Sun Oct 16 2022 13:02:47 GMT+0100 (Horário Padrão da África Ocidental)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2022-10-16 13:02:47 +01:00
parent 884b2991bd
commit 7f9fd3b80c
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Avhande Kokafarnau. É pae nkhu tche kondjuvho apula kovhalongua Vhae: aotchitchi tchi nkhu matchimutangunifha montchila?
Ya ovho avhatia filu, tcho mondjila nkhu vhelitefha omphata poluavho muni okutia oivha eli omunene.
É akankhama, aifhana ekuinhi navhavhali ya evhetia: ingu ahanda okuka komutue, makaka fhinina ya
\v 35 \v 33 Avhande Kokafarnau. É pae nkhu tche kondjuvho apula kovhalongua Vhae: aotchitchi tchi nkhu matchimutangunifha montchila?
\v 34 Ya ovho avhatia filu, tcho mondjila nkhu vhelitefha omphata poluavho muni okutia oivha eli omunene.
É akankhama, aifhana ekuinhi navhavhali ya evhetia: ingu ahanda okuka komutue, makaka fhinina ya akaila omupika vhavhehe omba mupuenu.