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\id MRK Unlocked Dynamic Bible
\ide UTF-8
\toc1 Mark
\toc2 Mark
\toc3 Mrk
\mt1 MARK
\c 1
\v 1 Dis bout da good news uh Jesus Christ, da Son uh God.
\v 2 Isaiah, da prophet, talk bout dis good news when he say, "Listen ta me! I senin' someone who ga go ahead uh you. He ga make da people ready ta welcome you.
\v 3 He ga be tellin' people in da wilderness, "Get ready ta welcome da Lord."
\v 4 John was in da wilderness baptizin' people an' tellin' dem ta be sorry fa dey sin so God cud fagive dem.
\v 5 A whole buncha people from Judea an' Jerusalem gone out ta hear John talk. A lot uh dem tell John dey sins, an' he baptize dem in da Jordan River.
\v 6 John was wearin' a camel hair coat an' a ledda belt roun' he wais'. He eat locust an' wild honey.
\v 7 He was preachin' an' say, "Someone ga come who greata dan me. I een good enough to ben' down an' loosen he sandals.
\v 8 I baptize yall wit wata, but he ga baptize yall wit da Holy Spirit."
\v 9 In dem days, Jesus come from Nazareth in Galilee an' gone ta John. John baptize Jesus in da River Jordan.
\v 10 Soon afta Jesus come up from da water, he see heaven open up an' da Spirit come on him like it was a dove.
\v 11 God say from heaven, "You is my Son an' I really love you. I proud uh you."
\v 12 Den da Spirit make Jesus go in da wilderness.
\v 13 He was dere for forty days, an' Satan was tempin' him. Dere was wild animals dere an' angels was takin' care uh Jesus.
\v 14 Afta John get put in jail, Jesus gone ta Galilee preachin' da gospel.
\v 15 He was sayin', "Da time finally come. God ga show people dat He in charge. Repent an' believe da gospel."
\v 16 When Jesus was walkin' by da Sea uh Galilee, he see Simon an' he brudda, Andrew, trowin' dey net in da sea ta catch fish ta sell.
\v 17 Jesus tell dem, "Just like how you catchin' fish, I ga teach ya ta catch people".
\v 18 Right away, dey leave da nets an' follow Jesus.
\v 19 Jesus soon meet up wid two udda brothers, James an' John, Zebedee sons; dey was fixin' dey net in a boat.
\v 20 When Jesus see dem, He tell dem ta come wit Him. Dey leave dey fadda, Zebedee, wit da workas in da boat an' gone wit Jesus.
\v 21 Den dey come ta Capernaum an' Jesus gone in da synagogue ta teach on da Sabbath.
\v 22 Da people was really shock at how he was teachin' cause He was teachin' like someone who have da right ta teach an' not like how da scribes teach.
\v 23 Right den, a man in dey synagogue who had demons
\v 24 shout, "Wat you wan wit us, Jesus uh Nazareth? You come to destroy us, aye? I know you. You is da Holy One from God".
\v 25 Jesus rebuke da demon an' say, "Shut up an' get out from him!"
\v 26 Den da demon trow da man down an' was shoutin' an' comin' out da man at da same time.
\v 27 All uh da people was in shock. Dey start aksin' each udda, "Well, wat is dis? He gee a new teachin' an' he speakin' wit autority. Even da demons do what he say."
\v 28 Da news 'bout Jesus spread errywhere in Galilee.
\v 29 Afta Jesus come from da synagogue, dey gone in Simon an' Andrew house wit James an' John.
\v 30 Simon mudda-in-law was layin' down sick wit a fever, an' dey tell Jesus 'bout her.
\v 31 Jesus gone ta her, take her han' an' help her ta get up. Right away da fever break an' she start ta serve dem.
\v 32 Afta da sun gone down dat night, people bring a lot uh sick people an' people wit demons ta Jesus.
\v 33 It look like errybody in town was dere outside Simon house.
\v 34 Jesus heal a lot uh dem an' make da demons come outta people. Jesus een let da demon dem talk 'cause dey did know Jesus.
\v 35 Jesus get up early da next day when it was still dark. He lef' da house an' gone ta a place where nobody was so he cud pray.
\v 36 Simon dem gone lookin' fa Jesus.
\v 37 When dey fin' him, dey say, "Erryone lookin' fa you".
\v 38 Jesus say to dem, "Less go ta anudder place in da area ta preach. Das wat I come fa."
\v 39 Jesus gone all ova Galilee an' was preachin' in da synagogue an' sendin' da demons outta people.
\v 40 A man wit leprosy come ta Jesus, kneel down in front uh Jesus an' say, "If you wan' to, you cud heal me".
\v 41 Jesus did really feel fa da man an' say ta him, "Since I wan heal you, den you heal".
\v 42 Right den, da man was heal from leprosy, an' he was clean.
\v 43 Jesus gee da man a hard warnin',
\v 44 "Don' tell no one wat jus' happen ta you. But go ta da pries', an' do wat Moses did say ta do as a testimony."
\v 45 But, da man gone tell errybody bout how Jesus heal him an' so Jesus wasn' free ta go in da town. He had to stay outside da town where nobody was livin'. But people still keep comin' ta him from all over da area.
\c 2
\v 1 Afta a couple uh days, Jesus did gone back to Capernaum. People did spread da news dat he did come back and was in one house.
\v 2 Soon enough, plenty people was outside da house Jesus was stayin' in. It was so much people dat da house was full up. It was so full, wasn't even no place ta stand; ya couldn even stand by da door it was so full. Jesus did preach da Word to dem.
\v 3 Some people did come to da house and four uh dem was carrying a cripple man on one lil mat.
\v 4 Dey couldna take him in da house ta Jesus cause it was too much people so dey had to go on da roof, cut one big hole in it and had to send da man on he mat in to Jesus tru da hole.
\v 5 When Jesus did see dat dey thought he coulda heal da cripple man, he say "Ma chile, I fagive you uh all ya sins!"
\v 6 Nah some Pharisees was sittin' right dere and was thinking
\v 7 "who dis man tink he is? He real fulla hesef and he spittin in God eye when he say dat. Only God could fagive people sins!"
\v 8 Jesus did know exactly what dey was tinking and he say, "Why you tinkin like dat?
\v 9 Which one you tink easier for me ta say, 'I forgive ya sins' or 'Get up! Pick up ya mat an walk'?
\v 10 I ga show you dat da Son uh Man have da authority on Earth ta forgive ya sins." Den he did go to da cripple man an say,
\v 11 "Get up! Pick up ya mat! And go home!"
\v 12 And da man stand right up! He pick up he mat and gone, while da people jus watch him walk out. When da people did see dat, dey was so surprised and dey was praisin God sayin, "We een neva see nuttin like dat before!"
\v 13 Den Jesus did leave Capernaum and did walk on da beach uh da Sea uh Galilee when a buncha people did come to him and he did teach dem.
\v 14 While he was walkin, he did see Alphaeus son, Levi, sitting in his office where he does take da people dem money fa taxes. Jesus tell him, "Come wit me", and da man get right up and gone wit Jesus.
\v 15 Later on, Jesus was eatin at Levi house. Plenty sinners and tax collectors was dere eatin wit him and he disciples.
\v 16 Da scribes and Pharisees did see dat Jesus was eating wit sinners and tax collectors and did ask Jesus disciples, "Why he eatin' wit all dem sinners and tax collectors?"
\v 17 Jesus did hear dem and he tell da Pharisees, "Healthy people don go ta doctor. In fact, doctor fa sick people. I een come here fa yall people who tink they righteous an holy. I come fa da people who know dey is sin."
\v 18 During dis time, John da Baptist disciples and da Pharisees disciples was fastin like dey always is do, and some men ask Jesus, " John da Baptist and da Pharisees disciples always fastin. Why your disciples een fastin?"
\v 19 Jesus say, "When a man an woman 'bout to get married, he frens is don fast while he wit dem. He wedding is when dey is celebrate wit him and eat a buncha food. Dat een da time to fast, 'specially if he still wit dem.
\v 20 But the married man ga leave dem some day and das when dey ga fast."
\v 21 Jesus keep talking ta dem and say, "Ya don put a new piece uh fabric on old clothes to patch up one hole cause as soon as you wash dat, the new fabric ga haul up and make dat hole bigger!
\v 22 Same way, you don put new wine in ole wine bag ta store it. If ya do that, when that wine start ta bubble up, dat old bag ga bust open and ya ga lose ya bag and ya wine! Instead, ya must put new wine in new wine bag."
\v 23 Den on one Sabbath day, Jesus and he disciples was walking thru a field uh grain, and he disciples was picking some uh da grain.
\v 24 Some uh da Pharisees did see dat an say "Look! You see dat? You see how Jesus dem een even following da Sabbath. What dey doin?"
\v 25 Jesus say, "You mussy een neva read da Scriptures about when King David and he men was hungry aye?
\v 26 When Abiathar was da high priest, King David did gone right into da house uh God an ask fa some bread. Da priest gee dem da food what was a gift ta God and da law say only da priests could eat da bread! But David eat it, an he even gee some ta da men who was wit him."
\v 27 Jesus tell dem, "Same way, da Sabbath was made ta help da people. The people wasn't made ta satisfy da Sabbath.
\v 28 So, just so you know, even on da Sabbath day, da Son uh Man is Lord."
\c 3
\v 1 On one nex' Sabbath, Jesus gone ta da synagogue. A man was dere wit a cripple han'.
\v 2 Da Pharisees was watchin' ta see if Jesus was gonna heal dis man on da Sabbath so dey cud catch Him doin' wrong.
\v 3 So Jesus tell da man wit he cripple han', "Get up an' stan' in fronta erryone!" So da man get up.
\v 4 Jesus aks da people, "Do da laws God gee Moses make it right ta do good or evil, ta eeda save people or let dem die on da Sabbath?" But dey jus' stay quiet an' een say nuttin'.
\v 5 So Jesus get mad. He was sad dat dey was stubborn an' didn't wan' help. So He tell da man, "Stretch out ya han'!" When da man do dat, he cripple han' was heal.
\v 6 So da Pharisees leave ta make one plan wit da Herodians ta see how dey ga kill Jesus.
\v 7 Den Jesus an' He disciples gone ta da sea an' a big crowd uh people was followin' Him. Dese people come from Galilee, Judea,
\v 8 Jerusalem, Idumea, da udda side uh da Jordan River an' from places roun' by Tyre an' Sidon, cuz dey hear 'bout all He was doin'.
