Tue Jul 18 2017 16:09:21 GMT+0100 (W. Central Africa Standard Time)

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tsDesktop 2017-07-18 16:09:22 +01:00
commit a1b4d9056e
21 changed files with 47 additions and 2 deletions

07/01.txt Normal file
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\v 1 Ɗa kaari ɗaŋ Yesu ɓannɗar konngǝn ɓuruk gyaa ngǝtn yo ɗaŋ a ta ya kon a kǝǝm zarshes, she a nɗai Kafarnahum.

07/02.txt Normal file
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\v 2 Mǝnvar mǝnmannɗǝ won da yi tǝ mon ngǝ naa sughǝmiwos, a ta yaa gon, hal a ta naa mei tǝ mǝskǝn. \v 3 Ɗaŋ mǝnvar mǝnmannɗǝes a ta wum durghǝ Yesu, a ta shinnɗar tǝ mǝnvaraŋsǝ ghǝ Yahudawa mǝn, tu tǝ karatǝ tǝ man fuɗ monwoshi. \v 4 Ɗaŋ tǝ ta man gha Yesu, tǝ ta karatǝ gyaŋ-ŋyaŋ tǝ yi wultu, "A kǝǝm a fitǝmnǝn cik, \v 5 duryo tu caa suu yaatlwom, nǝ yaani saɗ kǝŋ a nalmi vinlaaɗi Yahudawa mǝn."

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\v 6 Nǝ gii Yesu ta tlii tǝ yaaŋshi, bǝɗ tǝgii ɗaŋ aa ta naaɗi ɗoŋngan hŋ tǝ dǝnes, mǝnvar mǝnmannɗǝes ta shin kamtsashi tǝ wultǝ tu, "Daadǝn, vular gama hŋ, duryo tu maa kǝǝm nǝ gyo ɗaŋ a man ɗam dǝn vuŋ. \v 7 Na gin ghǝn a caa mǝ yel maa kǝǝm ɗaŋ mǝ man ɓaskǝ vuŋ, beɗ tǝ sii wulvii kurum monatn wo fuɗii. \v 8 Durtu myaam beɗ minǝ Zaar yo ɗaŋ mitǝ vartǝ, mitǝ mǝmmanɗǝ a kenatn. Myaa wulgii tu, 'tiǝ', caa tlii, mǝ wul gon tu, 'mon', caa man, myaa wul monatn, 'fi gin', caa fii."

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\v 9 Ɗaŋ Yesu wum cik, a ta kwasartǝ gha mwres, a sutii gha gutulies ɗaŋ caa laaɓtǝ wultu, "myaa fuuki, ko a giɓ Isarila ɓak maa tu murghǝ caaghǝnraa ɗaŋ gin hŋ." \v 10 Ɗaŋ gyaa gyo ɗaŋ tǝ shinshi tǝ sushiɗi ɗa dǝmi tǝ tu monnes a fuɗii.

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\v 11 Swaaɗ a kaar gii, Yesu ta tlii a dǝr yaatlwon ɗaŋ caa cim tu Na'im. Mǝǝri dǝnwos tǝ gutuli zarsǝ monɗa tǝ ta tlii cimshi. \v 12 Ɗaŋ a ta tuli mel tǝ mɓiil yaatli, parat she murwon ghǝncin ɗaŋ a mǝshi ɗaŋ taa ta mɓiitǝ, yaan cinǝ ŋaa namboŋ a lǝǝɓ nanagos ɗi da giɓ yaatli ci cimtǝ beɗ.\v 13 Ɗaŋ Daadǝn ta yeltǝ, a ta yughǝi tǝ gwannɗǝ nǝ durwos she wultǝ tu, "Ɓak ngwaar hŋ." \v 14 She a ta tlii tlǝn tǝǝn ŋamtsǝes ɗaŋ taa ta mɓii gǝmmɓǝlies kai, she mǝn mɓiighǝnes tǝ ta dlǝǝrii. A wultu, "Tlǝɓǝrǝn, myaa wulghǝ, shishi." \v 15 Murghǝ mǝskǝnes ta shishi tsǝɗni she nguɓ wulghǝn vii, she Yesu ta vǝrtǝ nanagos.

