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全民希臘文進階句法 (IBG4ESyntax)
Intermediate Biblical Greek for Everyone — Syntax

  • Part I 希臘文基礎
    • Chapter 1: 希臘文源流 §1
      • 希臘文歷史 §1a
      • 閃語對聖經希臘文的影響 §1b
      • 耶穌也說希臘文 §1c
      • 聖經希臘文與古典希臘文之異同 §1d
      • 聖經希臘文與現代希臘文之異同 §1e
    • Chapter 2: 語言學基礎 §2
      • 語言金字塔 §2a
      • 形式與功能 §2b
      • Choice implies Meaning §2c
      • 希臘文詞類 (Parts of Speech) §2d
  • Part II 字詞與片語 (Word and Phrase)
    • 名詞類
      • Chapter 3: 名詞 (Noun) §3
        • 簡介 §3a
        • 主格 $3b
          • 主語 (Subject) §3b1
          • 述語主格 (Predicate Nominative) §3b2
        • 直接受格 $3c
        • 所有格 $3d
        • 間接受格 $3e
        • 數、性 $3f
      • 冠詞
      • 形容詞
      • 代名詞
    • 動詞類
    • 功能詞類
      • 介系詞
      • 質詞
      • 連接詞
      • 動詞:
  • Part III 子句與句子 (Clause and Sentence)
  • Part IV 段落與篇章 (Paragraph and Discourse)


格 (Cases) §100

§311 主格 (Nominative)
  • Subject
  • Predicate Nominative
  • Nominative in Simple Apposition
  • Nominative Absolute
  • Nominativus Pendens (Pendent Nominative)
  • Parenthetic Nominative
  • Nominative in Proverbial Expressions
  • Nominative for Vocative
  • Nominative of Exclamation
  • Nominative of Appellation
  • Nominative in Apposition to Oblique Cases
  • Nominative After Preposition
  • Nominative for Time
§312 呼格 (Vocative)
  • Simple Address
  • Emphatic (or Emotional) Address
  • Exclamation
  • Apposition
§313 所有格 (Genitive)
Adjectival Genitive
  • Descriptive Genitive
  • Possessive Genitive
  • Genitive of Relationship
  • Partitive Genitive ("Wholative")
  • Attributive Genitive
  • Attributed Genitive
  • Genitive of Material
  • Genitive of Content
  • Genitive in Simple Apposition
  • Genitive of Apposition (Epexegetical)
  • Genitive of Destination
  • Predicate Genitive
  • Genitive of Subordination
  • Genitive of Production/Producer
  • Genitive of Product
Ablative Genitive
  • Genitive of Separation
  • Genitive of Source (or Origin)
  • Genitive of Comparison
Verbal Genitive
  • Subjective Genitive
  • Objective Genitive
  • Plenary Genitive
Adverbial Genitive
  • Genitive of Price or Value or Quantity
  • Genitive of Time
  • Genitive of Place
  • Genitive of Means
  • Genitive of Agency
  • Genitive Absolute
  • Genitive of Reference
  • Genitive of Association
  • Genitive After Certain Verbs (as Direct Object)
  • Genitive After Certain Adjectives
  • Genitive After Certain Nouns
  • Genitive After Certain Prepositions
§314 間接受格 (Dative)
  • Dative Indirect Object
  • Dative of Interest
    • Advantage (commodi)
    • Disadvantage (incommodi)
  • Dative of Reference/Respect
  • Ethical Dative
  • Dative of Destination
  • Dative of Recipient
  • Dative of Possession
  • Dative of Thing Possessed
  • Predicate Dative
  • Dative in Simple Apposition
  • Dative of Place: see sphere
  • Dative of Sphere
  • Dative of Time
  • Dative of Rule
  • Dative of Association/Accompaniment
  • Dative of Manner
  • Dative of Means/Instrument
  • Dative of Agency
  • Dative of Measure/Degree of Difference
  • Dative of Cause
  • Cognate Dative
  • Dative of Material
  • Dative of Content
  • Dative Direct Object
  • Dative After Certain Nouns
  • Dative After Certain Adjectives
  • Dative After Certain Prepositions
§315 直接受格 (Accusative)
  • Accusative Direct Object
  • Double Accusative
  • Person-Thing
  • Object-Complement
  • Cognate Accusative
  • Predicate Accusative
  • Accusative Subject of Infinitive
  • Accusative of Retained Object
  • Pendent Accusative (Accusativum Pendens)
  • Accusative in Simple Apposition
  • Adverbial Accusative (Manner)
  • Accusative of Measure (Space, Time)
  • Accusative of Respect or (General) Reference
  • Accusative in Oaths
  • Accusative After Certain Prepositions

