Tue May 14 2019 09:53:57 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)

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tsDesktop 2019-05-14 09:53:58 +08:00
parent 6fcc52cbe1
commit 784f2ac58d
4 changed files with 6 additions and 72 deletions

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\v 14 \v 15 \v 16 14Yo Bhey jo eremmile neay na anuwaykham ne hebhenatena Homomfere erauge yo ubhene rowem Yudea na Romiyea ekhure humunggar yea hebhalembe emfembombe. 15Bhele arakha phumana yo are eyea khoijea hambhung- ehi-haa eyea roiyea. 16Bhuna aa na yo Waramalo reweibe bhenen Ebhukheijea. 17Bhele hee Embhende Emale miyea nawenem weayeu miyea U Releiy khabang hete relenainyele. 18Ebheli-Khali bhimande rakhe khani yobhey-yambhei ralo alu him-yahim heele ebheiyjea. 19”Ehabhunebham bhele hee bhulo-fela u rande na himi-hama hele a teay nabhema mokhaiugokhe. Bhele yea Eyeybhoiu hengga Ateiy nara hetengkhokhe. 20Allah rakhe khani klamere na mameng khokhe. 21Khani-khla riyau enmebhondere rakhe mekhai ehubhaisiy Bhele yea heiy nehe Eleuwkokhe, Nua mokhong hakhena. 22Romiyea bhele hee elewate, ”Enauge, wali Ondofolo Raane bhinare! Obhrojea mo 23Mekhane bham rakhe wali ondofolo blo yele khaya yo menai yakhanai bhonde. Hambunga a ayan-yani elenate enaimi wabhende Eleyea Mo! Manemang yea a huwe ukamele. 24Nabhele here yoboheiy yambei nenemile khomale Hu ijokho wende renjai, yembhode okho ouwyem yembhonde. 25Yakhura phumara Ralo Yoni-yoni bhumara bhelate, Onate Allah re “eleukokhe”.
Yesus meiy-meiy yea
(Mat 24 ; 30-36 ; Luk 21 ; 27-33)
26Bhele raa ro miyea erenaiyte (Reyea) “Allah” Khelu Ro Miyea ure meugegokhalekiyea)” Khumnolo-wauw nolor Nea Ela Wakhe. Na onehenggo naume khetengebonde. 27Naa Wanem bhele hee name mokhaiyjo Ugewmile Manai phalende. Rakhe khani klaa rande Ebungre Robhonhre, Railre Waite rakhe khani khela na hubhara. Ende yakhu na hubhane enene hayende. 28Eleuwkokhe ro miyea arilenaimile. Ara noo neiteiyembe Ubhene Yarombhe no merahabate. 29Reufe Fea nime kekate. Dawete hee iteay yarombhe yakhama mendere rohansang Ungendindere Neyea nine nobengkokhe roo mau bhena mekhe hebele. 30Reyea nahele waumale rakhen hokholo eheraiyboy eyei jea, phake hambung bhenate yekla enai humdende. 31Reiy A feuwhenaa Bhoina Honenende
Khayaa Hebmalle
32Naa Hubha halei yaa hului-hu Huluiy rauggehikhe Roo Miyea hinw-hane horo embaiy jea enitheaayeabhoiy. 33Name Mokhai yoni-yoni na surgana yo. 34Nareyea nakhele na khelu Na Yesus hele. 35Khayaa helmale nenemang yea ayemanu aa konate Embeleheyea Ateiy na Khelu mendere Huwemaiyea, Reniai jea, yar Heifa, narenekhaukau, 36Nasong bha mendeyea eremile injokhu ne honande, 37”Khayaa” khayaaremoi ugamale; Iyame Fomene mo Ugamale.
