# just, justice, justly ## Definition These terms refer to treating people fairly according to God's laws. Human laws that reflect God's standard of right behavior toward others are also just. * To be "just" is to act in a fair and right way toward others. It also implies honesty and integrity to do what is morally right in God's eyes. * To act "justly" means to treat people in a way that is right, good and proper according to God's laws. * To receive "justice" means to be treated fairly under the law, either being protected by law or being punished for breaking the law. * Sometimes the term "just" has the broader meaning of "righteous" or "following God's laws." ## Translation Suggestions * Depending on the context, other ways to translate "just" could include, "morally right" or "fair." * The term "justice" could be translated as, "fair treatment" or "deserved consequences." * To "act justly" could be translated as, "treat fairly" or "behave in a just way." * In some contexts, "just" could be translated as, "righteous" or "upright."