Deleted old foul versions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
# Routine to take missing.log entries and link to UGNT and ULB.KJV.Strongs
use 5.12.0;
use File::Slurp;
$| = "\n";
use utf8;
#use open IN => ":utf8", OUT => ":utf8";
use open IO => ":utf8";
use File::Find ;
use Cwd ;
my ($pwd, $d, $textEditor, $repoPath, $browser) = (cwd(), "\\");
if ($^O eq "darwin" || $^O eq "linux") {$d = "/"}
my ($udf) = "";
if ($^O eq "linux") {$udf = "User_defaults.linux.txt"}
elsif ($^O eq "darwin") {$udf = "User_defaults.mac.txt"}
open (my $defaults, "<:utf8", "User${d}$udf") or die "User${d}$udf:\n$!";
my ($outputFiles, $topDir, $txtFile, $dataFile, $displayFile, $filePattern) = (
my ($missingLine, $bk, $ch, $vs, $ref, $url, $strong, $word, $flag, $putative, $tNid, $abbr, $doFlag, $usfmFile, $lbsBk);
my @tWfiles;
find( sub { push @tWfiles, $File::Find::name if ( m/^(.*)$filePattern$/ ) }, $topDir) ;
open LOG, ">:utf8", "Logs${d}mine.log.log" or die;
open OUT, ">:utf8", "$displayFile" or die;
say OUT "<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=\"UTF-8\"/>
say OUT "
close OUT;
close LOG;
print "\n\tDone.\n\n";
sub GetUserDefaults {
open (my $defaults, "<:utf8", "User${d}$udf") or die "User${d}$udf:\n$!";
while (my $thisLine = <$defaults>) {
chomp $thisLine;
if ($thisLine =~ /^Text editor: (.*)$/) {
$textEditor = $1;
} elsif ($thisLine =~ /^Repository directory: (.*)$/) {
$repoPath = $1
} elsif ($thisLine =~ /^HTML browser: (.*)$/) {
$browser = $1;
say LOG "\$textEditor: $textEditor, \$repoPath: $repoPath";
die "No text editor found" if $textEditor eq "";
die "No path to repo found" if $repoPath eq "";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {$textEditor = "open -a $textEditor"; $browser = "open -a $browser"}
close $defaults;
sub ParseLine {
say "\n\n\033[0;1;31mEnter line from Entries_not_handled.txt:\033[m\n";
$missingLine = <STDIN>; # I moved chomp to a new line to make it more readable
chomp $missingLine; # Get rid of newline character at the end
exit 0 if ($missingLine eq ""); # If empty string, exit.
#$missingLine = "Mark 11:6 kt/command";
if ($missingLine =~ /^(([^:]*) (\d+):(\d+))\t([^\/]*\/([^\t]*))/) {
($ref, $bk, $ch, $vs, $url, $putative) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
$outputFiles .= "${url}.md ";
say LOG "\$bk: $bk";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$dataFile") or die "$dataFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^(# )?([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/) {
my ($fullBk, $numBk, $abr) = ($2, $3, $4);
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$numBk: $numBk, \$abr: $abr, \$bk: |$bk|";
if ($fullBk eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$bk: |$bk|";
$lbsBk = $abr;
if ($numBk =~ /(\d\d)-(...)/) {
$abbr = lc $2;
say LOG "\$abbr: $abbr";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/ "logos4:TextComparison;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs;res=esv,niv2011,niv,nasb95,nrsv,gs-netbible,nlt,leb,kjv1900"`}
my $mxl;
if ($bk eq "Psalms?") {$mxl = 3}
else {$mxl = 2}
while (length $ch < $mxl) {$ch =~ s/^/0/}
while (length $vs < $mxl) {$vs =~ s/^/0/}
$usfmFile = "$repoPath${d}UGNT${d}${numBk}.usfm";
say LOG "\$abbr${d}\$ch${d}\$vs: $abbr${d}$ch${d}$vs";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `$textEditor $repoPath${d}en_tn${d}$abbr${d}$ch${d}$`}
close $file;
} else {
die "\n\tInput unreadable.\n"
say LOG "Looking for $putative in $usfmFile";
say LOG "\$missingLine: $missingLine, \$ref: $ref, \$bk: $bk, \$ch: $ch, \$vs: $vs, \$url: $url\n\n";
sub FindURL {
my ($thisChap, $thisVers);
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$usfmFile") or die "$usfmFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /\\mt (.*)$/) {
my $thisBook = $1;
if ($thisBook eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$thisBook: $thisBook\t\$bk: $bk";
$doFlag = 1;
} else {
say LOG "\nThe wrong book is being searched.\n"
} elsif ($doFlag && $line =~ /^\\c (\d+)$/) {
$thisChap = $1
} elsif ($doFlag && $line =~ /^\\v (\d+)$/) {
$thisVers = $1
} elsif ($doFlag && $thisChap == $ch && $thisVers == $vs) {
say LOG "\$thisChap:\$thisVers: $thisChap:$thisVers \$line: $line";
if ($line =~ /strong="([GH]....)(.).*$url/) {
say OUT "<p>$line</p>";
$strong = $1;
my $test = $2;
if ($test ne "0") {die "\n\t\tStrong's number won't work.\n\n"}
unless ($strong =~ /^.+$/) {die "\nThe Strong's number <$strong> is not found.\n"}
while ($strong =~ s/([GH])0/$1/) {}
if ($strong =~ /^.+$/) {
say OUT "<p><span style=\"color:red\">$strong</span></p>\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /\\k-s[^\n]*$url/) {
say OUT "<p><span style=\"color:red\">$url</span> is part of a phrase</p>\n";
$flag = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\\mt (.*)$/) {
$doFlag = 0
close $file;
sub FindVerse {
my $fileText = read_file("$txtFile", binmode => 'utf8');
say LOG "FindVerse |$strong|.";
