forked from Dominred/en_tw
added version 5
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ abomination:
- abominable
- kt/adultery
- other/daniel
- other/desecrate
- other/desolate
- other/idol
@ -361,6 +360,9 @@ children:
- other/descendant
- kt/promise
- kt/son
- kt/spirit
- kt/believer
- kt/beloved
def_title: Christ
@ -668,6 +670,7 @@ divine:
aliases: []
- kt/authority
- kt/falsegod
- kt/glory
- kt/god
- kt/judge
@ -738,11 +741,6 @@ evil:
- 29-08
- 45-02
- 50-17
- other/disobey
- kt/sin
- kt/good
- kt/righteous
def_title: exalt
@ -2084,6 +2082,7 @@ sonofgod:
- kt/god
- kt/godthefather
- kt/holyspirit
- kt/jesus
- kt/son
- kt/sonsofgod
@ -2185,6 +2184,11 @@ tempt:
- 25-01
- 25-08
- 38-11
- other/disobey
- kt/satan
- kt/sin
- kt/test
def_title: test
aliases: []
@ -4893,7 +4897,7 @@ habakkuk:
- other/jehoiakim
- other/jeremiah
def_title: hades
def_title: Hades
- sheol
@ -5454,6 +5458,12 @@ jacob:
def_title: 'James (brother of Jesus)'
aliases: []
- kt/apostle
- kt/christ
- kt/church
- other/judassonofjames
- other/persecute
def_title: 'James (son of Alphaeus)'
aliases: []
@ -5811,7 +5821,8 @@ joram:
- kt/prophet
def_title: 'Jordan River'
aliases: []
- jordan
- 15-02
- 15-03
@ -8821,7 +8832,7 @@ tentofmeeting:
- kt/tabernacle
- other/tent
def_title: "Terah"
def_title: "Terah"
aliases: []
- other/abraham
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ The term "adultery" refers to a sin that involves a married person having sexual
* __[13:06](en/tn/obs/help/13/06)__"Do not commit __adultery__."
* __[28:02](en/tn/obs/help/28/02)__ Do not commit __adultery__.
* __[34:07](en/tn/obs/help/34/07)__"The religious leader prayed like this, 'Thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like other men—such as robbers, unjust men, __adulterers__, or even like that tax collector.'"
* __[34:07](en/tn/obs/help/34/07)__"The religious leader prayed like this, 'Thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like other men—such as robbers, unjust men, __adulterers__, or even like that tax collector.'"
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ An angel is a powerful spirit being whom God created. Angels exist to serve God
* __[02:12](en/tn/obs/help/02/12)__ God placed large, powerful __angels__ at the entrance to the garden to keep anyone from eating the fruit of the tree of life.
* __[22:03](en/tn/obs/help/22/03)__ The __angel__ responded to Zechariah,"I was sent by God to bring you this good news."
* __[23:06](en/tn/obs/help/23/06)__ Suddenly, a shining __angel__ appeared to them (the shepherds), and they were terrified. The __angel__ said, "Do not be afraid, because I have some good news for you."
* __[23:07](en/tn/obs/help/23/07)__ Suddenly, the skies were filled with __angels__ praising God…
* __[23:07](en/tn/obs/help/23/07)__ Suddenly, the skies were filled with __angels__ praising God…
* __[25:08](en/tn/obs/help/25/08)__ Then __angels__ came and took care of Jesus.
* __[38:12](en/tn/obs/help/38/12)__ Jesus was very troubled and his sweat was like drops of blood. God sent an __angel__ to strengthen him.
* __[38:15](en/tn/obs/help/38/15)__ "I could ask the Father for an army of __angels__ to defend me."
@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ In the Bible, the term "believer" refers to someone who believes in and relies o
* __[43:13](en/tn/obs/help/43/13)__ Every day, more people became __believers__.
* __[46:06](en/tn/obs/help/46/06)__ That day many people in Jerusalem started persecuting the followers of Jesus, so the __believers__ fled to other places. But in spite of this, they preached about Jesus everywhere they went.