Yesus Honni Bhonde Merau Kholo Wainye
14Paskah yaa kebhang, Yaa bee mo ouw horo-maro(ragi) kham, imam-imam yeale hebha yeale faleng-faleng taurat Yesus ayani-ayani mokhai bhokhe honai bhonde. 2Nenai elate, ”Yea khebang akhu yembhonde honate yeale Romiyea”
Yesus naure heing khoke Bhure (Narwastu)
3Bhele hee Betania ne Yesus, Simon kheu-bhau, hamang kloi rang ne ruwogokhe, mieyea mbai helekending (guci) rakha naa bhuu flo-lo (narwastu) roi phumana yolo-yolo, roukhe hayeukhokhe nee faleng Neerilewonge (Yesus) Ne. 4Bheleyea Ehiyo mehi yea falate Ehir-Ehire elate kinyete mekhane bele bhu yolo-yolo, khembo yela wehal bhan sonder? 5Bhake Roo miyea Kree Nale bhang “Emale hemaanikhomde naire 300 dinar. Phakhe miyea Aa yaranyel. 6Yesus yea “weuwmi Wenehi Meuu, mekhare nebhang mokhoLe (Dia) meyea reiy re mee haukhele, meyea khenainye uu (Yesus). 7Meyea romiyea krenale bhang yo yeale embainye enekhembe, mbelehe mai khena re enggombe, meyea nai khenai uneu rakhe miyea 8Nei u nine harengbhokhe, kileungobhokhe, Yesus Na Ure naphere bhuleiy tan 9”Na hele na wamale, AllahRe Akho feukho rakhe khani klaran, rakhe miyea neiy meu mokhoigokhe Ateiy neiy Ahuwe enerembe.
Yudas Klai Nibhi Mokhou Gokhe
10Yesus na moita ohowate yoo mee phe mehokhi bhe yeale noraehi niyea Yudas Iskariot, Faleng khebhang-kebhang inyanyelere 11“Bhele afew baraugokhe Yudas roijea inyainyele khelene, Yudas inyelere a nokho khe khinyew mi bhokhe.
Hamang Paskah
12Naa yaa phemeenaa, ouw (Roti beragi) bang(domba) khelu “Paskah” Yesus maa homo mbainye ohawate; iteiy yeale de Paskah Weiy khaye nei? 13Bhelera, Yesus nee hakhoiy bhere weumi, “ebhuyoo kabhang-yang khabang(kota) Roo Embhai Bhuu yeal roweimiyele Kendi na, hubhayenggombe, Nare Khakhonomombhe. 14Emberende na moita mo ereulobhobhe, Nei Imee Romiyea a wenele ”Guru weumi“? embhele jea na anuwau kabhang meyea mokhanghakhe Reyea hakhoijoo me phe me hoki bhe yeale? 15Bhele, yea weumi anuwai khabang Embhai khelewmi bhokhe naa phumana hambung-hambung Mokhainyehakhe relahi, mana nine mokhainyehakhe”. 16Bhele nee Yesus, Are a ugeumile mekhai mbai, Na Homo mbai ohate yoo (kota). Yesus nei Are Ugoumile waneng nine mokhainyehakhe (paskah). 17Reniay bhele, Yesus naa homo Embanye O hote mekhate. 18Bhele he Yesus hamang mbainye nuwaikhokhe anggwate, Yesus are huwe le Ro-rowole, maiy ikai tha Roo mbai, Reiyea, hameng nee Anande, Rei Klaitoo”. 19Bhuhe hokhowoumi ehi-ehi re raiyte elete naure-ure hinate bhate reiyea bham. 20Yesus yea weumi, Nea mai homo mbainye, nabhe kholey mbaiNye ouw yaweufikhe Reiykholeiy einye. 21Bhelene, Naa Yesus endere neiy are hemeneng khokhe mekhai nine moloukhokhe A Hubhane, bheleyea Nare nebhang rea mokhowainye yo bhele yo nine bhang, bheneng faa eiyhonaije yea.