if ($flag && $fileText =~ /$ref\t[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n/) {
say LOG "$ref\n$&";
say $&;
exit 0;
} else {
if ($fileText =~ /$ref([^\n]*\n )([^\n]*<)$strong(.?>[^\n]*)/) {
my ($fore, $precon, $aft) = ($1, $2, $3);
say LOG "\$ref: $ref\n\$fore: $fore\n\$precon:\n$precon\n\$aft: $aft";
my $preprecon;
if ($precon =~ /^(.*([,>\w\'\"\- —;] |['";\.\?\!]))([\w\-]+) (<[^<>]*> )?<$/) {
($preprecon, $word) = ($1, $3);
say LOG "\$&: $&\n\$preprecon: $preprecon\n\$word: $word";
$preprecon =~ s/</</g;
$preprecon =~ s/>/>/g;
$aft =~ s/</</g;
$aft =~ s/>/>/g;
say OUT "<p>$ref$fore</p>\n<p>$preprecon<span style=\"color:red\">$word</span> <<span style=\"color:red\">$strong</span>$aft</p>\n";
else {
say OUT "<p>The Strong's code <<<span style=\"color:red\">$strong</span>>> is not found in $ref.</p>";
say OUT "<p>${ref}\\t[^\\n]*\\n[^\\n]*</p>";
#system ("bbfind -g \"${ref}\\t[^\\n]*\\n[^\\n]*\" 'data${d}ULB_NASB_Strongs.txt'") or die "$!";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;")}
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\$\" {} \\;");
return $word;
sub ChecktWPages{
say LOG "<<$word>>";
die "\n\$word is empty.\n" if $word eq "";
my $topDir = "$repoPath${d}en_tw${d}bible";
foreach my $file ( @tWfiles ) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
# While finds entries and Strong's numbers
while ($fileText =~ /($strong)[^\d]|^(# [^\n]*\b$word\b)/g) {
#system `clear`;
my $abb = $file;
$abb =~ s/.md$//;
say OUT "<p>$abb</p>\n";
$outputFiles .= "$file "
sub Finish {
say "\nLooking for $strong.";
# find $topDir -name "*.md" -exec grep -H '($strong[^\d]|$strong$)' {} +
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;");
foreach my $file ( @tWfiles ) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
# While finds entries and Strong's numbers
if ($fileText =~ /([^\n]*)($strong)([^\n]*)/g) {
my ($pre, $found, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $abb = $file;
$abb =~ s/.md$//;
say OUT "<p>$abb: $pre<span style=\"color:red\">$found</span>$post</p>\n";
$outputFiles .= "$file "
say "\nLooking for $putative.";
foreach my $file ( @tWfiles ) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
# While finds entries and Strong's numbers
if ($fileText =~ /#{1,1} ([^\n]*)(\b$putative\b)([^\n]*)/g) {
my ($pre, $found, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $abb = $file;
$abb =~ s/.md$//;
say OUT "<p>$abb: $pre<span style=\"color:red\">$found</span>$post</p>\n";
$outputFiles .= "$file "
say "\nLooking for $word.";
foreach my $file ( @tWfiles ) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
# While finds entries and Strong's numbers
if ($fileText =~ /#{1,1} ([^\n]*)(\b$word\b)([^\n]*)/g) {
my ($pre, $found, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $abb = $file;
$abb =~ s/.md$//;
say OUT "<p>$abb: $pre<span style=\"color:red\">$found</span>$post</p>\n";
$outputFiles .= "$file "
say "Opening .md files.";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `$browser$strong`}
say "\$browser: $browser, \$displayFile: $displayFile, \$textEditor: $textEditor \$outputFiles: $outputFiles";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `$browser $displayFile`}
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `$textEditor $outputFiles`}
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
# Routine to take missing.log entries and link to UGNT and ULB.KJV.Strongs
use 5.12.0;
use File::Slurp;
$| = "\n";
use utf8;
#use open IN => ":utf8", OUT => ":utf8";
use open IO => ":utf8";
use File::Find ;
use Cwd ;
my ($pwd, $^O, $d, $textEditor, $repoPath) = (cwd(), $^O, "\\");
if ($^O eq "darwin" || $^O eq "linux") {$d = "/"}
open OUT, ">:utf8", "Temp${d}mine_results.html" or die;
#binmode(STDOUT, "encoding(UTF-8)");
my ($outputFiles, $topDir, $usfmFile, $txtFile, $lbsBk, $dataFile, $doFlag) = (
my ($missingLine, $bk, $ch, $vs, $ref, $url, $strong, $word, $flag, $putative, $tNid, $abbr);
open LOG, ">:utf8", "Logs${d}mine.log.log" or die;
#open OUT, ">:utf8", $outputFile or die;
#close OUT;
close LOG;
print "\n\tDone.\n\n";
sub GetUserDefaults {
open (my $defaults, "<:utf8", "data${d}UserDefaults") or die "data${d}UserDefaults:\n$!";
while (my $thisLine = <$defaults>) {
chomp $thisLine;
if ($thisLine =~ /^Text editor: (.*)$/) {
$textEditor = $1;
} elsif ($thisLine =~ /^Repository directory: (.*)$/) {
$repoPath = $1
say LOG "\$textEditor: $textEditor, \$repoPath: $repoPath";
die "No text editor found" if $textEditor eq "";
die "No path to repo found" if $repoPath eq "";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {$textEditor = "open -a $textEditor"}
close $defaults;
sub ParseLine {
say OUT "\n\n\033[0;1;31mEnter line from missing.log:\033[m\n";
$missingLine = <STDIN>; # I moved chomp to a new line to make it more readable
chomp $missingLine; # Get rid of newline character at the end
exit 0 if ($missingLine eq ""); # If empty string, exit.
