands and pray to Yahweh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
256EXO930tn940honor Yahweh GodHonoring God involves obeying him and living in a way that shows how great he is.
257EXO931p1v80flaxThis is a plant that produces fibers that can be made into linen cloth.
258EXO931yu660barleyThis is a type of grain used for making bread; also used for cattle feed.
259EXO932jmq30speltThis is a kind of wheat.
260EXO933fa2jtranslate-symaction0spread out his hands to YahwehThis symbolic gesture accompanies prayer. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 9:29](../09/ Alternate translation: “lifted up his hands toward Yahweh and prayed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
261EXO934ke5kfigs-synecdoche0hardened his heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. Alternate translation: “became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
262EXO935yxt8figs-synecdoche0The heart of Pharaoh was hardenedHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this in [Exodus 7:13](../07/ Alternate translation: “Pharaoh became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
263EXO10intros5g10# Exodus 10 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br><br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people.
264EXO101w4pwfigs-metaphor0for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servantsYahweh speaks of making Pharaoh and his servants stubborn as if he were making their hearts hard. See how you translated “Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heart” in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
265EXO102zg4c0various signs“many different signs”
266EXO104ge67figs-imperative0listenThis word adds emphasis to what is said next. Alternate translation: “Pay attention to what I am about to tell you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-imperative]])
267EXO105zu5r0hailHail is raindrops that freeze while falling from the clouds.
268EXO106ir5lfigs-activepassive0nothing ever seenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “nothing anyone has ever seen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
269EXO107uf8c0menaceA “menace” is someone who brings trouble or harm.
270EXO107xn8jfigs-rquestion0How long will this man be a menace to us?Pharaohs servants ask this question to show Pharaoh the extent of destruction in Egypt. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “We cannot allow this man to continue to bring trouble to us!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
271EXO107xdm5figs-rquestion0Do you not yet realize that Egypt is destroyed?Pharaohs servants ask this question to bring Pharaoh to recognize what he refuses to see. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “You should realize that Egypt is destroyed!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
272EXO107c6prfigs-activepassive0that Egypt is destroyedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that these plagues have destroyed Egypt” or “that their God has destroyed Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
273EXO1010hjc9figs-hypo0if I ever let you go and your little ones goPharaoh says this to emphasize that he would not let Moses take the children with them to worship Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hypo]])
274EXO1011pkm4figs-activepassive0Then Moses and Aaron were driven out from Pharaohs presenceThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Then Pharaoh drove Moses and Aaron out from his presence” or “Then Pharaoh had his servants drive Moses and Aaron out from his presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
275EXO1015b3h5figs-activepassive0so that it was darkenedThere were so many locusts that the land appeared to be dark. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that they darkened the land” or “so that the land appeared dark” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
276EXO1017kd6d0this time“once again”
277EXO1017nn2bfigs-metonymy0take this death away from meThe word “death” here refers to the destruction by the locusts of all plants in Egypt, which would eventually lead to the deaths of people because there were no crops. The full meaning of this statement can be made explicit. Alternate translation: “stop this destruction that will lead to our deaths” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
278EXO1019mdp50picked up the locusts“moved the locusts upwards”
279EXO1020dw1dfigs-synecdoche0Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “caused Pharaoh to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
280EXO1021m38sfigs-metaphor0darkness that may be feltYahweh speaks of extreme darkness as if it is so thick that people can grasp it in their hands. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “dense darkness that people can grasp with their hands” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
281EXO1026v9ucfigs-synecdoche0not a hoof of them may be left behindHere the word “hoof” refers to the entire animal. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “we cannot leave behind a single animal” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
282EXO1027n588figs-synecdoche0Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “caused Pharaoh to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
283EXO1027mv8t0he would not let them go“Pharaoh would not let them go”
284EXO1028lcz20Be careful about one thing“Make sure of one thing” or “Be certain of one thing”
285EXO1028te45figs-synecdoche0you see my faceHere the word “face” refers to the whole person. Alternate translation: “you see me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
286EXO1029h1jffigs-idiom0You yourself have spokenWith these words, Moses emphasizes that Pharaoh has spoken the truth. Alternate translation: “What you have said is true” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
287EXO11intropu3u0# Exodus 11 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br><br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>In the previous chapters, Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he demanded that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people. In this chapter, the same wording is used to refer to Pharaoh “allowing” the Hebrew people to leave Egypt.
288EXO111i87hfigs-you0he will let you go from hereEach occurrence of the word “you” in this verse is plural and refers to Moses and the rest of the Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
289EXO114kpb50midnightThis is the time of 12 am (at night) or 2400 hours.
290EXO115hv8k0All the firstborn…the firstborn of Pharaoh…the firstborn of the slave girl…the firstborn of the cattleThe “firstborn” always refers to the oldest male offspring.
291EXO115k42h0who sits on his throneThis phrase refers to Pharaoh.
292EXO115hr1x0who is behind the handmill grinding it“who is grinding at the handmill” or “who is behind the handmill grinding grain”
293EXO118ria5figs-explicit0After that I will go outThis means that Moses and the people of Israel will leave Egypt. Alternate translation: “After that I will leave here” or “After that I will go out from Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
294EXO1110um4ufigs-synecdoche0Yahweh hardened Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “Yahweh caused Pharaoh to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
295EXO12introfd2f0# Exodus 12 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The events of this chapter are known as the Passover. They are remembered in the celebration of Passover. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/passover]])<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Unleavened bread<br>The concept of unleavened bread is introduced in this chapter. Its significance stems from its connection to the events in this chapter. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/unleavenedbread]])<br><br>### Ethnic segregation<br>The Hebrew people were to be separate from the rest of the world. Because of this, they separated themselves from other people groups. At this time, these foreigners were looked upon as unholy. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
296EXO122z785figs-parallelism0For you, this month will be the start of months, the first month of the year to youThese two phrases mean basically the same thing and emphasize that the month in which the events of this chapter take place will be the beginning of their calendar year. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
297EXO122uy4wtranslate-hebrewmonths0the first month of the yearThe first month of the Hebrew calendar includes the last part of March and the first part of April on Western calendars. It marks when Yahweh rescued the Israelites from the Egyptians. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
298EXO124xzn3figs-explicit0If the household is too small for a lambThis means that there are not enough people in the family to eat an entire lamb. Alternate translation: “If there are not enough people in the household to eat an entire lamb” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
299EXO124fu2g0the man and his next door neighborHere “the man” refers to the man who is the leader of the household.
300EXO126lz760twilightThis refers to the time of evening after the sun has set but while there is still some light.
301EXO127cjt70on the two side doorposts and on the tops of the doorframes of the houses“on the sides and top of the way into the house”
302EXO128jtn8figs-activepassive0Eat it with bread made without yeastThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Eat it with bread which you have made without yeast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
303EXO128uxn60bitter herbsThese are small plants that have a strong and usually bad taste.
304EXO129ny3a0Do not eat it raw“Do not eat the lamb or goat uncooked”
305EXO1210ghk6figs-activepassive0You must not let any of it be left over until morningThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Do not leave any of it until the morning” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
306EXO1211ks7d0beltThis refers to a strip of leather or fabric for tying around the waist.
307EXO1211nzw20eat it hurriedly“eat it quickly”
308EXO1211r789figs-explicit0It is Yahwehs PassoverHere the word “it” refers to eating the animal on the tenth day of the month. Alternate translation: “This observance is Yahwehs Passover” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
309EXO1212sa5nfigs-abstractnouns0I will bring punishment on all the gods of EgyptThis can be stated with a verbal form. Alternate translation: “I will punish all the gods of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
310EXO1213bxm9figs-explicit0for my coming to youThis implies that Yahweh will see the blood which indicates an Israelite home. Alternate translation: “that I will see when I come to you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
311EXO1213zt5dfigs-idiom0I will pass over youThe words “pass over” were a customary way of saying to not visit or enter. Alternate translation: “I will not enter your house” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
312EXO1215i9n3figs-metaphor0that person must be cut off from IsraelThe metaphor “cut off” has at least three possible meanings. They can be expressed in active form: (1) “the people of Israel must send him away” or (2) “I will no longer consider him to be one of the people of Israel” or (3) “the people of Israel must kill him.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
313EXO1216bzj6figs-activepassive0an assembly that is set apart to meThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “an assembly that you have set apart to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
314EXO1216l7pjfigs-activepassive0No work will be done on these daysThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You will do no work on these days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
315EXO1216qr65figs-activepassive0That must be the only work that may be done by youThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “That must be the only work that you do” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
316EXO1217r3qj0armed group by armed groupThe term used for these groups is a military term referring to a large number of soldiers. Alternate translation: “division by division” or “regiment by regiment”
317EXO1218x8m90twilightThis refers to the time of evening after the sun has set but while there is still some light. See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:6](../12/
318EXO1218m475translate-hebrewmonths0the fourteenth day in the first monthThis is the first month of the Hebrew calendar. The fourteenth day is near the beginning of April on Western calendars. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
319EXO1218uss3translate-hebrewmonths0the twenty-first day of the month“the twenty-first day of the first month.” This is near the middle of April on Western calendars. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]])
320EXO1219aej1figs-activepassive0no yeast must be found in your housesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “there must not be any yeast in your houses” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
321EXO1219vy72figs-metaphor0must be cut off from the community of IsraelThe metaphor “cut off” has at least three possible meanings. They can be expressed in active form: (1) “the people of Israel must send him away” or (2) “I will no longer consider him to be one of the people of Israel” or (3) “the people of Israel must kill him.” See how you translated “must be cut off from Israel” in [Exodus 12:15](../12/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
322EXO1220t17efigs-activepassive0bread made without yeastThis can be stated in active form. See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:8](../12/ Alternate translation: “bread which you have made without yeast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
323EXO1221y9qt0summonedofficially called
324EXO1222qwv10hyssopa woody plant with small leaves that can be used for sprinkling liquids
325EXO1222c1cf0the top of the doorframe and the two doorposts“on the sides and top of the way into the house.” See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 12:7](../12/
326EXO1223uu61figs-synecdoche0pass over your doorHere the word “door” implies the entire house. This means that God will spare the Israelites in houses with blood on the doors. Alternate translation: “pass over your house” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
327EXO1224v7z50this eventThese words refer to the Passover or Festival of Unleavened Bread. Observing the Passover was an act of worshiping Yahweh.
328EXO1225l8ls0this act of worshipThese words refer to the Passover or Festival of Unleavened Bread. Observing the Passover was an act of worshiping Yahweh.
329EXO1227t779figs-explicit0He set our households freeThis means that Yahweh spared the Israelites firstborn sons. Alternate translation: “He did not kill the firstborn sons in our houses” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
330EXO1228r5cj0as Yahweh had commanded Moses and Aaron“everything that Yahweh told Moses and Aaron to do”
331EXO1229zm1l0at midnight“in the middle of the night”
332EXO1229uj6u0all the firstborn in the land of Egypt…all the firstborn of cattleHere, “firstborn” always refers to the oldest male offspring. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 11:5](../11/
333EXO1229il1d0who sat on his throneThis refers to Pharaoh.
334EXO1229g9z10the firstborn of the person in prison“to the firstborn of people in prison.” This refers to prisoners, in general, and not to a specific person in prison.
335EXO1230cfj8figs-abstractnouns0There was loud lamenting in EgyptThis can be stated with a verbal form. Alternate translation: “All the Egyptians cried loudly” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
336EXO1230gt4wfigs-doublenegatives0for there was not a house where there was not someone deadThis double negative emphasizes the positive. Alternate translation: “because someone was dead in every house” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
337EXO1233j5u4figs-explicit0We will all dieThe Egyptians were afraid that they would die if the Israelites did not leave Egypt. Alternate translation: “We will all die if you do not leave” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
338EXO1234diw8figs-activepassive0Their kneading bowls were already tied up in their clothes and on their shouldersThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They had already tied up their kneading bowls in their clothes and on their shoulders” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
339EXO1237n1ha0RamesesRameses was a major Egyptian city where grain was stored. See how you translated this in [Exodus 1:11](../01/
340EXO1237u81ltranslate-numbers0They numbered about 600,000 men“They numbered about six hundred thousand men.” The total number of men was about 600,000. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
341EXO1239x96c0bread without yeast in the dough“bread with dough that did not contain yeast”
342EXO1239pva6figs-activepassive0they had been driven out of EgyptThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “the Egyptians had driven them out of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
343EXO1240qsi5translate-numbers0430 years“four hundred and thirty years” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
344EXO1241d8yhtranslate-numbers0430 years“four hundred and thirty years” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
345EXO1241xlf40Yahwehs armed groupsThis refers to the tribes of Israel. See how you translated “armed group” in [Exodus 12:17](../12/
346EXO1242f3m6figs-activepassive0to be observed by all the IsraelitesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that all the Israelites were to observe” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
347EXO1242w6mj0all the Israelites throughout their peoples generations“all the Israelites and the all the generations of their descendants”
348EXO1243pby50No foreigner may share in eating itThe pronoun “it” refers to the Passover meal.
349EXO1244n9wn0every Israelites slave“any slave of an Israelite”
350EXO1244xat2figs-activepassive0bought with moneyThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “whom the Israelite has bought with money” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
351EXO1246j242figs-activepassive0The food must be eaten in one houseThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Each Israelite family must eat the food in one house” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
352EXO1246ycd90you must not break any bone of it“you must not break any of its bones.” Here the word “it” refers to the lamb which the Israelite family will eat.
353EXO1248h7k9figs-activepassive0all his male relatives must be circumcisedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “someone must circumcise all his male relatives” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
354EXO1248hi4zfigs-idiom0the people who were born in the landHere the word “land” refers to Canaan. The expression “born in the land” means a person who is a native Israelite. Alternate translation: “those who are Israelites by birth” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
355EXO1248f9tifigs-doublenegatives0no uncircumcised person may eatThis can be stated in positive terms. Alternate translation: “only circumcised people may eat” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
356EXO1250agw60as Yahweh had commanded Moses and Aaron“everything that Yahweh told Moses and Aaron to do”
357EXO1251e3z30It came aboutThis phrase is used here to mark an important event in the story. If your language has a way for doing this, you could consider using it here.
358EXO1251tyj30by their armed groupsThe term used for these groups is a military term referring to a large number of soldiers. See how you translated “armed group” in [Exodus 12:17](../12/ Alternate translation: “by their divisions” or “by their regiments”
359EXO13introg9qi0# Exodus 13 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter records the instructions for the celebration of Passover. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/passover]])<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Law<br>The law mentioned here is not the law of Moses because it has not yet been revealed. Instead, it is a more generic “rule.” (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/reveal]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Let my people go<br><br>This is a very important statement. Moses does not ask Pharaoh for permission to “let go” of the Hebrew people. Instead, he is demanding that Pharaoh free the Hebrew people. When this chapter states that Pharaoh let the people go, it indicates that he gave them permission to leave.
360EXO132de3u0Set apart to me…every firstborn maleGod requires that every firstborn male child be set apart for him.
361EXO133nwq6figs-idiom0Call this day to mindThe words “Call…to mind” were a customary way of telling someone to remember something. Alternate translation: “Remember and celebrate this day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
362EXO133en1sfigs-metaphor0the house of slaveryMoses speaks of Egypt as if it were a house where people keep slaves. Alternate translation: “the place where you were slaves” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
363EXO133yjy5figs-metonymy0Yahwehs strong handHere the word “hand” refers to power. See how you translated “strong hand” in [Exodus 6:1](../06/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
364EXO133c6eefigs-activepassive0No bread with yeast may be eatenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must not eat bread with yeast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
365EXO134y1f3translate-hebrewmonths0the month of AvivThis is the name of the first month of the Hebrew calendar. Aviv is during the last part of March and the first part of April on Western calendars. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
366EXO135x89s0you must observe this act of worshipWhen the Israelites live in Canaan, they must celebrate the Passover on this day each year. See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 12:25](../12/
367EXO136tf790General Information:Moses continues to speak to the people of Israel.
368EXO136vwy9translate-numbers0For seven days“For 7 days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
369EXO137n41mfigs-activepassive0Bread without yeast must be eatenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must eat bread without yeast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
370EXO137le33figs-activepassive0no bread with yeast may be seen among youThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You may not have any bread with yeast among you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
371EXO137c9krfigs-activepassive0No yeast may be seen with youThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You may not have any yeast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
372EXO137dmv10within any of your borders“inside any of the borders of your land”
373EXO138qum9figs-quotations0On that day you are to say to your children, This is because of what Yahweh did for me when I came out of Egypt.The quotation can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “On that day you are to tell your children that this is because of what Yahweh did for you when you came out of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
374EXO139p21hfigs-parallelism0This will be a reminder for you on your hand, and a reminder on your foreheadThese are two different types of physical reminders so people will not forget something important. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
375EXO139s7zgfigs-metaphor0a reminder for you on your handMoses speaks of celebrating the festival as if it were tying an object around their hands to remind them of what Yahweh had done. Alternate translation: “like something you tie around your hand as a reminder” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
376EXO139mru4figs-metaphor0a reminder on your foreheadMoses speaks of celebrating the festival as if it were tying an object around their foreheads to remind them of what Yahweh had done. Alternate translation: “like something you tie around your head as a reminder” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
377EXO139b6nyfigs-metonymy0so the law of Yahweh may be in your mouthThe words “in your mouth” here refers to the words that they speak. Alternate translation: “so you may always be speaking of the law of Yahweh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
378EXO139w5rmfigs-metonymy0strong handThe word “hand” here represents Gods actions or works. See how you translated this in [Exodus 6:1](../06/ Alternate translation: “the power I show in my works” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
379EXO1311iqh50when he gives the land to you“when he gives the land of the Canaanites to you”
380EXO1313lwv50Every firstborn of a donkeyIsrael is given a choice to kill the firstborn donkey or buy it back with a lamb.
381EXO1314s8cmfigs-quotations0When your son asks you later, What does this mean? then you are to tell himThe first quotation can be stated as an indirect quotation. Alternate translation: “When your son asks you later what this means, then you are to tell him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
382EXO1314qr7qfigs-metonymy0strong handThe word “hand” here represents Gods actions or works. See how you translated this in [Exodus 6:1](../06/ Alternate translation: “the power I show in my works” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
383EXO1314rcz7figs-metaphor0the house of slaveryMoses speaks of Egypt as if it were a house where people keep slaves. See how you translated this in [Exodus 13:3](../13/ Alternate translation: “the place where you were slaves” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
384EXO1316bse4figs-parallelism0become a reminder on your hands, and a reminder on your foreheadThis expresses two ways to remember the importance of the passover event. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 13:9](./ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
385EXO1317c3c20was nearby“was close to where they were located”
386EXO1317mzi70the people will change their minds…and…return to EgyptSince Israelites had lived in slavery all their lives, they were more accustomed to peace than to war and would rather return to slavery than fight.
387EXO1320xq5dtranslate-names0camped at EthamEtham is located south of the route heading towards the Philistines, at the border of the wilderness. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
388EXO1321jnv80pillar of cloud…pillar of fire“a cloud in the shape of a column…fire in the shape of a column.” God is with them in a cloud by day and in a fire by night.
389EXO14introjq4u0# Exodus 14 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This is an important event in the history of Israel, known as the “parting of the Sea of Reeds.”<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Pharaohs hard heart<br><br>Pharaohs heart is often described as hard in this chapter. This means that his heart was not open or willing to understand Yahwehs instructions. When his heart was hardened, it became less and less receptive to Yahweh.<br><br>### Pharaohs chariots<br>These chariots were a fighting force. Pharaoh took an army to kill the Hebrew people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])<br><br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Rhetorical Questions<br>The Israelites asked a few rhetorical questions of Moses. These questions were not really directed at Moses, but at Yahweh. This showed their lack of faith in Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faith]])
390EXO142mb4etranslate-names0Pi Hahiroth…Migdol…Baal ZephonThese are towns on Egypts eastern border. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
391EXO142c9r8figs-you0You are to campHere the word “You” is plural and refers to Moses and the Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
392EXO143c81bfigs-quotations0Pharaoh will say about the Israelites, They are wandering in the land. The wilderness has closed in on them.This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “Pharaoh will say the Israelites are wandering in the land and the wilderness has closed in on them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
393EXO143tz6jfigs-personification0The wilderness has closed in on themPharaoh speaks of the wilderness as a person who has trapped the Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
394EXO144mm7j0General Information:Yahweh continues to instruct Moses on where to go and what Yahweh will do.
395EXO144dv62figs-synecdoche0I will harden Pharaohs heartHere “heart” refers to the Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “I will cause Pharaoh to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
396EXO144tw2m0he will pursue them“Pharaoh will pursue the Israelites”
397EXO144d5x10I will get honor“People will honor me”
398EXO144ejn50The Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh“The Egyptians will understand that I am Yahweh, the one true God”
399EXO144dms1figs-activepassive0So the Israelites camped as they were instructedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “So the Israelites camped as Yahweh had instructed them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
400EXO145t4cnfigs-activepassive0When the king of Egypt was toldThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “When someone told the king of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
401EXO145nh6d0the king of EgyptThis refers to Pharaoh.
402EXO145it5s0had fled“had run away”
403EXO145k67bfigs-metonymy0the minds of Pharaoh and his servants turned against the peopleHere the word “minds” refers to their attitudes towards the Israelites. Alternate translation: “Pharaoh and his servants changed their attitudes about the people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
404EXO145v236figs-rquestion0What have we done? We have released Israel from serving us.They asked this question to show they thought they had done a foolish thing. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “We have done a stupid thing by letting Israel go free from working for us!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
405EXO147ry11translate-numbers0He took six hundred chosen chariots“He took 600 of his best chariots” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
406EXO148a1r1figs-synecdoche0Yahweh hardened the heart of PharaohHere “heart” refers to the Pharaoh. His stubborn attitude is spoken of as if his heart was hard. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “Yahweh caused Pharaoh to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
407EXO149sb7xtranslate-names0Pi Hahiroth…Baal ZephonThese are towns on Egypts eastern border. See how you translated them in [Exodus 14:2](../14/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
408EXO1410s1xafigs-synecdoche0When Pharaoh came closeThe word “Pharaoh” here represents the entire Egyptian army. Alternate translation: “When Pharaoh and his army came close” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
409EXO1410qcy10they were terrified“the Israelites were terrified”
410EXO1411vzw5figs-rquestion0Is it because there were no graves in Egypt, that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?The Israelites ask this question to express their frustration and fear of dying. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “There were plenty of graveyards in Egypt for us to be buried in. You did not have to take us into the wilderness to die!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
411EXO1411x4n2figs-rquestion0Why have you treated us like this, bringing us out of Egypt?The Israelites ask this question to rebuke Moses for bringing them to the desert to die. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “You should not have treated us like this by bringing us out of Egypt!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
412EXO1412itb2figs-rquestion0Is this not what we told you in Egypt?The Israelites ask this question to emphasize that this is what they had told Moses. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “This is exactly what we told you while we were in Egypt.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
413EXO1412ix25figs-quotations0We said to you, Leave us alone, so we can work for the Egyptians.This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “We told you to leave us alone, so we could work for the Egyptians.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
414EXO1413lat40Moses said to the peopleMoses responds to the Israelites fears.
