# 2 Timothy 02 General Notes ## Structure and formatting Some translations set words farther to the right on the page than the rest of the text. The ULB does this with verses 11-13. Paul may be quoting a poem or hymn in these verses. ## Special concepts in this chapter ### We will reign with him Faithful Christians will reign with Christ in the future. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/faithful]]) ## Important figures of speech in this chapter ### Analogies In this chapter, Paul makes several analogies to teach about living as a Christian. He uses analogies of soldiers, athletes, and farmers. Later in the chapter, he uses the analogy of different kinds of containers in a house. ## Links: * __[2 Timothy 02:01 Notes](./01.md)__ __[<<](../01/intro.md) | [>>](../03/intro.md)__