Peringatan akan Tubuh dan Darah Kristus
22Bhele raa Yesus hamananggole, Ouw roukhe, hilliy haa akha ha Ouw roukhe khaigole refi refi (kheyeigole wahewongile) Ohuwe, ”Roweiy, Rakhe Reiy Wuu” 23Bheneng, Yesus bhu nouw(cawan), Ariyeal bhoungele, Yesus yarol waheumile bhui(cawan) anggiwate. 24Bhele yea, Yesus yea weumi, ”Pheke rooky, Rooky Ahuwee (dana perjanjian) rileugokhe roomiyea Rei Arenee romiyea Ehende. 25Nei are weumile hengga, bhokhe noo naa anei rea emei nei erenekhende, mende meakoor bhuu Emea fomea yea “Meakor Imee Obhe”. 26Ateite Khoibhe naa bhuma raiy nyeihike, raito mokhana ewate.
Naa Homo embainye Ohoweate Yoo Yesus Nukoumibhokhe
27Bhera Yesus yeuwmi, mekhane bham, Meyea naanemen Rare nugkhondo bombhe, ”Homom fee yol-yolone mokhong hakhe”. “Reyea hebhaimale, bhelle yore here-ware khonave”. 28Yesus yea rendiyai nenemam ayemanu aa okhoi rakhe bee “Reare ayani-yani wabheuw kho-khe” 29Bheneng Petrus yea Yesus ree weunge “Kokhoembai fem Erenakhorombombhe bheleyea Reiye Ehayeikhoiy. 30Yesus yea weungi Rendiyai, nenemam ayemanu aa Okhoi rokhobee, “Reare ayani-yani Wakheuw kho-khe” 31Bhele yea Petrus nei khena neelayea mo hebhewole, mehea khai rea waijeal hele aa herem bhonde(Yesus). Reyea ware rea ewabheiy”. Naa afeuw mbai mo elewaitea.
Yesus Getsemani Einye
32Bhelera, ewate anaiwauw embai GETSEMANI, naa homo mbaiNyee 33Ohawete “Nuweugo” Rea Ebheli bhomansin” 34Roo niyea, Yakobus yea, Yohanes yea, nembainye bhuhehokhoi mie bhokhe. 35Bhenen naa weimi, raa khena-khending, nebhang nubhanale hei reler mekhai jea hubanale. Nee phakhenmo nembhe khaya-hebhembhe. Bhelera alaug abhim yegokhe phee aree Eregekhe Ateiy te Ebheli bhowengele Reira Ebhim fem Eyeisiy. 36Nea weiunge “Abba”, Ateiy nemen fomen ne ware kinyawale Reuw eirakhe(cawan) bhuu Reita, reimeu-weta Embhende eiy yakhonde. 37Bheneng, bheufekhe naa homone ohawate yea injokhun honggwate 38Petrus yea simon re weunge ijokho ohoneijea? Hujokha mbai fem khaya ehebhei hengga? Khaya, ensembhe, Ebheli-khali embhombhe umaliyea unei hubha naiyembe yale. Nahele roh eyei bhoro moi bhoro, bhele yea Melem habha-habha”. 39Bheneng, phefokhe mekhe nau homombai nye ohowate Kiyea ijokhune honate, Yesus yea weumi petrus. 40Bheneng, Naa afeuw mbai Yesus Re ebhelie bhowei-ngele. Rokho hina rong phewfokhe erew mi nine ijokhunehonaikokhe honate, Ehee bhuklu ekeumile, mekhate Oneijea-Onete. 41Yesus, Naa meeng khukheuw fikhe weumi”. ”Nanemam ijokhe, hoo hauge?” Nine fem Naa yaa mekhe, ijokhorem Allah naa Yesus, Aiy meu, nebhang ne mekhe 42Anuu Embkrere, Reiroeyemile.