415EXO1413rrd4figs-you0provide for youThe pronoun “you” refers to the Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
416EXO1413h5n4figs-euphemism0For you will never see again the EgyptiansMoses used a polite way of saying God was going to destroy the Egyptian army. Alternate translation: “For God will kill the Egyptians” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
417EXO1415a727figs-rquestion0Why are you, Moses, continuing to call out to me?Moses apparently had been praying to God for help so God uses this question to compel Moses to act. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “Do not call out to me any longer, Moses.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
418EXO1416t3e40divide it in two“divide the sea into two parts”
419EXO1417z5ub0Be aware“Know”
420EXO1417qd3lfigs-synecdoche0I will harden the Egyptians heartsHere “hearts” refers to the Egyptians themselves. Their stubborn attitude is spoken of as if their hearts were hard. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 9:12](../09/ Alternate translation: “I will cause the Egyptians to became more defiant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
421EXO1417asz90so they will go after them“so that the Egyptians will go into the sea after the Israelites”
422EXO1420wgr40the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel“the Egyptian army and the Israelite people”
423EXO1420c4u50so one side did not come near the otherThis means that the Egyptians and the Israelites could not approach one another.
424EXO1421dfx50east windAn east wind originates in the east and blows towards the west.
425EXO1421hqx70eastwhere the sun rises
426EXO1421f9zhfigs-activepassive0the waters were dividedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Yahweh divided the waters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
427EXO1422fky60on their right hand and on their left“on each side of them” or “on both sides of them”
428EXO1424iz9t0He caused panic among the EgyptiansPanic is when someone becomes so afraid that they cannot think normally.
429EXO1425qdp8figs-activepassive0Their chariot wheels were cloggedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Mud clogged their chariot wheels” or “Their chariot wheels were getting stuck in the mud” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
430EXO1426p5ds0Yahweh said to Moses, “Reach out with your hand…and their horsemen.”This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “Yahweh told Moses to reach out with his hand over the sea so that the waters would come back onto the Egyptians, their chariots, and their horsemen.”
431EXO1426w59j0come back onto“fall on”
432EXO1427wn3q0The Egyptians fled into the seaSince the sea was closing in on top of the Egyptians, instead of escaping, they were actually running right into the water.
433EXO1427h64r0Yahweh drove the Egyptians“Yahweh pushed the Egyptians” or “Yahweh threw the Egyptians”
434EXO1430e2lffigs-metonymy0out of the hand of the EgyptiansHere the word “hand” refers to power. Alternate translation: “from the Egyptians power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
435EXO1430p5zw0on the seashore“on the land along the edge of the sea”
436EXO15introni4b0# Exodus 15 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetic songs in 15:1-18 and 15:21. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-poetry]])<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Yahwehs laws<br>In this chapter, Moses talks about Yahwehs laws. The law of Moses is about to be introduced. Although it has not yet been formally introduced, this is what is being referenced in this chapter in anticipation of the revelation of the law of Moses. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/reveal]])
437EXO151f5zr0General Information:This is a song about the events that happened in [Exodus 14:26-28](../14/
438EXO151kw29figs-explicit0he has triumphed gloriouslyIt can be stated explicitly over whom Yahweh triumphed. Alternate translation: “he has achieved a glorious victory over the army of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
439EXO151f6uefigs-metaphor0the horse and its rider he has thrown into the seaMoses sang about God causing the sea to cover and drown the horse and rider as if God had thrown them into the sea. Alternate translation: “he has made the sea cover over the horse and rider” or “he has made the horse and rider drown in the sea” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
440EXO151cr5ufigs-genericnoun0the horse and its riderThis refers to all or many of the Egyptian horses and riders that were chasing the Israelites. Alternate translation: “the horses and their riders” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-genericnoun]])
441EXO151ex3p0riderThis is a person who sits on a horse or travels in a chariot that a horse is pulling.
442EXO152pb23figs-metonymy0Yahweh is my strengthPossible meanings are (1) “Yahweh is the one who gives me strength” or (2) “Yahweh is the strong one who protects me.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
443EXO152vk6lfigs-metonymy0songMoses calls Yahweh his song because Yahweh is the one he sings about. Alternate translation: “the one I sing about” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
444EXO152kbv7figs-metonymy0he has become my salvationMoses calls God his salvation because God saved him. Alternate translation: “he has saved me” or “he is the one who saves me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
445EXO153p1d5figs-metaphor0Yahweh is a warriorMoses calls God a warrior because God powerfully fought against the Egyptians and won. Alternate translation: “Yahweh is like a warrior” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
446EXO154p8w6figs-metaphor0He has thrown Pharaohs chariots and army into the seaMoses sings about God causing the sea to cover Pharaohs chariots and army as if God had thrown them into the sea. Alternate translation: “he has made the sea cover over Pharaohs chariots and army” or “He has made Pharaohs chariot riders and army drown in the sea” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
447EXO155nqe4figs-simile0they went down into the depths like a stoneJust as a stone does not float but sinks to the bottom of the sea, the enemy soldiers sank to the bottom of the sea. Alternate translation: “they went down into the deep water like a stone sinking to the bottom of the sea” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
448EXO156x1fzfigs-metonymy0Your right hand, Yahweh, is glorious in powerMoses speaks of God as if God had hands. The right hand refers to Gods power or the things God does powerfully. Alternate translation: “Yahweh, your power is glorious” or “Yahweh, what you do is glorious in power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
449EXO156p1u6figs-metonymy0your right hand, Yahweh, has shattered the enemyMoses speaks of God as if God had hands. The right hand refers to Gods power. Alternate translation: “Yahweh, your power has shattered the enemy” or “Yahweh, by your power you have shattered the enemy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
450EXO156rmd4figs-metaphor0has shattered the enemyMoses speaks of the enemy as if it were fragile and could be shattered like glass or pottery. Alternate translation: “has completely destroyed the enemy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
451EXO157nd3tfigs-metaphor0those who rose up against youRebelling against God is spoken of as rising up against him. Alternate translation: “those who rebelled against you” or “your enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
452EXO157glq7figs-personification0You sent out your wrathMoses speaks of Gods wrath as if it were a servant that God sent out to do something. Alternate translation: “You showed your wrath” or “You acted according to your wrath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
453EXO157a5x7figs-metaphor0it consumed them like stubbleMoses speaks of Gods wrath as if it were fire that could completely burn up things. His enemies were completely destroyed like stubble in a fire. Alternate translation: “it completely destroyed your enemies like a fire that burns up straw” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
454EXO158ic8vfigs-personification0By the blast of your nostrilsMoses speaks of God as if God had a nose, and he speaks of the wind as if God blew the wind from his nose. Alternate translation: “You blew on the sea and” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
455EXO159d8nkfigs-activepassive0my desire will be satisfied on themThis can be expressed with an active form. Alternate translation: “I will satisfy my desire on them” or “I will take all I want from them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
456EXO159sm77figs-metonymy0my hand will destroy themThe enemies speak of destroying the Israelites by the power of their hands as if it were their hands that would destroy them. Alternate translation: “I will destroy them with my hand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
457EXO1510yrj5figs-metaphor0But you blew with your windMoses spoke about God making the wind blow as if God blew the wind through his nose or mouth. Alternate translation: “But you made the wind blow” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
458EXO1510f7d3figs-simile0sank like lead in the mighty watersLead is a heavy metal that is commonly used to make things sink in water. The word “lead” here is used to show how fast Gods enemies were destroyed. Alternate translation: “sank as fast as lead in the deep turbulent waters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
459EXO1511wq2sfigs-rquestion0Who is like you, Yahweh, among the gods?Moses uses this question to show how great God is. Alternate translation: “O Yahweh, no one is like you among the gods!” or “Yahweh, none of the gods is like you!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
460EXO1511pp57figs-rquestion0Who is like you,…doing miracles?Moses uses this question to show how great God is. Alternate translation: No one is like you. No one is majestic in holiness as you are, no one is honored in praises as you are, and no one does miracles as you do!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
461EXO1512cid8figs-metonymy0with your right handThe phrase “right hand” represents the strong power of God. Alternate translation: “with your strong power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
462EXO1512bkg2figs-metaphor0You reached out with your right handMoses speaks about God causing something to happen as if God reached out with his hand. Alternate translation: “With your strong power you made it happen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
463EXO1512g7bvfigs-personification0the earth swallowed themMoses personifies the earth as if it could swallow or devour with its mouth. Alternate translation: “the earth devoured them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
464EXO1514zi1m0trembleThis means to shake because you are afraid.
465EXO1514uqf7figs-personification0terror will seize the inhabitants of PhilistiaMoses speaks of terror as if it were a person that could forcefully grab hold of someone and make them extremely afraid. Alternate translation: “the inhabitants of Philistia will be afraid” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
466EXO1515ya48figs-metaphor0will melt awayMoses speaks of people becoming weak from their fear as melting away. Alternate translation: “will be weak from fear” or “will be afraid and faint” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
467EXO1516m1kt0Connecting Statement:Moses continues to sing about how the people of other nations will feel when they see Gods people.
468EXO1516nk67figs-doublet0Terror and dread will fall on themThese two words mean that fear will come upon them. Alternate translation: “Fear will come upon them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
469EXO1516fc8v0dreadDread is extreme fear or anxiety about something that is going to happen or might happen.
470EXO1516t2ypfigs-metonymy0Because of your arms powerGods arm represents his great strength. Alternate translation: “Because of your great strength” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
471EXO1516umm7figs-simile0they will become as still as a stonePossible meanings are (1) “They will be silent like stone” or (2) “They will be motionless as stone” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
472EXO1517n5i5figs-explicit0You will bring themWhere God would bring them can be stated clearly. Since Moses was not already in Canaan, some languages would use “take” rather than “bring.” Alternate translation: “You will take your people to Canaan” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-go]])
473EXO1517t6wgfigs-metaphor0plant them on the mountainMoses speaks about God giving his people the land to live in as if they were a tree that God was planting. Alternate translation: “settle them on the mountain” or “let them live on the mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
474EXO1517p7kb0the mountain of your inheritanceThis refers to Mount Zion in the land of Canaan.
475EXO1517ie26figs-metaphor0of your inheritanceMoses speaks about God promising to give his people the mountain forever as if he were giving it to them as an inheritance. Alternate translation: “that you have given them as an inheritance” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
476EXO1517ytz3figs-metonymy0that your hands have builtThe phrase “your hands” refers to Gods power. Alternate translation: “that you have built by your power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-pastforfuture]])
477EXO1520g7s6translate-names0Miriam…AaronMiriam was the older sister of Moses and Aaron. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
478EXO1520gam2translate-unknown0tambourineThis is a musical instrument like a small drum that also has pieces of metal around the side that make a sound when shaken. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
479EXO1521f6m3figs-explicit0he has triumphed gloriouslyIt can be stated explicitly over whom Yahweh triumphed. See how you translated this in [Exodus 15:1](../15/ Alternate translation: “he has achieved a glorious victory over the army of Egypt” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
480EXO1521hvu1figs-metaphor0The horse and his rider he has thrown into the seaMiriam sang about God causing the sea to cover and drown the horse and rider as if God had thrown them into the sea. See how you translated this in [Exodus 15:1](../15/ Alternate translation: “He has made the horse and rider drown in the sea” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
481EXO1522iw9nfigs-metonymy0Moses led IsraelThe word “Israel” represents the people of Israel. Alternate translation: “Moses led the Israelite people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
482EXO1522c7petranslate-names0wilderness of ShurWe do not know the exact locations of this place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
483EXO1523a9pvtranslate-names0MarahWe do not know the exact locations of this place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
484EXO1524n64m0complained to Moses and said“were unhappy and told Moses” or “angrily told Moses”
485EXO1526l2hxfigs-123person0the voice of Yahweh your GodYahweh is speaking about his own voice. His voice represents what he says. Alternate translation: “my voice” or “what I say” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
486EXO1526sq5xfigs-metaphor0do what is right in his eyesThe eyes represent seeing, and seeing represents thoughts or judgment. Alternate translation: “do what Yahweh considers to be right”(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
487EXO1526m4cnfigs-metaphor0I will put on you none of the diseasesGod speaks of causing people to have diseases as putting diseases on them. Alternate translation: “I will not cause any of you to have the diseases” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
488EXO1527did8translate-names0ElimThis is an oasis in the desert, a place with water and shade trees. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
489EXO1527ark9translate-numbers0twelve“12” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
490EXO1527p64ytranslate-numbers0seventy“70” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
491EXO16intronkd70# Exodus 16 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Complaints<br>The Israelites complained about the amount of food Yahweh gave them, even when he miraculously provided their food for them. This is intended to show their ungratefulness and their sinful view of Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>### Prohibition against storing food<br>The people were not allowed to store the food, called manna, they were provided with. This is because they were to trust in Yahweh to provide for their needs every day. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/trust]])<br><br>### Sabbath<br>This is the first recorded celebration of the Sabbath rest. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sabbath]])<br><br>### Ark of the covenant<br>Although the covenant has not yet been made, it is referenced in [Exodus 16:34](../../exo/16/ This is probably done either in anticipation of the building of the ark or as an editorial comment made by Moses after these events. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Wilderness of Sin<br>Sin is the name of a part of the Sinai Wilderness. It is not the description of a place, and it has nothing to do with sinning. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
492EXO161gw67translate-names0wilderness of SinThe word “Sin” here is the Hebrew name of the wilderness. It is not the English word “sin.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
493EXO161h44xtranslate-hebrewmonths0on the fifteenth day of the second monthThis time coincides with the end of April and the beginning of May on Western calendars. Alternate translation: “on day 15 of the second month” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
494EXO162h938figs-hyperbole0The whole community of Israelites complained“All the Israelites complained.” This is a generalization. Moses and Aaron did not complain. Alternate translation: “The Israelites complained” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
495EXO162nx6f0complained“were angry and spoke”
496EXO163nwy60If only we had diedThis is a way of saying that they wished that they had died. Alternate translation: “We wish that we had died”
497EXO163g1n1figs-metonymy0by Yahwehs handThe phrase “Yahwehs hand” represents Yahwehs action. Alternate translation: “by Yahwehs action” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
498EXO164kls5figs-metaphor0I will rain down bread from heaven for youGod speaks of food coming down from heaven as if it were rain. Alternate translation: “I will make bread come down from heaven like rain” or “I will make bread fall to you from the sky” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
499EXO164i1xwfigs-metaphor0breadGod speaks of the food that he will send as if it were bread. The Israelites would eat this food every day, just as they had eaten bread every day before this. Alternate translation: “food” or “food like bread” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
500EXO164se28figs-metaphor0walk in my lawGod speaks of obeying his law as walking in it. Alternate translation: “obey my law” or “live according to my law” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
501EXO164yew50my law“my command”
502EXO165p1f60It will come about on the sixth day, that they“It will happen on the sixth day that they” or “On the sixth day they”
503EXO165cl74translate-numbers0on the sixth day“on day 6” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
504EXO165t5il0twicetwo times
505EXO167zb21figs-rquestion0Who are we for you to complain against us?Moses and Aaron used this question to show the people that it was foolish to complain against them. Alternate translation: “We are not powerful enough for you to complain against us.” or “It is foolish to complain against us, because we cannot do what you want.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
506EXO168v8rqfigs-metaphor0breadMoses speaks of the food that God will send as if it were bread. The Israelites would eat this food every day, just as they had eaten bread every day before this. See how you translated it in [Exodus 16:4](../16/ Alternate translation: “food” or “food like bread” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
507EXO168pn4efigs-rquestion0Who are Aaron and I?Moses used this question to show the people that he and Aaron did not have the power to give them what they wanted. Alternate translation: “Aaron and I cannot give you what you want.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
508EXO168vdr8figs-explicit0Your complaints are not against us; they are against YahwehThe people were complaining against Moses and Aaron, who were Yahwehs servants. So by complaining against them, the people were really complaining against Yahweh. Alternate translation: Your complaints are not really against us; they are against Yahweh, because we are his servants” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
509EXO1610q4ax0It came aboutThis phrase is used here to mark an important event in the story. The important event here is the people seeing Yahwehs glory. If your language has a way for doing this, you could consider using it here.
510EXO1610b6rp0beholdThe word “behold” here shows that the people saw something interesting.
511EXO1612g7xcfigs-metaphor0breadGod speaks of the food that he will send as if it were bread. The Israelites would eat this food every day, just as they had eaten bread every day before this. See how you translated it in [Exodus 16:4](../16/ Alternate translation: “food” or “food like bread” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
512EXO1613aas80It came about…thatThis phrase is used here to mark an important part of the events. If your language has a way for doing this, you could consider using it here.
513EXO1613eu1xtranslate-unknown0quailsThese are small, plump birds. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
514EXO1614k5lbfigs-simile0like frostThe original readers knew what frost is like, so this phrase would help them understand what the flakes were like. Frost is frozen dew that forms on the ground. It is very fine. Alternate translation: “that looked like frost” or “that was fine like frost” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
515EXO1615n5e7figs-metaphor0breadMoses speaks of the food that God sent as if it were bread. The Israelites would eat this food every day, just as they had eaten bread every day before this. See how you translated it in [Exodus 16:4](../16/ Alternate translation: “food” or “food like bread” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
516EXO1616v1c60Connecting Statement:Moses continues telling the people about the food that God was providing for them.
517EXO1616fqp9translate-bvolume0omer2 liters (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
518EXO1622nrx80It came about thatThis phrase is used here to mark the beginning of a new part of the story. Verses 16:22-30 tell about what the people did concerning the manna on the sixth and seventh days of the week. If your language has a way for marking this as a new part of the story, you could consider using it here.
519EXO1622xk6xtranslate-numbers0on the sixth day“on day 6” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
520EXO1622zj1u0twicetwo times
521EXO1622f4j90breadThis refers to the bread that appeared as thin flakes on the ground each morning.
522EXO1623wc4a0a solemn rest“a day to rest quietly and think seriously”
523EXO1624y4d90did not become foul“did not smell rotten”
524EXO1625pr1p0today is a day reserved as a Sabbath to honor Yahweh“today is a Sabbath and is to be used only for honoring Yahweh”
525EXO1626jv77translate-numbers0but the seventh day“but on day seven” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
526EXO1626hq5i0mannaThis was the name the Israelites gave to the bread that Yahweh caused to appear for them each morning.
527EXO1627qf140they found none“they did not find any manna”
528EXO1628q41d0General Information:Yahweh speaks to Moses, but the word “you” refers to the people of Israel in general.
529EXO1628e1vxfigs-rquestion0How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?God used this question to scold the people because they did not obey his laws. Alternate translation: “You people still do not keep my commandments and laws!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
530EXO1628vnq70to keep my commandments and my laws“to obey my commandments and my laws”
531EXO1629p22lfigs-metaphor0Yahweh has given you the SabbathYahweh speaks about teaching people to rest on the Sabbath as if the Sabbath were a gift. Alternate translation: “I, Yahweh, have taught you to rest on the Sabbath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
532EXO1629dt58translate-numbers0sixth day…two days…seventh day“day 6…2 days…day 7” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
533EXO1629y8wf0breadThis refers to the bread that appeared as thin flakes on the ground each morning.
534EXO1631r1a5translate-unknown0coriander seedCoriander is also known as cilantro. People dry the seeds and grind them into a powder and put it in food to give it flavor. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
535EXO1631vrl40wafersvery thin biscuits or crackers
536EXO1632nxa9translate-bvolume0omer2 liters (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
537EXO1632g93h0breadThis refers to the bread that appeared as thin flakes on the ground each morning.
538EXO1633rtw7translate-bvolume0an omer“two liters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
539EXO1636g8nstranslate-bvolume0Now an omer is a tenth of an ephahAn omer and an ephah are both containers for measuring volume. The original readers would have known how much an ephah was. This sentence would help them know how much an omer was. For languages that do not use fractions, this can be reworded. Alternate translation: “Now ten omers equal one ephah” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
540EXO17introf12q0# Exodus 17 General Notes<br>## Important figures of speech in this chapter<br><br>### Rhetorical Questions<br>Moses uses several rhetorical questions in this chapter. The purpose of these questions is to convince people of their sin. Likewise, the peoples rhetorical question showed their ignorance. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### Wilderness of Sin<br>Sin is the name of a part of the Sinai Wilderness. It is not the description of a place, and it has nothing to do with sinning. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
541EXO171h1litranslate-names0wilderness of SinThe word “Sin” here is the Hebrew name of the wilderness. It is not the English word “sin.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 16:1](../16/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
542EXO171j1fmtranslate-names0RephidimThis means “the resting place,” a place to rest on long journeys through the wilderness. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
543EXO172hr9bfigs-rquestion0Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test Yahweh?Moses uses these questions to scold the people. Alternate translation: “You should not quarrel with me! You should not test Yahweh!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
544EXO173cz24figs-rquestion0To kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?The people use this question to accuse Moses of wanting to kill them. Alternate translation: “You only brought us out here to kill us and our children and cattle by not letting us have any water to drink!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
545EXO177x5antranslate-names0Massaha place in the desert whose name means “testing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
546EXO177hw7ytranslate-names0Meribaha place in the desert whose name means “complaining” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
547EXO178rv14translate-names0RephidimThis was the name of a place in the desert. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
548EXO1710ca3gfigs-synecdoche0So Joshua fought AmalekJoshua represents himself and the Israelites that he led into battle. Alternate translation: “So Joshua and the men he chose fought against the Amalekites” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
549EXO1710wy51translate-names0HurHur was a friend of Moses and Aaron. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
550EXO1711x5exfigs-synecdoche0Israel was winning…Amalek would begin to winThe words “Israel” and “Amalek” represent the fighters from those groups. Alternate translation: “the Israelite fighters were winning…the Amalekite fighters would begin to win” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
551EXO1712hxt8figs-metonymy0hands became heavyThe author writes of Moses arms becoming tired as if his hands became heavy. Alternate translation: “arms became tired” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
552EXO1713plp3figs-metonymy0with the swordThe sword represents battle. Alternate translation: “in battle” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
553EXO1714c5rlfigs-metaphor0I will completely blot out the memory of AmalekGod speaks of destroying Amalek as if he were removing peoples memory of Amalek. When a group of people is completely destroyed, there is nothing to remind people about them. Alternate translation: “I will completely destroy Amalek” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
554EXO1714jm77figs-metonymy0AmalekThis refers to the Amalekites. Alternate translation: Amalekites” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
555EXO1716bw78figs-metonymy0a hand was lifted upPeople would raise their hand when they made a promise or pledge, so raising the hand represents making a promise. Alternate translation: “a promise was made” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
556EXO1716s86dfigs-activepassive0a hand was lifted upThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Yahweh lifted up his hand” or “Yahweh made a solemn promise” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
557EXO18introt8g20# Exodus 18 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Leadership lessons<br>Jethro taught Moses an important leadership lesson in this chapter. Many scholars look at this chapter for important leadership lessons. Moses delegated some of his responsibilities to other godly men so that he would not become worn out by all the demands made of him. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/godly]])
558EXO181nl860Moses father-in-lawThis refers to the father of the wife of Moses.
