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2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
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<div type="book" osisID="heb">
<chapter osisID="heb.1">
<verse name="Hebrews 1:1">
<Greek>Πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ὁ Θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 1 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Long ago God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in many ways.</ULB>
<residue>Long ago spoke to our through the at many and in many ways.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115629" strongs="3819" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλαι" text="πάλαι">Long ago</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115630" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115631" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115632" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλήσας">spoke</w>
<w OGNTsort="115633" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">to our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115634" strongs="3962" morph="N-DPM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατράσιν">ancestors</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115635" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="115636" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115637" strongs="4396" morph="N-DPM" lemma="προφήτης" text="προφήταις">prophets</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115626" strongs="4181" morph="ADV" lemma="πολυμερῶς" text="Πολυμερῶς">at many times</w>
<w OGNTsort="115627" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115628" strongs="4187" morph="ADV" lemma="πολυτρόπως" text="πολυτρόπως">in many ways.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:2">
<Greek>ἐπ᾽ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν τούτων ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν ἐν Υἱῷ ὃν ἔθηκεν κληρονόμον πάντων δι᾽ οὗ καὶ ἐποίησεν τοὺς αἰῶνας</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>But in these last days, he has spoken to us through a Son, whom he appointed to be the heir of all things. It is through him that God also made the universe.</ULB>
<residue>But in these , he has spoken to us through a Son, whom he to be the of all things. It is through him that also made the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115638" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="115642" strongs="3778" morph="D-GPF" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτων">these</w>
<w OGNTsort="115639" strongs="2078" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἔσχατος" text="ἐσχάτου">last</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115640" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115641" strongs="2250" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμερῶν">days,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115643" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="λαλέω" text="ἐλάλησεν">he has spoken</w>
<w OGNTsort="115644" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">to us</w>
<w OGNTsort="115645" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="115646" strongs="5207" morph="N-DSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱῷ">a Son,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115647" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="115648" strongs="5087" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="τίθημι" text="ἔθηκεν">he appointed</w>
<w>to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="115649" strongs="2818" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κληρονόμος" text="κληρονόμον">the heir</w>
<w OGNTsort="115650" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">of all things.</w>
<w>It is</w>
<w OGNTsort="115651" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="115652" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">him</w>
<w>that God</w>
<w OGNTsort="115653" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="115654" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ἐποίησεν">made</w>
<w OGNTsort="115655" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115656" strongs="165" morph="N-APM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνας">universe.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:3">
<Greek>ὃς ὢν ἀπαύγασμα τῆς δόξης καὶ χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτοῦ φέρων τε τὰ πάντα τῷ ῥήματι τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ καθαρισμὸν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ποιησάμενος ἐκάθισεν ἐν δεξιᾷ τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης ἐν ὑψηλοῖς</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>He is the brightness of God's glory, the exact representation of his being. He even holds everything together by the word of his power. After he had made cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.</ULB>
<residue>He is the of God's glory, the exact representation of his being. He even holds everything together by the of his . After he had made for , he sat down at the of the Majesty .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115657" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="115658" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὢν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="115659" strongs="541" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἀπαύγασμα" text="ἀπαύγασμα">the brightness</w>
<w>of God's</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115660" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115661" strongs="1391" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξης">glory,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115662" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115663" strongs="5481" morph="N-NSM" lemma="χαρακτήρ" text="χαρακτὴρ">the exact representation</w>
<w OGNTsort="115666" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115664" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115665" strongs="5287" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑπόστασις" text="ὑποστάσεως">being.</w>
<w OGNTsort="115668" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" sub="[1]" text="τε">even</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115669" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115670" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" sub="[2]" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="115667" strongs="5342" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="φέρω" text="φέρων">He [1] holds [2] together</w>
<w OGNTsort="115671" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">by the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115672" strongs="4487" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ῥῆμα" text="ῥήματι">word</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115675" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115673" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115674" strongs="1411" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δυνάμεως">power.</w>
<w OGNTsort="115679" strongs="4160" morph="V-AMP-NSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιησάμενος">After he had made</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115676" strongs="2512" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καθαρισμός" text="καθαρισμὸν">cleansing</w>
<w OGNTsort="115677" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115678" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">for sins,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115680" strongs="2523" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καθίζω" text="ἐκάθισεν">he sat down</w>
<w OGNTsort="115681" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="115682" strongs="1188" morph="A-DSF" lemma="δεξιός" text="δεξιᾷ">the right hand</w>
<w OGNTsort="115683" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115684" strongs="3172" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μεγαλωσύνη" text="Μεγαλωσύνης">Majesty</w>
<w OGNTsort="115685" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="115686" strongs="5308" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ὑψηλός" text="ὑψηλοῖς">high.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:4">
<Greek>τοσούτῳ κρείττων γενόμενος τῶν ἀγγέλων ὅσῳ διαφορώτερον παρ᾽ αὐτοὺς κεκληρονόμηκεν ὄνομα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>He has become just as superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than their name.</ULB>
<residue>He has become just as superior to the as the he has is more excellent than their name.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115689" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-NSM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενόμενος">He has become</w>
<w OGNTsort="115687" strongs="5118" morph="D-DSN" lemma="τοσοῦτος" text="τοσούτῳ">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="115688" strongs="2908" morph="A-NSM-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττων">superior</w>
<w OGNTsort="115690" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115691" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115692" strongs="3745" morph="K-DSN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσῳ">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="115697" strongs="3686" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ὄνομα" text="ὄνομα">the name</w>
<w OGNTsort="115696" strongs="2816" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="κληρονομέω" text="κεκληρονόμηκεν">he has inherited</w>
<w OGNTsort="115693" strongs="1313" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="διάφορος" text="διαφορώτερον">more excellent</w>
<w OGNTsort="115694" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρ᾽">than</w>
<w OGNTsort="115695" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:5">
<Greek>Τίνι γὰρ εἶπέν ποτε τῶν ἀγγέλων Υἱός μου εἶ σύ ἐγὼ σήμερον γεγέννηκά σε Καὶ πάλιν Ἐγὼ ἔσομαι αὐτῷ εἰς Πατέρα καὶ αὐτὸς ἔσται μοι εἰς Υἱόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>For to which of the angels did God ever say, <usfm>\q</usfm> "You are my Son, <usfm>\q</usfm> today I have become your Father"? <usfm>\q</usfm> Or to which of the angels did God ever say, <usfm>\q</usfm> "I will be a Father to him, <usfm>\q</usfm> and he will be a Son to me"?</ULB>
<residue>For to which of the did ever say, "You are my Son, I have become your "? Or to which of the angels did ever say, "I will be a Father to him, and he will be a Son to me"?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115699" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="115698" strongs="5101" morph="I-DSM" lemma="τίς" text="Τίνι">to which</w>
<w OGNTsort="115702" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115703" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="115701" strongs="4218" morph="PRT" lemma="ποτέ" sub="[2]" text="ποτε">ever</w>
<w OGNTsort="115700" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἶπέν">did [1] [2] say</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115707" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="σύ">"You</w>
<w OGNTsort="115706" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2S" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶ">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="115705" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="115704" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱός">Son,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115709" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="σήμερον">today</w>
<w OGNTsort="115708" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="115710" strongs="1080" morph="V-RAI-1S" lemma="γεννάω" text="γεγέννηκά"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115711" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε"></w>
<phraseWords>have become your father"?</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115712" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115713" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν"></w>
<phraseWords>Or to which of the angels did God ever say,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115714" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="Ἐγὼ">"I</w>
<w OGNTsort="115715" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσομαι">will be</w>
<w OGNTsort="115718" strongs="3962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατέρα">a Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="115717" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115716" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">to him,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115719" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115720" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="115721" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσται">will be</w>
<w OGNTsort="115723" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115724" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱόν">a Son</w>
<w OGNTsort="115722" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μοι">to me"?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:6">
<Greek>Ὅταν δὲ πάλιν εἰσαγάγῃ τὸν πρωτότοκον εἰς τὴν οἰκουμένην λέγει Καὶ προσκυνησάτωσαν αὐτῷ πάντες ἄγγελοι Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 6</preText>
<ULB>But again, when God brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "All God's angels must worship him."</ULB>
<residue>But again, when God brings the into the , he says, "All must him."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115726" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="115727" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115725" strongs="3752" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅταν" text="Ὅταν">when</w>
<w OGNTsort="115728" strongs="1521" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="εἰσάγω" text="εἰσαγάγῃ">brings</w>
<w OGNTsort="115729" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115730" strongs="4416" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πρωτότοκος" text="πρωτότοκον">firstborn</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115731" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="115732" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115733" strongs="3625" morph="N-ASF" lemma="οἰκουμένη" text="οἰκουμένην">world,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115734" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">he says,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115735" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115738" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">"All</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115740" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115739" strongs="32" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἄγγελοι">angels</w>
<w OGNTsort="115736" strongs="4352" morph="V-AAM-3P" lemma="προσκυνέω" text="προσκυνησάτωσαν">must worship</w>
<w OGNTsort="115737" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">him."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:7">
<Greek>Καὶ πρὸς μὲν τοὺς ἀγγέλους λέγει Ὁ ποιῶν τοὺς ἀγγέλους αὐτοῦ πνεύματα καὶ τοὺς λειτουργοὺς αὐτοῦ πυρὸς φλόγα</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 7</preText>
<ULB>About the angels he says, <usfm>\q</usfm> "He is the one who makes his angels spirits, <usfm>\q</usfm> and his servants flames of fire."</ULB>
<residue>About the he says, "He is the one who makes his , and his flames of ."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="115741" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115742" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">About</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115743" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115744" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115745" strongs="32" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλους">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115746" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">he says,</w>
<w>"He is</w>
<w OGNTsort="115747" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Ὁ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="115748" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῶν">who makes</w>
<w OGNTsort="115751" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115749" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115750" strongs="32" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλους">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115752" strongs="4151" morph="N-APN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύματα">spirits,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115753" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115756" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115754" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115755" strongs="3011" morph="N-APM" lemma="λειτουργός" text="λειτουργοὺς">servants</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115758" strongs="5395" morph="N-ASF" lemma="φλόξ" text="φλόγα">flames</w>
<w OGNTsort="115757" strongs="4442" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πῦρ" text="πυρὸς">of fire."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:8">
<Greek>Πρὸς δὲ τὸν Υἱόν Ὁ θρόνος σου ὁ Θεὸς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος καὶ ἡ ῥάβδος τῆς εὐθύτητος ῥάβδος τῆς βασιλείας σου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 8</preText>
<ULB>But to the Son he says, <usfm>\q</usfm> "Your throne, God, is forever and ever. <usfm>\q</usfm> The scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom.</ULB>
<residue>But to he says, "Your , , is and . The of is the of your .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115760" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="115759" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="Πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="115761" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115762" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱόν">Son</w>
<w>he says,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115765" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">"Your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115763" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115764" strongs="2362" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θρόνος" text="θρόνος">throne,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115766" strongs="3588" morph="T-VSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115767" strongs="2316" morph="N-VSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115768" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115769" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115770" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115771" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115772" strongs="165" morph="N-GSM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνος"></w>
<phraseWords>forever and ever.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115773" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115774" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115775" strongs="4464" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ῥάβδος" text="ῥάβδος">scepter</w>
<w OGNTsort="115776" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115777" strongs="2118" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐθύτης" text="εὐθύτητος">of justice</w>
<w OGNTsort="115778" strongs="4464" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ῥάβδος" text="ῥάβδος">the scepter</w>
<w OGNTsort="115781" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">of your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115779" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115780" strongs="932" morph="N-GSF" lemma="βασιλεία" text="βασιλείας">kingdom.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:9">
<Greek>ἠγάπησας δικαιοσύνην καὶ ἐμίσησας ἀνομίαν διὰ τοῦτο ἔχρισέν σε ὁ Θεός ὁ Θεός σου ἔλαιον ἀγαλλιάσεως παρὰ τοὺς μετόχους σου</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 9</preText>
<ULB>You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. <usfm>\q</usfm> Therefore God, your God, has anointed you <usfm>\q</usfm> with the oil of joy more than your companions."</ULB>
<residue>You have and hated . Therefore , your , has anointed you with the of more than your ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115782" strongs="25" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἠγάπησας">You have loved</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115783" strongs="1343" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνην">righteousness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115784" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115785" strongs="3404" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="μισέω" text="ἐμίσησας">hated</w>
<w OGNTsort="115786" strongs="458" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀνομία" text="ἀνομίαν">lawlessness.</w>
<w OGNTsort="115787" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115788" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115791" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115792" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115795" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115793" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115794" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115789" strongs="5548" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="χρίω" text="ἔχρισέν">has anointed</w>
<w OGNTsort="115790" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115796" strongs="1637" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἔλαιον" text="ἔλαιον">with the oil</w>
<w OGNTsort="115797" strongs="20" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγαλλίασις" text="ἀγαλλιάσεως">of joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="115798" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ">more than</w>
<w OGNTsort="115801" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="115799" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115800" strongs="3353" morph="A-APM" lemma="μέτοχος" text="μετόχους">companions."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:10">
<Greek>Καί Σὺ κατ᾽ ἀρχάς Κύριε τὴν γῆν ἐθεμελίωσας καὶ ἔργα τῶν χειρῶν σού εἰσιν οἱ οὐρανοί</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 10</preText>
<ULB>"In the beginning, Lord, you laid the earth's foundation. <usfm>\q</usfm> The heavens are the work of your hands.</ULB>
<residue>"In the beginning, , you laid the . The heavens are the of your .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="115802" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καί"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115804" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽">"In</w>
<w OGNTsort="115805" strongs="746" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχάς">the beginning,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115806" strongs="2962" morph="N-VSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριε">Lord,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115803" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="Σὺ">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="115807" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115808" strongs="1093" morph="N-ASF" lemma="γῆ" sub="[2]" text="γῆν">earth's</w>
<w OGNTsort="115809" strongs="2311" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="θεμελιόω" text="ἐθεμελίωσας">laid [1] [2] foundation.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115810" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115816" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">The</w>
<w OGNTsort="115817" strongs="3772" morph="N-NPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοί">heavens</w>
<w OGNTsort="115815" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="115811" strongs="2041" morph="N-NPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργα">the work</w>
<w OGNTsort="115814" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σού">of your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115812" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115813" strongs="5495" morph="N-GPF" lemma="χείρ" text="χειρῶν">hands.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:11">
<Greek>αὐτοὶ ἀπολοῦνται σὺ δὲ διαμένεις καὶ πάντες ὡς ἱμάτιον παλαιωθήσονται</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 11</preText>
<ULB>They will perish, but you will continue. <usfm>\q</usfm> They will all wear out like a piece of clothing.</ULB>
<residue>They will , but you will continue. They will all wear out like a piece of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115818" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">They</w>
<w OGNTsort="115819" strongs="622" morph="V-FMI-3P" lemma="ἀπολλύω" text="ἀπολοῦνται">will perish,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115821" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="115820" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="σὺ">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="115822" strongs="1265" morph="V-PAI-2S" lemma="διαμένω" text="διαμένεις">will continue.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115823" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115824" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" sub="[1]" text="πάντες">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="115827" strongs="3822" morph="V-FPI-3P" lemma="παλαιόω" text="παλαιωθήσονται">They will [1] wear out</w>
<w OGNTsort="115825" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">like</w>
<w OGNTsort="115826" strongs="2440" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἱμάτιον" text="ἱμάτιον">a piece of clothing.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:12">
<Greek>καὶ ὡσεὶ περιβόλαιον ἑλίξεις αὐτούς ὡς ἱμάτιον καὶ ἀλλαγήσονται σὺ δὲ ὁ αὐτὸς εἶ καὶ τὰ ἔτη σου οὐκ ἐκλείψουσιν</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 12</preText>
<ULB>You will roll them up like a cloak, <usfm>\q</usfm> and they will be changed like a piece of clothing. <usfm>\q</usfm> But you are the same, <usfm>\q</usfm> and your years do not end."</ULB>
<residue>You will roll them up like a cloak, and they will changed a piece of . But you are the same, and your do not end."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="115828" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115832" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[1]" text="αὐτούς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="115831" strongs="1667" morph="V-FAI-2S" lemma="ἑλίσσω" text="ἑλίξεις">You will roll [1] up</w>
<w OGNTsort="115829" strongs="5616" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡσεί" text="ὡσεὶ">like</w>
<w OGNTsort="115830" strongs="4018" morph="N-ASN" lemma="περιβόλαιον" text="περιβόλαιον">a cloak,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115835" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115836" strongs="236" morph="V-2FPI-3P" lemma="ἀλλάσσω" text="ἀλλαγήσονται">they will be changed</w>
<w OGNTsort="115833" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">like</w>
<w OGNTsort="115834" strongs="2440" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἱμάτιον" text="ἱμάτιον">a piece of clothing.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115838" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="115837" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="σὺ">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="115841" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2S" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶ">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="115839" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="115840" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς">same,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115842" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115845" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="115843" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115844" strongs="2094" morph="N-NPN" lemma="ἔτος" text="ἔτη">years</w>
<w OGNTsort="115846" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="115847" strongs="1587" morph="V-FAI-3P" lemma="ἐκλείπω" text="ἐκλείψουσιν">do [2] end."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:13">
<Greek>Πρὸς τίνα δὲ τῶν ἀγγέλων εἴρηκέν ποτε Κάθου ἐκ δεξιῶν μου ἕως ἂν θῶ τοὺς ἐχθρούς σου ὑποπόδιον τῶν ποδῶν σου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>But to which of the angels has God said at any time, <usfm>\q</usfm> "Sit at my right hand <usfm>\q</usfm> until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"?</ULB>
<residue>But to which of the has God said at any , "Sit at my until I make your a for your feet"?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115850" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="115848" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="Πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="115849" strongs="5101" morph="I-ASM" lemma="τίς" text="τίνα">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="115851" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115852" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="115853" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἴρηκέν">has [1] said</w>
<w OGNTsort="115854" strongs="4218" morph="PRT" lemma="ποτέ" text="ποτε">at any time,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115855" strongs="2521" morph="V-PNM-2S" lemma="κάθημαι" text="Κάθου">"Sit</w>
<w OGNTsort="115856" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="115858" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="115857" strongs="1188" morph="A-GPN" lemma="δεξιός" text="δεξιῶν">right hand</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115859" strongs="2193" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἕως" text="ἕως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115860" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115861" strongs="5087" morph="V-2AAS-1S" lemma="τίθημι" text="θῶ">I make</w>
<w OGNTsort="115864" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="115862" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115863" strongs="2190" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἐχθρός" text="ἐχθρούς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115865" strongs="5286" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ὑποπόδιον" text="ὑποπόδιον">a footstool</w>
<w OGNTsort="115868" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">for your</w>
<w OGNTsort="115866" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115867" strongs="4228" morph="N-GPM" lemma="πούς" text="ποδῶν">feet"?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 1:14">
<Greek>Οὐχὶ πάντες εἰσὶν λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα εἰς διακονίαν ἀποστελλόμενα διὰ τοὺς μέλλοντας κληρονομεῖν σωτηρίαν</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 14</preText>
<ULB>Are not all angels spirits who serve, and who are sent to care for those who will inherit salvation?</ULB>
<residue>Are not all angels who , and who are to those who will ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115871" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσὶν">Are</w>
<w OGNTsort="115869" strongs="3780" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐχί" text="Οὐχὶ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="115870" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">all</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115873" strongs="4151" morph="N-NPN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύματα">spirits</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115872" strongs="3010" morph="A-NPN" lemma="λειτουργικός" text="λειτουργικὰ">who serve,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115876" strongs="649" morph="V-PPP-NPN" lemma="ἀποστέλλω" text="ἀποστελλόμενα">who are sent</w>
<w OGNTsort="115874" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="115875" strongs="1248" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διακονία" text="διακονίαν">care</w>
<w OGNTsort="115877" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="115878" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="115879" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλοντας">who will</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115880" strongs="2816" morph="V-PAN" lemma="κληρονομέω" text="κληρονομεῖν">inherit</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115881" strongs="4991" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίαν">salvation?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.2">
<verse name="Hebrews 2:1">
<Greek>Διὰ τοῦτο δεῖ περισσοτέρως προσέχειν ἡμᾶς τοῖς ἀκουσθεῖσιν μήποτε παραρυῶμεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 2 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore we must give far more attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore we must give far more attention to what we have , so that we do not drift away from it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115882" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="Διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115883" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115884" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115887" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς"></w>
<phraseWords>we must</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="115885" strongs="4056" morph="ADV" lemma="περισσοτέρως" sub="[1]" text="περισσοτέρως">far more</w>
<w OGNTsort="115886" strongs="4337" morph="V-PAN" lemma="προσέχω" text="προσέχειν">give [1] attention</w>
<w OGNTsort="115888" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">to what</w>
<w OGNTsort="115889" strongs="191" morph="V-APP-DPN" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκουσθεῖσιν">we have heard,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115890" strongs="3379" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήποτε" text="μήποτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115891" strongs="3901" morph="V-2AAS-1P" lemma="παραρρέω" text="παραρυῶμεν"></w>
<phraseWords>so that we do not drift away from it.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:2">
<Greek>εἰ γὰρ ὁ δι᾽ ἀγγέλων λαληθεὶς λόγος ἐγένετο βέβαιος καὶ πᾶσα παράβασις καὶ παρακοὴ ἔλαβεν ἔνδικον μισθαποδοσίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 2</preText>
<ULB>For if the message that was spoken through the angels proved to be so reliable, and every transgression and disobedience receives just repayment,</ULB>
<residue>For if the that was spoken through the proved to be so reliable, and every and ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115893" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="115892" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="115894" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115898" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">message</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115897" strongs="2980" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαληθεὶς">that was spoken</w>
<w OGNTsort="115895" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="115896" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">the angels</w>
<w OGNTsort="115899" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγένετο">proved</w>
<w>to be so</w>
<w OGNTsort="115900" strongs="949" morph="A-NSM" lemma="βέβαιος" text="βέβαιος">reliable,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115901" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115902" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσα">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115903" strongs="3847" morph="N-NSF" lemma="παράβασις" text="παράβασις">transgression</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115904" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115905" strongs="3876" morph="N-NSF" lemma="παρακοή" text="παρακοὴ">disobedience</w>
<w OGNTsort="115906" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="ἔλαβεν">receives</w>
<w OGNTsort="115907" strongs="1738" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἔνδικος" text="ἔνδικον">just</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115908" strongs="3405" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μισθαποδοσία" text="μισθαποδοσίαν">repayment,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:3">
<Greek>πῶς ἡμεῖς ἐκφευξόμεθα τηλικαύτης ἀμελήσαντες σωτηρίας ἥτις ἀρχὴν λαβοῦσα λαλεῖσθαι διὰ τοῦ Κυρίου ὑπὸ τῶν ἀκουσάντων εἰς ἡμᾶς ἐβεβαιώθη</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>how then can we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This is salvation that was first announced by the Lord and confirmed to us by those who heard it.</ULB>
<residue>how then can we escape if we ignore so great a ? This is salvation that was first by the and to us by those who it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115909" strongs="4459" morph="ADV" lemma="πως" text="πῶς">how</w>
<w OGNTsort="115910" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" sub="[1]" text="ἡμεῖς">we</w>
<w OGNTsort="115911" strongs="1628" morph="V-FDI-1P" lemma="ἐκφεύγω" text="ἐκφευξόμεθα">can [1] escape</w>
<w OGNTsort="115913" strongs="272" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ἀμελέω" text="ἀμελήσαντες">if we ignore</w>
<w OGNTsort="115912" strongs="5082" morph="D-GSF" lemma="τηλικοῦτος" text="τηλικαύτης">so great</w>
<w OGNTsort="115914" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίας">a salvation?</w>
<w OGNTsort="115915" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">This is</w>
<w OGNTsort="115916" strongs="746" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115917" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAP-NSF" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαβοῦσα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115918" strongs="2980" morph="V-PPN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλεῖσθαι"></w>
<phraseWords>that was first announced</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="115919" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="115920" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115921" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κυρίου">Lord</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115927" strongs="950" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="βεβαιόω" text="ἐβεβαιώθη">confirmed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115925" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="115926" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς">us</w>
<w OGNTsort="115922" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="115923" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="115924" strongs="191" morph="V-AAP-GPM" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκουσάντων">who heard it.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:4">
<Greek>συνεπιμαρτυροῦντος τοῦ Θεοῦ σημείοις τε καὶ τέρασιν καὶ ποικίλαις δυνάμεσιν καὶ Πνεύματος Ἁγίου μερισμοῖς κατὰ τὴν αὐτοῦ θέλησιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>At the same time God testified to it by signs, wonders, and various miracles, and by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.</ULB>
<residue>At the same time to it by signs, , and various , and by distributing the of the according to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>At the same time</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115929" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115930" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115928" strongs="4901" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="συνεπιμαρτυρέω" text="συνεπιμαρτυροῦντος">testified</w>
<w>to it</w>
<w OGNTsort="115931" strongs="4592" morph="N-DPN" lemma="σημεῖον" text="σημείοις">by signs,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115932" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115933" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115934" strongs="5059" morph="N-DPN" lemma="τέρας" text="τέρασιν">wonders,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115935" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115936" strongs="4164" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ποικίλος" text="ποικίλαις">various</w>
<w OGNTsort="115937" strongs="1411" morph="N-DPF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δυνάμεσιν">miracles,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115938" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115941" strongs="3311" morph="N-DPM" lemma="μερισμός" text="μερισμοῖς">by distributing</w>
<w>the gifts</w>
<w OGNTsort="115940" strongs="40" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἁγίου">of the Holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="115939" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεύματος">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="115942" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="115944" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115943" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115945" strongs="2308" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θέλησις" text="θέλησιν">will.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:5">
<Greek>Οὐ γὰρ ἀγγέλοις ὑπέταξεν τὴν οἰκουμένην τὴν μέλλουσαν περὶ ἧς λαλοῦμεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 5</preText>
<ULB>For it was not to the angels that God subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking.</ULB>
<residue>For it was not to the that God the to come, about which we are speaking.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115947" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it was</w>
<w OGNTsort="115946" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="Οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="115948" strongs="32" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλοις">to the angels</w>
<w>that God</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115949" strongs="5293" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ὑποτάσσω" text="ὑπέταξεν">subjected</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115950" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115951" strongs="3625" morph="N-ASF" lemma="οἰκουμένη" text="οἰκουμένην">world</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115952" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115953" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλουσαν"></w>
<phraseWords>to come,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="115954" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="115955" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="115956" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦμεν">we are speaking.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:6">
<Greek>διεμαρτύρατο δέ πού τις λέγων Τί ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος ὅτι μιμνῄσκῃ αὐτοῦ ἢ υἱὸς ἀνθρώπου ὅτι ἐπισκέπτῃ αὐτόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>But someone has somewhere testified, saying, <usfm>\q</usfm> "What is man, that you are mindful of him? <usfm>\q</usfm> Or a son of man, that you care for him?</ULB>
<residue>But someone has somewhere , saying, "What is man, that you are mindful of him? Or a , that you care for him?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115958" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="115960" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">someone</w>
<w OGNTsort="115959" strongs="4225" morph="ADV" lemma="πού" sub="[1]" text="πού">somewhere</w>
<w OGNTsort="115957" strongs="1263" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="διαμαρτύρομαι" text="διεμαρτύρατο">has [1] testified,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115961" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">saying,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115962" strongs="5101" morph="I-NSN" lemma="τίς" text="Τί">"What</w>
<w OGNTsort="115963" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="115964" strongs="444" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωπος">man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115965" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="115966" strongs="3403" morph="V-PNI-2S" lemma="μιμνήσκω" text="μιμνῄσκῃ">you are mindful</w>
<w OGNTsort="115967" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of him?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115968" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">Or</w>
<w OGNTsort="115969" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱὸς">a son</w>
<w OGNTsort="115970" strongs="444" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπου">of man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="115971" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="115972" strongs="1980" morph="V-PNI-2S" lemma="ἐπισκέπτομαι" text="ἐπισκέπτῃ">you care for</w>
<w OGNTsort="115973" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν">him?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:7">
<Greek>ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ᾽ ἀγγέλους δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφάνωσας αὐτόν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 7</preText>
<ULB>You made man a little lower than the angels; <usfm>\q</usfm> you crowned him with glory and honor. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies add, \fqa and you have put him over the works of your hands \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>You made man a little lower than the ; you him with and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115974" strongs="1642" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="ἐλαττόω" text="ἠλάττωσας">You made</w>
<w OGNTsort="115975" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">man</w>
<w OGNTsort="115976" strongs="1024" morph="A-ASN" lemma="βραχύς" text="βραχύ">a little lower</w>
<w OGNTsort="115977" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" text="τι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115978" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρ᾽"></w>
<phraseWords>than the</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="115979" strongs="32" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλους">angels;</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115983" strongs="4737" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="στεφανόω" text="ἐστεφάνωσας">you crowned</w>
<w OGNTsort="115984" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="115980" strongs="1391" morph="N-DSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξῃ">with glory</w>
<w OGNTsort="115981" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="115982" strongs="5092" morph="N-DSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμῇ">honor.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies add, \fqa and you have put him over the works of your hands \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 2:8">
<Greek>πάντα ὑπέταξας ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ Ἐν τῷ γὰρ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα οὐδὲν ἀφῆκεν αὐτῷ ἀνυπότακτον νῦν δὲ οὔπω ὁρῶμεν αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα ὑποτεταγμένα</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 8</preText>
<ULB>You put everything in subjection under his feet." <usfm>\p</usfm> For it was to him that God has subjected all things. He did not leave anything not subjected to him. But now we do not yet see everything subjected to him.</ULB>
<residue>You put everything in under his feet." For it was to him that God has all things. He did not anything to him. But now we do not yet see everything subjected to him.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115985" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" sub="[1]" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="115986" strongs="5293" morph="V-2AAI-2S" lemma="ὑποτάσσω" text="ὑπέταξας">You put [1] in subjection</w>
<w OGNTsort="115987" strongs="5270" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑποκάτω" text="ὑποκάτω">under</w>
<w OGNTsort="115990" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115988" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115989" strongs="4228" morph="N-GPM" lemma="πούς" text="ποδῶν">feet.</w>
<w OGNTsort="115993" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it was</w>
<w OGNTsort="115995" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">to him</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="115991" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="Ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115992" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>that God</w>
<w OGNTsort="115994" strongs="5293" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ὑποτάσσω" text="ὑποτάξαι">subjected</w>
<w OGNTsort="115997" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115996" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<phraseWords>all things.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="115998" strongs="3762" morph="A-ASN" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="115999" strongs="863" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἀφίημι" text="ἀφῆκεν"></w>
<phraseWords>He did not leave anything</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116001" strongs="506" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀνυπότακτος" text="ἀνυπότακτον">not subjected</w>
<w OGNTsort="116000" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">to him.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116003" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="116002" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="116004" strongs="3768" morph="ADV" lemma="οὔπω" sub="[2]" text="οὔπω">not yet</w>
<w OGNTsort="116005" strongs="3708" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὁρῶμεν">we do [2] see</w>
<w OGNTsort="116007" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116008" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116009" strongs="5293" morph="V-RPP-APN" lemma="ὑποτάσσω" text="ὑποτεταγμένα">subjected</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116006" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">to him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:9">
<Greek>τὸν δὲ βραχύ τι παρ᾽ ἀγγέλους ἠλαττωμένον βλέπομεν Ἰησοῦν διὰ τὸ πάθημα τοῦ θανάτου δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφανωμένον ὅπως χάριτι Θεοῦ ὑπὲρ παντὸς γεύσηται θανάτου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>But we see him who was made lower than the angels for a little while, Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of his suffering and death, so that by God's grace he might taste death for everyone.</ULB>
<residue>But we see him who was made lower than the for a little while, , with and because of his and , so that by he might taste for everyone.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116011" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="116017" strongs="991" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλέπομεν">we see</w>
<w OGNTsort="116010" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="116016" strongs="1642" morph="V-RPP-ASM" lemma="ἐλαττόω" text="ἠλαττωμένον">who was made lower</w>
<w OGNTsort="116014" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρ᾽">than the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116015" strongs="32" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλους">angels</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116012" strongs="1024" morph="A-ASN" lemma="βραχύς" text="βραχύ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116013" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" text="τι"></w>
<phraseWords>for a little while,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116018" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116027" strongs="4737" morph="V-RPP-ASM" lemma="στεφανόω" text="ἐστεφανωμένον">crowned</w>
<w OGNTsort="116024" strongs="1391" morph="N-DSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξῃ">with glory</w>
<w OGNTsort="116025" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116026" strongs="5092" morph="N-DSF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμῇ">honor</w>
<w OGNTsort="116019" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116020" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116021" strongs="3804" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πάθημα" text="πάθημα">suffering</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116022" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116023" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">death,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116028" strongs="3704" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅπως" text="ὅπως">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116030" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">by God's</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116029" strongs="5485" morph="N-DSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριτι">grace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116033" strongs="1089" morph="V-ADS-3S" lemma="γεύω" text="γεύσηται">he might taste</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116034" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">death</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116031" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="116032" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὸς">everyone.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:10">
<Greek>Ἔπρεπεν γὰρ αὐτῷ δι᾽ ὃν τὰ πάντα καὶ δι᾽ οὗ τὰ πάντα πολλοὺς υἱοὺς εἰς δόξαν ἀγαγόντα τὸν ἀρχηγὸν τῆς σωτηρίας αὐτῶν διὰ παθημάτων τελειῶσαι</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For it was proper for God, because everything exists for him and through him, to bring many sons to glory. It was proper for him to make the founder of their salvation complete through his sufferings.</ULB>
<residue>For it was proper for God, because everything exists for him and through him, to bring many to . It was proper for him to make the of their complete through his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116036" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116035" strongs="4241" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="πρέπω" text="Ἔπρεπεν">it was proper</w>
<w>for God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116037" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116038" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116039" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116040" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116041" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<phraseWords>because everything exists for him</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116042" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116043" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="116044" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">him,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116045" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116046" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116051" strongs="71" morph="V-2AAP-ASM" lemma="ἄγω" text="ἀγαγόντα">to bring</w>
<w OGNTsort="116047" strongs="4183" morph="A-APM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλοὺς">many</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116048" strongs="5207" morph="N-APM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοὺς">sons</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116049" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116050" strongs="1391" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξαν">glory.</w>
<w>It was proper for him</w>
<w OGNTsort="116052" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116053" strongs="747" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχηγός" sub="[2]" text="ἀρχηγὸν">founder</w>
<w OGNTsort="116056" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[3]" text="αὐτῶν">of their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116054" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116055" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" sub="[4]" text="σωτηρίας">salvation</w>
<w OGNTsort="116059" strongs="5048" morph="V-AAN" lemma="τελειόω" text="τελειῶσαι">to make [1] [2] [3] [4] complete</w>
<w OGNTsort="116057" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="116058" strongs="3804" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πάθημα" text="παθημάτων">his sufferings.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:11">
<Greek>ὅ τε γὰρ ἁγιάζων καὶ οἱ ἁγιαζόμενοι ἐξ ἑνὸς πάντες δι᾽ ἣν αἰτίαν οὐκ ἐπαισχύνεται ἀδελφοὺς αὐτοὺς καλεῖν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>For both the one who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have one source. So he is not ashamed to call them brothers.</ULB>
<residue>For both the one who and those who are have one source. So he is not to them .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116062" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116061" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">both</w>
<w OGNTsort="116060" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὅ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="116063" strongs="37" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιάζων">who sanctifies</w>
<w OGNTsort="116064" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116065" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116066" strongs="37" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιαζόμενοι">who are sanctified</w>
<w OGNTsort="116067" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116068" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSM" lemma="εἷς" text="ἑνὸς"></w>
<phraseWords>have one source.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116069" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116070" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116071" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116072" strongs="156" morph="N-ASF" lemma="αἰτία" text="αἰτίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116073" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116074" strongs="1870" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἐπαισχύνομαι" text="ἐπαισχύνεται">he is [1] ashamed</w>
<w OGNTsort="116077" strongs="2564" morph="V-PAN" lemma="καλέω" text="καλεῖν">to call</w>
<w OGNTsort="116076" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="116075" strongs="80" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὺς">brothers.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:12">
<Greek>λέγων Ἀπαγγελῶ τὸ ὄνομά σου τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς μου ἐν μέσῳ ἐκκλησίας ὑμνήσω σε</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>He says, <usfm>\q</usfm> "I will proclaim your name to my brothers, <usfm>\q</usfm> I will sing about you from inside the assembly."</ULB>
<residue>He says, "I will your to my , I will sing about you from inside the ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116078" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">He says,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116079" strongs="518" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="ἀπαγγέλλω" text="Ἀπαγγελῶ">"I will proclaim</w>
<w OGNTsort="116082" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116080" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116081" strongs="3686" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ὄνομα" text="ὄνομά">name</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116085" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" sub="[1]" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116083" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116084" strongs="80" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοῖς">to [1] brothers,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116089" strongs="5214" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="ὑμνέω" text="ὑμνήσω">I will sing about</w>
<w OGNTsort="116090" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="116086" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116087" strongs="3319" morph="A-DSN" lemma="μέσος" text="μέσῳ"></w>
<phraseWords>from inside</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116088" strongs="1577" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησίας">the assembly."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:13">
<Greek>Καὶ πάλιν Ἐγὼ ἔσομαι πεποιθὼς ἐπ᾽ αὐτῷ Καὶ πάλιν Ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ καὶ τὰ παιδία ἅ μοι ἔδωκεν ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>And again, <usfm>\q</usfm> "I will trust in him." <usfm>\p</usfm> And again, <usfm>\q</usfm> "See, here am I and the children whom God has given me."</ULB>
<residue>And again, "I will in him." And again, "See, here am I and the whom has given me."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116091" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ">And</w>
<w OGNTsort="116092" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116093" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="Ἐγὼ">"I</w>
<w OGNTsort="116094" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσομαι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116095" strongs="3982" morph="V-2RAP-NSM" lemma="πείθω" text="πεποιθὼς"></w>
<phraseWords>will trust</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116096" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116097" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">him."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116098" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ">And</w>
<w OGNTsort="116099" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116100" strongs="2400" morph="INJ" lemma="ἰδού" text="Ἰδοὺ">"See,</w>
<w>here am</w>
<w OGNTsort="116101" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="116102" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116103" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116104" strongs="3813" morph="N-NPN" lemma="παιδίον" text="παιδία">children</w>
<w OGNTsort="116105" strongs="3739" morph="R-APN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἅ">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="116108" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116109" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="116107" strongs="1325" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="δίδωμι" text="ἔδωκεν">has given</w>
<w OGNTsort="116106" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μοι">me."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:14">
<Greek>Ἐπεὶ οὖν τὰ παιδία κεκοινώνηκεν αἵματος καὶ σαρκός καὶ αὐτὸς παραπλησίως μετέσχεν τῶν αὐτῶν ἵνα διὰ τοῦ θανάτου καταργήσῃ τὸν τὸ κράτος ἔχοντα τοῦ θανάτου τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν τὸν διάβολον</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 14</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, he shared in those things in the same way, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, since the share in and , he shared in those things in the same way, so that through he might destroy the one who has the of , that is, the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116111" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116110" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="Ἐπεὶ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="116112" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116113" strongs="3813" morph="N-NPN" lemma="παιδίον" text="παιδία">children</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116114" strongs="2841" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="κοινωνέω" text="κεκοινώνηκεν">share</w>
<w OGNTsort="116117" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκός">in flesh</w>
<w OGNTsort="116116" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116115" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116118" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116119" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="116121" strongs="3348" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="μετέχω" text="μετέσχεν">shared</w>
<w OGNTsort="116122" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116123" strongs="846" morph="P-GPN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν"></w>
<phraseWords>in those things</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116120" strongs="3898" morph="ADV" lemma="παραπλησίως" text="παραπλησίως">in the same way,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116124" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116125" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116126" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116127" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">death</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116128" strongs="2673" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="καταργέω" text="καταργήσῃ">he might destroy</w>
<w OGNTsort="116129" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116132" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντα">one who has</w>
<w OGNTsort="116130" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116131" strongs="2904" morph="N-ASN" lemma="κράτος" text="κράτος">power</w>
<w OGNTsort="116133" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116134" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">of death,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116135" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116136" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116137" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116138" strongs="1228" morph="A-ASM" lemma="διάβολος" text="διάβολον">devil.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:15">
<Greek>καὶ ἀπαλλάξῃ τούτους ὅσοι φόβῳ θανάτου διὰ παντὸς τοῦ ζῆν ἔνοχοι ἦσαν δουλείας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>This was so that he would free all those who through fear of death lived all their lives subject to slavery.</ULB>
<residue>This was so that he would all those who through of lived all their .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>This was so that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116139" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116140" strongs="525" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="ἀπαλλάσσω" text="ἀπαλλάξῃ">he would free</w>
<w OGNTsort="116141" strongs="3778" morph="D-APM" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτους">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="116142" strongs="3745" morph="K-NPM" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσοι">those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="116143" strongs="5401" morph="N-DSM" lemma="φόβος" text="φόβῳ">through fear</w>
<w OGNTsort="116144" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">of death</w>
<w OGNTsort="116150" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦσαν">lived</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116145" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116146" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὸς">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="116147" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116148" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῆν">lives</w>
<w OGNTsort="116149" strongs="1777" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἔνοχος" text="ἔνοχοι">subject to</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116151" strongs="1397" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δουλεία" text="δουλείας">slavery.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:16">
<Greek>Οὐ γὰρ δήπου ἀγγέλων ἐπιλαμβάνεται ἀλλὰ σπέρματος Ἀβραὰμ ἐπιλαμβάνεται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 16</preText>
<ULB>For surely it is not the angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants.</ULB>
<residue>For surely it is not the he helps, but .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116153" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116154" strongs="1222" morph="PRT" lemma="δήπου" text="δήπου">surely</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116152" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="Οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116155" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">the angels</w>