Yesus Iklai Bhokhe
43Nahibhi, Yesus naane uugeumi Yudas rakhe naa homombainye ohowaite khiyea, romiyea helem hele, fella, menfa yeale. Phatua-bhateia Yahudi naa yo. Iteiy jeal hebheyaei yo, Taurat mbaiye ariluesike. 44Naa weumi, nei kheleugokhe (nuw), naa ele-le yeibhulu henengronggonde “Khiyea, Bhele Niyea “Belembhombhe Mei Meu uitea” 45Nei, Yudas, mekhe Yesus kheleuwnge weunge “Rabby” Yesus yeibhulu hinongkhokhe 46Mekhate iklai bhokhe, 47Bhele yea Roo hebhe wole nei anggei ra nefakhe 48Yesus weumi aa bhele yore, meyea fella, mende Imam-imam falengre Rare yokholo wanem yea urewakhele? 49Neyea bhoiy, reiyea, nembainye Allahr imee Einyee akhor kheleyembe. Bheleyea rare ikhei bhoiy homenfea Yol-yol 50Nanemen Nugaibhokhe hakhaikhokhe nafer fer mekhai klai bokhe. 51Hokolo faa embai Yesus Re hakong bhoke lenan hirokoke 52Hoklo faa mbai hakhou mi bhokhe Yesus hamalo lenan hai kokhaite awele malang kho-kho.
Yesus Yahudi Faleng-faleng
53Yesus Imam-imam kebhang phene yawainyohokhe, Nanemene faleng-faleng kebhang, rorei-rorei, pheyum-pheyebhe (Taurat) mbainye arilasikhate. Petrus naa haugkha hakhong bokhe meuweleyung kebhang imea na mekhe naweungekhe khayaa yo yeai imee akhe ewate 54peyung-peyebha Mahkamah agama iteiy hebayoei bhowaimile relewanye Yesus honai bhonder. Bheelya habhi-habhi uhubha yeeikhoi. 55Bheleya Romiyea heleng mewaite yani-yani Yesus eheiye Khoi Elele, meyea anggei bhorande, Bait Allah” ruwende onde, romiyea mee u yea yaa nemee mo Rea Arununde ehieyea uey meu uyea Bhelen name uu mekhowole ehir-ehir. 56Romiyea heleng mekhai ehi-ehi wabnai mele, are ehir-ehir ereijeamo 57Na waneng Romiyea heleng hebhi bhokhe, moinye ungeiyondere elea-hele bhaite meinye elende kiye neiy hele Niyea. 58”Meyea Neiy (Yesus)Aa bhokhande” Reye imee Obhe romiyea nei mee U yea mokhai bhokhe yaa embhoi mo Otombhende ruwen onde, Naa namen yaa Reiyea arenunde Bait Allah 59Bhelen ne nei Aa feu eleuwate ehir-ehir, Embainye Eyeibhoi 60Mekhare Imam khebang-khebang bhene hebhoi bhokhe Yesus hinanye wei Ar elete you Asasi weyea Aa ewei hengga. 61Bheleyea A mbai sambai ewei, mekeu mo hebewole Imam kabam benem hineunge, ”Weyea Mesias, Allah yea Oro u maure herawegokete kiyea”? 62Yesus yea weunge Reyea Niyeabeyea. Reyea makhale erendele waugalu randa merele Na Yesus 63Bhelera Na Ramalo khayekoke, Imam Besar weungele makare A ehi-ehi bhoremakere 64Meneije borowauge a ne hai wainyele, Maleayea elaukoke? Nanemene Fomone Na bhulaugea elewate Honaibhondere. 65Ro miyea Nare ekihenseneyea roroowainye, Nabhe yoita meru yea roro wainyelemo, wainye ”Allah le Yendo Kayaalo yea!Roibona, nde yea ware wete?