#$missingLine = "Mark 11:6 kt/command";
if ($missingLine =~ /^(([^:]*) (\d+):(\d+))\t([^\/]*\/([^\t]*))/) {
($ref, $bk, $ch, $vs, $url, $putative) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
$outputFiles .= "${url}.md ";
say LOG "\$bk: $bk";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$dataFile") or die "$dataFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^(# )?([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/) {
my ($fullBk, $numBk, $abr) = ($2, $3, $4);
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$numBk: $numBk, \$abr: $abr, \$bk: |$bk|";
if ($fullBk eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$bk: |$bk|";
$lbsBk = $abr;
if ($numBk =~ /(\d\d)-(...)/) {
$abbr = lc $2;
say LOG "\$abbr: $abbr";
my $mxl;
if ($bk eq "Psalms?") {$mxl = 3}
else {$mxl = 2}
while (length $ch < $mxl) {$ch =~ s/^/0/}
while (length $vs < $mxl) {$vs =~ s/^/0/}
$usfmFile = "$repoPath${d}UGNT${d}${numBk}.usfm";
say LOG "\$abbr${d}\$ch${d}\$vs: $abbr${d}$ch${d}$vs";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `$textEditor $repoPath${d}en_tn${d}$abbr${d}$ch${d}$`}
close $file;
} else {
die "\n\tInput unreadable.\n"
say LOG "Looking for $putative in $usfmFile";
say LOG "\$missingLine: $missingLine, \$ref: $ref, \$bk: $bk, \$ch: $ch, \$vs: $vs, \$url: $url\n\n";
#system `open -a /Applications/ "logosres:esv;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs"`;
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/ "logos4:TextComparison;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs;res=esv,niv2011,niv,nasb95,nrsv,gs-netbible,nlt,leb,kjv1900"}
sub FindURL {
my ($thisChap, $thisVers);
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$usfmFile") or die "$usfmFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /\\mt (.*)$/) {
my $thisBook = $1;
if ($thisBook eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$thisBook: $thisBook\t\$bk: $bk";
$doFlag = 1;
} else {
say LOG "\nThe wrong book is being searched.\n"
} elsif ($doFlag && $line =~ /^\\c (\d+)$/) {
$thisChap = $1
} elsif ($doFlag && $line =~ /^\\v (\d+)$/) {
$thisVers = $1
} elsif ($doFlag && $thisChap == $ch && $thisVers == $vs) {
say LOG "$thisChap:$thisVers $line";
if ($line =~ /strong="([GH]....)(.).*$url/) {
say OUT "\n\$line:\n$line\n";
$strong = $1;
my $test = $2;
if ($test ne "0") {die "\n\t\tStrong's number won't work.\n\n"}
unless ($strong =~ /^.+$/) {die "\nThe Strong's number <$strong> is not found.\n"}
while ($strong =~ s/([GH])0/$1/) {}
if ($strong =~ /^.+$/) {
say OUT "\033[0;1;31m$strong\033[m\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /\\k-s[^\n]*$url/) {
say OUT "\n\t$url is part of a phrase\n";
$flag = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\\mt (.*)$/) {
$doFlag = 0
close $file;
sub FindVerse {
my $fileText = read_file("$txtFile", binmode => 'utf8');
say LOG "FindVerse |$strong|.";
if ($flag && $fileText =~ /$ref\t[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n/) {
say LOG "$ref\n$&";
say $&;
exit 0;
} else {
if ($fileText =~ /$ref([^\n]*\n )([^\n]*<)$strong(.?>[^\n]*)/) {
my ($fore, $precon, $aft) = ($1, $2, $3);
say LOG "\$ref: $ref\n\$fore: $fore\n\$precon:\n$precon\n\$aft: $aft";
my $preprecon;
if ($precon =~ /^(.*([,>\w\'\"\- —;] |['";\.\?\!]))([\w\-]+) (<[^<>]*> )?<$/) {
($preprecon, $word) = ($1, $3);
say LOG "\$&: $&\n\$preprecon: $preprecon\n\$word: $word";
say "$ref$fore$preprecon\033[0;0;32m$word\033[m <\033[0;1;31m$strong\033[m$aft\n";
else {
say "\n\nThe Strong's code <<$strong>> is not found in $ref.\n\n";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("bbfind -g \"${ref}\\t[^\\n]*\\n[^\\n]*\" 'data${d}ULB.NASB.Strongs.txt'") or die "$!"}
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;")}
return $word;
sub ChecktWPages{
say LOG "<<$word>>";
die "\n\$word is empty.\n" if $word eq "";
my $topDir = "$repoPath${d}en_tw${d}bible";
my @filesToRun = ();
my $filePattern = '*.md' ;
find( sub { push @filesToRun, $File::Find::name if ( m/^(.*)$filePattern$/ ) }, $topDir) ;
foreach my $file ( @filesToRun ) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
# While finds entries and Strong's numbers
while ($fileText =~ /($strong)[^\d]|^(# [^\n]*\b$word\b)/g) {
#system `clear`;
my $abb = $file;
$abb =~ s/.md$//;
say "\033[0;1;31m$abb\033[m";
$outputFiles .= "$file "
sub Finish {
say "\nLooking for $strong.";
# find $topDir -name "*.md" -exec grep -H '($strong[^\d]|$strong$)' {} +
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;")}
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\$\" {} \\;")}
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"\($strong\[, \\n\\r\]\|$strong\$\)\" {} \\;");
say "\nLooking for $putative.";
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -Hi --color \"^# $putative\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;");
