Mon Jul 15 2024 19:17:53 GMT+0700 (Western Indonesia Time)
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\v 1 Ngket Paulus, rasul Kristus Yesus koe ptua Allah nte nyampe janji umbang nau bolum lang Kristus Yesus,\v 2 epo Timotius, peaku yo snayang: kasih karunia, rahmat diang damai sjahtra ngket Allah Bapa ai Kristus Yesus, Tuhan taka, sama-sama diang iko.
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\v 3 Aku bsukur epo Allah, yo layanku diang pngnanam yo buen kati gawi itak kakahku. Ai aku trus knop se iko lang pninduku, molo malom.
\v 4 Ena aku knop se olu mato yo tmbalingko, aku kakan kito iko nua apa bol pngegoku.
\v 5 Koe aku knop se iman ko yo beta-beta, yo dko iman yo tla bolum lang itak ko Lois ai lang ine ko Eunike ai aku yakin bolum lou lang iko.
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\v 6 Koe ene dko aku mknop iko nte mraya karunia Allah yo keo mbo iko koe kayangku sundok pnayak ombon iko.\v 7 Koe Allah mie epo taka makse roh takut, tapi roh kuasa, kasih ai tratur.
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\v 8 Jadi nang mai bsaksi soal Tuhan taka ai nang mai koe aku, ulun yo nukum koe Io, tapi lumpat ka ssa nte Injil-Iyo ngket kuasa Allah.\v 9 Io doko yo nylamat taka ai momba taka diang bomba yo kudus, belo di koe gawi gata taka, tapi ngket ptua ai die sokoi-Iyo se,yo sundok dnie epo taka lang Kristus Yesus ono' se dnia keo\v 10 ai yo tempo ndo pinokelak diang pngulet Tukang nylamat taka Yesus Kristus, ene koe Injil sundok mtepok kuasa yo nte moit mate ai mkulet bolum yo kden.\v 11 Nte Injil endo doko aku sundok tntap nte pnyampe, nte rasul ai guru.
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\v 12 Koe ene doko tukun yo aku jadi ssa, tapi aku belo di mai; koe aku tau epo ise aku persaya ai aku persaya se Io keo kuasa ngnjaga ise yo sundok die Io epo aku ndok sampe olo Tuhan.\v 13 Knurut ndok eka ise io sundok dingo ko ngket aku nte sonto tutui batuk yo buen ai ene nlaku diang iman ai kasih lang Kristus Yesus. \v 14 Jnaga beta-beta pngkeo yo buen, yo sundok die Io epo taka, koe Roh Kudus yo sundok nongos lang taka.
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\v 15 Iko tau se eka dero yo mbo Asia idi bpeoh ngket aku; ktine low Figelus ai Hermogenes.\v 16 Tuhan moko yo mie rahmat-Iyo epo kluarga Onesiforus io sundok bjuli-juli mrongin pngnanam ku. Io belo di mai nyruku aku lang penjara.\v 17 Des mbo Roma, io bkomer meto aku sampe io ruku aku.\v 18 Moko yo Tuhan mie rahmat-Iyo epo io des olo Tuhan. Deo beta playanan yo nlaku koe io mbo Efesus, iko deo tau ene se aku.
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Pasal 1
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\v 1 Koe ene, o anakku, turon-turon ka koe kasih karunia lang Kristus Yesus. \v 2 Ise yo dingo ko ngket aku mbo onon deo saksi, tape ko epo ulun yo dapet gop pmnsara io, diang yo snaron nte nutui matuk ulun yo mak.
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\v 3 Lumpat ka ssa koe jadi tntara Kristus Yesus yo buen. \v 4 Tntara yo desung lang prang belo repot diang kompu tonga io se diang soal-soal pnymbolum io, apa diang ktine ene io sngkono epo kmndan io. \v 5 Tukang main pulun kate kuli adiah koe kuret, suma ena io blaga kati aturan-aturan mbo blaga.
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\v 6 Ulun pngumo yo beta-beta bgawi moko yo paling ono kiso kanam asil gawi io. \v 7 Tmpaning ise yo ulek ku: Tuhan anta mie iko pntau eka-eka nau lang bolum.
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\v 8 Nang kewot endo: Yesus Kristus, yo sundok nyuli ngket ekang ulun mate, yo kinomekus ngket upus Daud, ene yo kesah surahku lang Injilku.\v 9 Koe kesah surah ene doko aku ssa, aso bnolit kati ulun gawi triaw, tapi firman Allah belo dapet bolit. \v 10 Koe ene aku sabar kiso kanam ssa ene nte ulun-ulun yo pili Allah, apa dero kuli low slamat lang Kristus Yesus diang kemuliaan yo kden.
