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\v 30 Ya sop tap pofe yafei anyo-nyosemau to ata ane yabe tani'i saite; yato yasim ir'a ip mafo itawimato ata ane anyomau yato yofdama dop mafo yotawi saketo fe fyasebe map yato tap yafei ita iwane ya sebe fonggomu, sesaito yota'a awene eske'eki'inare yamabe fonggomu. \v 31 Sop pofe yato yof am isengkine yabe tani'i etsebe, to yof am isengkwema saketo tap fe mermau. \v 32 Ri dusma rif am risengkin risare yabe to yato yomnaspo rif am risengkin risare ya saketo mermau.