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\v 16 She vǝrtǝ ta ngaɓshi waasǝŋǝi ɓuruk, tǝ ta nguɓ mɓuughǝn cogn, tǝyo wultu, '"taa shisher dǝllǝ murghǝ shinngǝn cogn a giɓiwopm, Daadǝn aa man tǝ paŋ zarsǝwos." \v 17 Viimuri gin a dulgaam Yesu ta bǝllii a ɓuruk Yahudiya tǝ ɓuruk gyaa yaatl yo ɗaŋ tǝ ta yi nǝ ngirǝŋngǝn tǝ yaari.

07/18.txt Normal file
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\v 18 Mǝǝridǝnngǝ Yohana tǝ ta fuutǝ a dulgaam ɓuruk ngǝshi gyaa gin. \v 19 She Yohana ciim mǝǝri dǝnwos mɓǝtlǝŋ shinshi gha lǝb Daadǝn tǝ wultu , "Nǝ kyaan ghǝn nǝ gyo ɗaŋ wo mania, ko mǝ gaa yir gonnaa?" \v 20 Ɗaŋ tǝ ta man mel tǝ Yesu, she mǝnes tǝ wultu, "Yohana murghǝ Batisma ghǝn a shinmiɗi ɓaski mǝ wultu, ' Nǝ kyaan ghǝn gyo ɗaŋ caa mania, ko mǝ gaa yir gonnaa?"

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\v 21 A kili gii a fuɗ Zarsǝ monnɗa tǝ gyaa gonngǝni tǝ gyaa wuughǝni, tǝ gyaa kusuŋsǝ zhipti, tǝ Zarsǝ monnɗa ɗaŋ cinǝ dwoŋsǝ a ta vǝrshi yaalghǝn. \v 22 Yesu suɗa a wulshi tu, "Ǝŋ kyaa tlii, fuun Yohana gyaa ngǝtnyo ɗaŋ kǝ yeli kǝ nɗǝǝr kǝ wumi. Gyaa dwoŋsǝ caa yaalghǝn, mǝn pwaaghǝn caa riighǝn, caa sur gyaa ɗomtsǝ tǝ ɗzǝkkǝm, bǝnɗǝŋ caa wumngǝn kǝǝm, cigha shisherghǝn mǝn mǝǝskǝn, caa fuu gyaa naakui viimuri kǝ wusuŋni. \v 23 Das yo ɗaŋ a gaa caaghǝnraa ɓassǝm hŋ nǝrghǝ gyaa laa yo ɗaŋ myaa fi cinǝ murghǝ shishiɗi."

07/24.txt Normal file
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\v 24 Ɗaŋ mǝn yo ɗaŋ Yohana ta shinshi tǝ tlii, Yesu ta nguɓ wulghǝn gutulies a dulgaam Yohana, "Niighǝn kǝ tlǝ a yeli dlǝk nɗǝǝre? Yaar yo ɗaŋ yetar caa zhighǝɗtǝa? \v 25 Ta niighǝn kǝ gwaai a yelie? Zaar yo ɗaŋ a caa luu ŋyelaknia? yel, gya gyo ɗaŋ ca caa luu vǝǝn caa nɗǝǝr tǝ fi tsǝtnngǝn a giɓkǝ wusni caa tsǝ nǝni balgham guŋsǝ. \v 26 Beɗ tǝ gii niighǝn kǝ ngwaal a yelie? Murghǝ shinnghǝn cognyaa? Eh, myaa fuuki, a moɓ murghǝ shinngǝn cogn.

