working on fractions and "about"

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Tom Warren 2017-01-09 16:44:22 -05:00
parent be90e31e72
commit 1c816d7e31
11 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions

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\v 15 Tell the skilled workman to make a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest. He will use this to find out what I want the people to do. They must make it of the same materials as the sacred apron, and they must embroider it in the same way with gold, blue, purple, and red fine linen.
\v 16 It is to be square, and the material must be folded double so that it is 23 centimeters long and 23 centimeters wide.
\v 16 It is to be square, and the material must be folded double so that it is twenty-three centimeters long and twenty-three centimeters wide.
\v 17 The skilled workman must fasten four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, he must put a red ruby, a yellow topaz, and a red garnet.

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\v 10 The next day that person must bring two male lambs and one female lamb; the female lamb must be one year old, and the animals must have no defects. He must also bring about 6 and one-halfliters of a fine flour offering, mixed with olive oil, to be an offering, and about one third liter of olive oil.
\v 10 The next day that person must bring two male lambs and one female lamb; the female lamb must be one year old, and the animals must have no defects. He must also bring about 6 and one-half liters of a fine flour offering, mixed with olive oil, to be an offering, and about one third liter of olive oil.
\v 11 The priest who declared that the person's skin disease has ended must bring that person and his offerings to Yahweh at the entrance to the sacred tent.

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\v 12 On that same day you must sacrifice to me a one year old male lamb that has no defects. You must burn it on the altar.
\v 13 You must also burn a flour offering. That offering must consist of 4 and one-halfliters of good flour, ground grain, mixed with olive oil. The smell of those things burning will be very pleasing to me. Along with that, you must also offer one liter of wine, which will be a liquid offering.
\v 13 You must also burn a flour offering. That offering must consist of 4 and one-half liters of good flour, ground grain, mixed with olive oil. The smell of those things burning will be very pleasing to me. Along with that, you must also offer one liter of wine, which will be a liquid offering.
\v 14 Do not eat any bread or any roasted or unroasted grain on that day until after you have brought those offerings to me, your God. You and all your descendants must always obey these commands, wherever you live.
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\v 17 From your homes, bring two loaves of bread to the priest. He will lift them up high to dedicate them as an offering to me. Those loaves must be baked from 4 and one-halfliters of good flour that has yeast mixed with it. That bread will be an offering to me from the first wheat that you harvest each year.
\v 17 From your homes, bring two loaves of bread to the priest. He will lift them up high to dedicate them as an offering to me. Those loaves must be baked from 4 and one-half liters of good flour that has yeast mixed with it. That bread will be an offering to me from the first wheat that you harvest each year.
\v 18 Along with this bread, you must present to me seven one year old lambs with no defects, one young bull, and two rams. They must all be completely burned on the altar. All those offerings, with the flour offering and the wine offering, will be burned, and the smell of all those things burning will be very pleasing to me.

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\v 5 Also, each week you must take some fine flour and bake twelve very big loaves of bread, using about 4 and one-halfliters of flour for each loaf.
\v 5 Also, each week you must take some fine flour and bake twelve very big loaves of bread, using about 4 and one-half liters of flour for each loaf.
\v 6 Put the loaves in two rows, with six loaves in each row, on the table covered with pure gold, in my presence.

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\v 66-68 On the tenth day, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, leader of the tribe of Dan brought his gifts:
\li a silver dish that weighed one and one-half kilogram and a silver bowl that weighed four-fifths of a kilogram, both of which were full of good flour and mixed with olive oil to be flour offerings. They both were weighed using the standard scales,
\li a silver dish that weighed one and one-half kilograms and a silver bowl that weighed four-fifths of a kilogram, both of which were full of good flour and mixed with olive oil to be flour offerings. They both were weighed using the standard scales,
\li a small gold dish that weighed about 110 grams, filled with incense.