§200 Article

  • Regular Uses
    • As a Pronoun (4)
      • Personal Pronoun
      • Alternative Pronoun
      • Relative Pronoun
      • Possessive Pronoun
    • With Substantives (10)
      • Individualizing Article
      • Simple Idenitification
      • Anaphoric (Previous Reference)
      • Kataphoric (Following Reference)
      • Deictic ("Pointing")
      • Par Excellence
      • Monadic ("One of a Kind")
      • Well-Known ("Familiar")
      • Abstract
      • Generic (Categorical)
    • As a Substantiver of: (9)
      • Adverbs
      • Adjectives
      • Participles
      • Infinitives
      • Genitive Word or Phrase
      • Prepositional Phrase
      • Particles
      • Finite Verbs
      • Clauses, Statements, & Quotations
    • As a Function Marker (9)
      • Denote Adjectival Positions
      • With Possessive Pronouns
      • In Genitive Phrases
      • With Indeclinable Nouns
      • With Participles
      • With Demonstratives
      • With Nominative Nouns
      • To Distinguish S from PN & Object from Complement
      • With Infinitive (various functions)
  • Absence of the Article (12)
    • Indefinite (1)
    • Qualitative (1)
    • Definite (10)
      • Proper Names
      • Object of Preposition
      • With Ordinal Numbers
      • Predicate Nominative
      • Complement in Object-Complement Construction
      • Monadic Nouns
      • Abstract Nouns
      • Genitive Construction (Apollonius' Corollary)
      • With Pronominal Adjective
      • Generic Nouns
  • Special Uses/Non-Uses of the Article (2)
    • Anarthrous Pre-Verbal PNs (involving Colwell's Rule)
    • Article with Multiple Substantives Connected by καί (Sharp's Rule & related constructions)

§300 Adjectives

  • "Non-Adjectival" Uses of Adjective
    • Adverbial
    • Substantival
  • Positive, Comparative, Superlative
    • Positive
      • Normal Use
      • Positive for Comparative
      • Positive for Superlative
    • Comparative
      • Normal Use
      • Comparative for Superlative
      • Comparative for Elative
    • Superlative
      • "Normal" Use
      • Superlative for Elative
      • Superlative for Comparative
  • Relation of Adjective to Noun
    • When Article is Present
      • Attributive Positions
        • First Attributive
        • Second Attributive
        • Third Attributive
      • Predicate Positions
        • First Predicate
        • Second Predicate
    • When Article is Absent
      • Anarthrous Adjective-Noun Construction
      • Anarthrous Noun-Adjective Construction

§400 Adverbs

§500 Pronouns

  • Personal Pronouns
    • Nominative Uses
      • Emphasis: contrast, subject focus
      • Redundancy
    • Oblique Cases
      • Normal Use: Anaphoric
      • Possessive
      • Reflexive
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Regular Uses (as Demonstratives):
    • οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος, ὅδε
  • For Personal Pronouns
  • Unusual Uses
    • Pleonastic (Redundant, Resumptive)
    • Constructio ad Sensum: Gender, Number
    • Conceptual Antecedent/Postcedent
  • Relative Pronouns
    • ὅς
      • Regular Uses (as RP)
      • "Unusual" Uses
        • Natural vs. Grammatical Gender
        • Case
          • Attraction
          • Inverse Attraction
        • Antecedent Complexities
          • Omission of Antecedent
          • Adverbial/Conjunctive
    • ὅστις
      • Generic
      • Qualitative
      • Confusion with ὅς
  • Interrogative Pronouns
    • τίς / τί: identifying
    • ποῖος, πόσος: qualitative, quantative (respectively)
  • Indefinite Pronoun
    • Substantival
    • Adjectival
  • Possessive "Pronoun"
    • Possessive Adjective
    • Personal Pronoun in Genitive
  • Intensive Pronoun: αὐτός
    • Intensive Pronoun
    • As Identifying Adjective
    • As Third Person Personal Pronoun
  • Reflexive Pronoun
  • Reciprocal Pronoun