559EXO182zw6h0took Zipporah, Moses wifePossible meanings are (1) Jethro took Zipporah to Moses, or (2) Jethro had earlier welcomed back Zipporah.
560EXO182chy6figs-explicit0after he had sent her homeThis is something Moses had done earlier. The full meaning of the can be made explicit. Alternate translation: “after Moses had sent her home to her parents” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
561EXO183khs10and her two sonsThis is the ending of the sentence that begins with the words “Jethro…took Zipporah” in verse 2. Possible meanings are (1) Jethro took Zipporah and her two sons to Moses, or (2) Jethro had earlier welcomed back Zipporah and her two sons.
562EXO183k4mbtranslate-names0GershomThis is a son of Moses and Zipporah, whose name means “foreigner.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
563EXO184xi35translate-names0EliezerThis is a son of Moses and Zipporah, whose name means “God is the one who helps me.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
564EXO184z2kmfigs-metonymy0Pharaohs swordThis represents being killed by Pharaoh or Pharaohs army. Alternate translation: “being killed by Pharaoh” or “being killed by Pharaohs army” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
565EXO185kpq9figs-activepassive0where he was campedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “where he camped with the Israelites” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
566EXO187s5p2translate-symaction0bowed down, and kissed himThese symbolic acts were the normal way that people showed great respect and devotion in that culture. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
567EXO188rkq2figs-metonymy0for Israels sakeThe word “Israel” represents the Israelite people. Alternate translation: “in order to help the Israelite people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
568EXO188a1rafigs-metaphor0all the hardships that had come to themMoses writes of hardships happening to them as if hardships had come to them. Alternate translation: “all the hardships that had happened to them” or “all the hardships they had experienced” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
569EXO189wp1pfigs-metonymy0the hand of the EgyptiansThe hand represents the power of someone to do something. Alternate translation: “the power of the Egyptians…the power of Pharaoh” or “what the Egyptians were doing to you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
570EXO1810nrv7figs-metonymy0the hand of the Egyptians…the hand of PharaohThe hand represents the power of someone to do something. Alternate translation: “the power of the Egyptians…the power of Pharaoh” or “what the Egyptians were doing to you…what Pharaoh was doing to you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
571EXO1814bax5figs-rquestion0What is this that you are doing with the people?Jethro uses this question to show Moses that what he was doing was not good. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “You should not be doing all of this for the people!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
572EXO1814b5wjfigs-rquestion0Why is it that you sit alone…from morning until evening?Jethro used this question to show Moses that he was doing too much. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “You should not sit alone…from morning till evening!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
573EXO1814cfd1figs-metonymy0you sit aloneThe word “sit” here is a metonym for “judge.” Judges would sit while they listened to peoples complaints. Alternate translation: “you judge alone” or “you are the only one who judges the people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
574EXO1818jtd20You will surely wear yourselves out“you will surely make yourselves very tired”
575EXO1818h91bfigs-metaphor0This burden is too heavy for youJethro speaks of the hard work that Moses is doing as if it were a physical burden that Moses was carrying. Alternate translation: “This work is too much for you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
576EXO1819pug70you advice“you guidance” or “you instruction”
577EXO1819v8i9figs-metaphor0God will be with youJethro speaks of God helping Moses as if God would be with Moses. Alternate translation: “God will help you” or “God will give you wisdom” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
578EXO1819w4r8figs-metaphor0you bring their disputes to himJethro speaks of Moses telling God about their disputes as if Moses were bringing their disputes to God. Alternate translation: “you tell God about their disputes” or “you tell God what they are arguing about” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
579EXO1820w3vffigs-metaphor0You must show them the way to walkJethro speaks of living or behaving like walking. Alternate translation: “You must show them how to live” or “You must show them how to behave” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
580EXO1821p2rq0Connecting Statement:Jethro continues speaking to Moses.
581EXO1821p5ap0Furthermore, you must choose“In addition, you must choose” or “You must also choose”
582EXO1821n936figs-metaphor0You must put them over peopleJethro speaks of giving them authority over people as putting them over people. Alternate translation: You must give them authority over people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
583EXO1821d2hvtranslate-numbers0leaders in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and of tensPossible meanings are (1) these numbers represent the exact amount of people in each group. Alternate translation: “leaders in charge of groups of 1,000 people, groups of 100 people, groups of 50 people, and groups of 10 people” or (2) these numbers are not exact, but represent groups of people of various sizes. Alternate translation: “leaders in charge of very small groups, small groups, large groups, and very large groups” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
584EXO1822p4sr0routine cases“the simple cases”
585EXO1822y5n2figs-metaphor0the difficult cases they will bring to youJethro speaks of telling Moses about the difficult cases as bringing him the difficult cases. Alternate translation: “the difficult cases they will tell you about” or “when there are difficult cases, they will tell you about them so you can judge them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
586EXO1822u42pfigs-metaphor0they will carry the burden with youJethro speaks of the hard work that they would do as if it were a burden that they would carry. Alternate translation: “they will do the hard work with you” or “they will help you do the hard work” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
587EXO1823wyq4figs-explicit0endureWhat they will endure can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “endure the stress of the work” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
588EXO1825n2wsfigs-metaphor0heads over the peopleMoses writes of the leaders of people as if they were the head of a body. Alternate translation: “leaders of the people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
589EXO1825tb18figs-explicit0capable menWhat they were capable of doing can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “men who were able to lead” or “men who were able to judge” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
590EXO1825iqn8translate-numbers0leaders in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tensPossible meanings are (1) these numbers represent the exact amount of people in each group. Alternate translation: “leaders in charge of groups of 1,000 people, groups of 100 people, groups of 50 people, and groups of 10 people” or (2) these numbers are not exact, but represent groups of people of various sizes. Alternate translation: “leaders in charge of very small groups, small groups, large groups, and very large groups” See how you translated this in [Exodus 18:21](../18/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
591EXO1826abx40judged the people in normal circumstances“judged the people most of the time” or “judged the peoples easy cases”
592EXO1826z7j4figs-metaphor0The difficult cases they brought to MosesThe author writes of telling Moses about the difficult cases as bringing him the difficult cases. Alternate translation: “the difficult cases they told Moses about” or “when there were difficult cases, they told Moses about them so that he would judge them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
593EXO1826ve8h0the small cases“the easy cases”
594EXO19introck7e0# Exodus 19 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### “A kingdom of priests”<br>The function of the priests was to intercede for the people. The Levites were the only priests in Israel; this is a metaphor indicating that the nation was to intercede for the world as a whole. They were also to be holy, or set apart, from the rest of the world. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/priest]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])<br><br>### Revealing the Law<br>The events of this chapter are concerned with preparing the people to receive the law of Moses. The people go through all of this to prepare themselves for the law, which show the great importance of this event for Israel. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])
595EXO191r5tjtranslate-hebrewmonths0In the third month…on the same dayThis means they arrived at the wilderness on the first day of the month just as they left Egypt on the first day of the month. The first day of the third month on the Hebrew calendar is near the middle of May on Western calendars. Alternate translation: “In the third month…on the first day of the month” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
596EXO191xw7p0had gone out from“had left”
597EXO192nk51translate-names0RephidimThis is an area on the edge of the wilderness of Sinai where the people of Israel had been camping. See how you translated this name in [Exodus 17:1](../17/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
598EXO193s2qtfigs-metonymy0the house of JacobThe word “house” here represents Jacobs family and descendants. Alternate translation: “the descendants of Jacob” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
599EXO193f4qw0the house of Jacob, the people of IsraelThe phrase “the people of Israel” explains what “the house of Jacob” means.
600EXO194z9i6figs-you0You have seenThe word “you” here refers to the Israelites. Yahweh is telling Moses what to tell the Israelites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
601EXO194b7phfigs-metaphor0I carried you on eagles wingsGod speaks of caring for his people while they traveled as if he were an eagle and carried them on his wings. Alternate translation: “I helped you travel like an eagle that carries her babies on her wings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
602EXO195th350obediently listen to my voiceObediently can be expressed as a verb. Alternate translation: “listen to my voice and obey me”
603EXO195c767figs-metonymy0my voiceGods voice represents what he says. Alternate translation: “what I say” or “my words” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
604EXO195fh8e0keep my covenant“do what my covenant requires you to do”
605EXO195ifv60special possession“treasure”
606EXO196gm9sfigs-metaphor0a kingdom of priestsGod speaks of his people as if they were priests. Alternate translation: “a kingdom of people who are like priests” or “a kingdom of people who do what priests do” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
607EXO197c5tqfigs-metaphor0set before them all these wordsThe author writes of Moses telling people things as if he were setting the words before them. AT “told them all these words” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
608EXO197zqk10all these words that Yahweh had commanded him“all that Yahweh had commanded him”
609EXO198ljf5figs-go0Moses came to reportWhere Moses went can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: “Moses went back up the mountain to report” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-go]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
610EXO198rwx6figs-metonymy0the peoples wordsThe word “words” refers to what the people said. Alternate translation: “what the people said” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
611EXO1910ie7y0you must set them apart to meThis probably means “tell them to dedicate themselves to me” or “tell them to purify themselves for me.”
612EXO1910j8910their garments“their clothes” or “what they are wearing”
613EXO1911d6tmfigs-you0Be readyThis was a command to the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
614EXO1912lg7u0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
615EXO1912d48p0set boundaries“make a boundary.” This was either a mark or some kind of barrier.
616EXO1912kis1figs-activepassive0Whoever touches the mountain will surely be put to deathThis can be stated with an active form. Alternate translation: “You must surely put to death any person who touches the mountain” or “You must surely kill anyone who touches the mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
617EXO1912ibe70Whoever touches“Any person who touches” or “Anyone who touches”
618EXO1913l9ak0such a person“a person who does that” or “a person who touches the mountain”
619EXO1913k35kfigs-activepassive0he must certainly be stoned or shotThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must certainly stone or shoot him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
620EXO1913vw190shotThis refers to being killed by someone who shoots arrows from a bow or stones from a slingshot.
621EXO1913ng410a long blast“a long, loud sound”
622EXO1915bw2pfigs-euphemism0do not go near your wivesThis is a polite way of talking about sleeping with their wives. Alternate translation: “do not sleep with your wives” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
623EXO1916fvt80All the people…trembled“All the people…shook with fear”
624EXO1918m1b50Yahweh descended“Yahweh came down”
625EXO1918a8p70like the smoke of a furnaceThis shows that it was a very large amount of smoke. Alternate translation: “like the smoke from a very large fire”
626EXO1918np1stranslate-unknown0furnacean oven that can be made extremely hot (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
627EXO1919m8ae0grew louder and louder“continued to become louder and louder”
628EXO1919f5e6figs-metonymy0in a voiceThe word “voice” here refers to a sound that God made. Possible meanings are (1) “by speaking loudly like thunder” or (2) “by speaking” or (3) “by causing thunder to sound” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
629EXO1920v7mh0he summoned Moses“he commanded Moses to come up”
630EXO1921d2qmfigs-metaphor0not to break throughGod spoke about walking past the boundary as if they might break down a barrier and walk through it. See how you translated “set bounds” in [Exodus 19:12](../19/ Alternate translation: “not to go beyond the boundary” or “not to go through the barrier”(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
631EXO1924w8lx0get down“go down”
632EXO1924bk6pfigs-metaphor0break through the barrierGod spoke about walking past the boundary as if they might break down a barrier and walk through it. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 19:21](../19/ Alternate translation: “go beyond the boundary” or “go through the barrier” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
633EXO20introx7vt0# Exodus 20 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The instructions recorded in this chapter are commonly known as the “ten commandments.”<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Covenant<br>Yahwehs covenant faithfulness is now based on the covenant he made with Abraham as well as the covenant he is making with Moses. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenantfaith]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])
634EXO202qg710house of slavery“place where you were slaves”
635EXO203r9h30You must have no other gods before me“You must not worship any other gods but me”
636EXO204rkn10nor the likeness“and you must not make the likeness”
637EXO205ka3i0You must not bow down to them or worship themThe word “them” refers to carved figures or idols.
638EXO205r6zh0jealousGod wants his people to worship only him.
639EXO205w4cs0punish the ancestors wickedness by bringing punishment on the descendantsGod will punish people for the sin of their parents.
640EXO205s2iatranslate-ordinal0to the third and the fourth generation“to generations 3 and 4.” This refers to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Alternate translation: “even on the grandchildren and great-grandchildren (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
641EXO206u9ncfigs-abstractnouns0I show covenant faithfulness to thousands of those who love meThe abstract noun “faithfulness” can be stated as “faithfully” or “faithful.” Alternate translation: “I faithfully love thousands of those who love me” or “I am faithful to the covenant with thousands of those who love me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
642EXO206yw38figs-explicit0to thousands of those who love meThe word “thousands” is a metonym for a number too many to count. Alternate translation: “forever to those who love me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
643EXO207t3k20take the name of Yahweh your God“use the name of Yahweh your God”
644EXO207gcz20in vain“carelessly” or “without proper respect”
645EXO207sl6gfigs-doublenegatives0I will not hold guiltlessThis double-negative can be stated as a positive. Alternate translation: “I will certainly consider guilty” or “I will certainly punish” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
646EXO208kwn70set it apart“set it apart for a special purpose”
647EXO209sad10do all your work“do all your usual duties”
648EXO2010t1kyfigs-metonymy0within your gatesCities often had walls around them to keep out enemies, and gates for people to go in and out. Alternate translation: “within your community” or “inside your city” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
649EXO2011vw1ftranslate-ordinal0on the seventh day“on day seven.” Here “seventh” is the ordinal number for “7.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
650EXO2011s8ds0blessed the Sabbath dayPossible meanings are that (1) God caused the Sabbath day to produce good results, or (2) God said that the Sabbath day was good.
651EXO2014wyv90You must not commit adultery“You must not have sex with anyone other than your spouse”
652EXO2016zix80must not give false testimony“must not speak a false report” or “must not tell lies about someone”
653EXO2017vt9t0must not covet“must not strongly want to have” or “must not want to take”
654EXO2018swq30voice of the trumpet“sound of the trumpet”
655EXO2018nm520the mountain smoking“smoke coming from the mountain”
656EXO2018lmt50they trembled“they shook with fear”
657EXO2018h53m0stood far off“stood far away” or “stood at a distance”
658EXO2020slb80so that the honor of him may be in you, and so that you do not sin“so that you will honor him and not sin”
659EXO2021lts10Moses approached“Moses went closer to”
660EXO2022tq2f0This is what you must tell the Israelites“Tell the Israelites this”
661EXO2022r6jh0You yourselves have seen that I have talked with you from heaven“You have heard me speak to you from heaven”
662EXO2023hi910You will not make for yourselves other gods alongside me“You must not make idols as other gods instead of me”
663EXO2023qm440gods of silver or gods of gold“gods made out of silver or gold” or “idols made out of silver or gold”
664EXO2024pf1i0earthen altaran altar made of materials from the ground, such as stone, soil, or clay
665EXO2024ge89figs-metonymy0cause my name to be honoredHere “name” is a metonym for Gods being. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “choose for you to honor me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
666EXO2026qm1b0You must not go up to my altar on steps“Do not build steps up to the altar and go up to it on those steps”
667EXO2026h2qd0your nakedness“your private parts”
668EXO21introdnd30# Exodus 21 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Covenant with Moses<br>Although the covenant Yahweh made with Moses began in the previous chapter, it formally begins with the statement, “Now these are the decrees that you must set before them.” The law of Moses was a major part of this covenant. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br><br>### Slavery<br>This passage does not condone slavery as an acceptable practice. However, it does impose some restrictions on the practice.<br><br>### Justice in society<br>The rules and law of this chapter are not intended to be followed by every society. Israel was Gods chosen nation and was required to live in a special way. These laws concerned creating a just society and a holy nation. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/elect]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
669EXO211b3g40General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
670EXO211hhf70you must set before them“you must give them” or “you must tell them”
671EXO212di5z0General Information:Yahweh tells Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
672EXO213ln3rfigs-explicit0If he came by himself, he must go free by himselfWhat “by himself” means can be stated clearly. Some languages require that the additional condition, that he marries while a slave, be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “If he became a slave while he had no wife, and if he marries while he is a slave, the master need only free the man” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
673EXO213pfn30by himself“alone” or “without a wife”
674EXO213e4670if he is married“if he was married when he became a slave” or “if he came as a married man”
675EXO215yj8x0plainly says“clearly says”
676EXO215jqh40I will not go out free“I do not want my master to set me free”
677EXO216z8x10bore his ear through“put a hole in his ear”
678EXO216xpd30awla pointed tool used to make a hole
679EXO216k6ev0for life“until the end of his life” or “until he dies”
680EXO218p8se0has designated“has chosen”
681EXO218t2zffigs-activepassive0he must let her be bought backThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “he must allow her father to buy her back” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
682EXO218bi4y0has no right to sell“has no authority to sell”
683EXO218h7f70he has treated her deceitfully“he has deceived her”
684EXO219w99z0designates her as a wife for his son“decides that she is the one who will be his sons wife”
685EXO2110rxk4figs-doublenegatives0he must not diminish her food, clothing, or her marital rightsThis can be stated in a positive form. Alternate translation: “he must give the first wife the same food, clothing, and marital rights she had before” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
686EXO2110q2gt0must not diminish her food“must not take away her food” or “must not give her less food”
687EXO2110np9bfigs-euphemism0or her marital rightsThis includes things that a husband must do for his wife, including sleeping with her. Alternate translation: “and he must continue to sleep with her as before” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
688EXO2112gks40strikes a man“hits a man” or “attacks a man”
689EXO2112su6bfigs-activepassive0that person must surely be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must certainly execute that person” or “you must certainly kill that person” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
690EXO2113h4ka0did not do it with premeditation“did not plan to do it” or “did not do it on purpose”
691EXO2113gme9figs-explicit0I will fix a place to where he can fleeThe purpose of choosing a place can be stately clearly here. Alternate translation: “I will choose a place that he can run away to be safe” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
692EXO2114st5h0according to a cunning plan“after thinking carefully about it”
693EXO2114abx60must take himThe word “him” refers to the one who killed his neighbor.
694EXO2114bcc6figs-activepassive0so that he may dieThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that you can kill him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
695EXO2115y3hdfigs-activepassive0Whoever hits his father or mother must surely be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “If anyone hits his father or mother, you must surely put him to death” or “You must surely kill anyone who hits his father or mother” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
696EXO2115qh2j0must surely“must certainly”
697EXO2116iu81figs-activepassive0that kidnapper must be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must kill that kidnapper” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
698EXO2117h8qffigs-activepassive0Whoever curses his father or his mother must surely be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must surely kill anyone who curses his father or his mother” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
699EXO2118hk3cfigs-activepassive0is confined to his bedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “cannot get out of bed” or “has to stay in bed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
700EXO2119c7rv0he recovers“he gets better”
701EXO2119fa8t0staffThis is a stick that can be leaned on for support while walking.
702EXO2119xg6cfigs-explicit0the loss of his timeThis refers to a situation when someone cannot work to earn money. You can express this clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “the time he could not work” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
703EXO2119ws140pay for his complete recovery“pay his medical costs” or “pay for his costs for healing”
704EXO2120te410as a result of the blow“because of the injury” or “because his master hit him”
705EXO2120h4egfigs-activepassive0that man must surely be punishedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must certainly punish that man” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
706EXO2121r65ufigs-explicit0for he will have suffered the loss of the servantYou can express clearly in the translation that the servant was valuable to his master. Alternate translation: “because he has already lost his servant who was valuable to him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
707EXO2122a6av0she miscarries“her baby dies in her womb” or “her baby is born too soon and dies”
708EXO2122cn4hfigs-activepassive0the guilty man must surely be finedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must certainly fine the guilty man” or “the guilty man must pay a fine” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
709EXO2122v5ye0as the judges determine“what the judges decide”
710EXO2123x2ekfigs-explicit0you must give a life for a lifeThis means that if she is hurt, the person who hurt her must be hurt in the same way. Alternate translation: “he must give his life for her life” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
711EXO2124c5bqfigs-explicit0an eye for an eyeThis means that if she is hurt, the person who hurt her must be hurt in the same way. Alternate translation: “his eye for her eye” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
712EXO2126i8cg0If a manHere “man” refers to the owner of a slave.
713EXO2126bmc10in compensation“as payment.” Compensation is what someone does for another person or gives to another person to make up for what he has caused that person to lose.