* __[46:01](en/tn/obs/help/46/01)__ Saul was the young man who guarded the robes of the men who killed Stephen. He did not believe in Jesus, so he persecuted the __believers__.
* __[46:09](en/tn/obs/help/46/09)__ Some __believers__ who fled from the persecution in Jerusalem went far away to the city of Antioch and preached about Jesus…It was at Antioch that __believers__ in Jesus were first called "Christians."
* __[46:09](en/tn/obs/help/46/09)__ Some __believers__ who fled from the persecution in Jerusalem went far away to the city of Antioch and preached about Jesus…It was at Antioch that __believers__ in Jesus were first called "Christians."
* __[47:14](en/tn/obs/help/47/14)__ They also wrote many letters to encourage and teach the __believers__ in the churches.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The term "betray" means to act in a way that deceives and harms someone. A "betr
* __[21:11](en/tn/obs/help/21/11)__ Other prophets foretold that those who killed the Messiah would gamble for his clothes and he would be __betrayed__ by a friend. The prophet Zechariah foretold that the friend would be paid thirty silver coins as payment for __betraying__ the Messiah.
* __[38:02](en/tn/obs/help/38/02)__ After Jesus and the disciples arrived in Jerusalem, Judas went to the Jewish leaders and offered to __betray__ Jesus to them in exchange for money.
* __[38:03](en/tn/obs/help/38/03)__ The Jewish leaders, led by the high priest, paid Judas thirty silver coins to __betray__ Jesus.
* __[38:06](en/tn/obs/help/38/06)__ Then Jesus said to the disciples, "One of you will __betray__ me." … Jesus said, "The person to whom I give this piece of bread is the __betrayer__."
* __[38:06](en/tn/obs/help/38/06)__ Then Jesus said to the disciples, "One of you will __betray__ me." … Jesus said, "The person to whom I give this piece of bread is the __betrayer__."
* __[38:13](en/tn/obs/help/38/13)__ When he returned the third time, Jesus said, "Wake up! My __betrayer__ is here."
* __[38:14](en/tn/obs/help/38/14)__ Then Jesus said, "Judas, do you __betray__ me with a kiss?"
* __[39:08](en/tn/obs/help/39/08)__ Meanwhile, Judas, the __betrayer__, saw that the Jewish leaders had condemned Jesus to die. He became full of sorrow and went away and killed himself.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The terms "evil" and "wicked" both refer to anything that is opposed to God's ho
* Other ways to translate these could include, "not good" or "not righteous" or "not moral."
* Make sure the words or phrases that are used to translate these terms fit the context that is natural in the target language.
(See also: [[other/disobey]] **·** [[kt/sin]] **·** [[kt/good]] **·** [[kt/righteous]] **·** [[kt/demon]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ The term "favor" refers to doing something to benefit someone who is regarded po
* The "favorable year of Yahweh" could be translated as, "the year (or time) when Yahweh will bring great blessing."
* The term "favoritism" could be translated as, "partiality" or "being prejudiced" or "unjust treatment." This word is related to the word "favorite" which means "the one who is preferred or loved best."
"find favor"
"increased in favor"
"won the favor of"
## Bible References: ##
* [1 Samuel 02:25-26](en/tn/1sa/help/02/25)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The word "good" has different meanings depending on the context. Many languages
## Examples from the Bible stories: ##
* __[01:04](en/tn/obs/help/01/04)__ God saw that what he had created was __good__.
* __[01:11](en/tn/obs/help/01/11)__ God planted…the tree of the knowledge of __good__ and evil."
* __[01:11](en/tn/obs/help/01/11)__ God planted…the tree of the knowledge of __good__ and evil."
* __[01:12](en/tn/obs/help/01/12)__ Then God said, "It is not __good__ for man to be alone."
* __[02:04](en/tn/obs/help/02/04)__"God just knows that as soon as you eat it, you will be like God and will understand __good__ and evil like he does."
