Wed Sep 15 2021 14:56:23 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

This commit is contained in:
Michael A. Rodriguez 2021-09-15 14:56:24 -04:00
commit 8cb69e727b
9 changed files with 46 additions and 2 deletions

08/01.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 1 Wa Puchiná wanilh wa Josué: "Ni Kamakg'katsí tapekwa; ni kataxlawaní. Katiya putum tachixkuwitat wanti katsikgoy lalaflawanakgoy. Katawaka anta Hai. Kuxti, Akit makamaxkinitan ank mi makan wa xpuxku wa Hai, ixpulataman, ixkachikin, chu xtiyat. 2 \v 2 Natlawaniya'wa Hai chu xpuxku lantla tlawaniníta wa Jericó chu xpuxku, chu lanchú natiyayatit wa xtumin chu xtakgalhinkan milakán nawan. kawilinítit akgtum xakgsiyat xchekgan kachikin".

08/03.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
3 Chinachú Josué takilh chu lilh putum xlakgchixkuwin wantí xkatsikgoy talatlawanakgoy ankgolh anta nak Hai. Chinachu Josué kalakg'saklí puxumakawmilh lakgchixkuwin, xalakgtliwakga chu lakluku, chu kamalakgachal kiltin ama catzisní. 4 Wa kalimapakgsil,kukxilhtit, namapiniyatit akgtum xakgsiyan, xchekgan amaxkachikín. Ni makgat na pininiyatit latá kachikin chinachu putum skgala natolayatit.

08/05.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 5 5 Akit chu putum lakgchixkuwin wantí kintamakgolh, nak ktalakatzuwiyaw anta kachikín. Chu akxni xla na taxtukgoyacha xpalakata na kikatalatlawakgoyan, naktzalanikgoyaw lantla titaxtulh xapulna. \v 6 6 lhkuk'ku nataxtukkgoyacha nakinkastalanikgayan chu nakalinaw makgan xlak xkachinkan. Chinachú na wankgoy: xlakan kikatzalanimakgon lantla tlawaparakgol axni amá.Chuna chú lhkuk'ku na tsalayaw. \v 7 Chuna chú wixin nataxtuyapitit niku tatzeknintit chu nakchipayatit kachikin. Wa Puchiná namakamastay kachikín nak mimakanká.

08/08.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 8 xní nak'akgchipayatit wa kachikin, nalhkuyuyatit. Paks natlawayatit uma axni nakgalhakgaxpatit xlimapaksin tu litamastanit nak xtachuwin Puchiná. Kuxilhtit, kit kalimapaksinitan. 9\v 9 Josué kamalakgachal chu xlakan ankgol niku xwi akgsiyat, chu xlakan tatsek'kgolh xlakgstipan Betel chu Hai, niku tzankgay chichiní anta Hai. Wacha Josué lhtatalh ama katsisní xlakgstipan kachikin.

08/10.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 10 10 Josué takilh lakatsisa ama kiltamakú cho xkatsiputun xpalakata xmakgtakgalhnanin pala skagala xwilakgolh, Josué chu lat kgolotsin xla Israel, chu xlakan talatlawakgolh xkachikin Hai. \v 11 11 Putum lak chixkuwin wantí xkatsikgoy xtalatlawanákgoy xtawilakgolh xla takikgolh talakatsuwikgolh nak kachikín. Xlakan talakatsuwikgolh antá kachikin chu titilagtanwikgolh xpekgextu Hai. Lanchu chú xwi kaxtum xlagstipankan xlakan chu Hai. 12 Xla tiyalh akgkitsismilh tachixkuwitat\v 12 chú kawililh nak akgsiyat xpakgan niku tsankgay chichiní xlakgstipan kachikin Betel chu Hai.

08/13.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 13 13 Kawilika putum makgtakgalhnanin xanapuxkun xpekgextu kachikin chu makapitsin makgtakgalhnanit kawilika pakgan kachikin niku tsankgay chichini. Josué titamakgaxtajli ama katsisni niku xa kapuskan. 14 \v 14 Axní wa puxku xalak Hai lu kakxli xla chu ankgolh talatlawakgoy Israel, xlakatin xakaxtum kgalhtúchoko xta Jordan xlá, ni xkatsi palá na chekatanukan xkachikin chu natalatlawakan.

08/15.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\v 15 15 Josué chu putum Israel tlawankgolh l
itaxtukgolh xtachuna pí xmakgatsakgonit xlakatinkan, xlakan chu tsalakgolh ankgolh xakaskakni tiyat.\v 16 16 Putum wanti xwilakgolh nak kachikin paks katasanika xpalakata nakstalanikgoy, Josué chu tapatgmakgatnikgolh kachikin. \v 17 17 Nitíku tachixkuuitat tamakgaxtagli nak Hai chu Betel wanti ni xakakstalanilh Israel. Akgxtamakgakgolh kachikin chu pulak'kí makgxtakgolh axni akstalakgolh Israel.

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>>>>>>> b3f47581da56b6426b0e8868c594df6bd8ee63b4

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