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -Hi --color \"^# .*\[^A-Za-z\]$putative\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;");
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec egrep -Hi --color \"^# (.*\[^A-Za-z\])?$putative\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;")}
say "\nLooking for $word.";
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -Hi --color \"^#$word\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;");
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -Hi --color \"^# .*\[^A-Za-z\]$word\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;");
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec egrep -Hi --color \"^# (.*\[^A-Za-z\])?$word\[^A-Za-z\]\" {} \\;")};
say "Opening .md files.";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/$strong`}
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/ $outputFiles`}
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
# Routine to take missing.log entries and link to UGNT and ULB.KJV.Strongs
use 5.12.0;
use File::Slurp;
$| = "\n";
use utf8;
#use open IN => ":utf8", OUT => ":utf8";
use open IO => ":utf8";
use File::Find ;
use Cwd ;
binmode(STDOUT, "encoding(UTF-8)");
my ($outputFiles, $topDir, $xmlFile, $txtFile, $lbsBk, $dataFile, $xmlDir, $doFlag) = (
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/ULB.NASB.Strongs.txt",
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/",
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/OSHB"
my ($missingLine, $bk, $ch, $vs, $ref, $sn, $strong, $word, $flag, $tNid, $abbr, $xfAbr);
my (%bkAbr, %bkFull, %wa);
open LOG, ">:utf8", "/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/out/mine.log.log" or die;
#open OUT, ">:utf8", $outputFile or die;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/) {
$bkAbr{$1} = $2;
$bkFull{$2} = $1;
$wa{$1} = $3;
#close OUT;
close LOG;
print "\n\tDone.\n\n";
sub ParseLine {
say "\n\n\033[0;1;31mEnter line from missing.log:\033[m\n";
$missingLine = <STDIN>; # I moved chomp to a new line to make it more readable
chomp $missingLine; # Get rid of newline character at the end
exit 0 if ($missingLine eq ""); # If empty string, exit.
#$missingLine = "Mark 11:6 kt/command";
if ($missingLine =~ /^(([^:]*) (\d+):(\d+))\t(\d+)/) {
($ref, $bk, $ch, $vs, $sn, $xfAbr) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $bkAbr{$1});
say LOG "\$bk: $bk";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$dataFile") or die "$dataFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^(# )?([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/) {
my ($fullBk, $numBk, $abr) = ($2, $3, $4);
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$numBk: $numBk, \$abr: $abr, \$bk: |$bk|";
if ($fullBk eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$bk: |$bk|";
$lbsBk = $abr;
$abbr = lc $numBk;
say LOG "\$abbr: $abbr";
my $mxl;
if ($bk eq "Psalms?") {$mxl = 3}
else {$mxl = 2}
while (length $ch < $mxl) {$ch =~ s/^/0/}
while (length $vs < $mxl) {$vs =~ s/^/0/}
$xmlFile = "/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/OSHB/${numBk}.xml";
say LOG "\$abbr/\$ch/\$vs: $abbr/$ch/$vs";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/ /Users/Henry/Documents/git.Door43/en_tn/$wa{$fullBk}/$ch/$`}
close $file;
} else {
die "\n\tInput unreadable.\n"
#say LOG "Looking for $sn in $xmlFile";
#say "Looking to open \$lbsBk\${ch}.\$vs: $lbsBk${ch}.$vs";
# say LOG "\$missingLine: $missingLine, \$ref: $ref, \$bk: $bk, \$ch: $ch, \$vs: $vs, \$url: $url\n\n";
#system `open -a /Applications/ "logosres:esv;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs"`;
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system `open -a /Applications/ "logos4:TextComparison;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs;res=esv,niv2011,niv,nasb95,nrsv,gs-netbible,nlt,leb,kjv1900"`}
sub FindVerse {
my $fileText = read_file("$txtFile", binmode => 'utf8');
say LOG "FindVerse |$strong|.";
if ($flag && $fileText =~ /$ref\t[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n/) {
say LOG "$ref\n$&";
say $&;
exit 0;
} else {
if ($fileText =~ /$ref([^\n]*\n )([^\n]*<)$strong(.?>[^\n]*)/) {
my ($fore, $precon, $aft) = ($1, $2, $3);
say LOG "\$ref: $ref\n\$fore: $fore\n\$precon:\n$precon\n\$aft: $aft";
my $preprecon;
if ($precon =~ /^(.*([,>\w\'\"\- —;] |['";\.\?\!]))([\w\-]+) (<[^<>]*> )?<$/) {
($preprecon, $word) = ($1, $3);
say LOG "\$&: $&\n\$preprecon: $preprecon\n\$word: $word";
say "$ref$fore$preprecon\033[0;0;32m$word\033[m <\033[0;1;31m$strong\033[m$aft\n";
else {
say "\n\nThe Strong's code <<$strong>> is not found in $ref.\n\n";
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("bbfind -g \"${ref}\\t[^\\n]*\\n[^\\n]*\" '/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/ULB.NASB.Strongs.txt'") or die "$!"}
system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;");
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\$\" {} \\;");
return $word;