<w OGNTsort="116156" strongs="1949" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἐπιλαμβάνω" text="ἐπιλαμβάνεται">he helps,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116157" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116159" strongs="11" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116158" strongs="4690" morph="N-GSN" lemma="σπέρμα" text="σπέρματος">descendants.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116160" strongs="1949" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἐπιλαμβάνω" text="ἐπιλαμβάνεται"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 2:17">
<Greek>ὅθεν ὤφειλεν κατὰ πάντα τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς ὁμοιωθῆναι ἵνα ἐλεήμων γένηται καὶ πιστὸς ἀρχιερεὺς τὰ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν εἰς τὸ ἱλάσκεσθαι τὰς ἁμαρτίας τοῦ λαοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>So it was necessary for him to become like his brothers in all ways, so that he would be a merciful and faithful high priest in relation to the things of God, and so that he would make an atonement for the sins of the people.</ULB>
<residue>So it was necessary for him to his in all ways, so that he would be a and in relation to the things of , and so that he would make an atonement for the of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116161" strongs="3606" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅθεν" text="ὅθεν">So</w>
<w OGNTsort="116162" strongs="3784" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="ὀφείλω" text="ὤφειλεν">it was necessary </w>
<w>for him</w>
<w OGNTsort="116167" strongs="3666" morph="V-APN" lemma="ὁμοιόω" text="ὁμοιωθῆναι">to become like</w>
<w OGNTsort="116165" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116166" strongs="80" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοῖς">brothers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116163" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116164" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<phraseWords>in all ways,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116168" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116170" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADS-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γένηται">he would be</w>
<w OGNTsort="116169" strongs="1655" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἐλεήμων" text="ἐλεήμων">a merciful</w>
<w OGNTsort="116171" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116172" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸς">faithful</w>
<w OGNTsort="116173" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116174" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116175" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<phraseWords>in relation to the things of</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116176" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116177" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116178" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116179" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116180" strongs="2433" morph="V-PPN" lemma="ἱλάσκομαι" text="ἱλάσκεσθαι"></w>
<phraseWords>so that he would make an atonement for</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116181" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116182" strongs="266" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sins</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116183" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116184" strongs="2992" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαοῦ">people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 2:18">
<Greek>ἐν ᾧ γὰρ πέπονθεν αὐτὸς πειρασθείς δύναται τοῖς πειραζομένοις βοηθῆσαι</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>Because Jesus himself has suffered and was tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.</ULB>
<residue>Because Jesus himself has and , he is to help those who are .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116185" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116186" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116187" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116189" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="116188" strongs="3958" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="πάσχω" text="πέπονθεν">has suffered</w>
<w OGNTsort="116190" strongs="3985" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="πειράζω" text="πειρασθείς">was tempted,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116191" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύναται">he is able</w>
<w OGNTsort="116194" strongs="997" morph="V-AAN" lemma="βοηθέω" text="βοηθῆσαι">to help</w>
<w OGNTsort="116192" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116193" strongs="3985" morph="V-PPP-DPM" lemma="πειράζω" text="πειραζομένοις">who are tempted.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.3">
<verse name="Hebrews 3:1">
<Greek>Ὅθεν ἀδελφοὶ ἅγιοι κλήσεως ἐπουρανίου μέτοχοι κατανοήσατε τὸν Ἀπόστολον καὶ Ἀρχιερέα τῆς ὁμολογίας ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 3 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, holy brothers, you share in a heavenly calling. Think about Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, , you in a heavenly . Think about , the and of our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116195" strongs="3606" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅθεν" text="Ὅθεν">Therefore,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116197" strongs="40" morph="A-VPM" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγιοι">holy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116196" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὶ">brothers,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116200" strongs="3353" morph="A-VPM" lemma="μέτοχος" text="μέτοχοι">share</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116199" strongs="2032" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουρανίου">in a heavenly</w>
<w OGNTsort="116198" strongs="2821" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κλῆσις" text="κλήσεως">calling.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116201" strongs="2657" morph="V-AAM-2P" lemma="κατανοέω" text="κατανοήσατε">Think about</w>
<w OGNTsort="116209" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116202" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116203" strongs="652" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀπόστολος" text="Ἀπόστολον">apostle</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116204" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116205" strongs="749" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="Ἀρχιερέα">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116208" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">of our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116206" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116207" strongs="3671" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁμολογία" text="ὁμολογίας">confession.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:2">
<Greek>πιστὸν ὄντα τῷ ποιήσαντι αὐτὸν ὡς καὶ Μωϋσῆς ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>He was faithful to God, who appointed him, just as Moses was also faithful in all the house of God.</ULB>
<residue>He was to God, who appointed him, just as was also faithful in all the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116211" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντα">He was</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116210" strongs="4103" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸν">faithful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>to God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116212" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="116213" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAP-DSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιήσαντι">appointed</w>
<w OGNTsort="116214" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">him,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116215" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116216" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>just as</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116217" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>was also faithful</w>
<w OGNTsort="116218" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116219" strongs="3650" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ὅλος" text="ὅλῳ">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="116220" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116221" strongs="3624" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκῳ">house</w>
<w>of God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116222" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 3:3">
<Greek>Πλείονος γὰρ οὗτος δόξης παρὰ Μωϋσῆν ἠξίωται καθ᾽ ὅσον πλείονα τιμὴν ἔχει τοῦ οἴκου ὁ κατασκευάσας αὐτόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>For Jesus has been considered worthy of greater glory than Moses, because the one who builds a house has more honor than the house itself.</ULB>
<residue>For Jesus has been considered of greater than , because the one who builds a has more than the house itself.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116224" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116225" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτος"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116229" strongs="515" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="ἀξιόω" text="ἠξίωται">has been considered worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="116223" strongs="4119" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="πλείων, πλεῖον" text="Πλείονος">of greater</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116226" strongs="1391" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξης">glory</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116227" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ">than</w>
<w OGNTsort="116228" strongs="3475" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆν">Moses,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116230" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116231" strongs="3745" morph="K-ASN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσον"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116237" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="116238" strongs="2680" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατασκευάσας">who builds</w>
<w>a house</w>
<w OGNTsort="116239" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116234" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει">has</w>
<w OGNTsort="116232" strongs="4119" morph="A-ASF-C" lemma="πλείων, πλεῖον" text="πλείονα">more</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116233" strongs="5092" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμὴν">honor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116235" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">then the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116236" strongs="3624" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκου">house</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:4">
<Greek>πᾶς γὰρ οἶκος κατασκευάζεται ὑπό τινος ὁ δὲ πάντα κατασκευάσας Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>For every house is built by someone, but the one who built everything is God.</ULB>
<residue>For every is built by someone, but the one who built everything is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116241" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116240" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶς">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116242" strongs="3624" morph="N-NSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκος">house</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116243" strongs="2680" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατασκευάζεται">is built</w>
<w OGNTsort="116244" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπό">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="116245" strongs="5100" morph="X-GSM" lemma="τις" text="τινος">someone,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116247" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="116246" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="116249" strongs="2680" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατασκευάσας">who built</w>
<w OGNTsort="116248" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="116250" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:5">
<Greek>Καὶ Μωϋσῆς μὲν πιστὸς ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ ὡς θεράπων εἰς μαρτύριον τῶν λαληθησομένων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>For Moses was faithful as a servant in God's entire house, bearing witness about the things that were to be spoken of in the future.</ULB>
<residue>For was as a in God's entire , bearing about the things that were to be spoken of in the future.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116251" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116253" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116252" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116254" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸς">faithful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116260" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116261" strongs="2324" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεράπων" text="θεράπων">a servant</w>
<w OGNTsort="116255" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116259" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116256" strongs="3650" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ὅλος" text="ὅλῳ">entire</w>
<w OGNTsort="116257" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116258" strongs="3624" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκῳ">house,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116262" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116263" strongs="3142" morph="N-ASN" lemma="μαρτύριον" text="μαρτύριον"></w>
<phraseWords>bearing witness</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116264" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">about the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116265" strongs="2980" morph="V-FPP-GPN" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαληθησομένων">things that were to be spoken of</w>
<w>in the future.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:6">
<Greek>Χριστὸς δὲ ὡς υἱὸς ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον αὐτοῦ οὗ οἶκός ἐσμεν ἡμεῖς ἐὰν τὴν παρρησίαν καὶ τὸ καύχημα τῆς ἐλπίδος κατάσχωμεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>But Christ is faithful as a Son who is in charge of the house of God. We are his house if we hold firmly to our courage and the hope of which we boast.</ULB>
<residue>But is faithful as a Son who is in charge of the of . We are his if we hold firmly to our and the of which we .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116267" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116266" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>is faithful</w>
<w OGNTsort="116268" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116269" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱὸς">a Son</w>
<w>who is in charge</w>
<w OGNTsort="116270" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116271" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116272" strongs="3624" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκον">house</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>of God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116273" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116277" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς">We</w>
<w OGNTsort="116276" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσμεν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="116274" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116275" strongs="3624" morph="N-NSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκός">house</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116278" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="116286" strongs="2722" morph="V-2AAS-1P" lemma="κατέχω" text="κατάσχωμεν">we hold firmly to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116279" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116280" strongs="3954" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παρρησία" text="παρρησίαν">courage</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116281" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116284" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116285" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116282" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116283" strongs="2745" morph="N-ASN" lemma="καύχημα" text="καύχημα"></w>
<phraseWords>of which we boast.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:7">
<Greek>Διό καθὼς λέγει τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον Σήμερον ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, it is just as the Holy Spirit says: <usfm>\q</usfm> "Today, if you hear his voice</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, it is the says: "Today, if you his</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116287" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διό">Therefore,</w>
<w>it is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116288" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116292" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116293" strongs="40" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἅγιον">Holy</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116290" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116291" strongs="4151" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεῦμα">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="116289" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says:</w>
<w OGNTsort="116294" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="Σήμερον">"Today,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116295" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="116299" strongs="191" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσητε">you hear</w>
<w OGNTsort="116298" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116296" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116297" strongs="5456" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνῆς">voice</w>
<verse name="Hebrews 3:8">
<Greek>μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν ὡς ἐν τῷ παραπικρασμῷ κατὰ τὴν ἡμέραν τοῦ πειρασμοῦ ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 8</preText>
<ULB>do not harden your hearts <usfm>\q</usfm> as in the rebellion, <usfm>\q</usfm> in the time of testing in the wilderness.</ULB>
<residue>do not your as in the rebellion, in the of in the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116300" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116301" strongs="4645" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="σκληρύνω" text="σκληρύνητε">do [1] harden</w>
<w OGNTsort="116304" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116302" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116303" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116305" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116306" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116307" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116308" strongs="3894" morph="N-DSM" lemma="παραπικρασμός" text="παραπικρασμῷ">rebellion,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116309" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116310" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116311" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν">time</w>
<w OGNTsort="116312" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116313" strongs="3986" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πειρασμός" text="πειρασμοῦ">of testing</w>
<w OGNTsort="116314" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116315" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116316" strongs="2048" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ἔρημος" text="ἐρήμῳ">wilderness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:9">
<Greek>οὗ ἐπείρασαν οἱ πατέρες ὑμῶν ἐν δοκιμασίᾳ καὶ εἶδον τὰ ἔργα μου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 9</preText>
<ULB>This was when your ancestors rebelled by testing me, after they had seen my deeds</ULB>
<residue>This was when your rebelled by me, after they had seen my</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>This was</w>
<w OGNTsort="116317" strongs="3757" morph="ADV" lemma="οὗ" text="οὗ">when</w>
<w OGNTsort="116321" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116319" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116320" strongs="3962" morph="N-NPM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατέρες">ancestors</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116318" strongs="3985" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="πειράζω" text="ἐπείρασαν">rebelled</w>
<w OGNTsort="116322" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="116323" strongs="6020" morph="N-DSF" lemma="δοκιμασία" text="δοκιμασίᾳ">testing</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116324" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116325" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἶδον">they had seen</w>
<w OGNTsort="116328" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116326" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116327" strongs="2041" morph="N-APN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργα">deeds</w>
<verse name="Hebrews 3:10">
<Greek>τεσσεράκοντα ἔτη διὸ προσώχθισα τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ καὶ εἶπον Ἀεὶ πλανῶνται τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτοὶ δὲ οὐκ ἔγνωσαν τὰς ὁδούς μου</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 10</preText>
<ULB>for forty years. Therefore I was angry with that generation. <usfm>\q</usfm> I said, 'They have always gone astray in their hearts. <usfm>\q</usfm> They have not known my ways.'</ULB>
<residue>for forty . Therefore I was with that . I said, 'They have always in their . They have not my ways.'</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116329" strongs="5062" morph="A-APN-NUI" lemma="τεσσαράκοντα" text="τεσσεράκοντα">for forty</w>
<w OGNTsort="116330" strongs="2094" morph="N-APN" lemma="ἔτος" text="ἔτη">years.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116331" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="διὸ">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="116332" strongs="4360" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="προσοχθίζω" text="προσώχθισα">I was angry</w>
<w OGNTsort="116335" strongs="3778" morph="D-DSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτῃ">with that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116333" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116334" strongs="1074" morph="N-DSF" lemma="γενεά" text="γενεᾷ">generation.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116336" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116337" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAI-1S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἶπον">I said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116338" strongs="104" morph="ADV" lemma="ἀεί" sub="[1]" text="Ἀεὶ">always</w>
<w OGNTsort="116339" strongs="4105" morph="V-PPI-3P" lemma="πλανάω" text="πλανῶνται">'They have [1] gone astray</w>
<w OGNTsort="116340" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">in their</w>
<w OGNTsort="116341" strongs="2588" morph="N-DSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίᾳ">hearts.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116342" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">They</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116343" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116344" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116345" strongs="1097" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="γινώσκω" text="ἔγνωσαν">have [1] known</w>
<w OGNTsort="116348" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116346" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116347" strongs="3598" morph="N-APF" lemma="ὁδός" text="ὁδούς">ways.'</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:11">
<Greek>ὡς ὤμοσα ἐν τῇ ὀργῇ μου Εἰ εἰσελεύσονται εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσίν μου</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 11</preText>
<ULB>It is just as I swore in my wrath: <usfm>\q</usfm> 'They will never enter my rest.'"</ULB>
<residue>It is just as I in my : 'They will never enter my .'"</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116349" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">It is just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116350" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὤμοσα">I swore</w>
<w OGNTsort="116351" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116354" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116352" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116353" strongs="3709" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργῇ">wrath:</w>
<w OGNTsort="116355" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116356" strongs="1525" morph="V-FDI-3P" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελεύσονται"></w>
<phraseWords>'They will never enter</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116357" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116360" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116358" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116359" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσίν">rest.'"</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:12">
<Greek>Βλέπετε ἀδελφοί μήποτε ἔσται ἔν τινι ὑμῶν καρδία πονηρὰ ἀπιστίας ἐν τῷ ἀποστῆναι ἀπὸ Θεοῦ ζῶντος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 12</preText>
<ULB>Be careful, brothers, that none of you has an evil heart of unbelief, a heart that turns away from the living God.</ULB>
<residue>Be careful, , that none of you has an of , a heart that ı.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116361" strongs="991" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="βλέπω" text="Βλέπετε">Be careful,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116362" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116363" strongs="3379" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήποτε" text="μήποτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116365" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἔν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116366" strongs="5100" morph="X-DSM" lemma="τις" text="τινι"></w>
<phraseWords>that none</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116367" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">of you</w>
<w OGNTsort="116364" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσται">has</w>
<w OGNTsort="116369" strongs="4190" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πονηρός" text="πονηρὰ">an evil</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116368" strongs="2588" morph="N-NSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδία">heart</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116370" strongs="570" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀπιστία" text="ἀπιστίας">of unbelief,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116371" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116372" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>a heart that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116373" strongs="868" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἀφίστημι" text="ἀποστῆναι">turns away</w>
<w OGNTsort="116374" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116376" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντος">the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="116375" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:13">
<Greek>ἀλλὰ παρακαλεῖτε ἑαυτοὺς καθ᾽ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν ἄχρις οὗ τὸ Σήμερον καλεῖται ἵνα μὴ σκληρυνθῇ τις ἐξ ὑμῶν ἀπάτῃ τῆς ἁμαρτίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "today," so that no one among you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.</ULB>
<residue>But one another , as long as it is " ," so that no one among you will be by the of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116377" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116378" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλεῖτε">encourage</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116379" strongs="1438" morph="F-2APM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοὺς">one another</w>
<w OGNTsort="116380" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116381" strongs="1538" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἑκάστην"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116382" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116383" strongs="891" morph="PREP" lemma="ἄχρι" text="ἄχρις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116384" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ"></w>
<phraseWords>as long as</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116385" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116387" strongs="2564" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="καλέω" text="καλεῖται"></w>
<phraseWords>it is called</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116386" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="Σήμερον">"today,"</w>
<w OGNTsort="116388" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116389" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116391" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116392" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116393" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<phraseWords>no one among you</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116390" strongs="4645" morph="V-APS-3S" lemma="σκληρύνω" text="σκληρυνθῇ">will be hardened</w>
<w OGNTsort="116394" strongs="539" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἀπάτη" text="ἀπάτῃ">by the deceitfulness</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116395" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116396" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">of sin.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:14">
<Greek>Μέτοχοι γὰρ τοῦ Χριστοῦ γεγόναμεν ἐάνπερ τὴν ἀρχὴν τῆς ὑποστάσεως μέχρι τέλους βεβαίαν κατάσχωμεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 14</preText>
<ULB>For we have become partners of Christ if we firmly hold to our confidence in him from the beginning to the end.</ULB>
<residue>For we have become of if we firmly our in him from the beginning to the end.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116398" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116401" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-1P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγόναμεν">we have become</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116397" strongs="3353" morph="A-NPM" lemma="μέτοχος" text="Μέτοχοι">partners</w>
<w OGNTsort="116399" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116400" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">of Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="116402" strongs="6986" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάνπερ" text="ἐάνπερ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="116409" strongs="949" morph="A-ASF" lemma="βέβαιος" sub="[1]" text="βεβαίαν">firmly</w>
<w OGNTsort="116410" strongs="2722" morph="V-2AAS-1P" lemma="κατέχω" text="κατάσχωμεν">we [1] hold to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116405" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116406" strongs="5287" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑπόστασις" text="ὑποστάσεως">confidence</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>in him from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116403" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116404" strongs="746" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχὴν">beginning</w>
<w OGNTsort="116407" strongs="3360" morph="PREP" lemma="μέχρι" text="μέχρι">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116408" strongs="5056" morph="N-GSN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλους">the end.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:15">
<Greek>ἐν τῷ λέγεσθαι Σήμερον ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε Μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν ὡς ἐν τῷ παραπικρασμῷ</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>About this it has been said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "Today, if you hear his voice, <usfm>\q</usfm> do not harden your hearts, <usfm>\q</usfm> as in the rebellion."</ULB>
<residue>About this it has been said, "Today, if you his , do not your , as in the rebellion."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116411" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116412" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116413" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγεσθαι"></w>
<phraseWords>About this it has been said,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116414" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="Σήμερον">"Today,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116415" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="116419" strongs="191" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσητε">you hear</w>
<w OGNTsort="116418" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="116416" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116417" strongs="5456" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνῆς">voice,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116420" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="Μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116421" strongs="4645" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="σκληρύνω" text="σκληρύνητε">do [1] harden</w>
<w OGNTsort="116424" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="116422" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116423" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116425" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116426" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116427" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116428" strongs="3894" morph="N-DSM" lemma="παραπικρασμός" text="παραπικρασμῷ">rebellion."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:16">
<Greek>Τίνες γὰρ ἀκούσαντες παρεπίκραναν ἀλλ᾽ οὐ πάντες οἱ ἐξελθόντες ἐξ Αἰγύπτου διὰ Μωϋσέως</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 16</preText>
<ULB>Who was it who heard God and rebelled? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt through Moses?</ULB>
<residue>Who was it who God and ? Was it not all those who came out of through ?</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116430" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116429" strongs="5101" morph="I-NPM" lemma="τίς" text="Τίνες">Who</w>
<w>was it</w>
<w OGNTsort="116431" strongs="191" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσαντες">who heard</w>
<w>God and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116432" strongs="3893" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="παραπικραίνω" text="παρεπίκραναν">rebelled?</w>
<w OGNTsort="116433" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116434" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<phraseWords>Was it not</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116435" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="116436" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116437" strongs="1831" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξελθόντες">who came out</w>
<w OGNTsort="116438" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">of</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116439" strongs="125" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Αἴγυπτος" text="Αἰγύπτου">Egypt</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116440" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="116441" strongs="3475" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσέως">Moses?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:17">
<Greek>τίσιν δὲ προσώχθισεν τεσσεράκοντα ἔτη οὐχὶ τοῖς ἁμαρτήσασιν ὧν τὰ κῶλα ἔπεσεν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>With whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness?</ULB>
<residue>With whom was he for forty ? Was it not with those who , whose bodies in the ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116442" strongs="5101" morph="I-DPM" lemma="τίς" text="τίσιν">With whom</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116443" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116444" strongs="4360" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="προσοχθίζω" text="προσώχθισεν">was he angry</w>
<w OGNTsort="116445" strongs="5062" morph="A-APN-NUI" lemma="τεσσαράκοντα" text="τεσσεράκοντα">for forty</w>
<w OGNTsort="116446" strongs="2094" morph="N-APN" lemma="ἔτος" text="ἔτη">years?</w>
<w>Was it</w>
<w OGNTsort="116447" strongs="3780" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐχί" text="οὐχὶ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116448" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">with those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116449" strongs="264" morph="V-AAP-DPM" lemma="ἁμαρτάνω" text="ἁμαρτήσασιν">who sinned,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116450" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">whose</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116451" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116452" strongs="2966" morph="N-NPN" lemma="κῶλον" text="κῶλα">dead bodies</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116453" strongs="4098" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="πίπτω" text="ἔπεσεν">fell</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116454" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116455" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116456" strongs="2048" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ἔρημος" text="ἐρήμῳ">wilderness?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:18">
<Greek>τίσιν δὲ ὤμοσεν μὴ εἰσελεύσεσθαι εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσιν αὐτοῦ εἰ μὴ τοῖς ἀπειθήσασιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>To whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, if it was not to those who disobeyed him?</ULB>
<residue>To whom did he that they would not enter his , if it was not to those who him?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116457" strongs="5101" morph="I-DPM" lemma="τίς" text="τίσιν">To whom</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116458" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116459" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὤμοσεν">did he swear</w>
<w OGNTsort="116460" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116461" strongs="1525" morph="V-FDN" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελεύσεσθαι">they would [1] enter</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116462" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116465" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116463" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116464" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσιν">rest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116466" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w>it was</w>
<w OGNTsort="116467" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116468" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">to those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116469" strongs="544" morph="V-AAP-DPM" lemma="ἀπειθέω" text="ἀπειθήσασιν">who disobeyed him?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 3:19">
<Greek>καὶ βλέπομεν ὅτι οὐκ ἠδυνήθησαν εἰσελθεῖν δι᾽ ἀπιστίαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>We see that they were not able to enter his rest because of unbelief.</ULB>
<residue>We see that they not to enter his rest because of .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116470" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116471" strongs="991" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλέπομεν">We see</w>
<w OGNTsort="116472" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116473" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116474" strongs="1410" morph="V-AOI-3P" lemma="δύναμαι" text="ἠδυνήθησαν">they were [1] able</w>
<w OGNTsort="116475" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελθεῖν">to enter</w>
<w>his rest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116476" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116477" strongs="570" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπιστία" text="ἀπιστίαν">unbelief.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.4">
<verse name="Hebrews 4:1">
<Greek>Φοβηθῶμεν οὖν μήποτε καταλειπομένης ἐπαγγελίας εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσιν αὐτοῦ δοκῇ τις ἐξ ὑμῶν ὑστερηκέναι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 4 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest is still allowed to stand, let us fear, so that none of you may seem to have fallen short of it.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, since the of entering his is still allowed to stand, let us , so that none of you may seem to have fallen short of it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116479" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116482" strongs="1860" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" sub="[1]" text="ἐπαγγελίας">the promise</w>
<w OGNTsort="116483" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" sub="[2]" text="εἰσελθεῖν">of entering</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116484" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116487" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[3]" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116485" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116486" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" sub="[4]" text="κατάπαυσιν">rest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116481" strongs="2641" morph="V-PPP-GSF" lemma="καταλείπω" text="καταλειπομένης">since [1] [2] [3] [4] is still allowed to stand,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116478" strongs="5399" morph="V-AOS-1P" lemma="φοβέω" text="Φοβηθῶμεν">let us fear,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116480" strongs="3379" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήποτε" text="μήποτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116489" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>so that none</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116490" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116491" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="116488" strongs="1380" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="δοκέω" text="δοκῇ">may seem</w>
<w OGNTsort="116492" strongs="5302" morph="V-RAN" lemma="ὑστερέω" text="ὑστερηκέναι">to have fallen short of it.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:2">
<Greek>καὶ γάρ ἐσμεν εὐηγγελισμένοι καθάπερ κἀκεῖνοι ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ ὠφέλησεν ὁ λόγος τῆς ἀκοῆς ἐκείνους μὴ συγκεκερασμένους τῇ πίστει τοῖς ἀκούσασιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>For we were told the good news just as they were. But that message did not benefit those who did not unite in faith with those who obeyed. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient copies read, \fqa But that message did not benefit those who heard it without joining faith to it \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>For we they were. But that did not benefit those who did not unite in with those who .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116494" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116493" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116495" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσμεν">we were</w>
<w OGNTsort="116496" strongs="2097" morph="V-RPP-NPM" lemma="εὐαγγελίζομαι" text="εὐηγγελισμένοι">told the good news</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116497" strongs="2509" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθάπερ" text="καθάπερ">just as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116498" strongs="2548" morph="D-NPM" lemma="κἀκεῖνος" text="κἀκεῖνοι">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="116499" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="116502" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116503" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">message</w>
<w OGNTsort="116504" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116505" strongs="189" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀκοή" text="ἀκοῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116500" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116501" strongs="5623" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὠφελέω" text="ὠφέλησεν">did [1] benefit</w>
<w OGNTsort="116506" strongs="1565" morph="D-APM" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνους">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116507" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116508" strongs="4786" morph="V-RPP-APM" lemma="συγκεράννυμι" text="συγκεκερασμένους">who did [1] unite</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116509" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116510" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστει">in faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="116511" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">with those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116512" strongs="191" morph="V-AAP-DPM" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσασιν">who obeyed.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient copies read, \fqa But that message did not benefit those who heard it without joining faith to it \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 4:3">
<Greek>Εἰσερχόμεθα γὰρ εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσιν οἱ πιστεύσαντες καθὼς εἴρηκεν Ὡς ὤμοσα ἐν τῇ ὀργῇ μου Εἰ εἰσελεύσονται εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσίν μου Καίτοι τῶν ἔργων ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου γενηθέντων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>For we who have believed enter that rest, just as he said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "As I swore in my wrath, <usfm>\q</usfm> They will never enter my rest." <usfm>\p</usfm> Even so, his works were finished from the foundation of the world.</ULB>
<residue>For we who have enter that , he said, "As I in my , They will never enter my ." Even so, his were finished from the of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116514" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116518" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116519" strongs="4100" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεύσαντες"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">who have believed</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116513" strongs="1525" morph="V-PNI-1P" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="Εἰσερχόμεθα">we [1] enter</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116515" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116516" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116517" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσιν">rest,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116520" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116521" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἴρηκεν">he said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116522" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="Ὡς">"As</w>
<w OGNTsort="116523" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὤμοσα">I swore</w>
<w OGNTsort="116524" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116527" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116525" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116526" strongs="3709" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὀργή" text="ὀργῇ">wrath,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116528" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116529" strongs="1525" morph="V-FDI-3P" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελεύσονται"></w>
<phraseWords>They will never enter</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116530" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116533" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116531" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116532" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσίν">rest."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116534" strongs="2543" morph="CONJ" lemma="καίτοι" text="Καίτοι">Even so,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116535" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="116536" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">works</w>
<w OGNTsort="116540" strongs="1096" morph="V-AOP-GPN" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενηθέντων">were finished</w>
<w OGNTsort="116537" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116538" strongs="2602" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καταβολή" text="καταβολῆς">the foundation</w>
<w OGNTsort="116539" strongs="2889" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμου">of the world.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:4">
<Greek>εἴρηκεν γάρ που περὶ τῆς ἑβδόμης οὕτως Καὶ κατέπαυσεν ὁ Θεὸς ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑβδόμῃ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν ἔργων αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>For he has somewhere spoken about the seventh day: <usfm>\q</usfm> "And God rested on the seventh day from all his works."</ULB>
<residue>For he has somewhere spoken about the seventh : "And on the seventh day from all his ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116542" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116543" strongs="4225" morph="ADV" lemma="πού" sub="[1]" text="που">somewhere</w>
<w OGNTsort="116541" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἴρηκεν">he has [1] spoken</w>
<w OGNTsort="116544" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="116545" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116546" strongs="1442" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἕβδομος" text="ἑβδόμης">seventh day:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116547" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116548" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ">"And</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116550" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116551" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116549" strongs="2664" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καταπαύω" text="κατέπαυσεν">rested</w>
<w OGNTsort="116552" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="116553" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116555" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116556" strongs="1442" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ἕβδομος" text="ἑβδόμῃ">seventh</w>
<w OGNTsort="116554" strongs="2250" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρᾳ">day</w>
<w OGNTsort="116557" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116558" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="116561" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116559" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116560" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">works."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:5">
<Greek>καὶ ἐν τούτῳ πάλιν Εἰ εἰσελεύσονται εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσίν μου</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>And again in this same passage he said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "They will never enter my rest."</ULB>
<residue>And again in this same passage he said, "They will never enter my ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116562" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">And</w>
<w OGNTsort="116565" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again</w>
<w OGNTsort="116563" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116564" strongs="3778" morph="D-DSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτῳ">this same</w>
<w>passage he said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116566" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116567" strongs="1525" morph="V-FDI-3P" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελεύσονται"></w>
<phraseWords>"They will never enter</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116568" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116571" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116569" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116570" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσίν">rest."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:6">
<Greek>Ἐπεὶ οὖν ἀπολείπεται τινὰς εἰσελθεῖν εἰς αὐτήν καὶ οἱ πρότερον εὐαγγελισθέντες οὐκ εἰσῆλθον δι᾽ ἀπείθειαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 6</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, it remains for some to enter that rest, and those who previously had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, it remains for some to enter that rest, and those who previously the to them did not go in because of their .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116573" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116572" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="Ἐπεὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116574" strongs="620" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="ἀπολείπω" text="ἀπολείπεται">it remains</w>
<w OGNTsort="116575" strongs="5100" morph="X-APM" lemma="τις" text="τινὰς">for some</w>
<w OGNTsort="116576" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελθεῖν">to enter</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116577" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116578" strongs="846" morph="P-ASF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτήν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>that rest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116579" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116580" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116581" strongs="4387" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="πρότερος" sub="[1]" text="πρότερον">previously</w>
<w OGNTsort="116582" strongs="2097" morph="V-APP-NPM" lemma="εὐαγγελίζομαι" text="εὐαγγελισθέντες">who [1] had the good news proclaimed to them</w>
<w OGNTsort="116583" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116584" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσῆλθον">did [2] go in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116585" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116586" strongs="543" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπείθεια" text="ἀπείθειαν">disobedience.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:7">
<Greek>πάλιν τινὰ ὁρίζει ἡμέραν Σήμερον ἐν Δαυὶδ λέγων μετὰ τοσοῦτον χρόνον καθὼς προείρηται Σήμερον ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>So God again appointed a certain day, calling it "Today," when he spoke through David much later in words already quoted: <usfm>\q</usfm> "Today if you hear his voice, <usfm>\q</usfm> do not harden your hearts."</ULB>
<residue>So God again a certain , it "Today," when he spoke through much later in words already quoted: "Today if you his , do not your ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>So God</w>
<w OGNTsort="116587" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116589" strongs="3724" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ὁρίζω" text="ὁρίζει">appointed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116588" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASF" lemma="τις" text="τινὰ">a certain</w>
<w OGNTsort="116590" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν">day,</w>
<w>calling it</w>
<w OGNTsort="116591" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="Σήμερον">"Today,"</w>
<w OGNTsort="116594" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">when he spoke</w>
<w OGNTsort="116592" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">through</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116593" strongs="1138" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Δαυείδ, Δαυίδ, Δαβίδ" text="Δαυὶδ">David</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116595" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116596" strongs="5118" morph="D-ASM" lemma="τοσοῦτος" text="τοσοῦτον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116597" strongs="5550" morph="N-ASM" lemma="χρόνος" text="χρόνον"></w>
<phraseWords>much later</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116598" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116599" strongs="4280" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="προερέω" text="προείρηται"></w>
<phraseWords>in words already quoted:</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116600" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="Σήμερον">"Today</w>
<w OGNTsort="116601" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="116605" strongs="191" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσητε">you hear</w>
<w OGNTsort="116604" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="116602" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116603" strongs="5456" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνῆς">voice,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116606" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116607" strongs="4645" morph="V-AAS-2P" lemma="σκληρύνω" text="σκληρύνητε">do [1] harden</w>
<w OGNTsort="116610" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="116608" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116609" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:8">
<Greek>Εἰ γὰρ αὐτοὺς Ἰησοῦς κατέπαυσεν οὐκ ἂν περὶ ἄλλης ἐλάλει μετὰ ταῦτα ἡμέρας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 8</preText>
<ULB>For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken about another day.</ULB>
<residue>For if had given them , God would not have spoken about another .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116612" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116611" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ">if</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116614" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Joshua</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116613" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[1]" text="αὐτοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116615" strongs="2664" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καταπαύω" text="κατέπαυσεν">had given [1] rest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116616" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116617" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116620" strongs="2980" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="λαλέω" text="ἐλάλει">would [2] have spoken</w>
<w OGNTsort="116618" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="116619" strongs="243" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἄλλος" text="ἄλλης">another</w>
<w OGNTsort="116623" strongs="2250" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">day</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116621" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116622" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 4:9">
<Greek>ἄρα ἀπολείπεται σαββατισμὸς τῷ λαῷ τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>So there remains a Sabbath rest reserved for God's people.</ULB>
<residue>So there remains a Sabbath reserved for .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116624" strongs="686" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἄρα" text="ἄρα">So</w>
<w OGNTsort="116626" strongs="4520" morph="N-NSM" lemma="σαββατισμός" sub="[1]" text="σαββατισμὸς">a Sabbath rest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116625" strongs="620" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="ἀπολείπω" text="ἀπολείπεται">there remains [1] reserved</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116629" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116630" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">for God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="116627" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116628" strongs="2992" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαῷ">people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:10">
<Greek>ὁ γὰρ εἰσελθὼν εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσιν αὐτοῦ καὶ αὐτὸς κατέπαυσεν ἀπὸ τῶν ἔργων αὐτοῦ ὥσπερ ἀπὸ τῶν ἰδίων ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For he who enters into God's rest has himself also rested from his deeds, just as God did from his.</ULB>
<residue>For he who enters into has himself also from his , God did from his.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116632" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116631" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="116633" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελθὼν">who enters</w>
<w OGNTsort="116634" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116637" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116635" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116636" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσιν">rest</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116638" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116639" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[1]" text="αὐτὸς">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="116640" strongs="2664" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καταπαύω" text="κατέπαυσεν">has [1] also rested</w>
<w OGNTsort="116641" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116644" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116642" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116643" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">deeds,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116645" strongs="5618" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥσπερ" text="ὥσπερ">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="116649" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116650" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="116646" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116647" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116648" strongs="2398" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίων">his.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:11">
<Greek>Σπουδάσωμεν οὖν εἰσελθεῖν εἰς ἐκείνην τὴν κατάπαυσιν ἵνα μὴ ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ τις ὑποδείγματι πέσῃ τῆς ἀπειθείας</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>Therefore let us be eager to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the kind of disobedience that they did.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore let us be eager to enter that , so that no one will fall into the kind of that they did.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116652" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="116651" strongs="4704" morph="V-AAS-1P" lemma="σπουδάζω" text="Σπουδάσωμεν">let us be eager</w>
<w OGNTsort="116653" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσελθεῖν">to enter</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116654" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116655" strongs="1565" morph="D-ASF" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνην">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116656" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116657" strongs="2663" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κατάπαυσις" text="κατάπαυσιν">rest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116658" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116659" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116663" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>no one</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116665" strongs="4098" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="πίπτω" text="πέσῃ">will fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="116660" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">into</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116662" strongs="846" morph="P-DSN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116661" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116664" strongs="5262" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὑπόδειγμα" text="ὑποδείγματι">kind</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116666" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116667" strongs="543" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀπείθεια" text="ἀπειθείας">of disobedience</w>
<w>that they did.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:12">
<Greek>Ζῶν γὰρ ὁ λόγος τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἐνεργὴς καὶ τομώτερος ὑπὲρ πᾶσαν μάχαιραν δίστομον καὶ διϊκνούμενος ἄχρι μερισμοῦ ψυχῆς καὶ πνεύματος ἁρμῶν τε καὶ μυελῶν καὶ κριτικὸς ἐνθυμήσεων καὶ ἐννοιῶν καρδίας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 12</preText>
<ULB>For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.</ULB>
<residue>For the is and active and sharper than any two-edged . It even to the dividing of soul and , of joints and marrow, and is able to the and intentions of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116669" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116670" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116671" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">word</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116672" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116673" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="116668" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ζάω" text="Ζῶν">living</w>
<w OGNTsort="116674" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116675" strongs="1756" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἐνεργής, ἐναργής" text="ἐνεργὴς">active</w>
<w OGNTsort="116676" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116677" strongs="5114" morph="A-NSM-C" lemma="τομώτερος" text="τομώτερος">sharper</w>
<w OGNTsort="116678" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">than</w>
<w OGNTsort="116679" strongs="3956" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσαν">any</w>
<w OGNTsort="116681" strongs="1366" morph="A-ASF" lemma="δίστομος" text="δίστομον">two-edged</w>
<w OGNTsort="116680" strongs="3162" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μάχαιρα" text="μάχαιραν">sword.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116682" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116683" strongs="1338" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="διϊκνέομαι" text="διϊκνούμενος">It pierces</w>
<w OGNTsort="116684" strongs="891" morph="PREP" lemma="ἄχρι" text="ἄχρι">even to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116685" strongs="3311" morph="N-GSM" lemma="μερισμός" text="μερισμοῦ">the dividing</w>
<w OGNTsort="116686" strongs="5590" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχῆς">of soul</w>