714EXO2128sp6w0an ox gores“an ox injures with its horns”
715EXO2128qk3ufigs-activepassive0the ox must surely be stonedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must stone the ox to death” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
716EXO2128q2gvfigs-activepassive0its flesh must not be eatenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must not eat its flesh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
717EXO2128d4lifigs-activepassive0the oxs owner must be acquittedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must acquit the oxs owner” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
718EXO2129nzn1figs-activepassive0its owner also must be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must also kill its owner” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
719EXO2130t5rsfigs-explicit0If a payment is required for his lifeIf the oxs owner can pay a fine to save his own life, then he must pay whatever the judges decide. The full meaning of this can be stated clearly. This can also be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if the owner of the bull can pay a fine to save his own life, he must pay the full amount that the judges say that he must pay” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
720EXO2131kg250has gored“has injured with its horns”
721EXO2132qzv3translate-bmoney0thirty shekels of silver“330 grams of silver.” A shekel weighed eleven grams. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]])
722EXO2132wm9afigs-activepassive0the ox must be stonedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must kill the ox by stoning it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
723EXO2133fd4p0opens a pit“uncovers a hole in the ground” or “takes a cover off a hole in the ground”
724EXO2134b48afigs-explicit0repay the lossThe owner must be paid for the loss of his animal. Alternate translation: “pay the owner for the dead animal” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
725EXO2134j8qzfigs-explicit0will become hisThe one who paid for the loss of the animal will become the owner of the dead animal and can do what he wants with it. The full meaning of this statement can be made explicit. Alternate translation: “will belong to the owner of the pit” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
726EXO2135z9ug0divide its price“divide the money” or “divide the money they receive”
727EXO2136fkx2figs-activepassive0if it was knownThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if people knew” or “if the owner knew” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
728EXO2136v64b0a habit of goring in time past“had gored other animals before”
729EXO2136ix8hfigs-explicit0its owner has not kept it inThis means that the owner did not keep his ox securely inside a fence. This can be clearly stated in the translation. Alternate translation: “its owner did not keep it inside a fence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
730EXO2136dcv2figs-explicit0he must surely pay ox for oxThe owner of the ox that killed must give an ox to the man who lost his ox. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “the owner of the ox that killed must surely give a living ox to the owner of the ox that died” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
731EXO22introf9vb0# Exodus 22 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Justice in society<br>The rules and laws of this chapter are not intended to be followed by every society. Israel was Gods chosen nation and was required to live in a special way. These laws concerned creating a just society and a holy nation. In this chapter, the purpose of these laws often focuses on minimizing the peoples desire for vengeance. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/elect]], [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]], [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/avenge]])
732EXO221syx50General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
733EXO222mt43figs-activepassive0If a thief is foundThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “If anyone finds a thief” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
734EXO222e98x0breaking in“using force to come into a house”
735EXO222gt5ffigs-activepassive0if he is struck so that he diesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if anyone strikes the thief so that he dies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
736EXO222fq570no guilt for murder will attach to anyone on his account“no one will be guilty of murdering him”
737EXO223vym50if the sun has risen before he breaks in“if it is light before he breaks in” or “if he breaks in and it is after sunrise”
738EXO223nl2i0guilt for murder will attach to the person who kills him“the person who kills him will be guilty of murder”
739EXO223f4w40make restitution“pay for what he stole”
740EXO223c5ylfigs-activepassive0he must be sold for his theftThis can be stated in an active form. Alternate translation: “you must sell him as a slave in order to pay for what he stole” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
741EXO224k926figs-activepassive0If the stolen animal is found alive in his possessionThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “If they find that he still has the live animal that he stole” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
742EXO224g5kg0pay back doublepay two animals for every animal that he took
743EXO225j24t0If a man grazes his livestock“If a man lets his animals eat plants”
744EXO225ty820it grazes“it eats plants”
745EXO225jrb30he must make restitution“he must pay back the owner of that field”
746EXO226x6aj0If a fire breaks out and spreads in thorns“If someone starts a fire and it spreads in thorns”
747EXO226i4ma0spreads in thorns“moves along the ground through dry plants”
748EXO226u1pa0stacked grainThis is grain that has been cut and tied in bundles. “bundled grain” or “harvested grain”
749EXO226r2cf0standing grainThis is grain that has not been cut, but it is ready to be harvested.
750EXO226w6ku0a field is consumed“fire consumes a field” or “fire destroys a field”
751EXO226j3980must surely make restitution“must certainly pay for the grain that the fire destroyed”
752EXO227jw3v0for safe keeping“to watch over it” or “to keep it safe”
753EXO227na9hfigs-activepassive0if it is stolenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if someone steals it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
754EXO227z7zu0thiefsomeone who steals something
755EXO227x2shfigs-activepassive0if the thief is foundThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if you find the thief” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
756EXO228lwg50come before the judges to see whether“come before the judges so that they can find out if”
757EXO228f774figs-idiom0has put his own hand on his neighbors propertyThis is an idiom. If you have a way of saying this in your language, you can use it here. Alternate translation: “has stolen his neighbors property” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
758EXO229p7ab0the claim of both parties must come before the judgesThe judges must listen to both people who claim that the item belongs to them and the judges will decide who is guilty.
759EXO2211gl7tfigs-activepassive0an oath to Yahweh must be taken by them bothOnly the man who is accused of stealing the animal must swear the oath. The owner of the lost animal must accept the oath that has been sworn. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “the man who was caring for the animal must swear an oath before Yahweh and the owner must accept that oath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
760EXO2212yw3wfigs-activepassive0But if it was stolen from himThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “But if someone stole the animal from him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
761EXO2213b313figs-activepassive0If an animal was torn in piecesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “But if a wild beast tore the animal in pieces” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
762EXO2213pc6ifigs-activepassive0He will not have to pay for what was tornThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “He will not have to pay for the animal that the wild beast destroyed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
763EXO2214h8yw0must surely make restitution“must certainly repay with another animal” or “must certainly pay the owner for the animal”
764EXO2215g3zwfigs-activepassive0if the animal was hiredThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “if someone rented the animal” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
765EXO2215r792figs-explicit0it will be paid for by its hiring feeThe one who borrowed the animal will not have to pay the owner anything more than the hiring or rental fee. This fee will pay for the loss of the animal. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “the money that someone paid to rent the animal will cover the loss of the animal” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
766EXO2215f9w90hiring fee“rental fee” or “money paid to rent the animal”
767EXO2216a8s80a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged“a man persuades a virgin who is not engaged that she wants to sleep with him”
768EXO2216th2m0not engaged“not promised to be married”
769EXO2216g24hfigs-euphemism0if he lies with herLying with someone is a euphemism for having sex. Alternate translation: “if he has sex with her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
770EXO2216x33y0bride wealth“dowry” or “bride price”
771EXO2217y2xz0him, heThese pronouns refer back to the man who seduced the virgin.
772EXO2219y3qyfigs-euphemism0Whoever lies with an animalThis is a euphemism. Alternate translation: “Whoever has sexual relations with an animal” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
773EXO2220n4nhfigs-activepassive0Yahweh must be completely destroyedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Yahweh, you must completely destroy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
774EXO2221kr350wrong a foreigner“mistreat a foreigner” or “cheat a foreigner”
775EXO2222djh3figs-doublenegatives0You must not mistreat any widow or fatherless childThis can be stated in positive form. Alternate translation: “You must treat all widows and fatherless children fairly” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
776EXO2222v3i80widow“woman whose husband has died”
777EXO2222l2ih0fatherless child“orphan” or “child with no parents”
778EXO2224sx9hfigs-metonymy0I will kill you with the swordTo be killed “with the sword” is a metonym that means a person will die violently, or perhaps fighting in a war. Alternate translation: “you will die a violent death” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
779EXO2225v5je0a moneylender“one who lends money”
780EXO2225g3ry0charge him interest“charge him extra money for borrowing” or “charge him extra money for the loan”
781EXO2226vsk20garment in pledge“coat as collateral” or “coat as a guarantee to repay the loan”
782EXO2227wi2m0only covering“only coat” or “only garment to keep him warm”
783EXO2227x7zbfigs-rquestion0What else can he sleep in?This question adds emphasis. You can translate it as a strong statement. Alternate translation: “He will have nothing to wear while he sleeps!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
784EXO2228eel20You must not blaspheme me, God“Do not insult God” or “Do not speak evil about God”
785EXO2228tdj60nor curse a ruler“and do not ask God to do bad things to a ruler”
786EXO2229p8nkfigs-doublenegatives0You must not hold back offeringsThis can be stated in a positive form. Alternate translation: “You must bring all of your offerings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
787EXO2229m4yq0give to me the firstborn of your sons“dedicate your firstborn sons to me”
788EXO2230cya60do the same with“dedicate to me the firstborn of”
789EXO2230j345translate-numbers0For seven daysThis can be written as a numeral. Alternate translation: “For 7 days after they are born” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
790EXO2230m4wqtranslate-numbers0the eighth dayThis can be written as a numeral. Alternate translation: “day number 8” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
791EXO2230l9vh0give them to me“dedicate them to me”
792EXO23introhk5t0# Exodus 23 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Justice in society<br>The rules and laws of this chapter are not intended to be followed by every society. Israel was Gods chosen nation and was required to live in a special way. These laws concerned creating a just society and a holy nation. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/elect]], [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/justice]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])<br><br>### Celebrations of feasts and festivals<br>The people of Israel were required to celebrate certain feasts and festivals. These were part of the law of Moses and some are described in this chapter. Their purpose was to worship Yahweh and to remember the great things Yahweh has done for them.
793EXO231we1y0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
794EXO231y1a30dishonest witnessThis is the same as a lying or false witness.
795EXO232nqz90nor may you bear witness“and you also must not speak”
796EXO232z6ejfigs-metaphor0siding with the crowdThis is a metaphor that describes ones agreeing with a group of people as if he actually walked over and stood with that group. Alternate translation: “doing what the crowd wants” or “agreeing with the majority” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
797EXO232tnv20pervert justicedo illegal or immoral actions that result in a unjust ruling
798EXO234faf40General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
799EXO236gr9g0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
800EXO236z2al0Do not thrust aside justice for your poor in his lawsuit“Do not decide to treat a poor man unjustly in legal matters”
801EXO236vh760lawsuitHere, this refers to any matter that a court decides.
802EXO237mf4w0I will not acquit the wicked“I will not find the wicked not guilty” or “I will not say of wicked people that they are innocent”
803EXO238gh3vfigs-personification0bribe blinds…pervertsHere a “bribe” is described as if it were a person. Alternate translation: “bribe discredits…undermines” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
804EXO239mzu90the life of a foreigner“the kind of life a stranger lives in a foreign land”
805EXO2310usn50General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
806EXO2310rt7h0its produce“the food its plants produce”
807EXO2311vr1l0unploweduncultivated, untilled
808EXO2311b5q60fallowin its natural state, not used for to grow food
809EXO2311s4wvfigs-explicit0so that the poor among your people may eatThe poor can eat any food that grows on its own in a field that is not cultivated. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “so the poor among your people may harvest and eat any food that grows on its own in that field” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
810EXO2312v36j0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
811EXO2312ij920your ox and your donkey“your work animals”
812EXO2312gpu1figs-activepassive0any foreigner may rest and be refreshedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “any foreigner may rest and regain his strength” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
813EXO2313ldn80Pay attention to“Do” or “Obey”
814EXO2313x5tffigs-metonymy0mention the names of other godsThis represents praying to other gods. Alternate translation: “pray to other gods” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
815EXO2314kp1j0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
816EXO2315bu7ntranslate-hebrewmonths0AvivThis is the name of the first month of the Hebrew calendar. Aviv is during the last part of March and the first part of April on Western calendars. See how you translated this in [Exodus 13:4](../13/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
817EXO2315tx1vfigs-doublenegatives0not appear before me empty-handedHere understatement is used to emphasize that the Israelites must bring a suitable offering to Yahweh. Alternate translation: “come to me without a proper offering” or “always bring an offering to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
818EXO2316tnz10General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
819EXO2316z4k40You must observe“You must honor” or “You must celebrate”
820EXO2316pnx40Festival of IngatheringThis festival celebrated the final harvesting of all the crops for the year.
821EXO2317t5xjfigs-explicit0All your males must appear before the Lord YahwehHere to “appear” means to gather for worship. Alternate translation: “All the men must gather to worship the Lord Yahweh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
822EXO2318rqs40General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
823EXO2318qgx10fat from the sacrificesThe fat was burned as an offering to Yahweh and was never eaten.
824EXO2319h3gs0the choicest firstfruits“the best and first produce of the harvest”
825EXO2319u7bk0You must not boil a young goat in its mothers milkThis was a magical fertility practice among the Canaanites, which the Israelites were not permitted to participate in.
826EXO2320e5sr0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
827EXO2321pm7x0Be attentive to him“Listen to him”
828EXO2321p5y30Do not provoke him, for he will not pardon“If you provoke him, he will not pardon”
829EXO2321p4jvfigs-metonymy0My name is on himHere “name” refers to Gods authority. Alternate translation: “He has my authority” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
830EXO2322z1gnfigs-metonymy0If you indeed obey his voiceHere “voice” represents what the angel says. Alternate translation: “If you carefully obey what he says” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
831EXO2322y9bmfigs-parallelism0an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversariesThese two phrases mean the same thing and are used for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
832EXO2323ap6k0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
833EXO2324a1d5figs-explicit0You must not…do as they doThe Israelites must not live as the people who worship other gods. Alternate translation: “You must not…live as the people who worship those gods” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
834EXO2325t3irfigs-merism0he will bless your bread and waterThis is a merism that means food and drink. Alternate translation: “he will bless your food and drink” or “he will bless you by giving you food and drink” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
835EXO2325ydl4figs-123person0he will bless…I will removeYahweh switched between the first and third pronoun to refer to himself. Here both “he” and “I” refer to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
836EXO2326i9uj0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
837EXO2326q4gzfigs-doublenegatives0No woman will be barren or will miscarry her young in your landThis can be stated in positive form. Alternate translation: “Every woman will be able to become pregnant and give birth to healthy babies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
838EXO2326i1r90miscarryto have a pregnancy end early and unexpectedly
839EXO2328cg7i0hornetsa flying insect that can sting people and cause pain
840EXO2329i9aq0or the land would become abandoned“because no one would be living in the land”
841EXO2330zyl30General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses his laws for the people of Israel.
842EXO2333d1fpfigs-metaphor0this will surely become a trap for youThis means worshiping other gods will lead the people of Israel to certain destruction as if they were an animal caught in a hunters trap. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
843EXO24introb83l0# Exodus 24 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Moses covenant<br>The people of Israel promise to obey the covenant Yahweh made with Moses. Their continued blessings were contingent upon their obedience to this covenant. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/promise]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])<br><br>### Gods holiness<br>Because Yahweh is perfectly holy, he can only be approached in a certain way. Because of this, only Moses was allowed near Yahweh. This is also why Yahweh is described as a “devouring fire.” (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
844EXO241c97itranslate-names0Nadab…AbihuThese are mens names. See how you translated these names in [Exodus 6:23](../06/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
845EXO241nm3ttranslate-numbers0seventy of Israels elders“70 of Israels elders” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
846EXO243cg32figs-idiom0with one voiceThis is an idiom that means the people were in complete agreement. Alternate translation: “together” or “in agreement” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
847EXO244h7gg0foot of the mountain“base of the mountain” or “bottom of the mountain”
848EXO246l5ia0Moses took half of the blood and put it into basinsMoses collected half of the blood in basins in order to splash it on the people in [Exodus 24:8](../24/ This would confirm the peoples participation in the covenant between the people of Israel and God.
849EXO246f7dh0he sprinkled the other half onto the altarHere the altar represents God. This would confirm Gods participation in the covenant between God and the people of Israel.
850EXO247axt9figs-activepassive0We will be obedientThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “We will obey everything” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
851EXO248h9fffigs-explicit0Then Moses took the bloodThis refers to the blood that Moses had put into the bowls. This can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “Then Moses took the blood that was in the bowls” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
852EXO249uz7ytranslate-names0Nadab…AbihuThese are mens names. See how you translated these names in [Exodus 6:23](../06/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
853EXO2410ic4sfigs-personification0Under his feetThis speaks of God as if he had human feet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
854EXO2410je5k0a pavement made of sapphire stone“a pavement made of blue stones called sapphires”
855EXO2410q8sn0pavementa hard surface for walking or riding
856EXO2410pm87translate-unknown0sapphire stoneThis is a gemstone that is blue in color. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
857EXO2410zd6ufigs-simile0as clear as the sky itselfThis is a simile. Alternate translation: “as clear as the sky is when there are no clouds” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
858EXO2411jds6figs-metonymy0God did not lay a hand on the Israelite leadersThis means that God did not harm the leaders. Alternate translation: “God did not harm the Israelite leaders” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
859EXO2412dx4ffigs-explicit0tablets of stone and the law and commandmentsGod had written the law and commandments on the tablets of stone. This can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “two stone slabs on which I have written all the laws” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
860EXO2413gv5e0with his assistant Joshua“with Joshua who assisted him” or “with Joshua who helped him”
861EXO2414qiy40wait for us“wait for Joshua and me”
862EXO2414uc7rtranslate-names0HurHur was a man who was a friend of Moses and Aaron. See how you translated this name in [Exodus 17:10](../17/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
863EXO2416j2s5figs-metonymy0Yahwehs gloryThis was the brilliant light of Gods presence. Alternate translation: “The brilliant light showing Gods presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
864EXO2417e4n6figs-simile0like a devouring fireThis means the glory of Yahweh was very large and seemed to burn brightly like a fire. Alternate translation: “like a big fire burning” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
865EXO2417k5ljfigs-metaphor0in the eyes of the IsraelitesTheir eyes represent seeing, and seeing represents their thoughts or judgment about they saw. Alternate translation: “to the Israelites” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
866EXO2418h1wytranslate-numbers0forty days and forty nights“40 days and 40 nights” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
867EXO25introt23a0# Exodus 25 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The tent of meeting<br>This chapter gives specific instructions regarding the building of a tent where Moses would meet Yahweh and the ark would be stored. This would eventually become the tabernacle. It was to be considered a very holy place. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
868EXO252r5yrfigs-idiom0who is motivated by a willing heartThis is an idiom that indicates a persons desire to give an offering. Alternate translation: “who wants to give an offering” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
869EXO252k78qfigs-you0You must receiveThe word “you” refers to Moses and the leaders. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
870EXO253s2ls0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
871EXO254c1qn0blue, purple, and scarlet materialPossible meanings are (1) “material that is dyed blue, purple, and scarlet,” probably wool yarn, or (2) “blue, purple and scarlet dye” to dye the linen.
872EXO254c9580scarletbright red
873EXO256i6gptranslate-unknown0spicesdried plants that people grind into a powder and put in oil or food to give it a nice smell or flavor (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
874EXO257mg4ftranslate-unknown0onyxa valuable stone that has layers of white and black, red or brown. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
875EXO257aks5figs-activepassive0precious stones to be setThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “precious stones for someone to set” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
876EXO257c3hk0precious stones“valuable gems” or “treasured gems”
877EXO258d3vm0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
878EXO259w4sc0tabernacleHere this word means the same thing as the word “sanctuary” in verse 8.
879EXO259c9qefigs-you0You must make itHere “you” is plural and refers to Moses and the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
880EXO259m1npfigs-you0show you in the plans“show you in the design” or “show you in the pattern.” Here “you” is singular and refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
881EXO2510n7j10General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
882EXO2510cs23translate-bdistance0two and a half cubits…one cubit and a halfA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2.5 cubits…1.5 cubits” or “115 centimeters…almost 69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
883EXO2512e59p0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
884EXO2512wbq80cast four rings of goldCasting was a process in which gold was melted, poured into a mold that was in the shape of a ring, and then allowed to harden.
885EXO2514f2kz0in order to carry the ark“so that you can carry the ark”
886EXO2515k67p0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
887EXO2517c6750atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made.
888EXO2517ast8translate-bdistance0two and a half cubits…a cubit and a halfA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2.5 cubits…1.5 cubits” or “115 centimeters…69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
889EXO2518hfw60hammered gold“beaten gold”
890EXO2519rgn80General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
891EXO2519j38e0atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
892EXO2519b4l9figs-activepassive0They must be madeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must make them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
893EXO2521lm1pfigs-you0You must putHere “you” refers to Moses and the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
894EXO2522hl6e0General Information:Yahweh continues to speak to Moses.
895EXO2522zu9ufigs-you0It is at the ark that I will meet with you“I will meet with you at the ark.” In 25:22 the word “you” is singular and refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
896EXO2522wq9w0atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
897EXO2523b11v0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
898EXO2523t312translate-bdistance0two cubits…one cubit…a cubit and a halfA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2 cubits…1 cubit…1.5 cubits” or “92 centimeters…46 centimeters…69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
899EXO2525b6j80General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
900EXO2525awi70one handbreadth widea measurement of 7 to 8 centimeters
901EXO2525bit80frame for it“frame for the table”
902EXO2526y64j0feet were“legs are”
903EXO2527jdh4figs-activepassive0The rings must be attachedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must attach the rings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
904EXO2527q5w80in order to carry“so you can carry”
905EXO2528d7jz0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
906EXO2528l4fkfigs-activepassive0so that the table may be carried with themThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that you may carry the table with them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
907EXO2529v78dfigs-activepassive0to be used to pour out drink offeringsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that you may use them to pour out drink offerings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
908EXO2530uth70bread of the presenceThis bread represented the presence of God.
909EXO2531kc3q0hammered gold“beaten gold.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:18](../25/
910EXO2531g25lfigs-activepassive0The lampstand is to be madeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Make the lampstand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
911EXO2531fq45figs-activepassive0Its cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers are to be all made of one piece with itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Make its cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers all of one piece with the lampstand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
912EXO2533nag20General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do. Yahweh is describing the lampstand ([Exodus 25:31-32](./
913EXO2533i7bh0almond blossomswhite or pink flowers that have five petals
914EXO2534ji3x0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do. Yahweh is describing the lampstand ([Exodus 25:31-32](./
915EXO2535lg8l0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do. Yahweh is describing the lampstand ([Exodus 25:31-32](./
916EXO2535n5edfigs-activepassive0made as one piece with itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must make them as one piece with the lampstand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
917EXO2536z9wy0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do. Yahweh is describing the lampstand ([Exodus 25:31-32](./
918EXO2537m2i70General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
919EXO2537dfn60for them to give light from it“so they shine light from it”
920EXO2538l5w8figs-activepassive0The tongs and their trays must be made of pure goldThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Make the tongs and their trays of pure gold” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
921EXO2539ff5ptranslate-bweight0one talentA talent weighs about thirty-three kilograms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
922EXO2539ff8n0its accessoriesthe tongs and the trays
923EXO2540l7jefigs-activepassive0you are being shown on the mountainThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “I am showing you on the mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
924EXO26introemw70# Exodus 26 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter is a continuation of the material in the previous chapter.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The tent of meeting<br>This chapter gives specific instructions regarding the building of a tent where Moses would meet Yahweh and the ark would be stored. This would eventually become the tabernacle. It was to be considered a very holy place. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
925EXO261hen60General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do ([Exodus 25:1](../25/
926EXO261ks8rfigs-you0You must makeYahweh is speaking to Moses, so the word “you” is singular. Yahweh probably expected Moses to tell someone else to do the actual work, but Moses would be the one responsible for seeing that the work was done correctly. “Tell a craftsman to make” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
927EXO261iww40curtainsThese were large, heavy sections of woven cloth that were used to form the covering and dividing walls of the tabernacle.
