# εἰρήνη/eiréné The word is to be without conflict. It is a noun. * This word can mean there is freedom from the conflict of war. * This word can mean to end conflict between warring parties. * This word can mean that peace has come and now there is tranquility and harmony. * This word can mean that where there had been conflict and war now that conflict has stopped. * This word can mean national tranquility, after a time of conflict. * This word can mean the spirit of peace, the peace of the Kingdom of God; Messianic peace. * This word can mean the inner and personal peace that is promised by Jesus Christ. * This word can mean to have contentment, to be at peace within oneself. * This word can mean when people end conflict and they come together. * This word can mean the absence of interpersonal trouble or conflict. * This word can mean national tranquility, as after a war is fought and the conflict is ended. * This word can mean the blessed condition of those who have died in their faith; that they are at peace. See: Matthew 10:34; Luke 12:51; Romans 14:17