1 Chronicles 1Chr 1ch
1 Kings 1Kgs 1ki
1 Samuel 1Sam 1sa
2 Chronicles 2Chr 2ch
2 Kings 2Kgs 2ki
2 Samuel 2Sam 2sa
Amos Amos amo
Daniel Dan dan
Deuteronomy Deut deu
Ecclesiastes Eccl ecc
Esther Esth est
Exodus Exod exo
Ezekiel Ezek ezk
Ezra Ezra ezr
Genesis Gen gen
Habakkuk Hab hab
Haggai Hag hag
Hosea Hos hos
Isaiah Isa isa
Jeremiah Jer jer
Job Job job
Joel Joel jol
Jonah Jonah jon
Joshua Josh jos
Judges Judg jdg
Lamentations Lam lam
Leviticus Lev lev
Malachi Mal mal
Micah Mic mic
Nahum Nah nam
Nehemiah Neh neh
Numbers Num num
Obadiah Obad oba
Proverbs Prov pro
Psalms Ps psa
Ruth Ruth rut
Song of Songs Song sng
Zechariah Zech zec
Zephaniah Zeph zep
@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
# Produces list of tWs for each verse by linking OSHB to ULB through tWs.
# Taken from, with changes needed because that used USFM
# and this uses XML
# The output from this script is useful for the interleaved PDFs used in MAST.
# This version uses an exception file to handle places where the OSHB points to
# a tW page different from that on which the ULB term appears.
# Make sure the correct input file is $ULBfile. Run script.
# Output is in $output file.
# Check the $missing
# file for needed corrections, probably lines needing to be added to the
# $exceptions file.
use 5.12.0;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Find ;
use Cwd ;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use utf8;
#use open IN => ":utf8", OUT => ":utf8";
use open IO => ":utf8";
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
my ($pwd, $d) = ($Bin, "/");
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
$d = "\\";
$pwd =~ s/\//\\/g;
my ($udf) = "";
if ($^O eq "linux") {$udf = "User_defaults.linux.txt"}
elsif ($^O eq "darwin") {$udf = "User_defaults.mac.txt"}
open (my $defaults, "<:utf8", "$pwd${d}User${d}$udf") or die "$pwd${d}User${d}$udf:\n$!";
my ($cv, $ULBfile, $exceptions, $missing, $log, $output, $workFile, $verseMap) =
my ($OSHBfile, $topTwDir, $textEditor, $repoPath, $topSourceLangDir);
my (%entries, %text, %ref, %order, %pages, %listOfPages, %sourcePage, %checkPages, %foundPages, %substitutedPages,
%specifiedText, %realPage, %checkPage, %workEntries, %vsn, %StrongNum, %fullText, %ulbOrder, %bkAbr, %bkFull, %relevantSNs,
%SNsInCV, %entriesThisSN, %entriesThisPage, %pagesThisSN, %pageThisEntry, %adjust, %newRef);
my $book;
my (@OSHBfileList);
# ==============================
open LOG, ">:utf8", "$log" or die "\$log: $log: $!";
open OUT, ">:utf8", $output or die "$!";
open MISSING, ">$missing" or die "$!";
while (<DATA>) {
if (/([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/) {
$bkAbr{$2} = $1;
$bkFull{$1} = $2;
close MISSING;
close OUT;
close LOG;
if ($^O eq "darwin") {system ("$textEditor $missing")}
print "\n\tDone.\n\n";
# ==============================
sub GetUserDefaults {
open (my $defaults, "<:utf8", "User${d}$udf") or die "User${d}$udf:\n$!";
while (my $thisLine = <$defaults>) {
chomp $thisLine;
if ($thisLine =~ /^Text editor: (.*)$/) {
$textEditor = $1;
if ($^O eq "darwin") {
$textEditor = "open -a $textEditor"
} elsif ($thisLine =~ /^Repository directory: (.*)$/) {
$repoPath = $1;
#say $repoPath; die;
say LOG "\$textEditor: $textEditor\n\$repoPath: $repoPath";
die "No text editor found" if $textEditor eq "";
die "No path to repo found" if $repoPath eq "";
($topTwDir, $topSourceLangDir) = ("$repoPath${d}en_tw${d}bible", "$repoPath${d}OSHB");
close $defaults;
sub GetULBBooksToProcess {
say LOG "GetULBBooksToProcess";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$workFile") or die "$workFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
say LOG $line;
if ($line =~ /^[^#][^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t([^\t]*)\t[^\t]*$/) {
$OSHBfile = "$topSourceLangDir${d}$1.xml";
push @OSHBfileList, $OSHBfile;
close $file;
say LOG "\@OSHBfileList: @OSHBfileList"
sub CheckForRemaps {
say "Checking for remaps in $repoPath${d}$verseMap";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$repoPath${d}$verseMap") or die "$repoPath${d}$verseMap:\n$!";
while (my $thisLine = <$file>) {
chomp $thisLine;
#say LOG $thisLine;
if ($thisLine =~ /<verse wlc="([^\.]*)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" kjv="([^\.]*)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" type="full"\/>/) {