<w OGNTsort="116687" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116688" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύματος">spirit,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116689" strongs="719" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἁρμός" text="ἁρμῶν">of joints</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116690" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116691" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116692" strongs="3452" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μυελός" text="μυελῶν">marrow,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116693" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w>is able to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116694" strongs="2924" morph="A-NSM" lemma="κριτικός" text="κριτικὸς">discern</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116695" strongs="1761" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἐνθύμησις" text="ἐνθυμήσεων">the thoughts</w>
<w OGNTsort="116696" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116697" strongs="1771" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἔννοια" text="ἐννοιῶν">intentions</w>
<w OGNTsort="116698" strongs="2588" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">of the heart.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:13">
<Greek>καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν κτίσις ἀφανὴς ἐνώπιον αὐτοῦ πάντα δὲ γυμνὰ καὶ τετραχηλισμένα τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς αὐτοῦ πρὸς ὃν ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>No thing that has been created is hidden before God, but everything is bare and open to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.</ULB>
<residue>No is hidden before God, but everything is bare and open to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116699" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116700" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">No</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116702" strongs="2937" morph="N-NSF" lemma="κτίσις" text="κτίσις">thing that has been created</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116701" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116703" strongs="852" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ἀφανής" text="ἀφανὴς">hidden</w>
<w OGNTsort="116704" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον">before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116705" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116707" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="116706" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="116708" strongs="1131" morph="A-NPN" lemma="γυμνός" text="γυμνὰ">bare</w>
<w OGNTsort="116709" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116710" strongs="5136" morph="V-RPP-NPN" lemma="τραχηλίζω" text="τετραχηλισμένα">open</w>
<w OGNTsort="116711" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">to the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116712" strongs="3788" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ὀφθαλμός" text="ὀφθαλμοῖς">eyes</w>
<w OGNTsort="116713" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="116714" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116715" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="116716" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116717" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116718" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος"></w>
<phraseWords>we must give an account.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:14">
<Greek>Ἔχοντες οὖν ἀρχιερέα μέγαν διεληλυθότα τοὺς οὐρανούς Ἰησοῦν τὸν Υἱὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ κρατῶμεν τῆς ὁμολογίας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 14</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us firmly hold to our confession.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, since we have a who has passed through the heavens, the , let us firmly our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116720" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116719" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="Ἔχοντες">since we have</w>
<w OGNTsort="116722" strongs="3173" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγαν">a great</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116721" strongs="749" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερέα">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116723" strongs="1330" morph="V-2RAP-ASM" lemma="διέρχομαι" text="διεληλυθότα">who has passed</w>
<w OGNTsort="116724" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">through the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116725" strongs="3772" morph="N-APM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανούς">heavens,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116726" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116727" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116728" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱὸν">Son</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116729" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116730" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116731" strongs="2902" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="κρατέω" text="κρατῶμεν">let us firmly hold to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116732" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">our</w>
<w OGNTsort="116733" strongs="3671" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁμολογία" text="ὁμολογίας">confession.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:15">
<Greek>οὐ γὰρ ἔχομεν ἀρχιερέα μὴ δυνάμενον συμπαθῆσαι ταῖς ἀσθενείαις ἡμῶν πεπειρασμένον δὲ κατὰ πάντα καθ᾽ ὁμοιότητα χωρὶς ἁμαρτίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>For we do not have a high priest who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. Rather, we have someone who has in all ways been tempted as we are, except that he is without sin.</ULB>
<residue>For we do not have a who feel for our weaknesses. Rather, we have someone who has in all ways been we are, except that he is without .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116735" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116734" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116736" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχομεν">we do [1] have</w>
<w OGNTsort="116737" strongs="749" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερέα">a high priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116738" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116739" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμενον"></w>
<phraseWords>who cannot</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116740" strongs="4834" morph="V-AAN" lemma="συμπαθέω" text="συμπαθῆσαι">feel sympathy</w>
<w OGNTsort="116743" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">for our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116741" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116742" strongs="769" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἀσθένεια" text="ἀσθενείαις">weaknesses.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116745" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Rather,</w>
<w>we have someone</w>
<w OGNTsort="116746" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116747" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">in all ways</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116748" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116744" strongs="3985" morph="V-RPP-ASM" lemma="πειράζω" text="πεπειρασμένον">who has [1] been tempted</w>
<w OGNTsort="116749" strongs="3665" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁμοιότης" text="ὁμοιότητα">as we are,</w>
<w>except that he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116750" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="116751" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sin.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 4:16">
<Greek>προσερχώμεθα οὖν μετὰ παρρησίας τῷ θρόνῳ τῆς χάριτος ἵνα λάβωμεν ἔλεος καὶ χάριν εὕρωμεν εἰς εὔκαιρον βοήθειαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>Let us then go with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.</ULB>
<residue>Let us then go with to the of , so that we may and find to help in of need.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116753" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" sub="[1]" text="οὖν">then</w>
<w OGNTsort="116752" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNS-1P" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσερχώμεθα">Let us [1] go</w>
<w OGNTsort="116754" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116755" strongs="3954" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παρρησία" text="παρρησίας">confidence</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116756" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116757" strongs="2362" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θρόνος" text="θρόνῳ">throne</w>
<w OGNTsort="116758" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116759" strongs="5485" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριτος">of grace,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116760" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116761" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAS-1P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λάβωμεν">we may receive</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116762" strongs="1656" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἔλεος" text="ἔλεος">mercy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116763" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116765" strongs="2147" morph="V-2AAS-1P" lemma="εὑρίσκω" text="εὕρωμεν">find</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116764" strongs="5485" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριν">grace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>to help</w>
<w OGNTsort="116766" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116767" strongs="2121" morph="A-ASF" lemma="εὔκαιρος" text="εὔκαιρον">time</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116768" strongs="996" morph="N-ASF" lemma="βοήθεια" text="βοήθειαν">of need.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.5">
<verse name="Hebrews 5:1">
<Greek>Πᾶς γὰρ ἀρχιερεὺς ἐξ ἀνθρώπων λαμβανόμενος ὑπὲρ ἀνθρώπων καθίσταται τὰ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν ἵνα προσφέρῃ δῶρά τε καὶ θυσίας ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτιῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 5 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>For every high priest, chosen from among people, is appointed to act on the behalf of people in the things concerning God, so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.</ULB>
<residue>For every , chosen from among people, is to act on the behalf of people in the things concerning , so that he may both gifts and for .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116770" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116769" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="Πᾶς">every</w>
<w OGNTsort="116771" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">high priest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116774" strongs="2983" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβανόμενος">chosen</w>
<w OGNTsort="116772" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">from among</w>
<w OGNTsort="116773" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116777" strongs="2525" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="καθίστημι" text="καθίσταται">is appointed</w>
<w>to act</w>
<w OGNTsort="116775" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">on the behalf</w>
<w OGNTsort="116776" strongs="444" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπων">of people</w>
<w OGNTsort="116778" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116779" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116780" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116781" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν"></w>
<phraseWords>in the things concerning God,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116782" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="116783" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρῃ">he may offer</w>
<w OGNTsort="116785" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">both</w>
<w OGNTsort="116784" strongs="1435" morph="N-APN" lemma="δῶρον" text="δῶρά">gifts</w>
<w OGNTsort="116786" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116787" strongs="2378" morph="N-APF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίας">sacrifices</w>
<w OGNTsort="116788" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="116789" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:2">
<Greek>μετριοπαθεῖν δυνάμενος τοῖς ἀγνοοῦσιν καὶ πλανωμένοις ἐπεὶ καὶ αὐτὸς περίκειται ἀσθένειαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>He can deal gently with those who are ignorant and who have been deceived, because he himself is subject to weakness.</ULB>
<residue>He those who are ignorant and who have been , because he himself is weakness.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116791" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="δύναμαι" sub="[1]" text="δυνάμενος">can</w>
<w OGNTsort="116790" strongs="3356" morph="V-PAN" lemma="μετριοπαθέω" text="μετριοπαθεῖν">He [1] deal gently with</w>
<w OGNTsort="116792" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="116793" strongs="50" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="ἀγνοέω" text="ἀγνοοῦσιν">who are ignorant</w>
<w OGNTsort="116794" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116795" strongs="4105" morph="V-PPP-DPM" lemma="πλανάω" text="πλανωμένοις">who have been deceived,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116796" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">because</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116797" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116798" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[2]" text="αὐτὸς">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="116799" strongs="4029" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="περίκειμαι" text="περίκειται">he [2] is subject to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116800" strongs="769" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀσθένεια" text="ἀσθένειαν">weakness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:3">
<Greek>καὶ δι᾽ αὐτὴν ὀφείλει καθὼς περὶ τοῦ λαοῦ οὕτως καὶ περὶ αὑτοῦ προσφέρειν περὶ ἁμαρτιῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>Because of this, he also is required to offer sacrifices for his own sins, just as he does for the people's sins.</ULB>
<residue>Because of this, he also is required to offer for his own sins, he does for the sins.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116801" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116802" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116803" strongs="846" morph="P-ASF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὴν"></w>
<phraseWords>Because of this,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116809" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" sub="[1]" text="οὕτως">also</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116810" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116804" strongs="3784" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ὀφείλω" text="ὀφείλει">he [1] is required</w>
<w OGNTsort="116813" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAN" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρειν">to offer</w>
<w OGNTsort="116811" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="116812" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="αὑτοῦ">his own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116814" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116815" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116805" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
<w>he does</w>
<w OGNTsort="116806" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="116807" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116808" strongs="2992" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαοῦ">people's</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:4">
<Greek>Καὶ οὐχ ἑαυτῷ τις λαμβάνει τὴν τιμήν ἀλλὰ καλούμενος ὑπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ καθώσπερ καὶ Ἀαρών</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>No one takes this honor for himself. Rather, he is called by God, just as Aaron was.</ULB>
<residue>No one takes this for himself. Rather, he is by , just as was.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116816" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116817" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116819" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>No one</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116820" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνει">takes</w>
<w OGNTsort="116821" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">this</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116822" strongs="5092" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τιμή" text="τιμήν">honor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116818" strongs="1438" morph="F-3DSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτῷ">for himself.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116823" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Rather,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116824" strongs="2564" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="καλέω" text="καλούμενος">he is called</w>
<w OGNTsort="116825" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">by</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116826" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116827" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116830" strongs="2" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀαρών" sub="[1]" text="Ἀαρών">Aaron</w>
<w OGNTsort="116828" strongs="6045" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώσπερ" text="καθώσπερ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116829" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>just as [1] was.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:5">
<Greek>Οὕτως καὶ ὁ Χριστὸς οὐχ ἑαυτὸν ἐδόξασεν γενηθῆναι ἀρχιερέα ἀλλ᾽ ὁ λαλήσας πρὸς αὐτόν Υἱός μου εἶ σύ ἐγὼ σήμερον γεγέννηκά σε</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>In the same way, neither did Christ glorify himself by making himself high priest. Instead, the one speaking to him said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "You are my Son; <usfm>\q</usfm> today I have become your Father."</ULB>
<residue>In the same way, neither did himself by making himself . Instead, the one speaking to him said, "You are my Son; I have become your Father."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116831" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="Οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116832" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>In the same way,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116833" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116835" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ">neither</w>
<w OGNTsort="116834" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" sub="[1]" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="116837" strongs="1392" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="δοξάζω" text="ἐδόξασεν">did [1] glorify</w>
<w OGNTsort="116836" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτὸν">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="116838" strongs="1096" morph="V-AON" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενηθῆναι">by making himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="116839" strongs="749" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερέα">high priest.</w>
<w OGNTsort="116840" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">Instead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116841" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="116842" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλήσας">speaking</w>
<w OGNTsort="116843" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116844" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν">him</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116848" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="σύ">"You</w>
<w OGNTsort="116847" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2S" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶ">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="116846" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="116845" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱός">Son;</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116850" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="σήμερον">today</w>
<w OGNTsort="116849" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="116852" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" sub="[2]" text="σε">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="116851" strongs="1080" morph="V-RAI-1S" lemma="γεννάω" text="γεγέννηκά">have become [2] Father."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:6">
<Greek>Καθὼς καὶ ἐν ἑτέρῳ λέγει Σὺ ἱερεὺς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 6</preText>
<ULB>It is just as he also says in another place, <usfm>\q</usfm> "You are a priest forever <usfm>\q</usfm> after the manner of Melchizedek."</ULB>
<residue>It is he also says in another place, "You are a after the manner of ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116853" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="Καθὼς">just as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116854" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="116857" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">he [1] says</w>
<w OGNTsort="116855" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="116856" strongs="2087" morph="A-DSM" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἑτέρῳ">another place,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116858" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="Σὺ">"You</w>
<w OGNTsort="116859" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">a priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116860" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116861" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116862" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116863" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="116864" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116865" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">manner</w>
<w OGNTsort="116866" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">of Melchizedek."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:7">
<Greek>Ὃς ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ δεήσεις τε καὶ ἱκετηρίας πρὸς τὸν δυνάμενον σῴζειν αὐτὸν ἐκ θανάτου μετὰ κραυγῆς ἰσχυρᾶς καὶ δακρύων προσενέγκας καὶ εἰσακουσθεὶς ἀπὸ τῆς εὐλαβείας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 7</preText>
<ULB>During the days of his flesh, Christ offered up both prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, the one able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his godly life.</ULB>
<residue>During the of his , Christ offered up both and requests with loud and tears to God, the one to him from , and he was heard because of his .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116867" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="Ὃς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116868" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">During</w>
<w OGNTsort="116869" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116870" strongs="2250" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραις">days</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116873" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116871" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116872" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκὸς">flesh,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116890" strongs="4374" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσενέγκας">offered up</w>
<w OGNTsort="116875" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">both</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116874" strongs="1162" morph="N-APF" lemma="δέησις" text="δεήσεις">prayers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116876" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116877" strongs="2428" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἱκετηρία" text="ἱκετηρίας">requests</w>
<w OGNTsort="116885" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="116887" strongs="2478" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἰσχυρός" text="ἰσχυρᾶς">loud</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116886" strongs="2906" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κραυγή" text="κραυγῆς">cries</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116888" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116889" strongs="1144" morph="N-GPN" lemma="δάκρυ, δάκρυον" text="δακρύων">tears</w>
<w OGNTsort="116878" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="116879" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116880" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμενον">one able</w>
<w OGNTsort="116881" strongs="4982" morph="V-PAN" lemma="σῴζω" text="σῴζειν">to save</w>
<w OGNTsort="116882" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="116883" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116884" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτου">death,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116891" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="116892" strongs="1522" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="εἰσακούω" text="εἰσακουσθεὶς">he was heard</w>
<w OGNTsort="116893" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116894" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="116895" strongs="2124" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐλάβεια" text="εὐλαβείας">godly life.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:8">
<Greek>καίπερ ὢν Υἱός ἔμαθεν ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἔπαθεν τὴν ὑπακοήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>Even though he was a Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.</ULB>
<residue>Even though he was a Son, he learned from what he .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116896" strongs="2539" morph="CONJ" lemma="καίπερ" text="καίπερ">Even though</w>
<w OGNTsort="116897" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὢν">he was</w>
<w OGNTsort="116898" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱός">a Son,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116899" strongs="3129" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="μανθάνω" text="ἔμαθεν">he learned</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116903" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116904" strongs="5218" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὑπακοή" text="ὑπακοήν">obedience</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116900" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="116901" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="116902" strongs="3958" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="πάσχω" text="ἔπαθεν">he suffered.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:9">
<Greek>καὶ τελειωθεὶς ἐγένετο πᾶσιν τοῖς ὑπακούουσιν αὐτῷ αἴτιος σωτηρίας αἰωνίου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>He was made perfect and became, for everyone who obeys him, the cause of eternal salvation.</ULB>
<residue>He was made and became, for everyone who him, the cause of .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116905" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116906" strongs="5048" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="τελειόω" text="τελειωθεὶς">He was made perfect</w>
<w OGNTsort="116907" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγένετο">became,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116908" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν">for everyone</w>
<w OGNTsort="116909" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">who</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116910" strongs="5219" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="ὑπακούω" text="ὑπακούουσιν">obeys</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116911" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">him,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116912" strongs="159" morph="A-NSM" lemma="αἴτιος" text="αἴτιος">the cause</w>
<w OGNTsort="116914" strongs="166" morph="A-GSF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίου">of eternal</w>
<w OGNTsort="116913" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίας">salvation.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:10">
<Greek>προσαγορευθεὶς ὑπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀρχιερεὺς κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>He was designated by God as high priest after the manner of Melchizedek.</ULB>
<residue>He was designated by as after the manner of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116915" strongs="4316" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="προσαγορεύω" text="προσαγορευθεὶς">He was designated</w>
<w OGNTsort="116916" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">by</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116917" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116918" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116919" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">as high priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="116920" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="116921" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="116922" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">manner</w>
<w OGNTsort="116923" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">of Melchizedek.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:11">
<Greek>Περὶ οὗ πολὺς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος καὶ δυσερμήνευτος λέγειν ἐπεὶ νωθροὶ γεγόνατε ταῖς ἀκοαῖς</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 11</preText>
<ULB>We have much to say about Jesus, but it is hard to explain since you have become dull in hearing.</ULB>
<residue>We have much to say about Jesus, but it is to explain since you have become dull in hearing.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116926" strongs="4183" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116927" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116928" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116929" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος"></w>
<phraseWords>We have much</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116932" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγειν">to say</w>
<w OGNTsort="116924" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="Περὶ">about</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116925" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116930" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">but</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116931" strongs="1421" morph="A-NSM" lemma="δυσερμήνευτος" text="δυσερμήνευτος">hard to explain</w>
<w OGNTsort="116933" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="116935" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγόνατε">you have become</w>
<w OGNTsort="116934" strongs="3576" morph="A-NPM" lemma="νωθρός" text="νωθροὶ">dull</w>
<w OGNTsort="116936" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116937" strongs="189" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἀκοή" text="ἀκοαῖς"></w>
<phraseWords>in hearing.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:12">
<Greek>καὶ γὰρ ὀφείλοντες εἶναι διδάσκαλοι διὰ τὸν χρόνον πάλιν χρείαν ἔχετε τοῦ διδάσκειν ὑμᾶς τινα τὰ στοιχεῖα τῆς ἀρχῆς τῶν λογίων τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ γεγόνατε χρείαν ἔχοντες γάλακτος καὶ οὐ στερεᾶς τροφῆς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 12</preText>
<ULB>For though by this time you should be teachers, you still have need for someone to teach you the elementary principles of God's messages. You need milk, not solid food!</ULB>
<residue>For though by this you should be , you still have need for someone to you the elementary of messages. You need milk, not solid food!</residue>
<w OGNTsort="116938" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116939" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116943" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116944" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116945" strongs="5550" morph="N-ASM" lemma="χρόνος" text="χρόνον"></w>
<phraseWords>though by this time</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116940" strongs="3784" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ὀφείλω" text="ὀφείλοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116941" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι"></w>
<phraseWords>you should be</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116942" strongs="1320" morph="N-NPM" lemma="διδάσκαλος" text="διδάσκαλοι">teachers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116946" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" sub="[1]" text="πάλιν">still</w>
<w OGNTsort="116948" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχετε">you [1] have</w>
<w OGNTsort="116947" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν">need</w>
<w OGNTsort="116952" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASM" lemma="τις" text="τινα">for someone</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116949" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116950" strongs="1321" morph="V-PAN" lemma="διδάσκω" text="διδάσκειν">to teach</w>
<w OGNTsort="116951" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="116953" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116955" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116956" strongs="746" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχῆς">elementary</w>
<w OGNTsort="116954" strongs="4747" morph="N-APN" lemma="στοιχεῖον" text="στοιχεῖα">principles</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116959" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116960" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="116957" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116958" strongs="3051" morph="N-GPN" lemma="λόγιον" text="λογίων">messages.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116961" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116962" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγόνατε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116963" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="116964" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντες"></w>
<phraseWords>You need</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="116965" strongs="1051" morph="N-GSN" lemma="γάλα" text="γάλακτος">milk,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116966" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116967" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="116968" strongs="4731" morph="A-GSF" lemma="στερεός" text="στερεᾶς">solid</w>
<w OGNTsort="116969" strongs="5160" morph="N-GSF" lemma="τροφή" text="τροφῆς">food!</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:13">
<Greek>πᾶς γὰρ ὁ μετέχων γάλακτος ἄπειρος λόγου δικαιοσύνης νήπιος γάρ ἐστιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>For anyone who only takes milk is inexperienced with the message of righteousness, because he is still a little child.</ULB>
<residue>For anyone who only takes milk is inexperienced with the of , because he is still a little .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116971" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="116970" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶς">anyone</w>
<w OGNTsort="116972" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="116973" strongs="3348" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="μετέχω" text="μετέχων">only takes</w>
<w OGNTsort="116974" strongs="1051" morph="N-GSN" lemma="γάλα" text="γάλακτος">milk</w>
<w OGNTsort="116975" strongs="552" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄπειρος" text="ἄπειρος">inexperienced</w>
<w OGNTsort="116976" strongs="3056" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγου">with the message</w>
<w OGNTsort="116977" strongs="1343" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνης">of righteousness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="116979" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="116980" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116978" strongs="3516" morph="A-NSM" lemma="νήπιος" text="νήπιος">a little child.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 5:14">
<Greek>τελείων δέ ἐστιν ἡ στερεὰ τροφή τῶν διὰ τὴν ἕξιν τὰ αἰσθητήρια γεγυμνασμένα ἐχόντων πρὸς διάκρισιν καλοῦ τε καὶ κακοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>But solid food is for the mature. These are those who because of their maturity have their understanding trained for distinguishing good from evil.</ULB>
<residue>But solid food is for the mature. These are those who because of their maturity have their trained for from .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116982" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116984" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116985" strongs="4731" morph="A-NSF" lemma="στερεός" text="στερεὰ">solid</w>
<w OGNTsort="116986" strongs="5160" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τροφή" text="τροφή">food</w>
<w OGNTsort="116983" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="116981" strongs="5046" morph="A-GPM" lemma="τέλειος" text="τελείων">for the mature.</w>
<w>These are</w>
<w OGNTsort="116987" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="116988" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="116989" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="116990" strongs="1838" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἕξις" text="ἕξιν">maturity</w>
<w OGNTsort="116994" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἐχόντων">have</w>
<w OGNTsort="116991" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116992" strongs="145" morph="N-APN" lemma="αἰσθητήριον" text="αἰσθητήρια">understanding</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116993" strongs="1128" morph="V-RPP-APN" lemma="γυμνάζω" text="γεγυμνασμένα">trained</w>
<w OGNTsort="116995" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116996" strongs="1253" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διάκρισις" text="διάκρισιν">distinguishing</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116997" strongs="2570" morph="A-GSN" lemma="καλός" text="καλοῦ">good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116998" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="116999" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117000" strongs="2556" morph="A-GSN" lemma="κακός" text="κακοῦ">from evil.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.6">
<verse name="Hebrews 6:1">
<Greek>Διὸ ἀφέντες τὸν τῆς ἀρχῆς τοῦ Χριστοῦ λόγον ἐπὶ τὴν τελειότητα φερώμεθα μὴ πάλιν θεμέλιον καταβαλλόμενοι μετανοίας ἀπὸ νεκρῶν ἔργων καὶ πίστεως ἐπὶ Θεόν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 6 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>So then, let us leave the beginning of the message of Christ and move forward to maturity. Let us not lay again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith in God,</ULB>
<residue>So then, let us the beginning of the of and move forward to maturity. Let us not again the of from and of in ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117001" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ">So then,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117002" strongs="863" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="ἀφίημι" text="ἀφέντες">let us leave</w>
<w OGNTsort="117004" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117005" strongs="746" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχῆς">beginning</w>
<w OGNTsort="117003" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117008" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">message</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117006" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117007" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">of Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="117012" strongs="5342" morph="V-PPS-1P" lemma="φέρω" text="φερώμεθα">move forward</w>
<w OGNTsort="117009" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117010" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117011" strongs="5047" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τελειότης" text="τελειότητα">maturity.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117013" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117016" strongs="2598" morph="V-PEP-NPM" lemma="καταβάλλω" text="καταβαλλόμενοι">Let us [1] lay</w>
<w OGNTsort="117014" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again</w>
<w OGNTsort="117015" strongs="2310" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεμέλιος" text="θεμέλιον">the foundation</w>
<w OGNTsort="117017" strongs="3341" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μετάνοια" text="μετανοίας">of repentance</w>
<w OGNTsort="117018" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117019" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPN" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="117020" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">works</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117021" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117022" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">of faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="117023" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117024" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν">God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:2">
<Greek>βαπτισμῶν διδαχὴν ἐπιθέσεώς τε χειρῶν ἀναστάσεώς τε νεκρῶν καὶ κρίματος αἰωνίου</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>nor the foundation of teaching about baptisms, laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.</ULB>
<residue>nor the foundation of about baptisms, laying on of , the of the , and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>nor the foundation</w>
<w OGNTsort="117026" strongs="1322" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διδαχή" text="διδαχὴν">of teaching</w>
<w OGNTsort="117025" strongs="909" morph="N-GPM" lemma="βαπτισμός" text="βαπτισμῶν">about baptisms,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117027" strongs="1936" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπίθεσις" text="ἐπιθέσεώς">laying on</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117028" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117029" strongs="5495" morph="N-GPF" lemma="χείρ" text="χειρῶν">of hands,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117030" strongs="386" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀνάστασις" text="ἀναστάσεώς">the resurrection</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117031" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117032" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">of the dead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117033" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117035" strongs="166" morph="A-GSN" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίου">eternal</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117034" strongs="2917" morph="N-GSN" lemma="κρίμα" text="κρίματος">judgment.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:3">
<Greek>καὶ τοῦτο ποιήσομεν ἐάνπερ ἐπιτρέπῃ ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>We will also do this if God permits.</ULB>
<residue>We will also do this if permits.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117036" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117038" strongs="4160" morph="V-FAI-1P" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιήσομεν">We will [1] do</w>
<w OGNTsort="117037" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="117039" strongs="6986" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάνπερ" text="ἐάνπερ">if</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117041" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117042" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117040" strongs="2010" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="ἐπιτρέπω" text="ἐπιτρέπῃ">permits.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:4">
<Greek>Ἀδύνατον γὰρ τοὺς ἅπαξ φωτισθέντας γευσαμένους τε τῆς δωρεᾶς τῆς ἐπουρανίου καὶ μετόχους γενηθέντας Πνεύματος Ἁγίου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, who tasted the heavenly gift, who were sharers of the Holy Spirit,</ULB>
<residue>For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, who tasted the heavenly , who were of the ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117044" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117043" strongs="102" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀδύνατος" text="Ἀδύνατον">impossible</w>
<w OGNTsort="117045" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">for those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="117046" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" sub="[1]" text="ἅπαξ">once</w>
<w OGNTsort="117047" strongs="5461" morph="V-APP-APM" lemma="φωτίζω" text="φωτισθέντας">were [1] enlightened,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117048" strongs="1089" morph="V-ADP-APM" lemma="γεύω" text="γευσαμένους">who tasted</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117049" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117050" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117052" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117053" strongs="2032" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουρανίου">heavenly</w>
<w OGNTsort="117051" strongs="1431" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δωρεά" text="δωρεᾶς">gift,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117054" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117056" strongs="1096" morph="V-AOP-APM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενηθέντας">who were</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117055" strongs="3353" morph="A-APM" lemma="μέτοχος" text="μετόχους">sharers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117058" strongs="40" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἁγίου">of the Holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="117057" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεύματος">Spirit,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:5">
<Greek>καὶ καλὸν γευσαμένους Θεοῦ ῥῆμα δυνάμεις τε μέλλοντος αἰῶνος</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>and who tasted God's good word and the powers of the age to come,</ULB>
<residue>and who tasted and the of the to come,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117059" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117061" strongs="1089" morph="V-ADP-APM" lemma="γεύω" text="γευσαμένους">who tasted</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117062" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117060" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASN" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117063" strongs="4487" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ῥῆμα" text="ῥῆμα">word</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117064" strongs="1411" morph="N-APF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δυνάμεις">the powers</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117065" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117067" strongs="165" morph="N-GSM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνος">of the age</w>
<w OGNTsort="117066" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλοντος">to come,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:6">
<Greek>καὶ παραπεσόντας πάλιν ἀνακαινίζειν εἰς μετάνοιαν ἀνασταυροῦντας ἑαυτοῖς τὸν Υἱὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ παραδειγματίζοντας</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>but who then fell away—it is impossible to restore them again to repentance. This is because they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and publicly shame him.</ULB>
<residue>but who then fell away—it is impossible to restore them again to . This is because they the for themselves again, and publicly him.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117068" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="117069" strongs="3895" morph="V-2AAP-APM" lemma="παραπίπτω" text="παραπεσόντας">who then fell away—</w>
<w>it is impossible</w>
<w OGNTsort="117071" strongs="340" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀνακαινίζω" text="ἀνακαινίζειν">to restore them</w>
<w OGNTsort="117070" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again</w>
<w OGNTsort="117072" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117073" strongs="3341" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μετάνοια" text="μετάνοιαν">repentance.</w>
<w>This is because</w>
<w OGNTsort="117076" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117077" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" sub="[2]" text="Υἱὸν">Son</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117078" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117079" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" sub="[3]" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="117075" strongs="1438" morph="F-3DPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" sub="[4]" text="ἑαυτοῖς">for themselves</w>
<w OGNTsort="117074" strongs="388" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἀνασταυρόω" text="ἀνασταυροῦντας">they crucify [1] [2] [3] [4] again,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117080" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117081" strongs="3856" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="παραδειγματίζω" text="παραδειγματίζοντας">publicly shame him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:7">
<Greek>Γῆ γὰρ ἡ πιοῦσα τὸν ἐπ᾽ αὐτῆς ἐρχόμενον πολλάκις ὑετόν καὶ τίκτουσα βοτάνην εὔθετον ἐκείνοις δι᾽ οὓς καὶ γεωργεῖται μεταλαμβάνει εὐλογίας ἀπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>For the land that drinks in the rain that often comes on it, and that gives birth to the plants useful to those for whom the land was worked—this is the land that receives a blessing from God.</ULB>
<residue>For the that drinks in the rain that often comes on it, and that to the plants useful to those for whom the land was worked—this is the land that a from .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117083" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117082" strongs="1093" morph="N-NSF" lemma="γῆ" text="Γῆ">the land</w>
<w OGNTsort="117084" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117085" strongs="4095" morph="V-2AAP-NSF" lemma="πίνω" text="πιοῦσα">drinks in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117086" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117091" strongs="5205" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὑετός" text="ὑετόν">rain</w>
<w OGNTsort="117090" strongs="4178" morph="ADV" lemma="πολλάκις" sub="[1]" text="πολλάκις">often</w>
<w OGNTsort="117089" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐρχόμενον">that [1] comes</w>
<w OGNTsort="117087" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117088" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς">it,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117092" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117093" strongs="5088" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="τίκτω" text="τίκτουσα">that gives birth</w>
<w OGNTsort="117094" strongs="1008" morph="N-ASF" lemma="βοτάνη" text="βοτάνην">to the plants</w>
<w OGNTsort="117095" strongs="2111" morph="A-ASF" lemma="εὔθετος" text="εὔθετον">useful</w>
<w OGNTsort="117096" strongs="1565" morph="D-DPM" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνοις">to those</w>
<w OGNTsort="117097" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="117098" strongs="3739" morph="R-APM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὓς">whom</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117099" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>the land</w>
<w OGNTsort="117100" strongs="1090" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="γεωργέω" text="γεωργεῖται">was worked—</w>
<w>this is the land</w>
<w OGNTsort="117101" strongs="3335" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="μεταλαμβάνω" text="μεταλαμβάνει">that receives</w>
<w OGNTsort="117102" strongs="2129" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐλογία" text="εὐλογίας">a blessing</w>
<w OGNTsort="117103" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117104" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117105" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:8">
<Greek>ἐκφέρουσα δὲ ἀκάνθας καὶ τριβόλους ἀδόκιμος καὶ κατάρας ἐγγύς ἧς τὸ τέλος εἰς καῦσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and is near to a curse. Its end is in burning.</ULB>
<residue>But if it and , it is and is near to a . Its end is in burning.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117107" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="117106" strongs="1627" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ἐκφέρω" text="ἐκφέρουσα">it bears</w>
<w OGNTsort="117108" strongs="173" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἄκανθα" text="ἀκάνθας">thorns</w>
<w OGNTsort="117109" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117110" strongs="5146" morph="N-APM" lemma="τρίβολος" text="τριβόλους">thistles,</w>
<w>it is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117111" strongs="96" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ἀδόκιμος" text="ἀδόκιμος">worthless</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117112" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117114" strongs="1451" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐγγύς" text="ἐγγύς">near</w>
<w OGNTsort="117113" strongs="2671" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κατάρα" text="κατάρας">to a curse.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117115" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">Its</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117116" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117117" strongs="5056" morph="N-NSN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλος">end</w>
<w OGNTsort="117118" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117119" strongs="2740" morph="N-ASF" lemma="καῦσις" text="καῦσιν">burning.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:9">
<Greek>Πεπείσμεθα δὲ περὶ ὑμῶν ἀγαπητοί τὰ κρείσσονα καὶ ἐχόμενα σωτηρίας εἰ καὶ οὕτως λαλοῦμεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 9</preText>
<ULB>But we are convinced about better things concerning you, beloved ones, things that concern salvation, even though we speak like this.</ULB>
<residue>But we are about better things concerning you, ones, things that concern , even though we speak like this.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117121" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="117120" strongs="3982" morph="V-RPI-1P" lemma="πείθω" text="Πεπείσμεθα">we are convinced</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117125" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117126" strongs="2908" morph="A-APN-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείσσονα">about better things</w>
<w OGNTsort="117122" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">concerning</w>
<w OGNTsort="117123" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117124" strongs="27" morph="A-VPM" lemma="ἀγαπητός" text="ἀγαπητοί">beloved ones,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117127" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117128" strongs="2192" morph="V-PMP-APN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἐχόμενα">that concern</w>
<w OGNTsort="117129" strongs="4991" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίας">salvation,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117130" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117131" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>even though</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117133" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦμεν">we speak</w>
<w OGNTsort="117132" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως">like this.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:10">
<Greek>οὐ γὰρ ἄδικος ὁ Θεὸς ἐπιλαθέσθαι τοῦ ἔργου ὑμῶν καὶ τῆς ἀγάπης ἧς ἐνεδείξασθε εἰς τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ διακονήσαντες τοῖς ἁγίοις καὶ διακονοῦντες</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you showed for his name, because you served his holy people, and you are still serving them.</ULB>
<residue>For is not . He will not forget your and the you showed for his , because you his people, and you are still them.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117135" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117137" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117138" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117134" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117136" strongs="94" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄδικος" text="ἄδικος">unjust.</w>
<w>He will not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117139" strongs="1950" morph="V-2ADN" lemma="ἐπιλανθάνω" text="ἐπιλαθέσθαι">forget</w>
<w OGNTsort="117142" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117140" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117141" strongs="2041" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργου">work</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117143" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117144" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117145" strongs="26" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπης">love</w>
<w OGNTsort="117146" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117147" strongs="1731" morph="V-AMI-2P" lemma="ἐνδείκνυμι" text="ἐνεδείξασθε">you showed</w>
<w OGNTsort="117148" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="117151" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117149" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117150" strongs="3686" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ὄνομα" text="ὄνομα">name,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117152" strongs="1247" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="διακονέω" text="διακονήσαντες">you served</w>
<w OGNTsort="117153" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="117154" strongs="40" morph="A-DPM" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίοις">holy people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117155" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w sub="[1]">still</w>
<w OGNTsort="117156" strongs="1247" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="διακονέω" text="διακονοῦντες">you are [1] serving them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:11">
<Greek>Ἐπιθυμοῦμεν δὲ ἕκαστον ὑμῶν τὴν αὐτὴν ἐνδείκνυσθαι σπουδὴν πρὸς τὴν πληροφορίαν τῆς ἐλπίδος ἄχρι τέλους</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>We greatly desire that each of you may show the same diligence to the end, in order to make your hope certain.</ULB>
<residue>We greatly that each of you may show the same to the end, in order to make your certain.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117157" strongs="1937" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἐπιθυμέω" text="Ἐπιθυμοῦμεν">We greatly desire</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117158" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117159" strongs="1538" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστον">each</w>
<w OGNTsort="117160" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">of you</w>
<w OGNTsort="117163" strongs="1731" morph="V-PMN" lemma="ἐνδείκνυμι" text="ἐνδείκνυσθαι">may show</w>
<w OGNTsort="117161" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117162" strongs="846" morph="P-ASF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὴν">same</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117164" strongs="4710" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σπουδή" text="σπουδὴν">diligence</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117170" strongs="891" morph="PREP" lemma="ἄχρι" text="ἄχρι">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117171" strongs="5056" morph="N-GSN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλους">the end,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117165" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">in order to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117168" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117169" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" sub="[1]" text="ἐλπίδος">your hope</w>
<w OGNTsort="117166" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117167" strongs="4136" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πληροφορία" text="πληροφορίαν">make [1] certain.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:12">
<Greek>ἵνα μὴ νωθροὶ γένησθε μιμηταὶ δὲ τῶν διὰ πίστεως καὶ μακροθυμίας κληρονομούντων τὰς ἐπαγγελίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>This is so that you will not become lazy, but imitators of those who by faith and patience inherit the promises.</ULB>
<residue>This is so that you will not become lazy, but of those who by and the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>This is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117172" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117173" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117175" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADS-2P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γένησθε">you will [1] become</w>
<w OGNTsort="117174" strongs="3576" morph="A-NPM" lemma="νωθρός" text="νωθροὶ">lazy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117177" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117176" strongs="3402" morph="N-NPM" lemma="μιμητής" text="μιμηταὶ">imitators</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117178" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of those</w>
<w OGNTsort="117179" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" sub="[1]" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117180" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" sub="[2]" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="117181" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[3]" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117182" strongs="3115" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μακροθυμία" sub="[4]" text="μακροθυμίας">patience</w>
<w OGNTsort="117183" strongs="2816" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="κληρονομέω" text="κληρονομούντων">who [1] [2] [3] [4] inherit</w>
<w OGNTsort="117184" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117185" strongs="1860" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promises.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:13">
<Greek>Τῷ γὰρ Ἀβραὰμ ἐπαγγειλάμενος ὁ Θεός ἐπεὶ κατ᾽ οὐδενὸς εἶχεν μείζονος ὀμόσαι ὤμοσεν καθ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>For when God made his promise to Abraham, he swore by himself, since he could not swear by anyone greater.</ULB>
<residue>For when made his to , he by himself, since he could not anyone .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117187" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117190" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117191" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" sub="[1]" text="Θεός">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="117189" strongs="1861" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπαγγειλάμενος">when [1] made his promise</w>
<w OGNTsort="117186" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Τῷ">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117188" strongs="11" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117198" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὤμοσεν">he swore</w>
<w OGNTsort="117199" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117200" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ">himself,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117192" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="117193" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117194" strongs="3762" morph="A-GSM" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδενὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117195" strongs="2192" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="εἶχεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117197" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὀμόσαι"></w>
<phraseWords>he could not swear by anyone</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117196" strongs="3173" morph="A-GSM-C" lemma="μέγας" text="μείζονος">greater.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:14">
<Greek>λέγων Εἰ μὴν εὐλογῶν εὐλογήσω σε καὶ πληθύνων πληθυνῶ σε</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>He said, "I will certainly bless you and give you many descendants."</ULB>
<residue>He said, "I will certainly you and give you descendants."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117201" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">He said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117202" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117203" strongs="3375" morph="PRT" lemma="μήν" text="μὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117204" strongs="2127" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλογῶν">bless</w>
<w OGNTsort="117205" strongs="2127" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλογήσω"></w>
<phraseWords>"I will certainly bless</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117206" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="117207" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117210" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" sub="[1]" text="σε">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="117208" strongs="4129" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="πληθύνω" text="πληθύνων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117209" strongs="4129" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="πληθύνω" text="πληθυνῶ"></w>
<phraseWords>give [1] many descendants."</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:15">
<Greek>καὶ οὕτως μακροθυμήσας ἐπέτυχεν τῆς ἐπαγγελίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>In this way, Abraham obtained what was promised after he had patiently waited.</ULB>
<residue>In this way, Abraham obtained what was after he had waited.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117211" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117212" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως">In this way,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117214" strongs="2013" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἐπιτυγχάνω" text="ἐπέτυχεν">obtained</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117215" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117216" strongs="1860" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">what was promised</w>
<w OGNTsort="117213" strongs="3114" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="μακροθυμέω" text="μακροθυμήσας">after he had patiently waited.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:16">
<Greek>Ἄνθρωποι γὰρ κατὰ τοῦ μείζονος ὀμνύουσιν καὶ πάσης αὐτοῖς ἀντιλογίας πέρας εἰς βεβαίωσιν ὁ ὅρκος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 16</preText>
<ULB>For people swear by someone greater than themselves. At the end of each of their disputes, an oath serves as confirmation.</ULB>
