diff --git a/26-EZK/01.usfm b/26-EZK/01.usfm
index 493915a0..e32ea86b 100644
--- a/26-EZK/01.usfm
+++ b/26-EZK/01.usfm
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 \v 19 Whenever the living creatures moved, the wheels moved beside them. When the living creatures rose up from the earth, the wheels also rose up.
-\v 20 Wherever the Spirit moved, they moved to where where the Spirit had gone; the wheels rose up beside them, for the spirit of the living being was in the wheels.
+\v 20 Wherever the Spirit moved, they moved to where where the Spirit had gone; the wheels rose up beside them, for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.
 \v 21 Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels also moved; and when the creatures stood still, the wheels stood still; when the creatures rose up from the earth, the wheels rose up beside them, since the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.