diff --git a/23-ISA/40.usfm b/23-ISA/40.usfm index 174122d9..4dbccd4e 100644 --- a/23-ISA/40.usfm +++ b/23-ISA/40.usfm @@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ flower of the field. \p \q1 \v 9 Go up on a high mountain, Zion, bearer of good news; -\q1 lift up your voice with strength; proclaim good news to Jerusalem. Cry out loudly; do not be afraid. +\f + \ft Instead of \fqa Go up on a high mountain, Zion, bearer of good news \fqb , some versions have \fqa You who are bearing good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain \fqb . \f* +\q1 lift up your voice with strength. Jerusalem, proclaimer of good news, cry out loudly; do not be afraid. +\f + \ft Instead of \fqa Jerusalem, proclaimer of good news \fqb , some versions have \fqa proclaim good news to Jerusalem \fqb . \f* \q1 Say to the cities of Judah, "Here is your God!" \q1 \v 10 Look, the Lord Yahweh comes as a victorious warrior, and his strong arm rules for him.