<residue>For people someone than themselves. At the end of each of their , an serves as .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117218" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117217" strongs="444" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="Ἄνθρωποι">people</w>
<w OGNTsort="117222" strongs="3660" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="ὀμνύουσιν">swear</w>
<w OGNTsort="117219" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">by</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117220" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117221" strongs="3173" morph="A-GSM-C" lemma="μέγας" text="μείζονος">someone greater</w>
<w>than themselves.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117223" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>At the end of</w>
<w OGNTsort="117224" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης">each</w>
<w OGNTsort="117225" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς">of their</w>
<w OGNTsort="117226" strongs="485" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀντιλογία" text="ἀντιλογίας">disputes,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117227" strongs="4009" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πέρας" text="πέρας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117230" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117231" strongs="3727" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ὅρκος" text="ὅρκος">an oath</w>
<w OGNTsort="117228" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="117229" strongs="951" morph="N-ASF" lemma="βεβαίωσις" text="βεβαίωσιν">confirmation.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:17">
<Greek>ἐν ᾧ περισσότερον βουλόμενος ὁ Θεὸς ἐπιδεῖξαι τοῖς κληρονόμοις τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τὸ ἀμετάθετον τῆς βουλῆς αὐτοῦ ἐμεσίτευσεν ὅρκῳ</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>When God decided to show more clearly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable quality of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath.</ULB>
<residue>When decided to show more clearly to the of the the unchangeable quality of his purpose, he it with an .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117232" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117233" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117236" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117237" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117235" strongs="1014" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="βούλομαι" text="βουλόμενος">decided</w>
<w OGNTsort="117238" strongs="1925" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ἐπιδείκνυμι" text="ἐπιδεῖξαι">to show</w>
<w OGNTsort="117234" strongs="4055" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="περισσότερος" text="περισσότερον">more clearly</w>
<w OGNTsort="117239" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117240" strongs="2818" morph="N-DPM" lemma="κληρονόμος" text="κληρονόμοις">heirs</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117241" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117242" strongs="1860" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promise</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117243" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117244" strongs="276" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀμετάθετος" text="ἀμετάθετον">unchangeable quality</w>
<w OGNTsort="117245" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="117247" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="117246" strongs="1012" morph="N-GSF" lemma="βουλή" text="βουλῆς">purpose,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117248" strongs="3315" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="μεσιτεύω" text="ἐμεσίτευσεν">he guaranteed it</w>
<w OGNTsort="117249" strongs="3727" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ὅρκος" text="ὅρκῳ">with an oath.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:18">
<Greek>ἵνα διὰ δύο πραγμάτων ἀμεταθέτων ἐν οἷς ἀδύνατον ψεύσασθαι τὸν Θεόν ἰσχυρὰν παράκλησιν ἔχωμεν οἱ καταφυγόντες κρατῆσαι τῆς προκειμένης ἐλπίδος</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>He did this so that by two unchangeable things—with which it is impossible for God to lie—we, who have fled for refuge, will have a strong encouragement to hold firmly to the hope set before us.</ULB>
<residue>He did this so that by two unchangeable things—with which it is for to lie—we, who have fled for refuge, will have a strong to hold firmly to the set before us.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>He did this</w>
<w OGNTsort="117250" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117251" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117252" strongs="1417" morph="A-GPN-NUI" lemma="δύο" text="δύο">two</w>
<w OGNTsort="117254" strongs="276" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἀμετάθετος" text="ἀμεταθέτων">unchangeable</w>
<w OGNTsort="117253" strongs="4229" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πρᾶγμα" text="πραγμάτων">things—</w>
<w OGNTsort="117255" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="117256" strongs="3739" morph="R-DPN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οἷς">which</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117257" strongs="102" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀδύνατος" text="ἀδύνατον">impossible</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117259" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117260" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν">for God</w>
<w OGNTsort="117258" strongs="5574" morph="V-ADN" lemma="ψεύδομαι" text="ψεύσασθαι">to lie—</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117264" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117265" strongs="2703" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="καταφεύγω" sub="[1]" text="καταφυγόντες">who have fled</w>
<w sub="[2]">for refuge,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117263" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχωμεν">we, [1] [2] will have</w>
<w OGNTsort="117261" strongs="2478" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἰσχυρός" text="ἰσχυρὰν">a strong</w>
<w OGNTsort="117262" strongs="3874" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παράκλησις" text="παράκλησιν">encouragement</w>
<w OGNTsort="117266" strongs="2902" morph="V-AAN" lemma="κρατέω" text="κρατῆσαι">to hold firmly</w>
<w OGNTsort="117267" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117269" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117268" strongs="4295" morph="V-PNP-GSF" lemma="πρόκειμαι" text="προκειμένης">set before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:19">
<Greek>ἣν ὡς ἄγκυραν ἔχομεν τῆς ψυχῆς ἀσφαλῆ τε καὶ βεβαίαν καὶ εἰσερχομένην εἰς τὸ ἐσώτερον τοῦ καταπετάσματος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 19</preText>
<ULB>We have this as a secure and reliable anchor for the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,</ULB>
<residue>We have this as a secure and reliable anchor for the , a hope that enters into the inner place behind the ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117273" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχομεν">We have</w>
<w OGNTsort="117270" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="117271" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="117276" strongs="804" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀσφαλής" sub="[1]" text="ἀσφαλῆ">secure</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117277" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117278" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[2]" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117279" strongs="949" morph="A-ASF" lemma="βέβαιος" sub="[3]" text="βεβαίαν">reliable</w>
<w OGNTsort="117272" strongs="45" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἄγκυρα" text="ἄγκυραν">a [1] [2] [3] anchor</w>
<w OGNTsort="117274" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">for the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117275" strongs="5590" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχῆς">soul,</w>
<w>a hope</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117280" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117281" strongs="1525" morph="V-PNP-ASF" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσερχομένην">that enters</w>
<w OGNTsort="117282" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="117283" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117284" strongs="2082" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="ἐσωτέρω" text="ἐσώτερον">inner place</w>
<w OGNTsort="117285" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">behind the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117286" strongs="2665" morph="N-GSN" lemma="καταπέτασμα" text="καταπετάσματος">curtain,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 6:20">
<Greek>ὅπου πρόδρομος ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν εἰσῆλθεν Ἰησοῦς κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ ἀρχιερεὺς γενόμενος εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>where Jesus, who went before us, has entered into that place on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.</ULB>
<residue>where , who went before us, has entered into that place on our behalf. He has become a after the order of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117287" strongs="3699" morph="ADV" lemma="ὅπου" text="ὅπου">where</w>
<w OGNTsort="117292" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117288" strongs="4274" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πρόδρομος" text="πρόδρομος">who went before</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117289" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117290" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">us,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117291" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσῆλθεν">has entered</w>
<w>into that place</w>
<w OGNTsort="117293" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117294" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">our</w>
<w OGNTsort="117295" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">behalf.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117298" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-NSM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενόμενος">He has become</w>
<w OGNTsort="117297" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">a high priest</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117301" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα">forever</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117299" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117300" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<phraseWords>after the order of</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117296" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">Melchizedek.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.7">
<verse name="Hebrews 7:1">
<Greek>Οὗτος γὰρ ὁ Μελχισέδεκ βασιλεὺς Σαλήμ ἱερεὺς τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ Ὑψίστου ὁ συναντήσας Ἀβραὰμ ὑποστρέφοντι ἀπὸ τῆς κοπῆς τῶν βασιλέων καὶ εὐλογήσας αὐτόν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 7 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>It was this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.</ULB>
<residue>It was this , of Salem, of , who met from the of the and him.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117303" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="117302" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="Οὗτος">this</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117304" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117305" strongs="3198" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">Melchizedek,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117306" strongs="935" morph="N-NSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="βασιλεὺς">king</w>
<w OGNTsort="117307" strongs="4532" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Σαλήμ" text="Σαλήμ">of Salem,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117308" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="117309" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117310" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117311" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117312" strongs="5310" morph="A-GSM" lemma="ὕψιστος" text="Ὑψίστου">Most High,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117313" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117314" strongs="4876" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="συναντάω" text="συναντήσας">who met</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117315" strongs="11" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham</w>
<w OGNTsort="117316" strongs="5290" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="ὑποστρέφω" text="ὑποστρέφοντι">returning</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117317" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="117318" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117319" strongs="2871" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κοπή" text="κοπῆς">slaughter</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117320" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117321" strongs="935" morph="N-GPM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="βασιλέων">kings</w>
<w OGNTsort="117322" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117323" strongs="2127" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλογήσας">blessed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117324" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν">him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:2">
<Greek>ᾧ καὶ δεκάτην ἀπὸ πάντων ἐμέρισεν Ἀβραάμ πρῶτον μὲν ἑρμηνευόμενος Βασιλεὺς δικαιοσύνης ἔπειτα δὲ καὶ Βασιλεὺς Σαλήμ ὅ ἐστιν Βασιλεὺς εἰρήνης</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>It was to him that Abraham gave a tenth of everything. First, the translation of his name means, "king of righteousness"; then he is also "king of Salem," that is, "king of peace."</ULB>
<residue>It was to him that gave a tenth of everything. First, the translation of his name means, " of "; then he is also " of Salem," that is, " of ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="117325" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">to him</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117326" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117331" strongs="11" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραάμ">Abraham</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117330" strongs="3307" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="μερίζω" text="ἐμέρισεν">gave</w>
<w OGNTsort="117327" strongs="1182" morph="A-ASF" lemma="δέκατος" text="δεκάτην">a tenth</w>
<w OGNTsort="117328" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="117329" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">everything.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117332" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτον">First,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117333" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117334" strongs="2059" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="ἑρμηνεύω" text="ἑρμηνευόμενος"></w>
<phraseWords>the translation of his name means,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117335" strongs="935" morph="N-NSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="Βασιλεὺς">"king</w>
<w OGNTsort="117336" strongs="1343" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνης">of righteousness";</w>
<w OGNTsort="117337" strongs="1899" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔπειτα" text="ἔπειτα">then</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117338" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117339" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117340" strongs="935" morph="N-NSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="Βασιλεὺς">"king</w>
<w OGNTsort="117341" strongs="4532" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Σαλήμ" text="Σαλήμ">of Salem,"</w>
<w OGNTsort="117342" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὅ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117343" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117344" strongs="935" morph="N-NSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="Βασιλεὺς">"king</w>
<w OGNTsort="117345" strongs="1515" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνης">of peace."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:3">
<Greek>ἀπάτωρ ἀμήτωρ ἀγενεαλόγητος μήτε ἀρχὴν ἡμερῶν μήτε ζωῆς τέλος ἔχων ἀφωμοιωμένος δὲ τῷ Υἱῷ τοῦ Θεοῦ μένει ἱερεὺς εἰς τὸ διηνεκές</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>He is without father, without mother, without ancestors, with neither beginning of days nor end of life. And resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.</ULB>
<residue>He is without father, without mother, without , with neither beginning of nor end of . And resembling the , he remains a .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>He is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117346" strongs="540" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἀπάτωρ" text="ἀπάτωρ">without father,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117347" strongs="282" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἀμήτωρ" text="ἀμήτωρ">without mother,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117348" strongs="35" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἀγενεαλόγητος" text="ἀγενεαλόγητος">without ancestors,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117349" strongs="3383" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήτε" text="μήτε">with neither</w>
<w OGNTsort="117350" strongs="746" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀρχή" text="ἀρχὴν">beginning</w>
<w OGNTsort="117351" strongs="2250" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμερῶν">of days</w>
<w OGNTsort="117352" strongs="3383" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήτε" text="μήτε">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="117354" strongs="5056" morph="N-ASN" lemma="τέλος" text="τέλος">end</w>
<w OGNTsort="117353" strongs="2222" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωῆς">of life.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117355" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχων"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117356" strongs="871" morph="V-RPP-NSM" lemma="ἀφομοιόω" text="ἀφωμοιωμένος">resembling</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117357" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117358" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117359" strongs="5207" morph="N-DSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱῷ">Son</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117360" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117361" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117362" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="μένω" text="μένει">he remains</w>
<w OGNTsort="117363" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">a priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="117364" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117365" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117366" strongs="1336" morph="A-ASN" lemma="διηνεκής" text="διηνεκές"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:4">
<Greek>Θεωρεῖτε δὲ πηλίκος οὗτος ᾧ καὶ δεκάτην Ἀβραὰμ ἔδωκεν ἐκ τῶν ἀκροθινίων ὁ πατριάρχης</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 4</preText>
<ULB>See how great this man was to whom the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the things that he had taken in battle.</ULB>
<residue>See how great this man was to whom the gave a tenth of the things that he had taken in battle.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117367" strongs="2334" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="θεωρέω" text="Θεωρεῖτε">See</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117368" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117369" strongs="4080" morph="I-NSM" lemma="πηλίκος" text="πηλίκος">how great</w>
<w OGNTsort="117370" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτος">this</w>
<w>man was</w>
<w OGNTsort="117371" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">to whom</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117372" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117379" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117380" strongs="3966" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πατριάρχης" text="πατριάρχης">patriarch</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117374" strongs="11" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham</w>
<w OGNTsort="117375" strongs="1325" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="δίδωμι" text="ἔδωκεν">gave</w>
<w OGNTsort="117373" strongs="1182" morph="A-ASF" lemma="δέκατος" text="δεκάτην">a tenth</w>
<w OGNTsort="117376" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="117377" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117378" strongs="205" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἀκροθίνιον" text="ἀκροθινίων">things that he had taken in battle.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:5">
<Greek>καὶ οἱ μὲν ἐκ τῶν υἱῶν Λευὶ τὴν ἱερατείαν λαμβάνοντες ἐντολὴν ἔχουσιν ἀποδεκατοῦν τὸν λαὸν κατὰ τὸν νόμον τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτῶν καίπερ ἐξεληλυθότας ἐκ τῆς ὀσφύος Ἀβραάμ</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>The descendants of Levi who receive the priestly office have a command according to the law to collect tithes from the people, that is, from their brothers, even though they, too, are descended from Abraham.</ULB>
<residue>The descendants of who the have a according to to collect from the , that is, from their , even though they, too, are descended from .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117381" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117382" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117383" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117384" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117385" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117386" strongs="5207" morph="N-GPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱῶν">descendants</w>
<w OGNTsort="117387" strongs="3017" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Λευΐ" text="Λευὶ">of Levi</w>
<w OGNTsort="117390" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνοντες">who receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="117388" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117389" strongs="2405" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἱερατεία" text="ἱερατείαν">priestly office</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117392" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσιν">have</w>
<w OGNTsort="117391" strongs="1785" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολὴν">a command</w>
<w OGNTsort="117396" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117397" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117398" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">law</w>
<w OGNTsort="117393" strongs="586" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀποδεκατόω" text="ἀποδεκατοῦν">to collect tithes from</w>
<w OGNTsort="117394" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117395" strongs="2992" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λαός" text="λαὸν">people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117399" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117400" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117403" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117401" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117402" strongs="80" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοὺς">their brothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117404" strongs="2539" morph="CONJ" lemma="καίπερ" text="καίπερ">even though</w>
<w sub="[1]">too,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117405" strongs="1831" morph="V-2RAP-APM" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξεληλυθότας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117406" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117407" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117408" strongs="3751" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὀσφῦς" text="ὀσφύος"></w>
<phraseWords>they, [1] are descended from</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117409" strongs="11" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραάμ">Abraham.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:6">
<Greek>ὁ δὲ μὴ γενεαλογούμενος ἐξ αὐτῶν δεδεκάτωκεν Ἀβραάμ καὶ τὸν ἔχοντα τὰς ἐπαγγελίας εὐλόγηκεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>But Melchizedek, whose descent was not traced from them, received tithes from Abraham, and blessed him, the one who had the promises.</ULB>
<residue>But Melchizedek, whose descent was not traced from them, tithes from , and him, the one who had the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117411" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117410" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117412" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117413" strongs="1075" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="γενεαλογέω" text="γενεαλογούμενος"></w>
<phraseWords>whose descent was [1] traced</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117414" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="117415" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">them,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117416" strongs="1183" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="δεκατόω" text="δεδεκάτωκεν">received tithes</w>
<w OGNTsort="117417" strongs="11" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραάμ">from Abraham,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117418" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117423" strongs="2127" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλόγηκεν">blessed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117419" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="117420" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντα">who had</w>
<w OGNTsort="117421" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117422" strongs="1860" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promises.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:7">
<Greek>χωρὶς δὲ πάσης ἀντιλογίας τὸ ἔλαττον ὑπὸ τοῦ κρείττονος εὐλογεῖται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>There is no denying that the lesser person is blessed by the greater person.</ULB>
<residue>There is no denying that the lesser person is by the greater person.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117425" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117424" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117426" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117427" strongs="485" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀντιλογία" text="ἀντιλογίας"></w>
<phraseWords>There is no denying that</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117428" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117429" strongs="1640" morph="A-NSN-C" lemma="ἐλάσσων" text="ἔλαττον">lesser person</w>
<w OGNTsort="117433" strongs="2127" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλογεῖται">is blessed</w>
<w OGNTsort="117430" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117431" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117432" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSM-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονος">greater person.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:8">
<Greek>Καὶ ὧδε μὲν δεκάτας ἀποθνῄσκοντες ἄνθρωποι λαμβάνουσιν ἐκεῖ δὲ μαρτυρούμενος ὅτι ζῇ</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>In this case, mortal men receive tithes, but in that case it is testified that he lives on.</ULB>
<residue>In this case, men tithes, but in that case it is that he on.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117434" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117435" strongs="5602" morph="ADV" lemma="ὧδε" text="ὧδε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117436" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<phraseWords>In this case,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117438" strongs="599" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθνῄσκοντες">mortal</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117439" strongs="444" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωποι">men</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117440" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνουσιν">receive</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117437" strongs="1182" morph="A-APF" lemma="δέκατος" text="δεκάτας">tithes,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117442" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="117441" strongs="1563" morph="ADV" lemma="ἐκεῖ" text="ἐκεῖ">in that case</w>
<w OGNTsort="117443" strongs="3140" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυρούμενος">it is testified</w>
<w OGNTsort="117444" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117445" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῇ">he lives on.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:9">
<Greek>καὶ ὡς ἔπος εἰπεῖν δι᾽ Ἀβραὰμ καὶ Λευὶ ὁ δεκάτας λαμβάνων δεδεκάτωται</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>And, in a manner of speaking, Levi, who received tithes, also paid tithes through Abraham,</ULB>
<residue>And, in a manner of speaking, , who , also paid tithes through ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117446" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">And,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117447" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117448" strongs="2031" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἔπος" text="ἔπος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117449" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἰπεῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>in a manner of speaking,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117453" strongs="3017" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Λευΐ" text="Λευὶ">Levi,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117454" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117456" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνων">who received</w>
<w OGNTsort="117455" strongs="1182" morph="A-APF" lemma="δέκατος" text="δεκάτας">tithes,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117452" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117457" strongs="1183" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="δεκατόω" text="δεδεκάτωται">paid tithes</w>
<w OGNTsort="117450" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="117451" strongs="11" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:10">
<Greek>ἔτι γὰρ ἐν τῇ ὀσφύϊ τοῦ πατρὸς ἦν ὅτε συνήντησεν αὐτῷ Μελχισέδεκ</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>because Levi was in the body of his ancestor when Melchizedek met Abraham.</ULB>
<residue>because Levi was in the body of his when met Abraham.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117459" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="117465" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">was</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117458" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117460" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117461" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117462" strongs="3751" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ὀσφῦς" text="ὀσφύϊ">body</w>
<w OGNTsort="117463" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117464" strongs="3962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατρὸς">ancestor</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117466" strongs="3753" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτε" text="ὅτε">when</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117469" strongs="3198" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">Melchizedek</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117467" strongs="4876" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="συναντάω" text="συνήντησεν">met</w>
<w OGNTsort="117468" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:11">
<Greek>Εἰ μὲν οὖν τελείωσις διὰ τῆς Λευιτικῆς ἱερωσύνης ἦν ὁ λαὸς γὰρ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῆς νενομοθέτηται τίς ἔτι χρεία κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ ἕτερον ἀνίστασθαι ἱερέα καὶ οὐ κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Ἀαρὼν λέγεσθαι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 11</preText>
<ULB>Now if perfection were possible through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need would there have been for another priest to arise after the manner of Melchizedek, and not be considered to be after the manner of Aaron?</ULB>
<residue>Now if were possible through the (for under it the the law), what further need would there have been for another to after the manner of , and not be considered to be after the manner of ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117472" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="117470" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ">if</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117471" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117473" strongs="5050" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τελείωσις" text="τελείωσις">perfection</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117478" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">were</w>
<w OGNTsort="117474" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="117475" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117476" strongs="3020" morph="A-GSF-PG" lemma="Λευϊτικός" text="Λευιτικῆς">Levitical</w>
<w OGNTsort="117477" strongs="2420" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἱερωσύνη" text="ἱερωσύνης">priesthood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117481" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">(for</w>
<w OGNTsort="117482" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπ᾽">under</w>
<w OGNTsort="117483" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς">it</w>
<w OGNTsort="117479" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117480" strongs="2992" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαὸς">people</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117484" strongs="3549" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="νομοθετέω" text="νενομοθέτηται">received the law),</w>
<w OGNTsort="117485" strongs="5101" morph="I-NSF" lemma="τίς" text="τίς">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="117486" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">further</w>
<w OGNTsort="117487" strongs="5532" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρεία">need</w>
<w>would there have been</w>
<w OGNTsort="117492" strongs="2087" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἕτερον">for another</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117494" strongs="2409" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερέα">priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117493" strongs="450" morph="V-PMN" lemma="ἀνίστημι" text="ἀνίστασθαι">to arise</w>
<w OGNTsort="117488" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="117489" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117490" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">manner</w>
<w OGNTsort="117491" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">of Melchizedek,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117495" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117496" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117501" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγεσθαι">be considered to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="117497" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="117498" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117499" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">manner</w>
<w OGNTsort="117500" strongs="2" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἀαρών" text="Ἀαρὼν">of Aaron?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:12">
<Greek>μετατιθεμένης γὰρ τῆς ἱερωσύνης ἐξ ἀνάγκης καὶ νόμου μετάθεσις γίνεται</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>For when the priesthood is changed, the law must also be changed.</ULB>
<residue>For when the is changed, must also be changed.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117503" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117504" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117505" strongs="2420" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἱερωσύνη" sub="[2]" text="ἱερωσύνης">priesthood</w>
<w OGNTsort="117502" strongs="3346" morph="V-PPP-GSF" lemma="μετατίθημι" text="μετατιθεμένης">when [1] [2] is changed,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117509" strongs="3551" morph="N-GSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμου">the law</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117508" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[3]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117506" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117507" strongs="318" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀνάγκη" text="ἀνάγκης"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117510" strongs="3331" morph="N-NSF" lemma="μετάθεσις" text="μετάθεσις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117511" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνεται"></w>
<phraseWords>must [3] be changed.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:13">
<Greek>Ἐφ᾽ ὃν γὰρ λέγεται ταῦτα φυλῆς ἑτέρας μετέσχηκεν ἀφ᾽ ἧς οὐδεὶς προσέσχηκεν τῷ θυσιαστηρίῳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 13</preText>
<ULB>For the one about whom these things are said belongs to another tribe, from which no one has ever served at the altar.</ULB>
<residue>For the one about whom these things are said belongs to another , from which no one has ever served at the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117514" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117512" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="Ἐφ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117513" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν"></w>
<phraseWords>the one about whom</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117516" strongs="3778" morph="D-NPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα">these things</w>
<w OGNTsort="117515" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγεται">are said</w>
<w OGNTsort="117519" strongs="3348" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="μετέχω" text="μετέσχηκεν">belongs to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117518" strongs="2087" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἑτέρας">another</w>
<w OGNTsort="117517" strongs="5443" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φυλή" text="φυλῆς">tribe,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117520" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="117521" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="117522" strongs="3762" morph="A-NSM" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδεὶς">no one</w>
<w OGNTsort="117523" strongs="4337" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="προσέχω" text="προσέσχηκεν">has ever served</w>
<w OGNTsort="117524" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">at the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117525" strongs="2379" morph="N-DSN" lemma="θυσιαστήριον" text="θυσιαστηρίῳ">altar.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:14">
<Greek>πρόδηλον γὰρ ὅτι ἐξ Ἰούδα ἀνατέταλκεν ὁ Κύριος ἡμῶν εἰς ἣν φυλὴν περὶ ἱερέων οὐδὲν Μωϋσῆς ἐλάλησεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>Now clearly it is from Judah that our Lord was born, a tribe that Moses never mentioned concerning priests.</ULB>
<residue>Now clearly it is from that our was born, a that never mentioned concerning .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117527" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="117526" strongs="4271" morph="A-NSN" lemma="πρόδηλος" text="πρόδηλον">clearly</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117529" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117530" strongs="2455" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰούδας" text="Ἰούδα">Judah</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117528" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117534" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117532" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117533" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">Lord</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117531" strongs="393" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἀνατέλλω" text="ἀνατέταλκεν">was born,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117535" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117536" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117537" strongs="5443" morph="N-ASF" lemma="φυλή" text="φυλὴν">a tribe</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117541" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117540" strongs="3762" morph="A-ASN" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδὲν">never</w>
<w OGNTsort="117542" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="λαλέω" text="ἐλάλησεν">mentioned</w>
<w OGNTsort="117538" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">concerning</w>
<w OGNTsort="117539" strongs="2409" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερέων">priests.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:15">
<Greek>Καὶ περισσότερον ἔτι κατάδηλόν ἐστιν εἰ κατὰ τὴν ὁμοιότητα Μελχισέδεκ ἀνίσταται ἱερεὺς ἕτερος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>What we say is even clearer when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek.</ULB>
<residue>What we say is even clearer when another in the of .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117543" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>What we say</w>
<w OGNTsort="117547" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117544" strongs="4055" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="περισσότερος" text="περισσότερον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117545" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117546" strongs="2612" morph="A-NSN" lemma="κατάδηλος" text="κατάδηλόν"></w>
<phraseWords>even clearer</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117548" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">when</w>
<w OGNTsort="117555" strongs="2087" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἕτερος">another</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117554" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117553" strongs="450" morph="V-PMI-3S" lemma="ἀνίστημι" text="ἀνίσταται">arises</w>
<w OGNTsort="117549" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117550" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117551" strongs="3665" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁμοιότης" text="ὁμοιότητα">likeness</w>
<w OGNTsort="117552" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">of Melchizedek.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:16">
<Greek>ὃς οὐ κατὰ νόμον ἐντολῆς σαρκίνης γέγονεν ἀλλὰ κατὰ δύναμιν ζωῆς ἀκαταλύτου</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>This one became a priest, not based on a law of physical requirement, but by the power of an everlasting life.</ULB>
<residue>This one became a priest, not based on a of physical , but by the of an everlasting .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117556" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">This one</w>
<w>became a priest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117557" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117558" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">based on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117559" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">a law</w>
<w OGNTsort="117561" strongs="4560" morph="A-GSF" lemma="σάρκινος" text="σαρκίνης">of physical</w>
<w OGNTsort="117560" strongs="1785" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολῆς">requirement,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117562" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γέγονεν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117563" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="117564" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117565" strongs="1411" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δύναμιν">the power</w>
<w OGNTsort="117567" strongs="179" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἀκατάλυτος" text="ἀκαταλύτου">of an everlasting</w>
<w OGNTsort="117566" strongs="2222" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ζωή" text="ζωῆς">life.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:17">
<Greek>μαρτυρεῖται γὰρ ὅτι Σὺ ἱερεὺς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>For scripture witnesses about him: <usfm>\q</usfm> "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."</ULB>
<residue>For scripture about him: "You are a according to the order of ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117569" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117568" strongs="3140" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυρεῖται">witnesses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>about him:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117570" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117571" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="Σὺ">You</w>
<w OGNTsort="117572" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">a priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="117573" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117574" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117575" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117576" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117577" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117578" strongs="5010" morph="N-ASF" lemma="τάξις" text="τάξιν">order</w>
<comment>Other quotations of this OT verse use "manner" here.</comment>
<w OGNTsort="117579" strongs="3198" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μελχισεδέκ" text="Μελχισέδεκ">of Melchizedek</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:18">
<Greek>Ἀθέτησις μὲν γὰρ γίνεται προαγούσης ἐντολῆς διὰ τὸ αὐτῆς ἀσθενὲς καὶ ἀνωφελές</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 18</preText>
<ULB>For not only has the former command been set aside because it is weak and useless—</ULB>
<residue>For not only has the former been set aside because it is weak and —</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117582" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117581" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν">not only</w>
<w OGNTsort="117584" strongs="4254" morph="V-PAP-GSF" lemma="προάγω" sub="[1]" text="προαγούσης">the former</w>
<w OGNTsort="117585" strongs="1785" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐντολή" sub="[2]" text="ἐντολῆς">command</w>
<w OGNTsort="117580" strongs="115" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀθέτησις" text="Ἀθέτησις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117583" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνεται"></w>
<phraseWords>has [1] [2] been set aside</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117586" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117587" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117588" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς"></w>
<phraseWords>because it is</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117589" strongs="772" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀσθενής" text="ἀσθενὲς">weak</w>
<w OGNTsort="117590" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117591" strongs="512" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀνωφελής" text="ἀνωφελές">useless—</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:19">
<Greek>οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐτελείωσεν ὁ νόμος ἐπεισαγωγὴ δὲ κρείττονος ἐλπίδος δι᾽ ἧς ἐγγίζομεν τῷ Θεῷ</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>for the law made nothing perfect—but also a better hope is introduced, through which we come near to God.</ULB>
<residue>for made nothing —but also a better is introduced, through which we come near to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117593" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117595" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117596" strongs="3551" morph="N-NSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμος">the law</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117592" strongs="3762" morph="A-ASN" lemma="οὐδείς" sub="[1]" text="οὐδὲν">nothing</w>
<w OGNTsort="117594" strongs="5048" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="τελειόω" text="ἐτελείωσεν">made [1] perfect—</w>
<w OGNTsort="117598" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="117599" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονος">a better</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117600" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117597" strongs="1898" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐπεισαγωγή" text="ἐπεισαγωγὴ">is introduced,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117601" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="117602" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="117603" strongs="1448" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἐγγίζω" text="ἐγγίζομεν">we come near</w>
<w OGNTsort="117604" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117605" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:20">
<Greek>Καὶ καθ᾽ ὅσον οὐ χωρὶς ὁρκωμοσίας οἱ μὲν γὰρ χωρὶς ὁρκωμοσίας εἰσὶν ἱερεῖς γεγονότες</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 20</preText>
<ULB>And it was not without an oath! Others became priests without any oath,</ULB>
<residue>And it was not without an ! Others became without any ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117606" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ">And</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117607" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117608" strongs="3745" morph="K-ASN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσον"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>it was</w>
<w OGNTsort="117609" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117610" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="117611" strongs="3728" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁρκωμοσία" text="ὁρκωμοσίας">an oath!</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117614" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117612" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117613" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117617" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσὶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117619" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAP-NPM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγονότες">became</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117618" strongs="2409" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεῖς">priests</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117615" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="117616" strongs="3728" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁρκωμοσία" text="ὁρκωμοσίας">any oath,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:21">
<Greek>ὁ δὲ μετὰ ὁρκωμοσίας διὰ τοῦ λέγοντος πρὸς αὐτόν Ὤμοσεν Κύριος καὶ οὐ μεταμεληθήσεται Σὺ ἱερεὺς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>but he became a priest with an oath by the one who said to him, <usfm>\q</usfm> "The Lord has sworn and he will not change his mind: <usfm>\q</usfm> 'You are a priest forever.'"</ULB>
<residue>but he became a with an by the one who said to him, "The has and he will not his : 'You are a priest .'"</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117621" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w>he became a priest</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117620" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117622" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="117623" strongs="3728" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁρκωμοσία" text="ὁρκωμοσίας">an oath</w>
<w OGNTsort="117624" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="117625" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="117626" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγοντος">who said</w>
<w OGNTsort="117627" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117628" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτόν">him,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117630" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">"The Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="117629" strongs="3660" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὄμνυμι" text="Ὤμοσεν">has sworn</w>
<w OGNTsort="117631" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117632" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117633" strongs="3338" morph="V-FOI-3S" lemma="μεταμέλλομαι" text="μεταμεληθήσεται">he will [1] change his mind:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117634" strongs="4771" morph="P-2NS" lemma="σύ" text="Σὺ">'You</w>
<w OGNTsort="117635" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">a priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="117636" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117637" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117638" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:22">
<Greek>Κατὰ τοσοῦτο καὶ κρείττονος διαθήκης γέγονεν ἔγγυος Ἰησοῦς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 22</preText>
<ULB>By this also Jesus has given the guarantee of a better covenant.</ULB>
<residue>By this also has given the guarantee of a better .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117639" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="Κατὰ">By</w>
<w OGNTsort="117640" strongs="5118" morph="D-ASN" lemma="τοσοῦτος" text="τοσοῦτο">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="117641" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117646" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117644" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γέγονεν">has given</w>
<w OGNTsort="117645" strongs="1450" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἔγγυος" text="ἔγγυος">the guarantee</w>
<w OGNTsort="117642" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονος">of a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="117643" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:23">
<Greek>Καὶ οἱ μὲν πλείονές εἰσιν γεγονότες ἱερεῖς διὰ τὸ θανάτῳ κωλύεσθαι παραμένειν</Greek>
<preText>\v 23</preText>
<ULB>The former priests were many in number, since death prevented them from continuing in office.</ULB>
<residue>The former were many in number, since prevented them from continuing in office.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117647" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117648" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117649" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117652" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAP-NPM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγονότες">The former</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117653" strongs="2409" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεῖς">priests</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117651" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">were</w>
<w OGNTsort="117650" strongs="4119" morph="A-NPM-C" lemma="πλείων, πλεῖον" text="πλείονές">many</w>
<w>in number,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117654" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117655" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117656" strongs="2288" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θανάτῳ">death</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117657" strongs="2967" morph="V-PPN" lemma="κωλύω" text="κωλύεσθαι">prevented them</w>
<w OGNTsort="117658" strongs="3887" morph="V-PAN" lemma="παραμένω" text="παραμένειν">from continuing</w>
<w>in office.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:24">
<Greek>ὁ δὲ διὰ τὸ μένειν αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἀπαράβατον ἔχει τὴν ἱερωσύνην</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>But because Jesus continues to live forever, he has a permanent priesthood.</ULB>
<residue>But because Jesus continues to live , he has a permanent .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117660" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w sub="[1]">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="117659" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117661" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117662" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117663" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAN" lemma="μένω" text="μένειν"></w>
<phraseWords>because [1] continues to live</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117664" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117665" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117666" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117667" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117669" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει">he has</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117670" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117668" strongs="531" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀπαράβατος" text="ἀπαράβατον">a permanent</w>
<w OGNTsort="117671" strongs="2420" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἱερωσύνη" text="ἱερωσύνην">priesthood.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:25">
<Greek>ὅθεν καὶ σῴζειν εἰς τὸ παντελὲς δύναται τοὺς προσερχομένους δι᾽ αὐτοῦ τῷ Θεῷ πάντοτε ζῶν εἰς τὸ ἐντυγχάνειν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 25</preText>
<ULB>Therefore he is also able to save completely those who approach God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore he also to completely those who approach through him, because he always to for them.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117672" strongs="3606" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅθεν" text="ὅθεν">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="117673" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117678" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύναται">he is [1] able</w>
<w OGNTsort="117674" strongs="4982" morph="V-PAN" lemma="σῴζω" text="σῴζειν">to save</w>
<w OGNTsort="117675" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117676" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117677" strongs="3838" morph="A-ASN" lemma="παντελής" text="παντελὲς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117679" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="117680" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNP-APM" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσερχομένους">who approach</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117683" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117684" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117681" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="117682" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">him,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117685" strongs="3842" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοτε" sub="[2]" text="πάντοτε">always</w>
<w OGNTsort="117686" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶν">because he [2] lives</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117687" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117688" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117689" strongs="1793" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἐντυγχάνω" text="ἐντυγχάνειν">to intercede</w>
<w OGNTsort="117690" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="117691" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:26">
<Greek>Τοιοῦτος γὰρ ἡμῖν καὶ ἔπρεπεν ἀρχιερεύς ὅσιος ἄκακος ἀμίαντος κεχωρισμένος ἀπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν καὶ ὑψηλότερος τῶν οὐρανῶν γενόμενος</Greek>
<preText>\v 26</preText>
<ULB>For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, who is holy, innocent, pure, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.</ULB>
<residue>For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a , who is , , pure, separated from , and exalted above the heavens.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117693" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117696" strongs="4241" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="πρέπω" text="ἔπρεπεν">it was indeed fitting</w>
<w OGNTsort="117694" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>that we should have</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117695" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117692" strongs="5108" morph="D-NSM" lemma="τοιοῦτος" text="Τοιοῦτος">such</w>
<w OGNTsort="117697" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεύς">a high priest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117709" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-NSM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενόμενος">who is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117698" strongs="3741" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ὅσιος" text="ὅσιος">holy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117699" strongs="172" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄκακος" text="ἄκακος">innocent,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117700" strongs="283" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἀμίαντος" text="ἀμίαντος">pure,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117701" strongs="5563" morph="V-RPP-NSM" lemma="χωρίζω" text="κεχωρισμένος">separated</w>
<w OGNTsort="117702" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117703" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117704" strongs="268" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἁμαρτωλός" text="ἁμαρτωλῶν">sinners,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117705" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117706" strongs="5308" morph="A-NSM-C" lemma="ὑψηλός" text="ὑψηλότερος">exalted above</w>
<w OGNTsort="117707" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117708" strongs="3772" morph="N-GPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανῶν">heavens.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:27">
<Greek>ὃς οὐκ ἔχει καθ᾽ ἡμέραν ἀνάγκην ὥσπερ οἱ ἀρχιερεῖς πρότερον ὑπὲρ τῶν ἰδίων ἁμαρτιῶν θυσίας ἀναφέρειν ἔπειτα τῶν τοῦ λαοῦ τοῦτο γὰρ ἐποίησεν ἐφάπαξ ἑαυτὸν ἀνενέγκας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 27</preText>
<ULB>He does not need, unlike the high priests, to offer up daily sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He did this once for all when he offered himself.</ULB>
<residue>He does not need, the , to offer up , first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the . He did this once for all when he himself.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117710" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">He</w>
<w OGNTsort="117711" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117712" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117715" strongs="318" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀνάγκη" text="ἀνάγκην"></w>
<phraseWords>does [1] need,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117716" strongs="5618" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥσπερ" text="ὥσπερ">unlike</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117717" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117718" strongs="749" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεῖς">high priests,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117725" strongs="399" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀναφέρω" text="ἀναφέρειν">to offer up</w>
<w OGNTsort="117713" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117714" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117724" strongs="2378" morph="N-APF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίας">sacrifices,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117719" strongs="4387" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="πρότερος" text="πρότερον">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="117720" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117721" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117722" strongs="2398" morph="A-GPF" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίων">his own</w>
<w OGNTsort="117723" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117726" strongs="1899" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔπειτα" text="ἔπειτα">and then</w>
<w>for the sins</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117727" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117728" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117729" strongs="2992" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαοῦ">people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117730" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117731" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117732" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ἐποίησεν">He did this</w>
<w OGNTsort="117733" strongs="2178" morph="ADV" lemma="ἐφάπαξ" text="ἐφάπαξ">once for all</w>
<w OGNTsort="117735" strongs="399" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="ἀναφέρω" text="ἀνενέγκας">when he offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="117734" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτὸν">himself.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 7:28">
<Greek>ὁ νόμος γὰρ ἀνθρώπους καθίστησιν ἀρχιερεῖς ἔχοντας ἀσθένειαν ὁ λόγος δὲ τῆς ὁρκωμοσίας τῆς μετὰ τὸν νόμον Υἱόν εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τετελειωμένον</Greek>
<preText>\v 28</preText>
<ULB>For the law appoints as high priests men who have weaknesses. But the word of the oath, which came after the law, appointed a Son, who has been made perfect forever.</ULB>
<residue>For appoints as men who have weaknesses. But the of the , which came after , a Son, who has been made .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117738" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117736" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117737" strongs="3551" morph="N-NSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμος">law</w>
<w OGNTsort="117740" strongs="2525" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="καθίστημι" text="καθίστησιν">appoints as</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117741" strongs="749" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεῖς">high priests</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117739" strongs="444" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώπους">men</w>
<w OGNTsort="117742" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντας">who have</w>
<w OGNTsort="117743" strongs="769" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀσθένεια" text="ἀσθένειαν">weaknesses.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117746" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="117744" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117745" strongs="3056" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγος">word</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117747" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117748" strongs="3728" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὁρκωμοσία" text="ὁρκωμοσίας">oath,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117749" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>which came</w>