\v 9 Jesus tell He disciples ta get a boat ready fa Him cuz He didn' wan' da people ta rush up on Him.
\v 10 He heal so much people dat erryone who was sick was rushin' ta touch Him.
\v 11 Some people had demons an' when da demons see Him dey fall down in fronta Him an' shout out, "You is da Son uh God".
\v 12 Jesus warn da demons strong strong ta not say who He is.
\v 13 Now Jesus gon up da mountain an' call da people He did wan' ta go wit' Him.
\v 14 He choose twelve uh dem (who He did call apostles) ta be wit' Him, an' fa Him ta sen' dem out ta preach.
\v 15 He even gee dem da power ta cast out demons.
\v 16 Dis was da name uh He twelve apostles: Simon (who He name Peter),
\v 17 James da son uh Zebedee, an' he brudda John (who Jesus did name Boanerges, what mean men who was like tunda');
\v 18 he call Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James da son uh Alpheaus, Thaddaeus, Simon da Zealot
\v 19 an' Judas Iscariot, who backstab Him.
\v 20 Den Jesus an' He disciples gone home an' da people follow Him dere too, ta da point dat Him an' He disciples een had time ta eat.
\v 21 When He family hear 'bout dis, dey gone ta take Him home wit dem cuz dey was sayin', "He crazy."
\v 22 Da scribes who did come from Jerusalem say, "Jesus possess by Beelzebul" an' "Da ruler uh da demons gee Jesus da power ta cast demons out."
\v 23 Jesus call dem ova an' talk ta dem in parables, "How cud Satan cast out Satan?
\v 24 If da people livin' in a kingdom fight wit' each udda, dey een ga survive like dat.
\v 25 If a family fight wit each udda, dey een ga stay togedda.
\v 26 An' if Satan an' he demons fight each udda, he ga get destroy.
\v 27 But no one cud go ta da house uh a strong man an' take from him unless he get tie up first. Das da only way anyone cud tief from him.
\v 28 Ta tell da trute, God ga fagive all da sin wat people do, even when dey talk bad 'bout Him,
\v 29 but whoeva talk bad 'bout da Holy Spirit een ga neva get fagive. Dey ga foreva be guity uh sin.
\v 30 Jesus had ta tell dem dis cuz dey was sayin', "He gat demons in Him!"
\v 31 Den Jesus' mudda an' bruddas come an' was standin' outside. Dey sen' fa Him ta come outside ta dem.
\v 32 A bunch uh people was sittin' roun' Jesus, an' dey say, "Ya mudda, bruddas an' sistas outside lookin' fa you."
\v 33 Jesus ask dem, "Who is my mudda an' my bruddas?"
\v 34 He look at da people sittin' roun' Him an' say, "Yall is my mudda an' my bruddas!
\v 35 Anyone who do wat God wan' him ta do is my brudda, my sista an' my mudda."
\c 4
\v 1 Den one nex' time, Jesus was teachin' nex' ta da Sea uh Galilee, an' a buncha people was roun' him. He get in one boat dat was in da water an' sit down in it. All da people was on da shore right nex' ta Him.
\v 2 Jesus teach dem alotta tings in parables. Whiles He was teachin' dem, He tell dem,
\v 3 “Listen ta dis: a farma did gone inta he field ta plant some seed.
\v 4 Whiles he was trowin' dem on da soil, some uh dem did fall on da side uh da road. Den some birds did come an' eat dem right up.
\v 5 Some udda seeds did fall on da ground wit a buncha rocks an' where it een had dat much soil. So da seeds did grow dead fast cuz da soil wasn' deep.
\v 6 But when da sun rise, da plants get burn up cuz dey een had no roots, an' dey dry right up.
\v 7 Some udda seeds fall on da prickly plants. Da prickly plants did grow an' choke it, an' it een bear.
\v 8 Udda seeds fall onta good soil an' it bear tirty, sixty, an' even a hundred times more."
\v 9 Den He say, "Whoever gat ears ta hear, let dem hear!"
\v 10 When it was jus' Jesus by Hesef, some uh He followas an' da disciples, dey aks Him 'bout da parables.
\v 11 He say, "I givin' yall da mystery uh da Kingdom uh God. But erryone else ga get parables,
\v 12 so wen dey look (yeah dey ga look) but een understan', an' wen dey hear (yeah dey ga hear) dey still een ga understan' cuz if dey did undastan' dey woulda turn ta God fa God ta fagive dem."
\v 13 He say ta dem, "Yall een understan' dis parable? So how yall ga understan' all da udda parables?"
\v 14 Da farma who sow da seed stan' fa da one who teach da Word.
\v 15 Dese da ones on da side uh da road, where da Word get plant. When dey hear da Word, Satan is come quick an' take away da Word dat get sow in dem.
\v 16 An' dese da seeds dat get plant on da rocky groun', who, wen dey hear da Word, ga be dead happy ta get it.
\v 17 But dey like da young plants wat een gat no root, an' dey is only believe dat Word fa a lil while. Afta dey get problems or someone treat dem bad cuz uh da Word uh God, dey is stop believin' da Word uh God dead quick.
\v 18 But sum udda ones still is be plant an' grow in da torns. Dey is da ones who is hear da word,
\v 19 but erryting in da worl' an' da greediness fa money an' when dey wan' udda sinful tings, it is come an' choke da Word uh God in dem, an' it don' produce no crop.
\v 20 Da people dat was deep in da good soil is da ones who is hear da word, accep' it an' bear fruits, mussy tirty, sixty, or even a hundred times more.
\v 21 Jesus say ta dem, "You is bring a lamp inside ya house ta put it unda a basket or unda da bed? You is bring it in an' put it on a lampstan'.
\v 22 Anyting ya try ta hide, people ga soon know 'bout, an' anytin' yall keepin' a secret ga come out in da open.
\v 23 If anyone gat ears ta hear, let dem hear!"
\v 24 Jesus say ta da crowd uh people, "Yinna pay attention ta wat ya hear, cuz how much eva ya give, ya ga get it back, plus more.
\v 25 Cuz whoeva gat it, God ga gee more ta dem, an' whoever een gat, God ga take da lil bit dey have.
\v 26 He say, "Da kingdom uh God is jus like a man who is sow he seeds on da groun'.
\v 27 He go ta sleep at night an' get up in da mornin', an' da seed start ta grow an' get bigga an' bigger, even though da man een know how.
\v 28 Da eart' is bear da grain all by itsef: Firs' da stalk, den da part uh da plant dat is hold da crop, den finally da crop.
\v 29 When da crop ripe, he quick ta sen' people wit cutlass ta cut da crop cuz it ready ta get pick.
\v 30 He say again, "Wat we cud say da kingdom uh God is like or wat parable we ga use ta explain it?
\v 31 It jus' like a mustard seed, when it get plant; it da smallest seed on da earth.
\v 32 But afta it get sow, it grow an' is bigga dan all da udda plants, an' it have big big branches so da birds cud make dey nest in da shade."
\v 33 Wit alotta parables like dis one He did speak da Word uh God ta dem as far as dey understan',
\v 34 an' He een talk ta da disciples 'bout tings witout usin' a parable. But wen dey was by dey sef, Jesus explain da parables ta dem.
\v 35 Da nex' day, in da evenin', He say ta dem, "Less go ta da udda side uh da Sea uh Galilee."
\v 36 So dey leave da crowd uh people, an' take Jesus, jus' like how He was, an' gone in da boat. Dere was udda boats goin' wit Him.
\v 37 Right den, a serious wind storm start, an' den da waves kick up an' da wata start comin' in da boat ta where da boat was almos' full up uh water.
\v 38 But Jesus Heself was in da back uh da boat, sleepin' on one pillow. Dey wake Him up an' say, "Teacha, you een care dat we 'bout ta dead?"
\v 39 Jesus get up, rebuke da wind an' say ta da sea, "Peace! Be still!" Den da wind stop right away an' it get dead calm.
\v 40 Den He say ta His disciples, "Why yall scared? Yall still een gat no fait?"
\v 41 Dey was dead scared an' say ta each udda, "Who dis man is, cuz even da win' an' sea followin' wat He say?"
\c 5
\v 1 Jesus an' he disciples reach da udda side uh da Sea uh Galilee. Some Gerasene people was livin' dere.
\v 2 When Jesus step out da boat a man wit a buncha demon come from out da graveyaad.
\v 3 Dis man was livin' in da graveyaad an da people in da area use to try hol' him down but dey couldn' do it-- even wen dey did use chain.
\v 4 Da man useta break da chain apart cuz he was strong strong an nobody coulda hold him down.
\v 5 Da man useta be in da graveyaad all day and night just screamin' loud an' cuttin' up hesef wit sharp rock.
\v 6 But when he see Jesus comin' out da boat he run ta him and bow down in fronta him.
\v 7 Jesus was tellin' da demon "Come outta dis man" but it een leave in no hurry. Da demon shout loud loud : "Jesus, I know you is da Son uh God so we een have nuttin' in common. In da name a God leave me alone an please don' torment me.
\v 8 Cause he was tellin' him "Come out dis man you dutty spirit".
\v 9 Jesus aks him, "What you name? " and he say "I name Legion cuz plenty a us demon in dis man."
\v 10 Da demon dem keep beggin' Jesus ta let dem stay in da area.
\v 11 Da same time plenty pig was eatin' on da hill nearby
\v 12 so da demon dem beg Jesus," Please let us go inside dem pig".
\v 13 Jesus give dem permission so da demon dem com out da man an' gone inside da pig dem. Two tousan' a dem pig gone runnin dead fas' down da hill, straight inside da lake an gone drown.
\v 14 Da men who was lookin' after da pig dem gone runnin' ta tell errybody in town what gone down and plenty people gone to see fa deysef.
\v 15 When dey reach to where Jesus was dey see da man who useta have plenty demons. He had on clothes an he was in he right min'.Alla dis make dem people scared.
\v 16 Errybody who see what all did happen tell da people from the town an' da villages bout what happen to da man who useta have demons an' even what happen to da pig dem.
\v 17 After dat, the people beg Jesus ta come from roun' dere.
\v 18 When Jesus get inside da boat an start to go, the man who use ta have all dem demons beg him , "Please let me go wit you".
\v 19 But Jesus een let him go. He tell him, "Go home to yuh famly and tell dem how much da Lord done do fa yuh and how he been so kin' ta ya.
\v 20 Da man travel roun' in da Decapolis an' he tell da people how much Jesus do fa him. Errybody who hear what he say was shock.