Petrus, Yesus re ehee ekoikoi
66Bhelera, Petrus nebei imeakhabang houge, Namam Hebele yea, Meangge mbai Imam kabam na yebei bnhu bei nebei nolora meke. 67Nda meangge Petrus re erewounge, Inye aklewole, erekeunge, weunge weyea na ehi niyea, Yesus Nazaret yona kiyea Namoisa orou wauge? 68Bheleyea Petrus uweunge, Reyea Onele, Reyea itei yeiboi makayea wauke, bheta ewole mau bhene, ojo a koukoke, 69bhele meangge benero Petrus weunge, Petrus re erekeunge bhele ne nekewate yore weumi, ro nehimiyea mbainye ohowate kiyea. 70Bhelera benem Petrus oneunge yea eleukoke, Nakibam mo nebeiya hebate yo Petrus rewainye weyea Na Ro Nehi niyea Galilea na. 71Bhele yea, Petrus olomo rorowole Nakile yea elewole reyea onenele yea. 72”Petrus bhele a mekhai elekoke hera ojo roko bee a kokoke, Petrus yea bhele hera Yesus Na u keunge bhene nekeungihike, Namam ojo roko bee ekokoimo weyea rare roko name Onekokore. Petrus bunenekenghi ke nakena ansekoke, heleyea rimewole.
Yesus Pilatus re bene
15Na rene kau kau khele Imam-Imam faleng a mokhai nye khakhe yoyo khote yo ne mene, Yesus re kilaibokate ya wai nyo khokhe ewate Pilatus re phere. 2Pilatus yea kineunge Wa na hele Yahudi mei Ondofolo? Yesus yea weumi, menai jea elauge 3Phetamo Imam faleng Yesus re aru nai nyele 4Pilatus pheneng Yesus re ki neunge, Yesus abang mo erei nanemene we are mo aru maete 5Phele are Yesus abang mo hebe wele ne pilatus fang geng geng yea mo koweng gele.
Yesus Barabas re
6Paskah yane, Pilatus romiyea mbai ha yei kiyounge, neiahuluinye 7Ro mbai naro Barabas, ruka bulune romiyea pe lea ulea le ne mbainye hepe wate. 8Romiyea heleng me hate Pilatus re riainyele yayana mo koi jate makai nei imoko weumi makainare. 9Pilatus romiyea re weumi mekhe ma kai jea mai kena nare kauge, Yahudi Ondofolo hateng gondere? 10Kenahenseng a rene I mau faleng Yesus re kinyai nyo bokhe. 11Imam-imam Faleng romiyea heleng Pilatus re riyai nyele Barabas hayei nyoko. 12Pilatus yea weumi mai kena re kauge ondofolo Yahudi mehe makai je mokhorombonde. 13Nanemene kanate ohaline habenggo 14Pilatus yea weumi Makane? Maka nebang yea mo kou go kene? Kela nahibi mo kanate ohaline habenggo 15Romiyea heleng kena foite mokhommi pondere ne Pilatus Barabas Hayeng ngokhokhe, Yesus re hauge a habai kokhate ikeume one habei ko kate.