<w OGNTsort="117750" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="117751" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117752" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">law,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117753" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱόν">a Son,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117757" strongs="5048" morph="V-RPP-ASM" lemma="τελειόω" text="τετελειωμένον">who has been made perfect</w>
<w OGNTsort="117754" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117755" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117756" strongs="165" morph="N-ASM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνα"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.8">
<verse name="Hebrews 8:1">
<Greek>Κεφάλαιον δὲ ἐπὶ τοῖς λεγομένοις τοιοῦτον ἔχομεν ἀρχιερέα ὃς ἐκάθισεν ἐν δεξιᾷ τοῦ θρόνου τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 8 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Now the point of what we are saying is this: We have a high priest who has sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.</ULB>
<residue>Now the point of what we are saying is this: We have a who has sat down at the of the of the Majesty in the heavens.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117759" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="117758" strongs="2774" morph="N-NSN" lemma="κεφάλαιος" text="Κεφάλαιον">the point</w>
<w OGNTsort="117760" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117761" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117762" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPP-DPN" lemma="λέγω" text="λεγομένοις"></w>
<phraseWords>of what we are saying</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117763" strongs="5108" morph="D-ASM" lemma="τοιοῦτος" text="τοιοῦτον">this:</w>
<w OGNTsort="117764" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχομεν">We have</w>
<w OGNTsort="117765" strongs="749" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερέα">a high priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="117766" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="117767" strongs="2523" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καθίζω" text="ἐκάθισεν">has sat down</w>
<w OGNTsort="117768" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="117769" strongs="1188" morph="A-DSF" lemma="δεξιός" text="δεξιᾷ">the right hand</w>
<w OGNTsort="117770" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117771" strongs="2362" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θρόνος" text="θρόνου">throne</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117772" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117773" strongs="3172" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μεγαλωσύνη" text="Μεγαλωσύνης">Majesty</w>
<w OGNTsort="117774" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="117775" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117776" strongs="3772" morph="N-DPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοῖς">heavens.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:2">
<Greek>τῶν ἁγίων λειτουργὸς καὶ τῆς σκηνῆς τῆς ἀληθινῆς ἣν ἔπηξεν ὁ Κύριος οὐκ ἄνθρωπος</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>He is a servant in the holy place, the true tabernacle that the Lord, not a man, set up.</ULB>
<residue>He is a in the , the that the , not a man, set up.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>He is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117779" strongs="3011" morph="N-NSM" lemma="λειτουργός" text="λειτουργὸς">a servant</w>
<w OGNTsort="117777" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">in the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117778" strongs="40" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων">holy place,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117780" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117781" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117783" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117784" strongs="228" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἀληθινός" text="ἀληθινῆς">true</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117782" strongs="4633" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνῆς">tabernacle</w>
<w OGNTsort="117785" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117787" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117788" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">Lord,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117789" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117790" strongs="444" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἄνθρωπος">a man,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117786" strongs="4078" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="πήγνυμι" text="ἔπηξεν">set up.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:3">
<Greek>Πᾶς γὰρ ἀρχιερεὺς εἰς τὸ προσφέρειν δῶρά τε καὶ θυσίας καθίσταται ὅθεν ἀναγκαῖον ἔχειν τι καὶ τοῦτον ὃ προσενέγκῃ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary to have something to offer.</ULB>
<residue>For every is to both gifts and . Therefore it is necessary to have something to offer.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117792" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117791" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="Πᾶς">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117793" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117801" strongs="2525" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="καθίστημι" text="καθίσταται">is appointed</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117794" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117795" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117796" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAN" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρειν">to offer</w>
<w OGNTsort="117798" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">both</w>
<w OGNTsort="117797" strongs="1435" morph="N-APN" lemma="δῶρον" text="δῶρά">gifts</w>
<w OGNTsort="117799" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117800" strongs="2378" morph="N-APF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίας">sacrifices.</w>
<w OGNTsort="117802" strongs="3606" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅθεν" text="ὅθεν">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="117803" strongs="316" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀναγκαῖος" text="ἀναγκαῖον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117804" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν"></w>
<phraseWords>it is necessary</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117806" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117807" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASM" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτον"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117805" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" sub="[1]" text="τι">something</w>
<w OGNTsort="117808" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117809" strongs="4374" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσενέγκῃ"></w>
<phraseWords>to have [1] to offer.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:4">
<Greek>εἰ μὲν οὖν ἦν ἐπὶ γῆς οὐδ᾽ ἂν ἦν ἱερεύς ὄντων τῶν προσφερόντων κατὰ νόμον τὰ δῶρα</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>Now if Christ were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the law.</ULB>
<residue>Now if Christ were on , he would not be a at all, since there are those who offer the according to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117811" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117812" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117810" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="117813" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">were</w>
<w OGNTsort="117814" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117815" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς">earth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117816" strongs="3761" morph="ADV" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117817" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117818" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117819" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεύς"></w>
<phraseWords>he would not be a priest at all,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117820" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντων">since there are</w>
<w OGNTsort="117821" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="117822" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφερόντων">who offer</w>
<w OGNTsort="117825" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117826" strongs="1435" morph="N-APN" lemma="δῶρον" text="δῶρα">gifts</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117823" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117824" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">the law.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:5">
<Greek>οἵτινες ὑποδείγματι καὶ σκιᾷ λατρεύουσιν τῶν ἐπουρανίων καθὼς κεχρημάτισται Μωϋσῆς μέλλων ἐπιτελεῖν τὴν σκηνήν Ὅρα γάρ φησίν Ποιήσεις πάντα κατὰ τὸν τύπον τὸν δειχθέντα σοι ἐν τῷ ὄρει</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. It is just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to construct the tabernacle: God said, "See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown to you on the mountain."</ULB>
<residue>They a copy and of the heavenly things. It is just as was by God when he was about to construct the : God said, "See that you make everything the pattern that was shown to you on the mountain."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117827" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPM" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="οἵτινες">They</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117831" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύουσιν">serve</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117828" strongs="5262" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὑπόδειγμα" text="ὑποδείγματι">a copy</w>
<w OGNTsort="117829" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117830" strongs="4639" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σκιά" text="σκιᾷ">shadow</w>
<w OGNTsort="117832" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117833" strongs="2032" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουρανίων">heavenly things.</w>
<w>It is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117834" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">just as</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117836" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117835" strongs="5537" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="χρηματίζω" text="κεχρημάτισται">was warned</w>
<w>by God</w>
<w OGNTsort="117837" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλων">when he was about</w>
<w OGNTsort="117838" strongs="2005" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἐπιτελέω" text="ἐπιτελεῖν">to construct</w>
<w OGNTsort="117839" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117840" strongs="4633" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνήν">tabernacle:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117842" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γάρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117843" strongs="5346" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="φημί" text="φησίν">said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117841" strongs="3708" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ὁράω" text="Ὅρα">"See that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117844" strongs="4160" morph="V-FAI-2S" lemma="ποιέω" text="Ποιήσεις">you make</w>
<w OGNTsort="117845" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="117846" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="117847" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117848" strongs="5179" morph="N-ASM" lemma="τύπος" text="τύπον">pattern</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117849" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117850" strongs="1166" morph="V-APP-ASM" lemma="δεικνύω" text="δειχθέντα">that was shown</w>
<w OGNTsort="117851" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">to you</w>
<w OGNTsort="117852" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117853" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117854" strongs="3735" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὄρος" text="ὄρει">mountain."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:6">
<Greek>Νυνὶ δὲ διαφορωτέρας τέτυχεν λειτουργίας ὅσῳ καὶ κρείττονός ἐστιν διαθήκης μεσίτης ἥτις ἐπὶ κρείττοσιν ἐπαγγελίαις νενομοθέτηται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>But now Christ has received a much better ministry, just as he is also the mediator of a better covenant, which is based on better promises.</ULB>
<residue>But now Christ has a much better , just as he is also the of a better , which is based on better .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117856" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="117855" strongs="3570" morph="ADV" lemma="νυνί" text="Νυνὶ">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="117858" strongs="5177" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="τυγχάνω" text="τέτυχεν">has received</w>
<w OGNTsort="117857" strongs="1313" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="διάφορος" text="διαφορωτέρας">a much better</w>
<w OGNTsort="117859" strongs="3009" morph="N-GSF" lemma="λειτουργία" text="λειτουργίας">ministry,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117860" strongs="3745" morph="K-DSN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσῳ">just as</w>
<w OGNTsort="117863" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστιν">he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="117861" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="117865" strongs="3316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="μεσίτης" text="μεσίτης">the mediator</w>
<w OGNTsort="117862" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονός">of a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="117864" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117866" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="117870" strongs="3549" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="νομοθετέω" text="νενομοθέτηται">is based</w>
<w OGNTsort="117867" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117868" strongs="2908" morph="A-DPF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττοσιν">better</w>
<w OGNTsort="117869" strongs="1860" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίαις">promises.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:7">
<Greek>εἰ γὰρ ἡ πρώτη ἐκείνη ἦν ἄμεμπτος οὐκ ἂν δευτέρας ἐζητεῖτο τόπος</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>For if that first covenant had been faultless, no occasion for a second would have been sought.</ULB>
<residue>For if that first covenant had been , no occasion for a second would have been .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117872" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117871" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="117875" strongs="1565" morph="D-NSF" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνη">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117873" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117874" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτη">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="117876" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">had been</w>
<w OGNTsort="117877" strongs="273" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ἄμεμπτος" text="ἄμεμπτος">faultless,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117878" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117882" strongs="5117" morph="N-NSM" lemma="τόπος" text="τόπος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117879" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
<phraseWords>no occasion</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117880" strongs="1208" morph="A-GSF" lemma="δεύτερος" text="δευτέρας">for a second</w>
<w OGNTsort="117881" strongs="2212" morph="V-IPI-3S" lemma="ζητέω" text="ἐζητεῖτο">would have been sought.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:8">
<Greek>μεμφόμενος γὰρ αὐτοὺς λέγει Ἰδοὺ ἡμέραι ἔρχονται λέγει Κύριος καὶ συντελέσω ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον Ἰσραὴλ καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον Ἰούδα διαθήκην καινήν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>For when God found fault with the people, he said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "See, the days are coming—says the Lord— <usfm>\q</usfm> when I will make a new covenant <usfm>\q2</usfm> with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.</ULB>
<residue>For when God found fault with the people, he said, "See, the are coming—says the — when I will make a with the of and with the of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117884" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w sub="[1]">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="117883" strongs="3201" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="μέμφομαι" text="μεμφόμενος">when [1] found fault</w>
<w>with the people,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117885" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117886" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">he said,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117887" strongs="2400" morph="INJ" lemma="ἰδού" text="Ἰδοὺ">"See,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117888" strongs="2250" morph="N-NPF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραι">the days</w>
<w OGNTsort="117889" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNI-3P" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχονται">are coming—</w>
<w OGNTsort="117890" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says</w>
<w OGNTsort="117891" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord—</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117892" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">when</w>
<w OGNTsort="117893" strongs="4931" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="συντελέω" text="συντελέσω">I will make</w>
<w OGNTsort="117904" strongs="2537" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καινός" text="καινήν">a new</w>
<w OGNTsort="117903" strongs="1242" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκην">covenant</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117894" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="117895" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117896" strongs="3624" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκον">house</w>
<w OGNTsort="117897" strongs="2474" morph="N-GSM-L" lemma="Ἰσραήλ" text="Ἰσραὴλ">of Israel</w>
<w OGNTsort="117898" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117899" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="117900" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117901" strongs="3624" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκον">house</w>
<w OGNTsort="117902" strongs="2455" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰούδας" text="Ἰούδα">of Judah.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:9">
<Greek>οὐ κατὰ τὴν διαθήκην ἣν ἐποίησα τοῖς πατράσιν αὐτῶν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ἐπιλαβομένου μου τῆς χειρὸς αὐτῶν ἐξαγαγεῖν αὐτοὺς ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου ὅτι αὐτοὶ οὐκ ἐνέμειναν ἐν τῇ διαθήκῃ μου κἀγὼ ἠμέλησα αὐτῶν λέγει Κύριος</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 9</preText>
<ULB>It will not be like the covenant <usfm>\q2</usfm> that I made with their ancestors <usfm>\q</usfm> on the day that I took them by their hand <usfm>\q2</usfm> to lead them out of the land of Egypt. <usfm>\q</usfm> For they did not carefully obey my covenant, <usfm>\q2</usfm> and I disregarded them— <usfm>\q</usfm> says the Lord.</ULB>
<residue>It will not be like the that I made with their on the that I took them by their to lead them out of the of . For they did not carefully obey my , and I disregarded them— says the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117905" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w>It will [1] be</w>
<w OGNTsort="117906" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">like</w>
<w OGNTsort="117907" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117908" strongs="1242" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκην">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117909" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117910" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ἐποίησα">I made</w>
<w OGNTsort="117913" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">with their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117911" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117912" strongs="3962" morph="N-DPM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατράσιν">ancestors</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117914" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117915" strongs="2250" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρᾳ">the day</w>
<w OGNTsort="117917" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117916" strongs="1949" morph="V-2ADP-GSM" lemma="ἐπιλαμβάνω" text="ἐπιλαβομένου"></w>
<phraseWords>that I took them</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117920" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">by their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117918" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117919" strongs="5495" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χείρ" text="χειρὸς">hand</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117921" strongs="1806" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἐξάγω" text="ἐξαγαγεῖν">to lead</w>
<w OGNTsort="117922" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="117923" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">out</w>
<w OGNTsort="117924" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς">of the land</w>
<w OGNTsort="117925" strongs="125" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Αἴγυπτος" text="Αἰγύπτου">of Egypt.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117926" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117927" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="117928" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="117929" strongs="1696" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="ἐμμένω" text="ἐνέμειναν">did [1] carefully obey</w>
<w OGNTsort="117930" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117931" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117933" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="117932" strongs="1242" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκῃ">covenant,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117934" strongs="2504" morph="P-1NS-K" lemma="κἀγώ" text="κἀγὼ">and I</w>
<w OGNTsort="117935" strongs="272" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ἀμελέω" text="ἠμέλησα">disregarded</w>
<w OGNTsort="117936" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">them—</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117937" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says</w>
<w OGNTsort="117938" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:10">
<Greek>ὅτι αὕτη ἡ διαθήκη ἣν διαθήσομαι τῷ οἴκῳ Ἰσραὴλ μετὰ τὰς ἡμέρας ἐκείνας λέγει Κύριος διδοὺς νόμους μου εἰς τὴν διάνοιαν αὐτῶν καὶ ἐπὶ καρδίας αὐτῶν ἐπιγράψω αὐτούς καὶ ἔσομαι αὐτοῖς εἰς Θεόν καὶ αὐτοὶ ἔσονταί μοι εἰς λαόν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 10</preText>
<ULB>This is the covenant <usfm>\q2</usfm> that I will make with the house of Israel <usfm>\q</usfm> after those days <usfm>\q2</usfm> —says the Lord. <usfm>\q</usfm> I will put my laws into their minds, <usfm>\q</usfm> and I will also write them on their hearts. <usfm>\q</usfm> I will be their God, <usfm>\q</usfm> and they will be my people.</ULB>
<residue>This is the that I will make with the after those —says the . I will put my into their minds, and I will also write them on their . I will be their , and they will be .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117939" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117940" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="αὕτη">This</w>
<w OGNTsort="117941" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117942" strongs="1242" morph="N-NSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκη">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117943" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="117944" strongs="1303" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="διατίθημι" text="διαθήσομαι">I will make</w>
<w OGNTsort="117945" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">with the </w>
<w OGNTsort="117946" strongs="3624" morph="N-DSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκῳ">house</w>
<w OGNTsort="117947" strongs="2474" morph="N-GSM-L" lemma="Ἰσραήλ" text="Ἰσραὴλ">of Israel</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117948" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="117951" strongs="1565" morph="D-APF" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνας">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="117949" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117950" strongs="2250" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">days</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117952" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">—says</w>
<comment>The em dash should go after "days," not here.</comment>
<w OGNTsort="117953" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117954" strongs="1325" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="δίδωμι" text="διδοὺς">I will put</w>
<w OGNTsort="117956" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="117955" strongs="3551" morph="N-APM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμους">laws</w>
<w OGNTsort="117957" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="117958" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117960" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="117959" strongs="1271" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διάνοια" text="διάνοιαν">minds.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117961" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117965" strongs="1924" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="ἐπιγράφω" text="ἐπιγράψω">I will also write</w>
<w OGNTsort="117966" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτούς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="117962" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="117964" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="117963" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117967" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117968" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσομαι">I will be</w>
<w OGNTsort="117970" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117969" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="117971" strongs="2316" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεόν">God</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117972" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117973" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="117974" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσονταί">will be</w>
<w OGNTsort="117976" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117975" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μοι">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="117977" strongs="2992" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λαός" text="λαόν">people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:11">
<Greek>καὶ οὐ μὴ διδάξωσιν ἕκαστος τὸν πολίτην αὐτοῦ καὶ ἕκαστος τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ λέγων Γνῶθι τὸν Κύριον ὅτι πάντες εἰδήσουσίν με ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕως μεγάλου αὐτῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 11</preText>
<ULB>They will not teach each one his fellow citizen <usfm>\q</usfm> and each one his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord.' <usfm>\q</usfm> For they will all know me, <usfm>\q</usfm> from the least of them to the greatest.</ULB>
<residue>They will not each one his fellow and each one his , saying, 'Know the .' For they will all me, from the least of them to the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="117978" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117979" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117980" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">will not</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="117981" strongs="1321" morph="V-AAS-3P" lemma="διδάσκω" text="διδάξωσιν">They [1] teach</w>
<w OGNTsort="117982" strongs="1538" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστος">each one</w>
<w OGNTsort="117985" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117983" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117984" strongs="4177" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πολίτης" text="πολίτην">fellow citizen</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117986" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="117987" strongs="1538" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστος">each one</w>
<w OGNTsort="117990" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="117988" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="117989" strongs="80" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφὸν">brother,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117991" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">saying,</w>
<w OGNTsort="117992" strongs="1097" morph="V-2AAM-2S" lemma="γινώσκω" text="Γνῶθι">'Know</w>
<w OGNTsort="117993" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="117994" strongs="2962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριον">Lord.'</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117995" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="117996" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" sub="[1]" text="πάντες">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="117997" strongs="1492" morph="V-FAI-3P" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἰδήσουσίν">they will [1] know</w>
<w OGNTsort="117998" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="με">me,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="117999" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="118000" strongs="3398" morph="A-GSM" lemma="μικρός" text="μικροῦ">the least</w>
<w OGNTsort="118003" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">of them</w>
<w OGNTsort="118001" strongs="2193" morph="PREP" lemma="ἕως" text="ἕως">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118002" strongs="3173" morph="A-GSM" lemma="μέγας" text="μεγάλου">the greatest.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:12">
<Greek>ὅτι ἵλεως ἔσομαι ταῖς ἀδικίαις αὐτῶν καὶ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν οὐ μὴ μνησθῶ ἔτι</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 12</preText>
<ULB>For I will be merciful toward their evil deeds, <usfm>\q</usfm> and their sins I will not remember any longer."</ULB>
<residue>For I will be toward their , and their I will not remember any longer."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118004" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118006" strongs="1510" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔσομαι">I will be</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118005" strongs="2436" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἵλεως" text="ἵλεως">merciful</w>
<w OGNTsort="118007" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118009" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">toward their</w>
<w OGNTsort="118008" strongs="93" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἀδικία" text="ἀδικίαις">evil deeds,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118010" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118013" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118011" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118012" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118014" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118015" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">not</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118016" strongs="3403" morph="V-APS-1S" lemma="μιμνήσκω" text="μνησθῶ">I will [1] remember</w>
<w OGNTsort="118017" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">any longer."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 8:13">
<Greek>Ἐν τῷ λέγειν Καινὴν πεπαλαίωκεν τὴν πρώτην τὸ δὲ παλαιούμενον καὶ γηράσκον ἐγγὺς ἀφανισμοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 13</preText>
<ULB>By calling this covenant "new," he declared the first covenant to be obsolete, and what has become obsolete and old will soon disappear.</ULB>
<residue>By calling this covenant "new," he the first covenant to be obsolete, and what has become obsolete and old will soon disappear.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118018" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="Ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118019" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118020" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγειν"></w>
<phraseWords>By calling</phraseWords>
<w>this covenant</w>
<w OGNTsort="118021" strongs="2537" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καινός" text="Καινὴν">"new,"</w>
<w OGNTsort="118023" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118024" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πρῶτος" sub="[2]" text="πρώτην">first</w>
<w sub="[3]">covenant</w>
<w OGNTsort="118022" strongs="3822" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="παλαιόω" text="πεπαλαίωκεν">he declared [1] [2] [3] to be obsolete,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118026" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118025" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118027" strongs="3822" morph="V-PPP-NSN" lemma="παλαιόω" text="παλαιούμενον">what has become obsolete</w>
<w OGNTsort="118028" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118029" strongs="1095" morph="V-PAP-NSN" lemma="γηράσκω" text="γηράσκον">old</w>
<w OGNTsort="118030" strongs="1451" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐγγύς" sub="[4]" text="ἐγγὺς">soon</w>
<w OGNTsort="118031" strongs="854" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἀφανισμός" text="ἀφανισμοῦ">will [4] disappear.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.9">
<verse name="Hebrews 9:1">
<Greek>Εἶχε μὲν οὖν καὶ ἡ πρώτη δικαιώματα λατρείας τό τε ἅγιον κοσμικόν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 9 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary.</ULB>
<residue>Now even the first covenant had regulations for and an sanctuary.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118034" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="118033" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν">even</w>
<w OGNTsort="118036" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118037" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτη">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="118032" strongs="2192" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="Εἶχε">had</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118035" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118038" strongs="1345" morph="N-APN" lemma="δικαίωμα" text="δικαιώματα">regulations</w>
<w OGNTsort="118039" strongs="2999" morph="N-GSF" lemma="λατρεία" text="λατρείας">for worship</w>
<w OGNTsort="118041" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118040" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τό"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118043" strongs="2886" morph="A-ASN" lemma="κοσμικός" text="κοσμικόν">an earthly</w>
<w OGNTsort="118042" strongs="40" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγιον">sanctuary.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:2">
<Greek>σκηνὴ γὰρ κατεσκευάσθη ἡ πρώτη ἐν ᾗ ἥ τε λυχνία καὶ ἡ τράπεζα καὶ ἡ πρόθεσις τῶν ἄρτων ἥτις λέγεται Ἅγια</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>For a tabernacle was prepared. The first room, in which were the lampstand, the table, and the bread of the presence, was called the holy place.</ULB>
<residue>For a was prepared. The first room, in which were the , the table, and the of the presence, was the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118045" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118044" strongs="4633" morph="N-NSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνὴ">a tabernacle</w>
<w OGNTsort="118046" strongs="2680" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατεσκευάσθη">was prepared.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118047" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">The</w>
<w OGNTsort="118048" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτη">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="118049" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118050" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾗ">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="118051" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἥ">were</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118052" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118053" strongs="3087" morph="N-NSF" lemma="λυχνία" text="λυχνία">the lampstand,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118054" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118055" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118056" strongs="5132" morph="N-NSF" lemma="τράπεζα" text="τράπεζα">table,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118057" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118058" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118060" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118061" strongs="740" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄρτος" text="ἄρτων">bread</w>
<w OGNTsort="118059" strongs="4286" morph="N-NSF" lemma="πρόθεσις" text="πρόθεσις">of the presence,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118062" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118063" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγεται">was called</w>
<w OGNTsort="118064" strongs="40" morph="A-NPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἅγια">the holy place.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:3">
<Greek>μετὰ δὲ τὸ δεύτερον καταπέτασμα σκηνὴ ἡ λεγομένη Ἅγια ἁγίων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>Behind the second curtain was another room in the tabernacle, called the most holy place.</ULB>
<residue>Behind the second was another room in the , the most .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118065" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">Behind</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118066" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118067" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118068" strongs="1208" morph="A-ASN" lemma="δεύτερος" text="δεύτερον">second</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118069" strongs="2665" morph="N-ASN" lemma="καταπέτασμα" text="καταπέτασμα">curtain</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>was another room in the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118070" strongs="4633" morph="N-NSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνὴ">tabernacle,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118071" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118072" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPP-NSF" lemma="λέγω" text="λεγομένη">called</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118073" strongs="40" morph="A-NPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἅγια"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118074" strongs="40" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων"></w>
<phraseWords>the most holy place.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:4">
<Greek>χρυσοῦν ἔχουσα θυμιατήριον καὶ τὴν κιβωτὸν τῆς διαθήκης περικεκαλυμμένην πάντοθεν χρυσίῳ ἐν ᾗ στάμνος χρυσῆ ἔχουσα τὸ μάννα καὶ ἡ ῥάβδος Ἀαρὼν ἡ βλαστήσασα καὶ αἱ πλάκες τῆς διαθήκης</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>It had a golden altar for incense. It also had the ark of the covenant, which was completely overlaid with gold. Inside it was a golden jar that held the manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant.</ULB>
<residue>It had a altar for . It also had the of the , which was completely overlaid with . Inside it was a jar that held the , that budded, and the tablets of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118076" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσα">It had</w>
<w OGNTsort="118075" strongs="5552" morph="A-ASN" lemma="χρύσεος" text="χρυσοῦν">a golden</w>
<w OGNTsort="118077" strongs="2369" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θυμιατήριον" text="θυμιατήριον">altar for incense.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118078" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" sub="[1]" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w>It [1] had</w>
<w OGNTsort="118079" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118080" strongs="2787" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κιβωτός" text="κιβωτὸν">ark</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118081" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118082" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118084" strongs="3840" morph="ADV" lemma="πάντοθεν" sub="[1]" text="πάντοθεν">completely</w>
<w OGNTsort="118083" strongs="4028" morph="V-RPP-ASF" lemma="περικαλύπτω" text="περικεκαλυμμένην">which was [1] overlaid</w>
<w OGNTsort="118085" strongs="5553" morph="N-DSN" lemma="χρυσίον" text="χρυσίῳ">with gold.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118086" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">Inside it</w>
<w OGNTsort="118087" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾗ">was</w>
<w OGNTsort="118089" strongs="5552" morph="A-NSF" lemma="χρύσεος" text="χρυσῆ">a golden</w>
<w OGNTsort="118088" strongs="4713" morph="N-NSF" lemma="στάμνος" text="στάμνος">jar</w>
<w OGNTsort="118090" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσα">that held</w>
<w OGNTsort="118091" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118092" strongs="3131" morph="HEB" lemma="μάννα" text="μάννα">manna,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118093" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118094" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118096" strongs="2" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἀαρών" text="Ἀαρὼν">Aaron's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118095" strongs="4464" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ῥάβδος" text="ῥάβδος">rod</w>
<w OGNTsort="118097" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118098" strongs="985" morph="V-AAP-NSF" lemma="βλαστάνω" text="βλαστήσασα">budded,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118099" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118100" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPF" lemma="ὁ" text="αἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118101" strongs="4109" morph="N-NPF" lemma="πλάξ" text="πλάκες">tablets</w>
<w OGNTsort="118102" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118103" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:5">
<Greek>ὑπεράνω δὲ αὐτῆς Χερουβὶν δόξης κατασκιάζοντα τὸ ἱλαστήριον περὶ ὧν οὐκ ἔστιν νῦν λέγειν κατὰ μέρος</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>Above the ark of the covenant, glorious cherubim overshadowed the atonement lid, which we cannot now talk about in detail.</ULB>
<residue>Above the ark of the covenant, the , which we cannot now talk about in detail.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118104" strongs="5231" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπεράνω" text="ὑπεράνω">Above</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118105" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>the ark of the covenant,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118106" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118108" strongs="1391" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξης">glorious</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118107" strongs="5502" morph="N-NPN-T" lemma="χερουβίμ" text="Χερουβὶν">cherubim</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118109" strongs="2683" morph="V-PAP-NPN" lemma="κατασκιάζω" text="κατασκιάζοντα">overshadowed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118110" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118111" strongs="2435" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἱλαστήριος" text="ἱλαστήριον">atonement lid,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118113" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="118114" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118115" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118116" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118117" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγειν"></w>
<phraseWords>we cannot now talk</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118112" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="118118" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118119" strongs="3313" morph="N-ASN" lemma="μέρος" text="μέρος">detail.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:6">
<Greek>Τούτων δὲ οὕτως κατεσκευασμένων εἰς μὲν τὴν πρώτην σκηνὴν διὰ παντὸς εἰσίασιν οἱ ἱερεῖς τὰς λατρείας ἐπιτελοῦντες</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 6</preText>
<ULB>After these things were prepared, the priests always entered the outer room of the tabernacle to perform their services.</ULB>
<residue>After these things were prepared, the always entered the outer room of the to perform their .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118121" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118120" strongs="3778" morph="D-GPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Τούτων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118123" strongs="2680" morph="V-RPP-GPN" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατεσκευασμένων"></w>
<phraseWords>After these things were prepared,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118122" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118132" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118133" strongs="2409" morph="N-NPM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεῖς">priests</w>
<w OGNTsort="118129" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118130" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118131" strongs="1524" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἴσειμι" text="εἰσίασιν">entered</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118124" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118125" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118126" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118127" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτην">outer</w>
<w OGNTsort="118128" strongs="4633" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνὴν">room</w>
<w>of the tabernacle</w>
<w OGNTsort="118136" strongs="2005" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἐπιτελέω" text="ἐπιτελοῦντες">to perform</w>
<w OGNTsort="118134" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="118135" strongs="2999" morph="N-APF" lemma="λατρεία" text="λατρείας">services.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:7">
<Greek>εἰς δὲ τὴν δευτέραν ἅπαξ τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ μόνος ὁ ἀρχιερεύς οὐ χωρὶς αἵματος ὃ προσφέρει ὑπὲρ ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν τοῦ λαοῦ ἀγνοημάτων</Greek>
<preText>\v 7</preText>
<ULB>But only the high priest entered the second room, once each year, and not without blood that he offered for himself and for the people's unintentional sins.</ULB>
<residue>But only the entered the second room, once each , and not without that he offered for himself and for the unintentional sins.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118138" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="118144" strongs="3441" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνος">only</w>
<w OGNTsort="118145" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118146" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεύς">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118137" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118139" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118140" strongs="1208" morph="A-ASF" lemma="δεύτερος" text="δευτέραν">second</w>
<w OGNTsort="118141" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ">once</w>
<w OGNTsort="118142" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118143" strongs="1763" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἐνιαυτός" text="ἐνιαυτοῦ"></w>
<phraseWords>each year,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118147" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118148" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118149" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118150" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118151" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρει">he offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118152" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118153" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="118154" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118155" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">for the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118156" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118157" strongs="2992" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαοῦ">people's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118158" strongs="51" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἀγνόημα" text="ἀγνοημάτων">unintentional sins.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:8">
<Greek>Τοῦτο δηλοῦντος τοῦ Πνεύματος τοῦ Ἁγίου μήπω πεφανερῶσθαι τὴν τῶν ἁγίων ὁδὸν ἔτι τῆς πρώτης σκηνῆς ἐχούσης στάσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>The Holy Spirit showed that as long as the first tabernacle was still standing the way into the most holy place had not yet appeared.</ULB>
<residue>The showed that as long as the first was still standing the way into the most had not yet appeared.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118161" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118163" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118164" strongs="40" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἁγίου">Holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="118162" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεύματος">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="118159" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118160" strongs="1213" morph="V-PAP-GSN" lemma="δηλόω" text="δηλοῦντος">showed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118171" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">as long as</w>
<w OGNTsort="118172" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118173" strongs="4413" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτης">first</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118174" strongs="4633" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνῆς">tabernacle</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118175" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-GSF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἐχούσης"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118176" strongs="4714" morph="N-ASF" lemma="στάσις" text="στάσιν"></w>
<phraseWords>was still standing</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118167" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118170" strongs="3598" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁδός" text="ὁδὸν">way</w>
<w OGNTsort="118168" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118169" strongs="40" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων">most holy place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118165" strongs="3380" morph="ADV" lemma="μήπω" sub="[1]" text="μήπω">not yet</w>
<w OGNTsort="118166" strongs="5319" morph="V-RPN" lemma="φανερόω" text="πεφανερῶσθαι">had [1] appeared.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:9">
<Greek>ἥτις παραβολὴ εἰς τὸν καιρὸν τὸν ἐνεστηκότα καθ᾽ ἣν δῶρά τε καὶ θυσίαι προσφέρονται μὴ δυνάμεναι κατὰ συνείδησιν τελειῶσαι τὸν λατρεύοντα</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>This was an illustration for the present time. Both the gifts and sacrifices that are now being offered are not able to perfect the worshiper's conscience.</ULB>
<residue>This an illustration for the present . Both the gifts and that are now being are not to the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118177" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">This</w>
<w OGNTsort="118178" strongs="3850" morph="N-NSF" lemma="παραβολή" text="παραβολὴ">an illustration</w>
<w OGNTsort="118179" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118180" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118182" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118183" strongs="1764" morph="V-RAP-ASM" lemma="ἐνίστημι" text="ἐνεστηκότα">present</w>
<w OGNTsort="118181" strongs="2540" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιρὸν">time.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118184" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118185" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118187" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">Both</w>
<w OGNTsort="118186" strongs="1435" morph="N-NPN" lemma="δῶρον" text="δῶρά">the gifts</w>
<w OGNTsort="118188" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118189" strongs="2378" morph="N-NPF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαι">sacrifices</w>
<comment>Consider "Both the gifts and the sacrifices."</comment>
<w OGNTsort="118190" strongs="4374" morph="V-PPI-3P" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρονται">that are now being offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118191" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118192" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNP-NPF" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δυνάμεναι">are [1] able</w>
<comment>"Are unable" might be more graceful.</comment>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118193" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118195" strongs="5048" morph="V-AAN" lemma="τελειόω" text="τελειῶσαι">to perfect</w>
<w OGNTsort="118196" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118197" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύοντα">worshiper's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118194" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">conscience.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:10">
<Greek>μόνον ἐπὶ βρώμασιν καὶ πόμασιν καὶ διαφόροις βαπτισμοῖς δικαιώματα σαρκὸς μέχρι καιροῦ διορθώσεως ἐπικείμενα</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>They are only concerned with food and drink and various ceremonial washings, regulations for the body until the time of the new order.</ULB>
<residue>They are only concerned with food and drink and various ceremonial washings, regulations for the until the of the new order.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118198" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" sub="[1]" text="μόνον">only</w>
<w>They are [1] concerned</w>
<w OGNTsort="118199" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118200" strongs="1033" morph="N-DPN" lemma="βρῶμα" text="βρώμασιν">food</w>
<w OGNTsort="118201" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118202" strongs="4188" morph="N-DPN" lemma="πόμα" text="πόμασιν">drink</w>
<w OGNTsort="118203" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118204" strongs="1313" morph="A-DPM" lemma="διάφορος" text="διαφόροις">various</w>
<w OGNTsort="118206" strongs="1345" morph="N-NPN" lemma="δικαίωμα" text="δικαιώματα">ceremonial</w>
<w OGNTsort="118205" strongs="909" morph="N-DPM" lemma="βαπτισμός" text="βαπτισμοῖς">washings,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118211" strongs="1945" morph="V-PNP-NPN" lemma="ἐπίκειμαι" text="ἐπικείμενα">regulations</w>
<w OGNTsort="118207" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκὸς">for the body</w>
<w OGNTsort="118208" strongs="3360" morph="PREP" lemma="μέχρι" text="μέχρι">until</w>
<w OGNTsort="118209" strongs="2540" morph="N-GSM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιροῦ">the time</w>
<w OGNTsort="118210" strongs="1357" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διόρθωσις" text="διορθώσεως">of the new order.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:11">
<Greek>Χριστὸς δὲ παραγενόμενος ἀρχιερεὺς τῶν γενομένων ἀγαθῶν διὰ τῆς μείζονος καὶ τελειοτέρας σκηνῆς οὐ χειροποιήτου τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν οὐ ταύτης τῆς κτίσεως</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 11</preText>
<ULB>Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have come. He went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that was not made by human hands, one not belonging to this created world. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa Christ came as a high priest of the good things that are to come \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>came as a of the that have come. He went through the and more that was not made by human hands, one not belonging to this world.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118212" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="118213" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118214" strongs="3854" morph="V-2ADP-NSM" lemma="παραγίνομαι" text="παραγενόμενος">came</w>
<w OGNTsort="118215" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">as a high priest</w>
<w OGNTsort="118216" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118218" strongs="18" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῶν">good things</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118217" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-GPN" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενομένων">that have come.</w>
<w>He went</w>
<w OGNTsort="118219" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="118220" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118221" strongs="3173" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="μέγας" text="μείζονος">greater</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118222" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118223" strongs="5046" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="τέλειος" text="τελειοτέρας">more perfect</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118224" strongs="4633" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνῆς">tabernacle</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118225" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w sub="[2]">human</w>
<w OGNTsort="118226" strongs="5499" morph="A-GSF" lemma="χειροποίητος" text="χειροποιήτου">that was [1] made by [2] hands,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118227" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118228" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118229" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w>belonging to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118230" strongs="3778" morph="D-GSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτης">this</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118231" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118232" strongs="2937" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κτίσις" text="κτίσεως">created world.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa Christ came as a high priest of the good things that are to come \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 9:12">
<Greek>οὐδὲ δι᾽ αἵματος τράγων καὶ μόσχων διὰ δὲ τοῦ ἰδίου αἵματος εἰσῆλθεν ἐφάπαξ εἰς τὰ ἅγια αἰωνίαν λύτρωσιν εὑράμενος</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>It was not by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood that he entered into the most holy place once for all and secured our eternal redemption.</ULB>
<residue>It was not by the of and , but by his own that he entered into the most once for all and secured our .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="118233" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118234" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="118235" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118236" strongs="5131" morph="N-GPM" lemma="τράγος" text="τράγων">of goats</w>
<w OGNTsort="118237" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118238" strongs="3448" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μόσχος" text="μόσχων">calves,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118240" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="118239" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118241" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118242" strongs="2398" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίου">his own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118243" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118244" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσῆλθεν">he entered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118246" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="118247" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118248" strongs="40" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγια">most holy place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118245" strongs="2178" morph="ADV" lemma="ἐφάπαξ" text="ἐφάπαξ">once for all</w>
<w OGNTsort="118251" strongs="2147" morph="V-2AMP-NSM" lemma="εὑρίσκω" text="εὑράμενος">secured</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118249" strongs="166" morph="A-ASF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίαν">eternal</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118250" strongs="3085" morph="N-ASF" lemma="λύτρωσις" text="λύτρωσιν">redemption.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:13">
<Greek>Εἰ γὰρ τὸ αἷμα τράγων καὶ ταύρων καὶ σποδὸς δαμάλεως ῥαντίζουσα τοὺς κεκοινωμένους ἁγιάζει πρὸς τὴν τῆς σαρκὸς καθαρότητα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 13</preText>
<ULB>For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of a heifer's ashes on those who have been defiled sanctifies them for the cleansing of their flesh,</ULB>
<residue>For if the of and and the sprinkling of a on those who have been defiled them for the of their ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118253" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118252" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="Εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="118254" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118255" strongs="129" morph="N-NSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118256" strongs="5131" morph="N-GPM" lemma="τράγος" text="τράγων">of goats</w>
<w OGNTsort="118257" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118258" strongs="5022" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ταῦρος" text="ταύρων">bulls</w>
<w OGNTsort="118259" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118262" strongs="4472" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="ῥαντίζω" text="ῥαντίζουσα">the sprinkling</w>
<w OGNTsort="118261" strongs="1151" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δάμαλις" text="δαμάλεως">of a heifer's</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118260" strongs="4700" morph="N-NSF" lemma="σποδός" text="σποδὸς">ashes</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118263" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">on those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118264" strongs="2840" morph="V-RPP-APM" lemma="κοινόω" text="κεκοινωμένους">who have been defiled</w>
<w OGNTsort="118265" strongs="37" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιάζει">sanctifies them</w>
<w OGNTsort="118266" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118267" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118270" strongs="2514" morph="N-ASF" lemma="καθαρότης" text="καθαρότητα">cleansing</w>
<w OGNTsort="118268" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of their</w>
<w OGNTsort="118269" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκὸς">flesh,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:14">
<Greek>πόσῳ μᾶλλον τὸ αἷμα τοῦ Χριστοῦ ὃς διὰ Πνεύματος αἰωνίου ἑαυτὸν προσήνεγκεν ἄμωμον τῷ Θεῷ καθαριεῖ τὴν συνείδησιν ἡμῶν ἀπὸ νεκρῶν ἔργων εἰς τὸ λατρεύειν Θεῷ ζῶντι</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God?</ULB>
<residue>how much more will the of , who through the Spirit offered himself to , our from to ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118271" strongs="4214" morph="Q-DSN" lemma="πόσος" text="πόσῳ">how</w>
<w OGNTsort="118272" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον">much more</w>
<w OGNTsort="118273" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118274" strongs="129" morph="N-NSN" lemma="αἷμα" sub="[2]" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118275" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118276" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" sub="[3]" text="Χριστοῦ">of Christ,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118277" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" sub="[4]" text="ὃς">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="118278" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" sub="[5]" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="118280" strongs="166" morph="A-GSN" lemma="αἰώνιος" sub="[6]" text="αἰωνίου">the eternal</w>
<w OGNTsort="118279" strongs="4151" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" sub="[7]" text="Πνεύματος">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="118282" strongs="4374" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" sub="[8]" text="προσήνεγκεν">offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118281" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" sub="[9]" text="ἑαυτὸν">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="118283" strongs="299" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἄμωμος" sub="[10]" text="ἄμωμον">unblemished</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118284" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118285" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" sub="[11]" text="Θεῷ">to God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118286" strongs="2511" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="καθαρίζω" text="καθαριεῖ">will [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] cleanse</w>
<w OGNTsort="118289" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118287" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118288" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">conscience</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118290" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118291" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPN" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="118292" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">works</w>