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\v 8 Sometimes you will offer a young bull to be completely burned on the altar. Sometimes you will offer a sacrifice to indicate that you have made a solemn promise to me. Sometimes you will offer a sacrifice to restore fellowship with me.
\v 9 When you offer these sacrifices, you must also offer a flour offering of about 6 and one-halfliters of finely ground flour mixed with about two liters of olive oil.
\v 9 When you offer these sacrifices, you must also offer a flour offering of about 6 and one-half liters of finely ground flour mixed with about two liters of olive oil.
\v 10 Also pour on the altar two quarts of wine to be an offering. While those special gifts are being burned, the smell from it will be very pleasing to me.

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\v 9 On each Sabbath, you must bring two male lambs that have no defects. Also bring a flour offering of 4 and one-halfliters of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil and a wine offering of 4 and one-halfliters of wine.
\v 9 On each Sabbath, you must bring two male lambs that have no defects. Also bring a flour offering of 4 and one-half liters of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil and a wine offering of 4 and one-half liters of wine.
\v 10 Those are the offerings that are to be burned on the altar each Sabbath. Those are in addition to the offerings of two lambs and wine that you must bring each day.
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\v 26 On the day of the Harvest festival, when you bring to me the first grain that you have harvested, you must gather together to worship me. Do not do any regular work that you would normally do on that day.
\v 27 Bring to me two young bulls, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one year old. When they are completely burned on the altar, the smell will be very pleasing to me.
\v 28 Also bring a flour offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. For each bull bring 5.7 liters, and with each male sheep bring 3.8 liters.
\v 28 Also bring a flour offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. For each bull bring five and three-quarters of a liter, and with each male sheep bring three and four-fifths of a liter.
\v 29 For each of the lambs bring 1.9 liters.
\v 29 For each of the lambs bring two liters.
\v 30 Also sacrifice one male goat to make atonement for your sins.
\v 31 Bring these offerings and the offering of wine in addition to the animals and flour that you burn on the altar each day. And remember that the animals that you sacrifice must have no defects.'"

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\v 16 King Solomon's workers took this gold and hammered it into thin sheets and covered two hundred large shields with those thin sheets of gold. They put about six kilograms of gold on each shield.
\v 17 His workers made three hundred smaller shields. They covered each of them with about 1.7 kilograms of gold. Then the king put those shields in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.
\v 16 King Solomon's workers took this gold and hammered it into thin sheets and covered two hundred large shields with those thin sheets of gold. They put six kilograms of gold on each shield.
\v 17 His workers made three hundred smaller shields. They covered each of them with 1.7 kilograms of gold. Then the king put those shields in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.
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\v 28 Solomon's agents bought horses and supervised the bringing of them into Israel from the areas of Egypt and Cilicia that were famous for breeding horses.
\v 29 In Egypt they bought chariots and horses. They paid about six and one-half kilograms of silver for each chariot and about one and three-fifths kilograms of silver for each horse. They brought them to Israel. Then they sold many of them to the kings of the Hittite people group and the kings of Aram.
\v 29 In Egypt they bought chariots and horses. They paid six and one-half kilograms of silver for each chariot and one and three-fifths kilograms of silver for each horse. They brought them to Israel. Then they sold many of them to the kings of the Hittite people group and the kings of Aram.