\v 21 Jesus cross ova to da udda side uh da Sea a Galilee again an' one big crowd come roun' him on da shore.
\v 22 One man who was in charge uh da synagogue name Jairus come dere an' kneel down by Jesus foot.
\v 23 He plead wit Jesus,"My daughter sick bad an' she soon dead. Please come by my house an' heal ha so she could live."
\v 24 So Jesus an da disciples gone wit him an' a big crowd follow dem, pushin' up close close on Jesus.
\v 25 A woman wit a bleedin' problem was in da crowd. Fa 12 years straight her monthly flow wouldn' stop.
\v 26 She suffer fa plenty years an' end up spendin' all ha money payin' doctas fa treatment but instead a gettin' better she keep gettin' worse.
\v 27 When she hear Jesus coulda heal people she push hasef in da crowd close behin' him.
\v 28 She say in her min' " If I touch him or he clothes I ga get heal."
\v 29 When she touch him ha bleedin' stop dat same minute an' she realize dat she did get cure from her sickness.
\v 30 Jesus had da feelin' right den dat his power did heal somebody so he turn roun' an aks: "Who touch my clothes?"
\v 31 He disciples say: "You see all dis crowd! One bunch a people coulda touch you . So why you aksin who touch you?"
\v 32 But Jesus keep lookin' roun' to see who do it.
\v 33 De woman was tremblin' an' dead scared so she kneel down an' tell Jesus what she do.
\v 34 He tell her, " Daughta, since you believe I coulda heal you den I heal you. Go home an' don' worry cuz you een ga have dis disease no more."
\v 35 While Jesus was still talkin' to da woman some people come from Jairus house an' dey tell Jairus, "Ya daughter done dead. You een need to bodda da teacha no more to come to ya house."
\v 36 When Jesus hear what dey say he tell Jairus, "Don' give up. Keep believin' an she ga live."
\v 37 He only let his close disciples--Peter, James an' John (James brudda), go wit' him ta Jairus house. He een let nobody else go wit him.
\v 38 When dey get close to da house Jesus could see da people dere was in mournin. Some a dem was cryin' an' hollerin'.
\v 39 When he gone in da house he tell dem, "Why ya'll carryin' on wit all dis crying? Da chile een dead, she only sleepin'."
\v 40 Dem people buss out laughin' at him cause dey know she was done dead.He bring da chile fadda an mudda an he disciples inside an' send errybody else outside, then he gone in da room where the chile was.
\v 41 He hold da chile hand and tell ha in ha oon language, Talitha koum!" and dat means "Little girl get up".
\v 42 Da girl get up right den an' start walkin' roun'. Errybody dere couldn' believe what dey was seein'.
\v 43 Jesus wasn't playin' when he tell dem, "Don' tell nobody bout ' what I do . Den he tell dem ta give da girl some food ta eat."
\c 6
\v 1 He gone from dere back up inta he hometown, wit he disciples followin' him.
\v 2 An' wen da Sabbath come, he start teachin' in da synagogue. Da people who was hearin' him was shock 'bout wat he was sayin'. Dey say, "Where dis man get dese teachin' from?" An' where he get all dis wisdom from?" "An wat is dese miracle he is do wit he hands?"
\v 3 "Een dis da carpenter son, Mary boy, da brudda uh James an' Joess, an' uh Judea an' uh Simon? Een he sista dem here wit us?" Dey een like wat Jesus was sayin'.
\v 4 Den Jesus say ta dem, "Da only place a prophet een gat no respect is in he oon hometown an' by he oon family an' in da same house wit da people he live wit."
\v 5 He cud'n do no kinda good work, excep' ta lay he hand' on some people wat was sick an' heal dem.
\v 6 He was shock dat dey didn't believe. Den he gone all 'round da villages teachin'.
\v 7 Den he call da twelve an' start sendin' dem out two by two, an' he gee dem autority ova da demons,
\v 8 an' tell dem ta not take anyting fa dey trip -
\v 9 no bread, no bag an' no money - jus' a walkin' stick, but dey cud wear slippas an' cudna wear two set uh undaclothes.
\v 10 He say ta dem, "Whenever you go inside a house, stay dere an' don' leave 'til ya finish.
\v 11 If any a dem towns don' wan' nuttin' ta do wit you or listen ta yinna, wen you leave dat place, shake da dust off ya foot as an' example ta dem how dey een welcome you."
\v 12 Dey gone out and let da people dem know dat dey shud repent.
\v 13 Den dey start castin' alotta demons outta people an' puttin' oil on dem an' healin' dem.
\v 14 King Herod hear 'bout dis, cuz plenty people did hear 'bout Jesus. Some people was sayin', "John da Baptist mussy get raise from da dead, an' maybe dat cud be why all dese powers in him."
\v 15 Some uddas say, "He mussy Elijah." An' uddas say, "He is one prophet jus' like dem prophets from da old days."
\v 16 But wen Herod did hear 'bout dis he say, "John, who head I cut off, mussy raise from da dead."
\v 17 Herod was da one who cause John ta get lockup in jail cuz uh Herodias (he brudda Phillip wife), cuz Herod get marrid ta her.
\v 18 Cuz John did tell Herod, "It een right fa ya ta marrid ta ya brudda wife."
\v 19 So, Herodias was holdin' in her vexation at John an' was ga kill him, but she cudn't do it,
\v 20 cause Herod was scared uh John; He know he was a good God-fearin' man, an' he keep him safe. Listenin' ta him kinda make him confuse, but he was still happy ta listen ta him.
\v 21 Den da time did come fa Herod birtday an' he had a dinna party fa all he big shot people dem: da officials, da commissionas, da chief justice an' all dem leadas uh Galilee.
\v 22 Herodias daughta come in ta dance fa dem, an' Herod an' he guest dem was please. Da king tell da gal, "Aks me fa anyting ya wan' an' I ga gee it ta you."
\v 23 Den he swear ta her sayin', "Watevea you aks me fa, I ga gee you up ta half uh my kingdom.
\v 24 She gone outside an' tell her mudda, "Wat I should aks him fa?" She say, "Aks him fa da head uh John da Baptist."
\v 25 Den she rush back in da room an' say ta da king, "I wan' you ta gee me da head uh John da Baptist on a wood plate right nah."
\v 26 Da king was dead sad, He cudn' say no ta wat she aks fa cuz he done gone make a promise in front uh he big shot guest.
\v 27 Den da king sen' one uh he soldier ta bring John head ta him. So, da guard gone ta da jail an' cut he head off.
\v 28 He bring da head on a plate an' gee it ta da gal, an' da gal take it an' gee it ta her mudda.
\v 29 Wen he disciple hear dis, dey come an' get he body an' put it in a tomb.
\v 30 Da apostles come togedda wit Jesus an' tell him erryting dey dun do an' wat dey teach.
\v 31 Den he say ta dem, "Take a break, go ta a place were een nobody is an rest yasef fa lil bit." Plenty was comin' an' goin', an' dey een even had no time ta eat.
\v 32 So dey gone in da boat an' start ta go ta a place where een hardly nobody was ta be by dey sef.
\v 33 But da people see dem leavin', an' dey recognize dem, an' from all da towns gone runnin', an' dey reach dere before dem. Wen dey come on da shore, He see a big crowd waitin' fa him.
\v 34 An' wen Jesus see dis he did feel sorry fa da people dem, cuz dey was just like sheep witout a shepherd. So he begin ta teach dem all kinda tings
\v 35 It was gettin' late, so da disciple dem come ta him an' say, "Dis place dead an' it gettin' late.
\v 36 Sen' dem ta da outside uh town an' in da lil settlements to buy sometin' ta eat fa deysef."
\v 37 He say, "Yall gee dem sometin' ta eat." Dey say ta Him, "You wan us ta buy two hundred silva coins wort uh bread ta gee dem ta eat?"
\v 38 He say ta dem, "Go an' see how many loafa bread you have." When dey finda out, dey say, "Five loafa bread an' two fish."
\v 39 He tell all da people ta sit down in groups on da grass.
\v 40 So, dey sit down in groups uh hundreds an' fifties.
\v 41 He take da five loafa bread an' two fish, look up in da sky, bless dem an' break dem, den he gee it ta da disciples ta gee ta da people. Den split da two fish up an' gee it ta da people.
\v 42 Da people dem eat 'til dey belly was full.
\v 43 Dey pick up twelve basket full uh break up pieces uh bread an' fish dat was lef'.
\v 44 Dere was 'bout five thousand man dat eat da bread.
\v 45 Right away, he tell da disciple dem ta get in da boat an' go ova ta da udda side, where Bethsaida is, while he sen' da buncha people away.
\v 46 Afta he leave dem, he gone up da mountain ta pray.
\v 47 An' when evenin' come, da boat was in da middle uh da sea, an' he was on land all by hesef.
\v 48 He cud see da boat fightin' da strong waves an' da winds was comin' 'gainst da boat . About da time between tree in da morning an' when da sun come up , Jesus come to da disciples dem walkin' on da sea, cuz he did wanna ta pass by dem.
\v 49 But wen dey see him walkin' on da sea, dey take him fa a ghost an' dey start hollerin' out,
\v 50 cuz dey see him an' was scared. But he talk ta dem right away an' say, "Be brave, is only me, don' be scared.
\v 51 "He got on da boat wit dem, an' all uh a sudden da wind stop. Dey was shock.
\v 52 Cuz dey een understan' wat da loaf uh bread did mean. Instead dey heart become cold.
\v 53 Wen dey finally get ta da udda side uh da shore in a land call Gennesaret, dey anchor dey boat.
\v 54 Wen dey come outta da boat, da people dem know jus' who he was,
\v 55 an' dey run trough all da country an' da people dem start bringin' the sick on dey mat ta wherever dey hear he was.
\v 56 It een matter where he gone, village, city, or in da country, dey wud bring da sick people in da marketplaces. Dey beg him ta let da sick touch da edge uh he clothes: As much wat cudda touch him was heal from dey sickness.
\c 7
\v 1 Da Pharisees an' some uh da scribes who come from Jerusalem gone roun' Jesus.
\v 2 Dey did see how some uh Jesus disciples was eatin' bread an' een even wash dey han'.
\v 3 (Da Pharisees an' da Jews dem don' eat if dey een wash dey han' all ova cuz dey is do wat da Jewish elders pass down fa dem ta do.
\v 4 When da Pharisees come from da market, dey does bade firs', den dey does eat. Dey does do udder tings da Jewish elders leave fa dem to do like washin' cups, pots, metal containers an' da chair dey does sit in ta eat).