<w OGNTsort="118293" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118294" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118295" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύειν">to serve</w>
<w OGNTsort="118297" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντι">the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="118296" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:15">
<Greek>Καὶ διὰ τοῦτο διαθήκης καινῆς μεσίτης ἐστίν ὅπως θανάτου γενομένου εἰς ἀπολύτρωσιν τῶν ἐπὶ τῇ πρώτῃ διαθήκῃ παραβάσεων τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν λάβωσιν οἱ κεκλημένοι τῆς αἰωνίου κληρονομίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>For this reason, he is the mediator of a new covenant. This is so that, since a death has taken place to redeem those under the first covenant from their transgressions, those who are called will receive the promise of an eternal inheritance.</ULB>
<residue>For this reason, he is the of a . This is so that, since a has taken place to those under the first from their , those who are will the of an .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118298" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118299" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118300" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<phraseWords>For this reason,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118304" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστίν">he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118303" strongs="3316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="μεσίτης" text="μεσίτης">the mediator</w>
<w OGNTsort="118302" strongs="2537" morph="A-GSF" lemma="καινός" text="καινῆς">of a new</w>
<w OGNTsort="118301" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant.</w>
<w>This is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118305" strongs="3704" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅπως" text="ὅπως">so that,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118306" strongs="2288" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θάνατος" sub="[1]" text="θανάτου">a death</w>
<w OGNTsort="118307" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-GSM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενομένου">since [1] has taken place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118308" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118309" strongs="629" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπολύτρωσις" text="ἀπολύτρωσιν"></w>
<phraseWords>to redeem</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118310" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118311" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">under</w>
<w OGNTsort="118312" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118313" strongs="4413" morph="A-DSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτῃ">first</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118314" strongs="1242" morph="N-DSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκῃ">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118315" strongs="3847" morph="N-GPF" lemma="παράβασις" text="παραβάσεων">from their transgressions,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118319" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118320" strongs="2564" morph="V-RPP-NPM" lemma="καλέω" text="κεκλημένοι">who are called</w>
<w OGNTsort="118318" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAS-3P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λάβωσιν">will receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="118316" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118317" strongs="1860" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίαν">promise</w>
<w OGNTsort="118321" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118322" strongs="166" morph="A-GSF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίου">of an eternal</w>
<w OGNTsort="118323" strongs="2817" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κληρονομία" text="κληρονομίας">inheritance.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:16">
<Greek>Ὅπου γὰρ διαθήκη θάνατον ἀνάγκη φέρεσθαι τοῦ διαθεμένου</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 16</preText>
<ULB>For where there is a will, the death of the person who made it must be proven.</ULB>
<residue>For where there is a , the of the person who made it must be proven.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118325" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118324" strongs="3699" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅπου" text="Ὅπου">where</w>
<w>there is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118326" strongs="1242" morph="N-NSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκη">a will,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118327" strongs="2288" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θάνατον">the death</w>
<w OGNTsort="118330" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118331" strongs="1303" morph="V-2AMP-GSM" lemma="διατίθημι" text="διαθεμένου">person who made it</w>
<w OGNTsort="118328" strongs="318" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀνάγκη" text="ἀνάγκη"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118329" strongs="5342" morph="V-PPN" lemma="φέρω" text="φέρεσθαι"></w>
<phraseWords>must be proven.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:17">
<Greek>διαθήκη γὰρ ἐπὶ νεκροῖς βεβαία ἐπεὶ μήποτε ἰσχύει ὅτε ζῇ ὁ διαθέμενος</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>For a will is only valid when there has been a death, because it has no force while the one who made it is still alive.</ULB>
<residue>For a is only valid when there has been a , because it has no force while the one who made it is still .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118333" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118332" strongs="1242" morph="N-NSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκη">a will</w>
<w>is only</w>
<w OGNTsort="118336" strongs="949" morph="A-NSF" lemma="βέβαιος" text="βεβαία">valid</w>
<w OGNTsort="118334" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118335" strongs="3498" morph="A-DPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκροῖς"></w>
<phraseWords>when there has been a death,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118337" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="118338" strongs="3379" morph="CONJ" lemma="μήποτε" text="μήποτε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118339" strongs="2480" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἰσχύω" text="ἰσχύει"></w>
<phraseWords>it has no force</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118340" strongs="3753" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτε" text="ὅτε">while</w>
<w OGNTsort="118342" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118343" strongs="1303" morph="V-2AMP-NSM" lemma="διατίθημι" text="διαθέμενος">one who made it</w>
<w sub="[1]">still</w>
<w OGNTsort="118341" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῇ">is [1] alive.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:18">
<Greek>Ὅθεν οὐδὲ ἡ πρώτη χωρὶς αἵματος ἐνκεκαίνισται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 18</preText>
<ULB>So not even the first covenant was established without blood.</ULB>
<residue>So not even the first covenant was without .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118344" strongs="3606" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅθεν" text="Ὅθεν">So</w>
<w OGNTsort="118345" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ">not even</w>
<w OGNTsort="118346" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118347" strongs="4413" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρώτη">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="118350" strongs="1457" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="ἐγκαινίζω" text="ἐνκεκαίνισται">was established</w>
<w OGNTsort="118348" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="118349" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:19">
<Greek>λαληθείσης γὰρ πάσης ἐντολῆς κατὰ τὸν νόμον ὑπὸ Μωϋσέως παντὶ τῷ λαῷ λαβὼν τὸ αἷμα τῶν μόσχων καὶ τῶν τράγων μετὰ ὕδατος καὶ ἐρίου κοκκίνου καὶ ὑσσώπου αὐτό τε τὸ βιβλίον καὶ πάντα τὸν λαὸν ἐράντισεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>For when Moses had given every command in the law to all the people, he took the blood of the calves and the goats, with water, red wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the scroll itself and all the people.</ULB>
<residue>For when had given every in to all the , he took the of the and the , with , red wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the itself and all the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118352" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118358" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118359" strongs="3475" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" sub="[1]" text="Μωϋσέως">Moses</w>
<w OGNTsort="118351" strongs="2980" morph="V-APP-GSF" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαληθείσης">when [1] had given</w>
<w OGNTsort="118353" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάσης">every</w>
<w OGNTsort="118354" strongs="1785" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐντολή" text="ἐντολῆς">command</w>
<w OGNTsort="118355" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118356" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118357" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">law</w>
<w OGNTsort="118360" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ">to all</w>
<w OGNTsort="118361" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118362" strongs="2992" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαῷ">people,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118363" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαβὼν">he took</w>
<w OGNTsort="118364" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118365" strongs="129" morph="N-ASN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118366" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118367" strongs="3448" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μόσχος" text="μόσχων">calves</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118368" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118369" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118370" strongs="5131" morph="N-GPM" lemma="τράγος" text="τράγων">goats,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118371" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118372" strongs="5204" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ὕδωρ, ὕδατος" text="ὕδατος">water,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118373" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118375" strongs="2847" morph="A-GSN" lemma="κόκκινος" text="κοκκίνου">red</w>
<w OGNTsort="118374" strongs="2053" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ἔριον" text="ἐρίου">wool,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118376" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118377" strongs="5301" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὕσσωπος" text="ὑσσώπου">hyssop,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118386" strongs="4472" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ῥαντίζω" text="ἐράντισεν">and sprinkled</w>
<w OGNTsort="118379" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε">both</w>
<w OGNTsort="118380" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118381" strongs="975" morph="N-ASN" lemma="βιβλίον" text="βιβλίον">scroll</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118378" strongs="846" morph="P-ASN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτό">itself</w>
<w OGNTsort="118382" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118383" strongs="3956" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="118384" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118385" strongs="2992" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λαός" text="λαὸν">people.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:20">
<Greek>λέγων Τοῦτο τὸ αἷμα τῆς διαθήκης ἧς ἐνετείλατο πρὸς ὑμᾶς ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>Then he said, "This is the blood of the covenant that God has commanded for you."</ULB>
<residue>Then he said, "This is the of the that has for you."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118387" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">he said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118388" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="Τοῦτο">"This</w>
<w OGNTsort="118389" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118390" strongs="129" morph="N-NSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118391" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118392" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118393" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118397" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118398" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118394" strongs="1781" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="ἐντέλλω" text="ἐνετείλατο">has commanded</w>
<w OGNTsort="118395" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118396" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:21">
<Greek>Καὶ τὴν σκηνὴν δὲ καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη τῆς λειτουργίας τῷ αἵματι ὁμοίως ἐράντισεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 21</preText>
<ULB>In the same manner, he sprinkled the blood on the tabernacle and all the containers used in the ministry.</ULB>
<residue>In manner, he sprinkled the on the and all the containers used in the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118399" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118411" strongs="3668" morph="ADV" lemma="ὁμοίως" text="ὁμοίως">In the same manner,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118409" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118410" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" sub="[1]" text="αἵματι">the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118412" strongs="4472" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ῥαντίζω" text="ἐράντισεν">he sprinkled [1] on</w>
<w OGNTsort="118400" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118401" strongs="4633" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνὴν">tabernacle</w>
<w OGNTsort="118402" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118403" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118404" strongs="3956" morph="A-APN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="118405" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118406" strongs="4632" morph="N-APN" lemma="σκεῦος" text="σκεύη">containers</w>
<w>used in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118407" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118408" strongs="3009" morph="N-GSF" lemma="λειτουργία" text="λειτουργίας">ministry.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:22">
<Greek>καὶ σχεδὸν ἐν αἵματι πάντα καθαρίζεται κατὰ τὸν νόμον καὶ χωρὶς αἱματεκχυσίας οὐ γίνεται ἄφεσις</Greek>
<preText>\v 22</preText>
<ULB>According to the law, almost everything is cleansed with blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.</ULB>
<residue>According to , almost everything is with . Without the shedding of there is no .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118413" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118419" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">According to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118420" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118421" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">law,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118414" strongs="4975" morph="ADV" lemma="σχεδόν" text="σχεδὸν">almost</w>
<w OGNTsort="118417" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">everything</w>
<w OGNTsort="118418" strongs="2511" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="καθαρίζω" text="καθαρίζεται">is cleansed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118415" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118416" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματι">blood.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118422" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118423" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">Without</w>
<w OGNTsort="118424" strongs="130" morph="N-GSF" lemma="αἱματεκχυσία" text="αἱματεκχυσίας">the shedding of blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118425" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118426" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνεται"></w>
<phraseWords>there is no</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118427" strongs="859" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἄφεσις" text="ἄφεσις">forgiveness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:23">
<Greek>Ἀνάγκη οὖν τὰ μὲν ὑποδείγματα τῶν ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς τούτοις καθαρίζεσθαι αὐτὰ δὲ τὰ ἐπουράνια κρείττοσιν θυσίαις παρὰ ταύτας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 23</preText>
<ULB>Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in heaven should be cleansed with these animal sacrifices. However, the heavenly things themselves had to be cleansed with much better sacrifices.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in heaven should be with these animal . However, the heavenly things themselves had to be cleansed with much better sacrifices.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118429" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="118428" strongs="318" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀνάγκη" text="Ἀνάγκη">it was necessary that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118430" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118431" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118432" strongs="5262" morph="N-APN" lemma="ὑπόδειγμα" text="ὑποδείγματα">copies</w>
<w OGNTsort="118433" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118434" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118435" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118436" strongs="3772" morph="N-DPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοῖς"></w>
<phraseWords>things in heaven</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118437" strongs="3778" morph="D-DPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτοις"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118438" strongs="2511" morph="V-PPN" lemma="καθαρίζω" text="καθαρίζεσθαι">should be cleansed</w>
<w>with these animal sacrifices.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118440" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">However,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118441" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118442" strongs="2032" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουράνια">heavenly things</w>
<w OGNTsort="118439" strongs="846" morph="P-APN" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὰ">themselves</w>
<w>had to be cleansed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118443" strongs="2908" morph="A-DPF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττοσιν">with much better</w>
<w OGNTsort="118444" strongs="2378" morph="N-DPF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαις">sacrifices.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118445" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118446" strongs="3778" morph="D-APF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτας"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 9:24">
<Greek>οὐ γὰρ εἰς χειροποίητα εἰσῆλθεν ἅγια Χριστός ἀντίτυπα τῶν ἀληθινῶν ἀλλ᾽ εἰς αὐτὸν τὸν οὐρανόν νῦν ἐμφανισθῆναι τῷ προσώπῳ τοῦ Θεοῦ ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>For Christ did not enter into the most holy place made with hands, which is only a copy of the true one. Rather he entered into heaven itself, to appear now in God's presence for us.</ULB>
<residue>For did not enter into the most made with hands, which is only a copy of the one. Rather he entered into heaven itself, to appear now in for us.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118448" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118453" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστός">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118447" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118451" strongs="1525" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσῆλθεν">did [1] enter</w>
<w OGNTsort="118449" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="118452" strongs="40" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγια">the most holy place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118450" strongs="5499" morph="A-APN" lemma="χειροποίητος" text="χειροποίητα">made with hands,</w>
<w>which is only</w>
<w OGNTsort="118454" strongs="499" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἀντίτυπος" text="ἀντίτυπα">a copy</w>
<w OGNTsort="118455" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118456" strongs="228" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἀληθινός" text="ἀληθινῶν">true</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118457" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλ᾽">Rather</w>
<comment>Consider putting a comma after "rather."</comment>
<w>he entered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118458" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118460" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118461" strongs="3772" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανόν">heaven</w>
<w OGNTsort="118459" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">itself,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118463" strongs="1718" morph="V-APN" lemma="ἐμφανίζω" text="ἐμφανισθῆναι">to appear</w>
<w OGNTsort="118462" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="118464" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118466" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118467" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118465" strongs="4383" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πρόσωπον" text="προσώπῳ">presence</w>
<w OGNTsort="118468" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118469" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">us.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:25">
<Greek>οὐδ᾽ ἵνα πολλάκις προσφέρῃ ἑαυτόν ὥσπερ ὁ ἀρχιερεὺς εἰσέρχεται εἰς τὰ ἅγια κατ᾽ ἐνιαυτὸν ἐν αἵματι ἀλλοτρίῳ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 25</preText>
<ULB>He did not go there in order to offer himself many times, as does the high priest, who enters the most holy place year by year with the blood of another.</ULB>
<residue>He did not go there in order to offer himself many times, does the , who enters the most by year with the of another.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118470" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὐδέ" sub="[1]" text="οὐδ᾽">not</w>
<w>He did [1] go there</w>
<w OGNTsort="118471" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">in order to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118473" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρῃ">offer</w>
<w OGNTsort="118474" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτόν">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="118472" strongs="4178" morph="ADV" lemma="πολλάκις" text="πολλάκις">many times,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118475" strongs="5618" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥσπερ" text="ὥσπερ">as does</w>
<w OGNTsort="118476" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118477" strongs="749" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερεὺς">high priest,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118478" strongs="1525" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσέρχεται">enters</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118479" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118480" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118481" strongs="40" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγια">most holy place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118482" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118483" strongs="1763" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἐνιαυτός" text="ἐνιαυτὸν">year</w>
<phraseWords>year by year</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118484" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118485" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματι">the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118486" strongs="245" morph="A-DSN" lemma="ἀλλότριος" text="ἀλλοτρίῳ">of another.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:26">
<Greek>Ἐπεὶ ἔδει αὐτὸν πολλάκις παθεῖν ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου νυνὶ δὲ ἅπαξ ἐπὶ συντελείᾳ τῶν αἰώνων εἰς ἀθέτησιν τῆς ἁμαρτίας διὰ τῆς θυσίας αὐτοῦ πεφανέρωται</Greek>
<preText>\v 26</preText>
<ULB>If that had been the case, then he would have had to suffer many times since the foundation of the world. But now he has appeared at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.</ULB>
<residue>If that had been the case, then he would have had to many since the of the . But now he has appeared at the end of the to do away with sin by the of himself.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>If that had been the case,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118487" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="Ἐπεὶ">then</w>
<w OGNTsort="118488" strongs="1163" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="δεῖ" text="ἔδει"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118489" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118491" strongs="3958" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="πάσχω" text="παθεῖν">suffer</w>
<phraseWords>he would have had to suffer</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118490" strongs="4178" morph="ADV" lemma="πολλάκις" text="πολλάκις">many times</w>
<w OGNTsort="118492" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="118493" strongs="2602" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καταβολή" text="καταβολῆς">the foundation</w>
<w OGNTsort="118494" strongs="2889" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμου">of the world.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118496" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="118495" strongs="3570" morph="ADV" lemma="νυνί" text="νυνὶ">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="118497" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ"></w>
<comment>This word provides the counterweight to πολλάκις and so should probably be translated.</comment>
<w OGNTsort="118498" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="118499" strongs="4930" morph="N-DSF" lemma="συντέλεια" text="συντελείᾳ">the end</w>
<w OGNTsort="118500" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118501" strongs="165" morph="N-GPM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰώνων">ages</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118510" strongs="5319" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="φανερόω" text="πεφανέρωται">he has appeared.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118502" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118503" strongs="115" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀθέτησις" text="ἀθέτησιν"></w>
<phraseWords>to do away with</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118504" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118505" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sin</w>
<w OGNTsort="118506" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="118507" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118508" strongs="2378" morph="N-GSF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίας">sacrifice</w>
<w OGNTsort="118509" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of himself.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:27">
<Greek>Καὶ καθ᾽ ὅσον ἀπόκειται τοῖς ἀνθρώποις ἅπαξ ἀποθανεῖν μετὰ δὲ τοῦτο κρίσις</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 27</preText>
<ULB>Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that comes judgment,</ULB>
<residue>Just as man is to once, and after that comes ,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118511" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118512" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118513" strongs="3745" morph="K-ASN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσον"></w>
<phraseWords>Just as</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118515" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118516" strongs="444" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" text="ἀνθρώποις">man</w>
<w OGNTsort="118514" strongs="606" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἀπόκειμαι" text="ἀπόκειται">is appointed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118518" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθανεῖν">to die</w>
<w OGNTsort="118517" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ">once,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118520" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118519" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="118521" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118522" strongs="2920" morph="N-NSF" lemma="κρίσις" text="κρίσις">judgment,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 9:28">
<Greek>οὕτως καὶ ὁ Χριστός ἅπαξ προσενεχθεὶς εἰς τὸ πολλῶν ἀνενεγκεῖν ἁμαρτίας ἐκ δευτέρου χωρὶς ἁμαρτίας ὀφθήσεται τοῖς αὐτὸν ἀπεκδεχομένοις εἰς σωτηρίαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 28</preText>
<ULB>so also, Christ was offered once to take away the sins of many, and will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but for the salvation of those who are waiting for him.</ULB>
<residue>so also, was once to take away the of many, and will appear a second , not to deal with sin, but for the of those who are waiting for him.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118523" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως">so</w>
<w OGNTsort="118524" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118525" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118526" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστός">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118528" strongs="4374" morph="V-2APP-NSM" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσενεχθεὶς">was offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118527" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ">once</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118529" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118530" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118532" strongs="399" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἀναφέρω" text="ἀνενεγκεῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>to take away</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118533" strongs="266" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">the sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="118531" strongs="4183" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλῶν">of many,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118538" strongs="3708" morph="V-FPI-3S" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὀφθήσεται">will appear</w>
<w OGNTsort="118534" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118535" strongs="1208" morph="A-GSM" lemma="δεύτερος" text="δευτέρου"></w>
<phraseWords>a second time,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118536" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς"></w>
<phraseWords>not to deal with</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118537" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sin,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118542" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118543" strongs="4991" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίαν">the salvation</w>
<w OGNTsort="118539" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">of those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118541" strongs="553" morph="V-PNP-DPM" lemma="ἀπεκδέχομαι" text="ἀπεκδεχομένοις">who are waiting for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118540" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.10">
<verse name="Hebrews 10:1">
<Greek>Σκιὰν γὰρ ἔχων ὁ νόμος τῶν μελλόντων ἀγαθῶν οὐκ αὐτὴν τὴν εἰκόνα τῶν πραγμάτων κατ᾽ ἐνιαυτὸν ταῖς αὐταῖς θυσίαις ἃς προσφέρουσιν εἰς τὸ διηνεκὲς οὐδέποτε δύναται τοὺς προσερχομένους τελειῶσαι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 10 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the real forms of those things themselves. Those who approach God can never be made perfect by the same sacrifices that the priests continually bring year after year.</ULB>
<residue>For is only a of the to come, not the real forms of those things themselves. Those who approach God be made by that the priests continually bring after year.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118545" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118547" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118548" strongs="3551" morph="N-NSM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμος">law</w>
<w OGNTsort="118546" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118544" strongs="4639" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σκιά" text="Σκιὰν"></w>
<phraseWords>is only a shadow</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118549" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118551" strongs="18" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῶν">good things</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118550" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GPN" lemma="μέλλω" text="μελλόντων">to come,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118552" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118556" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τῶν">of those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118557" strongs="4229" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πρᾶγμα" sub="[2]" text="πραγμάτων">things</w>
<w OGNTsort="118553" strongs="846" morph="P-ASF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118554" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118555" strongs="1504" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εἰκών" text="εἰκόνα"></w>
<phraseWords>the real forms [1] [2] themselves.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118570" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">Those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118571" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNP-APM" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσερχομένους">who approach</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118569" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύναται">can</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118568" strongs="3763" morph="ADV" lemma="οὐδέποτε" text="οὐδέποτε">never</w>
<w OGNTsort="118572" strongs="5048" morph="V-AAN" lemma="τελειόω" text="τελειῶσαι">be made perfect</w>
<w OGNTsort="118560" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς">by the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118561" strongs="846" morph="P-DPF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐταῖς">same</w>
<w OGNTsort="118562" strongs="2378" morph="N-DPF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαις">sacrifices</w>
<w OGNTsort="118563" strongs="3739" morph="R-APF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἃς">that</w>
<w>the priests</w>
<w OGNTsort="118565" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118566" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118567" strongs="1336" morph="A-ASN" lemma="διηνεκής" text="διηνεκὲς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118564" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρουσιν">bring</w>
<w OGNTsort="118558" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118559" strongs="1763" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἐνιαυτός" text="ἐνιαυτὸν"></w>
<phraseWords>year after year.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:2">
<Greek>ἐπεὶ οὐκ ἂν ἐπαύσαντο προσφερόμεναι διὰ τὸ μηδεμίαν ἔχειν ἔτι συνείδησιν ἁμαρτιῶν τοὺς λατρεύοντας ἅπαξ κεκαθαρισμένους</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>Otherwise, would the sacrifices not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed one time and would no longer have any consciousness of sin.</ULB>
<residue>Otherwise, would the not have ceased to be offered? For the would have been one and would no longer have any consciousness of sin.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118573" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">Otherwise,</w>
<w sub="[1]">the sacrifices</w>
<w OGNTsort="118574" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118575" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118576" strongs="3973" morph="V-AMI-3P" lemma="παύω" text="ἐπαύσαντο"></w>
<phraseWords>would [1] not have ceased</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118577" strongs="4374" morph="V-PPP-NPF" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφερόμεναι">to be offered?</w>
<w OGNTsort="118578" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118579" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118585" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118586" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύοντας">worshipers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118588" strongs="2511" morph="V-RPP-APM" lemma="καθαρίζω" text="κεκαθαρισμένους">would have been cleansed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118587" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ">one time</w>
<w OGNTsort="118580" strongs="3367" morph="A-ASF" lemma="μηδείς" text="μηδεμίαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118582" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">no longer</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118581" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν">would [1] have</w>
<w OGNTsort="118583" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">consciousness</w>
<w OGNTsort="118584" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">of sin.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:3">
<Greek>Ἀλλ᾽ ἐν αὐταῖς ἀνάμνησις ἁμαρτιῶν κατ᾽ ἐνιαυτόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>But with those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year after year.</ULB>
<residue>But with those there is a of sins after year.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118589" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="Ἀλλ᾽">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="118590" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118591" strongs="846" morph="P-DPF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐταῖς">those</w>
<w>sacrifices there is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118592" strongs="364" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἀνάμνησις" text="ἀνάμνησις">a reminder</w>
<w OGNTsort="118593" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">of sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="118594" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118595" strongs="1763" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἐνιαυτός" text="ἐνιαυτόν"></w>
<phraseWords>year after year.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:4">
<Greek>ἀδύνατον γὰρ αἷμα ταύρων καὶ τράγων ἀφαιρεῖν ἁμαρτίας</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.</ULB>
<residue>For it is impossible for the of and to take away .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118597" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118596" strongs="102" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀδύνατος" text="ἀδύνατον">impossible</w>
<w OGNTsort="118598" strongs="129" morph="N-ASN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">for the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118599" strongs="5022" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ταῦρος" text="ταύρων">of bulls</w>
<w OGNTsort="118600" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118601" strongs="5131" morph="N-GPM" lemma="τράγος" text="τράγων">goats</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118602" strongs="851" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἀφαιρέω" text="ἀφαιρεῖν">to take away</w>
<w OGNTsort="118603" strongs="266" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sins.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:5">
<Greek>Διὸ εἰσερχόμενος εἰς τὸν κόσμον λέγει Θυσίαν καὶ προσφορὰν οὐκ ἠθέλησας Σῶμα δὲ κατηρτίσω μοι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>When Christ came into the world, he said, <usfm>\q</usfm> "Sacrifices and offerings <usfm>\q2</usfm> you did not desire, <usfm>\q2</usfm> but a body you have prepared for me;</ULB>
<residue>When Christ came into the , he said, "Sacrifices and you did not desire, but a you have prepared for me;</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118604" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="118605" strongs="1525" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="εἰσέρχομαι" text="εἰσερχόμενος">When [1] came</w>
<w OGNTsort="118606" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="118607" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118608" strongs="2889" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμον">world,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118609" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">he said,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118610" strongs="2378" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θυσία" text="Θυσίαν">"Sacrifices</w>
<w OGNTsort="118611" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118612" strongs="4376" morph="N-ASF" lemma="προσφορά" text="προσφορὰν">offerings</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118613" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118614" strongs="2309" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="θέλω" text="ἠθέλησας">you did [2] desire,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118616" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="118615" strongs="4983" morph="N-ASN" lemma="σῶμα" text="Σῶμα">a body</w>
<w OGNTsort="118617" strongs="2675" morph="V-AMI-2S" lemma="καταρτίζω" text="κατηρτίσω">you have prepared</w>
<w OGNTsort="118618" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μοι">for me;</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:6">
<Greek>Ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ περὶ ἁμαρτίας Οὐκ εὐδόκησας</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 6</preText>
<ULB>with burnt offerings and sin offerings <usfm>\q2</usfm> you did not take pleasure.</ULB>
<residue>with and sin you did not .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118619" strongs="3646" morph="N-APN" lemma="ὁλοκαύτωμα" text="Ὁλοκαυτώματα">with burnt offerings</w>
<w OGNTsort="118620" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118621" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118622" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας"></w>
<phraseWords>sin offerings</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118623" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="Οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118624" strongs="2106" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="εὐδοκέω" text="εὐδόκησας">you did [1] take pleasure.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:7">
<Greek>Τότε εἶπον Ἰδοὺ ἥκω Ἐν κεφαλίδι βιβλίου γέγραπται περὶ ἐμοῦ Τοῦ ποιῆσαι ὁ Θεός τὸ θέλημά σου</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 7</preText>
<ULB>Then I said, 'See, here I am— <usfm>\q2</usfm> as it is written about me in the scroll— <usfm>\q</usfm> to do your will, God.'"</ULB>
<residue>Then I said, 'See, here I am— as it about me in the — to do , .'"</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118625" strongs="5119" morph="ADV" lemma="τότε" text="Τότε">Then</w>
<w OGNTsort="118626" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAI-1S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἶπον">I said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118627" strongs="2400" morph="INJ" lemma="ἰδού" text="Ἰδοὺ">'See,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118628" strongs="2240" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἥκω" text="ἥκω">here I am—</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118632" strongs="1125" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="γράφω" text="γέγραπται">it is written</w>
<w OGNTsort="118633" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="118634" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐμοῦ">me</w>
<w OGNTsort="118629" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="Ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118630" strongs="2777" morph="N-DSF" lemma="κεφαλίς" text="κεφαλίδι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118631" strongs="975" morph="N-GSN" lemma="βιβλίον" text="βιβλίου">scroll</w>
<phraseWords>the scroll—</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118635" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="Τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118636" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῆσαι">to do</w>
<w OGNTsort="118639" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118641" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="118640" strongs="2307" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημά">will,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118637" strongs="3588" morph="T-VSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118638" strongs="2316" morph="N-VSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God.'"</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:8">
<Greek>Ἀνώτερον λέγων ὅτι Θυσίας καὶ προσφορὰς καὶ ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ περὶ ἁμαρτίας οὐκ ἠθέλησας οὐδὲ εὐδόκησας αἵτινες κατὰ νόμον προσφέρονται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 8</preText>
<ULB>First he said, "It was neither sacrifices, nor offerings, nor whole burnt offerings, nor sin offerings that you desired. Nor did you take pleasure in them." These are sacrifices that are offered according to the law.</ULB>
<residue>First he said, "It was neither , nor , nor whole , nor sin offerings that you desired. Nor did you in them." These are that are offered according to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118642" strongs="511" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="ἀνώτερος" text="Ἀνώτερον">First</w>
<w OGNTsort="118643" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">he said,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118644" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>"It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="118653" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">neither</w>
<w OGNTsort="118645" strongs="2378" morph="N-APF" lemma="θυσία" text="Θυσίας">sacrifices,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118646" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="118647" strongs="4376" morph="N-APF" lemma="προσφορά" text="προσφορὰς">offerings,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118648" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="118649" strongs="3646" morph="N-APN" lemma="ὁλοκαύτωμα" text="ὁλοκαυτώματα">whole burnt offerings,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118650" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="118651" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118652" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας"></w>
<phraseWords>sin offerings</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118654" strongs="2309" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="θέλω" text="ἠθέλησας">you desired.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118655" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ-N" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδὲ">Nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="118656" strongs="2106" morph="V-AAI-2S" lemma="εὐδοκέω" text="εὐδόκησας">did you take pleasure in them."</w>
<w OGNTsort="118657" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="αἵτινες">These</w>
<w>are sacrifices</w>
<w OGNTsort="118660" strongs="4374" morph="V-PPI-3P" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρονται">that are offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118658" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118659" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">the law.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:9">
<Greek>τότε εἴρηκεν Ἰδοὺ ἥκω τοῦ ποιῆσαι τὸ θέλημά σου ἀναιρεῖ τὸ πρῶτον ἵνα τὸ δεύτερον στήσῃ</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>Then he said, "See, here I am to do your will." He takes away the first practice in order to establish the second practice.</ULB>
<residue>Then he said, "See, here I am to do ." He takes away the first practice in to establish the second practice.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118661" strongs="5119" morph="ADV" lemma="τότε" text="τότε">Then</w>
<w OGNTsort="118662" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἴρηκεν">he said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118663" strongs="2400" morph="INJ" lemma="ἰδού" text="Ἰδοὺ">"See,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118664" strongs="2240" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="ἥκω" text="ἥκω">here I am</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118665" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118666" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῆσαι">to do</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118667" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118669" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GS" lemma="σύ" text="σου">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="118668" strongs="2307" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημά">will."</w>
<w OGNTsort="118670" strongs="337" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἀναιρέω" text="ἀναιρεῖ">He takes away</w>
<w OGNTsort="118671" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118672" strongs="4413" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πρῶτος" text="πρῶτον">first</w>
<w OGNTsort="118673" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">in order to</w>
<w OGNTsort="118676" strongs="2476" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="ἵστημι" text="στήσῃ">establish</w>
<w OGNTsort="118674" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118675" strongs="1208" morph="A-ASN" lemma="δεύτερος" text="δεύτερον">second</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:10">
<Greek>ἐν ᾧ θελήματι ἡγιασμένοι ἐσμὲν διὰ τῆς προσφορᾶς τοῦ σώματος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ἐφάπαξ</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>By that will, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.</ULB>
<residue>By that will, we have been through the of the of once for all.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118677" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">By</w>
<w OGNTsort="118678" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118679" strongs="2307" morph="N-DSN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θελήματι">will,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118681" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσμὲν">we have been</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118680" strongs="37" morph="V-RPP-NPM" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἡγιασμένοι">sanctified</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118682" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="118683" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118684" strongs="4376" morph="N-GSF" lemma="προσφορά" text="προσφορᾶς">offering</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118685" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118686" strongs="4983" morph="N-GSN" lemma="σῶμα" text="σώματος">body</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118687" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">of Jesus</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118688" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118689" strongs="2178" morph="ADV" lemma="ἐφάπαξ" text="ἐφάπαξ">once for all.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:11">
<Greek>Καὶ πᾶς μὲν ἱερεὺς ἕστηκεν καθ᾽ ἡμέραν λειτουργῶν καὶ τὰς αὐτὰς πολλάκις προσφέρων θυσίας αἵτινες οὐδέποτε δύνανται περιελεῖν ἁμαρτίας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>Day after day every priest stands and ministers, offering the same sacrifices again and again—sacrifices that can never take away sins.</ULB>
<residue>Day after every stands and , offering the same again and again— that never take away sins.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118695" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="καθ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118696" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν"></w>
<phraseWords>Day after day</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118690" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118691" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶς">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118692" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118693" strongs="2409" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερεὺς">priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118694" strongs="2476" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἵστημι" text="ἕστηκεν">stands</w>
<w OGNTsort="118697" strongs="3008" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λειτουργέω" text="λειτουργῶν">ministers,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118698" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118702" strongs="4374" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρων">offering</w>
<w OGNTsort="118699" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118700" strongs="846" morph="P-APF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὰς">same</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118703" strongs="2378" morph="N-APF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίας">sacrifices</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118701" strongs="4178" morph="ADV" lemma="πολλάκις" text="πολλάκις">again and again—</w>
<w OGNTsort="118704" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="αἵτινες">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118706" strongs="1410" morph="V-PNI-3P" lemma="δύναμαι" text="δύνανται">can</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118705" strongs="3763" morph="ADV" lemma="οὐδέποτε" text="οὐδέποτε">never</w>
<w OGNTsort="118707" strongs="4014" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="περιαιρέω" text="περιελεῖν">take away</w>
<w OGNTsort="118708" strongs="266" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sins.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:12">
<Greek>οὗτος δὲ μίαν ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτιῶν προσενέγκας θυσίαν εἰς τὸ διηνεκὲς ἐκάθισεν ἐν δεξιᾷ τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>But when Christ offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.</ULB>
<residue>But when Christ one for sins, he sat down at the of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118710" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118709" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτος"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="118714" strongs="4374" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσενέγκας">when [1] offered</w>
<w OGNTsort="118716" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118717" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118718" strongs="1336" morph="A-ASN" lemma="διηνεκής" text="διηνεκὲς"></w>
<phraseWords>for all time</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118711" strongs="1520" morph="A-ASF" lemma="εἷς" text="μίαν">one</w>
<w OGNTsort="118715" strongs="2378" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαν">sacrifice</w>
<w OGNTsort="118712" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118713" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118719" strongs="2523" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καθίζω" text="ἐκάθισεν">he sat down</w>
<w OGNTsort="118720" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="118721" strongs="1188" morph="A-DSF" lemma="δεξιός" text="δεξιᾷ">the right hand</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118722" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118723" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:13">
<Greek>τὸ λοιπὸν ἐκδεχόμενος ἕως τεθῶσιν οἱ ἐχθροὶ αὐτοῦ ὑποπόδιον τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>He is waiting until his enemies are made a footstool for his feet.</ULB>
<residue>He is waiting until his are made a for his feet.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118726" strongs="1551" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="ἐκδέχομαι" text="ἐκδεχόμενος">He is waiting</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118724" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118725" strongs="3063" morph="A-ASN" lemma="λοιπόν" text="λοιπὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118727" strongs="2193" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἕως" text="ἕως">until</w>
<w OGNTsort="118731" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118729" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118730" strongs="2190" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἐχθρός" text="ἐχθροὶ">enemies</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118728" strongs="5087" morph="V-APS-3P" lemma="τίθημι" text="τεθῶσιν">are made</w>
<w OGNTsort="118732" strongs="5286" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ὑποπόδιον" text="ὑποπόδιον">a footstool</w>
<w OGNTsort="118735" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">for his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118733" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118734" strongs="4228" morph="N-GPM" lemma="πούς" text="ποδῶν">feet.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:14">
<Greek>μιᾷ γὰρ προσφορᾷ τετελείωκεν εἰς τὸ διηνεκὲς τοὺς ἁγιαζομένους</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>For by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.</ULB>
<residue>For by one he has those who are being .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118737" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118736" strongs="1520" morph="A-DSF" lemma="εἷς" text="μιᾷ">by one</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118738" strongs="4376" morph="N-DSF" lemma="προσφορά" text="προσφορᾷ">offering</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118739" strongs="5048" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="τελειόω" text="τετελείωκεν">he has perfected</w>
<w OGNTsort="118740" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118741" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118742" strongs="1336" morph="A-ASN" lemma="διηνεκής" text="διηνεκὲς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118743" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118744" strongs="37" morph="V-PPP-APM" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιαζομένους">who are being sanctified.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:15">
<Greek>Μαρτυρεῖ δὲ ἡμῖν καὶ τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον μετὰ γὰρ τὸ εἰρηκέναι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>The Holy Spirit also testifies to us. First he says,</ULB>
<residue>The also to us. First he says,</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118746" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118749" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118751" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118752" strongs="40" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="Ἅγιον">Holy</w>
<w OGNTsort="118750" strongs="4151" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεῦμα">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="118748" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="118745" strongs="3140" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="Μαρτυρεῖ">testifies</w>
<w OGNTsort="118747" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">to us.</w>
<w OGNTsort="118753" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118754" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118755" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118756" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAN" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἰρηκέναι"></w>
<phraseWords>First he says,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:16">
<Greek>Αὕτη ἡ διαθήκη ἣν διαθήσομαι πρὸς αὐτοὺς μετὰ τὰς ἡμέρας ἐκείνας λέγει Κύριος διδοὺς νόμους μου ἐπὶ καρδίας αὐτῶν καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν διάνοιαν αὐτῶν ἐπιγράψω αὐτούς</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 16</preText>
<ULB>"This is the covenant that I will make with them <usfm>\q2</usfm> after those days, says the Lord. <usfm>\q</usfm> I will put my laws in their hearts, <usfm>\q2</usfm> and I will write them on their minds."</ULB>
<residue>"This is the that I will make with them after those , says the . I will put my in their , and I will write them on their ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118757" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="Αὕτη">"This</w>
<w OGNTsort="118758" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118759" strongs="1242" morph="N-NSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκη">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118760" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118761" strongs="1303" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="διατίθημι" text="διαθήσομαι">I will make</w>
<w OGNTsort="118762" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="118763" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς">them</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118764" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="118767" strongs="1565" morph="D-APF" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνας">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="118765" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118766" strongs="2250" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">days,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118768" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγει">says</w>
<w OGNTsort="118769" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118770" strongs="1325" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="δίδωμι" text="διδοὺς">I will put</w>
<w OGNTsort="118772" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="118771" strongs="3551" morph="N-APM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμους">laws</w>
<w OGNTsort="118773" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118775" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="118774" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118776" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118781" strongs="1924" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="ἐπιγράφω" text="ἐπιγράψω">I will write</w>
<w OGNTsort="118782" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτούς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="118777" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="118780" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="118778" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118779" strongs="1271" morph="N-ASF" lemma="διάνοια" text="διάνοιαν">minds."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:17">
<Greek>Καὶ Τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν καὶ τῶν ἀνομιῶν αὐτῶν οὐ μὴ μνησθήσομαι ἔτι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 17</preText>
<ULB>Then he adds, "Their sins and lawlessness <usfm>\q2</usfm> I will remember no longer."</ULB>
<residue>Then he adds, "Their sins and I will remember no longer."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118783" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>Then he adds,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118786" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">"Their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118784" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="Τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118785" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="118787" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118790" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118788" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118789" strongs="458" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἀνομία" text="ἀνομιῶν">lawlessness</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118793" strongs="3403" morph="V-FPI-1S" lemma="μιμνήσκω" text="μνησθήσομαι">I will remember</w>
<w OGNTsort="118791" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118792" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118794" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι"></w>
<phraseWords>no longer."</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:18">
<Greek>Ὅπου δὲ ἄφεσις τούτων οὐκέτι προσφορὰ περὶ ἁμαρτίας</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 18</preText>
<ULB>Now where there is forgiveness for these, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.</ULB>
<residue>Now where there is for these, there is no longer any for .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118796" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="118795" strongs="3699" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅπου" text="Ὅπου">where</w>
<w>there is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118797" strongs="859" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἄφεσις" text="ἄφεσις">forgiveness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118798" strongs="3778" morph="D-GPF" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτων">for these,</w>
<w>there is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118799" strongs="3765" morph="ADV" lemma="οὐκέτι" text="οὐκέτι">no longer</w>
<w OGNTsort="118800" strongs="4376" morph="N-NSF" lemma="προσφορά" text="προσφορὰ">any sacrifice</w>
<w OGNTsort="118801" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118802" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sin.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:19">
<Greek>Ἔχοντες οὖν ἀδελφοί παρρησίαν εἰς τὴν εἴσοδον τῶν ἁγίων ἐν τῷ αἵματι Ἰησοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 19</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, brothers, we have confidence to enter into the most holy place by the blood of Jesus.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, , we have to enter into the most by the of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118804" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">Therefore,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118805" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118803" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="Ἔχοντες">we have</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118806" strongs="3954" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παρρησία" text="παρρησίαν">confidence</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118807" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118808" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118809" strongs="1529" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εἴσοδος" text="εἴσοδον"></w>
<phraseWords>to enter into</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118810" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118811" strongs="40" morph="A-GPN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίων">most holy place</w>
