diff --git a/19-PSA.usfm b/19-PSA.usfm
index fbee90c5..019d9cdd 100644
--- a/19-PSA.usfm
+++ b/19-PSA.usfm
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 \d A maschil of Asaph.
 \v 1 Hear my teaching, my people,
-\q listen to the words of my mouth.
+\q2 listen to the words of my mouth.
 \v 2 I will open my mouth in parables;
-\q I will sing about hidden things about the past.
+\q2 I will sing about hidden things about the past.
 \v 3 These are things that we have heard and learned,
-\q things that our ancestors have told us.
+\q2 things that our ancestors have told us.
 \v 4 We will not keep them from their descendants.
-\q We will tell the next generation about the praiseworthy deeds of Yahweh,
-\q his strength, and the wonders that he has done.
+\q2 We will tell the next generation 
+\q about the praiseworthy deeds of Yahweh,
+\q2 his strength, and the wonders that he has done.
 \v 5 For he established covenant decrees in Jacob
-\q and appointed a law in Israel.
+\q2 and appointed a law in Israel.
 \q He commanded our ancestors
-\q that they were to teach them to their children.
+\q2 that they were to teach them to their children.
 \v 6 He commanded this so that the generation to come might know his decrees, the children not yet born,
-\q who should tell them in turn to their own children.
+\q2 who should tell them in turn to their own children.
 \v 7 Then they would place their hope in God
-\q and not forget his deeds
-\q but keep his commandments.
+\q2 and not forget his deeds
+\q2 but keep his commandments.
 \v 8 Then they would not be like their ancestors,
-\q who were a stubborn and rebellious generation,
+\q2 who were a stubborn and rebellious generation,
 \q a generation whose hearts were not right,
-\q and whose spirits were not committed and faithful to God.
+\q2 and whose spirits were not committed and faithful to God.
 \v 9 The Ephraimites were armed with bows,
-\q but they turned back on the day of battle.
+\q2 but they turned back on the day of battle.
 \v 10 They did not keep the covenant with God,
-\q and they refused to obey his law.
+\q2 and they refused to obey his law.
 \v 11 They forgot his deeds,
-\q the wonderful things that he had shown them.
+\q2 the wonderful things that he had shown them.
 \v 12 They forgot the marvelous things he did in the sight of their ancestors
-\q in the land of Egypt, in the land of Zoan.
+\q2 in the land of Egypt, in the land of Zoan.
 \v 13 He divided the sea and led them across it;
-\q he made the waters to stand like walls.
+\q2 he made the waters to stand like walls.
 \v 14 In the daytime he led them with a cloud
-\q and all the night with the light of fire.
+\q2 and all the night with the light of fire.
 \v 15 He split the rocks in the wilderness,
-\q and he gave them water abundantly, enough to fill the depths of the sea.
+\q2 and he gave them water abundantly, 
+\q2 enough to fill the depths of the sea.
 \v 16 He made streams flow out of the rock
-\q and made the water flow like rivers.
+\q2 and made the water flow like rivers.
 \v 17 Yet they continued to sin against him,
-\q rebelling against the Most High in the wilderness.
+\q2 rebelling against the Most High in the wilderness.
 \v 18 They challenged God in their hearts
-\q by asking for food to satisfy their appetites.
+\q2 by asking for food to satisfy their appetites.
 \v 19 They spoke against God;
-\q they said, "Can God really lay out a table for us in the wilderness?
+\q2 they said, "Can God really lay out a table for us in the wilderness?
-\v 20 See, when he struck the rock, waters gushed out
-\q and streams overflowed.
+\v 20 See, when he struck the rock, 
+\q2 waters gushed out
+\q2 and streams overflowed.
 \q But can he give bread also?
-\q Will he provide meat for his people?"
+\q2 Will he provide meat for his people?"
 \v 21 When Yahweh heard this, he was angry;
-\q so his fire burned against Jacob,
-\q and his anger attacked Israel,
+\q2 so his fire burned against Jacob,
+\q2 and his anger attacked Israel,
 \v 22 because they did not believe in God
-\q and did not trust in his salvation.
+\q2 and did not trust in his salvation.
 \v 23 Yet he commanded the skies above
-\q and opened the doors of the sky.
+\q2 and opened the doors of the sky.
 \v 24 He rained down manna for them to eat,
-\q and gave them the grain from heaven.
+\q2 and gave them the grain from heaven.
 \v 25 People ate the bread of angels.
-\q He sent them food in abundance.
+\q2 He sent them food in abundance.
 \v 26 He caused the east wind to blow in the sky,
-\q and by his power he guided the south wind.
+\q2 and by his power he guided the south wind.
 \v 27 He rained down meat on them like dust,
-\q birds as numerous as the sands of the sea.
