# Mount of Olives # ## Definition: ## The Mount of Olives is a mountain or large hill located near the east side of the city of Jerusalem. It is about 787 meters high. * In the Old Testament, this mountain is sometimes referred to as "the mountain that is east of Jerusalem." * The New Testament records several occasions when Jesus and his disciples went to the Mount of Olives to pray and rest. * Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, which is located on the Mount of Olives. * This could also be translated as "Olive Hill" or "Olive Tree Mountain." (See also: [Translate Names](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-ta-translate-vol1/src/master/content/translate_names.md)) (See also: [gethsemane](../other/gethsemane.md), [olive](../other/olive.md)) ## Bible References: ## * [Luke 19:29-31](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/luk/19/29) * [Luke 19:37-38](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/luk/19/37) * [Mark 13:3-4](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mrk/13/03) * [Matthew 21:1-3](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/21/01) * [Matthew 24:3-5](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/24/03) * [Matthew 26:30-32](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/26/30)