Fri May 10 2019 16:13:50 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2019-05-10 16:13:52 +08:00
parent fb4f416f8a
commit cdcb3b37a5
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
9Romiea heleng hele mewate ne, Yesus na mota ohowate yo re wewmi khayi embai mokhoneha, ro mie eha phlo heleng mate raune kinyei-kinyei ya kinyate ra u ne. 10Ro miea eha phlo khate yo Yesus mokhowole onomi yarowate. Anggei ya phorowate onomi khalya mokhowole, heleng hele mate kinyei-kinyei wate. 11Phlo walofo Yesus re erkhanyele, an phalkhate bhuma kholowanyele kha yea khane wate: “Nahele Weya Allah Re khelu.” 12Yesus a he heumile Hinye nie na hesele.
\v 9 Romiea heleng hele mewate ne, Yesus na mota ohowate yo re wewmi khayi embai mokhoneha, ro mie eha phlo heleng mate raune kinyei-kinyei ya kinyate ra u ne. 10Ro miea eha phlo khate yo Yesus mokhowole onomi yarowate. Anggei ya phorowate onomi khalya mokhowole, heleng hele mate kinyei-kinyei wate. 11Phlo walofo Yesus re erkhanyele, an phalkhate bhuma kholowanyele kha yea khane wate: “Nahele Weya Allah Re khelu.” 12Yesus a he heumile Hinye nie na hesele.
Yesus Na Mota Ohonte Hokhokokhe Me Bhe Me Hoki Bhe
13Nehephi Yesus Mokho re ike, nea khena khomi yo khanemile Nei phokhoRe, nanemen mekhate Nei phokho Re. 14Nea na mota ahonate yo hokhongdere me bhe me hoki bhe nei a kho Few kho hungate mei. 15Pheneng one henggo ikewmile ploh walofo hukhunaimile mei. 16Yesus me phe me hoki phe hokhokhokhe rakhe nie: Simon (Yesus na ro roqokhe Petrus). 17Yakobus, Zebedeus re khe, Yohanes, Yakobus naugakhe (Yesus nei ro miphokhe Boanerges na mekhai “khulu fafa)”. 18Anderias, Filipus, Bartolomeus, Matius, Tomas, Yakobus, Alfeus re khelu, Tadeus, Simon Zelot na. 19Yudas Iskariot nie khelai mokhogokhe nare.