Yesus Au Kaka Kowai Nyele Hebe Wate
16Felayo Yesus re yawai nyo ho khe. Obere e wate felayo neme ne ari lai mi he ke. 17Malo ondofolo ma kai jea hirai nyo ko ke, fokkoma isa yea le kai kho khate Yesus re hi rai nyo ko ke. 18Phuma kolai nyele Yahudi mei ondofolo. 19Na faleng ra khui bhea yea ka ba te, ki hai nyele bhuma kholai nyele
Yesus Ohaline Habei Ko Ke
20Yesus re au kaka khai nyele, na malo ukhei nyo khokhe ha yeai nyo kho ke, na malo yea hirau nyo khoke e wate ohaline habe nai kondere 21Simon Kirene na, Alexander Rufure neakho, yo mbai ta me whele ukai nye ohali khau go ke. 22Pheta mo Yesus ya wai nyo hokhe Golgota re e wate nei ro hele Tengkorak. 23Nea re Anggur bu mur yea le alai bo khe ikai nye le, bhe le yea re Na orowei 24Pheta mo oha li ne ha bhei kho ke mea bhu kha ko wate neate neate ra khe wha te hi nye rene yeaem bonde. 25Hu jo kho me hini keli ohali ne habei kho ke 26Home mo lai kho kate Yesus re aru nai nyele Ondofolo Yahudi. 27Yesus Ohaline ha bhei ko khate ro bhe yea le mbai meu gene mbai meline. 28Nahele meujeugokhe homomfea ne elele 29Romiyea e wate mo Yesus re au kaka kho wai nye le fanggeng ge khate elate, weayea Atei re imea obhe kelaugokhea ya name mo angunun dere. 30Wali ro welena o halira o ya khoibo 31Imam-imam faleng yoyokhote nemene Yesus re au kaka khai nyele elate, ro mi yea re foi i gau mea yea, whei u yea le nou hei kho. 32Mesias Israel Ondofolo mana ohalira akhombonde iyea ere male nahele elemale ro miyea Yesus nei ohaline ha bhei kokhate au kaka khai nyele.
Yesus Here Ke
33Hu jo kho me mihini mbai, yakhu ukhe ogong. Meke hu johko name yeugokhe 34Hu jokho name Yesus a elea nea khore khaneunge Athei, Athei makhane rea re nu khare 35Ehiyo na bhoko na bhoro wate ekate, Elia re khaneunge
36Ro mbai he bhea leu mekhe, anggur manim fakho ne rilei gokhe khui phea nea rafi khe. Yesus re ikheunge anifi khe, e leale ere mang Elia. Nahele mende akhounophon dere. 37Yesus a elea ele wele na no u yem bon dere. 38Phele Allah re imea a phe khayeakhokhe phere yeugokhe phuma ra okhe ane. 39Fela faleng hephe wele Yesus re erewenge na no u ye gokhe elele, nahele niyea athei te khelu. 40Ri khena miyea a khau kha erate, Maria Magdalena, Maria Yakobus ne nakhe, Yoses Salome. 41Yesus Galilea yone nekhewele, romi yea mekhate hekhai nyokhokhe ohuma lekholowanyele ri khena miyea miyea heleng Yesus neiy nembai nye Yeru Salem re mekhate.
Yesus Naphulei
42Phele ya Are Heteu ngokhokhe ya (Hari Sabat) 43Ro mbai naro Yusuf Arimatea na, yoyo kote nolo na ra kheungekhe yea yang hena fe bang ekhe Pilatus phokhore Yesus no re rowendere. 44Pilatus phumaro hokhokhe a phokhore Yesus herekhe pilatus fela faleng re khaneungokhokhe hineunge na hele Yesus herekhe. 45Pilatus ithei yeugokhe fela faleng rera, Yesus na no Yusuf re ikheunge. 46Yusuf malo rokhe Yesus na no ane rafikhe malo yea awong gohokhe phulei einye nekheu nge. 47Maria Magdalena, yea Maria Yoses nenake yea Yesus erekhate Yesus na no rasi khate anuwau.
Yesus Walei Goke
16Sabat ya u yea goke mo, Maria Magdalena yea, Maria Yakobus nenake yea salome yea minyak fololomoroi jea yarai kokate Yesus Re olei nya kondere ewate. 2Narene kaukau, monya mbai hu inyu koi rorowele bulei kelaukemekate na 3Elate na ur ur ra hinye yea ruka olennobonde mau baleita 4Pele yea re na joko bumere erate bea na ruka kabang olei nyoboke 5Beta mo ete aru lai boke bulei eite, erate bea hokolofa mbai malo ke leumang keleumang hirekoke meunge refine nu weugoke, bumara hai koke 6a weumi neare, huwara ohoi jea, ma Yesus Nasaret ohaline habei ko ke bele yea beau nge ne olo waleugoke mem na nu au meu erembo nekai nyele jea 7eme, Petrus re na mota ha kai nyele yore wem mile, na Galilea na pena ewele rikene nambele en sube yembe na re wembe makai 8pelera hakai koke e wate bulei ra onye insineumi boke ehire ela re e wei buhea ho koumi bokene neme ne fomone a petrus nakahi li wa yeale ukaimile na fofo ye. Yesus nenai jea ukei mi na ako feu ko wali nibi ralibhura ende waibhune rou ngate wungai miyende.
