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Samson 2020-09-16 13:44:46 +01:00 committed by NBTT
commit 6aeb25af9c
23 changed files with 48 additions and 2 deletions

01/title.txt Normal file
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Esin 1

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\v 13 Un kwei ne yomi nai nee kyer uyou, wa solinti ki di wo baner amo, kei fisiti a yob iyer. \v 14 Yesu wi akwei remya wo yera, yeena ba kpayilu ne igwan, a yom rem ya wo yer yen aba ne ka. \v 15 E fonak etum nebee egbo mo kei napah me sha nii dyandii, kai zou etalma nee gwan uhun.
\v 13 Un kwei ne yomi nai nee kyer uyou, wa solinti ki di wo baner amo, kei fisiti a yob iyer. \v 14 Yesu wi akwei remya wo yera, yeena ba kpayilu ne igwan, a yom rem ya wo yer yen aba ne ka. \v 15 E fonak etum nebee egbo mo kei napah me sha nii dyandii, kai zou etalma nee gwan uhun.

02/title.txt Normal file
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Esin 2

03/01.txt Normal file
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\v 1 Yah ba munane yeeri ne Yesu, neekir ebuk erem ya awo nii gwan a samam ya a hyn Ulom agwima upok zeii Ulom gbak.\v 2 Nii mak ison yii ne amin aham ya woo nii gwan ba aminaham ya wo nee tiil ba.\v 3 Nee koor, ezoba yii elerin nee a hyn llum egbak.\v 4 In a hyn llom etam, ezum ya wo a mobi eyer, zoma ta urak yeri ne yeen.

03/05.txt Normal file
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\v 5 Nee yarak ne kille rem ya ba hwayiba, ekir eyar, kil ne eriga, ison pipi, gii yak a yah erema awoo akil bei na ehela (boka).\v 6 Ne kil erema, Ulom gbak nanii ugbai ne me hynamo pam ya ba gii rosun. \v 7 Nee me nii kil kile pah ma nikye.\v 8 Nerem yii yayir ne buk erem, Isharim, gizo, yom son, fyeri ilak, ugbag ne wonee ti ba.

03/09.txt Normal file
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\v 9 Ba ka nii koudug ayah erem ba, Ne talak akilee rem zaii,\v 10 Ne sur ener eya nii son yii, nanii aminaham ya uyer azum ya naneeyo.\v 11 Azam ne nerem ba zom ya redug ba wo na rosi, ko be baya kudi ko pam ya baba kyeta uyou, ko be kyen, a hyn kyam Kristi na wo ko akye.

03/12.txt Normal file
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\v 12 Nerem Ulomgbak salinii, ne kil kill atanii ne yimir, sik son, day munak egbo ne sisi son.\v 13 Ne yiimir ne egbo ne sisi son\v 14 a

03/15.txt Normal file
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\v 15 Ne yiimir ne egbo yii, in a yak awoma ne amok ne yah, ne fisidug ya rem ullom gbag u fisiti kpukpah yeer.\v 16 Fyeri ahyn llom ne mweer ne son yeer Gagag, ne sub ikpuup, nii ihwa nu-moon ne ser dug ullom gba kinii umoon ne son iyii,\v 17 Aminaham yakanii fyeri ke na nii ne res ahyn llom,ni dimi ullom gba.

03/18.txt Normal file
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\v 18 Yar ni nabak egbo yii nebe romeyiin yeena awo nanan ne gbag gyam.\v 19 Be romis nii yimir ne yar a yiin, ba ka nani pah aminaham ya wo pah pi ba.\v 20 Kabee ne ros eniiyii ne ko sel yande a gbak gyam ayimir aminaham.\v 21 Eda'a ku tane luk a hwinenai, don keda be sisiba.

03/22.txt Normal file
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\v 22 Bena niiyii ushem ne ros egbo kyam inn ni iliak ne dug ko kye, ba rem ezo ba, ne son ahor, kirag a gbak kyam. \v 23 Aminaham ya ka nani, ne wo nii son, ba bener.\v 24 Wo yee ka wi aminaham yananii dug llom gbak ne lelei. Awo llum Kristi mmp ya nandug shem.\v 25 Aminaham ya nani hahwayii ko papi ka zou ehwak moo ma, ba folir ba.

03/title.txt Normal file
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Kolosi 3

04/01.txt Normal file
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\v 1 Nii kpong gyam nii pii be na nayii shem yii nii sail zom ya ehwayii, yee u woma nee egba nii ugwan.

04/02.txt Normal file
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\v 2 Ne sur egbo nu kusiyii gagag ne dimiyii dug ullom.\v 3 Ne kusi tii, ullom gbak ku polak uwari ne fyeri moon, kiti sag aminaham yawo uler mo erem ya mo zau erobi ma.\v 4 Ne kwisi ku sag pah bener fyeri rem ya wo nanan.

04/05.txt Normal file
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\v 5 Nani shem ni ekpuuk ne be pam ya ne kil yeri ne me tuk.\v 6 Eyeri inn ne wo fyeri hwayine maki rem yata napah bener elosi pah.

04/07.txt Normal file
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\v 7 Tikikus a ka sak nii aminaham yaa mu wo amime yeen awo ener eyer ahor zum ya nani tii shem. samir nyirr nu nani yi shem agbak kyam.\v 8 Mun sheemug ne nii kinii yee in dah ti wo yeri, ki nii sik son.\v 9 Mo shemug yeeri ne Unisimus na yimire nag, a samir ushem nyeer awo yeeri ne nii, ata sag niii aminaham ya yomi azam.

04/10.txt Normal file
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\v 10 Aristakus a samir gboyiin izah naga diminii, a Markus a hyn yaã Barnabas ezom yaã ba sag nii fyeri agbo mu iin etam ne nii niwi yuu.\v 11 Yesu ezom ya ba yii Yustus a dimini, a samir shem eyeer ra wo, Yahudawa bei na rosi ba sisimi ison.

04/12.txt Normal file
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\v 12 Abafaras zum ya wo yeri amimeg eyiin na naniyi shem llom a diminii, a kusi ullom agbo yiin kini peri egbo fyeri ullom.\v 13 Mun yimir aka nani nii shem didyag ne bee Lawodikiya aah bee Harafolis.\v 14 A Luka na kiri ehal zum ya mo yiimir ne zug aah Dimas ba diminii.

04/15.txt Normal file
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\v 15 Nii dimi bee samir shem nag, Ludikiya Nimfas nee bee na rosi mug apam yaa ba wo kyam mug.\v 16 Iin ba talis far nii ufem hom, ba fari nuka ma ugwazo bee na rosi Lawudikiya.\v 17 Nii saggu Arkibus ne mag ison mug shem hum ya bana."

04/18.txt Normal file
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Me Bulus na mun gwari dimi erem nii pok-nag, igbo izah zum yaa mu gbo mun gwisi aminahor igbo nyii.

04/title.txt Normal file
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kolosi 4

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