928EXO261xvs70scarlet woolwool dyed a deep red color
929EXO261n2vm0craftsmana person who is skilled in making beautiful objects by hand
930EXO262dkr6translate-bdistance0twenty-eight cubits…four cubits“28 cubits…4 cubits.” A cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
931EXO263ba6wfigs-activepassive0Five curtains must be joined to each other…must also be joined to each otherThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Sew five curtains together to make one set, and sew the other five curtains together to make another set” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
932EXO264ghz80one set“one set of five curtains”
933EXO264zxx40the second set“the second set of five curtains”
934EXO266sns40claspsThe clasps fit into the loops (verses 4 and 5) to hold the curtains together.
935EXO267k2mi0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
936EXO267t7t3translate-numbers0eleven“11” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
937EXO268p423translate-numbers0thirty…four“30…4” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
938EXO268v7i1translate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
939EXO2610j8yn0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
940EXO2610etf70loopsSee how you translated these in [Exodus 26:4](./
941EXO2611cq360claspsThe clasps fit into the loops to hold the curtains together. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:6](./
942EXO2612x5p70General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
943EXO2613k4citranslate-bdistance0cubitA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
944EXO2614kii80a covering of ram skins dyed red, and another covering of fine leatherSee how you translated similar phrases in [Exodus 25:5](../25/
945EXO2614yz3v0dyed red“colored red”
946EXO2615p38r0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
947EXO2615y85l0framesThis refers to frames or panels that they made by joining together smaller pieces of wood.
948EXO2616k4b7translate-numbers0ten cubits…one and a half cubits“10 cubits…1.5 cubits” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
949EXO2619s45x0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
950EXO2619c9id0silver basesThese were silver blocks that had a slot in them to keep the board in place.
951EXO2619mm1h0pedestalsThe silver bases kept the wooden board off the ground.
952EXO2619lg39figs-activepassive0There must be two basesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Put two bases” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
953EXO2621gag1figs-explicit0and so onThis means that what was said about the first two boards should be done for the rest of the boards. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “and two bases for each of the rest of the boards” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
954EXO2622nw4c0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
955EXO2624k1ecfigs-activepassive0These frames must be separate at the bottom, but joined at the topThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Separate these frames at the bottom, but join them at the top” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
956EXO2625p2wu0silver basesThese were silver blocks that had a slot in them to keep the frame in place. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:19](../26/
957EXO2625q8xh0in all“total”
958EXO2625yr6dfigs-explicit0and so onThis means that what was said about the first two frames should be done for the rest of the frames. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:21](../26/ Alternate translation: “and two bases for each of the rest of the frames” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
959EXO2626c95e0General Information:Yahweh continue to tell Moses how the tabernacle was to be built.
960EXO2626fc8p0crossbarsThese are horizontal support beams that give stability to the structure.
961EXO2627rn670the back side of the tabernacle to the westThe front was on the east side of the tabernacle.
962EXO2629x8ny0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses how the tabernacle must be constructed.
963EXO2629ji1j0for them to serve as holders for the crossbars“which will hold the crossbars” or “because they will hold the crossbars”
964EXO2629nq3m0crossbarsThese are horizontal support beams that give stability to the structure. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:26](../26/
965EXO2630csf9figs-activepassive0you were shown on the mountainThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that I have shown you here on this mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
966EXO2631yqi60General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses how the tabernacle is to be constructed.
967EXO2631uc7wfigs-you0You must makeYahweh is speaking to Moses, so the word “you” is singular. Yahweh probably expected Moses to tell someone else to do the actual work, but Moses would be the one responsible for seeing that the work was done correctly. “Tell a craftsman to make.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:1](../26/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
968EXO2633p2yq0claspsThe clasps fit into the loops to hold the curtains together. See how you translated these in [Exodus 26:6](./
969EXO2633d3gmfigs-explicit0you must bring in the ark of the testimonyThe ark of the testimony is the chest that contains the commandments. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “you must bring in the chest containing the commandments” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
970EXO2633jc47figs-activepassive0The curtain is to separate the holy placeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “The curtain will separate the holy place” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
971EXO2634v7t10General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
972EXO2634mli80atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
973EXO2634b9m20on the ark of the testimony“on the chest that contains the commandments”
974EXO2635lv9efigs-explicit0The table must be on the north sideThis is the table that holds the bread that represents the presence of God. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Place the table for the bread of Gods presence on the north side” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
975EXO2636h3s10General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses how to construct the tabernacle.
976EXO2636p5wf0a hangingThis was a large curtain made of cloth.
977EXO2636rr160blue, purple, and scarlet materialPossible meanings are (1) “yarn that is dyed blue, purple, and scarlet,” probably wool yarn, or (2) “blue, purple, and scarlet dye” to dye the linen. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:4](../25/
978EXO2636f6td0fine twined linen“finely twisted linen.” This was cloth made from fine linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread.
979EXO2636r2fy0an embroiderer“a person who sews designs into cloth” or “a person who embroiders”
980EXO27introx4f70# Exodus 27 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter is a continuation of the material in the previous chapter.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The tent of meeting<br>This chapter gives specific instructions regarding the building of a tent where Moses would meet Yahweh and the ark would be stored. This would eventually become the tabernacle. It was to be considered a very holy place. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
981EXO271hj650General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do ([Exodus 25:1](../25/
982EXO271qj4jtranslate-bdistance0five cubits long and five cubits wide“2.2 meters long on each side” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
983EXO271hbg9translate-bdistance0The altar must be square and three cubits high“The altar must be square and 1.3 meters high” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
984EXO271s8qytranslate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
985EXO272lr230You must make extensions of its four corners shaped like ox horns“You must make projections that look like ox horns on its four corners”
986EXO272lek3figs-activepassive0The horns will be madeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must make the horns” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
987EXO272y4r20must cover them“must cover the altar and horns”
988EXO273qn790General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
990EXO273z5ax0firepansThese were pans that held hot coals from the altar.
991EXO273j5zt0utensilsThese were any instrument, vessel, or tool that served a useful purpose.
992EXO274fp9m0You must make a grate for the altar, a network of bronze“You must make a bronze grate for the altar”
993EXO274hsq30gratea frame of crossed bars for holding wood when burning
994EXO275v6n40General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people need to do.
995EXO275c5emfigs-explicit0You must put the grate under the ledge of the altarThe grate was placed inside the altar. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “You must put the grate under the rim of the altar, on the inside of the altar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
996EXO275xc2t0grateThis is a frame of crossed bars for holding wood when burning. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:4](../27/
997EXO276wki4figs-explicit0You must make poles for the altarThese poles were used for carrying the altar. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “You must make poles for carrying the altar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
998EXO277fb3t0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people should do.
999EXO277b3yxfigs-activepassive0The poles must be put into the rings, and the poles must be on the two sides of the altar, to carry itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must put the poles into the rings and place them on each side of the altar to carry it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1000EXO278xj8e0planksa long, flat piece of wood that is thicker than a board
1001EXO278t5eyfigs-activepassive0you were shown on the mountainThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that I have shown to you here on this mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1002EXO279y45xfigs-activepassive0There must be hangings…courtyardThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must place hangings…courtyard” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1003EXO279id4k0hangings of fine twined linenA “hanging” was a large curtain made of cloth. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1004EXO279v7480fine twined linen“finely twisted linen.” This was cloth made from fine linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread
1005EXO279ce9atranslate-bdistance0one hundred cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “44 meters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1006EXO2710sfg8figs-activepassive0There must also be hooks…postsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must also attach hooks…posts” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1007EXO2710k7rb0postsa strong piece of wood set upright and used as a support
1008EXO2711n95e0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1009EXO2711gjg50there must be hangings one hundred cubits longSee how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 27:9](./
1010EXO2711x52h0there must be hangingsThis could be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “you must make hangings”
1011EXO2711nr770with twenty posts, twenty bronze bases, hooks attached to the posts, and silver rodsSee how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 27:10](./
1012EXO2712p4u40there must be a curtainThis could be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “you must make a curtain”
1013EXO2712elw40There must be ten postsThis could be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “You must make ten posts”
1014EXO2713w2sg0The courtyard must also be fifty cubits longThis could be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “Make the courtyard fifty cubits long”
1015EXO2714mzn50General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1016EXO2714vy7r0The hangingsThese were large curtains made of cloth. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1017EXO2714z8n20postsThese were strong pieces of wood set upright and used as supports. See how you translated these in [Exodus 27:10](../27/
1018EXO2714gz7s0basesThese were metal blocks that had a slot in them to keep the board in place. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:19](../26/
1019EXO2714u8nmtranslate-bdistance0fifteen cubitsabout seven meters (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1020EXO2716wv460The courtyard gate must be a curtain twenty cubits longThis could be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “You must make a curtain twenty cubits long to be the courtyard gate”
1021EXO2716h4twfigs-activepassive0The curtain must be made…fine twined linen, the work of an embroidererThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They must make the curtain…fine twined linen, the work of an embroiderer” or “Embroiderers must make the curtain…fine twined linen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1022EXO2716kn9u0blue, purple, and scarlet material and fine twined linenPossible meanings are (1) “yarn that is dyed blue, purple, and scarlet,” probably wool yarn, or (2) “blue, purple, and scarlet dye” to dye the linen.
1023EXO2716g5wi0an embroiderera person who sews designs into cloth
1024EXO2717wal20General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1025EXO2718wt7ntranslate-bdistance0one hundred cubits“100 cubits.” A cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1026EXO2718j1zp0fine twined linen hangings“finely twisted linen.” This was cloth made from fine linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1027EXO2719w5n8figs-activepassive0all the tent pegs for the tabernacle and courtyard must be made of bronzeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “make all the tent pegs for the tabernacle and courtyard out of bronze” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1028EXO2719bs7c0tent pegssharp pieces of wood or metal used to secure the corners of a tent to the ground
1029EXO2720wn9n0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1030EXO2721ge7v0tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle.
1031EXO2721p7ru0ark of testimonyThis is the chest that contains the sacred slabs of stone on which Yahweh had written his commandments.
1032EXO2721vr7m0This requirement will be a lasting statute“I require that the people do this as a lasting statute”
1033EXO28intror3yx0# Exodus 28 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Holy garments<br>Because Yahweh is holy, only the priests could approach him, and when they did they must be wearing specially made clothing. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/priest]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
1034EXO281bsm10General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do ([Exodus 25:1](../25/
1035EXO281e1xbfigs-you0Call to yourselfHere “yourself” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1036EXO282tv9hfigs-you0You must makeHere “you” refers to the people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1037EXO282t5gyfigs-activepassive0garments that are set apart to meThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “garments that you will set apart to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1038EXO284re790General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1039EXO284tr5e0a coat of woven work“a coat with a design woven into it”
1040EXO284dz5h0turbana tall head covering made from cloth wrapped around the head several times.
1041EXO284k1840sasha piece of cloth that people wear around their waist or across their chest
1042EXO286yu8u0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1043EXO286u3rx0fine-twined linen“finely-twisted linen.” This was cloth made from fine linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1044EXO286k3bj0skillful craftsmana person who can make beautiful objects by hand
1045EXO288w523figs-activepassive0it must be made of one pieceThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “they must make it in one piece” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1046EXO289c4iatranslate-unknown0onyx stonesThese are valuable stones that have layers of white and black, red or brown. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:7](../25/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1047EXO2810at1b0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1048EXO2811dv8k0With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engraving on a signet“In the same way a person engraves on a seal”
1049EXO2811x1xc0engravera person who cuts designs into a hard material such as wood, stone, or metal
1050EXO2811cm3f0signetan engraved stone used to stamp a design into a wax seal
1051EXO2811gh2r0settingspieces of metal that hold the stone onto the ephod
1052EXO2813hpc70General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1053EXO2813pi4x0settingsThese are pieces of metal that hold each stone onto the ephod. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:11](../28/
1054EXO2814e7460two braided chains of pure gold like cords“two chains of pure gold that are braided like cords”
1055EXO2815ta6b0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1056EXO2815sf8e0the work of a skillful workman, fashioned like the ephod“a skillful workman will make it like the ephod”
1057EXO2816cny4translate-bdistance0spanA span is 22 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1058EXO2817spd40General Information:Twelve kinds of stone are listed here. Scholars are not sure which kinds of stones the Hebrew words refer to. Some translations list different stones.
1059EXO2817qp4ttranslate-unknown0precious stones“valuable gems” or “treasured gems.” See how you translated these in [Exodus 25:7](../25/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1060EXO2817n1ystranslate-unknown0ruby…topaz…garnetThese are precious stones. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1061EXO2818ga1v0emerald…diamondThese are precious stones.
1062EXO2818a5rr0sapphireThis is a gemstone that is blue in color. See how you translated this in [Exodus 24:10](../24/
1063EXO2819z17r0jacinth…agate…amethystThese are precious stones
1064EXO2820ul2etranslate-unknown0beryl…jasperThese are precious stones. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1065EXO2820rgf6translate-unknown0onyxThis is a valuable stone that has layers of white and black, red or brown. See how you translated these in [Exodus 25:7](../25/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1066EXO2820pw5hfigs-activepassive0They must be mounted in gold settingsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must mount them in gold settings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1067EXO2821d6fa0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1068EXO2821x4qnfigs-activepassive0The stones must be arrangedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must arrange the stones” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1069EXO2821z8mw0signet ringA signet is an engraved stone used to stamp a design into a wax seal. Here the stone is mounted on a ring. See how you translated “signet” in [Exodus 28:11](../28/
1070EXO2822m7yl0chains like cords, braided work of pure gold“chains that are made of pure gold and are braided like cords.” See how you translated similar phrases in [Exodus 28:14](../28/
1071EXO2825cd3a0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1072EXO2825d8y30braided chains“chains braided like cords.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:14](../28/
1073EXO2825a4lcfigs-explicit0to the two settingsThese are two settings that enclose the stones. This can be clearly stated in the translation. Alternate translation: “to the two settings that enclose the stones” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1074EXO2827e3850General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1075EXO2827vw1w0finely-woven waistbandThis was a cloth belt made from narrow linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:8](../28/
1076EXO2828se56figs-activepassive0so that it might be attachedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that they may attach it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1077EXO2828wf9vfigs-doublenegatives0the breastpiece might not become unattached from the ephodThis can be stated in positive form. Alternate translation: “the breastpiece would stay attached to the ephod” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
1078EXO2829k21k0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1079EXO2829z1mz0he must carry the names of the people of Israel over his heart in the breastpieceThis refers to the names of the tribes engraved on the twelve stones the breastplate as described in [Exodus 28:17-21](./
1080EXO2829cc970over his heart“over Aarons heart” or “on his chest”
1081EXO2830f5370the Urim and the Thummim…the means for making decisionsThe second phrase appears to refer to the Urim and Thummim and explain their purpose.
1082EXO2830dgn9translate-unknown0the Urim and the ThummimIt not clear what these are. They were objects, possibly stones, that the priest used to determine somehow the will of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1083EXO2831jl1d0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1084EXO2832x42n0This must be the work of a weaverThis can be stated as a command. Alternate translation: “A weaver must make this robe”
1085EXO2832rw960a weaver“a person who weaves” or “a person who creates cloth using thread”
1086EXO2833v7gy0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people do.
1087EXO2833t9retranslate-unknown0pomegranatesA pomegranate is a round fruit with a red outer skin. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1088EXO2834kl550a golden bell and a pomegranateThis phrase is repeated to show the pattern of the design on the robe.
1089EXO2835de4mfigs-activepassive0The robe is to be on Aaron when he servesThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Aaron must wear the robe when he serves” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1090EXO2835pf61figs-activepassive0so that its sound can be heardThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so that the bells make a sound” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1091EXO2835qtf9figs-explicit0This is so that he does not dieIt is implied that he would die because he did not obey Yahweh. This can be stated. Alternate translation: “As a result, he will not die because of disobeying my instructions” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1092EXO2836e8qp0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1093EXO2836nd2q0engrave on it, like the engraving on a signet“write on it in the same way a person engraves on a seal.” See how you translated similar words in [Exodus 28:11](../28/
1094EXO2837qka60turbanThis was a tall head covering made from cloth wrapped around the head several times. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1095EXO2838ee65figs-activepassive0It must be on Aarons foreheadThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Aaron must wear it on his forehead” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1096EXO2838u19wfigs-activepassive0The turban must be always on his foreheadThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Aaron must always wear the turban on his forehead” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1097EXO2839cp680General Information:God continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1098EXO2839t5vj0turbanThis was a tall head covering made from cloth wrapped around the head several times. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1099EXO2839yi1l0sashA sash is a decorative piece of cloth that a person wears around his waist or across his chest. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1100EXO2839i62z0the work of an embroidererAn embroiderer is a person who sews designs into cloth. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1101EXO2840sc7t0General Information:God continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1102EXO2840pfs20sashesA sash is a decorative piece of cloth that a person wears around his waist or across his chest. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1103EXO2840v2tj0headbandsA headband is a narrow, decorative strip of cloth that is worn around the head above the eyes.
1104EXO2841xa75figs-explicit0You must clothe Aaron your brotherAaron was the older brother of Moses. You can state this clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “Put these clothes on your older brother Aaron” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1105EXO2842vua70General Information:God continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1106EXO2842vz620undergarmentsThese are underwear, clothing worn under the outer clothes, next to the skin.
1107EXO2843s6n20tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1108EXO2843r7y70a permanent law“a law the will not end”
1109EXO29introxmd90# Exodus 29 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Consecrating priests<br>This chapter records the process of consecrating priests. The priests were to be set apart from the rest of Israel because Yahweh is holy. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/consecrate]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/priest]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### “I will live among the Israelites”<br>As God, Yahweh is everywhere and cannot be limited to a single space. This phrase indicates that he permanently remains within Israel in a special way while they have the ark.
1110EXO291d6gk0NowThe word “now” marks a change in topic from garments for priests to consecrating priests.
1111EXO291z78h0you must doHere “you” refers to Moses.
1112EXO291ld5s0to set them apart“to set apart Aaron and his sons”
1113EXO291dq2c0serve meHere “me” refers to Yahweh.
1114EXO291cgl20one young bulla male cow
1115EXO292ptm7figs-activepassive0Also take wafers without yeast rubbed with oilThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Also take wafers without yeast and rub them with oil” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1116EXO292r4490bread…cakes…wafersThese are different kinds of food made from flour.
1117EXO293u7130General Information:Yahweh continues to speak to Moses
1118EXO293gm580You must put them“You must put the bread, cake, and wafer”
1119EXO293cd6mfigs-explicit0present them with the bull and the two ramsHere “present” means to offer as a sacrifice. The full meaning of this can be translated clearly. Alternate translation: “offer them to me when you sacrifice the bull and the two rams” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1120EXO294a6rz0tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1121EXO295va8b0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1122EXO295f7u70coatThis was a coat with a design woven into it. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1123EXO295pr4i0finely-woven waistbandThis was a cloth belt made from narrow linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:8](../28/
1124EXO296ap2x0turbanThis was a tall head covering made from cloth wrapped around the head several times. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1125EXO296y59s0holy crownThis crown is described in [Exodus 29:6](../29/ as being engraved with the words “dedicated to Yahweh” and made of pure gold.
1126EXO298s53c0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1127EXO298v46k0bring his sons“bring Aarons sons”
1128EXO298jtc70coatsThese were coats with a design woven into them. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1129EXO299j3a80sashesA sash is a decorative piece of cloth that people wear around their waist or across their chest. See how you translated this word in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1130EXO299bh2d0headbandsA headband is a narrow, decorative strip of cloth that is worn around the head above the eyes. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:40](../28/
1131EXO299r1x40The work of the priesthood“the duty of being priests”
1132EXO299ze9lfigs-explicit0will belong to themThe duty of being priests will also belong to the descendants of Aarons sons. You can state this clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “will belong to them and their descendants” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1133EXO299p7m90permanent law“a law the will not end.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:43](../28/
1134EXO2910r7820General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1135EXO2910p9960tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1136EXO2911bf2m0You must kill the bullThe bull offering was to be killed by Moses, not the priests, at the doorway, not inside the tent of meeting.
1137EXO2911y6kpfigs-explicit0kill the bullSince the following verses will tell what to do with the blood from the bull, use a term for “kill” that will imply a method similar to “slitting its throat and catch the blood in a bowl.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1138EXO2912uxh30General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1139EXO2912c2ud0the hornsThese were projections that looked like ox horns attached to the four corners of the altar. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:2](../27/
1140EXO2912xdl50the rest of the blood“the remaining blood”
1141EXO2913x2c50covers the inner parts“covers the organs”
1142EXO2913nsg60liver…kidneysThese are organs in the body.
1143EXO2914eza80But as for the bulls flesh, as well as its skin and dung“But as for the remaining parts of the bull”
1144EXO2916hd8i0You must kill the ramFor these consecration sacrifices for the priests, it was Moses, not Aaron or his sons, who had to kill the animals.
1145EXO2917w2nb0the inner parts“the organs.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 29:13](../29/
1146EXO2918s68x0on the altarUnlike the bull offering that was burned outside of the tent, the ram was to be burned on the inner altar.
1147EXO2919x3iv0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1148EXO2920j6b1figs-explicit0Then you must kill the ramThe ram was killed by cutting its throat. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “Then kill the ram by slitting its throat” or “Then kill the ram by cutting its throat” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1149EXO2921saa80General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1150EXO2921w1aafigs-activepassive0Aaron will then be set apart for meThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “By doing this, you will dedicate Aaron to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1151EXO2922gj680General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1152EXO2922i3dc0inner parts…liver…kidneyThese refer to organs inside the body. See how you translated this in [Exodus 29:13](../29/
1153EXO2923td8w0Take one loaf…before YahwehFor 29:23 see how you translated similar words in [Exodus 29:2](../29/
1154EXO2923i7vx0that is before Yahweh“that you have placed before Yahweh”
1155EXO2924wv9l0General Information:God continues speaking to Moses.
1156EXO2924b9bj0You must put theseHere “these” refers to the parts of the sacrifice mentioned in the previous verses.