Yesus Na Mota Ohowate Yore Na U Yakealu Mi Boke
9Mom mbai rene kaukau kele Yesus waleu goke ya, ne baru yake laugoke Maria Magdalena naura Yesus walofo mehini bae hukeu mihikhe naura aibaleke. 10Betamo niyea eke ukeime Yesus nei nakahiliwa yo yeale iho inse nolore 11beta mo porate Yesus waleu goke, bele yea re erate ya nakale elei koi. 12Betamo ro bee yo mbaite ewetemo Yesus nauihi mekhai jea ya kalau goke 13beta bai bo keteme ro mi yea ehere hui wei mikoke yea bele yeare na nahele elei koi.
Yesus Na Mota Ohate Yore Huweumi
14Yesus nau yakleumi boke na mota ohate yore nuwai ko kate hamang ne aanewate yea Yesus ahung nekeime nakena leaulea nekewate ne ahi re ohoi koi nei joko re erekainyele yo ehe e koikoi 15Yesus na weumile nare ere ra ko feu ko ro wemba huwe me Yembe ba kani kerare 16Hi nye nehele re eleng goude kaye ba rolou Sonde Kiyea wali endewende hinye nahele reelei hoi yea hime em pen de. Hila yeale rabo yea le yo hambung emere emere mokonate 17naune oko ra yendo nei ro einye 18Rame name yea hile naibondo yo, bu buhime aninsinde hiyea bele hambung nare hime re emo koi boi, na me romi yea eha yo flayo raude yore kalo nai mi ende onomi benate.
Yesus terangkat ke Surga
19Betamo Yesus bele a ukeumiramo Yesus ewele Neako imea obere meunge bokine nu weu goke Neale rene 20beta ekate nakofeuko huwei mi yeke mbere mbere. Atei nambele nembainye ha koi mi yeke na ako fauko eme eme yaklaumi yeke.
\v 14 Yo Bhey jo eremmile neay na anuwaykham ne hebhenatena Homomfere erauge yo ubhene rowem Yudea na Romiyea ekhure humunggar yea hebhalembe emfembombe. \v 15 Bhele arakha phumana yo are eyea khoijea hambhung- ehi-haa eyea roiyea. \v 16 Bhuna aa na yo Waramalo reweibe bhenen Ebhukheijea.

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\v 17 Bhele hee Embhende Emale miyea nawenem weayeu miyea U Releiy khabang hete relenainyele. \v 18 Ebheli-Khali bhimande rakhe khani yobhey-yambhei ralo alu him-yahim heele ebheiyjea. \v 19 ”Ehabhunebham bhele hee bhulo-fela u rande na himi-hama hele a teay nabhema mokhaiugokhe. Bhele yea Eyeybhoiu hengga Ateiy nara hetengkhokhe. \v 20 Allah rakhe khani klamere na mameng khokhe.

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\v 21 Khani-khla riyau enmebhondere rakhe mekhai ehubhaisiy Bhele yea heiy nehe Eleuwkokhe, Nua mokhong hakhena. \v 22 Romiyea bhele hee elewate, ”Enauge, wali Ondofolo Raane bhinare! Obhrojea mo \v 23 Mekhane bham rakhe wali ondofolo blo yele khaya yo menai yakhanai bhonde. Hambunga a ayan-yani elenate enaimi wabhende Eleyea Mo! Manemang yea a huwe ukamele.

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