<w OGNTsort="118812" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="118813" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118814" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματι">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118815" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">of Jesus.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:20">
<Greek>ἣν ἐνεκαίνισεν ἡμῖν ὁδὸν πρόσφατον καὶ ζῶσαν διὰ τοῦ καταπετάσματος τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>That is the new and living way that he has established for us through the curtain, that is, by means of his flesh.</ULB>
<residue>That is the new and way that he has for us through the , that is, by means of his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118816" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἣν">That</w>
<w>is the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118820" strongs="4372" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πρόσφατος" text="πρόσφατον">new</w>
<w OGNTsort="118821" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118822" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶσαν">living</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118819" strongs="3598" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁδός" text="ὁδὸν">way</w>
<w OGNTsort="118817" strongs="1457" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἐγκαινίζω" text="ἐνεκαίνισεν">he has established</w>
<w OGNTsort="118818" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">for us</w>
<w OGNTsort="118823" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="118824" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118825" strongs="2665" morph="N-GSN" lemma="καταπέτασμα" text="καταπετάσματος">curtain,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118826" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="118827" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is,</w>
<w>by means of</w>
<w OGNTsort="118830" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118828" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118829" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκὸς">flesh.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:21">
<Greek>καὶ ἱερέα μέγαν ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον τοῦ Θεοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>Because we have a great priest over the house of God,</ULB>
<residue>Because we have a over the ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>Because we have</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118831" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118833" strongs="3173" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγαν">a great</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118832" strongs="2409" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἱερεύς" text="ἱερέα">priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118834" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">over</w>
<w OGNTsort="118835" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118836" strongs="3624" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἶκον">house</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118837" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118838" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:22">
<Greek>προσερχώμεθα μετὰ ἀληθινῆς καρδίας ἐν πληροφορίᾳ πίστεως ῥεραντισμένοι τὰς καρδίας ἀπὸ συνειδήσεως πονηρᾶς καὶ λελουσμένοι τὸ σῶμα ὕδατι καθαρῷ</Greek>
<preText>\v 22</preText>
<ULB>let us approach with true hearts in the full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.</ULB>
<residue>let us approach with in the full assurance of , having our sprinkled clean from an and having our with pure .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118839" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNS-1P" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσερχώμεθα">let us approach</w>
<w OGNTsort="118840" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118841" strongs="228" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἀληθινός" text="ἀληθινῆς">true</w>
<w OGNTsort="118842" strongs="2588" morph="N-GSF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118843" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="118844" strongs="4136" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πληροφορία" text="πληροφορίᾳ">the full assurance</w>
<w OGNTsort="118845" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">of faith,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118847" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="τὰς">our</w>
<w OGNTsort="118848" strongs="2588" morph="N-APF" lemma="καρδία" sub="[2]" text="καρδίας">hearts</w>
<w OGNTsort="118846" strongs="4472" morph="V-RPP-NPM" lemma="ῥαντίζω" text="ῥεραντισμένοι">having [1] [2] sprinkled clean</w>
<w OGNTsort="118849" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="118851" strongs="4190" morph="A-GSF" lemma="πονηρός" text="πονηρᾶς">an evil</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118850" strongs="4893" morph="N-GSF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνειδήσεως">conscience</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118852" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118854" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" sub="[3]" text="τὸ">our</w>
<w OGNTsort="118855" strongs="4983" morph="N-ASN" lemma="σῶμα" sub="[4]" text="σῶμα">bodies</w>
<w OGNTsort="118853" strongs="3068" morph="V-RMP-NPM" lemma="λούω" text="λελουσμένοι">having [3] [4] washed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118857" strongs="2513" morph="A-DSN" lemma="καθαρός" text="καθαρῷ">with pure</w>
<w OGNTsort="118856" strongs="5204" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὕδωρ, ὕδατος" text="ὕδατι">water.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:23">
<Greek>Κατέχωμεν τὴν ὁμολογίαν τῆς ἐλπίδος ἀκλινῆ πιστὸς γὰρ ὁ ἐπαγγειλάμενος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 23</preText>
<ULB>Let us also hold firmly to the hope we confess, for he who promised is faithful.</ULB>
<residue>Let us also hold firmly to the we , for he who is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w sub="[1]">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="118858" strongs="2722" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="κατέχω" text="Κατέχωμεν">Let us [1] hold</w>
<w OGNTsort="118863" strongs="186" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀκλινής" text="ἀκλινῆ">firmly</w>
<w OGNTsort="118861" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118862" strongs="1680" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐλπίς" text="ἐλπίδος">hope</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118859" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118860" strongs="3671" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὁμολογία" text="ὁμολογίαν"></w>
<phraseWords>we confess,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118865" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118866" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="118867" strongs="1861" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπαγγειλάμενος">who promised</w>
<w OGNTsort="118864" strongs="4103" morph="A-NSM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸς">faithful.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:24">
<Greek>καὶ κατανοῶμεν ἀλλήλους εἰς παροξυσμὸν ἀγάπης καὶ καλῶν ἔργων</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>Let us think carefully about how to motivate one another to love and good deeds.</ULB>
<residue>Let us how to motivate one another to and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="118868" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118869" strongs="2657" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="κατανοέω" text="κατανοῶμεν">Let us think carefully about</w>
<w OGNTsort="118871" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118872" strongs="3948" morph="N-ASM" lemma="παροξυσμός" text="παροξυσμὸν"></w>
<phraseWords>how to motivate</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118870" strongs="240" morph="C-APM" lemma="ἀλλήλων" text="ἀλλήλους">one another</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118873" strongs="26" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀγάπη" text="ἀγάπης">love</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118874" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118875" strongs="2570" morph="A-GPN" lemma="καλός" text="καλῶν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118876" strongs="2041" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ἔργον" text="ἔργων">deeds.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:25">
<Greek>μὴ ἐγκαταλείποντες τὴν ἐπισυναγωγὴν ἑαυτῶν καθὼς ἔθος τισίν ἀλλὰ παρακαλοῦντες καὶ τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον ὅσῳ βλέπετε ἐγγίζουσαν τὴν ἡμέραν</Greek>
<preText>\v 25</preText>
<ULB>Let us not abandon meeting together, as some have done. Instead, encourage one another, and all the more as you see the day coming closer.</ULB>
<residue>Let us not meeting together, some have done. Instead, one another, and all the more as you see the coming closer.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118877" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="118878" strongs="1459" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἐγκαταλείπω" text="ἐγκαταλείποντες">Let us [1] abandon</w>
<w OGNTsort="118879" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118880" strongs="1997" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπισυναγωγή" text="ἐπισυναγωγὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118881" strongs="1438" morph="F-1GPM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτῶν"></w>
<phraseWords>meeting together,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118882" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118883" strongs="1485" morph="N-NSN" lemma="ἔθος" text="ἔθος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118884" strongs="5100" morph="X-DPM" lemma="τις" text="τισίν"></w>
<phraseWords>some have done.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118885" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Instead,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118886" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλοῦντες">encourage</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>one another,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118887" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118888" strongs="5118" morph="D-DSN" lemma="τοσοῦτος" text="τοσούτῳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118889" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<phraseWords>all the more</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118890" strongs="3745" morph="K-DSN" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσῳ">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="118891" strongs="991" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλέπετε">you see</w>
<w OGNTsort="118893" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118894" strongs="2250" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέραν">day</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118892" strongs="1448" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="ἐγγίζω" text="ἐγγίζουσαν">coming closer.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:26">
<Greek>Ἑκουσίως γὰρ ἁμαρτανόντων ἡμῶν μετὰ τὸ λαβεῖν τὴν ἐπίγνωσιν τῆς ἀληθείας οὐκέτι περὶ ἁμαρτιῶν ἀπολείπεται θυσία</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 26</preText>
<ULB>For if we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, a sacrifice for sins no longer remains.</ULB>
<residue>For if we deliberately go on after we have the of the , a for sins no longer remains.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118896" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118898" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118895" strongs="1596" morph="ADV" lemma="ἑκουσίως" text="Ἑκουσίως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118897" strongs="264" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="ἁμαρτάνω" text="ἁμαρτανόντων"></w>
<phraseWords>if we deliberately go on sinning</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118899" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">after</w>
<w OGNTsort="118900" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118901" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαβεῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>we have received</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118902" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118903" strongs="1922" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπίγνωσις" text="ἐπίγνωσιν">knowledge</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118904" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118905" strongs="225" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀλήθεια" text="ἀληθείας">truth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118910" strongs="2378" morph="N-NSF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσία">a sacrifice</w>
<w OGNTsort="118907" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="118908" strongs="266" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτιῶν">sins</w>
<w OGNTsort="118906" strongs="3765" morph="ADV" lemma="οὐκέτι" text="οὐκέτι">no longer</w>
<w OGNTsort="118909" strongs="620" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="ἀπολείπω" text="ἀπολείπεται">remains.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:27">
<Greek>φοβερὰ δέ τις ἐκδοχὴ κρίσεως καὶ πυρὸς ζῆλος ἐσθίειν μέλλοντος τοὺς ὑπεναντίους</Greek>
<preText>\v 27</preText>
<ULB>Instead, there is only a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume God's enemies.</ULB>
<residue>Instead, there is only a certain expectation of , and a of that will God's .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118912" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δέ">Instead,</w>
<w>there is only</w>
<w OGNTsort="118913" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSF" lemma="τις" text="τις">a certain</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118911" strongs="5398" morph="A-NSF" lemma="φοβερός" text="φοβερὰ">fearful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118914" strongs="1561" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐκδοχή" text="ἐκδοχὴ">expectation</w>
<w OGNTsort="118915" strongs="2920" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κρίσις" text="κρίσεως">of judgment,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118916" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118918" strongs="2205" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ζῆλος" text="ζῆλος">a fury</w>
<w OGNTsort="118917" strongs="4442" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πῦρ" text="πυρὸς">of fire</w>
<w OGNTsort="118920" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GSN" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλοντος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118919" strongs="2068" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἐσθίω" text="ἐσθίειν"></w>
<phraseWords>that will consume</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118921" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118922" strongs="5227" morph="A-APM" lemma="ὑπεναντίος" text="ὑπεναντίους">enemies.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:28">
<Greek>ἀθετήσας τις νόμον Μωϋσέως χωρὶς οἰκτιρμῶν ἐπὶ δυσὶν ἢ τρισὶν μάρτυσιν ἀποθνήσκει</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 28</preText>
<ULB>Anyone who has rejected the law of Moses dies without mercy at the testimony of two or three witnesses.</ULB>
<residue>Anyone who has the without at the testimony of two or three .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118924" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις">Anyone</w>
<w OGNTsort="118923" strongs="114" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="ἀθετέω" text="ἀθετήσας">who has rejected</w>
<w OGNTsort="118925" strongs="3551" morph="N-ASM" lemma="νόμος" text="νόμον">the law</w>
<w OGNTsort="118926" strongs="3475" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσέως">of Moses</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118934" strongs="599" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθνήσκει">dies</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118927" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="118928" strongs="3628" morph="N-GPM" lemma="οἰκτιρμός" text="οἰκτιρμῶν">mercy</w>
<w OGNTsort="118929" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>at the testimony of</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118930" strongs="1417" morph="A-DPM" lemma="δύο" text="δυσὶν">two</w>
<w OGNTsort="118931" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="118932" strongs="5140" morph="A-DPM" lemma="τρεῖς, τρία" text="τρισὶν">three</w>
<w OGNTsort="118933" strongs="3144" morph="N-DPM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μάρτυσιν">witnesses.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:29">
<Greek>πόσῳ δοκεῖτε χείρονος ἀξιωθήσεται τιμωρίας ὁ τὸν Υἱὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καταπατήσας καὶ τὸ αἷμα τῆς διαθήκης κοινὸν ἡγησάμενος ἐν ᾧ ἡγιάσθη καὶ τὸ Πνεῦμα τῆς χάριτος ἐνυβρίσας</Greek>
<preText>\v 29</preText>
<ULB>How much worse punishment do you think one deserves who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, who regarded the blood of the covenant as unholy—the blood by which he was sanctified—and insulted the Spirit of grace?</ULB>
<residue>How much worse punishment do you one who has underfoot the , who regarded the of the as —the blood by which he was —and insulted the of ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118935" strongs="4214" morph="Q-DSN" lemma="πόσος" text="πόσῳ">How much</w>
<w OGNTsort="118937" strongs="5501" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="χείρων" text="χείρονος">worse</w>
<w OGNTsort="118939" strongs="5098" morph="N-GSF" lemma="τιμωρία" text="τιμωρίας">punishment</w>
<w OGNTsort="118936" strongs="1380" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="δοκέω" text="δοκεῖτε">do you think</w>
<w OGNTsort="118938" strongs="515" morph="V-FPI-3S" lemma="ἀξιόω" text="ἀξιωθήσεται">one deserves</w>
<w OGNTsort="118940" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="118945" strongs="2662" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="καταπατέω" text="καταπατήσας">has trampled underfoot</w>
<w OGNTsort="118941" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118942" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱὸν">Son</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118943" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118944" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118946" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118952" strongs="2233" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγησάμενος">who regarded</w>
<comment>This verb could be taken as having "the Son of God" as subject. Consider «... Son of God and who has regarded» (to use the perfect verb form to coordinate with "has trampled") or «... of God, who has regarded ... and who has insulted ...», or even «... Son of God, regarded» (to coordinate with "trampled" and "insulted").</comment>
<w OGNTsort="118947" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118948" strongs="129" morph="N-ASN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118949" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118950" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118951" strongs="2839" morph="A-ASN" lemma="κοινός" text="κοινὸν">unholy—</w>
<w>the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="118953" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="118954" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="118955" strongs="37" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἡγιάσθη">he was sanctified—</w>
<w OGNTsort="118956" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="118961" strongs="1796" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="ἐνυβρίζω" text="ἐνυβρίσας">insulted</w>
<w OGNTsort="118957" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118958" strongs="4151" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="Πνεῦμα">Spirit</w>
<w OGNTsort="118959" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118960" strongs="5485" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριτος">of grace?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:30">
<Greek>Οἴδαμεν γὰρ τὸν εἰπόντα Ἐμοὶ ἐκδίκησις ἐγὼ ἀνταποδώσω καὶ πάλιν Κρινεῖ Κύριος τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 30</preText>
<ULB>For we know the one who said, "Vengeance belongs to me; I will pay back." And again, "The Lord will judge his people."</ULB>
<residue>For we know the one who said, "Vengeance belongs to me; I will pay back." And again, "The his ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118963" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="118962" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-1P" lemma="εἴδω" text="Οἴδαμεν">we know</w>
<w OGNTsort="118964" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118965" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAP-ASM" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἰπόντα">one who said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118967" strongs="1557" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἐκδίκησις" text="ἐκδίκησις">"Vengeance</w>
<w OGNTsort="118966" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="Ἐμοὶ">to me;</w>
<w OGNTsort="118968" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="118969" strongs="467" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="ἀνταποδίδωμι" text="ἀνταποδώσω">will pay back."</w>
<w OGNTsort="118970" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">And</w>
<w OGNTsort="118971" strongs="3825" morph="ADV" lemma="πάλιν" text="πάλιν">again,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118973" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">"The Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="118972" strongs="2919" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="κρίνω" text="Κρινεῖ">will judge</w>
<w OGNTsort="118976" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118974" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118975" strongs="2992" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λαός" text="λαὸν">people."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:31">
<Greek>φοβερὸν τὸ ἐμπεσεῖν εἰς χεῖρας Θεοῦ ζῶντος</Greek>
<preText>\v 31</preText>
<ULB>It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!</ULB>
<residue>It is a to fall into the of !</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It is</w>
<w OGNTsort="118977" strongs="5398" morph="A-NSN" lemma="φοβερός" text="φοβερὸν">a fearful thing</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118978" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118979" strongs="1706" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἐμπίπτω" text="ἐμπεσεῖν">to fall</w>
<w OGNTsort="118980" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="118981" strongs="5495" morph="N-APF" lemma="χείρ" text="χεῖρας">the hands</w>
<w OGNTsort="118983" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντος">of the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="118982" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God!</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:32">
<Greek>Ἀναμιμνῄσκεσθε δὲ τὰς πρότερον ἡμέρας ἐν αἷς φωτισθέντες πολλὴν ἄθλησιν ὑπεμείνατε παθημάτων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 32</preText>
<ULB>But remember the former days, after you were enlightened, how you endured a great struggle in suffering.</ULB>
<residue>But remember the former , after you were enlightened, how you a great struggle in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118985" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="118984" strongs="363" morph="V-PPM-2P" lemma="ἀναμιμνήσκω" text="Ἀναμιμνῄσκεσθε">remember</w>
<w OGNTsort="118986" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="118987" strongs="4387" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="πρότερος" text="πρότερον">former</w>
<w OGNTsort="118988" strongs="2250" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">days,</w>
<w OGNTsort="118989" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118990" strongs="3739" morph="R-DPF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="αἷς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118991" strongs="5461" morph="V-APP-NPM" lemma="φωτίζω" text="φωτισθέντες"></w>
<phraseWords>after you were enlightened,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="118994" strongs="5278" morph="V-AAI-2P" lemma="ὑπομένω" text="ὑπεμείνατε">you endured</w>
<w OGNTsort="118992" strongs="4183" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλὴν">a great</w>
<w OGNTsort="118993" strongs="119" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἄθλησις" text="ἄθλησιν">struggle</w>
<w OGNTsort="118995" strongs="3804" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πάθημα" text="παθημάτων">in suffering.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:33">
<Greek>τοῦτο μὲν ὀνειδισμοῖς τε καὶ θλίψεσιν θεατριζόμενοι τοῦτο δὲ κοινωνοὶ τῶν οὕτως ἀναστρεφομένων γενηθέντες</Greek>
<preText>\v 33</preText>
<ULB>Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution, and other times you shared with those who so treated.</ULB>
<residue>Sometimes you were publicly exposed to and , and other times you shared with those who so treated.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="118996" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118997" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="118999" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119002" strongs="2301" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="θεατρίζω" text="θεατριζόμενοι">you were publicly exposed</w>
<w OGNTsort="118998" strongs="3680" morph="N-DPM" lemma="ὀνειδισμός" text="ὀνειδισμοῖς">to insult</w>
<w OGNTsort="119000" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and
<w OGNTsort="119001" strongs="2347" morph="N-DPF" lemma="θλῖψις" text="θλίψεσιν">persecution,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119004" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119003" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">other times</w>
<w OGNTsort="119009" strongs="1096" morph="V-AOP-NPM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενηθέντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119005" strongs="2844" morph="N-NPM" lemma="κοινωνός" text="κοινωνοὶ"></w>
<phraseWords>you shared</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119006" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119007" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτως"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119008" strongs="390" morph="V-PPP-GPM" lemma="ἀναστρέφω" text="ἀναστρεφομένων"></w>
<phraseWords>with those who so treated.</phraseWords>
<comment>This does not cohere. It should probably be «with those who were so treated.» or «with those so treated».</comment>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:34">
<Greek>καὶ γὰρ τοῖς δεσμίοις συνεπαθήσατε καὶ τὴν ἁρπαγὴν τῶν ὑπαρχόντων ὑμῶν μετὰ χαρᾶς προσεδέξασθε γινώσκοντες ἔχειν ἑαυτοὺς κρείττονα ὕπαρξιν καὶ μένουσαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 34</preText>
<ULB>For you had compassion on those who were prisoners, and you accepted with joy the seizure of your possessions. You knew that you yourselves had a better and everlasting possession. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa For you had compassion on me in my chains \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>For you had on those who were , and you accepted with the of your . You that you yourselves had a better and everlasting possession.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119011" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119010" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119014" strongs="4834" morph="V-AAI-2P" lemma="συμπαθέω" text="συνεπαθήσατε">you had compassion</w>
<w OGNTsort="119012" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">on those</w>
<w OGNTsort="119013" strongs="1198" morph="N-DPM" lemma="δέσμιος" text="δεσμίοις">who were prisoners,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119015" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119023" strongs="4327" morph="V-ADI-2P" lemma="προσδέχομαι" text="προσεδέξασθε">you accepted</w>
<w OGNTsort="119021" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="119022" strongs="5479" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾶς">joy</w>
<w OGNTsort="119016" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119017" strongs="724" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἁρπαγή" text="ἁρπαγὴν">seizure</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119020" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">of your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119018" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119019" strongs="5225" morph="V-PAP-GPN" lemma="ὑπάρχω" text="ὑπαρχόντων">possessions.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119024" strongs="1097" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="γινώσκω" text="γινώσκοντες">You knew</w>
<w OGNTsort="119025" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119026" strongs="1438" morph="F-2APM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοὺς"></w>
<phraseWords>that you yourselves had</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119027" strongs="2908" morph="A-ASF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονα">a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="119029" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119030" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="μένω" text="μένουσαν">everlasting</w>
<w OGNTsort="119028" strongs="5223" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ὕπαρξις" text="ὕπαρξιν">possession.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa For you had compassion on me in my chains \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 10:35">
<Greek>Μὴ ἀποβάλητε οὖν τὴν παρρησίαν ὑμῶν ἥτις ἔχει μεγάλην μισθαποδοσίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 35</preText>
<ULB>So do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.</ULB>
<residue>So do not throw away your , which has a .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119033" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">So</w>
<w OGNTsort="119031" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="Μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119032" strongs="577" morph="V-2AAS-2P" lemma="ἀποβάλλω" text="ἀποβάλητε">do [1] throw away</w>
<w OGNTsort="119036" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119034" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119035" strongs="3954" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παρρησία" text="παρρησίαν">confidence,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119037" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="119038" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχει">has</w>
<w OGNTsort="119039" strongs="3173" morph="A-ASF" lemma="μέγας" text="μεγάλην">a great</w>
<w OGNTsort="119040" strongs="3405" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μισθαποδοσία" text="μισθαποδοσίαν">reward.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:36">
<Greek>ὑπομονῆς γὰρ ἔχετε χρείαν ἵνα τὸ θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ ποιήσαντες κομίσησθε τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 36</preText>
<ULB>For you need perseverance so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.</ULB>
<residue>For you need so that when you have done the , you will what he has .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119042" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119043" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχετε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119044" strongs="5532" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χρεία" text="χρείαν"></w>
<phraseWords>you need</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119041" strongs="5281" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑπομονή" text="ὑπομονῆς">perseverance</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119045" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119050" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιήσαντες">when you have done</w>
<w OGNTsort="119046" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119047" strongs="2307" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημα">will</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119048" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119049" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119051" strongs="2865" morph="V-AMS-2P" lemma="κομίζω" text="κομίσησθε">you will receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="119052" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119053" strongs="1860" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίαν">promised</w>
<phraseWords>what he has promised.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:37">
<Greek>ἔτι γὰρ Μικρὸν ὅσον ὅσον ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἥξει καὶ οὐ χρονίσει</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 37</preText>
<ULB>"For in a very little while, <usfm>\q</usfm> the one who is coming will indeed come and not delay.</ULB>
<residue>"For in a very little while, the one who is coming will indeed come and not delay.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119055" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">"For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119054" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119056" strongs="3398" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μικρός" text="Μικρὸν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119057" strongs="3745" morph="K-ASM" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119058" strongs="3745" morph="K-ASM" lemma="ὅσος" text="ὅσον"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<phraseWords>in a very little while,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119059" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119060" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἐρχόμενος">one who is coming</w>
<w sub="[1]">indeed</w>
<w OGNTsort="119061" strongs="2240" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="ἥκω" text="ἥξει">will [1] come</w>
<w OGNTsort="119062" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119063" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119064" strongs="5549" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="χρονίζω" text="χρονίσει">delay.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:38">
<Greek>ὁ δὲ δίκαιός μου ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται καὶ ἐὰν ὑποστείληται οὐκ εὐδοκεῖ ἡ ψυχή μου ἐν αὐτῷ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \q \v 38</preText>
<ULB>My righteous one will live by faith. <usfm>\q</usfm> If he shrinks back, my soul will not be pleased with him."</ULB>
<residue>My one will by . If he shrinks back, my will not be with him."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119066" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119068" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">My</w>
<w OGNTsort="119065" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119067" strongs="1342" morph="A-NSM" lemma="δίκαιος" text="δίκαιός">righteous one</w>
<w OGNTsort="119071" strongs="2198" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="ζάω" text="ζήσεται">will live</w>
<w OGNTsort="119069" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119070" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119072" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119073" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">If</w>
<w OGNTsort="119074" strongs="5288" morph="V-AMS-3S" lemma="ὑποστέλλω" text="ὑποστείληται">he shrinks back,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119079" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">my</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119077" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119078" strongs="5590" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχή">soul</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119075" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119076" strongs="2106" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εὐδοκέω" text="εὐδοκεῖ">will [1] be pleased</w>
<w OGNTsort="119080" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="119081" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">him."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 10:39">
<Greek>Ἡμεῖς δὲ οὐκ ἐσμὲν ὑποστολῆς εἰς ἀπώλειαν ἀλλὰ πίστεως εἰς περιποίησιν ψυχῆς</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 39</preText>
<ULB>But we are not any of those who turn back to destruction, but we are among those who have faith and preserve their souls.</ULB>
<residue>But we are not any of those who turn back to , but we are among those who have and preserve their .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119083" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="119082" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="Ἡμεῖς">we</w>
<w OGNTsort="119085" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐσμὲν">are</w>
<w OGNTsort="119084" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119086" strongs="5289" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑποστολή" text="ὑποστολῆς"></w>
<phraseWords>any of those who turn back</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119087" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119088" strongs="684" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπώλεια" text="ἀπώλειαν">destruction,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119089" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="119090" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως"></w>
<phraseWords>we are among those who have faith</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119091" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119092" strongs="4047" morph="N-ASF" lemma="περιποίησις" text="περιποίησιν"></w>
<phraseWords>and preserve</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119093" strongs="5590" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχῆς">their souls.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.11">
<verse name="Hebrews 11:1">
<Greek>Ἔστιν δὲ πίστις ἐλπιζομένων ὑπόστασις πραγμάτων ἔλεγχος οὐ βλεπομένων</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 11 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Now faith is being sure of the things hoped for and certain of things that are not seen.</ULB>
<residue>Now is being sure of the things for and certain of things that are not seen.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119095" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119096" strongs="4102" morph="N-NSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστις">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119094" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="Ἔστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="119098" strongs="5287" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ὑπόστασις" text="ὑπόστασις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119097" strongs="1679" morph="V-PPP-GPN" lemma="ἐλπίζω" text="ἐλπιζομένων"></w>
<phraseWords>being sure of the things hoped for</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119099" strongs="4229" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πρᾶγμα" text="πραγμάτων"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119100" strongs="1650" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἔλεγχος, ἐλεγμός" text="ἔλεγχος"></w>
<phraseWords>certain of</phraseWords>
<w sub="[1]">that are</w>
<w OGNTsort="119101" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119102" strongs="991" morph="V-PPP-GPN" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλεπομένων">things [1] [2] seen.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:2">
<Greek>ἐν ταύτῃ γὰρ ἐμαρτυρήθησαν οἱ πρεσβύτεροι</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>For because of this the ancestors were approved for their faith.</ULB>
<residue>For because of this the were approved for their faith.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119105" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119103" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119104" strongs="3778" morph="D-DSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτῃ"></w>
<phraseWords>because of this</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119107" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119108" strongs="4245" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πρεσβύτερος" text="πρεσβύτεροι">ancestors</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119106" strongs="3140" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="ἐμαρτυρήθησαν"></w>
<phraseWords>were approved for their faith.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:3">
<Greek>Πίστει νοοῦμεν κατηρτίσθαι τοὺς αἰῶνας ῥήματι Θεοῦ εἰς τὸ μὴ ἐκ φαινομένων τὸ βλεπόμενον γεγονέναι</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>By faith we understand that the universe was created by God's command, so that what is visible was not made out of things that were visible.</ULB>
<residue>By we that the was by , so that what is visible was not made out of things that were visible.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119109" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">By faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119110" strongs="3539" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="νοέω" text="νοοῦμεν">we understand</w>
<w OGNTsort="119112" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119113" strongs="165" morph="N-APM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνας">universe</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119111" strongs="2675" morph="V-RPN" lemma="καταρτίζω" text="κατηρτίσθαι">was created</w>
<w OGNTsort="119115" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">by God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="119114" strongs="4487" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ῥῆμα" text="ῥήματι">command,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119116" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119117" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<phraseWords>so that</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119121" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="119122" strongs="991" morph="V-PPP-ASN" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλεπόμενον">is visible</w>
<w OGNTsort="119118" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119123" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAN" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγονέναι">was [1] made</w>
<w OGNTsort="119119" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">out of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119120" strongs="5316" morph="V-PEP-GPN" lemma="φαίνω" text="φαινομένων">things that were visible.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:4">
<Greek>Πίστει πλείονα θυσίαν Ἅβελ παρὰ Κάϊν προσήνεγκεν τῷ Θεῷ δι᾽ ἧς ἐμαρτυρήθη εἶναι δίκαιος μαρτυροῦντος ἐπὶ τοῖς δώροις αὐτοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῆς ἀποθανὼν ἔτι λαλεῖ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 4</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he was attested to be righteous, and God spoke well of him because of his offerings, and by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that offered a than , through which he was attested to be , and spoke of him because of his , and by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119124" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119127" strongs="6" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἄβελ" text="Ἅβελ">Abel</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119130" strongs="4374" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσήνεγκεν">offered</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119131" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119132" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119125" strongs="4119" morph="A-ASF-C" lemma="πλείων, πλεῖον" text="πλείονα">a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="119126" strongs="2378" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαν">sacrifice</w>
<w OGNTsort="119128" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ">than</w>
<w OGNTsort="119129" strongs="2535" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Κάϊν" text="Κάϊν">Cain,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119133" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="119134" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="119135" strongs="3140" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="ἐμαρτυρήθη">he was attested</w>
<w OGNTsort="119136" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">to be</w>
<w OGNTsort="119137" strongs="1342" morph="A-NSM" lemma="δίκαιος" text="δίκαιος">righteous,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119138" strongs="3140" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυροῦντος">well</w>
<w OGNTsort="119143" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119144" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="119142" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<phraseWords>God spoke well of him</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119139" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119140" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="119141" strongs="1435" morph="N-DPN" lemma="δῶρον" text="δώροις">offerings,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119145" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119146" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">by</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119147" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119149" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">still</w>
<w OGNTsort="119150" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλεῖ">speaks,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119148" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθανὼν"></w>
<phraseWords>even though he is dead.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:5">
<Greek>Πίστει Ἑνὼχ μετετέθη τοῦ μὴ ἰδεῖν θάνατον καὶ οὐχ ηὑρίσκετο διότι μετέθηκεν αὐτὸν ὁ Θεός πρὸ γὰρ τῆς μεταθέσεως μεμαρτύρηται εὐαρεστηκέναι τῷ Θεῷ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Enoch was taken up so that he did not see death. "He was not found, because God took him away." For before he was taken up, it was testified that he had pleased God.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that was taken up so that he did not see . "He was not found, because took him away." For before he was taken up, it was that he had pleased .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119151" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119152" strongs="1802" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἐνώχ" text="Ἑνὼχ">Enoch</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119153" strongs="3346" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="μετατίθημι" text="μετετέθη">was taken up</w>
<w OGNTsort="119154" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119155" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119156" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδεῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>so that he did not see</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119157" strongs="2288" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θάνατος" text="θάνατον">death.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119158" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119159" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐχ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119160" strongs="2147" morph="V-IPI-3S" lemma="εὑρίσκω" text="ηὑρίσκετο">"He was [1] found,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119161" strongs="1360" morph="CONJ" lemma="διότι" text="διότι">because</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119164" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119165" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119163" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[2]" text="αὐτὸν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="119162" strongs="3346" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="μετατίθημι" text="μετέθηκεν">took [2] away."</w>
<w OGNTsort="119167" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119166" strongs="4253" morph="PREP" lemma="πρό" text="πρὸ">before</w>
<w OGNTsort="119168" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119169" strongs="3331" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μετάθεσις" text="μεταθέσεως"></w>
<phraseWords>he was taken up,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119170" strongs="3140" morph="V-RPI-3S" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μεμαρτύρηται">it was testified</w>
<w OGNTsort="119171" strongs="2100" morph="V-RAN" lemma="εὐαρεστέω" text="εὐαρεστηκέναι">he had pleased</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119172" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119173" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:6">
<Greek>χωρὶς δὲ πίστεως ἀδύνατον εὐαρεστῆσαι πιστεῦσαι γὰρ δεῖ τὸν προσερχόμενον τῷ Θεῷ ὅτι ἔστιν καὶ τοῖς ἐκζητοῦσιν αὐτὸν μισθαποδότης γίνεται</Greek>
<preText>\v 6</preText>
<ULB>Now without faith it is impossible to please him. For it is necessary that anyone coming to God must believe that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.</ULB>
<residue>Now without faith it is impossible to please him. For it is necessary that anyone coming to must that he exists and that he is a of those who him.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119175" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="119174" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="119176" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119177" strongs="102" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀδύνατος" text="ἀδύνατον">it is impossible</w>
<w OGNTsort="119178" strongs="2100" morph="V-AAN" lemma="εὐαρεστέω" text="εὐαρεστῆσαι">to please him.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119180" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119181" strongs="1210" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δέω" text="δεῖ">it is necessary</w>
<w OGNTsort="119182" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">anyone</w>
<w OGNTsort="119183" strongs="4334" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσερχόμενον">coming</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119184" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119185" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">to God</w>
<w OGNTsort="119179" strongs="4100" morph="V-AAN" lemma="πιστεύω" text="πιστεῦσαι">must believe</w>
<w OGNTsort="119186" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119187" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">he exists</w>
<w OGNTsort="119188" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119193" strongs="1096" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γίνεται">he is</w>
<w OGNTsort="119192" strongs="3406" morph="N-NSM" lemma="μισθαποδότης" text="μισθαποδότης">a rewarder</w>
<w OGNTsort="119189" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">of those</w>
<w OGNTsort="119190" strongs="1567" morph="V-PAP-DPM" lemma="ἐκζητέω" text="ἐκζητοῦσιν">who seek</w>
<w OGNTsort="119191" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:7">
<Greek>Πίστει χρηματισθεὶς Νῶε περὶ τῶν μηδέπω βλεπομένων εὐλαβηθεὶς κατεσκεύασεν κιβωτὸν εἰς σωτηρίαν τοῦ οἴκου αὐτοῦ δι᾽ ἧς κατέκρινεν τὸν κόσμον καὶ τῆς κατὰ πίστιν δικαιοσύνης ἐγένετο κληρονόμος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 7</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Noah, having been given a divine message about things not yet seen, with godly reverence built a ark to save his household. By doing this, he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , having been given a divine about things not yet seen, with godly built a to his . By doing this, he the and became an of the that is according to .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119194" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119196" strongs="3575" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Νῶε" text="Νῶε">Noah,</w>
<w sub="[1]">divine</w>
<w OGNTsort="119195" strongs="5537" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="χρηματίζω" text="χρηματισθεὶς">having been given a [1] message</w>
<w OGNTsort="119197" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="119198" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119199" strongs="3369" morph="ADV" lemma="μηδέπω" text="μηδέπω"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119200" strongs="991" morph="V-PPP-GPN" lemma="βλέπω" text="βλεπομένων"></w>
<phraseWords>things not yet seen,</phraseWords>
<w sub="[2]">godly</w>
<w OGNTsort="119201" strongs="2125" morph="V-AOP-NSM" lemma="εὐλαβέομαι" text="εὐλαβηθεὶς">with [2] reverence</w>
<w OGNTsort="119202" strongs="2680" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="κατασκευάζω" text="κατεσκεύασεν">built</w>
<w OGNTsort="119203" strongs="2787" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κιβωτός" text="κιβωτὸν">a ark</w>
<comment>Should be «an ark».</comment>
<w OGNTsort="119204" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119205" strongs="4991" morph="N-ASF" lemma="σωτηρία" text="σωτηρίαν">save</w>
<phraseWords>to save</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119208" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119206" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119207" strongs="3624" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οἶκος" text="οἴκου">household.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119209" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119210" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς"></w>
<phraseWords>By doing this,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119211" strongs="2632" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="κατακρίνω" text="κατέκρινεν">he condemned</w>
<w OGNTsort="119212" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119213" strongs="2889" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμον">world</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119214" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119219" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADI-3S" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγένετο">became</w>
<w OGNTsort="119220" strongs="2818" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κληρονόμος" text="κληρονόμος">an heir</w>
<w OGNTsort="119215" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119218" strongs="1343" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνης">righteousness</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>that is</w>
<w OGNTsort="119216" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ">according to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119217" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:8">
<Greek>Πίστει καλούμενος Ἀβραὰμ ὑπήκουσεν ἐξελθεῖν εἰς τόπον ὃν ἤμελλεν λαμβάνειν εἰς κληρονομίαν καὶ ἐξῆλθεν μὴ ἐπιστάμενος ποῦ ἔρχεται</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 8</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went out to the place that he was to receive as an inheritance. He went out, not knowing where he was going.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , when he was , and went out to the place that he was to as an . He went out, not where he was going.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119221" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119223" strongs="11" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119222" strongs="2564" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="καλέω" text="καλούμενος">when he was called,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119224" strongs="5219" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὑπακούω" text="ὑπήκουσεν">obeyed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119225" strongs="1831" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξελθεῖν">went out</w>
<w OGNTsort="119226" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119227" strongs="5117" morph="N-ASM" lemma="τόπος" text="τόπον">the place</w>
<w OGNTsort="119228" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119229" strongs="3195" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="μέλλω" text="ἤμελλεν">he was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119230" strongs="2983" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαμβάνειν">to receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="119231" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119232" strongs="2817" morph="N-ASF" lemma="κληρονομία" text="κληρονομίαν">an inheritance.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119233" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119234" strongs="1831" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξῆλθεν">He went out,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119235" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119236" strongs="1987" morph="V-PNP-NSM" lemma="ἐπίσταμαι" text="ἐπιστάμενος">knowing</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119237" strongs="4226" morph="ADV-I" lemma="ποῦ" text="ποῦ">where</w>
<w OGNTsort="119238" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχεται">he was going.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:9">
<Greek>Πίστει παρῴκησεν εἰς γῆν τῆς ἐπαγγελίας ὡς ἀλλοτρίαν ἐν σκηναῖς κατοικήσας μετὰ Ἰσαὰκ καὶ Ἰακὼβ τῶν συνκληρονόμων τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τῆς αὐτῆς</Greek>
<preText>\v 9</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that he lived in the land of promise as a foreigner. He lived in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that he lived in the of as a . He lived in with and , fellow of the same .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119239" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119240" strongs="3939" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="παροικέω" text="παρῴκησεν">he lived</w>
<w OGNTsort="119241" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="119242" strongs="1093" morph="N-ASF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆν">the land</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119243" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119244" strongs="1860" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">of promise</w>
<w OGNTsort="119245" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119246" strongs="245" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀλλότριος" text="ἀλλοτρίαν">a foreigner.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119249" strongs="2730" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="κατοικέω" text="κατοικήσας">He lived</w>
<w OGNTsort="119247" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119248" strongs="4633" morph="N-DPF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηναῖς">tents</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119250" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119251" strongs="2464" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰσαάκ" text="Ἰσαὰκ">Isaac</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119252" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119253" strongs="2384" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰακώβ" text="Ἰακὼβ">Jacob,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119254" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119255" strongs="4789" morph="A-GPM" lemma="συγκληρονόμος" text="συνκληρονόμων">fellow heirs</w>
<w OGNTsort="119256" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119258" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119259" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς">same</w>
<w OGNTsort="119257" strongs="1860" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promise.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:10">
<Greek>ἐξεδέχετο γὰρ τὴν τοὺς θεμελίους ἔχουσαν πόλιν ἧς τεχνίτης καὶ δημιουργὸς ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.</ULB>
<residue>For he was looking forward to the city with , whose architect and builder is .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119261" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119260" strongs="1551" morph="V-INI-3S" lemma="ἐκδέχομαι" text="ἐξεδέχετο">he was looking forward to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119262" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119266" strongs="4172" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πόλις" text="πόλιν">city</w>
<w OGNTsort="119265" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσαν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119263" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119264" strongs="2310" morph="N-APM" lemma="θεμέλιος" text="θεμελίους"></w>
<phraseWords>with foundations,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119267" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">whose</w>
<w OGNTsort="119268" strongs="5079" morph="N-NSM" lemma="τεχνίτης" text="τεχνίτης">architect</w>
<w OGNTsort="119269" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119270" strongs="1217" morph="N-NSM" lemma="δημιουργός" text="δημιουργὸς">builder</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119271" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119272" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:11">
<Greek>Πίστει καὶ αὐτῇ Σάρρᾳ στεῖρα δύναμιν εἰς καταβολὴν σπέρματος ἔλαβεν καὶ παρὰ καιρὸν ἡλικίας ἐπεὶ πιστὸν ἡγήσατο τὸν ἐπαγγειλάμενον</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 11</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith, even though Sarah herself was barren, that she received ability to conceive. This happened even though she was too old, since she considered as faithful the one who had given the promise.</ULB>
<residue>It was by , even though herself was , that she to . This happened even though she was too old, since she as the one who had given the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119273" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119274" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119276" strongs="4564" morph="N-NSF-P" lemma="Σάρρα" text="Σάρρᾳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119275" strongs="846" morph="P-NSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῇ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119277" strongs="4723" morph="A-NSF" lemma="στεῖρα" text="στεῖρα"></w>
<phraseWords>even though Sarah herself was barren,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119282" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="ἔλαβεν">she received</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119278" strongs="1411" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δύναμιν">ability</w>
<w OGNTsort="119279" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119280" strongs="2602" morph="N-ASF" lemma="καταβολή" text="καταβολὴν">to conceive.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119281" strongs="4690" morph="N-GSN" lemma="σπέρμα" text="σπέρματος"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>This happened even though</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119283" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119284" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119285" strongs="2540" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιρὸν"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119286" strongs="2244" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἡλικία" text="ἡλικίας"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<phraseWords>she was too old,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119287" strongs="1893" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐπεί" text="ἐπεὶ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="119289" strongs="2233" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγήσατο">she considered</w>
<w OGNTsort="119288" strongs="4103" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πιστός" text="πιστὸν">faithful</w>
<w OGNTsort="119290" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119291" strongs="1861" morph="V-ADP-ASM" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπαγγειλάμενον">one who had given the promise.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:12">
<Greek>διὸ καὶ ἀφ᾽ ἑνὸς ἐγεννήθησαν καὶ ταῦτα νενεκρωμένου καθὼς τὰ ἄστρα τοῦ οὐρανοῦ τῷ πλήθει καὶ ὡς ἡ ἄμμος ἡ παρὰ τὸ χεῖλος τῆς θαλάσσης ἡ ἀναρίθμητος</Greek>
<preText>\v 12</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, from this one man—and he was almost dead—were born descendants as many as the stars in the sky and as countless as sand by the seashore.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, from this one man—and he was almost —were descendants many as the stars in the sky and as countless as sand by the seashore.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119292" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="διὸ">Therefore,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119293" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119294" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="119295" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSM" lemma="εἷς" text="ἑνὸς">this one man—</w>
<w OGNTsort="119297" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119298" strongs="3778" morph="D-APN" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταῦτα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119299" strongs="3499" morph="V-RPP-GSM" lemma="νεκρόω" text="νενεκρωμένου"></w>
<phraseWords>he was almost dead—</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119296" strongs="1080" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="γεννάω" text="ἐγεννήθησαν">were born</w>
<w OGNTsort="119305" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119306" strongs="4128" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πλῆθος" text="πλήθει"></w>
<phraseWords>as many</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119300" strongs="2531" morph="CONJ" lemma="καθώς" text="καθὼς">as</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119301" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119302" strongs="798" morph="N-NPN" lemma="ἄστρον" text="ἄστρα">stars</w>
<w OGNTsort="119303" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">in the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119304" strongs="3772" morph="N-GSM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοῦ">sky</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119307" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119308" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119317" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119318" strongs="382" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ἀναρίθμητος" text="ἀναρίθμητος"></w>
<phraseWords>countless as</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119309" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119310" strongs="285" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ἄμμος" text="ἄμμος">sand</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119311" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119312" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119313" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119314" strongs="5491" morph="N-ASN" lemma="χεῖλος" text="χεῖλος"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119315" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119316" strongs="2281" morph="N-GSF" lemma="θάλασσα" text="θαλάσσης"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:13">