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\v 11 Beta doko pmnsara endo: Ena taka mate diang Io, taka anta bolum low diang Io; \v 12 ena taka tahan ssa, taka low anta lumpat mmrenta diang Io; ena taka nangkal Io, tangkal Io low taka; \v 13 ena taka belo stia, Io ttap stia, koe Io belo kuli nangkal kompu tonga-Iyo se.
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\v 14 Pknop ai tape kam nte oki ene nang keo liu diang beta-beta epo dero ela onon Allah, apa dero nang bako tangki kesah, koe ene belo di keo jodo, nte nampa nmbengong ulun yo nempaning yo ka ube. \v 15 Iko bkomer apa iko sengkono ela onon Allah kati ulun yo bgawi belo koyoh mai-mai, yo bol-bol nyampe nau umbang pngesah yo kono ene.
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\v 16 Tapi nidar-nidar pnyurah yo belo otang ai belo susi yo malah tau te nambah dadal ka ube. \v 17 Penyurah dero ene makin sae kati roton ktikang. Mbo ekang sama dero, ktine low Himeneus ai Filetus, \v 18 yo sundok nylemang ngket yo kono, diang nutuy matuk ulun se kbangkitan taka desung aut, ene moko tau nte ngrusak iman ulun deo.
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\v 19 Tapi tondal yo sundok payak Allah ene turon, mtrai yo : "Tuhan tau llu ise yo mpun-Io" ai tongku ulun yo ngontus karan Tuhan ene arus ngendikah gawi gata yo triau". \v 20 Lang lou yo olai belo di atok kakas ngket mas ai pirak tingen, tapi keo low yo ngket kayu ai tana ; yo ela nontus tla ene pnakai nte jodo yo nuon, yo nontus sori nte tujuan yo belo di nuon balo. \v 21 Ena ulun ene ngidar ngket gawi gata yo triau, yo ene yo nulek kati kakas lang lou yo pnakai nte jodo yo nuon, yo kinomakse diang yo mak, yo pnotoko koe ulun yo mpun lou jnodo nte gawi gata yo nuon tingen.
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\v 22 Koe ene nidar-nidar yo kati pngnanam bang burok, ale ngomer apa kate adil, setia, kasih diang damai epo eka-eka diang dero yo momba epo Tuhan diang kesong yo brse. \v 23 Nidar soal yo neto-neto, yo oal ai belo snaron. Iko tau se soal ene tau nte nampa ruok,
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\v 24 Yo karan yo hamba Tuhan ene belo kate ruok rame tapi arus nyasong diang sama ulun, yo harus tukang nte nutui matuk, ai sabar \v 25 ai diang jumot kuli nguloh ulun yo tuju nglawan, koe bahe Tuhan mie boyan nte dero apa btobat ai ngayak dero apa dero tau soal yo kono, \v 26 ai diang ktine dero kate jadi knop nua, koe kate losu ngket akal iblis yo sundok nyiret dero mbo pngkakan yo.
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Pasal 2
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\v 1 Taka arus tau se olo-olo pnyundok anta ulet bolum sulit. \v 2 Ulun-ulun nengkosang kompu tonga io se ai jadi batak pitisen. Dero tuju kesah opaw ai nondek io se, dero tuju mtenah, deri tuju nglawan ulun tuo ai belo tau trima kasih, belo nyanda agama, \v 3 belo tau baku kosang, belo ganggu bdamai, tuju mdat ulun, belo tau ngentep pngenanam, rusi, belo ganggu yo buen, \v 4 tuju kianat, mba dimikir anjang, baso ungka-ungka tau, tuju ngaya pngenanam se ngaya Allah.
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\v 5 Nte eti dero nglaku sembayang, tapi sbeta yo dero nangkal kuasa sembayang ene. Oro-oro ngket dero ene! \v 6 Koe ela ekang dero ene keo ulun io ngako sumba epo lou ulun yo mak ai moit bawe-bawe bungang yo ponu diang dosa ai atur pngenanam io se, \v 7 beta ko trus kakan nte tutui batuk, tapi belo pini tau yo kono.
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\v 8 Sama kati Yanes ai Yambres nglawan Musa, ene low dero nglawan yo kono. Akal dero rusak diang iman dero belo klian nuji. \v 9 Tapi sundok pasti dero belo anta tambah maju, sama kati naw Yanes ai Yambres, kbungang dero anta melak epo eka ulun.