§400 動詞類

§600 Tense and Aspect

  • Present
    • Instantaneous Present
    • Progressive Present
    • Extending-From-Past Present
    • Iterative Present
    • Customary Present
    • Gnomic Present
    • Historical Present
    • Perfective Present
    • Conative Present
      • In Progress, but not Complete
      • Not Begun, but About/Desired to be Attempted
    • Futuristic Present
      • Completely Futuristic
      • Mostly Futuristic
    • Present Retained in Indirect Discourse
  • Imperfect
    • Instantaneous Imperfect
    • Progressive (Descriptive) Imperfect
    • Ingressive Imperfect
    • Iterative Imperfect
    • Customary Imperfect
    • "Pluperfective" Imperfect
    • Conative Imperfect
      • In Progress, but not Complete
      • Not Begun, but About/Desired to be Attempted
    • Imperfect Retained in Indirect Discourse
  • Aorist
    • Constative Aorist
    • Ingressive Aorist
    • Consummative Aorist
    • Gnomic Aorist
    • Epistolary Aorist
    • Proleptic Aorist
    • Immediate Past/Dramatic Aorist
  • Future
    • Predictive Future
    • Imperatival Future
    • Deliberative Future
    • Gnomic Future
    • Miscellaneous Subjunctive Equivalents
  • Perfect
    • Intensive Perfect (Resultative)
    • Extensive Perfect (Consummative)
    • Aoristic (Dramatic, Historical) Perfect
    • Perfect with Present Force
    • Gnomic Perfect
    • Proleptic Perfect
    • Perfect of Allegory
  • Pluperfect
    • Intensive Pluperfect (Resultative)
    • Extensive Pluperfect (Consummative)
    • Simple Past Pluperfect

§700 Voice

  • Active
    • Simple Active
    • Causative Active (Ergative)
    • Stative Active
    • Reflexive Active
  • Middle
    • Direct Middle
    • Redundant Middle
    • Indirect Middle
    • Causative Middle
    • Permissive Middle
    • Reciprocal Middle
    • Deponent Middle
  • Passive
    • Passive Constructions
      • With & Without Agency Expressed:
        • Ultimate Agent
        • Intermediate Agent
        • Impersonal Means
        • No Expressed Agency
      • With Accusative Object
    • Passive Uses
      • Simple Passive
      • Causative/Permissive Passive
      • Deponent Passive

§800 Moods

  • Indicative
    • Declarative Indicative
    • Interrogative Indicative
    • Conditional Indicative
    • Potential Indicative
    • Cohortative (Command,Volitive) Indicative
    • Indicative with ῾Οτι
      • Subject
        • Direct Object
        • Direct Object Proper
        • Direct Discourse
        • Indirect Discourse
      • Apposition
      • Epexegetical
      • Causal
  • Subjunctive
    • Independent Clauses
      • Hortatory Subjunctive
      • Deliberative Subjunctive
      • Emphatic Negation Subjunctive
      • Prohibitive Subjunctive
    • Dependent Clauses
      • Subjunctive in Conditional Sentences
      • Ινα + Subjunctive
        • Purpose
        • Result
        • Purpose-Result
        • Subject
        • Predicate Nominative
        • Direct Object
        • Apposition
        • Epexegetical
        • Complementary
        • Imperatival
      • Subjunctive with Verbs of Fearing
      • Subjunctive in Indirect Questions
      • Subjunctive in Indefinite Relative Clause
      • Subjunctive in Indefinite Temporal Clause
  • Optative
    • Voluntative Optative (Obtainable Wish)
    • Oblique Optative
    • Potential Optative
    • Conditional Optative
  • Imperative
    • Command
    • Prohibition
    • Request (Entreaty)
    • Permissive Imperative (Toleration)
    • Conditional Imperative
    • Potential Imperative
    • Pronouncement Imperative
    • Stereotyped Greeting