\v 5 Da Pharisee an' scribe dem aks Jesus, "How come ya disciples dem don' do wat da elders say do? Dey does eat dey bread wit hans dey een wash".
\v 6 He say to dem: "Isaiah tell us bout you hypocrites from long time. He say, 'Dese people gee me lip service, but in dey heart dey een fa me.
\v 7 Dey gee me fake worship, teachin' bout wat people say ta do like das da gospel'.
\v 8 Yinna don' do God commandments, but yall is do wat other people say do".
\v 9 Jesus also say ta dem, "Yinna do a good job dissing God commandments so yall cud keep wat da elders pass down fa ya ta do.
\v 10 Moses say, 'Honour ya mudda an' ya fadda' an' he say, 'Anyone who speak bad tings bout dey mudda an' fadda ga be killed'.
\v 11 But yinna say, "When a man say ta he fadda an' mudda, 'Wateva help you woulda get from me is a gif' fa God now (in Hebrew it name "Corban"),
\v 12 den yinna don' let him do anyting ta help he mudda or fadda.
\v 13 Yinna makin' God word useless by dese traditions, wat get pass down to yall,. An' yall does do dis wit udda tings, too."
\v 14 Jesus call da people again an' say ta dem, "Listen ta me an' catch wat I sayin'.
\v 15 Een nuttin' a person cud eat cud make him dutty. Wat a person do an' say is make him
\v 16 dutty."
\v 17 When Jesus gone inside da house, He disciple dem aks Him bout da parable.
\v 18 Jesus say ta dem, 'Yall still een understandin' wat I sayin', aye? Yall een know dat nobody cud get dutty from wat dey eat,
\v 19 cause it can' go inta he heart, but it does go inta ya belly an' ya does pass it out in da toilet?" When Jesus say dis, He sayin' dat no food is make ya dutty.
\v 20 He say, "Wat come outta ya does make ya dutty.
\v 21 Cause from inside a person min' does come all kinda wicked tings like bad toughts, sexual sins, tiefin', killin',
\v 22 sweetheartin', greediness, wickedness, lyin', lustin', jealousy, gossipin', pride, skylakin' roun'.
\v 23 All dese evil tings come from inside a person, an' dese wat make a person dutty.
\v 24 Jesus leave from dere an' gone to da area uh Tyre an' Sidon. Dis where he gone inside a house, an' doe He didn' wan' people ta know he was dere, he cud'n hide from people.
\v 25 Soon a woman who lil girl had a demon inside her hear bout Him an' come ta Him an' kneel down at He foot.
\v 26 Dat woman was a Syrophoenician Greek. She beg Jesus ta sen' da demon outta her daughter.
\v 27 Jesus say ta her, "Let da chirren uh Israel get food firs'. It een right ta take dey food an' trow it ta da Gentiles, who jus' like dogs ta dem."
\v 28 But da woman say ta Him, "Yeah, das right, but een da dogs does get da chirren crumbs when it fall unda da table?"
\v 29 Jesus say ta her, "Cuz uh wat you say, you free ta go. Da demon gone outta ya lil girl."
\v 30 She gone back home an' fin' da chile layin' on da bed, an' da demon was gone.
\v 31 Den Jesus leave Tyre an' gone tru Sidon ta da Sea uh Galilee an' gone ta da Decapolis area.
\v 32 Dey brin' someone ta Him who was deaf an' cudn' talk good, an' dey beg Jesus ta lay He han' on him.
\v 33 Den Jesus take da man ta where dey was by deysef, an' He put He fingers in da man ear.
\v 34 Den Jesus spit an' touch da man tongue wit He fingers. Den Jesus look up in da sky, an' let out one sigh an' say ta da man, "Ephphatha". Dat mean "Open!".
\v 35 Right dere an' den, da man ears dem open up so he cud hear an' he tongue loosen up an' he cud speak good.
\v 36 Jesus orda da people ta don' tell nobody. But, da more He tell dem dat, da more dey talk 'bout it. Da people was too shock at wat Jesus did do.
\v 37 Dey say, "He is do erryting good. He does even make da deaf people ta hear an' da dum' people ta talk."
\c 8
\v 1 In dem days, dere was anudda big crowd an' dey een had nuttin' ta eat. Jesus call he disciples an' tell dem,
\v 2 "I feel sorry fa dis crowd. Dey bin wit me fa tree days na an' dey een had no food.
\v 3 If I send dem home wit nuttin' ta eat dey might pass out on da way. Some uh dem come from far.
\v 4 He disciples say, "Where we could get enuff bread to full dese people in a outta da way place like dis?"
\v 5 He aks dem, "How much loaf-uh bread yall have? " Dey say, "Seven".
\v 6 He make da crowd sit down on da groun'. He take up da seven loaf-uh bread, pray ova dem an' break dem. He give dem ta he disciples ta gee ta da crowd.
\v 7 Dey even had couple small fish an' afta he give tanks fa dem he tell da disciples ta serve dem too.
\v 8 Dey eat dey bellyfull an' da disciples collec' da leftovers in seven big basket.
\v 9 It was bout' four tousan' people dere. Den he tell all dem go.
\v 10 Right afta dat, he get in da boat wit he disciples an' dey gone round by Dalmanutha.
\v 11 Den da Pharisee dem come out an' start rowin' wit him. Dey did wan see him show a sign from heaven ta tes' him.
\v 12 He sigh deep in he spirit an' say, "why dis generation lookin' fa sign? I tell ya da trute een ga be no sign fa dis generation."
\v 13 Den he lef dem an' gone again in da boat ta da udda side.
\v 14 Nah da disciples did faget ta take bread wit dem an' dey only had one loaf-uh bread lef in da boat.
\v 15 He tell dem, " Be on da lookout fa da Pharisee yeast an' Herod yeast."
\v 16 Da disciples was rowin' one anudda cause' dey een had no bread lef.
\v 17 When Jesus see what was gern on he say,"Why yall rowin' cause yall een have no more bread? Yall still een understan'? Yall heart hard aye?
\v 18 Yall have eyes but yall still can' see? Yall have ears but ya can' hear? Yall een rememba?
\v 19 "When I did share five loaf-uh bread wit five tousan' people, how much basket a leftovars yall collec'?
\v 20 When I did share seven loaf-uh bread wit four tousan' people, how much basket uh leftovars yall collec'?" Dey tell him,"Seven."
\v 21 He say, "Yall een understan' yet?"
\v 22 Dey did come ta Bethsaida an' da people dere did bring one blind man an' beg Jesus ta touch him.
\v 23 Jesus take da blind man han' an' lead him outta da village. When he done spit on he eye an' lay he han' on him he aks him, "You could see anytin'?" He
\v 24 look up an' say, " I see some man who look like trees what walkin'."
\v 25 Den Jesus lay he hand on da man eye an' when da man did open up he eye, he get he sight back an' he coulda see erryting clear, clear.
\v 26 Jesus sen' him back home an' say, " Don' go in da village."
\v 27 Jesus gone wit he disciples into da villages uh Caesarea Phillippi. On da way he aks dem, "Who da people sayin' I is?"
\v 28 Dey say, " John da Baptist. Udda people say 'Elijah' an' uddas say you is one uh da prophet dem."
\v 29 He aks dem, "But who yall say I is?" Peter tell him, "You is da Christ".
\v 30 Jesus warn dem to don' tell nobody bout' him.
\v 31 He start ta teach dem how da Son uh Man ga have ta suffa alotta tings an' ga be scorn by da eldas da chief priest an' da scribes dem, an' he ga get kill an' he ga come back ta life afta tree days.
\v 32 He talk dat message in da open. Den Peter talk ta him on da side an' correc' him.
\v 33 Jesus look at he disciple dem an' he correc' Peter an' say, "Get behind me Satan! You een puttin' ya mind on da tings uh God, but on da tings uh man."
\v 34 Den he call da crowd an' he disciple dem togedda an he say, "If anybody wan' follow me he gatta deny heself, take up he cross an' follow me even ta deat'.
\v 35 Whoever wan' save he life ga loss it, and whoever loss he life fa my sake an' duh gospel ga save it."
\v 36 What use it ga be ta somebody if he get erryting he wan' an' still loss he oon life?
\v 37 What somebody could even give in return fa he life?
\v 38 "Whoever shame uh me an' my words in dis sweetheartin', sinful generation, duh Son uh Man ga be shame uh him when he come in he Fadda glory along wit da holy angels."
\c 9
\v 1 He did tell dem, "I tellin' yall, some uh yall wat standin' here ean ga dead before ya see when God kingdom come wit all he power."
\v 2 Six days afta dat, Jesus did take Peter, James an' John up a high mountain by deysef. Den he did change in fronta dem.
\v 3 All-uh-a-sudden, dey did see him in some shiny, white-white clothes; more white dan any bleach cud eva do.
\v 4 Den dey see Elijah an' Moses appear an' start talkin' ta Jesus.
\v 5 Peter say ta Jesus, "Teacha, is good dat we did come, so less make tree tent fa you an' Moses an' Elijah."
\v 6 (Dey was so scared dat he didn' know wat ta say!)
\v 7 Den a cloud did come ova dem, an' dey hear a voice from da cloud sayin', "Dis my precious Son. Listen ta what he say."
\v 8 Den when dey look roun', dey een see no one else but Jesus.
\v 9 When dey was comin' down da mountain, Jesus tell dem ta don' tell no one wat dey did see 'til da Son uh Man come back from da dead."
\v 10 Da tree disciples een tell no one, but dey was aksin' deysef wat "come back from da dead" mean.
\v 11 Dey did aks him, "Why da scribes does say Elijah haveta come firs'?"
\v 12 He tell dem, "Elijah does come first so he cud fix-up tings. Why dey write dat da Son uh Man haveta suffa an' have people hate him?
\v 13 But I tell ya, Elijah did already come, an' dey did do wateva dey did wanna do ta him, jus' like dey did write 'bout him."
\v 14 When dey did see da udda disciples, dey see one big crowd uh people roun' dem an' scribes was rowin' wit dem.
\v 15 As soon as dey see Jesus, dey was very surprise, an' dey did run up ta welcome Him.
\v 16 Jesus aks He disciples, "Wat yall runnin' on wit dem 'bout?"
\v 17 Someone in da crowd did say, " Teacha, I bring my son ta you. He have one demon wat is cause him be dumb.
\v 18 It does make him have fits an' is trow him down, an' he is be foamin' at da mout', grindin' he teet' an' is go stiff-stiff. I aks ya disciple-dem if dey coulda cas' out da demon, but dey couldna do it."