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\v 10 Tapi iko sundok lumpat tutui batuk ku, nau pnyembolumku, pendirianku, imanku, ksabarku, kosangku diang pnyelentuoku. \v 11 Iko sundok lumpat kono knurow knasa ai sesa kati yo kono aku mbo Antiokia ai ela Ikonium ai diang ela Listra. Eka kurow ksa yo kono aku ai Tuhan sundok ngllpos aku ngket nne.\v 12 Memang tongku ulun io kakan bolum sembayang lang Kristus Yesus anta kono kurow ksa, \v 13 tapi ulun gramas ai tukang ngakal anta tambah dat, dero memeketang ai kono pinotang.
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\v 14 Tapi koe ka iko ttap sgop epo yo kono yo sundok trima ko yo iko sundok persaya, diang knop se ulun io sundok nutui matuk epo iko. \v 15 Arus knop low se ngket pea iko sundok tau se Kitab Suci yo kuli mie kpintar epo iko ai ngayak iko epo slamat koe iman epo Kristus Yesus.
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\v 16 Eka tulisan iyo die Allah beta-beta keo jodo nte nutui matuk, nte memekelak io salah, nte
nengkuen sipat ai nutui matuk ulun lang yo kono. \v 17 Diang ktine tongku ulun mpun Allah nlengkap nte tongku gawi gata buen.
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Pasal 3
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\c 4 \v 1 Mbo onon Allah ai Kristus Yesus io anta njidang ulun io aso bolum ai io ulun sundok mate, aku keo psan diang beta-beta epo iko ente pngulet-Iyo ai nte Kerajaan-Iyo: \v 2 knesah Firman ene, siap des buen ketine lou des yo belo buen, pinokelak yo sala ene tnegur ai masehat diang kesong sabar ai sesui diang tnutui bnatuk nulek binonuen.
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\v 3 koe ene anta keo des io, ulun belo kuli oli nrima tutui batuk yo buen, tapi dero anta ngumpul guru-guru yo sngkono kati pngkakan dero ente nengkuen lang tlio dero. \v 4 dero ene neng kuleng tlingo dero ngket yo kono,ai nempaning ente spuri. \v 5 tapi ati-ati lang eka-eka soal , sabar diang bnasa, nlaku gawi gata nyampe Injil ai snudok tugas playanan ko!
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\v 6 Nau umbang ku, dayaku sundok tnudak nte persembahan ai pngenate ku sundok dempe . \v 7 Aku yundok btanding yo buen, aku sundok sampe tompak gari ai aku sundok ngnjaga Iman. \v 8 tempo ndo sundok sinodia nte oki mahkota yo beta anta dnie epo aku koe Tuhan, akim yo adel, des olo-Iyo; tapi belo di pulun epo aku, tapi lou epo eka-eka ulun yo ngno pengulet-Iyo.
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\v 9 Bkomer apa resi-resi ulet epo aku, \v 10 koe Demas sundok gawal se dnia endo ai ngndikah aku. yo sundok malan epo Tesalonika. Kreskes sundok malan epo Galatia ai Titus epo Dalmatia.
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\v 11 Pulun Lukas yo nongos diang aku.Nalek Markus ai noit io epo dido,koe pelayanan iyo penting nte oki. \v 12 Tikhikus sundok kirim ku epo Efesus. \v 13 Ena iko epo ndo noit lou jubah yo tnape koe ku mbo Troas ela blai Karpus ai lou kitab-kitabku,yo paling penting buyang upak ene.
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\v 14 Aleksander,tukang tembaga ene,sundok deo nampa gawi gata triau epo aku.Tuhan anta ngembales kati gawi gata iyo. \v 15 Apa iko lou jaga-jaga epo io,koe io beta-beta nglawan tutui batuk taka. \v 16 Des jman aku nuing mbo pngadilan tla ndok belo erai yo ngengket aku,eka dero ngendikah aku-apa soal ene nang tnanggung epo dero-,
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\v 17 tapi Tuhan sundok diang aku ai memeturon aku,apa diang tete aku Injil snampe diang beta-beta yo ai eka ulan makse Yahudi ngeringo yo.Diang ktine aku lopos ngket bowa timang. \v 18 Ai Tuhan pasti nglopos aku ngket tongku gawi yo dat.Io pasti nylamat aku, koe ene aku sumba epo lang Kerajaan-Iyo mbo sorga.Nte-Iyo doko kemuliaan yo kden!Amin
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\v 19 Salam epo Priska ai Akwila ai epo keluarga Onesiforus. \v 20 Erastus nongos ela Korintus ai Trofimus dikah ke ulak kroton mbo Miletus. \v 21 Bkomer epo ndo onon musim roni.Salam ngket Ebulus ai Pudes ai Linus ai Klaudia diang ngket eka erai buntung. \v 22 Tuhan sama-sama diang roh ko. Kasih karunia-Iyo sama-sama diang iko.
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Pasal 4
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"harun alrasyid",
"vence m pisok",
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Reference in New Issue