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\v 27 Gin ngǝn nǝ yaan ɗaŋ tǝ dlyaaɗ a gamashi, 'yel, migha shinnɗarghǝ shinngǝnetn a ken waan, gyo ɗaŋ wo nɗǝǝrghǝ tǝpm mǝn a kenwaa.' \v 28 Myaa funghǝ tu, a giɓkǝ gyaa gyo ɗaŋ guɗi tǝ ɓwaa, gonwon ɗa ɗaŋ a moɓ Yohana hŋ. Beɗ tǝ gii gyo ɗaŋ nǝ kǝ ŋwaati a goɓkǝ guŋnɗu cognvon a moɓ tǝ lunghǝni."

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\v 29 (Ɗaŋ ɓuruk Zarshes tǝ wum gin, tǝ gyaa mǝn kaɓkǝn gannɗues, tǝ tlazha tu cogn nǝ murghǝ̀ zaari, duryo tu taa fishi batisma mǝn tǝ batisma ghǝ Yohana. \v 30 Bǝɗ tǝ gii Farisawa tǝ gyaa gyo ɗaŋ cinǝ ngamɗaŋshi a ngerghǝnvii kǝ Yahudawa tǝ nyaŋngas ngǝtn mɓuni kǝ cogn nǝ durwaasǝŋ,duryo tu Yohana ǝŋ ata fishi batisma mǝn hŋ.)

07/31.txt Normal file
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\v 31 She Yesu wultu, "Tǝ nii ghǝn ma ɓuntsǝ Zarsǝ kǝ usuli ginghaye? Tǝ ta nǝ mi? \v 32 Cini ɗaŋ mǝǝri yo ɗaŋ caa lya lyaa giɓ kasuwa, gyaa gyo ɗaŋ caa wulvi tǝ dlǝŋsǝwaasǝŋ tu, 'Mǝ vuɗki myaaru mǝn, kǝ waa dlar hŋ. Mǝ waaki ngil miitsǝ mǝn, kǝ ŋgwaar hŋ.'

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\v 33 Ɗur tu Yohana murghǝ batisma man a ci dugn hŋ a tlya zhak drndu dǝn hŋ, she kǝ wultu, 'ci tǝ mǝnnɗǝ.' \v 34 Ǝaazaar ma caa ci caa tlya beɗ tǝ gii kǝ wultu, 'yel, cinǝ Zarghǝ swaari tǝ murghǝ tlyaghǝn zhak darnɗu dǝn monnɗa, tǝ kamnɗǝ mǝn kaɓkǝn gaanɗu tǝ mǝn kuskǝngǝtn!' \v 35 Bǝɗ tǝ gii yisǝŋngǝn cogn caa tlyaa zha nǝ ɓuruk mǝriwos."

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\v 36 Dzaŋgonwon bafarise won ta kara Yesu tǝ man ci ngǝtn cighǝn tǝ yaani. Da kaari ɗaŋ Yesu ta nɗai dǝnngǝ bafarises, a ta tsǝtni a dakci tu tǝ ci ngǝtncighǝn. \v 37 Parat, she gǝɗwon ghǝncin murghǝ kuskǝ ngǝtn ɗaŋ a nyolɗi ɗa giɓ dǝllǝ yaadli. Ɗaŋ a wum tu Yesu cigha cighǝn ngǝtncighǝn a dǝnnghǝ bafarises, a kǝn pennɗi miir alabastar ɗi zhoŋngǝn wusuŋ-wusuŋ. \v 38 Ɗaŋ a dlǝǝr mel tǝ yaan lyaŋshi ghǝ yaasǝŋwos ǝŋnɗa yi ngwaar, she a nguɓ diighǝn gyaa yaasǝŋwos tǝ zhalǝmwos, ǝŋnɗa yi saaɗ gyaa yaasǝŋwos tǝ ɓitlǝŋ gaamwos, yi tǝn gyaa yaasǝŋwoshes tǝ laɗ viiwos yi nɗǝǝr kaɗ gyaa yaashes miir dlǝrǝŋ dlǝrǝŋ mǝn.