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\v 1 Then Solomon's workers started to build the temple for Yahweh in Jerusalem. They built it on Mount Moriah, where an angel from Yahweh had appeared to his father David. They built it on the ground that Ornan, a descendant of the Jebus people group, had sold to David and where David said that it should be built.
\v 2 They began the work on the second day of the second month, when Solomon had been ruling almost four years.
\v 3 The foundation of the temple was about about twenty-seven meters long and about nine meters wide.
\v 3 The foundation of the temple was twenty-seven meters long and nine meters wide.
\v 4 The entrance room across the front of the temple was also about nine meters long, the same as the temple's width. The entrance room was also about nine meters high. Solomon caused workmen to coat the interior of the entrance room with thin sheets of pure gold.
\v 4 The entrance room across the front of the temple was also nine meters long, the same as the temple's width. The entrance room was also nine meters high. Solomon caused workmen to coat the interior of the entrance room with thin sheets of pure gold.
\v 5 Solomon's workers used panels of pine wood to line the main hall of the temple. Then they covered those panels with very thin sheets of pure gold. On them they carved images of palm trees and designs that resembled chains.
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\v 7 They covered the ceiling beams, doorframes, walls and doors of the temple with very thin sheets of gold. They also carved statues of winged creatures on the walls.
\v 8 They also built the very holy place inside the temple. It was about nine meters long, the same as the temple's width. The width of the very holy place was the same. They covered its walls with sheets of pure gold that altogether weighed about twenty-one metric tons.
\v 9 Each gold nails weighed about one and three-fifths kilograms. They also covered the walls of the upper rooms with thin sheets of gold.
\v 8 They also built the very holy place inside the temple. It was nine meters long, the same as the temple's width. The width of the very holy place was the same. They covered its walls with sheets of pure gold that altogether weighed about twenty-one metric tons.
\v 9 Each gold nails weighed one and three-fifths kilograms. They also covered the walls of the upper rooms with thin sheets of gold.
\v 10 Solomon's workers made two statues of creatures with wings to put inside the very holy place. They covered those statues with very thin sheets of gold.
\v 11-12 Each statue had two long wings. One wing of each statue touched the wall of the temple. The other wing of each statue touched a wing of the other statue. The wingspan of each cherub was about 4.6 meters. One wing of each cherub touched the wall, while the other reached to the middle of room and touched the inner wing of the other cherub. Each wing was about two and one-third meters long.
\v 11-12 Each statue had two long wings. One wing of each statue touched the wall of the temple. The other wing of each statue touched a wing of the other statue. The wingspan of each cherub was about 4.6 meters. One wing of each cherub touched the wall, while the other reached to the middle of room and touched the inner wing of the other cherub. Each wing was two and one-third meters long.
\v 13 It was about nine meters from the outer wing of the one statue to the outer wing of the other statue. The statues faced the doorway leading to the main room.
\v 13 It was nine meters from the outer wing of the one statue to the outer wing of the other statue. The statues faced the doorway leading to the main room.
\v 14 Solomon's workers made a curtain to separate the main room from the very holy place. It was made of blue, purple, and red thread and fine linen. Figures of winged creatures were embroidered on the curtain.
\v 15 They made two bronze pillars and put them at the entrance of the temple. They were each about sixteen meters high. A separate piece was attached to the top of each pillar; each of the top pieces was about two and one-third meters high.
\v 15 They made two bronze pillars and put them at the entrance of the temple. They were each sixteen meters high. A separate piece was attached to the top of each pillar; each of the top pieces was two and one-third meters high.
\v 16 The workers made carvings that resembled chains and put them on top of the pillars. They made carvings that resembled pomegranates and attached them to the chains. There were one hundred of them.
\v 17 They set up the pillars in front of the temple, one the south side of the entrance and the other on the north side. The one of the south side was named Jakin and the one on the north side was named Boaz.

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\v 15 When the man had finished measuring the inside of the temple area, he led me out through the east entrance and measured all the surrounding area.
\v 16-19 He measured the four sides of the area. There was a wall around the area that was about 270 meters long on each side.
\v 16-19 He measured the four sides of the area. There was a wall around the area that was about two-hundred and seventy meters long on each side.
\v 20 That wall separated the area which was sacred from the areas that were not sacred.

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\v 13 In the morning of every day, someone must provide a one year old lamb with no defects to be an offering to me, one that the priests will completely burn.
\v 14 Someone must also provide each morning an offering of flour. It must be about 3 and one-halfliters of flour mixed with one liter of olive oil. You must never stop presenting these offerings of flour and olive oil to me, Yahweh, each day.
\v 14 Someone must also provide each morning an offering of flour. It must be about 3 and one-half liters of flour mixed with one liter of olive oil. You must never stop presenting these offerings of flour and olive oil to me, Yahweh, each day.
\v 15 The lamb and the offering of flour and olive oil must be presented to me every morning, to be completely burned on the altar.