Bad punctuation at MAT 9:6. Possibly due to incomplete translation? 42-MRK.usfm: stray text at line 548 Seens like stray text may be a note to translator Missing verse between: MRK 7:26 and MRK 7:28. ) Verse out of order: MRK 7:12 after MRK 7:28. >-- Major problem with duplicate verses and one missing verse (27) Missing verses between: MRK 7:13 and MRK 7:29.) Bad punctuation at MRK 11:32. Possibly due to incomplete translation? Empty verse: ACT 1:8. Text actually appears to be missing Bad punctuation at ACT 9:15. Can't identify bad punctuation Bad punctuation at ROM 10:18. Can't identify bad punctuation Bad punctuation at ROM 15:1. Possibly due to incomplete translation? No non-English book title for TIT. Missing verse between: HEB 11:18 and HEB 11:20. Text actually appears to be missing Bad punctuation at 2PE 1:15. Possibly due to incomplete translation?