# Possessive Pronoun A possessive pronoun is a word used to tell the reader who owns someone or something. A personal pronoun is translated as my, your, his, hers, its, our, or their. ## What information is included in the form of a possessive pronoun? * **Case**- Case is the form of a word that helps someone to know the function of the word in a sentence. Case helps the reader to know what the word is doing in a sentence. * **Number**- Number is the form of a word that helps someone to know whether there is one or more than one person or thing. With a pronoun, it must be the same as the noun it replaces. * **Gender**- The gender of a word helps the reader to know how that word is connected to each person or thing referred to in the sentence. With a pronoun, it must be the same as the noun it replaces. * **Person**- Person is the form of a word that helps the reader to know who is being written about or spoken about.