\v 19 He did answer dem, "Yall generation is don' believe. How long I haveta be wit yall an' take dis? Bring him here ta me."
\v 20 Dey did bring da boy, an' when da demon see Jesus, it did make him have fits. Da boy did fall on da groun' and foam at da mout.
\v 21 Jesus aks he fadda, "How long he been doin' dis?" Da fadda say, "He bin doin' dis since he was small.
\v 22 It does make him trow hesef into da fire an' water an' is try ta kill him. If you cud, please have pity an' help us."
\v 23 Jesus say ta him, "'If you cud'? Anyting cud happen fa da one who does believe."
\v 24 Quick so, da daddy say, "I believe! Please help me have more fait."
\v 25 When Jesus did see da crowd uh people runnin' ta him, he rebuke da demon an' say, "You deaf an' dumb demon, I orderin' you ta come out dat boy an' don' eva go back inta him."
\v 26 Da demon shout out an' make da boy have bad bad fits before it did come out. Da boy did look like he was dead, an' da people say, "Da boy dead!"
\v 27 But Jesus take da boy han' an' help him stan' up.
\v 28 When Jesus gone back ta da house where it was private, da disciples did aks him, "How come we cudna get da demon out dat boy?"
\v 29 Jesus say, "Dem kinda demons need prayer fa dem ta get out."
\v 30 Dey lef' dat area an' did gone tru Galilee, but Jesus didn' wan noone ta know he was dere
\v 31 cuz he was teachin' da disciples. Jesus tell dem, "Da Son uh Man ga be given inta da han' uh man an' dey ga kill him. When dey kill him, he ga rise up again in tree days"
\v 32 Da disciples didn' know wat He was talkin' 'bout, but dey was too scared to aks.
\v 33 Den dey did come ta Capernaum, an' when Jesus gone in da house he aks da disciples, "What yall was talkin' 'bout while we was walkin'?"
\v 34 Da disciples didn' say nuttin' cuz dey was rowin' wit' each udda ta see who was da bes'.
\v 35 Jesus did sit down an' tell dem come sit by him an' did say, "If ya wan be firs', den ya have ta be las' an' a servant ta everyone."
\v 36 He take one lil chile an' lif' him up an' say,
\v 37 "If anyone accep' dis chile in my name den dey accep' me; whoeva accep' me don' accep' me but da one who sen' me."
\v 38 John say ta him, "Teacha, we did see someone tryna cas' out demons in ya name, but we did stop him cuz he don' follow us."
\v 39 But Jesus say, "Don' stop him cuz een no one cud do good works in my name an' den talk bad 'bout me afta."
\v 40 Whoeva een against us is fa us.
\v 41 Whoeva gee ya a cuppa wata ta drink in my name cuz you belong ta Christ, I tellin' ya, he een ga lose he prize.
\v 42 Whoeva cause one uh dese chirren who believe in me ta stumble den it ga be betta fa him to have one big millstone put roun' he neck an' get trow in da sea.
\v 43 If ya hand' cause ya ta stumble den cut it off. Is betta ta go tru life wit one han' dan havin' two hans an' goin' ta hell where da fire neva stop burnin'.
\v 44 If
\v 45 ya foot cause ya ta stumble den cut it off. It betta fa ya ta go life a cripple dan have ya two foot an' get trow in hell.
\v 46 If
\v 47 ya eye cause ya ta stumble den take it out. It betta ta go tru life wit one eye dan ta have two eyes an' go ta hell
\v 48 where dem worms don' neva die an' da fire always burnin'.
\v 49 Erryone ga get salt wit' fire.
\v 50 Salt is good, but if da salt lose it saltiness ya can' make it salty again. Treat each udda good like salt is gee food good good flava, an' have peace wit each udda.
\c 10
\v 1 Nah Jesus lef' dat place an' did gone over ta Judea, an' ta one place jus' eas' uh da Jordon River. One bunch uh people was waitin' on Him. An' He start teachin' dem cuz dis was sometin' He usta doin'.
\v 2 Da Pharisee dem did come ta Jesus ta tes' Him an' dey did wan know, "Is it okay fa a man ta leave he wife?"
\v 3 Den Jesus aks dem, "What Moses had ta say bout it?"
\v 4 An' da Pharisee dem say, "He say das okay fa a man ta gee he wife legal papers an' tell her ta go."
\v 5 "Moses realize dat some man dem head hard, so he let dem do it," Jesus say ta dem.
\v 6 "From da beginnin' of time when God made dis earth, 'God made dem man an' woman.'
\v 7 'Cause a dis, a man leave he ma an' pa ta get marrid ta he wife,
\v 8 an' dey become one.' Dey een two no more, dey is one.
\v 9 So wat God put togedda, een no one should try ta break dem up.
\v 10 While dey was in da house, da disciples aks Jesus bout dis again.
\v 11 He say, "If a man leave he wife an' marry again, it ga be jus' like he sweetheartin' on her.
\v 12 An' if a women leave her husband an' marry again, it ga be jus' like she sweetheartin', too.
\v 13 Den dey bring da lil chirren ta him so He could lay hands on dem, but da disciples start ta shoo dem away.
\v 14 An' when Jesus see dis, He get mad an' say, "Let da chirren dem come ta me an' don' stop dem, cuz God kingdom include people like dem.
\v 15 Ta be truteful, anyone who don' receive da kingdom like a chile een gettin' in it."
\v 16 Afta sayin' dat, He take da chirren dem in he arm, lay hands on dem an' bless dem.
\v 17 Wen Jesus gone on one nex' trip, a man run up ta Him, kneeling down, aksin' him, "Good teacher, what I haveta do so I could live foreva?"
\v 18 Jesus say, "Why you callin' me good? Da only person who good is God.
\v 19 You know da commandments: 'Ya shouldn' murda, ya shouldn' t'ief, ya shouldn' be sweetheartin', ya shouldn' be lyin', ya shouldn' be foolin' nobody, an' ya should be givin' respect ta ya mudda an' fadda."
\v 20 But da man say, "Teacha, I been doin' des tings since I was a lil boy."
\v 21 Jesus look at him an' love him fa dat. He say, "Only one ting you een do. Ya gatta sell all ya have an' gee it ta da poor, an' you ga have treasure in heaven. Den come follow me."
\v 22 But cuz uh wat Jesus say, da man did look sad sad an leave lil down cuz he had plenty tings.
\v 23 Jesus look at he disciples an' say, "How hard it is fa dem rich people ta get inta da Kingdom uh God!"
\v 24 Da disciple dem was shock at what Jesus say ta dem. But Jesus say ta dem again, "Chirren, how hard it is ta enter da Kingdom of God!
\v 25 It easier fa a camel ta go tru da eye uh a needle dan fa a rich man ta enter da Kingdom uh God."
\v 26 Dey was shock an' say ta one anudda, "Den who could be save?"
\v 27 Jesus look at dem an say, "Wit people it een possible, but not wit God. All tings possible wit God."
\v 28 Peter begin ta talk ta Him, "Look, we leave erryting behin' an' follow you!"
\v 29 Jesus say, "Listen, I tellin' you, een no one who leave dey house or dey brudda an' sista dem or mudda an' fadda or chirren or dey land fa my sake an' da gospel
\v 30 who een ga get a hundred times more in dis life: houses an' bruddas an' sistas an' muddas an' chirren an' property, along wit da bad treatment, an' in da world ta come, eternal life.
\v 31 But plenty uh dem who firs' ga be last, an' da last ga be firs'."
\v 32 Dey was on da road goin' up ta Jerusalem, an' Jesus was goin' ahead uh dem. Da disciples was shock, an' dem who was followin' behind dem was scared. Den Jesus take da twelve on da side again an' begin ta tell dem what ga soon happen ta Him.
\v 33 "See, we goin' up ta Jerusalem, an' da Son uh Man ga be given ta da chief priests an' da scribes. Dey ga sentence him ta death an' gee him ta da Gentiles.
\v 34 Dey ga tease him, spit on him, beat him, an' put him ta deat. But, afta tree days, He ga raise up."
\v 35 Zebedee two sons, James an' John, come up ta him an' say, "Teacha, we wan' you ta do fa us whatever we aks you."
\v 36 He say ta dem, "Watchu wan' me ta do fa ya?"
\v 37 Dey say, "Let us sit wit you wen you rule in ya kingdom, one at da right hand and da udda at da lef'."
\v 38 But Jesus say ta dem, "You een know what you aksin'. You ga be able ta drink da same cuppa sufferin' dat I drink or be baptized wit da same baptism uh sufferin' I ga be baptized wit'?"
\v 39 Dey say ta him, "We could." Jesus say ta dem, "Da cup dat I ga drink, you ga drink, an' wit da baptism dat I ga be baptize wit, you ga be baptize wit.
\v 40 It een me who ga say who ga sit at my right hand or my lef' hand, but who God say it ga be fa."
\v 41 Wen da udda ten disciples hear bout dis, dey start ta get mad wit James an' John.
\v 42 Jesus call dem ta hesef an' say, "Yall know da people who da Gentiles tink is rule dem is dominate dem, an' da high officials is use dey autority on them."
\v 43 But it een dis way wit yall. Whicheva one uh yall wan be great gotta be a servant,
\v 44 an' whicheva one uh yall wan be firs' gotta be a slave ta all uh you.
\v 45 Fa da Son uh Man een come fa people ta serve him, but ta serve people an' gee he life ta pay fa many."
\v 46 Dey come ta Jericho. As he leave Jericho wit he disciples an' a big crowd, da son uh Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a blind begga was sittin' by da road.
\v 47 When he hear dat it was Jesus from Nazareth, he start hollorin' an' say, "Jesus, Son uh David, have mercy on me!"
\v 48 Plenty people start rowin' da blind man, tellin' him ta shut up. But, he holla even louda dan before, "Son uh David, have mercy on me!"
\v 49 Jesus stop an' tell dem, "Call him ova here". Dey call da blin' man, sayin', "Be brave! Get up! He callin' fa you."
\v 50 So Bartimaeus trow his coat on da side, jump up, an' gone ta Jesus.
\v 51 Jesus ansa him an' say, "Watchu wan me do fa you?" Da blind man say, "Teacha, I wan' see."
\v 52 Den Jesus say ta him, "Go. Ya fait done heal you." Right afta, he coulda see again an' da man wasn' blin no more an' follow Jesus on da road.
\c 11
\v 1 Jesus an' he disciples did come ta Jerusalem close ta Bethphage an' Bethany at da Mount uh Olives an' Jesus sen two uh he disciple.