* __[08:12](en/tn/obs/help/08/12)__"You tried to do evil when you sold me as a slave, but God used the evil for __good__!"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ The terms "mercy" and "merciful" refer to helping people who are in need, especi
* The term "merciful" could be translated as, "showing pity" or "being kind to" or "forgiving."
* To "show mercy to" or "have mercy on" could be translated as, "treat kindly" or "be compassionate toward."
(See also: [[kt/compassion]], [[kt/forgive]]
(See also: [[kt/compassion]] **·** [[kt/forgive]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ A promise is a pledge to do a certain thing. When someone promises something, it
## Examples from the Bible stories: ##
* __[03:15](en/tn/obs/help/03/15)__ God said, "I __promise__ I will never again curse the ground because of the evil things people do, or destroy the world by causing a flood, even though people are sinful from the time they are children."
* __[03:15](en/tn/obs/help/03/15)__ God said, "I __promise__ I will never again curse the ground because of the evil things people do, or destroy the world by causing a flood, even though people are sinful from the time they are children."Â<EFBFBD>
* __[03:16](en/tn/obs/help/03/16)__ God then made the first rainbow as a sign of his __promise__. Every time the rainbow appeared in the sky, God would remember what he __promised__ and so would his people.
* __[04:08](en/tn/obs/help/04/08)__ God spoke to Abram and __promised__ again that he would have a son and as many descendants as the stars in the sky. Abram believed God's __promise__.
* __[05:04](en/tn/obs/help/05/04)__"Your wife, Sarai, will have a son—he will be the son of __promise__."
* __[05:04](en/tn/obs/help/05/04)__"Your wife, Sarai, will have a son—he will be the son of __promise__."
* __[08:15](en/tn/obs/help/08/15)__ The covenant __promises__ that God gave to Abraham were passed on to Isaac, then to Jacob, and then to Jacob's twelve sons and their families.
* __[17:14](en/tn/obs/help/17/14)__ Though David had been unfaithful to God, God was still faithful to his __promises__.
* __[50:01](en/tn/obs/help/50/01)__ Jesus __promised__ he would return at the end of the world. Though he has not yet come back, he will keep his __promise__.
@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ The term "son" refers to a boy or man in relation to his parents. It can refer e
* __[09:07](en/tn/obs/help/09/07)__ When she saw the baby, she took him as her own __son__.
* __[11:06](en/tn/obs/help/11/06)__ God killed every one of the Egyptians' firstborn __sons__.
* __[18:01](en/tn/obs/help/18/01)__ After many years, David died, and his __son__ Solomon began to rule.
* __[26:04](en/tn/obs/help/26/04)__"Is this the __son__ of Joseph?‚" they said.
* __[26:04](en/tn/obs/help/26/04)__"Is this the __son__ of Joseph?‚" they said.
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ To tempt someone is to try to get that person to do something wrong.
* Ways to translate "temptations" could include, "things that tempt" or "things that entice someone to sin" or "things that cause desire to do something wrong.
* In the context of tempting God, this could be translated as, "put God to the test" or "test God" or "try God's patience" or "cause God to have to punish" or "stubbornly keep disobeying God."
(See also: [[other/disobey]], [[kt/satan]],
[[kt/sin]], [[kt/test]])
## Bible References: ##
* [1 Thessalonians 03:4-5](en/tn/1th/help/03/04)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The terms "transgress" and "transgression" refer to breaking a command, rule, or
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* "To trangress" could be translated as "to sin" or "to disobey" or "to rebel."
* If a verse or passage uses two terms that mean "sin" or "transgress" or "trespass," it is important, if possible, to use different ways to translate these terms. When the Bible uses two or more terms with similar meanings in the same context, usually its purpose is to emphasize what is being said or to show its importance. (See: [parallelism](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/figs-parallelism))
* If a verse or passage uses two terms that mean "sin" or "transgress" or "trespass," it is important, if possible, to use different ways to translate these terms. When the Bible uses two or more terms with similar meanings in the same context, usually its purpose is to emphasize what is being said or to show its importance. (See: [parallelism](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/figs-parallelism))​
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
## Definition: ##
In the Bible, the term "unclean" is used figuratively to refer to things that God declared to be unfit for his people to touch, eat, or sacrifice.