+\q2 birds as numerous as the sands of the sea.
 \v 28 They fell in the middle of their camp,
-\q all around their tents.
+\q2 all around their tents.
 \v 29 So they ate and were full.
-\q He gave them what they craved.
+\q2 He gave them what they craved.
 \v 30 But they had not yet filled up;
-\q their food was still in their mouths.
+\q2 their food was still in their mouths.
 \v 31 Then God's anger attacked them
-\q and killed the strongest of them.
-\q He brought down the young men of Israel.
+\q2 and killed the strongest of them.
+\q2 He brought down the young men of Israel.
 \v 32 Despite this, they continued to sin
-\q and did not believe his wonderful deeds.
+\q2 and did not believe his wonderful deeds.
 \v 33 Therefore God cut short their days;
-\q their years were filled with terror.
+\q2 their years were filled with terror.
 \v 34 Whenever God killed them, they would start to seek him,
-\q and they would return and look earnestly for him.
+\q2 and they would return and look earnestly for him.
 \v 35 They would call to mind that God was their rock
-\q and that the Most High God was their rescuer.
+\q2 and that the Most High God was their rescuer.
 \v 36 But they would flatter him with their mouth
-\q and lie to him with their words.
+\q2 and lie to him with their words.
 \v 37 For their hearts were not firmly fixed on him,
-\q and they were not faithful to his covenant.
+\q2 and they were not faithful to his covenant.
-\v 38 Yet he, being merciful, forgave their iniquity and did not destroy them.
+\v 38 Yet he, being merciful, 
+\q2 forgave their iniquity 
+\q2 and did not destroy them.
 \q Yes, many times he held back his anger
-\q and did not stir up all his wrath.
+\q2 and did not stir up all his wrath.
 \v 39 He called to mind that they were made of flesh,
-\q a wind that passes away and does not return.
+\q2 a wind that passes away and does not return.
 \v 40 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness
-\q and grieved him in the barren regions!
+\q2 and grieved him in the barren regions!
 \v 41 Again and again they challenged God
-\q and offended the Holy One of Israel.
+\q2 and offended the Holy One of Israel.
 \v 42 They did not think about his power,
-\q how he had rescued them from the enemy
+\q2 how he had rescued them from the enemy
 \v 43 when he performed his terrifying signs in Egypt
-\q and his wonders in the region of Zoan.
+\q2 and his wonders in the region of Zoan.
 \v 44 He turned the Egyptians' rivers to blood
-\q so that they could not drink from their streams.
+\q2 so that they could not drink from their streams.
 \v 45 He sent swarms of flies that devoured them
-\q and frogs that destroyed them.
+\q2 and frogs that destroyed them.
 \v 46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper
-\q and their labor to the locust.
+\q2 and their labor to the locust.
 \v 47 He destroyed their vines with hail
-\q and their sycamore trees with more hail.
+\q2 and their sycamore trees with more hail.
 \v 48 He rained hail on their cattle
-\q and hurled lightning bolts at their livestock.
+\q2 and hurled lightning bolts at their livestock.
 \v 49 The fierceness of his anger lashed out against them.
-\q He sent wrath, fury, and trouble
-\q like angels who bring disaster.
+\q2 He sent wrath, fury, and trouble
+\q2 like angels who bring disaster.
 \v 50 He leveled a path for his anger;
-\q he did not spare them from death
-\q but gave them over to the plague.
+\q2 he did not spare them from death
+\q2 but gave them over to the plague.
 \v 51 He killed all the firstborn in Egypt,
-\q the firstborn of their strength in the tents of Ham.
+\q2 the firstborn of their strength in the tents of Ham.
 \v 52 He led his own people out like sheep
-\q and guided them through the wilderness like a flock.
+\q2 and guided them through the wilderness like a flock.
 \v 53 He led them secure and unafraid,
-\q but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.
+\q2 but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.
 \v 54 Then he brought them to the border of his holy land,
-\q to this mountain that his right hand acquired.
+\q2 to this mountain that his right hand acquired.
 \v 55 He drove out the nations from before them
-\q and assigned them their inheritance.
-\q He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.
+\q2 and assigned them their inheritance.
+\q2 He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.
-\v 56 Yet they challenged and rebelled against the Most High God
-\q and did not keep his solemn commands.
+\v 56 Yet they challenged and rebelled 
+\q2 against the Most High God
+\q2 and did not keep his solemn commands.
-\v 57 They were unfaithful and acted treacherously like their fathers;
-\q they were as undependable as a faulty bow.
+\v 57 They were unfaithful
+\q2  and acted treacherously like their fathers;
+\q2 they were as undependable as a faulty bow.
 \v 58 For they made him angry with their high places
-\q and provoked him to jealous anger with their idols.