\v 2 He say, "Go in da village 'cross from us an' when yuh reach, you ga fin' one lil donkey dat no one een neva ride. Loose it an' bring it ta me.
\v 3 If any uh dem say, 'Why yall loosin' dat donkey?' say 'I, da Lord, need it an' ga bring it right back afta i done wit it.'"
\v 4 So da two disciples gone an' fin' a lil donkey wat was tie up ta one door in da street, so dey loose it.
\v 5 Da people standin' outside say ta dem, " why yall loosin dat donkey?"
\v 6 Den dey ansa how Jesus tell dem ta ansa an' da people let dem go where dey had ta go.
\v 7 Dey bring da donkey ta Jesus an' t'row dey coat on it an' Jesus sit on it.
\v 8 Da people t'row dey coat on da road, an' da rest uh dem t'row tree branch wat dey did cut from da fields.
\v 9 Da people who was in fronta him an' who was followin' him shout, "Hosanna! Blessed is da one who come in da name uh da Lord.
\v 10 Blessed is da comin' kingdom of our fadda David! Hosanna in da highest!"
\v 11 Den Jesus did gone in Jerusalem an' gone in da temple ta look at errytin'. It was late so he gone outta Bethany with da twelve disciples.
\v 12 Da nex' day, when dey was goin' from Bethany, Jesus was hungry .
\v 13 From far, Jesus did see a fig tree wit a bunch a leaf so he gone ta see if he cud fin' any fruit on it an' all he see was a buncha leaf on it cuz it wasn' in season.
\v 14 Jesus tell da tree, " Ain no one ga eat fruits from you again." An' da disciples hear it.
\v 15 Dey all come ta Jerusalem an' Jesus come in da temple an' trow out da people who was sellin' an' buyin' tings in da temple. He t'row ova da money changer dem tables an' da chairs uh da people who was sellin' pigeons.
\v 16 He een let no one bring nuttin' dey coulda sell in dere.
\v 17 He teach dem an' say, "Een dey write, 'My house ga be da praying house fuh all da nations'? But yinna make it a room fulla uh t'ieves."
\v 18 Da chief priests an' scribes ain like wat he was sayin' so dey was tryna fin' a way to get rid uh him cuz all da people was shock uh wat he was teachin'.
\v 19 Wen dark fall, dey leave da city.
\v 20 The nex' mornin' Jesus an' he disciples walk pas' da same fig tree an' it was wither up ta da roots.
\v 21 Peter did rememba an' say, "Teacha look! Da tree you curse done dry right up."
\v 22 Jesus tell dem, "Have fait in God.
\v 23 If one uh yi tell da mountain, 'Get up and t'row yaself in da sea,' an' if he really believe in he heart dat it ga happen, das what God ga do.
\v 24 So I say to yall: Errytin' you pray an' aks fuh, believe dat it already yons an' it ga be yours.
\v 25 When yuh prayin', fagive da people who do you wrong, so yuh Fadda in heaven ga fagive you and ya sins too."
\v 26 Jesus
\v 27 an' he disciples did come back ta Jerusalem. An' when he gone in da temple, da chief priests an' scribes an' da eldas come ta him.
\v 28 Dey say, "What gee you da right ta do dese tings an' who gee you da at'ority?"
\v 29 Jesus say to dem, " I ga ask yinna one question an' when you ansa i ga tell you who gee me da at'ority to do dese tings.
\v 30 Da baptism uh John, it was from heaven or from man? Ansa me."
\v 31 Dey talk wit each udda and row and say, " If we say, ' From heaven,' he ga say, 'den why you een believe him?'
\v 32 But if we say, 'From man,' dey was scared uh da people cuz erryone really tought dat John was a prophet.
\v 33 Den dey ansa Jesus an' say, " We een know." Den Jesus say, " Den ine ga tell you wat at'ority I have ta do dese tings eeda,"
\c 12
\v 1 Den Jesus start usin' parables ta teach dem. He say, "One man did plant a vineyard, make it up nice wit some bush 'round it an' dig one hole fa dem ta mash da grape up in. He make one tall tower ta look ova da place an' he rent out da vineyard ta some farmas. Den he gone away on one trip.
\v 2 When da time was right, he did sen' one servant ta go ta da farmas ta pick up some fruits wat dey did grow.
\v 3 But when da servant gone, da people catch him, beat him an' sen' him back wit nuttin'.
\v 4 Den he sen' one nex' servant again, an' dey lick him in he head an' treat him dead bad.
\v 5 He sen' a nex' one, an' dey kill dat one. Dey treat da nex' ones da same way - some get beat an' da udda ones get kill.
\v 6 Da man had one more person ta sen' - da son who he did love ta deat'. He was da las' one he sen' ta dem people. He say, 'Dey ga respek my son.'
\v 7 But dem people say ta one anudda, 'Dis he firs' born. Come man, less kill him, an' we ga get erryting wat was ga be pass down ta him.'
\v 8 Dey catch him, kill him an' t'row him out da yard.
\v 9 So wat you tink da owna ga do when he come back? He ga come an' kill dem farmas an' ga gee da vineyard ta udda farmas.
\v 10 You een read dis scripture? 'Da stone what da buildas een wan ga be da cornerstone - da impo'tant one.
\v 11 Dis was from da Lord, an' it ga be wundaful in our eyes.'"
\v 12 Afta dis, da leadas uh da Jews did try fin' a way ta get Jesus lock up cuz dey know he was talkin' bout dem. But dey was dead scared uh alla da people. So dey leave him an' gone dey way.
\v 13 But dey sen' some Pharisee an' Herodians ta him ta see if dey coulda trick him wit dey mout'.
\v 14 When dey come, dey say, "Teacha, you een care wat no one tink cuz you don' curry fava. You really is teach da way uh God. You tink it right fa us ta be payin' Caesar all dat tax or no? We should be payin dat?"
\v 15 But Jesus know what dey was doin' an' tell dem, "Why yall tessin' me? Bring me one uh dem silva coin so I cud see it."
\v 16 Dey bring one ta Jesus, an' he say ta dem, "Who face dis is an' who words dese is." Dey say, "Das Caesar oon."
\v 17 Jesus say, "Gee Caesar wat belong ta Caesar, an' gee God wat belong ta God." Dey was so su'prise he say dat.
\v 18 Den da Sadducees, who say een no resurrection, did come ta him. Dey aks him,
\v 19 "Teacha, Moses did write, 'If a man brudda dead, an' he brudda was marrid but een had no chirren, da man shud marry da brudda wife an' raise one son wat ga be da dead brudda son.'
\v 20 Dere was seven bruddas; da firs' one get a wife an' den he did dead but een had no chirren.
\v 21 Den da secon' one take her, an' he dead but een had no chirren, an' da t'ird one was da same way.
\v 22 Da seven uh dem een had no chirren. Den da woman did dead las'.
\v 23 When dey come back ta life, who wife she ga be? Cuz all seven uh dem bruddas dead an' did marrid her."
\v 24 Jesus say, "Dis why yall een know aye? Cuz yall don' know da scripture or da power uh God?
\v 25 Cuz when dey raise from da dead, dey een ga marrid or get gee away ta get marrit. Dey ga be like angels in heaven.
\v 26 But yall talkin' 'bout when da dead get raise up. You mussy een read da book uh Moses when he was talkin' bout' da bush, an' when God talk ta him an' say, "I is da God uh Abraham an' da God uh Isaac an' da God uh Jacob'?
\v 27 He een da God uh da dead, but uh da livin'. Yall wrong."
\v 28 One uh da scribes did come an' hear wat dey was talkin' 'bout; he see Jesus did ansa dem good-good. He aks Jesus, "Which one uh da commandment is da mos' important."
\v 29 Jesus say, " Da mos' important is da one wat say, 'Listen Israel, da Lord is our God, da Lord is one.
\v 30 Ya mus' love da Lord ya God wit all ya heart, an' all ya soul, an' all ya min' an' all ya strent'.'
\v 31 Da second commandment is, 'Ya mus' love ya neighba jus' like ya love yasef.' Een no commandment betta dan dese set."
\v 32 Da scribe say, "Good, Teacha! You really say God is da one an' een no one else cud stan' nex' ta him.
\v 33 Lovin' God wit all ya heart an' wit all ya min' an' wit all ya strent', an' ta love ya neighba like ya love yasef is betta dan alla da sacrifice an' offerins."
\v 34 When Jesus see he ansa was very wise, he say, "You een far from God kingdom." Afta dat, een no one even try aks Jesus no more questions.
\v 35 When Jesus was teachin' in da court temple, he say, "How da scribe dem cud say da Christ is da son uh David?
\v 36 David hesef, in da Spirit, say, "Da Lord say ta my Lord, 'Sit at my right han' until I put ya enemy 'neath ya foot.'"
\v 37 David hesef is call him 'Lord,' so how da Christ cud be David son?" Da big crowd was happy ta listen ta him.
\v 38 While he was teachin' Jesus say, "Watch out fa dem scribes who like ta walk 'bout in dem long robe an' like ta get hail in da ma'ket
\v 39 an' have da most impo'tant seat in da synagogue an' like be da gues' uh honour at da feas'.
\v 40 Dey is cheat an' t'ief da widow dem house, an' is pray long long so people cud see dem. Dese man ga get charge hard."
\v 41 Den Jesus sit down 'cross from da offerin' box in da temple; he was watchin' people while dey was puttin' dey money in da box. Plenty rich people put in big money.
\v 42 Den one poor poor widow come up an' put in two mites wat was only wort' 'bout couple cent.
\v 43 He call he disciple an' say, "I tellin' yall da trute. Dis poor widow put more in dat box dan errybody else who put dey money in.
\v 44 Da res' uh dem give cuz dey had plenty, but dis women, wit her poor sef, gee erryting she had."
\c 13
\v 1 When Jesus was walkin' away from da temple, one uh he disciple say, "Teacha, you see all dese real nice buildins an' stones?"
\v 2 Jesus say, "You see all dese nice buildins? All dese stones gettin' break down."
\v 3 While he was sittin' on da Mount uh Olives, wat was opposite da temple, an' dey was by deysef, Peter, James, John an' Andrew aks Jesus,
\v 4 "How we ga know when dese tings ga happen? Wat ga be da sign when dese tings 'bout ta happen?"
\v 5 Jesus did start ta say ta dem, "People ga try ta lead you from off da right pat' but don' let dem.
\v 6 Plenty uh dem ga come like me an' say, "I is He," an' dey ga lead plenty people down da wrong pat'.