In the Bible, the term "​unclean"​ is used figuratively to refer to things that God declared to be unfit for his people to touch, eat, or sacrifice.
* God gave the Israelites instructions about which animals were "clean" and which ones were "unclean." The unclean animals were not permitted to be used for eating or for sacrifice.
* God gave the Israelites instructions about which animals were "​clean"​ and which ones were "​unclean."​ The unclean animals were not permitted to be used for eating or for sacrifice.
* People with certain skin diseases were said to be "unclean" until they were healed.
* If the Israelites touched something "unclean," they themselves would be considered unclean for a certain period of time.
* If the Israelites touched something "​unclean,"​ they themselves would be considered unclean for a certain period of time.
* Obeying God's commands about not touching or eating unclean things kept the Israelites set apart for God's service.
* This physical and ritual uncleanness was also symbolic of moral uncleanness.
* In another figurative sense, an "unclean spirit" refers to an evil spirit.
* In another figurative sense, an "​unclean spirit"​ refers to an evil spirit.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Aaron was Moses' older brother. God chose Aaron to be the first high priest for
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
(See also: [[kt/priest]], [[other/moses]], [[other/israel]]
(See also: [[kt/priest]] **·** [[other/moses]] **·** [[other/israel]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Abel was Adam and Eve's second son. He was Cain's younger brother.
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
(See also: [[other/cain]], [[other/sacrifice]], [[other/shepherd]]
(See also: [[other/cain]] **·** [[other/sacrifice]] **·** [[other/shepherd]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Abiathar was a high priest for the nation of Israel during the time of King Davi
* After David's death, Abiathar helped Adonijah try to become king instead of Solomon.
* Because of this, King Solomon removed Abiathar from the priesthood.
(See also: [[other/zadok]], [[other/saul]], [[other/david]], [[other/solomon]], [[other/adonijah]])
(See also: [[other/zadok]] **·** [[other/saul]] **·** [[other/david]] **·** [[other/solomon]] **·** [[other/adonijah]])
## Bible References: ##
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Facts: ##
Abimelech was a Philistine king over the region of Gerar during the time when Abraham and Isaac were licing in the land of Canaan.
Abimelech was a Philistine king over the region of Gerar during the time when Abraham and Isaac were living in the land of Canaan.
* Abraham deceived King Abimelech by telling him that Sarah was his sister rather than his wife.
* Abraham and Abimelech made an agreement regarding ownership of wells at Beersheba.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Antioch was the name of two cities in the New Testament. One was in Syria, near
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
[[other/barnabas]], [[other/colossae]], [[other/johnmark]], [[other/paul]], [[other/province]], [[other/rome]], [[other/syria]]
[[other/barnabas]] **·** [[other/colossae]] **·** [[other/johnmark]] **·** [[other/paul]] **·** [[other/province]] **·** [[other/rome]] **·** [[other/syria]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A citizen is someone who lives in a specific city, country, or kingdom. It espec
* A citizen could live in a region that is part of a larger kingdom or empire that is governed by a king, emperor, or other ruler. For example, Paul was a citizen of the Roman Empire, which consisted of many different provinces; Paul lived in one of those provinces.
* In a figurative sense, believers in Jesus are called "citizens" of heaven in the sense that they will live there some day. Like a citizen of a country, Christians belong to God's kingdom.
( See: [[other/kingdom]], [[other/paul]], [[other/province]], [[other/rome]]
( See: [[other/kingdom]] **·** [[other/paul]] **·** [[other/province]] **·** [[other/rome]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ The terms "counsel" and "advice" have the same meaning and refer to helping some
* The action, "to counsel" could be translated as "to advise" or "to make suggestions" or "to exhort."
* Note that "counsel" is a different word than "council," which refers to a group of people.