#say LOG "*\t$thisLine";
my ($oldB, $oldC, $oldV, $newB, $newC, $newV) =($bkFull{$1}, $2, $3, $bkFull{$4}, $5, $6);
my $oldie = "$oldB $oldC:$oldV";
$newRef{$oldie} = "$newB $newC:$newV";
say LOG "**\t" . "\$newRef{$oldie}: " . $newRef{"$oldB $oldC:$oldV"}
close $file;
sub ReadExceptions {
say "Reading exceptions";
say LOG "ReadExceptions from \$exceptions: $exceptions";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$exceptions") or die "$exceptions:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^([^#\n][^\t\n]*)\t([^\t\n]*\t[^\t\n]*)$/) {
my ($rf, $oldNew) = ($1, $2);
say LOG "\$line: $line, \$rf: $rf, \$oldNew: $oldNew";
($adjust{$rf}) .= "$oldNew, ";
$specifiedText{$rf} = 1;
close $file;
sub PairtWEntriesTotWPageAndUniqSNs {
say "Pairing tW entries with tW pages and unique Strong's numbers";
my (@filesToRun, @relevantSNs) = ();
my $filePattern = '*.md' ;
find (sub {push @filesToRun, $File::Find::name if (m/^(.*)$filePattern$/)}, $topTwDir) ;
@filesToRun = sort @filesToRun;
say LOG "\@filesToRun: @filesToRun";
foreach my $file (@filesToRun) {
$file =~ s/\//\\/g unless $^O eq "linux" || $^O eq "darwin";
my ($thisList, $shortFile) = ("", $file);
#say "|$shortFile|\t|$topTwDir|";
$shortFile =~ s/^\Q$topTwDir${d}\E//;
$shortFile =~ s/\.md$//;
$shortFile =~ s/\Q$d\E/,/;
#say "|$shortFile|"; die;
#if ($shortFile =~ /^(kt|names)/) {
my $fileText = read_file("$file", binmode => 'utf8');
if ($fileText =~ /^# ([^\n]*)\r?\n/) {
$thisList = $1;
chomp $thisList;
say LOG "\$thisList = |$thisList|";
$thisList =~ s/ \([^\)]*\)//g;
$entriesThisPage{$shortFile} = $thisList;
my @ULBEntries = split /, /, $thisList;
foreach my $ULB (@ULBEntries) {
$pageThisEntry{$ULB} = $shortFile;
my @tempArray = split /, /, $thisList;
foreach my $slice (@tempArray) {
$sourcePage{$slice} = $shortFile;
#say LOG "$slice: $sourcePage{$slice}";
if ($fileText =~ /Strong's(.*)$/ms) {
my $SNs = $1;
while ($SNs =~ s/[H](\d*)//) {
push @relevantSNs, $1;
$entriesThisSN{$1} .= "$thisList, ";
$pagesThisSN{$1} .= "$shortFile, ";
@relevantSNs = uniq(@relevantSNs);
foreach (@relevantSNs) {
$relevantSNs{$_} = "$_";
#say LOG $relevantSNs{$_}
#say LOG "|$shortFile|: \t |$entriesThisPage{$shortFile}|"
#say LOG "====";
#say LOG "====";
sub LinkULBtoCV {
say "Linking ULB to chapter and verse";
say LOG "LinkULBtoCV, \$ULBfile: $ULBfile";
open IN, "$ULBfile" or die "$ULBfile: $!";
while (<IN>) {
#say LOG $_;
if (/^([^\t]*)\t(.*)$/) {
$cv ++;
($text{$1}, $fullText{$1}) = ($2, $2);
$ref{$cv} = $1;
$order{$1} = $cv;
#say LOG "First \$ref{$cv}: $ref{$cv}\n\$text{$ref{$cv}}: $text{$ref{$cv}}";
close IN;
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref) {
#say LOG "\$key: $key:, \$ref{$key}: $ref{$key}, \$text{$ref{$key}}: $text{$ref{$key}}"
sub ReadLinkedSNs {
say "Reading linked Strong's numbers";
my ($flag, $OSHBfile) = ("","");
foreach $OSHBfile (@OSHBfileList) {
#say LOG "opening \$^OHB $OSHBfile";
open IN, "$OSHBfile" or die "$OSHBfile can't be opened\n\n";
my ($thisBook, $thisChap, $thisVers, $thisRef);
my (@pages);
while (<IN>) {
if (/<verse osisID="([^\.]*).(\d+).(\d+)">/) {
my ($bk, $ch, $vs) = ($1, $2, $3);
say LOG "#>\t$bk $ch:$vs";
#if (exists $newRef{"$bk $ch:$vs"}) {
# $thisRef = $newRef{"$bk $ch:$vs"}
#} else {
($thisRef) = ("$bkFull{$bk} $ch:$vs");
say LOG "##\t$bk $ch:$vs, $thisRef";
else {
while (/<w lemma="(\w\/)?(\d+)( \w)?"/g) {
#say LOG $_;
my ($thisNum) = ($2);
say LOG "\t\$thisNum: $thisNum, \$SNsInCV{$thisRef}: $SNsInCV{$thisRef}";
if (exists $relevantSNs{$thisNum}) {
$SNsInCV{$thisRef} .= "$thisNum " unless ($SNsInCV{$thisRef} =~ /\b$thisNum\b/);
say LOG ">\t\$thisNum: $thisNum, \$SNsInCV{$thisRef}: $SNsInCV{$thisRef}";
close IN;
my %temp;
foreach my $oldRef (sort keys %SNsInCV) {
if (exists $newRef{$oldRef}) {
$temp{$newRef{$oldRef}} = $SNsInCV{$oldRef};
delete $SNsInCV{$oldRef};
foreach my $changedRef (sort keys %temp) {
$SNsInCV{$changedRef} = $temp{$changedRef}
sub LinkSNsToULBtextViaEntries {
say "Linking Strong's numbers to ULB text via tW page entries";
say LOG "sub LinkSNsToULBtextViaEntries called";
foreach my $thisRef (sort keys %ref) {
say LOG "\nLinkSNsToULBtextViaEntries: \$thisRef: $thisRef\t\$ref{$thisRef}: $ref{$thisRef}";
(%workEntries, %ulbOrder) = ();
my %workPage;
my ($thisCV, $checkList, $tempString, $outString) = ($ref{$thisRef}, "", "", "");