\v 7 When you hear 'bout wars wat happenin' close by an' news 'bout ones in udda countries, don' get scared; dese tings ga haveta happen, but dis een da end.
\v 8 Cuz nations ga go against each udda, an' kingdoms ga go against each udda. Plenty places ga have earthquake an' people ga starve. Dese ga be jus' like da beginnin' uh labor pain.
\v 9 You haveta be careful. Dey ga put you in court an' ga beat you in da synagogues. You ga stand in fronta governas an' kings cuz uh me an' witness ta dem 'bout me.
\v 10 But before da end come, da gospel haveta get preach ta all da nations.
\v 11 When dey arrest you an' gee you ta da autorities don' worry 'bout wat you haveta say. When dat time come, God ga gee you wat you should say; it een ga be you who talkin', but it ga be da Holy Spirit talkin' trough you.
\v 12 Brudda ga backstab he oon brudda an' get him kill, an' a fadda ga backstab he chile. Chirren ga go against dey parents an' cause dem ta get kill.
\v 13 Everyone ga hate you cuz uh my name, but whoeva last 'til da end, dat person ga be save.
\v 14 "When you see da "abomination of desolation" standin' in da temple where it een suppose ta be standin' (may erryone who read dis undastan'), den let da people in Judea run inta da mountains,
\v 15 let dem who on da rooftop not go inta da house or take anytin' from it,
\v 16 an' don' let anyone who in da field go back in da house ta get he coat.
\v 17 But dem-ones who pregnant an' nursin' baby ga suffa when da time come!
\v 18 Pray dat it een ga happen when it get col',
\v 19 cuz people ga suffa plenty like no one eva see since God firs' create da worl' an' een ga neva see again.
\v 20 Unless da Lord ga cut dem days short, den een nobody ga survive. But fa dem people who God choose, he ga cut da days short.
\v 21 Den if anyone tell you, 'Look! See, dis da Christ!' or 'Look! He ova dere!" don' believe dem.
\v 22 Cuz false Christs an' false prophets ga come an' gee signs an' miracles dat cud even trick da chosen people uh God.
\v 23 Be on da look out! I tell yall dese tings ta warn ya ahead uh time.
\v 24 But afta da trials in dem days, 'da sun ga be dark, da moon ean ga gee no light,
\v 25 da stars ga fall from da sky an' da powerful tings in da sky ga shake.'
\v 26 Den dey ga see da Son uh Man comin' in da clouds wit great power an' glory.
\v 27 Den He ga sen' He angels an' bring all He chosen people togedda from da four winds, from da ends uh da eart' an' da ends uh da sky.
\v 28 Ya need ta learn from da fig tree. As soon as dem branch get nice an' tenda' an' da leaf start showin', den ya know summa comin'.
\v 29 So when you see dese tings happenin', understan' dat he comin' an' soon ga reach.
\v 30 To tell da trute, dis generation ean ga pass 'way 'til all dese tings happen.
\v 31 Heaven an' earth ga be gone, but my words een ga dead.
\v 32 But as ta when dat day or hour comin', een no one know, not even da angels in heaven or da Son, only da Fadda.
\v 33 Be careful! Look out! Cause you ean ga know wat time it ga happen.
\v 34 Is like a man who goin' 'way - he leave he house an' he put he servants in charge uh da house an' all dem gat dey oon job da do. He tell da doorkeepa ta be on da alert.
\v 35 So be on da look out cause you een ga know when da masta uh da house comin' home; he cud come in da evenin', midnight, when da rooster crow or in da mornin'.
\v 36 He cud come sudden so don' let him catch you sleepin'.
\v 37 An' what I sayin' ta ya I say ta erryone, "Watch out!"
\c 14
\v 1 Nah two days before da Passover and da Festival uh Unleavened Bread. Da chief priests an' scribes was lookin' fa slick ways ta lock Jesus up an' den kill him.
\v 2 Dey was sayin' "Not during da Festival", so dat no fight wouldn' break out.
\v 3 While Jesus was in Simon da leper house in Bethany relaxin' by da table ta eat, a woman wit one pretty white stone jar full uh expensive perfume make from pure spikenard come ta him. She break da jar an' pour da spikenard all ova he head.
\v 4 But some uh dem was mad. Dey talk bout it ta each udda an' say, "Why she wasin' up dis perfume like dis?
\v 5 We cudda sell dis perfume fa more dan 300 silver coin an' gee da money ta da poor." Den dey tell da woman off.
\v 6 But Jesus say, " Leave her alone. Why yall botherin' wit her? She done do one wondaful ting fa me.
\v 7 Yall ga always have da poor wit ya, and yinna could do good tings fa dem wheneva you wan' do it, but ya een ga always have me.
\v 8 She do what all she cudda do an' she prepare my body to get bury.
\v 9 Ta tell ya da trute, wheneva da gospel get preach all ova da world, what she do ga be talk bout an' she ga be rememba fa dat.
\v 10 Den Judas Iscariot, one a da twelve disciples gone ta da chief priest dem so he cudda gee Jesus ova ta dem.
\v 11 When da chief priest dem did hear bout it dey was glad an' dey promise ta gee him some money. He start lookin' fa a chance ta gee Jesus ta dem.
\v 12 On da first day uh unleaven bread, when dey sacrifice da Passover lamb, he disciples tell him, "Where you wan' us go ta get ready ta eat da Passover meal?"
\v 13 He sen two uh he disciples an' tell dem,"When ya go ta da city one man wit a jug uh wata ga meet ya. Jus' follow him.
\v 14 When he go inside one house, follow him an' tell whoever oon da house, ' The Teacha say, "Where my guest room is fa me ta eat da Passover wit my disciple dem' ?"
\v 15 He ga show you one big furnish room upstairs what done ready. Ya cud prepare fa us in dere."
\v 16 Da disciples lef' an' gone ta da city. Dey fin' erryting jus like he say, an' dey get ready fa da Passover meal.
\v 17 When evenin' come, Jesus reach wit da twelve disciples.
\v 18 When dey was by da table eatin' Jesus say, "I tell you da trute, one uh yall who eatin' wit me right nah ga backstab me."
\v 19 Dey did feel so sorry, an' one afta da nex aks him, "It een me, aye?"
\v 20 Jesus say, "Is one uh da twelve, da one dippin' bread in dis bowl wit me right na.
\v 21 Da Son uh Man ga do jus' wat dey write bout' him. But I sorry fa dat man who ga backstab da Son uh Man. It woulda been better fa him if he een did never born."
\v 22 When dey was eatin' Jesus pray fa da bread an' break it. He gee it ta dem an' say, "Take dis; dis my body."
\v 23 He take a cup, give tanks fa it an' give it ta dem so all uh dem cudda drink from it. He say,
\v 24 "Dis da blood uh da covenant what get pour out fa alotta people.
\v 25 Ta tell ya da trute, I een ga drink no more wine til da day when I drink it again in God kingdom."
\v 26 When dey did sing a hymn dey gone ta da Mount uh Olives.
\v 27 Jesus say ta dem, "All uh yall ga leave me cause like dey did write, 'I ga kill da shepherd an' all da sheeps ga scatter'.
\v 28 Afta I get raise up, I ga go ahead uh yall ta Galilee.
\v 29 Peter say "Even if da res' a dem leave you, I een ga do dat."
\v 30 Jesus say, "Ta tell ya da trute, today--yeah dis same night--before da roosta crow two times you ga play like you een know me tree times."
\v 31 Peter say wit conviction, " Even if I gatta dead wit you, I een ga play like I een know you." Alla dem promise da same ting.
\v 32 Dey come ta a place what name Gethsemane an' Jesus tell he disciples, " Yall sit right here an' I ga go pray."
\v 33 He take Peter, James and John wit him an' he start ta worry an' fret.
\v 34 He say, " My soul in deep mournin', where I feel like I ga dead'. Stay right here an' watch out."
\v 35 He gone lil ways from dem an' Jesus fall on da groun' an' he pray fa da --da sufferin' ta get take from him if dat cudda happen.
\v 36 He say, "Abba, Fadda, all tings possible wit you. Take dis cup from me. But don' do what I wan do, do what you want."
\v 37 When he come back dey was done sleepin' an' he tell Peter. "Simon, you sleepin'? You cud'n even keep watch fa one hour?
\v 38 Keep watch an' pray you don' fall in temptation. Da spirit willin' but da flesh weak." footnote
\v 39 He gone away again ta pray an' use da same words.
\v 40 When he come back again dey was sleepin' cuz dey cudn keep dey eye open. Dey een know how ta explain deyself.
\v 41 He come back ta dem da tird time an' say, "Yall still sleepin' an restin'? Das enuff a dat! Da hour fa me ta suffer done reach. Look! Da Son uh Man gettin' betray inta da hands uh sinners.
\v 42 Get up an less go. Da one who ga betray me close by."
\v 43 While he was still talkin', Judas, one a da twelve disciples come dere wit a buncha people from da chief priests ta da scribes ta da eldas an' dey had all kinda sword an' club.
\v 44 Nah da person who did backstab him gee dem a sign when he say, "Da one who I kiss is da man. Grab him an' let da guard dem carry him."
\v 45 As soon as Judas reach, he gone ta Jesus an' say, "Rabbi," den he kiss him.
\v 46 Den dey put dey han' on Jesus an' yuck him up.
\v 47 But one uh dem what was standin' nearby take out he sword an' hit da high priest servant an' one uh he ears come right off.
\v 48 Jesus tell dem, "Why yall carryin' on like I is a robber, comin' out wit all dese swords an' clubs ta lock me up?
\v 49 When I was teachin' yall in da temple erry day, yall een neva arres' me. Dis have ta happen so what da scriptures dem say could come true."
\v 50 All uh dem who was wit Jesus lef him an' gone runnin'.
\v 51 One young man who was wearin' some linen clothes was followin' Jesus. When da man dem grab him,
\v 52 he lef da linen clothes behine an' he run away ball naked.
\v 53 Dey take Jesus ta da high priest. All da chief priests, eldas an' scribes was gatherin' roun' Jesus.
\v 54 Na Peter was followin' lil ways behin' Jesus, an' he gone far as the high priest yard. He sit wit da officers, keepin' heself warm by da fire.
\v 55 Na da chief priest dem an' da Jewish council was lookin' for evidence against Jesus so dey cudda kill him. But dey een fin' none.
\v 56 Some people was tellin' lies on him but dey lies wasn' even makin' sense.
