
167 lines
4.7 KiB

# Routine to take missing.log entries and link to UGNT and ULB.KJV.Strongs
use 5.12.0;
use File::Slurp;
$| = "\n";
use utf8;
#use open IN => ":utf8", OUT => ":utf8";
use open IO => ":utf8";
use File::Find ;
use Cwd ;
binmode(STDOUT, "encoding(UTF-8)");
my ($outputFiles, $topDir, $xmlFile, $txtFile, $lbsBk, $dataFile, $xmlDir, $doFlag) = (
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/ULB.NASB.Strongs.txt",
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/tW.work.OT.dat",
"/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/OSHB"
my ($missingLine, $bk, $ch, $vs, $ref, $sn, $strong, $word, $flag, $tNid, $abbr, $xfAbr);
my (%bkAbr, %bkFull, %wa);
open LOG, ">:utf8", "/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/out/mine.log.log" or die;
#open OUT, ">:utf8", $outputFile or die;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)/) {
$bkAbr{$1} = $2;
$bkFull{$2} = $1;
$wa{$1} = $3;
#close OUT;
close LOG;
print "\n\tDone.\n\n";
sub ParseLine {
say "\n\n\033[0;1;31mEnter line from missing.log:\033[m\n";
$missingLine = <STDIN>; # I moved chomp to a new line to make it more readable
chomp $missingLine; # Get rid of newline character at the end
exit 0 if ($missingLine eq ""); # If empty string, exit.
#$missingLine = "Mark 11:6 kt/command";
if ($missingLine =~ /^(([^:]*) (\d+):(\d+))\t(\d+)/) {
($ref, $bk, $ch, $vs, $sn, $xfAbr) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $bkAbr{$1});
say LOG "\$bk: $bk";
open (my $file, "<:utf8", "$dataFile") or die "$dataFile:\n$!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^(# )?([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/) {
my ($fullBk, $numBk, $abr) = ($2, $3, $4);
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$numBk: $numBk, \$abr: $abr, \$bk: |$bk|";
if ($fullBk eq $bk) {
say LOG "\$fullBk: |$fullBk|, \$bk: |$bk|";
$lbsBk = $abr;
$abbr = lc $numBk;
say LOG "\$abbr: $abbr";
my $mxl;
if ($bk eq "Psalms?") {$mxl = 3}
else {$mxl = 2}
while (length $ch < $mxl) {$ch =~ s/^/0/}
while (length $vs < $mxl) {$vs =~ s/^/0/}
$xmlFile = "/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/OSHB/${numBk}.xml";
say LOG "\$abbr/\$ch/\$vs: $abbr/$ch/$vs";
system `open -a /Applications/BBEdit.app /Users/Henry/Documents/git.Door43/en_tn/$wa{$fullBk}/$ch/$vs.md`;
close $file;
} else {
die "\n\tInput unreadable.\n"
#say LOG "Looking for $sn in $xmlFile";
#say "Looking to open \$lbsBk\${ch}.\$vs: $lbsBk${ch}.$vs";
# say LOG "\$missingLine: $missingLine, \$ref: $ref, \$bk: $bk, \$ch: $ch, \$vs: $vs, \$url: $url\n\n";
#system `open -a /Applications/Logos.app "logosres:esv;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs"`;
system `open -a /Applications/Logos.app "logos4:TextComparison;ref=BibleESV.$lbsBk${ch}.$vs;res=esv,niv2011,niv,nasb95,nrsv,gs-netbible,nlt,leb,kjv1900"`;
sub FindVerse {
my $fileText = read_file("$txtFile", binmode => 'utf8');
say LOG "FindVerse |$strong|.";
if ($flag && $fileText =~ /$ref\t[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n/) {
say LOG "$ref\n$&";
say $&;
exit 0;
} else {
if ($fileText =~ /$ref([^\n]*\n )([^\n]*<)$strong(.?>[^\n]*)/) {
my ($fore, $precon, $aft) = ($1, $2, $3);
say LOG "\$ref: $ref\n\$fore: $fore\n\$precon:\n$precon\n\$aft: $aft";
my $preprecon;
if ($precon =~ /^(.*([,>\w\'\"\- —;] |['";\.\?\!]))([\w\-]+) (<[^<>]*> )?<$/) {
($preprecon, $word) = ($1, $3);
say LOG "\$&: $&\n\$preprecon: $preprecon\n\$word: $word";
say "$ref$fore$preprecon\033[0;0;32m$word\033[m <\033[0;1;31m$strong\033[m$aft\n";
else {
say "\n\nThe Strong's code <<$strong>> is not found in $ref.\n\n";
system ("bbfind -g \"${ref}\\t[^\\n]*\\n[^\\n]*\" '/Users/Henry/Google Drive/WA/Test/data/ULB.NASB.Strongs.txt'") or die "$!";
system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\[, \\n\\r\]\" {} \\;");
#system ("find $topDir -name \"*.md\" -exec grep -H --color \"$strong\$\" {} \\;");
return $word;
1 Chronicles 1Chr 1ch
1 Kings 1Kgs 1ki
1 Samuel 1Sam 1sa
2 Chronicles 2Chr 2ch
2 Kings 2Kgs 2ki
2 Samuel 2Sam 2sa
Amos Amos amo
Daniel Dan dan
Deuteronomy Deut deu
Ecclesiastes Eccl ecc
Esther Esth est
Exodus Exod exo
Ezekiel Ezek ezk
Ezra Ezra ezr
Genesis Gen gen
Habakkuk Hab hab
Haggai Hag hag
Hosea Hos hos
Isaiah Isa isa
Jeremiah Jer jer
Job Job job
Joel Joel jol
Jonah Jonah jon
Joshua Josh jos
Judges Judg jdg
Lamentations Lam lam
Leviticus Lev lev
Malachi Mal mal
Micah Mic mic
Nahum Nah nam
Nehemiah Neh neh
Numbers Num num
Obadiah Obad oba
Proverbs Prov pro
Psalms Ps psa
Ruth Ruth rut
Song of Songs Song sng
Zechariah Zech zec
Zephaniah Zeph zep