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\v 39 A kili yo ɗaŋ bafarises ɗaŋ a cim Yesu ɗi tǝ ci ngotn cighǝn cimtii a yel cik, she a ɓitaltǝ a giɓkǝ raawos, caa wultu, "ci yi tu murin nǝ murghǝ shinnghǝn. Cogn, daa ci yi yisǝŋǝi ko nǝ naa gǝɗi gyo ghǝncio ɗaŋ caa tǝǝn tǝn, tu cinǝ murghǝ kuskǝ ngǝtn." \v 40 Yesu suɗa a wultǝ tu, "Siman, myaa suu mǝ funghǝ ngǝtnwon." A wultu, "konnii, malǝm!"

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\v 41 Yesu wultu,"Murghǝ vǝrghǝn baashiwon caa laaɓ Zarsǝ mɓǝtlǝŋ wurɓa. Namboŋyes caa laaɓ dnari kuri nannɗam, kamshes caa laaɓtǝ dinari tashi nannɗam. \v 42 Ɗaŋ tǝ ɗyaa tǝ surtǝ mǝn hŋ, a dlaashi loŋsǝes mǝni. Nǝ durghǝ gii, nuu a giɓwaasǝŋ wo suntǝ moɓɓo?" \v 43 Siman sutǝɗa a wultu. "Myaa yel nǝ gii ɗaŋ a dlaa tǝ loŋsǝ mǝmii monnɗari" Yesu wultǝ tu, "kaa ngyer viieshi taŋ-taŋ."

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\v 44 Yesu shi a gǝɗies a wul siman tu, "kǝ yel gǝɗinniya. Mǝ nɗa ɗaaghǝ dǝn, kǝ vǝrǝm zha nǝ durghǝ gyaa yaasǝŋyǝn hŋ, beɗ tǝ gii a dii yaasǝŋyetii tǝ zhalǝmwos nɗer saaɗi tǝ mɓitlǝŋ gaamwos. \v 45 Kǝ rumtsukghǝn hŋ, beɗ tǝ gii ɓannɗǝŋ a kiyi yo ɗaŋ mǝ nɗaɗi, a gaam rumtsukkǝni hŋ.

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\v 46 Kǝ kaɗǝm miir mǝn a gaam hŋ, bǝɗ tǝ gii aa kaɗǝm miir dlǝrǝŋ mǝn a gyaa yaasǝŋyen. \v 47 Nǝ durghǝ gii myaa funghǝ, gyaa kuskǝ ngǝtuwos,ɗaŋ tǝ ta yi monnɗai, taa dlaatǝ loŋsǝes mǝnii-durtu a zhiɗ suughǝn monnɗa. Beɗ tǝ gii gyo ɗaŋ tǝ dlaatǝ loŋsǝmǝn njwaatn, a zhiɗ suughǝn njwaatn."

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\v 48 She a wul gǝɗes tu, "Taa dlaaghǝ loŋsǝ kusuŋsǝ ngǝtnwamǝnii." \v 49 Gyaa gyo ɗaŋ cigha tsǝtnngǝn tǝ yaani tǝ nguɓ wulghǝn a adlǝŋsǝwaasǝŋ, "Nuughǝn nǝ gin ɗaŋ har caa dlaa loŋsǝ kusuŋsǝ ngǝtio?" \v 50 She Yesu wul gǝɗes tu, "Caaghǝn ǝaawaa aa kaɓkǝi. Tlǝ a giɓkǝ raawushui."

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@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
"translators": [ "translators": [
"manassah", "manassah",
"cornelius funchong", "cornelius funchong",
"zaar3-nig" "zaar3-nig",
], ],
"source_translations": [ "source_translations": [
{ {
@ -518,6 +519,25 @@
"11-47", "11-47",
"11-49", "11-49",
"11-52", "11-52",
"11-53" "11-53",
] ]
} }