1157EXO2925wz3afigs-activepassive0it will be an offering made to me by fireThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “burn it as an offering to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1158EXO2926acx50General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1159EXO2926bf710ram of dedication“ram that you dedicated” or “ram that you killed”
1160EXO2926c21f0Aarons ram of dedication“the ram that you used to dedicate Aaron”
1161EXO2928uc2d0This will be a perpetual share for Aaron and his sons“This is what Aaron and his sons will always receive from the people”
1162EXO2929la340General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1163EXO2929qru8figs-activepassive0The holy garments of Aaron must also be reserved for his sons after himThese garments belong to the priesthood and are not just Aarons personal clothing. Alternate translation: “Aaron must reserve the holy garments for his sons after him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1164EXO2929i5vzfigs-activepassive0They are to be anointed in them and ordained to me in themThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They must wear the holy garments when you anoint his sons and ordain them to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1165EXO2930pe790tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1166EXO2931npz10General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1167EXO2931l3xk0the ram for the installation of the priests“the ram you killed when you installed the priests”
1168EXO2931u9klfigs-explicit0in a holy placeThis is not the same as the holy place outside of the most holy place. This refers to a place within the courtyard. Alternate translation: “at the entrance to the tent of meeting” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1169EXO2932dp8h0tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1170EXO2933qk8ifigs-activepassive0that were givenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that you sacrificed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1171EXO2934rhp7figs-activepassive0It must not be eatenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “No one must eat it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1172EXO2934lhi8figs-activepassive0because it has been set apart to meThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “because you have set it apart to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1173EXO2935c2si0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1174EXO2935g9pm0In this way, by following all that I have commanded you to do, you must treat Aaron and his sons“I have commanded you to treat Aaron and his sons this way”
1175EXO2937pq5d0Then the altar will be completely set apart to me“Then the altar will be most holy”
1176EXO2937qk5h0will be set apart to Yahweh“will also be very holy”
1177EXO2938e4r90General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1178EXO2938sli90You must regularly offer on the altar every day“You must daily offer on the altar”
1179EXO2940rt1f0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1180EXO2940x6i4translate-fraction0a tenth…the fourth part“1/10…1/4” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1181EXO2940bwg1translate-bvolume0ephahAn ephah is 22 liters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
1182EXO2940vt6ftranslate-bvolume0hinA hin is 3.7 liters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
1183EXO2941t1tt0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1184EXO2941hgt9figs-activepassive0it will be an offering made to me by fireThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “it will be a burnt offering to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1185EXO2942j8cg0throughout your generations“through all the generations of your descendants.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1186EXO2942h5r70tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1187EXO2943f1t60General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1188EXO2943ic8ifigs-activepassive0the tent will be set apart for me by my gloryThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “My awesome presence will dedicate the tent to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1189EXO2945zcs10General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1190EXO30introz3yc0# Exodus 30 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Atonement<br>The atonement offered by the priests was very important in the religious life of Israel. In order to offer sacrifices, the priests had to maintain ritual cleanliness by washing themselves. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/atonement]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/priest]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/clean]])
1191EXO301r1f40General Information:Yahweh tells Moses how to build the worship equipment.
1192EXO301v8vbfigs-you0You must makeHere “you” refers to Moses and the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1193EXO302w56efigs-activepassive0Its horns must be madeThese were projections that looked like ox horns attached to the four corners of the altar. See how you translated “horns” in [Exodus 27:2](../27/ Alternate translation: “You must make its horns” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1194EXO303d3uu0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1195EXO303ddb20the incense altar“an altar to burn incense”
1196EXO304qyg4figs-activepassive0to be attached to itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “which you will attach to the altar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1197EXO305r61h0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1198EXO306h33cfigs-explicit0ark of the testimonyThe ark is the chest that contains the commandments. This can be stated clearly in the translation. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:33](../26/ Alternate translation: “the chest containing the commandments” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1199EXO306e52i0atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
1200EXO306vg6kfigs-you0where I will meet with youHere “you” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1201EXO307l2rl0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1202EXO308qm7i0throughout your generations“through all the generations of your descendants.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1203EXO309ckf90But you must offerThough the word “you” is addressed to Moses, the instruction is given specifically to Aaron and his descendants as to when and what they are to offer on the altar of incense.
1204EXO3010ez2s0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1205EXO3010k6xk0hornsThese were projections that looked like ox horns attached to the four corners of the altar. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:2](../27/
1206EXO3010san20throughout your generations“through all the generations of your descendants.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1207EXO3012s73cfigs-you0When you takePossible meanings are (1) “you” refers to just Moses or (2) “you” refers to Moses and the leaders of Israel in future generations when they take a census. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1208EXO3012k5p10a census of the IsraelitesThe leaders only counted the Israelite men.
1209EXO3013s69sfigs-activepassive0Everyone who is countedThis can be stated in active form. They counted only the men. Alternate translation: “Everyone you count” or “Every man you count” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1210EXO3013i4wktranslate-bmoney0half a shekel of silver“1/2 a shekel of silver.” Translators may use a unit of measure that people understand and a round number: “5.5 grams of silver” or “six grams of silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1211EXO3013nfp60according to the weight of the shekel of the sanctuaryThere were evidently shekels of more than one weight at the time. This specified which one was to be used.
1212EXO3013id6dtranslate-unknown0twenty gerahs“20 gerahs.” A gerah is a unit that people used for measuring how much something very small weighed. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1213EXO3014k4h9figs-metaphor0from twenty years old and upLarger numbers are spoken of as being up or above smaller numbers. Alternate translation: “from twenty years old and more” or “who is twenty years old or older” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1214EXO3015r7fd0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1215EXO3015rll60the peopleOnly the men made this offering.
1216EXO3015e8xatranslate-bmoney0the half shekelTranslators may use a unit of measure that people understand and a round number: “the 5.5 grams of silver” or “the 6 grams of silver.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 3:13](../03/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1217EXO3016z6tn0It must be a reminder to the Israelites before me, to make atonement for your livesPossible meanings are (1) “It will remind the Israelites to make atonement for their lives” or (2) “It will remind the Israelites that they have made atonement for their lives.”
1218EXO3018ye18figs-you0You must also makeHere “you” refers to Moses and the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1219EXO3018v88y0bronze basin“bronze bowl” or “bronze tub”
1220EXO3018bh820a bronze standThis is what the basin would be put on.
1221EXO3018iq8n0a basin for washingThis phrase explains what the priests were to use the large bronze basin for.
1222EXO3018m5li0the altarthe altar of sacrifice
1223EXO3019jq260General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1224EXO3019ivb10water in it“water in the basin”
1225EXO3021hp350for Aaron and his descendants throughout their peoples generations“for Aaron and all the generations of his descendants.” See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1226EXO3022p8n60General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1227EXO3023m9g7translate-unknown0spicesdried plants that people grind into a powder and put in oil or food to give it a nice smell or flavor. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:6](../25/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1228EXO3023zq43translate-numbers0five hundred shekels…250 shekels“500 shekels…two hundred and fifty shekels.” A shekel is about 11 grams. Translators may use units that people know and round numbers: “5.7 kilograms…11.4 kilograms” or “six kilograms…three kilograms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1229EXO3023xga2translate-unknown0cinnamon…caneThese are sweet spices. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1230EXO3024p9jhtranslate-unknown0cassiaThis is a sweet spice. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1231EXO3024n38ftranslate-bweight0the weight of the shekel of the sanctuaryThere were evidently shekels of more than one weight at the time. This specified which one was to be used. See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:13](../30/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1232EXO3024dv89translate-bvolume0one hinTranslators may use units that people know and round numbers: “3.7 liters” or “four liters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1233EXO3025juf30with these ingredients“with these items”
1234EXO3025k3s50the work of a perfumerPossible meanings are (1) Moses was to have a perfumer do the work or (2) Moses was to do the work himself the way a perfumer would do it.
1235EXO3025yv9l0a perfumera person who is skilled in mixing spices and oils
1236EXO3026f7k50General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1237EXO3026u241figs-you0You must anointHere “you” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1238EXO3026d4idfigs-explicit0ark of the testimonyThe ark is the chest that contains the commandments. This can be stated clearly in the translation. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:33](../26/ Alternate translation: “the chest containing the commandments” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1239EXO3028v5mk0the altar for burnt offerings“the altar on which offering were burnt”
1240EXO3029a9hr0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1241EXO3029np7g0set them apartThis refers to the items listed in [Exodus 30:26-28](./
1242EXO3031k4s70throughout your peoples generations“all the generations of your descendants.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1243EXO3032w4dt0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what Moses must tell the people.
1244EXO3032rlk4figs-activepassive0It must not be applied to peoples skinThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must not put the anointing oil that is dedicated to Yahweh on a persons skin” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1245EXO3032v3br0with the same formula“with the same ingredients” or “with the same items”
1246EXO3033pa53figs-metaphor0that person must be cut off from his peopleThe metaphor “cut off” has at least three possible meanings. They can be expressed in active form: (1) “I will no longer consider him to be one of the people of Israel” (2) “the people of Israel must send him away” or (3) “the people of Israel must kill him.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1247EXO3034r3j20General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what to do. Yahweh gives the commands only to Moses: all instances of “you” are singular. However, the words “blended by a perfumer” might mean that Moses could have the perfumer take the spices, blend them, grind them, and give them to Moses so Moses could put part of the mixture in front of the ark, as in UST.
1248EXO3035as9yfigs-activepassive0Make it into the form of incense, blended by a perfumerThe phrase with “blended” can be translated in active form. Alternate translation: “Make it into the form of incense that a perfumer has blended” or “A perfumer must blend it into a kind of incense” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1249EXO3035y8yj0blended by a perfumerPossible meanings are (1) Moses was to have a perfumer do the work or (2) Moses was to do the work himself the way a perfumer would do it. See how you translated these words in [Exodus 30:25](../30/
1250EXO3036nz2afigs-you0You will grind it“You will crush it.” Here “you” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1251EXO3036t8y9figs-you0You will regardHere “you” is plural and refers to Moses and all the people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1252EXO3037z4p50General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1253EXO3037dq6c0you must not make anyThe word “you” here refers to the people of Israel.
1254EXO3037yv1y0with the same formula“with the same ingredients” or “with the same items.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:32](../30/
1255EXO3037wh250It must be most holy to you“You must consider it to be most holy”
1256EXO3038xn6v0perfumeThis is a pleasant smelling liquid a person puts on his or her body.
1257EXO3038sa1mfigs-metaphor0must be cut off from his peopleThe metaphor “cut off” has at least three possible meanings. They can be expressed in active form: (1) “I will no longer consider him to be one of the people of Israel” (2) “the people of Israel must send him away” or (3) “the people of Israel must kill him.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:33](../30/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1258EXO31introwfk70# Exodus 31 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter is the end of Exodus recording of the law of Moses. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Sabbath<br>As described in this chapter, the Sabbath is more than just a day of worship or celebration. Its significance extends beyond a way to help people rest. It is a major part of the identity of the Hebrew people. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sabbath]])
1259EXO312m8jufigs-metonymy0I have called by nameGod speaks of choosing specific people as calling them by name. Alternate translation: “I have chosen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1260EXO312hf5rtranslate-names0Bezalel…Uri…HurThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1261EXO313ayb90General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1262EXO313f7skfigs-metaphor0I have filled Bezalel with my SpiritYahweh speaks of giving Bezalel his Spirit as if Bezalel were a container and Gods Spirit were a liquid. Alternate translation: “I have given my Spirit to Bezalel” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1263EXO313r6i5figs-abstractnouns0for all kinds of craftsmanshipThe abstract noun “craftsmanship” can be translated as “making crafts” or “making things.” Alternate translation: “for making all kinds of crafts” or “so that he can make all kinds of things” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
1264EXO316qk4r0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1265EXO316jh61translate-names0Oholiab…AhisamakThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1266EXO316wcq70I have put skill into the hearts of all who are wiseGod speaks of making people able to make things as if he were putting the ability into their hearts. Alternate translation: “I have given skill to all who are wise” or “I have made all who are wise able to make things well”
1267EXO317jc780tent of meetingThis is another name for the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:21](../27/
1268EXO317m58bfigs-explicit0ark of the testimonyThe ark is the chest that contains the commandments. This can be stated clearly in the translation. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:33](../26/ Alternate translation: “the chest containing the commandments” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1269EXO317z5s40atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
1270EXO318h84n0incense altar“altar to burn incense.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:3](../30/
1271EXO319cvl70altar for burnt offerings“altar on which offering were burnt.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:28](../30/
1272EXO3110hn880General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1273EXO3111z1u20These craftsmen“These people who are skilled in making beautiful things”
1274EXO3113i1lwfigs-metaphor0You must certainly keep Yahwehs Sabbath daysGod speaks of obeying his instructions about the Sabbath as keeping the Sabbath. Alternate translation: “You must certainly obey Yahwehs instructions about the Sabbath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1275EXO3113gw130throughout your peoples generations“through all the generations of your descendants.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1276EXO3113h75afigs-metaphor0who sets you apart for himselfGod speaks of choosing people to be his as setting them apart for himself. Alternate translation: “who has chosen you to be his people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1277EXO3114g83pfigs-activepassive0for it must be treated by you as holyThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “for you must treat it as holy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1278EXO3114mv4lfigs-metaphor0Everyone who defiles itGod speaks of treating the Sabbath with disrespect as defiling it. Alternate translation: “Everyone who treats the Sabbath with disrespect” or “Everyone who does not obey the laws about the Sabbath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1279EXO3114plq5figs-activepassive0must surely be put to death“must surely be killed.” This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “you must surely kill” or “you must surely execute” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1280EXO3114fz1gfigs-metaphor0must surely be cut off from his peopleThe metaphor “cut off” has at least three possible meanings. They can be expressed in active form: (1) “Yahweh will no longer consider him to be one of his people” (2) “you must surely send him away” or (3) “you must surely kill him.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1281EXO3115v4dvtranslate-numbers0but the seventh day“but day 7” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1282EXO3116iv7a0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what he must tell the people of Israel.
1283EXO3116t9hwfigs-metaphor0must keep the SabbathGod speaks of obeying his instructions about the Sabbath as keeping the Sabbath. Alternate translation: “must obey Yahwehs instructions about the Sabbath” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1284EXO3116n7q20They must observe it throughout their peoples generations“They and all the generations of their descendants must observe it.” See how you translated “throughout their peoples generations” in [Exodus 12:42](../12/
1285EXO3116yef80lasting covenant“a covenant that will always exist.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:43](../28/
1286EXO3118xc6hfigs-activepassive0written on by his own handThis can be translated with an active verb. Alternate translation: “which Yahweh wrote on with his own hand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1287EXO32introvv2w0# Exodus 32 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The events of this chapter occur while Moses spoke with God and therefore happen at the same time as the events in chapters 20-31.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in 32:18.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Idolatry<br>The making of the golden calf was considered a form of idolatry. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1288EXO321cfk8figs-metaphor0the people sawHere understanding something is spoken of as if it were being seen. Alternate translation: “the people realized” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1289EXO321k2i10Come, make us an idolThe word “come” strengthens the force of the command following it. The people were demanding that Aaron make an idol for them.
1290EXO321mrb50go before us“lead us” or “be our leader”
1291EXO322p86s0bring them to meThe word “them” refers to the golden rings.
1292EXO323ckg20All the peopleThis refers to all the people who rejected Moses as their leader and Moses God as their God.
1293EXO324uf9e0fashioned it with an engraving tool and he made a cast idol in the shape of a calfAaron melted the gold and poured it into a mold that had the shape of a calf. When the gold became hard, he removed the mold, and the hardened gold had the shape of a calf.
1294EXO325ztx4figs-explicit0When Aaron saw thisYou may need to make explicit what he saw. “When Aaron saw what the people did” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1295EXO326as6u0to carouse in wild celebration“to have a wild party.” The people likely behaved in sexually immoral ways at the party.
1296EXO328eua5figs-metaphor0left the way that I commanded themHere God speaks of the people disobeying what he commanded them as if he had told them to walk on a certain road and they left that road. Alternate translation: “stopped doing what I commanded them to do” or “have stopped obeying what I commanded them to do” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1297EXO329bh7cfigs-metaphor0I have seen this peopleHere Yahweh compares knowing the people to seeing them. Alternate translation: “I know this people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1298EXO329ffe2figs-metaphor0a stiff-necked peopleYahweh speaks of the people being stubborn as if they had stiff necks. Alternate translation: “a stubborn people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1299EXO3210fmk30Now thenThe word “now” is used here to mark a break in what Yahweh was telling Moses. Here Yahweh tells what he will do to the people.
1300EXO3210sd9wfigs-metaphor0My anger will burn hot against themYahweh speaks of his anger as if it were a fire that could burn hot. Alternate translation: “My anger towards them will be terrible” or “I am extremely angry with them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1301EXO3210vc2ufigs-you0from youThe word “you” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1302EXO3211h62efigs-metaphor0why does your anger burn against your people…a mighty hand?Moses used this question to try to persuade Yahweh not to be so angry with his people. This rhetorical question can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: “Do not let your anger burn against your people…a mighty hand.” or “Do not be so angry with your people…a mighty hand.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
1303EXO3211t2cvfigs-doublet0great power…mighty handThese two phrases share similar meanings and are combined for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
1304EXO3211ph43figs-metonymy0a mighty handHere the word “hand” refers to the things Yahweh did. Alternate translation: “and the powerful things you did” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1305EXO3212k26p0General Information:Moses continues to reason with God not to destroy Israel.
1306EXO3212r8ijfigs-rquestion0Why should the Egyptians say, He led them out…to destroy them from the face of the earth?Moses used this question to try to persuade God not to destroy his people. This rhetorical question can be translated with a statement. Alternate translation: If you destroy your people, the Egyptians might say, He led them out…to destroy them from the face of the earth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
1307EXO3212kzh70face of the earth“from the surface of the earth” or “from the earth”
1308EXO3212fns10Turn from your burning anger“Stop your burning anger” or “Stop being so angry”
1309EXO3212p1dffigs-metaphor0your burning angerMoses speaks of Gods anger as if it were a fire that was burning. Alternate translation: “your terrible anger” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1310EXO3213t9sa0Call to mind Abraham“Remember Abraham” or “Think about Abraham”
1311EXO3213p8jq0you swore“you made an oath” or “you solemnly promised”
1312EXO3213q1g1figs-metaphor0They will inherit it foreverGod speaks about them possessing the land as if they would inherit it. Alternate translation: “They will possess it forever” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1313EXO3215cx7z0tablets of the covenant decreesThese are the two stone slabs on which God had engraved his commandments.
1314EXO3216w3uafigs-parallelism0The tablets were Gods own work, and the writing was Gods own writingThese two phrases share similar meanings. The second explains how the tablets were “Gods own work.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
1315EXO3217cua3figs-explicit0he said to MosesIt is assumed that Joshua met Moses while Moses was going back to the camp. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1316EXO3219hr2j0the tablets“the two stone slabs that Yahweh had written on”
1317EXO3221du5lfigs-quotations0Then Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people…a great sin on them?”This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “Then Moses asked Aaron what the people do to him, that he have brought such a great sin on them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
1318EXO3221np73figs-metaphor0you have brought such a great sin on themMoses spoke of causing people to sin as if sin were an object and Aaron put it on them. Alternate translation: “you have caused them to sin so terribly” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1319EXO3222z2chfigs-metaphor0Do not let your anger burn hotAaron spoke of Moses anger as if it were a fire that could burn. “Do not be so angry” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1320EXO3222vdy2figs-metaphor0they are set on doing evilBeing determined to do evil is spoken of as being set on evil. Alternate translation: “they are determined to do what is evil” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1321EXO3223zn680this MosesPeople showed disrespect by putting the word “this” before his name, as if Moses were someone they did not know and could not trust.
1322EXO3224yq7sfigs-quotations0So I said to them, Whoever has any gold, let him take it off.This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “So I told them that whoever had any gold should take it off” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
1323EXO3224b3l50I threw it into the fire, and out came this calfInstead of taking ownership for making the calf, Aaron claims the calf came out of the fire supernaturally.
1324EXO3225ck1f0were running wild“were behaving wildly” or “were not controlling themselves”
1325EXO3226jis7figs-quotations0Then Moses stood at the entrance…“Whoever is on Yahwehs side, come to me.”This can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “Then Moses stood at the entrance to the camp and said that whoever was on Yahwehs side should come to him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
1326EXO3226ryb5figs-metaphor0Whoever is on Yahwehs sideMoses speaks of being loyal to Yahweh as being on Yahwehs side. Alternate translation: “Whoever is loyal to Yahweh” or “Whoever serves Yahweh” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1327EXO3227xsl30go back and forth from entrance to entrance“go from side of the camp to the other, starting at one entrance to the camp and going to the entrance on the other side of the camp”
1328EXO3228at4itranslate-numbers0three thousand of the people“3000 of the people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1329EXO3229jzp10You have been placed into Yahwehs serviceThis probably means “You have been chosen to serve Yahweh” or “You have become Yahwehs servants.”
1330EXO3229c6fgfigs-explicit0for each of you has taken action against his son and his brotherThe fact that they did this in obedience to God can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “for you have obeyed Yahweh and killed your sons and your brothers” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1331EXO3230r5fn0You have committed a very great sinThey worshiped an idol.
1332EXO3230yi3efigs-metaphor0Perhaps I can make atonement for your sinMoses spoke of persuading God to forgive the people as if he could make atonement for their sin. Alternate translation: “Perhaps I can persuade Yahweh to forgive you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1333EXO3232c72yfigs-metonymy0blot me out of the bookThe word “me” here refers to the name of Moses. Alternate translation: “erase my name from the book” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1334EXO3232ahb3figs-explicit0the book that you have writtenWhat God had written in the book can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “the book in which you have written the names of your people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1335EXO3233igb4figs-metonymy0that person I will blot out of my bookThe phrase “that person” represents “that persons name.” Alternate translation: “I will erase that persons name from my book” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1336EXO3233qwk90my bookThis refers to the book of Yahweh that Moses spoke of in [Exodus 32:32](../32/
1337EXO3234xn8p0But on the day that I punish them, I will punish themOn the day that God decides to punish them, it will be clear that it is God who is judging them.
1338EXO3235ddg60Yahweh sent a plague on the peopleThis plague may have been a serious illness. Alternate translation: “Yahweh made the people very sick”
1339EXO3235wv1v0they had made the calf, the one that Aaron madeEven though Aaron made the calf, the people were also guilty because they told Aaron to do it. Alternate translation: “they told Aaron to make the calf”
1340EXO33introg5k30# Exodus 33 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Covenant<br>While the covenants Yahweh made may not be conditioned upon the obedience of Israel, it is clear that their conquering of the Promised Land was conditioned on their obedience to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/promisedland]])
1341EXO331p8xp0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses of his anger.