say OUT "$thisCV:";
my (@allEntries);
$listOfPages{$thisCV} = "";
#say LOG "\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: |$SNsInCV{$thisCV}|\n$text{$thisCV}";
say LOG "\t\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: >$SNsInCV{$thisCV}<";
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} =~ s/^ +//;
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} =~ s/ +$//;
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} =~ s/ {2,}/ /g;
say LOG "*\t\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: >$SNsInCV{$thisCV}<";
if (exists $specifiedText{$thisCV}) {
#say LOG "*\t\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: $SNsInCV{$thisCV}";
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} = Adjust($SNsInCV{$thisCV}, $thisCV);
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} =~ s/^ +(.*) +$/$1/;
$SNsInCV{$thisCV} =~ s/ {2,}/ /g;
say LOG "**\t\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: >$SNsInCV{$thisCV}<";
#say LOG "<>\t<>\t\$SNsInCV{$thisCV}: |$SNsInCV{$thisCV}|";
my @regArray = split / /, $SNsInCV{$thisCV};
say LOG "\@regArray: >@regArray<";
foreach my $thisNum (@regArray) {
my ($found, $specPage);
say LOG "\n\n\$thisNum: >$thisNum<\t\$entriesThisSN{$thisNum}: >$entriesThisSN{$thisNum}<";
if ($thisNum =~ /\d+(\[([\w \-\']+)\])/) {
$outString .= "$1($pageThisEntry{$2})\n";
} elsif ($thisNum =~ /\d+(\(([\w\/]+)\))/) {
$specPage .= $2;
say LOG "\$specPage: $specPage";
if ($specPage) {
$workEntries{$thisNum} = $entriesThisPage{$specPage};
} else {
$workEntries{$thisNum} = $entriesThisSN{$thisNum};
$workEntries{$thisNum} =~ s/, $//;
#say LOG "**\t\$thisNum: >$thisNum<\t\$workEntries{$thisNum}: >$workEntries{$thisNum}<";
my @beforeArray = split /, /, $workEntries{$thisNum};
my @sortedArray = reverse sort { substr($a,0,1) <=> substr($b,0,1)
|| length($a) <=> length($b)
|| $a <=> $b }
$" = "\n\t";
#say LOG "\@sortedArray: @sortedArray\n\$outString: $outString\n\$text{$ref{$thisRef}}: $text{$ref{$thisRef}}";
foreach my $entry (@sortedArray) {
my $testEntry = $entry;
#print LOG "\$entry: $entry. Becomes ";
while ($testEntry =~ s/^(.*) \.\.\. (.*)/($1)\\b(.*?)\\b($2)/) {}
#print LOG "\$testEntry: |$testEntry| ";
if ($testEntry =~ /\(\.\*\?\)/ && $text{$thisCV} =~ s/\b($testEntry)\b/$3/i) {
say LOG "\n===\n$thisNum |$testEntry| is found in first test.\n===";
$outString .= "[$entry]($pageThisEntry{$entry})\n";
say LOG $outString . "\n" . $text{$thisCV};
$found = 1;
goto Breakout;
} elsif ($text{$thisCV} =~ s/\b($testEntry)\b//i) {
say LOG "\n===\n$thisNum |$testEntry| is found in second test.\n===";
$outString .= "[$entry]($pageThisEntry{$entry})\n";
say LOG $outString . "\n" . $text{$thisCV};
$found = 1;
goto Breakout;
} else {
#say LOG "and is not found in\n$text{$ref{$thisRef}}";
say MISSING "$thisCV $thisNum" unless ($found);
next if $found;
say LOG "\t\$outString: $outString";
$outString = ProperOrderOutString($outString, $thisCV);
say LOG "<>\t\$outString: $outString";
say OUT "$outString";
#say LOG "sub LinkSNsToULBtextViaEntries finished";
sub Adjust {
my ($snsOld, $ref, $snsNew, $addToSnsNew) = ($_[0], $_[1], "", "");
say LOG "\$specifiedText{$ref}: $specifiedText{$ref}\n\$snsOld: $snsOld";
my (%tempEntries);
#say LOG ">\t\$sns: |$sns|";
#say LOG ">\t\$specifiedText{$ref}: |$specifiedText{$ref}|";
$snsOld =~ s/^ +LinkSNsToULBtextViaEntries//;
my @oldArray = split / /, $snsOld;
#say LOG "\$adjust{$ref}: $adjust{$ref}";
my @preadjustments = split /, /, $adjust{$ref};
foreach my $adjustment (@preadjustments) {
#say LOG "<><>\t\$adjustment: >$adjustment<";
if ($adjustment =~ /([^\t]*)\t\|\|$/) { # delete this from list to look for
my $found = $1;
$snsOld =~ s/\b$found\b ?//;
say LOG "\$found: $found should be deleted from \$snsOld: $snsOld";
} elsif ($adjustment =~ /^\|\|\t(.*)/) { # add this to list to look for
my $adj = $1;
say LOG "\$adjustment: $adjustment, \$adj: $adj";
if ($adj =~ /([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/) {
$snsNew = "[$1]($pageThisEntry{$2})"
} else {
$snsNew .= "$adj "
} elsif ($adjustment =~ /^(\d+)\t(\w+)$/) { # add specified word
my ($found1, $found2) = ($1, $2);
#$addToSnsNew .= "$1\[$2\] ";
$snsOld =~ s/$found1/$found1\[$found2\]/;
say LOG "\$snsOld: $snsOld";
} elsif (($adjustment =~ /^(\d+)\t([\/\d\w]+)$/)) { # add specified page