\v 57 Some a dem stan up an' lie on he name; dey say,
\v 58 "We did hear him say, ' I ga break up dis temple wat make wit hands, an' in tree days I guh buil' anudda one wat no hands een make."
\v 59 Still dey evidence agains' him een make no sense.
\v 60 Da high priest stan' up an' aks Jesus, " You een have no answer aye? You een gat nuttin' ta say bout what dese people talkin' bout' you?'
\v 61 But he keep quiet an' he een say nuttin'. Da high priest aks him again an' say, "You is da Christ, da Son uh da Bless One?"
\v 62 Jesus say, " I is; an' you ga see da Son uh Man when he sit in da place uh honour an' come in da heavenly clouds."
\v 63 Da high priest tear up he clothes an' say," We still need any witness?
\v 64 Ya'll done hear da blasphemy. What yinna ga do?" All uh dem say he deserve ta get kill.
\v 65 Some uh da people start ta spit on him an' cover up he face an' hit him wit dey fis' an' say, "Prophesy!" Da officers carry him an' beat him.
\v 66 When Peter was in da yard, one uh da servant girls who did work fa da high priestdid come ta him.
\v 67 When she see Peter warmin' up heself, she look at him dead close an' say, "You was wit Jesus da Nazarene yahsef."
\v 68 But he start lyin' an' say , "I een know or understan' what you talkin' bout'." Den he gone out da gate an' da rooster crow.
\v 69 But da servant girl see him an' she start tellin' da people roun' dere, "Dis man is one uh dem!"
\v 70 But Peter say it wasn' true again. Afta lil while da people who was standin' dere was tellin' Peter, " You is one a dem fa true, cause you is a Galilean."
\v 71 But he start cussin' and swearin, " I don' even know dis man yall talkin' bout' ".
\v 72 Da rooster crow right den fa da second time. Den Peter rememba what Jesus did tell him; " before da rooster crow two time, you ga play like you een know me tree times", and Peter break down an' start hollerin'.
\c 15
\v 1 Early in da mornin', da chief priest, wit da eldas an' scibes an' all da Jewish council talk wit each udda. Den dey tie up Jesus an' sen' him away. Dey gee him ta Pilate.
\v 2 Pilate aks Him, "Youse da King uh da Jews?" He say, " Wateva you say."
\v 3 Da chief priests was sayin' He do all kinda tings.
\v 4 Pilate aks Jesus again, "You een ga talk? Dey say you do alotta tings!"
\v 5 Jesus een ansa Pilate no more, an' Pilate was too shock.
\v 6 Roun' da festival time, Pilate is let one prisoner out fa da people, whoever prisoner dey aks for.
\v 7 One man from prison name Barabbas, who was wit da udda rebels, did kill people wen dey was rebellin' agains' da guvmen'.
\v 8 Da crowd did come ta Pilate an' aks him ta da wat he always usta do.
\v 9 Pilate say ta dem, "You wan me gee you da King uh da Jews?"
\v 10 He did know dat only cuz dem chief priests was jealous, dey gee him Jesus.
\v 11 But da chief priests tell da people dem ta beg fuh Barabbas to get let go an' not Jesus.
\v 12 Pilate did ansa dem again an' say, "Wat yall wan me do wit da King uh da Jews?"
\v 13 Dey shout again, "Crucify Him!"
\v 14 Pilate say ta dem, "What bad tings He even do?" But dey keep shoutin' more an' more, "Crucify Him."
\v 15 Pilate did wan make da people happy, so he gee dem Barabbas. He whip Jesus an' gee Him ova ta be crucify.
\v 16 Da soldiers did take Him in da guvment headquarters an' dey call da whole team uh soldiers ta come.
\v 17 Dey put a purple robe on Jesus, an' twis' da torns togedda ta make one crown ta put on He head.
\v 18 Dey start salutin' Him an' say, "Hail, King uh da Jews!"
\v 19 Dey was hitting He head dead hard wit a stick an' was spittin' on Him. Dey gone on dey knees an' bow down in da fron' uh Him.
\v 20 When dey finish mockin' Him, dey take da purple robe off Him an' put He own clothes back on Him, an' take Him to get crucify.
\v 21 One man who name Simon uh Cyrene, was comin' in from da country (he was da fadda uh Alexander an' Rufus) an' dey make him carry Jesus cross.
\v 22 Da soldiers bring Jesus ta da place call Golgotha (wat mean "Place uh da Skull").
\v 23 Dey offa Him wine mix wit myrrh, but He een drink it.
\v 24 Dey crucify Him an' share up all He clothes by bettin' to see wat piece each uh dem soldiers ga get.
\v 25 Dey crucify Him at nine a clock in da mornin'.
\v 26 Dey write wat dey charge Him fa on a sign an' it say, "Da King uh da Jews."
\v 27 Dey crucify two robbas wit Him, one on da right uh Him an' one on da
\v 28 lef'.
\v 29 Da people who was walkin' pass Him, shake dey head an' talk ta Him dead bad an' say, "Een you da one who say you ga destroy da temple an' buil' it back in tree days,
\v 30 so save yasef an' come down from da cross den!"
\v 31 Jus' like dem, da chief priests an' da scibes was talkin' ta each udda an' makin' fun uh him, an' say, "He save udda people, but He cyan save Hesef.
\v 32 Nah let da Christ, da King uh Israel, come down from da cross, so we ga see an' believe." Da people who was crucify wit Him was makin' fun uh Him, too.
\v 33 At 12 a clock, darkness come ova da whole lan' til tree a clock.
\v 34 At tree a clock, Jesus cry out dead loud, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" wat mean, "My God, my God why you leave me?"
\v 35 Some uh dem who was standin' close did hear what He was sayin' an' dey say, "Look, He callin' fuh Elijah."
\v 36 Someone did run, put some wine on one sponge, put it on a stick, an' gee it ta Him ta drink. Da man say, "Less see if Elijah come ta take him down".
\v 37 Den Jesus holla dead loud an' die.
\v 38 Da curtain in da temple tear in two from top ta bottom.
\v 39 When da centurion, who is command 100 men, stan' an' face Jesus an' see He die like dat, he say, "Dis man was da Son uh God fa tru."
\v 40 Dere was some woman dem who look from far away. Mary Magdalene, Mary (da mudda uh James da young one an' uh Joses), an' Salome, was wit dem, too.
\v 41 Wen Jesus was in Galilee dey did follow Him an' serve Him. Many udda woman dem did come up wit Him ta Jerusalem.
\v 42 When dark did fall, cuz it was da Day uh Preparation, das da day before da Sabbath,
\v 43 Joseph uh Arimathea did come dere. People did respeck him in da council, an' he was waitin' for da Kingdom uh God. He was bold when he gone ta Pilate an' aks fa Jesus body.
\v 44 Pilate was shock dat Jesus was dead already. He call da centurion, an' aks him if Jesus was dead.
\v 45 When Pilate learn from da centurion dat Jesus was dead, he gee da body ta Joseph.
\v 46 Joseph did bring a piece uh linen. He take him down from da cross, wrap Him in da cloth, an' put Him in a tomb dat dey cut out uh da rock. Den he roll da stone in fronta da tomb.
\v 47 Mary Magdalene and Mary da mudda uh Joses did see da place where dey bury Jesus.
\c 16
\v 1 When da Sabbath was ova, Mary Magdalene, Mary da mudda uh James an' Salome did bring da spice ta put on Jesus body.
\v 2 Early early on Sunday mornin', jus' afta da sun come up, dey carry da spice ta da tomb.
\v 3 When dey was goin' ta da tomb, dey was aksin' each udda, "Who ga moo dat heavy stone out da way?"
\v 4 When dey get dere, someone did already moo da stone.
\v 5 Dey gone inside an' see a young man in one white robe sittin' on da right side, an' dey was too shock.
\v 6 Da man tell dem, "Don' be scared. I know who you lookin' fa. You lookin' fa Jesus da Nazarene who was nail ta da cross. Look where dey did put Him. He een here.
\v 7 Nah go tell He disciples - 'specially Peter! Tell dem, 'Jesus ga be dere in Galilee before ya even reach. An' ya ga see Him dere jus like He say.'"
\v 8 Den da woman dem run outside da tomb an' dey was tremblin' cuz dey was too shock. An' dey een tell no one cuz dey was too scared.
\v 9 On da firs' day afta Jesus come back from da dead, He show Hesef ta Mary Magdalene. Dis da same woman He cast out whole seven demons from.
\v 10 She gone ta da disciple dem who was lock up in da house grievin' an' cryin' an' tell dem wat she did see.
\v 11 An' when she tell dem she did see Jesus, dey een believe her.
\v 12 Afta dat, He show Hesef ta two udda disciple in a differen' way when dey was walkin' out inta da country.
\v 13 Dey gone back an' tell da res' uh da disciple dem, but da disciple dem een believe dem.
\v 14 Jesus gone ta da eleven disciple later on when dey was eatin an' He row dem fa not believin' wat da people was tellin' dem how dey see Him afta He come back ta life.
\v 15 He say, "Go out inta da whole world an' spread da gospel ta erryone.
\v 16 Erryone who believe an' get baptize ga be save. Who don' believe wat ya say, ga be punish.
\v 17 Dem people who believe da good news ga do plenty miracle ta show God wit dem. An' wit my power dey ga cast out demons an' speak in tongues dey een know before.
\v 18 An' dey ga pick up snake wit dey bare han' an' if dey drink poison, een nuttin' ga happen ta dem. Dey ga lay dey han' on da sick an' dey ga get heal."
\v 19 Afta da Lord Jesus done say all dat, God take Him up to heaven an' He sit down on da right side uh God.
\v 20 Da disciples gone an' dey preach errywhere, an' da Lord help dem an' show wat dey was speakin' was tru from da miracles dey did do.

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- Kimberley Minors
- Nicolette Turnquest
- Rudina Miller
- Whitney Minors
- Krista Walkes-Francis
- George Curley
- Blaze Johnson
creator: Wycliffe Associates
description: ""
format: text/usfm
identifier: udb
issued: 2022-01-21
modified: 2022-01-21
direction: ltr
identifier: bah
title: Bahamian
publisher: unfoldingWord
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- bah/tn
rights: CC BY-SA 4.0
identifier: ulb
language: en
version: "1"
subject: Bible
title: Unlocked Dynamic Bible
type: bundle
version: "1"
- Wycliffe Associates
checking_level: "1"
title: Mark
versification: other
identifier: mrk
sort: 42
path: ./42-MRK.usfm
- bible-nt