* Often the word "might" is another word for "strength." When talking about God, it can mean "power."
* The phrase, "mighty men" often refers to men who are courageous and victorious in battle. David's band of faithful men who helped protect and defend him were often called "mighty men."
* Depending on the context, the term "mighty" could be translated as "powerful" or "amazing" or "very strong."
* The phrase "his might" could be translated as "his strength" or "his power."
* In Acts 7, Moses is described as a man who was "mighty in word and deed." This could be translated as, "Moses spoke powerful words from God and did miraculous things" or "Moses spoke God's word powerfully and did many amazing things."
* Depending on the context, "mighty works" could be translated as, "amazing things that God does" or "miracles" or "God doing things with power."
* The term "might" could also be translated as "power" or "great strength."
* Do not confuse this term with the English word that is used to express a possibility, as in "It might rain."