diff --git a/26-EZK/16.usfm b/26-EZK/16.usfm
index 7272a7a5..d2dbb10e 100644
--- a/26-EZK/16.usfm
+++ b/26-EZK/16.usfm
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
-\v 6 But I passed by you, and I saw you writhing in your own blood; so I said to you in your blood, "Live!"
+\v 6 But I passed by you, and I saw you writhing in your own blood; so I said to you in your blood, "Live!" I said to you in your blood, "Live!"
+\f + \ft Some modern versions leave out the second occurrence of \fqa I said to you in your blood, "Live!" \fqb . \f*
 \v 7 I made you grow like a plant in a field. You multiplied and became great, and you became a jeweled ornament. Your breasts became firm and your hair grew thick, though you had been naked and bare.