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2017-04-15 17:22:54 +00:00
# miracle, wonder, sign
## Definition
Miracles are things that could never happen unless God caused them. For example, calming a storm and healing a blind person are miracles.
* Miracles are sometimes called "wonders" because they cause people to be filled with wonder or amazement. The term "wonder" is often more general and refers to amazing displays of God's power, such as when he created the heavens and the earth.
* Sometimes miracles are called "signs" because they are used as indicators or evidence that God is the all-powerful one who has complete authority over the universe.
* Some miracles were God's acts of redemption, such as when he rescued the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt and when he protected Daniel when he was thrown into a lion's den.
* Other wonders were God's acts of judgment, such as when he sent a worldwide flood in Noah's time and when he brought terrible plagues on the land of Egypt.
* Many of God's miracles were the physical healings of sick people or bringing dead people back to life.
* God's power was shown in Jesus when he healed people, calmed storms, walked on water and raised people from the dead. These were all miracles.
* God also enabled the prophets and the apostles to perform miracles of healing and other things that were only possible through God's power.
## Translation Suggestions
* Possible translations of "miracles" or "wonders" could include, "impossible things that God does" or "powerful works of God" or "amazing acts of God."
* The frequent expression "signs and wonders" could be translated as "proofs and miracles" or "miraculous works that prove God's power" or "amazing miracles that show how great God is."