1342EXO333yyt4figs-metonymy0that land, which is flowing with milk and honeyThe land was good for raising livestock and growing crops. See how you translated this in [Exodus 3:8](../03/ Alternate translation: “a land that is excellent for raising livestock and growing crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1343EXO333y3470flowing with“full of” or “with an abundance of”
1344EXO333ck4mfigs-metonymy0milkSince milk comes from cows and goats, this represents food produced by livestock. Alternate translation: “food from livestock” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1345EXO333a4ctfigs-metonymy0honeySince honey is produced from flowers, this represents food from crops. Alternate translation: “food from crops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1346EXO333ah5t0a stubborn people“people who refuse to change”
1347EXO334cf7g0jewelrybeautiful clothing as well as chains and rings with jewels in them
1348EXO335rzr50a stubborn people“people who refuse to change.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 33:3](../33/
1349EXO339yt4ffigs-metaphor0the pillar of cloudThe cloud had the shape of a pillar. See how you translated this in [Exodus 13:22](../13/ Alternate translation: “the cloud shaped like a pillar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1350EXO339vam7figs-explicit0would come downWhere it came down from can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “would come down from the sky” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1351EXO3311zrb8figs-metaphor0Yahweh would speak to Moses face to faceSpeaking directly rather than through dreams and visions, is spoken of as if Moses and God saw each others faces while they spoke. Alternate translation: “Yahweh would speak directly to Moses” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1352EXO3311ika80young manJoshua was old enough to be a soldier, but he was much younger than Moses
1353EXO3312unz80See“Look!” or “Listen!” or “Pay attention to what I am about to tell you”
1354EXO3312w7fsfigs-idiom0I know you by nameTo know someone by name is to know them well. Alternate translation: “I know you well” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
1355EXO3312a7jrfigs-idiom0you have also found favor in my eyesHere “found favor” is an idiom that means be approved of or that God is pleased with Moses. Here “eyes” are a metonym for sight, and sight is a metaphor representing Gods evaluation. Alternate translation: “I have evaluated you and approve” or “I am pleased with you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1356EXO3313e6vvfigs-idiom0Now if I have found favor in your eyesHere “found favor” is an idiom that means be approved of or that God is pleased with Moses. Here “eyes” are a metonym for sight, and sight is a metaphor representing Gods evaluation. Alternate translation: “Now If you are pleased with me” or “Now if you approve of me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1357EXO3313zi7j0show me your waysPossible meanings: (1) “show me what you are going to do in the future” or (2) “show me how people can do what pleases you.”
1358EXO3314gh8qfigs-metonymy0My own presence will goGods presence represents himself. Alternate translation: “I will go” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1359EXO3314hl15figs-you0go with you…give youThe word “you” here refers to Moses. It is singular. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1360EXO3314hc5n0I will give you rest“I will let you rest”
1361EXO3316d36k0For otherwise“For if your presence does not go with us”
1362EXO3316tu8efigs-activepassive0how will it be knownThis can be expressed with an active form. Alternate translation: how will people know” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1363EXO3316cgl8figs-rquestion0how will it be known…people?Moses used this question in order to emphasize that if God does not go with them, no one will know that Moses had found favor in Gods sight. Alternate translation: “no one will know…people.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
1364EXO3316u82a0Will it not only be if“Will it not only be known if”
1365EXO3317aln2figs-you0General Information:When Yahweh uses the word “you” in this verse, it is singular and refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1366EXO3317ln7yfigs-idiom0you have found favor in my eyesHere “found favor” is an idiom that means that God is pleased with Moses. Here “eyes” are a metonym for sight, and sight is a metaphor representing his evaluation. See how you translated this in [Exodus 33:12](../33/ Alternate translation: “I am pleased with you” or “I approve of you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1367EXO3317u2nvfigs-idiom0I know you by nameTo know someone by name is to know them well. See how you translated this in [Exodus 33:12](../33/ Alternate translation: “I know you well” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
1368EXO3319sx1afigs-metonymy0I will make all my goodness pass before youGod speaks of walking past Moses so that Moses can see his goodness as if only his goodness would go past Moses. Alternate translation: “I will move past you so that you may see my goodness” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1369EXO3321s4iy0See“Look” or “Listen” or “Pay attention to what I am about to tell you.”
1370EXO3323fmu80you will see my backThis is because Yahweh will be walking away from Moses.
1371EXO3323gw1nfigs-activepassive0but my face will not be seenThis can be expressed in active form. Alternate translation: “but you will not see my face” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1372EXO34introsmp60# Exodus 34 General Notes<br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### “He will bring the punishment for the fathers sin on their children”<br>This phrase does not mean that a child is necessarily punished for the sins of their parents. Many scholars believe that this passage indicates that a parents sins will have consequences that will affect their children and grandchildren. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])
1373EXO341s1kv0tablets of stone“flat slabs of stone.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:18](../31/
1374EXO343fk8z0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1375EXO343ck6dfigs-metonymy0Do not let anyone else be seen anywhere on the mountainBeing seen doing something represents doing that. Alternate translation: “Do not let anyone else be anywhere on the mountain” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1376EXO343x3rx0No flocks or herds are even to graze in front of the mountain“Even flocks or herds are not allowed to come near the mountain to eat.”
1377EXO345sp7f0stood with Moses there“stood with Moses on the mountain”
1378EXO345r9eyfigs-metonymy0he pronounced the name “Yahweh.”Possible meanings are (1) “he spoke the name Yahweh.’” or (2) “he proclaimed who Yahweh is.” For the second meaning, “name” would represent who God is. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1379EXO346fz1qfigs-123person0Yahweh, Yahweh, God is merciful and graciousGod is speaking about himself. Alternate translation: “I, Yahweh, am God, and I am merciful and gracious” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
1380EXO346e1k30abounding in covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness“always showing covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness”
1381EXO346j7wefigs-abstractnouns0abounding in covenant faithfulness and trustworthinessThe abstract nouns “faithfulness” and “trustworthiness” can be stated as “faithful” and “trustworthy.” Alternate translation: “always being faithful to my covenant and always being trustworthy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
1382EXO347lt2jfigs-abstractnouns0keeping covenant faithfulness for thousands of generationsThe abstract noun “faithfulness” can be stated as “faithfully” or “faithful.” See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 20:6](../20/ Alternate translation: “faithfully loving thousands of generations” or “faithful to his covenant with thousands of generation” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]])
1383EXO347q7z8figs-123person0But he willYahweh is speaking about himself. Alternate translation: “But I will” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
1384EXO347x397figs-123person0he will by no means clear the guiltyYahweh is speaking about himself. Alternate translation: “I will by no means clear the guilty” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
1385EXO347ts1b0will by no means clear the guilty“will certainly not clear the guilty” or “will certainly not say that the guilty are innocent” or “will certainly not free guilty people”
1386EXO347px85figs-metaphor0He will bring the punishment for the fathers sin on their childrenPunishing people is spoken of as if punishment were an object that someone could bring on people. Alternate translation: “He will punish the children for their fathers sin” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1387EXO347c3tbfigs-metonymy0their childrenThe word “children” represents descendants. Alternate translation: “their descendants” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1388EXO349mh3afigs-idiom0If now I have found favor in your eyesHere “found favor” is an idiom that means be approved of or that God is pleased with Moses. Here “eyes” are a metonym for sight, and sight is a metaphor representing his evaluation. See how you translated this in [Exodus 33:12](../33/ Alternate translation: “Now If you are pleased with me” or “Now if you approve of me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1389EXO349hw66figs-doublet0our iniquity and our sinThe words “iniquity” and “sin” mean basically the same thing and are combined for emphasis. Alternate translation: “all our sins” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
1390EXO349n6e5figs-metaphor0take us as your inheritanceSomething that someone possesses forever is spoken of as if it were something that they had inherited. Alternate translation: “take us as the people that you possess forever” or “accept us as the people who belong to you forever” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1391EXO3410zdq6figs-you0your peopleHere “your” refers to Moses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1392EXO3410bj1afigs-idiom0it is a fearful thing that I am doing with youA fearful thing is a thing that causes people to be afraid. In this case, people will fear God when they see what he does. Alternate translation: “what I do for you will cause people to fear me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
1393EXO3410s7uzfigs-you0I am doing with youHere “you” refers to Moses and the people of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-you]])
1394EXO3412b4590General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses. Here he tells him what Moses and the people must do.
1395EXO3412lxz8figs-metaphor0they will become a trap among youPeople who tempt others to sin are spoken of as if they were a trap. Alternate translation: “they will tempt you to sin” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1396EXO3414vmx2figs-metonymy0Yahweh, whose name is JealousThe word “Jealous” here means that God is concerned to keep his honor. If his people worship other gods, he loses honor, because when his people do not honor him, other people also will not honor him. Alternate translation: “I, Yahweh, always guard my honor” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1397EXO3414s5sdfigs-metonymy0whose name is Jealous,The word “name” here represents Gods character. Alternate translation: “I, Yahweh, who am always jealous” or “I, Yahweh, am always jealous” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1398EXO3415f1e30Connecting Statement:Yahweh continues to tell Moses how his people are to behave towards outsiders.
1399EXO3415gtd8figs-metaphor0for they prostitute themselves to their godsGod speaks of people worshiping other gods as if they were prostitutes going to other men. Alternate translation: “for they worship other gods” or “because they worship other gods like prostitutes who go to other men” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1400EXO3415bj2ifigs-explicit0you will eat some of his sacrificeThe consequence of eating food that is sacrificed to another god can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “you will eat some of his sacrifice and become guilty of worshiping his gods” or “and you will prostitute yourself to his god by eating some of his sacrifice” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1401EXO3418s1rr0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1402EXO3418u5betranslate-numbers0seven days“7 days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1403EXO3418i5cktranslate-hebrewmonths0in the month of AvivThis is the name of the first month of the Hebrew calendar. Aviv is during the last part of March and the first part of April on Western calendars. See how you translated “Aviv” in [Exodus 13:4](../13/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1404EXO3419ly7d0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1405EXO3420yz8x0buy backFirstborn sons and firstborn donkeys belonged to Yahweh, but Yahweh did not want them sacrificed to Him. Instead, the Israelites were to sacrifice a lamb in their place. This allowed the Israelites to buy the donkeys and sons back from Yahweh.
1406EXO3420u2p5figs-metonymy0No one may appear before me empty-handedGod speaks of the offering as if the person was to carry it in his hands. Alternate translation: “No one may come to me without an offering” or “Everyone who comes to me must bring me an offering” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1407EXO3421w9ed0General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1408EXO3421swm80Even at plowing time and in harvest“Even when you are preparing the soil or gathering the crops”
1409EXO3422d13l0Festival of IngatheringThis festival was also known as the Festival of Shelters or the Festival of Booths. The idea came from the practice of the farmers living in temporary booths, or huts, out in the fields to guard the crop as it ripened. The word “Ingathering” means when they harvest their crop.
1410EXO3423zh580General Information:Yahweh continues telling Moses what the people must do.
1411EXO3425zx2v0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1412EXO3425e8v2figs-explicit0the blood of my sacrificeThe fact that the blood is from an animal can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “the blood of an animal that you sacrifice to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1413EXO3425k2f7figs-explicit0with any yeastThe fact that any yeast would be in bread can be stated clearly. Alternate translation: “with bread that has yeast in it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1414EXO3428mm6l0Moses was there“Moses was on the mountain”
1415EXO3428j9t4translate-numbers0forty days“40 days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1416EXO3428wt1c0for forty days and nights“for forty days, both day and night”
1417EXO3428yun20He wrote“Moses wrote”
1418EXO3429d9zk0had become radiant“had started to shine”
1419EXO3431jfb40came up to him“approached him” or “went to him.” They did not go up the mountain.
1420EXO3432kt23figs-metaphor0all the commands that Yahweh had given himTelling commands is spoken of as if the commands were objects that could be given. Alternate translation: “all the commands that Yahweh had told him” or “everything that Yahweh had commanded them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1421EXO3434fzm10he would remove“Moses would remove”
1422EXO3434m1svfigs-activepassive0what he was commandedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “what Yahweh had commanded him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1423EXO35introlew90# Exodus 35 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Sacrifice<br>All of the people offered sacrifices to Yahweh. This was a form of worship and a sign of repentance from making the golden calf idol. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/worship]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/repent]])
1424EXO352c559translate-ordinal0the seventh day“day number seven” or “Saturday” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
1425EXO352zij9figs-activepassive0Whoever does any work on that day must be put to deathThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “You must kill anyone who does work on that day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1426EXO354jdb80General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1427EXO355h5c80General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1428EXO355n2c80Take an offering for Yahweh“Take up a collection for Yahweh”
1429EXO355y2x6figs-synecdoche0all of you who have a willing heartHere “heart” refers to the person bringing the offering. Alternate translation: “everyone who is willing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
1430EXO356r12v0General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1431EXO357nmv40General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1432EXO357l5bq0ram skins dyed red and fine leather hidesSee how you translated similar phrases in [Exodus 25:5](../25/
1433EXO358ikm40General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1434EXO359f1dd0General Information:In Exodus 35:4-9, Moses tells the Israelites to make the things Yahweh commanded him in [Exodus 25:3-7](../25/
1435EXO3510c31r0General Information:Moses continues telling the people what God commanded them to do.
1436EXO3510dc4b0Every skilled man“Every man with a skill”
1437EXO3511j5t70claspsThe clasps fit into the loops to hold the curtains together. See how you translated these in [Exodus 26:6](../26/
1438EXO3511syn40basesThese are heavy objects that rest on the ground and keep the object attached to them from moving. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:31](../25/
1439EXO3512rj7s0atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
1440EXO3513x3tl0They brought“The people of Israel brought”
1441EXO3513l6410bread of the presenceThis bread represented the presence of God. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:30](../25/
1442EXO3516h1160bronze grateThis is a frame of crossed bronze bars for holding wood when burning. See how you translated “grate” in [Exodus 27:4](../27/
1443EXO3517h8zl0hangingsThese were large curtains made of cloth. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1444EXO3517x54f0postsThese were strong pieces of wood set upright and used as supports. See how you translated these in [Exodus 27:10](../27/
1445EXO3517xtm80basesThese were blocks that had a slot in them to keep the board in place. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:19](../26/
1446EXO3518n44r0tent pegssharp pieces of wood or metal used to secure the corners of a tent to the ground. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:19](../27/
1447EXO3519x1pc0finely-woven garmentsThis was clothing made from narrow linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:8](../28/
1448EXO3520w6rgfigs-metonymy0all the tribes of IsraelThis refers to the people in the tribes. Alternate translation: “the people from all the tribes of Israel” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
1449EXO3521b9wkfigs-synecdoche0whose heart stirred him upHere “heart” refers to the person. The heart that responded to God is spoken of as if it were water stirred up by a storm. Alternate translation: “who responded to God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1450EXO3521be9zfigs-synecdoche0whom his spirit made willingHere “spirit” refers to the person. Alternate translation: “who was willing” or “who wanted to” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
1451EXO3522mwx8figs-synecdoche0all who had a willing heartHere “heart” refers to the person. Alternate translation: “everyone who was willing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
1452EXO3522wwp20brooches, earrings, rings, and ornamentsThese are different kinds of jewelry.
1453EXO3523s3ky0Everyone who had…brought themFor 35:23 see how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:4-5](../25/
1454EXO3525ebm50blue, purple, or scarlet woolPossible meanings are (1) “material that is dyed blue, purple, and scarlet,” probably wool yarn, or (2) “blue, purple and scarlet dye” to dye the linen. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 25:4](../25/
1455EXO3526k1gyfigs-synecdoche0whose hearts stirred them upHere “hearts” refers to the women. The hearts of the women who responded to God are spoken of as if they were water stirred up by a storm. Alternate translation: “who responded to God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1456EXO3527f13n0The leaders brought…breastpieceFor 35:27 see how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:7](../25/
1457EXO3528h3a10they brought spices…fragrant incenseFor 35:28 see how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 25:6](../25/
1458EXO3529li5zfigs-synecdoche0whose heart was willingHere “heart” refers to the people. Alternate translation: “who was willing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
1459EXO3530z1e20Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, from the tribe of JudahSee how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/
1460EXO3531gse9figs-metaphor0He has filled Bezalel with his SpiritGods Spirit who gave Bezalel the ability to work is spoken of here as if he was something that filled up Bezalel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1461EXO3531zd740filled Bezalel…craftsmanshipSee how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 31:3](../31/
1462EXO3532r7e30to make artistic designs…bronzeSee how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 31:4](../31/
1463EXO3533fj6f0also to cut and set stones…craftsmanshipSee how you translated many similar words in [Exodus 31:5](../31/
1464EXO3534a1r80General Information:Moses continues speaking to the people.
1465EXO3534xd67figs-synecdoche0He has put it in his heart to teachHere “heart” refers to Bezalel. The ability to teach is spoken of as if it something that could be placed in a heart. Alternate translation: “He gave Bezalel the ability to teach” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1466EXO3534ab2ztranslate-names0Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan“Oholiab” and “Ahisamak” are names of men. See how you translated these names in [Exodus 31:6](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1467EXO3535rcv9figs-metaphor0filled them with skillSkill to create beautiful objects is spoken of as if it was something that could fill up a person. Alternate translation: “made them very skillful” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1468EXO3535me140engraversa person who cuts designs into a hard material such as wood, stone, or metal
1469EXO3535u7tf0embroidererspeople who sew designs into cloth
1470EXO3535r8zk0craftsmenpeople who are skilled in making beautiful objects by hand
1471EXO3535cw3x0weaversa person who creates cloth using thread
1472EXO3535a6c30artistic designersa person who creates beauty with materials
1473EXO36intronz4n0# Exodus 36 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Tent of meeting<br>The tent of meeting, or tabernacle, mentioned in previous chapters is constructed in this chapter. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])
1474EXO361ubk20General Information:Moses continues speaking to the people.
1475EXO361ds99translate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1476EXO361tl5btranslate-names0OholiabThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:6](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1477EXO361tr3pfigs-metaphor0to whom Yahweh has given skill and abilityHere skill and ability are spoken of as if they are something that Yahweh can place inside a person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1478EXO361mdi40according to all that Yahweh has commanded“just as Yahweh has commanded”
1479EXO362tgn2translate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1480EXO362wq6qtranslate-names0OholiabThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:6](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1481EXO362tda7figs-synecdoche0in whose mind Yahweh had given skillHere “mind” refers to the person who was made skillful by Yahweh. Alternate translation: “to whom Yahweh had given skill” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
1482EXO362yuq8figs-synecdoche0whose heart stirred within himHere “heart” refers to the person. The heart that responded to God is spoken of as if it were water stirred up by a storm. Alternate translation: “who responded to God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1483EXO365tni7figs-quotations0The craftsmen told Moses…commanded us to do.”The can be stated as an indirect quote. Alternate translation: “The craftsmen told Moses that the people were bringing much more than enough for doing the work that Yahweh has commanded them to do” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-quotations]])
1484EXO365pd950The craftsmen told Moses“The men working on the sanctuary told Moses”
1485EXO368kw330General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:1](../26/
1486EXO368l7ub0ten curtains made from fine linenThese curtains are sheets of cloth woven and sewed together so that they can hang to form a wall or tent.
1487EXO368s2hutranslate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1488EXO369p2mr0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:2](../26/
1489EXO3610z6sq0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:3](../26/
1490EXO3611yw910General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:4](../26/
1491EXO3611qh6e0He madeHere “he” refers to Bezalel, but it includes all the men working on the sanctuary.
1492EXO3611y7vq0loops of blueloops of blue cloth
1493EXO3611i4ba0curtainThese were large, heavy sections of woven cloth that were used to form the covering and dividing walls of the tabernacle. See how you translated this in [Exodus 26:1](../26/
1494EXO3612k1qq0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:5](../26/
1495EXO3613z2zi0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:6](../26/
1496EXO3613j75xtranslate-numbers0fifty gold clasps“50 gold clasps” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1497EXO3614m2ac0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:7](../26/
1498EXO3614us17translate-numbers0made eleven“made 11” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1499EXO3615fa6i0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:8](../26/
1500EXO3615ret8translate-numbers0thirty cubits“30 cubits” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1501EXO3616wwj60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:9](../26/
1502EXO3617qt9b0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:10](../26/
1503EXO3617jm1ltranslate-numbers0fifty loops“50 loops” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1504EXO3618mq1j0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:11](../26/
1505EXO3618a7mntranslate-numbers0fifty bronze clasps“50 bronze clasps” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1506EXO3619p3ke0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:14](../26/
1507EXO3620t7390General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:15](../26/
1508EXO3621prx50General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:16](../26/
1509EXO3621gci3translate-bdistance0ten cubits…one and a half cubits“10 cubits…1.5 cubits” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1510EXO3622l8yx0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:17](../26/
1511EXO3622vq4m0two wooden pegs for joiningA wooden peg is a small piece of wood sticking out beyond the end of the board so it can be secured.
1512EXO3623ev650General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:18](../26/
1513EXO3624ln2x0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:19](../26/
1514EXO3624u5uetranslate-numbers0forty silver bases“40 silver bases” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1515EXO3624yx4btranslate-numbers0twenty frames“20 frames” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1516EXO3625w2wz0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:20](../26/
1517EXO3626gbm90General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:21](../26/
1518EXO3626b9dy0and so onThere will be two bases under each and every frame.
1519EXO3627a7js0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:22](../26/
1520EXO3627m6ue0on the weston the side that is on the west
1521EXO3628hw9c0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:23](../26/
1522EXO3628ma1f0for the back cornersfor the corners at the rear of the tabernacle
1523EXO3629u3960General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:24](../26/
1524EXO3630mu5n0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:25](../26/
1525EXO3630zls4translate-numbers0sixteen bases in all“16 bases in all” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1526EXO3630r2520and so onThere will be two bases under each and every frame.