§440 Person & Number

  • Person
    • First for Third Person
    • Second for Third Person
    • First Plural Constructions
      • Editorial "We" (Epistolary Plural)
      • Inclusive "We"
      • Exclusive "We"
  • Number
    • Neuter Plural Subject, Singular Verb
    • Collective Singular Subject, Plural Verb
    • Compound Subject, Singular Verb
    • Indefinite Plural
    • Categorical Plural

§450 Infinitive

  • Adverbial Uses
    • Purpose
    • Result
    • Time
      • Antecedent
      • Contemporaneous
      • Subsequent
    • Cause
    • Means
    • Complementary (Supplementary)
  • Substantival
    • Subject
    • Direct Object
    • Indirect Discourse
    • Appositional
    • Epexegetical
  • Independent
    • Imperatival
    • Absolute

§460 Participle

  • Adjectival Participles
    • Adjectival Proper
      • Attributive
      • Predicate
    • Substantival
  • Verbal Participles
    • Dependent Verbal
      • Temporal
      • Manner
      • Means
      • Cause
      • Condition
      • Concession
      • Purpose
      • Result
      • Attendant Circumstance
      • Indirect Discourse
      • Complementary
      • Periphrastic
      • Redundant (Pleonastic)
    • Independent Verbal
      • Imperatival
      • Indicative
    • Participle Absolute
      • Nominative Absolute
      • Genitive Absolute

§500 功能詞類

§510 介系詞 (Prepositions)

  • (see main section of Syntax Summaries)

§520 連接詞 (Conjunctions

  • Logical Functions
    • Ascensive
    • Connective
    • Contrastive (Adversative)
    • Correlative
    • Disjunctive (Alternative)
    • Emphatic
    • Explanatory
    • Inferential
    • Transitional
  • Adverbial Functions
    • Causal
    • Comparative (Manner)
    • Conditional
    • Local (Sphere)
    • Purpose
    • Result
    • Temporal
  • Substantival Functions
    • Content
    • Epexegetical


§530 質詞 (Particles)

Part III — 子句與句子 (Clause and Sentence)

600 Clauses

§610 子句結構 (Clause Structure)

§620 句子類型 (Sentence Classification)

  • Clauses (in General)
    • Independent Clauses
    • Dependent Clauses
      • Substantival
      • Adjectival
      • Adverbial

§630 Conditional Sentences

  • In General
    • Cause-Effect
    • Evidence-Inference
    • Equivalence
  • In Greek
    • First Class
    • Second Class
    • Third Class
    • Fourth Class

§640 Volitional Clauses

  • Commands
    • Future Indicative
    • Aorist Imperative
      • Ingressive
        • Momentary or Single Act
        • Pure Ingressive
      • Constative
    • Present Imperative
      • Ingressive-Progressive
      • Customary
      • Iterative
  • Prohibitions
    • Future Indicative
    • Aorist Subjunctive
      • Ingressive
      • Constative
    • Present Imperative
      • Cessation of Activity in Progress
      • General Precept


  • 附錄 I希臘文學習策略與方法
    • 課程設計進路:文法導向、經文導向、任務導向
    • 學習方法:翻譯、朗讀、聆聽、手抄、解經、背誦、默想


縮寫 書目
GGBB Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
中希 華勒斯(Daniel B. Wallace)。《中級希臘文文法》。吳存仁譯。台北市中華福音神學院2011。
IGNT Porter, Stanley E. Idioms of the Greek New Testament. Second edition with corrections. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic, 1994.
慣用 斯丹利‧波特(Stanley E. Porter)。《新約希臘文的慣用語》。葉雅蓮譯。台北市中華福音神學院2013。
DEEP Köstenberger, Andreas J., Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer. Going Deeper with New Testament Greek: An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament. Nashville, TN.: B&H Academic, 2016.
IGG Mathewson, David L., and Elodie Ballantine Emig. Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016.
Funk Funk, Robert W. A Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek. 3rd ed. Polebridge Press, 2013.
Runge Runge, Steven E. Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis. Peabody, MA.: Hendrickson, 2010.
Levinsohn Levinsohn, Stephen H. Discourse Features of New Testament Greek: A Coursebook on the Information Structure of New Testament Greek. 2nd ed. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International, 2000.