(See also: [[kt/exhort]], [[kt/holyspirit]], [[kt/wise]]
(See also: [[kt/exhort]] **·** [[kt/holyspirit]] **·** [[kt/wise]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The term "courage" refers to boldly facing or doing something that is difficult,
* Depending on the context, to "have courage" could also be translated as, "be emotionally strong" or "be confident" or "stand firm."
* To "speak with courage" could be translated as, "speak boldly" or "speak without being afraid" or "speak confidently."
(See also: [[kt/confidence]], [[kt/exhort]], [[kt/fear]], [[other/strength]]
(See also: [[kt/confidence]] **·** [[kt/exhort]] **·** [[kt/fear]] **·** [[other/strength]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ A giant usually refers to a person who is unusually large in height and strength
* Goliath, a Philistine soldier who fought David, was called a giant because he was a very tall, large, and strong man.
* The Israelite spies who explored the land of Canaan said that the people living there were like giants.
(See also: [[other/canaan]], [[other/goliath]], [[other/philistines]]
(See also: [[other/canaan]] **·** [[other/goliath]] **·** [[other/philistines]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# hades, sheol #
# Hades, Sheol #
## Definition: ##
The terms "hades" and "sheol" are used in the Bible to refer to death and the place where the souls of people go when they die. Their meanings are similar.
The terms "Hades" and "Sheol" are used in the Bible to refer to death and the place where the souls of people go when they die. Their meanings are similar.
* The Hebrew term "sheol" is often used in the Old Testament to refer generally to the place of death.
* In the New Testament, the Greek term "hades" refers to a place for the souls of people who rebelled against God. These souls are referred to as going "down" to hades. This is sometimes contrasted to going "up" to heaven, where the souls of people who believe in Jesus live.
* The term "hades" is coupled with the term "death" in the book of Revelation. In the end times, both death and hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is hell.
* The Hebrew term "Sheol" is often used in the Old Testament to refer generally to the place of death.
* In the New Testament, the Greek term "Hades" refers to a place for the souls of people who rebelled against God. These souls are referred to as going "down" to Hades. This is sometimes contrasted to going "up" to heaven, where the souls of people who believe in Jesus live.
* The term "Hades" is coupled with the term "death" in the book of Revelation. In the end times, both death and Hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is hell.
## Translation Suggestions ##
* The Old Testament term "sheol" could be translated as "place of the dead" or "place for dead souls." Some translations translate this as "the pit" or "death," depending on the context.
* The New Testament term "hades" could also be translated as "place for unbelieving dead souls" or "place of torment for the dead" or "place for the souls of unbelieving dead people."
* Some translations keep the word "sheol" or "hades," spelling them to fit the sound patterns of the language of translation. (See: [How to Translate Unknowns](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-unknown)).
* A phrase could also be added to the term to explain it, for example, "sheol, place where dead people are" or "hades, place of death."
* The Old Testament term "Sheol" could be translated as "place of the dead" or "place for dead souls." Some translations translate this as "the pit" or "death," depending on the context.
* The New Testament term "Hades" could also be translated as "place for unbelieving dead souls" or "place of torment for the dead" or "place for the souls of unbelieving dead people."
* Some translations keep the word "Sheol" or "Hades," spelling them to fit the sound patterns of the language of translation. (See: [How to Translate Unknowns](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-unknown)).
* A phrase could also be added to the term to explain it, for example, "Sheol, place where dead people are" or "Hades, place of death."
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Unknowns](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-unknown))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ James was a son of Mary and Joseph. He was one of Jesus' younger half-brothers.
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
(See also: [[kt/apostle]], [[kt/christ]], [[kt/church]], [[other/judassonofjames]], [[other/persecute]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Jordan River #
# Jordan River, Jordan #
## Facts: ##
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ The Jordan River is a river that flows from north to south, and forms the easter
* Today, the Jordan River separates Israel on the west from Jordan on the east.
* The Jordan River flows through the Sea of Galilee and then empties into the Dead Sea.
* When Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan, they had to cross the Jordan River. Because it was too deep, God miraculously stopped the water from flowing so they could go across.
* Often in the Bible the Jordan River is referred to as "the Jordan."