+\q2 and provoked him to jealous anger with their idols.
 \v 59 When God heard this, he was angry
-\q and completely rejected Israel.
+\q2 and completely rejected Israel.
 \v 60 He abandoned the sanctuary of Shiloh,
-\q the tent where he had lived among people.
+\q2 the tent where he had lived among people.
 \v 61 He allowed his strength to be captured
-\q and gave his glory into the enemy's hand.
+\q2 and gave his glory into the enemy's hand.
 \v 62 He handed his people over to the sword,
-\q and he was angry with his heritage.
+\q2 and he was angry with his heritage.
 \v 63 Fire devoured their young men,
-\q and their virgins had no wedding songs.
+\q2 and their virgins had no wedding songs.
 \v 64 Their priests fell by the sword,
-\q and their widows could not weep.
+\q2 and their widows could not weep.
 \v 65 Then the Lord awakened as one from sleep,
-\q like a warrior who shouts because of wine.
+\q2 like a warrior who shouts because of wine.
 \v 66 He drove his adversaries back;
-\q he put them to everlasting shame.
+\q2 he put them to everlasting shame.
 \v 67 He rejected the tent of Joseph,
-\q and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.
+\q2 and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.
 \v 68 He chose the tribe of Judah
-\q and Mount Zion that he loved.
+\q2 and Mount Zion that he loved.
 \v 69 He built his sanctuary like the heavens,
-\q like the earth that he has established forever.
+\q2 like the earth that he has established forever.
 \v 70 He chose David, his servant,
-\q and took him from the sheepfolds.
+\q2 and took him from the sheepfolds.
-\v 71 He took him from following the ewes with their young, and he brought him
-\q to be shepherd of Jacob, his people, and of Israel, his heritage.
+\v 71 He took him from following the ewes with their young, 
+\q2 and he brought him to be shepherd of Jacob, 
+\q2 his people, and of Israel, his heritage.
 \v 72 David shepherded them with the integrity of his heart,
-\q and he guided them with the skill of his hands.
+\q2 and he guided them with the skill of his hands.
 \c 79
@@ -5689,57 +5697,64 @@
 \d A psalm of Asaph.
 \v 1 God, foreign nations have come into your inheritance;
-\q they have defiled your holy temple;
-\q they have turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.
+\q2 they have defiled your holy temple;
+\q2 they have turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.
-\v 2 They have given the dead bodies of your servants as food to the birds of the skies,
-\q the bodies of your faithful ones to the beasts of the earth.
+\v 2 They have given the dead bodies of your servants 
+\q2 as food to the birds of the skies,
+\q2 the bodies of your faithful ones to the beasts of the earth.
 \v 3 They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem,
-\q and there was none to bury them.
+\q2 and there was none to bury them.
 \v 4 We are objects of contempt to our neighbors,
-\q mocking and derision to those who are around us.
+\q2 mocking and derision to those who are around us.
 \v 5 How long, Yahweh? Will you stay angry forever?
-\q How long will your jealous anger burn like fire?
+\q2 How long will your jealous anger burn like fire?
-\v 6 Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you
-\q and on the kingdoms that do not call upon your name.
+\v 6 Pour out your wrath on the nations 
+\q2 that do not know you
+\q and on the kingdoms 
+\q2 that do not call upon your name.
 \v 7 For they have devoured Jacob
-\q and laid waste his villages.
+\q2 and laid waste his villages.
 \v 8 Do not hold the iniquities of our forefathers against us;
-\q may your merciful actions come to us,
-\q for we are very low.
+\q2 may your merciful actions come to us,
+\q2 for we are very low.
-\v 9 Help us, God of our salvation, for the sake of the glory of your name;
-\q save us and forgive our sins for your name's sake.
+\v 9 Help us, God of our salvation, 
+\q2 for the sake of the glory of your name;
+\q save us and forgive our sins 
+\q2 for your name's sake.
-\v 10 Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?"
+\v 10 Why should the nations say, 
+\q2 "Where is their God?"
 \q May the blood of your servants that was shed
-\q be avenged on the nations before our eyes.
+\q2 be avenged on the nations before our eyes.
 \v 11 May the groans of the prisoners come before you;
-\q with the greatness of your power keep the children of death alive.
+\q2 with the greatness of your power keep the children of death alive.
 \v 12 Pay back into the laps of our neighboring countries seven times as much
-\q as the contempt with which they have taunted you, Lord.
+\q2 as the contempt with which they have taunted you, Lord.
 \v 13 So we your people and sheep of your pasture
-\q will give you thanks forever.
-\q We will tell your praises to all generations.
+\q2 will give you thanks forever.
+\q We will tell your praises 
+\q2 to all generations.
 \c 80