#$addToSnsNew .= "$1\{$2\} "
my ($found1, $found2) = ($1, $2);
$snsOld =~ s/$found1/$found1\($found2\)/;
say LOG "\$snsOld: $snsOld";
say LOG "\$snsNew: >$snsNew<\n\$snsOld+\$snsNew: >$snsOld< >$snsNew<";
$snsNew = "$snsOld $snsNew";
return $snsNew;
sub Output {
say "Outputting";
#say LOG "Output subRoutine called";
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref) {
my %donePages;
my $thisRef = $ref{$key};
#print LOG "\$key: $key\t\$thisRef: $thisRef\t";
#say LOG "\$SNsInCV{$thisRef}: |$SNsInCV{$thisRef}|";
$SNsInCV{$thisRef} =~ s/^ +//;
$SNsInCV{$thisRef} =~ s/ +$//;
$SNsInCV{$thisRef} =~ s/ {2,}/ /;
#say LOG "\$SNsInCV{$thisRef}: |$SNsInCV{$thisRef}|";
#say LOG "\$listOfPages{$thisRef}: |$listOfPages{$thisRef}|";
#$listOfPages{$thisRef} =~ s/^ +//;
#$listOfPages{$thisRef} =~ s/ +$//;
#$listOfPages{$thisRef} =~ s/ {2,}/ /;
#say LOG "\$listOfPages{$thisRef}: |$listOfPages{$thisRef}|";
my @array = split /\n/, $listOfPages{$thisRef};
#say LOG "\@array: |@array|";
my @sorted =
sort sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) }
#say LOG "\@sorted: |@sorted|";
$" = "\n";
$listOfPages{$thisRef} = "@sorted";
say LOG "\$listOfPages{$thisRef}: $listOfPages{$thisRef}\n\$checkPages{$thisRef}: $checkPages{$thisRef}";
#say OUT "$thisRef: $listOfPages{$thisRef}\n";
$checkPages{$thisRef} =~ s/^ +//;
$checkPages{$thisRef} =~ s/ +$//;
$checkPages{$thisRef} =~ s/ {2,}/ /;
$checkPages{$thisRef} =~ s/ \|\|//;
say LOG "\$checkPages{$thisRef}:\t|$checkPages{$thisRef}|";
my @checkArray = split / /, $checkPages{$thisRef};
shift @sorted;
#say LOG "\@checkArray: |@checkArray|";
#say LOG "\@sorted: |@sorted|";
#shift @sorted;
#say LOG "\@sorted: |@sorted|";
foreach my $slice (@sorted) {
#print LOG "\$slice: $slice\t";
$slice =~ s/\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/$1/;
#say LOG "\t\$slice: $slice";
$donePages{$slice} = $slice;
#say LOG "\t\$donePages{$slice}: $donePages{$slice}"
#say LOG "\@checkArray: |@checkArray|";
foreach my $slice (@checkArray) {
#say LOG "\$slice: $slice";
unless (exists $donePages{$slice}) {
#say LOG "\$thisRef: $thisRef\t\$slice:$slice";
#say MISSING "$thisRef\t$slice\t||";
say MISSING "$thisRef\t$slice";
sub Substitute {
foreach my $key (sort keys %pages) {
say LOG "\$key: $key\t\$SNsInCV{$key}: $SNsInCV{$key}";
if (exists $substitutedPages{$key}) {
#say LOG "\$substitutedPages{$key}: $substitutedPages{$key}";
$substitutedPages{$key} =~ s/, $//;
my @array = split /, /, $substitutedPages{$key};
foreach my $slice (@array) {
#say LOG "\$slice: $slice";
if ($slice =~ /([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/) {
#say LOG "\n\$key: $key";
my ($old, $new) = ($1, $2);
#say LOG "\$old: >$old<\t\$new: >$new<";
#say LOG "\$SNsInCV{$key}: >>$SNsInCV{$key}<<";
if ($old eq "||") {
$SNsInCV{$key} .= "$new ";
$checkPages{$key} = $SNsInCV{$key};
elsif ($new eq "||") {
$SNsInCV{$key} =~ s/$old //;
$checkPages{$key} = $SNsInCV{$key};
else {
$SNsInCV{$key} =~ s/$old/$new/;
$checkPages{$key} = $SNsInCV{$key};
$SNsInCV{$key} =~ s/ \|\|//g;
#say LOG "\$SNsInCV{$key}: >>>$SNsInCV{$key}<<<";
} else {
$checkPages{$key} = $SNsInCV{$key};
say LOG "<>\t\$key: $key\t\$SNsInCV{$key}: $SNsInCV{$key}";
sub ProperOrderOutString {
my @unordered = split /\n/, $_[0];
my ($thisCV, $outS) = ($_[1], "");
my (%orderedSet);
foreach my $thisSet (@unordered) {
say LOG "\t>\t$thisSet";
if ($thisSet =~ /(\[([^\]]*)\])(\([^\)]*\))/) {
my ($ulb, $fileLoc) = ($2, $3);
$ulb =~ s/ \.\.\. /.*?/g;
say LOG "\t>>\t\$ulb: $ulb, \$fileLoc: $fileLoc, \$fullText{$thisCV}\n$fullText{$thisCV}";
if ($fullText{$thisCV} =~ /^(.*?)\b($ulb)\b(.*)$/) {
say LOG "\t>>>\t$&";
my ($order) = (length $1);
$orderedSet{$order} = $thisSet;
foreach my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %orderedSet) {
$outS .= "$orderedSet{$key}\n"
return $outS;
1Chr 1 Chronicles
1Kgs 1 Kings
1Sam 1 Samuel
2Chr 2 Chronicles
2Kgs 2 Kings
2Sam 2 Samuel
Amos Amos
Dan Daniel
Deut Deuteronomy
Eccl Ecclesiastes
Esth Esther
Exod Exodus
Ezek Ezekiel
Ezra Ezra
Gen Genesis
Hab Habakkuk
Hag Haggai
Hos Hosea
Isa Isaiah
Jer Jeremiah
Job Job
Joel Joel
Jonah Jonah
Josh Joshua
Judg Judges
Lam Lamentations
Lev Leviticus
Mal Malachi
Mic Micah
Nah Nahum
Neh Nehemiah
Num Numbers
Obad Obadiah
Prov Proverbs
Ps Psalms
Ruth Ruth
Song Song of Songs
Zech Zechariah
Zeph Zephaniah
Reference in New Issue