\s5 \c 52 \p \d A psalm written by David for the choir director when Doeg went to Saul and said, "David has gone to talk with Ahimelech, the high priest." \b \q1 \v 1 You proud man, you think that you are strong; \q2 you boast about the trouble that you make for others, \q1 but God faithfully protects people from you every day. \q1 \v 2 All during the day you plan to get rid of others; \q1 what you say is like a sharp blade, \q2 and you are always deceiving others. \s5 \q1 \v 3 You like doing what is evil more than you like doing what is good, \q2 and you like telling lies more than you like telling the truth. \s5 \q1 \v 4 You, the one who says things to deceive people, \q2 you like to say things that hurt people! \b \q1 \v 5 But God will get rid of you forever; \q2 he will grab you and drag you from your home \q2 and take you away from this world where people are alive. \s5 \q1 \v 6 When righteous people see that, they will be awestruck, \q2 and they will laugh at what happened to you, and say, \q1 \v 7 "Look what happened to the man who would not ask God to protect him; \q2 he trusted that his great wealth would save him; \q2 he grew more powerful by wickedly hurting other people." \b \s5 \q1 \v 8 But I am secure because I worship in God's temple; \q2 I am like a strong green olive tree. \q1 I trust in God, who faithfully loves us forever. \b \q \v 9 God, I will always thank you for everything you have done. \q2 I will wait patiently because you are so good, \q2 especially when I stand before your faithful people.