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The term "livestock" refers to animals which are raised to provide food and othe
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
(See also: [[other/cow]], [[other/donkey]], [[other/goat]], [[other/horse]], [[other/ox]], [[other/sheep]],
(See also: [[other/cow]] **·** [[other/donkey]] **·** [[other/goat]] **·** [[other/horse]] **·** [[other/ox]] **·** [[other/sheep]],
## Bible References: ##
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Lust is a very strong desire, usually in the context of wanting something sinful
* Depending on the context, "lust" could also be translated as "wrong desire" or "strong desire" or "wrongful sexual desire" or "strong immoral desire" or "to strongly desire to sin."
* The phrase "to lust after" could also be translated as "to wrongly desire" or "to think immorally about" or "to immorally desire."
(See also: [[kt/adultery]], [[other/idol]])
(See also: [[kt/adultery]] **·** [[other/idol]])
## Bible References: ##
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Midian was a son of Abraham and his wife Keturah. It is also the name of a peopl
* Many years later the Midianites attacked and raided the Israelites in the land of Canaan. Gideon led the Israelites in defeating them.
* Many of the modern-day Arabian tribes are descendants of this group.
(See also [[other/arabia]], [[other/egypt]], [[other/flock]], [[other/gideon]], [[other/jethro]], [[other/moses]],
(See also [[other/arabia]] **·** [[other/egypt]] **·** [[other/flock]] **·** [[other/gideon]] **·** [[other/jethro]] **·** [[other/moses]],
## Bible References: ##
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The "Festival of Weeks" was a Jewish festival that took place fifty days after P
* The Feast of Weeks was seven weeks (fifty days) after the Feast of Firstfruits. In the New Testament times, this festival was called "pentecost" which has "fifty" as part of its meaning.
* The Festival of Weeks was held to celebrate the beginning of the grain harvest. It was also a time to remember when God first gave the Law to the Israelites on the tablets of stone given to Moses.
* In the New Testament, the Day of Pentecost is especially significant because it was on this day that God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus' followers after Jesus had risen from the dead and gone back to heaven.
* In the New Testament, the Day of Pentecost is especially significant because it was when the believers of Jesus reveived the Holy Spirit in a new way.
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Peor, Mount Peor, Baal Peor #
## Facts: ###
## Facts: ##
The terms "Peor" and "Mount Peor" refer to a mountain located northeast of the Salt Sea, in the region of Moab.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Rage is excessive anger which is out of control. When someone rages, it means th
* The "nations rage" refers to ungodly people who disobey God and rebel against him.
* To be "filled with rage" means to have an overwhelming feeling of extreme anger.
(See also: [[other/angry]], [[other/selfcontrol]],
(See also: [[other/angry]] **·** [[other/selfcontrol]],
## Bible References: ##
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The term "rebel" means to refuse to submit to someone's authority. A "rebellious
* The term "rebellion" means "refusal to obey" or "disobedience" or "law-breaking."
* The phrase "the rebellion" or "a rebellion" can also refer to an organized group of people who publicly rebel against ruling authorities by breaking the law and attacking leaders and other people. Often they try to get other people to join them in rebelling.
:(See also: [[kt/authority]], [[other/governor]])
:(See also: [[kt/authority]] **·** [[other/governor]])
## Bible References: ##
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The term "voice" is often used figuratively to refer to speaking or communicatin
* To "hear someone's voice" could also be translated as "hear someone speaking."
* Sometimes the word "voice" may be used for objects that cannot literally speak, such as when David exclaims in the psalms that the "voice" of the heavens proclaims God's mighty works. This could also be translated as "their splendor shows clearly how great God is."
(See also: [[kt/call]], [[other/proclaim]], [[other/splendor]]
(See also: [[kt/call]] **·** [[other/proclaim]] **·** [[other/splendor]]
## Bible References: ##
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ dublin_core:
identifier: 'tw'
language: 'en'
version: '3'
version: '4'
subject: 'Translation Words'
title: 'translationWords'
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version: '4'
version: '5'
Reference in New Issue