1527EXO3631cf2p0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:26](../26/
1528EXO3632p4wd0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:27](../26/
1529EXO3632tc6s0to the weston the west side
1530EXO3633h94y0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:28](../26/
1531EXO3633lk9f0from end to endfrom one side of the tabernacle to the other side
1532EXO3634i17v0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:29](../26/
1533EXO3635pfc50General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:31](../26/
1534EXO3636hg2q0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:32](../26/
1535EXO3637r5ya0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:36](../26/
1536EXO3637vv610He madeHere “he” refers to Bezalel and those working for him. “Bezalel and his men made”
1537EXO3637neu20a hanginga curtain
1538EXO3638pr670General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 26:37](../26/
1539EXO37intromt990# Exodus 37 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The ark of the covenant<br>The ark, mentioned in previous chapters, is constructed in this chapter. There are other furnishings of the tabernacle that are also produced in this chapter. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])
1540EXO371byr30General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:10](../25/
1541EXO371xz1ttranslate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1542EXO371ps6etranslate-bdistance0two and a half cubits…one cubit and a halfA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2.5 cubits…1.5 cubits” or “115 centimeters…69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1543EXO372kb3s0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:11](../25/
1544EXO373pb6v0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:12](../25/
1545EXO373ut8dfigs-metaphor0its four feetThese four pieces of wood that supported the ark are spoken of as if they were human or animal feet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1546EXO374nr8y0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:13](../25/
1547EXO374n9kr0He madeThough “he” refers to Bezalel, “he” may include all of the workers who assisted him.
1548EXO375v9j70General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:14](../25/
1549EXO376liw80General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
1550EXO376ba8atranslate-bdistance0two and a half cubits…one and a half cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2.5 cubits…1.5 cubits” or “115 centimeters…69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1551EXO377nhi30General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:18](../25/
1552EXO378g96y0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:19](../25/
1553EXO378y13sfigs-activepassive0They were made as one pieceThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “He made them as one piece” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1554EXO379e6na0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:20](../25/
1555EXO379r7nmfigs-personification0The cherubim spread out their wings upward and overshadowedBezalel placed the statues of the cherubim as if they were real cherubim which were spreading their wings and overshadowing the atonement lid. Alternate translation: “They placed the winged creatures so that their wings touched each other and spread out over” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
1556EXO379zsq10The cherubim faced one another and looked toward“The faces of the cherubim were towards each other, and they looked toward”
1557EXO3710ktf80General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:23](../25/
1558EXO3710fnt3translate-bdistance0two cubits…one cubit…one and a half cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. Alternate translation: “2 cubits…1 cubit…1.5 cubits” or “92 centimeters…46 centimeters…69 centimeters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1559EXO3711l2kv0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:24](../25/
1560EXO3712i1ba0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:25](../25/
1561EXO3712j4iqtranslate-bdistance0handbreadthThis was the width of a mans hand with fingers spread out. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1562EXO3713b56c0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:26](../25/
1563EXO3713k69zfigs-metaphor0the four feetThese four pieces of wood that supported the ark are spoken of as if they were human or animal feet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1564EXO3714tc3u0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:27](../25/
1565EXO3714b3mafigs-activepassive0The rings were attachedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Bezalel attached the rings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1566EXO3715zkr80General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:28](../25/
1567EXO3716h5980General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:29](../25/
1568EXO3716ui2rfigs-explicit0dishes, spoons, the bowls, and pitchers to be used to pour out the offeringsIt is only the bowls and pitchers that are used to pour out the offerings. Alternate translation: “plates and cups, and also the jars and bowls which the priests will use for pouring out the offerings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1569EXO3717edx60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:31](../25/
1570EXO3717wp6l0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1571EXO3717s977figs-activepassive0Its cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers were all made of one piece with itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “He made the cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers as one piece with the lampstand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1572EXO3718kuh20General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:32](../25/
1573EXO3719g1y90General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:33](../25/
1574EXO3719j6vzfigs-activepassive0three cups made like almond blossomsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “he made the 3 cups look like almond blossoms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1575EXO3719cbe60almond blossomsAn almond blossom is a white or pink flower with five petals that grows on an almond tree.
1576EXO3720nl540General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:34](../25/
1577EXO3720bx63figs-activepassive0there were four cups made like almond blossomsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “there were 4 cups which Bezalel made to look like almond blossoms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1578EXO3721x1u50General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:35](../25/
1579EXO3721v3c2figs-activepassive0made as one piece with itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “which he made as one piece with the lampstand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1580EXO3722ks9z0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:36](../25/
1581EXO3723b2jq0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:37-38](../25/
1582EXO3723r4y10Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1583EXO3723njx70tongsThis is a tool made from two sticks of wood or metal connected at one end and used for picking up objects.
1584EXO3724uz5h0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 25:39](../25/
1585EXO3724arz1translate-bweight0one talent“33 kilograms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1586EXO3725el8w0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 30:1-2](../30/
1587EXO3725li9d0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1588EXO3725c8mgtranslate-bdistance0cubitA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1589EXO3725xq8kfigs-activepassive0Its horns were made as one piece with itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “He made the horns as one piece with the altar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1590EXO3726ep660General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 30:3](../30/
1591EXO3727zez20General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 30:4](../30/
1592EXO3727d2v90Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1593EXO3727p89dfigs-activepassive0to be attached to itThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “which they attached to the altar” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1594EXO3728hw370General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 30:5](../30/
1595EXO3729c9920General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 30:25](../30/
1596EXO3729z6850fragrant incenseSee how you translated this in [Exodus 25:6](../25/
1597EXO3729akg90the work of a perfumerA perfumer is skilled in mixing spices and oils.
1598EXO38introhp860# Exodus 38 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The altar<br>The altar is constructed in this chapter. There are other furnishings of the tabernacle that are also produced in this chapter. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])<br><br>### Materials<br>The list of materials being used is intended to give the reader an understanding of the scale of the tabernacle. It should fill the reader with awe concerning the power of Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1599EXO381r81c0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:1](../27/
1600EXO381gk190Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1601EXO381g5extranslate-bdistance0cubitsOne cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1602EXO382g71x0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:2](../27/
1603EXO382se9lfigs-activepassive0The horns were made of one pieceThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “He made the horns as one piece” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1604EXO383v73t0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:3](../27/
1605EXO384rx7v0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:4](../27/ and [Exodus 27:5](../27/
1606EXO384nb1q0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1607EXO384g5rbfigs-activepassive0to be placed under the ledgeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “which they placed under the ledge” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1608EXO385kp6w0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:4](../27/
1609EXO386l2580General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:6](../27/
1610EXO386ihi90Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1611EXO387ys630General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:7-8](../27/
1612EXO387wa8g0planksa long, flat piece of wood that is thicker than a board
1613EXO388tqi90Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1614EXO388e6gd0large bronze basin with a bronze standThe stand supported the bronze basin. See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:18](../30/
1615EXO388mdx9figs-explicit0He made the basin out of mirrorsThe bronze came from the mirrors. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “The bronze for the basin came from the mirrors” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1616EXO388e1wq0mirrorsA mirror is a piece of polished metal or glass that reflects an image.
1617EXO389clk60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:9](../27/
1618EXO389j2nq0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1619EXO389i24atranslate-numbers0one hundred“100” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1620EXO389su7etranslate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1621EXO3810nz6q0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:10](../27/
1622EXO3810x9jntranslate-numbers0twenty“20” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1623EXO3811mp6n0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:11](../27/
1624EXO3811kl3htranslate-numbers0one hundred…twenty“100…20” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1625EXO3811xl4ctranslate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1626EXO3812g5iz0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:12](../27/
1627EXO3812vuw5translate-numbers0fifty…ten“50…10” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1628EXO3813iju30General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:13](../27/
1629EXO3813fw1ktranslate-numbers0fifty“50” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1630EXO3813jl57translate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1631EXO3814n1xj0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:14](../27/
1632EXO3814b85etranslate-numbers0fifteen…three“15…3” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1633EXO3815dlq70General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:15](../27/
1634EXO3816s5zffigs-activepassive0All the hangings around the courtyard were made of fine linenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Bezalel and the workers made all the hangings around the courtyard with fine linen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1635EXO3817s5g50General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:17](../27/
1636EXO3817r7g6figs-activepassive0The bases for the posts were made of bronzeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “Bezalel and the workers made the bases for the posts out of bronze” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1637EXO3817va1mfigs-activepassive0The hooks and rods for the posts were made of silver, and the covering for the tops of the posts was also made of silverThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They made the hooks, the rods for the posts, and the covering for the tops of the posts out of silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1638EXO3817i3bffigs-activepassive0All the courtyard posts were covered with silverThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They covered the courtyard posts with silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1639EXO3818hmi50General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:16](../27/
1640EXO3818h4kitranslate-numbers0twenty…five“20…5” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1641EXO3818yf6ztranslate-bdistance0cubitsA cubit is 46 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1642EXO3818trz5figs-activepassive0The curtain was made ofThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They made the curtain out of” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1643EXO3819fjw40General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:17](../27/
1644EXO3819kqf3translate-numbers0four“4” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1645EXO3819a2ixfigs-activepassive0The covering for their tops and its rods were made of silverThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They made the covering for the tops of the posts and their rods out of silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1646EXO3820ye5c0General InformationSee how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 27:19](../27/
1647EXO3820p55dfigs-activepassive0All the tent pegs for the tabernacle and courtyard were made of bronzeThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They made all of the tent pegs for the tabernacle and courtyard out of bronze” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1648EXO3821wqi50Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1649EXO3821k2exfigs-activepassive0as it was takenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “which Moses instructed the Levites to write down” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1650EXO3821ex1ttranslate-names0IthamarThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this name in [Exodus 6:23](../06/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1651EXO3822d86gtranslate-names0Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur“Bezalel” and “uri” are the name of men. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1652EXO3822i4ha0Yahweh had commanded Moses“everything that Yahweh told Moses to do”
1653EXO3823f93btranslate-names0Oholiab son of Ahisamak“Oholiab” and “Ahisamak” are names of men. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:6](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1654EXO3823wvw40an engraver, as a skillful workman, and as an embroiderer“as a skilled engraver and embroiderer”
1655EXO3824tl4kfigs-activepassive0All the gold that was used for the projectThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “All the gold that the people used for the project” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1656EXO3824y7hytranslate-numbers0twenty-nine talentsA talent is about 33 kilograms. Alternate translation: “29 talents” or “about 960 kilograms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1657EXO3824tg3ftranslate-numbers0730 shekelsA shekel is 11 grams. Alternate translation: “seven hundred and thirty shekels” or “about 8 kilograms.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1658EXO3824f6sqtranslate-bweight0measured by the standard of the sanctuary shekelThere were evidently shekels of more than one weight at the time. This specified which one was to be used. See how you translated this in [Exodus 30:13](../30/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1659EXO3825ni5btranslate-numbers0one hundred talentsA talent is about 33 kilograms. Alternate translation: “100 talents” or “about 330 kilograms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1660EXO3825gn9ftranslate-numbers01,775 shekelsA shekel is 11 grams. “one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels” or “about 20 kilograms” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1661EXO3825egg4figs-activepassive0The silver given by the communityThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “The silver which the community gave” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1662EXO3826t2gitranslate-bweight0one bekaA beka is 1/2 a shekel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1663EXO3826fyy5translate-bweight0half a shekelA shekel is 11 grams. Alternate translation: “1/2 a shekel” or “five and a half grams” or “5 1/2 grams” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1664EXO3826ll8b0This figure was reached on the basis of every person who was counted in the censusEvery man who was 20 years old or older was included in the census and was required to give half a shekel.
1665EXO3826c69ctranslate-numbers0twenty years old“20 years old” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1666EXO3827p7r5translate-bweight0One hundred talents of silver were castA talent is about 33 kilograms. Alternate translation: “The workers cast 100 talents of silver” or “The workers cast 3,300 kilograms of silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1667EXO3827n8z7translate-numbers0One hundred talents“100 talents” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1668EXO3828k2fitranslate-numbers01,775 shekels“one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1669EXO3828ii3ytranslate-bmoney0shekelsA shekel is a unit of weight equal to about 11 grams. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]])
1670EXO3828nxf5translate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1671EXO3829p3mrtranslate-numbers0seventy talents and 2,400 shekels“70 talents and two thousand four hundred shekels.” This would be about 2,300 kilograms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bweight]])
1672EXO3830zfk80General Information:Bezalels work crew continues to build the tabernacle and furniture.
1673EXO3830rck70grateThis is a frame of crossed bars for holding wood when burning. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:4](../27/
1674EXO3831bvr90tent pegsThese are sharp bronze stakes that were used to secure the corners of a tent to the ground. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:19](../27/
1675EXO39intromll60# Exodus 39 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The holy clothing<br>The special, holy clothing mentioned in previous chapters is produced in this chapter to the correct specifications. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/holy]])
1676EXO391s66r0General Information:Bezalels work crew shifts to making the priestly garments.
1677EXO391ys6l0they madeThe word “they” refers to Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other workmen.
1678EXO391h8kg0as Yahweh had commanded Moses“just as Yahweh told Moses to do”
1679EXO392b9mg0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:6](../28/
1680EXO392ain40Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1681EXO392p5xytranslate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1682EXO394c7lu0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:7](../28/
1683EXO394pq620Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1684EXO395g75w0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:8](../28/
1685EXO395wf2ifigs-activepassive0it was made of one piece with the ephod, made of fine twined linenThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “they made it as one piece with the ephod with fine twisted linen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1686EXO395cc560as Yahweh had commanded Moses“just as Yahweh told Moses to do.” See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 39:1](../39/
1687EXO396k7vw0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:9](../28/ and [Exodus 28:11](../28/
1688EXO396h1bz0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1689EXO396naa80signetThis was an engraved stone that was used to stamp a design in a wax seal. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:11](../28/
1690EXO396ajh3translate-numbers0twelve sons“12 sons” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
1691EXO397ize60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:12](../28/
1692EXO397d24m0as Yahweh had commanded Moses“just as Yahweh told Moses to do.” See how you translated this phrase in [Exodus 39:1](../39/
1693EXO398mlf60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:15](../28/
1694EXO398gj9p0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1695EXO398k7b60He made“Bezalel made” or “Bezalel and the workers made”
1696EXO399lkt10General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:16](../28/
1697EXO399f4mstranslate-bdistance0spanA span is 23 centimeters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]])
1698EXO3910xzb80General Information:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1699EXO3910m54c0They set in it“The workers set in the breastpiece”
1700EXO3910cmv1translate-unknown0ruby, a topaz, and a garnetSome languages may not have words for each of these stones. The important fact is that they were valuable and different from one another. See how you translated these in [Exodus 28:17](../28/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1701EXO3911qx96translate-unknown0an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamondSome languages may not have words for each of these stones. The important fact is that they were valuable and different from one another. See how you translated these in [Exodus 28:18](../28/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1702EXO3912kk8ttranslate-unknown0a jacinth, an agate, and an amethystSome languages may not have words for each of these stones. The important fact is that they were valuable and different from one another. See how you translated these in [Exodus 28:19](../28/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1703EXO3913l9watranslate-unknown0a beryl, an onyx, and a jasperSome languages may not have words for each of these stones. The important fact is that they were valuable and different from one another. See how you translated these in [Exodus 28:20](../28/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1704EXO3913h3bwfigs-activepassive0The stones were mounted in gold settingsThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “They mounted the stones in gold settings” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1705EXO3914z5va0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:21](../28/
1706EXO3914a9bw0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1707EXO3914yby8figs-activepassive0The stones were arrangedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “The workers arranged the stones” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1708EXO3915byz80General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:22](../28/
1709EXO3916b8m60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:23-24](../28/
1710EXO3917w2s40General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:24](../28/
1711EXO3917v4i50Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1712EXO3917lc2x0two braided chains“chains that are made of pure gold and are braided like cords.” See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:14](../28/
1713EXO3918bw760General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:25](../28/
1714EXO3919nd410General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:26](../28/
1715EXO3919del50Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1716EXO3920w8wz0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:27](../28/
1717EXO3920l1dz0finely-woven waistbandThis was a cloth belt made from narrow linen threads that someone twisted together to make a stronger thread. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:8](../28/
1718EXO3921zu910General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:28](../28/
1719EXO3921uq610Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1720EXO3921h1ybfigs-activepassive0so that it might be attachedThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “so they could attach it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1721EXO3921scn8figs-doublenegatives0the breastpiece might not become unattached from the ephodThe double negative can be translated as a positive. Alternate translation: “the breastpiece would stay attached to the ephod” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]])
1722EXO3922vdw10General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:31-32](../28/
1723EXO3922n25q0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1724EXO3922p8nvtranslate-names0BezalelThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [Exodus 31:2](../31/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1725EXO3923cyc10General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:32](../28/
1726EXO3924eak60General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:33](../28/
1727EXO3925sx9b0General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:34-35](../28/
1728EXO3925f8t30Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments as commanded in [Exodus 28:34-35](../28/
1729EXO3925x1ww0bells of pure goldThese were tiny bells.
1730EXO3926gtg50General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:34-35](../28/
1731EXO3927pz630General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:39](../28/
1732EXO3927rp6p0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments.
1733EXO3928um4e0turbanThis is a head covering worn by men made of a long strip of cloth wound around the head. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1734EXO3928jex80headbandsA headband is a narrow, decorative strip of cloth that is worn around the head above the eyes. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:40](../28/
1735EXO3928c4prfigs-explicit0undergarmentsThis is clothing worn under the outer clothes, next to the skin. See how you translated this in [Exodus 28:42](../28/ Alternate translation: “underwear” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1736EXO3929hn5g0sashThis is a long piece of cloth worn over the shoulder or around the waist. See how you translated this word in [Exodus 28:4](../28/
1737EXO3930kq330General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:36](../28/
1738EXO3930m6jj0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to make the priestly garments..
1739EXO3930d85k0holy crownThis was an engraved crown made of pure gold. See how you translated this in [Exodus 29:6](../29/
1740EXO3931fml20General Information:See how you translated many of these words in [Exodus 28:37](../28/
1741EXO3932jh640General Information:The Israelites finish making the things Yahweh commanded in [Exodus 35:4-9](../35/ and [Exodus 35:10-12](../35/
1742EXO3932z1z7figs-doublet0So the work on the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was finished. The people of Israel did everythingThe “tabernacle” and “tent of meeting” are the same thing. This can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “So the people of Israel finished all of the work on the tabernacle” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1743EXO3933y9ym0claspsThe clasps fit into the loops to hold the curtains together. See how you translated these in [Exodus 26:6](../26/
1744EXO3933b3q30basesThese are heavy objects that rest on the ground and keep the object attached to them from moving. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:31](../25/
1745EXO3934z6r60the covering of ram skins dyed red, the covering of fine leatherSee how you translated similar phrases in this in [Exodus 25:5](../25/
1746EXO3935i7d90atonement lidThis is the lid that sits on top of the ark where the atonement offering was made. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:17](../25/
1747EXO3936lvq30Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to present all that they made to Moses.
1748EXO3936knn80bread of the presenceThis bread represented the presence of God. See how you translated this in [Exodus 25:30](../25/
1749EXO3939e7550grateThis is a frame of crossed bars that held wood while burning. See how you translated this in [Exodus 27:4](../27/
1750EXO3940i8lm0Connecting Statement:Bezalels work crew continues to present all that they made to Moses.
1751EXO3940m3x90They brought“The people of Israel brought”
1752EXO3940ajt40the tabernacle, the tent of meetingThese refer to the same place.
1753EXO3942ct6k0Thus the people“And so the people”
1754EXO3943t26m0beholdThe word “behold” here draws attention to the information that follows.
1755EXO3943z79s0As Yahweh had commanded, in that way they did it“They did it in the way that Yahweh had commanded them”
1756EXO40introfa6e0# Exodus 40 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter is repetitive and should read as a series of instructions. It is repeated as well to show that Moses was obedient to every detail of Yahwehs command.<br><br>## Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>### “Yahwehs glory filled the tabernacle”<br>This phrase indicates that Yahweh began to dwell within the tabernacle, among Israel, in a special way. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/glory]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])
1757EXO402crr5translate-hebrewmonths0the first day of the first month of the new yearThe new year marks the time when God rescued his people from Egypt. This happens around the middle of March on Western calendars. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
1758EXO403iv520General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1759EXO403l7fp0place the ark of the testimony in it“place the ark of the covenant decrees in the sacred chest”
1760EXO403psu30shield the ark with the curtain“put the ark behind the curtain”
1761EXO405n4wx0General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1762EXO405a4xe0ark of the testimonyThis refers to the “sacred chest.”
1763EXO408zfl60General Information:Yahweh continues to tell Moses what the people must do.
1764EXO409ce7i0all its furnishings“all the things that are a part of it”
1765EXO4012yiq80General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1766EXO4012j7ea0You are to bringMoses will do these things himself.
1767EXO4013bs4jfigs-activepassive0that are set apart to meThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “that you have set apart to me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1768EXO4014w7yw0General Information:Yahweh continues speaking to Moses.
1769EXO4015js170throughout their peoples generations“through all the generations of their descendants.” See how you translated a similar phrase in [Exodus 12:14](../12/
1770EXO4017r6pcfigs-activepassive0So the tabernacle was set upThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “So the people set up the tabernacle” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1771EXO4017gzu5translate-hebrewmonths0the first day of the first monthThis refers to exactly one year after God rescued his people from Egypt. This happens around the middle of March on Western calendars. See how you translated this in [Exodus 40:2](../40/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
1772EXO4017wnh8translate-ordinal0in the second yearThis is the second year after Yahweh brought his people out of Egypt. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
1773EXO4018kk4nfigs-explicit0Moses set upMoses was the leader. The people helped him set up the tabernacle. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1774EXO4018c6rm0postsa strong piece of wood set upright and used as a support
1775EXO4021l31p0He broughtMoses was the leader. He had workers helping him.
1776EXO4021n8r90for it to shield“in front of”
1777EXO4024sw1wfigs-explicit0He put the lampstand into the tent of meetingMoses instructed his workers to move the lampstand. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “Moses workmen set the lampstand inside the sacred tent” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1778EXO4026i5ggfigs-explicit0in front of the curtainThis curtain separated the holy place from the very holy place. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “in front of the curtain that separated the holy place from the very holy place” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1779EXO4031bf9cfigs-explicit0washed their hands and their feet from the basinThey washed with water from the basin. This can be stated clearly in the translation. Alternate translation: “washed their hands and their feet with water from the basin” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1780EXO4033y62k0In this way“And so”
1781EXO4034ysd80Yahwehs glory filled“Yahwehs awesome presence filled”
1782EXO4036ak35figs-activepassive0was taken up from overThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “rose up from” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])
1783EXO4037s8y2figs-activepassive0that it was lifted upThis can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: “when it rose up” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]])