<Greek>Κατὰ πίστιν ἀπέθανον οὗτοι πάντες μὴ λαβόντες τὰς ἐπαγγελίας ἀλλὰ πόρρωθεν αὐτὰς ἰδόντες καὶ ἀσπασάμενοι καὶ ὁμολογήσαντες ὅτι ξένοι καὶ παρεπίδημοί εἰσιν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 13</preText>
<ULB>It was in faith that all these died without receiving the promises. Rather, they saw and greeted them from far off, and they acknowledged that they were foreigners and exiles on earth.</ULB>
<residue>It was in that all these without the . Rather, they saw and them from far off, and they that they were and on .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119319" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="Κατὰ">in</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119320" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119323" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="119322" strongs="3778" morph="D-NPM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτοι">these</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119321" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀπέθανον">died</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119324" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">without</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119325" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαβόντες">receiving</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119326" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119327" strongs="1860" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promises.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119328" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Rather,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119331" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἰδόντες">they saw</w>
<w OGNTsort="119332" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119333" strongs="782" morph="V-ADP-NPM" lemma="ἀσπάζομαι" text="ἀσπασάμενοι">greeted</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119330" strongs="846" morph="P-APF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὰς">them</w>
<w OGNTsort="119329" strongs="4207" morph="ADV" lemma="πόρρωθεν" text="πόρρωθεν">from far off,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119334" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119335" strongs="3670" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ὁμολογέω" text="ὁμολογήσαντες">they acknowledged</w>
<w OGNTsort="119336" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119340" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰσιν">they were</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119337" strongs="3581" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ξένος" text="ξένοι">foreigners</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119338" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119339" strongs="3927" morph="A-NPM" lemma="παρεπίδημος" text="παρεπίδημοί">exiles</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119341" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119342" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119343" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς">earth.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:14">
<Greek>οἱ γὰρ τοιαῦτα λέγοντες ἐμφανίζουσιν ὅτι πατρίδα ἐπιζητοῦσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.</ULB>
<residue>For those who say such things make it clear that they are a homeland.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119345" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119344" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="119347" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγοντες">who say</w>
<w OGNTsort="119346" strongs="5108" morph="D-APN" lemma="τοιοῦτος" text="τοιαῦτα">such things</w>
<w OGNTsort="119348" strongs="1718" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἐμφανίζω" text="ἐμφανίζουσιν">make it clear</w>
<w OGNTsort="119349" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119351" strongs="1934" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἐπιζητέω" text="ἐπιζητοῦσιν">they are seeking</w>
<w OGNTsort="119350" strongs="3968" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πατρίς" text="πατρίδα">a homeland.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:15">
<Greek>καὶ εἰ μὲν ἐκείνης ἐμνημόνευον ἀφ᾽ ἧς ἐξέβησαν εἶχον ἂν καιρὸν ἀνακάμψαι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>If they had been thinking of the country from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.</ULB>
<residue>If they had been thinking of the country from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119352" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119353" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119354" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119356" strongs="3421" morph="V-IAI-3P" lemma="μνημονεύω" text="ἐμνημόνευον"></w>
<phraseWords>If they had been thinking</phraseWords>
<w>of the country</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119355" strongs="1565" morph="D-GSF" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκείνης"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119357" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀφ᾽">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="119358" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="119359" strongs="6092" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἐκβαίνω" text="ἐξέβησαν">they had gone out,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119360" strongs="2192" morph="V-IAI-3P" lemma="ἔχω" text="εἶχον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119361" strongs="302" morph="PRT" lemma="ἄν" text="ἂν"></w>
<phraseWords>they would have had</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119362" strongs="2540" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καιρός" text="καιρὸν">opportunity</w>
<w OGNTsort="119363" strongs="344" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ἀνακάμπτω" text="ἀνακάμψαι">to return.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:16">
<Greek>νῦν δὲ κρείττονος ὀρέγονται τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν ἐπουρανίου διὸ οὐκ ἐπαισχύνεται αὐτοὺς ὁ Θεὸς Θεὸς ἐπικαλεῖσθαι αὐτῶν ἡτοίμασεν γὰρ αὐτοῖς πόλιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, since he has prepared a city for them.</ULB>
<residue>But as it is, they a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore is not to be their , since he has prepared a city for them.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119365" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="119364" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν"></w>
<phraseWords>as it is,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119367" strongs="3713" morph="V-PMI-3P" lemma="ὀρέγω" text="ὀρέγονται">they desire</w>
<w OGNTsort="119366" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονος">a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="119368" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119369" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119370" strongs="2032" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουρανίου">a heavenly one.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119371" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="διὸ">Therefore</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119375" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119376" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119372" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119373" strongs="1870" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="ἐπαισχύνομαι" text="ἐπαισχύνεται">is [1] ashamed</w>
<w OGNTsort="119378" strongs="1941" morph="V-PPN" lemma="ἐπικαλέω" text="ἐπικαλεῖσθαι">to be called</w>
<w OGNTsort="119374" strongs="846" morph="P-APM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119379" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="119377" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119381" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">since</w>
<w OGNTsort="119380" strongs="2090" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ἑτοιμάζω" text="ἡτοίμασεν">he has prepared</w>
<w OGNTsort="119383" strongs="4172" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πόλις" text="πόλιν">a city</w>
<w OGNTsort="119382" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς">for them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:17">
<Greek>Πίστει προσενήνοχεν Ἀβραὰμ τὸν Ἰσαὰκ πειραζόμενος καὶ τὸν μονογενῆ προσέφερεν ὁ τὰς ἐπαγγελίας ἀναδεξάμενος</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 17</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Abraham, when he was tested, offered Isaac. It was his only son whom he offered, he who had received the promises.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , when he was , offered . It was his only son whom he offered, he who had the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119384" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119386" strongs="11" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἀβραάμ" text="Ἀβραὰμ">Abraham,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119389" strongs="3985" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="πειράζω" text="πειραζόμενος">when he was tested,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119385" strongs="4374" morph="V-2RAI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσενήνοχεν">offered</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119387" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119388" strongs="2464" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰσαάκ" text="Ἰσαὰκ">Isaac.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119390" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119391" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="119392" strongs="3439" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μονογενής" text="μονογενῆ">only son</w>
<w OGNTsort="119393" strongs="4374" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσέφερεν">he offered,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119394" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">he</w>
<w OGNTsort="119397" strongs="324" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="ἀναδέχομαι" text="ἀναδεξάμενος">who had received</w>
<w OGNTsort="119395" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119396" strongs="1860" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίας">promises.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:18">
<Greek>πρὸς ὃν ἐλαλήθη ὅτι Ἐν Ἰσαὰκ κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα</Greek>
<preText>\v 18</preText>
<ULB>It was Abraham to whom it had been said, "It is through Isaac that your descendants will be named."</ULB>
<residue>It was Abraham to whom it had been said, "It is through that your will be ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was Abraham</w>
<w OGNTsort="119398" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119399" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="119400" strongs="2980" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="λαλέω" text="ἐλαλήθη">it had been said,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119401" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>"It is</w>
<w OGNTsort="119402" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="Ἐν">through</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119403" strongs="2464" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰσαάκ" text="Ἰσαὰκ">Isaac</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119405" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DS" lemma="σύ" text="σοι">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119406" strongs="4690" morph="N-NSN" lemma="σπέρμα" text="σπέρμα">descendants</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119404" strongs="2564" morph="V-FPI-3S" lemma="καλέω" text="κληθήσεταί">will be named."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:19">
<Greek>λογισάμενος ὅτι καὶ ἐκ νεκρῶν ἐγείρειν δυνατὸς ὁ Θεός ὅθεν αὐτὸν καὶ ἐν παραβολῇ ἐκομίσατο</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>Abraham reasoned that God was able to raise up Isaac from the dead, and figuratively speaking, it was from them that he received him back.</ULB>
<residue>Abraham reasoned that to Isaac from the , and figuratively speaking, it was from them that he him back.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119407" strongs="3049" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="λογίζομαι" text="λογισάμενος">reasoned</w>
<w OGNTsort="119408" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119409" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119414" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119415" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119413" strongs="1415" morph="A-NSM" lemma="δυνατός" text="δυνατὸς">was able</w>
<w OGNTsort="119412" strongs="1453" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἐγείρω" text="ἐγείρειν">to raise up</w>
<w OGNTsort="119410" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="119411" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">the dead,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119418" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119419" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119420" strongs="3850" morph="N-DSF" lemma="παραβολή" text="παραβολῇ"></w>
<phraseWords>figuratively speaking,</phraseWords>
<w>it was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119416" strongs="3606" morph="ADV" lemma="ὅθεν" text="ὅθεν">from them</w>
<w OGNTsort="119417" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" sub="[1]" text="αὐτὸν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="119421" strongs="2865" morph="V-AMI-3S" lemma="κομίζω" text="ἐκομίσατο">he received [1] back.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:20">
<Greek>Πίστει καὶ περὶ μελλόντων εὐλόγησεν Ἰσαὰκ τὸν Ἰακὼβ καὶ τὸν Ἠσαῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 20</preText>
<ULB>It was also by faith about things to come that Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau.</ULB>
<residue>It was also by about things to come that and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119423" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="119422" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119424" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="119425" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-GPN" lemma="μέλλω" text="μελλόντων">things to come</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119427" strongs="2464" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰσαάκ" text="Ἰσαὰκ">Isaac</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119426" strongs="2127" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλόγησεν">blessed</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119428" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119429" strongs="2384" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰακώβ" text="Ἰακὼβ">Jacob</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119430" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119431" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119432" strongs="2269" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἠσαῦ" text="Ἠσαῦ">Esau.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:21">
<Greek>Πίστει Ἰακὼβ ἀποθνῄσκων ἕκαστον τῶν υἱῶν Ἰωσὴφ εὐλόγησεν καὶ προσεκύνησεν ἐπὶ τὸ ἄκρον τῆς ῥάβδου αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons. Jacob worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , when he was , each of 's . Jacob , leaning on the top of his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119433" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119434" strongs="2384" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰακώβ" text="Ἰακὼβ">Jacob,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119435" strongs="599" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀποθνῄσκων">when he was dying,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119440" strongs="2127" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="εὐλογέω" text="εὐλόγησεν">blessed</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119436" strongs="1538" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἕκαστος" text="ἕκαστον">each</w>
<w OGNTsort="119437" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119439" strongs="2501" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰωσήφ" text="Ἰωσὴφ">Joseph's</w>
<w OGNTsort="119438" strongs="5207" morph="N-GPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱῶν">sons.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119442" strongs="4352" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="προσκυνέω" text="προσεκύνησεν">worshiped,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119441" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119443" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="119444" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119445" strongs="206" morph="N-ASN" lemma="ἄκρον" text="ἄκρον">top</w>
<w OGNTsort="119448" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">of his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119446" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119447" strongs="4464" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ῥάβδος" text="ῥάβδου">staff.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:22">
<Greek>Πίστει Ἰωσὴφ τελευτῶν περὶ τῆς ἐξόδου τῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραὴλ ἐμνημόνευσεν καὶ περὶ τῶν ὀστέων αὐτοῦ ἐνετείλατο</Greek>
<preText>\v 22</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Joseph, when his end was near, spoke of the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt and instructed them about his bones.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , when his end was near, spoke of the departure of the of from Egypt and them about his bones.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119449" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119450" strongs="2501" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰωσήφ" text="Ἰωσὴφ">Joseph,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119451" strongs="5053" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="τελευτάω" text="τελευτῶν">when his end was near,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119458" strongs="3421" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="μνημονεύω" text="ἐμνημόνευσεν">spoke</w>
<w OGNTsort="119452" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119453" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119454" strongs="1841" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἔξοδος" text="ἐξόδου">departure</w>
<w OGNTsort="119455" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119456" strongs="5207" morph="N-GPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱῶν">children</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119457" strongs="2474" morph="N-GSM-L" lemma="Ἰσραήλ" text="Ἰσραὴλ">of Israel</w>
<w>from Egypt</w>
<w OGNTsort="119459" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119464" strongs="1781" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="ἐντέλλω" text="ἐνετείλατο">instructed them</w>
<w OGNTsort="119460" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">about</w>
<w OGNTsort="119463" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119461" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119462" strongs="3747" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ὀστέον" text="ὀστέων">bones.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:23">
<Greek>Πίστει Μωϋσῆς γεννηθεὶς ἐκρύβη τρίμηνον ὑπὸ τῶν πατέρων αὐτοῦ διότι εἶδον ἀστεῖον τὸ παιδίον καὶ οὐκ ἐφοβήθησαν τὸ διάταγμα τοῦ βασιλέως</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 23</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents because they saw he was a beautiful child. They were not afraid of the king's command.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , when he was , was hidden for three months by his parents because they saw he was a beautiful . They were not of the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119465" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119466" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">that Moses,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119467" strongs="1080" morph="V-APP-NSM" lemma="γεννάω" text="γεννηθεὶς">when he was born,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119468" strongs="2928" morph="V-2API-3S" lemma="κρύπτω" text="ἐκρύβη">was hidden</w>
<w OGNTsort="119469" strongs="5150" morph="A-ASN" lemma="τρίμηνος" text="τρίμηνον">for three months</w>
<w OGNTsort="119470" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119473" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119471" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119472" strongs="3962" morph="N-GPM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατέρων">parents</w>
<w OGNTsort="119474" strongs="1360" morph="CONJ" lemma="διότι" text="διότι">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="119475" strongs="1492" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="εἴδω" text="εἶδον">they saw</w>
<w OGNTsort="119476" strongs="791" morph="A-ASN" lemma="ἀστεῖος" text="ἀστεῖον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119477" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119478" strongs="3813" morph="N-ASN" lemma="παιδίον" text="παιδίον"></w>
<phraseWords>he was a beautiful child.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119479" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119480" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119481" strongs="5399" morph="V-AOI-3P" lemma="φοβέω" text="ἐφοβήθησαν">They were [1] afraid</w>
<w OGNTsort="119482" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119484" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119485" strongs="935" morph="N-GSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="βασιλέως">king's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119483" strongs="1297" morph="N-ASN" lemma="διάταγμα" text="διάταγμα">command.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:24">
<Greek>Πίστει Μωϋσῆς μέγας γενόμενος ἠρνήσατο λέγεσθαι υἱὸς θυγατρὸς Φαραώ</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Moses, after he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that , after he had grown up, to be the of daughter.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119486" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119487" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119488" strongs="3173" morph="A-NSM" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119489" strongs="1096" morph="V-2ADP-NSM" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γενόμενος"></w>
<phraseWords>after he had grown up,</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119490" strongs="720" morph="V-ADI-3S" lemma="ἀρνέομαι" text="ἠρνήσατο">refused</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119491" strongs="3004" morph="V-PPN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγεσθαι">to be called</w>
<w OGNTsort="119492" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱὸς">the son</w>
<w OGNTsort="119494" strongs="5328" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Φαραώ" sub="[1]" text="Φαραώ">Pharaoh's</w>
<w OGNTsort="119493" strongs="2364" morph="N-GSF" lemma="θυγάτηρ" text="θυγατρὸς">of [1] daughter.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:25">
<Greek>μᾶλλον ἑλόμενος συνκακουχεῖσθαι τῷ λαῷ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἢ πρόσκαιρον ἔχειν ἁμαρτίας ἀπόλαυσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 25</preText>
<ULB>He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a while.</ULB>
<residue>He to be mistreated along with the rather than to enjoy the pleasures of for a while.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119496" strongs="138" morph="V-2AMP-NSM" lemma="αἱρέω" text="ἑλόμενος">He chose</w>
<w OGNTsort="119497" strongs="4778" morph="V-PNN" lemma="συγκακουχέομαι" text="συνκακουχεῖσθαι">to be mistreated along with</w>
<w OGNTsort="119498" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119499" strongs="2992" morph="N-DSM" lemma="λαός" text="λαῷ">people</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119500" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119501" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God</w>
<w OGNTsort="119495" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119502" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ"></w>
<phraseWords>rather than</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119504" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAN" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχειν">to enjoy</w>
<w OGNTsort="119506" strongs="619" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπόλαυσις" text="ἀπόλαυσιν">the pleasures</w>
<w OGNTsort="119505" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">of sin</w>
<w OGNTsort="119503" strongs="4340" morph="A-ASF" lemma="πρόσκαιρος" text="πρόσκαιρον">for a while.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:26">
<Greek>μείζονα πλοῦτον ἡγησάμενος τῶν Αἰγύπτου θησαυρῶν τὸν ὀνειδισμὸν τοῦ Χριστοῦ ἀπέβλεπεν γὰρ εἰς τὴν μισθαποδοσίαν</Greek>
<preText>\v 26</preText>
<ULB>He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as greater value than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to his reward.</ULB>
<residue>He regarded for the sake of as value than the treasures of , for he was looking ahead to his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119509" strongs="2233" morph="V-ADP-NSM" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγησάμενος">He regarded</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119514" strongs="3680" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὀνειδισμός" text="ὀνειδισμὸν">disgrace</w>
<w OGNTsort="119515" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119516" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">for the sake of Christ</w>
<w OGNTsort="119507" strongs="3173" morph="A-ASM-C" lemma="μέγας" text="μείζονα">as greater</w>
<w OGNTsort="119508" strongs="4149" morph="N-ASM" lemma="πλοῦτος" text="πλοῦτον">value</w>
<comment>Consider «as of greater value» or «as having greater value».</comment>
<w OGNTsort="119512" strongs="2344" morph="N-GPM" lemma="θησαυρός" text="θησαυρῶν">than the treasures</w>
<w OGNTsort="119510" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119511" strongs="125" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Αἴγυπτος" text="Αἰγύπτου">of Egypt,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119518" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="119513" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119517" strongs="578" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="ἀποβλέπω" text="ἀπέβλεπεν">he was looking ahead</w>
<w OGNTsort="119519" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119520" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="119521" strongs="3405" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μισθαποδοσία" text="μισθαποδοσίαν">reward.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:27">
<Greek>Πίστει κατέλιπεν Αἴγυπτον μὴ φοβηθεὶς τὸν θυμὸν τοῦ βασιλέως τὸν γὰρ ἀόρατον ὡς ὁρῶν ἐκαρτέρησεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 27</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Moses left Egypt. He did not fear the king's anger, for he endured as if he were seeing the one who is invisible.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that Moses . He did not the , for he as if he were seeing the one who is invisible.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119522" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w>that Moses</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119523" strongs="2641" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="καταλείπω" text="κατέλιπεν">left</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119524" strongs="125" morph="N-ASF-L" lemma="Αἴγυπτος" text="Αἴγυπτον">Egypt.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119525" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119526" strongs="5399" morph="V-AOP-NSM" lemma="φοβέω" text="φοβηθεὶς">fear</w>
<phraseWords>He did not fear</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119527" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119529" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119530" strongs="935" morph="N-GSM" lemma="βασιλεύς" text="βασιλέως">king's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119528" strongs="2372" morph="N-ASM" lemma="θυμός" text="θυμὸν">anger,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119532" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="119536" strongs="2594" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="καρτερέω" text="ἐκαρτέρησεν">he endured</w>
<w OGNTsort="119534" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119535" strongs="3708" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὁρῶν"></w>
<phraseWords>as if he were seeing</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119531" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119533" strongs="517" morph="A-ASM" lemma="ἀόρατος" text="ἀόρατον">one who is invisible.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:28">
<Greek>Πίστει πεποίηκεν τὸ πάσχα καὶ τὴν πρόσχυσιν τοῦ αἵματος ἵνα μὴ ὁ ὀλοθρεύων τὰ πρωτότοκα θίγῃ αὐτῶν</Greek>
<preText>\v 28</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn should not touch the Israelites' firstborn sons.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that he kept the and the sprinkling of the , so that the of the should not touch the Israelites' firstborn sons.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119537" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119538" strongs="4160" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ποιέω" text="πεποίηκεν">he kept</w>
<w OGNTsort="119539" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119540" strongs="3957" morph="N-ASN" lemma="πάσχα" text="πάσχα">Passover</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119541" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119542" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119543" strongs="4378" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πρόσχυσις" text="πρόσχυσιν">sprinkling</w>
<w OGNTsort="119544" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119545" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119546" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119548" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119549" strongs="3645" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ὀλοθρεύω" text="ὀλοθρεύων">destroyer</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119550" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119551" strongs="4416" morph="A-APN" lemma="πρωτότοκος" text="πρωτότοκα">firstborn</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119547" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119552" strongs="2345" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="θιγγάνω" text="θίγῃ">should [1] touch</w>
<w>the Israelites' firstborn sons.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119553" strongs="846" morph="P-GPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 11:29">
<Greek>Πίστει διέβησαν τὴν Ἐρυθρὰν Θάλασσαν ὡς διὰ ξηρᾶς γῆς ἧς πεῖραν λαβόντες οἱ Αἰγύπτιοι κατεπόθησαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 29</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that they passed through the Sea of Reeds as if over dry land. When the Egyptians tried to do this, they were swallowed up.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that they passed through the as if over dry . When the tried to do this, they were up.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119554" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119555" strongs="1224" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="διαβαίνω" text="διέβησαν">they passed through</w>
<w OGNTsort="119556" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119558" strongs="2281" morph="N-ASF-L" lemma="θάλασσα" text="Θάλασσαν">Sea</w>
<w OGNTsort="119557" strongs="2063" morph="A-ASF-L" lemma="ἐρυθρός" text="Ἐρυθρὰν">of Reeds</w>
<w OGNTsort="119559" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as if</w>
<w OGNTsort="119560" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">over</w>
<w OGNTsort="119561" strongs="3584" morph="A-GSF" lemma="ξηρός" text="ξηρᾶς">dry</w>
<w OGNTsort="119562" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς">land.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119566" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="οἱ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119567" strongs="124" morph="A-NPM" lemma="Αἰγύπτιος" sub="[2]" text="Αἰγύπτιοι">Egyptians</w>
<w OGNTsort="119563" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119564" strongs="3984" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πεῖρα" text="πεῖραν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119565" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAP-NPM" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="λαβόντες"></w>
<phraseWords>When [1] [2] tried to do this,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119568" strongs="2666" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="καταπίνω" text="κατεπόθησαν">they were swallowed up.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:30">
<Greek>Πίστει τὰ τείχη Ἰεριχὼ ἔπεσαν κυκλωθέντα ἐπὶ ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας</Greek>
<preText>\v 30</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Jericho's walls fell down, after they had been circled around for seven days.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that walls , after they had been circled around for seven .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119569" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119572" strongs="2410" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Ἱεριχώ" text="Ἰεριχὼ">Jericho's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119570" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119571" strongs="5038" morph="N-NPN" lemma="τεῖχος" text="τείχη">walls</w>
<w OGNTsort="119573" strongs="4098" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="πίπτω" text="ἔπεσαν">fell down,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119574" strongs="2944" morph="V-APP-NPN" lemma="κυκλόω" text="κυκλωθέντα">after they had been circled around</w>
<w OGNTsort="119575" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="119576" strongs="2033" morph="A-APF-NUI" lemma="ἑπτά" text="ἑπτὰ">seven</w>
<w OGNTsort="119577" strongs="2250" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">days.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:31">
<Greek>Πίστει Ῥαὰβ ἡ πόρνη οὐ συναπώλετο τοῖς ἀπειθήσασιν δεξαμένη τοὺς κατασκόπους μετ᾽ εἰρήνης</Greek>
<preText>\v 31</preText>
<ULB>It was by faith that Rahab the prostitute did not die with those who were disobedient, because she had received the spies in peace.</ULB>
<residue>It was by that the did not those who were , because she had the spies in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119578" strongs="4102" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πίστις" text="Πίστει">by faith</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119579" strongs="4460" morph="N-NSF-P" lemma="Ῥαάβ" text="Ῥαὰβ">Rahab</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119580" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119581" strongs="4204" morph="N-NSF" lemma="πόρνη" text="πόρνη">prostitute</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119582" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119583" strongs="4881" morph="V-2AMI-3S" lemma="συναπόλλυμι" text="συναπώλετο">did [1] die with</w>
<w OGNTsort="119584" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="119585" strongs="544" morph="V-AAP-DPM" lemma="ἀπειθέω" text="ἀπειθήσασιν">who were disobedient,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119586" strongs="1209" morph="V-ADP-NSF" lemma="δέχομαι" text="δεξαμένη">because she had received</w>
<w OGNTsort="119587" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119588" strongs="2685" morph="N-APM" lemma="κατάσκοπος" text="κατασκόπους">spies</w>
<w OGNTsort="119589" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετ᾽">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="119590" strongs="1515" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνης">peace.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:32">
<Greek>Καὶ τί ἔτι λέγω ἐπιλείψει με γὰρ διηγούμενον ὁ χρόνος περὶ Γεδεών Βαράκ Σαμψών Ἰεφθάε Δαυίδ τε καὶ Σαμουὴλ καὶ τῶν προφητῶν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 32</preText>
<ULB>What more can I say? For the time will fail me if I give a full account of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and about the prophets.</ULB>
<residue>What more can I say? For the will fail me if I of Gideon, Barak, , Jephthah, , , and about the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119591" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119592" strongs="5101" morph="I-ASN" lemma="τίς" text="τί">What</w>
<w OGNTsort="119593" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">more</w>
<w OGNTsort="119594" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAS-1S" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγω">can I say?</w>
<w OGNTsort="119597" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119599" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119600" strongs="5550" morph="N-NSM" lemma="χρόνος" text="χρόνος">time</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119595" strongs="1952" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="ἐπιλείπω" text="ἐπιλείψει">will fail</w>
<w OGNTsort="119596" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="με">me</w>
<w OGNTsort="119598" strongs="1334" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="διηγέομαι" text="διηγούμενον">if I give a full account</w>
<w OGNTsort="119601" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119602" strongs="1066" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Γεδεών" text="Γεδεών">Gideon,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119603" strongs="913" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Βαράκ" text="Βαράκ">Barak,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119604" strongs="4546" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Σαμψών" text="Σαμψών">Samson,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119605" strongs="2422" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰεφθάε" text="Ἰεφθάε">Jephthah,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119606" strongs="1138" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Δαυείδ, Δαυίδ, Δαβίδ" text="Δαυίδ">David,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119607" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119608" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119609" strongs="4545" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Σαμουήλ" text="Σαμουὴλ">Samuel,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119610" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119611" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119612" strongs="4396" morph="N-GPM" lemma="προφήτης" text="προφητῶν">prophets.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:33">
<Greek>οἳ διὰ πίστεως κατηγωνίσαντο βασιλείας εἰργάσαντο δικαιοσύνην ἐπέτυχον ἐπαγγελιῶν ἔφραξαν στόματα λεόντων</Greek>
<preText>\v 33</preText>
<ULB>It was through faith that they conquered kingdoms, committed righteousness, and received promises. They stopped the mouths of lions,</ULB>
<residue>It was through faith that they conquered , , and received . They stopped the mouths of ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>It was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119614" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="119615" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith</w>
<w OGNTsort="119613" strongs="3739" morph="R-NPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οἳ">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="119616" strongs="2610" morph="V-ADI-3P" lemma="καταγωνίζομαι" text="κατηγωνίσαντο">conquered</w>
<w OGNTsort="119617" strongs="932" morph="N-APF" lemma="βασιλεία" text="βασιλείας">kingdoms,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119618" strongs="2038" morph="V-ADI-3P" lemma="ἐργάζομαι" text="εἰργάσαντο">committed</w>
<w OGNTsort="119619" strongs="1343" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνην">righteousness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119620" strongs="2013" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἐπιτυγχάνω" text="ἐπέτυχον">received</w>
<w OGNTsort="119621" strongs="1860" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελιῶν">promises.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119622" strongs="5420" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="φράσσω" text="ἔφραξαν">They stopped</w>
<w OGNTsort="119623" strongs="4750" morph="N-APN" lemma="στόμα" text="στόματα">the mouths</w>
<w OGNTsort="119624" strongs="3023" morph="N-GPM" lemma="λέων" text="λεόντων">of lions,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:34">
<Greek>ἔσβεσαν δύναμιν πυρός ἔφυγον στόματα μαχαίρης ἐδυναμώθησαν ἀπὸ ἀσθενείας ἐγενήθησαν ἰσχυροὶ ἐν πολέμῳ παρεμβολὰς ἔκλιναν ἀλλοτρίων</Greek>
<preText>\v 34</preText>
<ULB>quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong when they were weak, became mighty in battle, and defeated foreign armies.</ULB>
<residue>the power of , escaped the edge of the , were when they were weak, became in battle, and defeated .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119625" strongs="4570" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="σβέννυμι" text="ἔσβεσαν">quenched</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119626" strongs="1411" morph="N-ASF" lemma="δύναμις" text="δύναμιν">the power</w>
<w OGNTsort="119627" strongs="4442" morph="N-GSN" lemma="πῦρ" text="πυρός">of fire,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119628" strongs="5343" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="φεύγω" text="ἔφυγον">escaped</w>
<w OGNTsort="119629" strongs="4750" morph="N-APN" lemma="στόμα" text="στόματα">the edge</w>
<w OGNTsort="119630" strongs="3162" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μάχαιρα" text="μαχαίρης">of the sword,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119631" strongs="1412" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="δυναμόω" text="ἐδυναμώθησαν">were made strong</w>
<w OGNTsort="119632" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119633" strongs="769" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀσθένεια" text="ἀσθενείας"></w>
<phraseWords>when they were weak,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119634" strongs="1096" morph="V-2AOI-3P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="ἐγενήθησαν">became</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119635" strongs="2478" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἰσχυρός" text="ἰσχυροὶ">mighty</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119636" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="119637" strongs="4171" morph="N-DSM" lemma="πόλεμος" text="πολέμῳ">battle,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119639" strongs="2827" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="κλίνω" text="ἔκλιναν">defeated</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119640" strongs="245" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἀλλότριος" text="ἀλλοτρίων">foreign</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119638" strongs="3925" morph="N-APF" lemma="παρεμβολή" text="παρεμβολὰς">armies.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:35">
<Greek>Ἔλαβον γυναῖκες ἐξ ἀναστάσεως τοὺς νεκροὺς αὐτῶν ἄλλοι δὲ ἐτυμπανίσθησαν οὐ προσδεξάμενοι τὴν ἀπολύτρωσιν ἵνα κρείττονος ἀναστάσεως τύχωσιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 35</preText>
<ULB>Women received back their dead by resurrection. Others were tortured, not accepting release, so that they might experience a better resurrection.</ULB>
<residue>Women back their by . Others were tortured, not accepting release, so that they might experience a better .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119642" strongs="1135" morph="N-NPF" lemma="γυνή" text="γυναῖκες">Women</w>
<w OGNTsort="119641" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="Ἔλαβον">received back</w>
<w OGNTsort="119647" strongs="846" morph="P-GPF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῶν">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119645" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119646" strongs="3498" morph="A-APM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκροὺς">dead</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119643" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119644" strongs="386" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀνάστασις" text="ἀναστάσεως">resurrection.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119648" strongs="243" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἄλλος" text="ἄλλοι">Others</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119649" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119650" strongs="5178" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="τυμπανίζω" text="ἐτυμπανίσθησαν">were tortured,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119651" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119652" strongs="4327" morph="V-ADP-NPM" lemma="προσδέχομαι" text="προσδεξάμενοι">accepting</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119653" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119654" strongs="629" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀπολύτρωσις" text="ἀπολύτρωσιν">release,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119655" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119658" strongs="5177" morph="V-2AAS-3P" lemma="τυγχάνω" text="τύχωσιν">they might experience</w>
<w OGNTsort="119656" strongs="2908" morph="A-GSF-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρείττονος">a better</w>
<w OGNTsort="119657" strongs="386" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀνάστασις" text="ἀναστάσεως">resurrection.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:36">
<Greek>ἕτεροι δὲ ἐμπαιγμῶν καὶ μαστίγων πεῖραν ἔλαβον ἔτι δὲ δεσμῶν καὶ φυλακῆς</Greek>
<preText>\v 36</preText>
<ULB>Others experienced mocking and whippings, and even chains and imprisonment.</ULB>
<residue>Others experienced and whippings, and even chains and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119659" strongs="2087" morph="A-NPM" lemma="ἕτερος" text="ἕτεροι">Others</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119660" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119665" strongs="2983" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="λαμβάνω" text="ἔλαβον">experienced</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119661" strongs="1701" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἐμπαιγμός" text="ἐμπαιγμῶν">mocking</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119662" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119663" strongs="3148" morph="N-GPF" lemma="μάστιξ" text="μαστίγων">whippings,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119664" strongs="3984" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πεῖρα" text="πεῖραν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119667" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119666" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="ἔτι">even</w>
<w OGNTsort="119668" strongs="1199" morph="N-GPM" lemma="δεσμός" text="δεσμῶν">chains</w>
<w OGNTsort="119669" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119670" strongs="5438" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φυλακή" text="φυλακῆς">imprisonment.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:37">
<Greek>Ἐλιθάσθησαν ἐπρίσθησαν ἐν φόνῳ μαχαίρης ἀπέθανον περιῆλθον ἐν μηλωταῖς ἐν αἰγείοις δέρμασιν ὑστερούμενοι θλιβόμενοι κακουχούμενοι</Greek>
<preText>\v 37</preText>
<ULB>They were stoned. They were sawn in two. They were killed with the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins. They were destitute, oppressed, mistreated. <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa They were stoned. They were sawn in two. They were put to the test. They were killed with the sword \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>They were . They were sawn in two. They were killed with the . They went about in sheepskins and . They were destitute, oppressed, mistreated.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119671" strongs="3034" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="λιθάζω" text="Ἐλιθάσθησαν">They were stoned.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119672" strongs="4249" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="πρίζω" text="ἐπρίσθησαν">They were sawn in two.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119673" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119674" strongs="5408" morph="N-DSM" lemma="φόνος" text="φόνῳ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119675" strongs="3162" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μάχαιρα" text="μαχαίρης"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119676" strongs="599" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἀποθνήσκω" text="ἀπέθανον"></w>
<phraseWords>They were killed with the sword.</phraseWords>
<comment>This phrase is lacking the element of murder present in the Greek.</comment>
<w OGNTsort="119677" strongs="4022" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="περιέρχομαι" text="περιῆλθον">They went about</w>
<w OGNTsort="119678" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="119679" strongs="3374" morph="N-DPF" lemma="μηλωτή" text="μηλωταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119680" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119681" strongs="122" morph="A-DPN" lemma="αἴγειος" text="αἰγείοις"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119682" strongs="1192" morph="N-DPN" lemma="δέρμα" text="δέρμασιν"></w>
<phraseWords>sheepskins and goatskins</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119683" strongs="5302" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="ὑστερέω" text="ὑστερούμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119684" strongs="2346" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="θλίβω" text="θλιβόμενοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119685" strongs="2558" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="κακουχέω" text="κακουχούμενοι"></w>
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa They were stoned. They were sawn in two. They were put to the test. They were killed with the sword \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 11:38">
<Greek>ὧν οὐκ ἦν ἄξιος ὁ κόσμος ἐπὶ ἐρημίαις πλανώμενοι καὶ ὄρεσιν καὶ σπηλαίοις καὶ ταῖς ὀπαῖς τῆς γῆς</Greek>
<preText>\v 38</preText>
<ULB>The world was not worthy of them. They were always wandering about in the deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.</ULB>
<residue>The was not of them. They were always wandering about in the and mountains, and in caves and holes in the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119690" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">The</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119691" strongs="2889" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κόσμος" text="κόσμος">world</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119688" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">was</w>
<w OGNTsort="119687" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119689" strongs="514" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἄξιος" text="ἄξιος">worthy</w>
<w OGNTsort="119686" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν">of them.</w>
<w sub="[1]">always</w>
<w OGNTsort="119694" strongs="4105" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="πλανάω" text="πλανώμενοι">They were [1] wandering about</w>
<w OGNTsort="119692" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="119693" strongs="2047" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ἐρημία" text="ἐρημίαις">the deserts</w>
<w OGNTsort="119695" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119696" strongs="3735" morph="N-DPN" lemma="ὄρος" text="ὄρεσιν">mountains,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119697" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119698" strongs="4693" morph="N-DPN" lemma="σπήλαιον" text="σπηλαίοις">in caves</w>
<w OGNTsort="119699" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119700" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119701" strongs="3692" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ὀπή" text="ὀπαῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119702" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119703" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς"></w>
<phraseWords>holes in the ground.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:39">
<Greek>Καὶ οὗτοι πάντες μαρτυρηθέντες διὰ τῆς πίστεως οὐκ ἐκομίσαντο τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 39</preText>
<ULB>Although all these people were approved by God because of their faith, they did not receive the promise.</ULB>
<residue>Although all these people were approved by God because of their , they did not the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119704" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="Καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119706" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="119705" strongs="3778" morph="D-NPM" lemma="οὗτος" text="οὗτοι">these</w>
<w OGNTsort="119707" strongs="3140" morph="V-APP-NPM" lemma="μαρτυρέω" text="μαρτυρηθέντες">were approved</w>
<w>by God</w>
<w OGNTsort="119708" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">because of</w>
<w OGNTsort="119709" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="119710" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119711" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemm sub="[1]"a="οὐ" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119712" strongs="2865" morph="V-AMI-3P" lemma="κομίζω" text="ἐκομίσαντο">they did [1] receive</w>
<w OGNTsort="119713" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119714" strongs="1860" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐπαγγελία" text="ἐπαγγελίαν">promise.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 11:40">
<Greek>τοῦ Θεοῦ περὶ ἡμῶν κρεῖττόν τι προβλεψαμένου ἵνα μὴ χωρὶς ἡμῶν τελειωθῶσιν</Greek>
<preText>\v 40</preText>
<ULB>God planned something better for us, so that without us, they would not be made perfect.</ULB>
<residue>planned something better for us, so that without us, they would not be made .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119715" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119716" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119721" strongs="4265" morph="V-AMP-GSM" lemma="προβλέπω" text="προβλεψαμένου">planned</w>
<w OGNTsort="119720" strongs="5100" morph="X-ASN" lemma="τις" text="τι">something </w>
<w OGNTsort="119719" strongs="2908" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρεῖττόν">better</w>
<w OGNTsort="119717" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="119718" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">us,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119722" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119724" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="119725" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">us,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119723" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119726" strongs="5048" morph="V-APS-3P" lemma="τελειόω" text="τελειωθῶσιν">they would [1] be made perfect.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.12">
<verse name="Hebrews 12:1">
<Greek>Τοιγαροῦν καὶ ἡμεῖς τοσοῦτον ἔχοντες περικείμενον ἡμῖν νέφος μαρτύρων ὄγκον ἀποθέμενοι πάντα καὶ τὴν εὐπερίστατον ἁμαρτίαν δι᾽ ὑπομονῆς τρέχωμεν τὸν προκείμενον ἡμῖν ἀγῶνα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 12 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a large cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and easily entangling sin. Let us run with perseverance the race that is placed before us.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a large cloud of , let us lay aside every weight and easily entangling . Let us with the race that is placed before us.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119727" strongs="5105" morph="CONJ" lemma="τοιγαροῦν" text="Τοιγαροῦν">Therefore,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119728" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119729" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμεῖς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119731" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχοντες"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119732" strongs="4029" morph="V-PNP-ASN" lemma="περίκειμαι" text="περικείμενον"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119733" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<phraseWords>since we are surrounded by</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119730" strongs="5118" morph="D-ASN" lemma="τοσοῦτος" text="τοσοῦτον">such a large</w>
<w OGNTsort="119734" strongs="3509" morph="N-ASN" lemma="νέφος" text="νέφος">cloud</w>
<w OGNTsort="119735" strongs="3144" morph="N-GPM" lemma="μάρτυς" text="μαρτύρων">of witnesses,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119737" strongs="659" morph="V-2AMP-NPM" lemma="ἀποτίθημι" text="ἀποθέμενοι">let us lay aside</w>
<w OGNTsort="119738" strongs="3956" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">every</w>
<w OGNTsort="119736" strongs="3591" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὄγκος" text="ὄγκον">weight</w>
<w OGNTsort="119739" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119740" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119741" strongs="2139" morph="A-ASF" lemma="εὐπερίστατος" text="εὐπερίστατον">easily entangling</w>
<w OGNTsort="119742" strongs="266" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίαν">sin.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119745" strongs="5143" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="τρέχω" text="τρέχωμεν">Let us run</w>
<w OGNTsort="119743" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">with</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119744" strongs="5281" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ὑπομονή" text="ὑπομονῆς">perseverance</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119746" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119749" strongs="73" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀγών" text="ἀγῶνα">race</w>
<w OGNTsort="119747" strongs="4295" morph="V-PNP-ASM" lemma="πρόκειμαι" text="προκείμενον">that is placed</w>
<w OGNTsort="119748" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">before us.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:2">
<Greek>ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸν καὶ τελειωτὴν Ἰησοῦν ὃς ἀντὶ τῆς προκειμένης αὐτῷ χαρᾶς ὑπέμεινεν σταυρὸν αἰσχύνης καταφρονήσας ἐν δεξιᾷ τε τοῦ θρόνου τοῦ Θεοῦ κεκάθικεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>Let us pay attention to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of the faith. For the joy that was placed before him, he endured the cross, despised its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.</ULB>
<residue>Let us pay attention to , the and perfecter of the . For the that was placed before him, he the , despised its , and sat down at the of the of .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119750" strongs="872" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἀφοράω" text="ἀφορῶντες">Let us pay attention</w>
<w OGNTsort="119751" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="119758" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119752" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119755" strongs="747" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀρχηγός" text="ἀρχηγὸν">founder</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119756" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119757" strongs="5051" morph="N-ASM" lemma="τελειωτής" text="τελειωτὴν">perfecter</w>
<w OGNTsort="119753" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119754" strongs="4102" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστεως">faith.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119760" strongs="473" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀντί" text="ἀντὶ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119761" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119764" strongs="5479" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾶς">joy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119762" strongs="4295" morph="V-PNP-GSF" lemma="πρόκειμαι" text="προκειμένης">that was placed</w>
<w OGNTsort="119763" strongs="846" morph="P-DSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῷ">before him,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119759" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">he</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119765" strongs="5278" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="ὑπομένω" text="ὑπέμεινεν">endured</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119766" strongs="4716" morph="N-ASM" lemma="σταυρός" text="σταυρὸν">the cross,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119768" strongs="2706" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="καταφρονέω" text="καταφρονήσας">despised</w>
<w OGNTsort="119767" strongs="152" morph="N-GSF" lemma="αἰσχύνη" text="αἰσχύνης">its shame,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119776" strongs="2523" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="καθίζω" text="κεκάθικεν">sat down</w>
<w OGNTsort="119769" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">at</w>
<w OGNTsort="119770" strongs="1188" morph="A-DSF" lemma="δεξιός" text="δεξιᾷ">the right hand</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119771" strongs="5037" morph="CONJ" lemma="τε" text="τε"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119772" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">of the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119773" strongs="2362" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θρόνος" text="θρόνου">throne</w>
<w OGNTsort="119774" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119775" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">of God.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:3">
<Greek>ἀναλογίσασθε γὰρ τὸν τοιαύτην ὑπομεμενηκότα ὑπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν εἰς ἑαυτὸν ἀντιλογίαν ἵνα μὴ κάμητε ταῖς ψυχαῖς ὑμῶν ἐκλυόμενοι</Greek>
<preText>\v 3</preText>
<ULB>So think about him, the one who has endured such opposition from sinners against himself, so that you do not become weary and lose heart.</ULB>
<residue>So think about him, the one who has such from against himself, so that you do not become weary and lose .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119778" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">So</w>
<w OGNTsort="119777" strongs="357" morph="V-ADM-2P" lemma="ἀναλογίζομαι" text="ἀναλογίσασθε">think about him,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119779" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119781" strongs="5278" morph="V-RAP-ASM" lemma="ὑπομένω" text="ὑπομεμενηκότα">the one who has endured</w>
<w OGNTsort="119780" strongs="5108" morph="D-ASF" lemma="τοιοῦτος" text="τοιαύτην">such</w>
<w OGNTsort="119787" strongs="485" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἀντιλογία" text="ἀντιλογίαν">opposition</w>
<w OGNTsort="119782" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119783" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119784" strongs="268" morph="A-GPM" lemma="ἁμαρτωλός" text="ἁμαρτωλῶν">sinners</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119785" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">against</w>
<w OGNTsort="119786" strongs="1438" morph="F-3ASM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτὸν">himself,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119788" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119789" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119790" strongs="2577" morph="V-2AAS-2P" lemma="κάμνω" text="κάμητε">you do [1] become weary</w>
<w OGNTsort="119794" strongs="1590" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="ἐκλύω" text="ἐκλυόμενοι">lose</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119791" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPF" lemma="ὁ" text="ταῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119792" strongs="5590" morph="N-DPF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχαῖς">heart.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119793" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν"></w>
<verse name="Hebrews 12:4">
<Greek>Οὔπω μέχρις αἵματος ἀντικατέστητε πρὸς τὴν ἁμαρτίαν ἀνταγωνιζόμενοι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 4</preText>
<ULB>You have not yet resisted or struggled against sin to the point of blood;</ULB>
<residue>You have not yet resisted or struggled against to the point of ;</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119795" strongs="3768" morph="ADV" lemma="οὔπω" sub="[1]" text="Οὔπω">not yet</w>
<w OGNTsort="119798" strongs="478" morph="V-2AAI-2P" lemma="ἀντικαθίστημι" text="ἀντικατέστητε">You have [1] resisted</w>
<w OGNTsort="119802" strongs="464" morph="V-PNP-NPM" lemma="ἀνταγωνίζομαι" text="ἀνταγωνιζόμενοι">struggled</w>
<w OGNTsort="119799" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">against</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119800" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119801" strongs="266" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίαν">sin</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119796" strongs="3360" morph="PREP" lemma="μέχρι" text="μέχρις">to the point</w>
<w OGNTsort="119797" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">of blood;</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:5">
<Greek>καὶ ἐκλέλησθε τῆς παρακλήσεως ἥτις ὑμῖν ὡς υἱοῖς διαλέγεται Υἱέ μου μὴ ὀλιγώρει παιδείας Κυρίου μηδὲ ἐκλύου ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐλεγχόμενος</Greek>
<preText>\v 5</preText>
<ULB>and you have forgotten the encouragement that instructs you as sons: <usfm>\q</usfm> "My son, do not think lightly of the Lord's discipline, <usfm>\q</usfm> nor grow weary when you are corrected by him.</ULB>
<residue>and you have forgotten the that you as : "My , do not think lightly of the , nor grow weary when you are by him.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119803" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119804" strongs="1585" morph="V-RMI-2P" lemma="ἐκλανθάνω" text="ἐκλέλησθε">you have forgotten</w>
<w OGNTsort="119805" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119806" strongs="3874" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παράκλησις" text="παρακλήσεως">encouragement</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119807" strongs="3748" morph="R-NSF" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="ἥτις">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119811" strongs="1256" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="διαλέγω" text="διαλέγεται">instructs</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119808" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="119809" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119810" strongs="5207" morph="N-DPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοῖς">sons:</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119813" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μου">"My</w>
<w OGNTsort="119812" strongs="5207" morph="N-VSM" lemma="υἱός" text="Υἱέ">son,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119814" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119815" strongs="3643" morph="V-PAM-2S" lemma="ὀλιγωρέω" text="ὀλιγώρει">do [1] think lightly</w>
<w OGNTsort="119817" strongs="2962" morph="N-GSM" lemma="κύριος" sub="[2]" text="Κυρίου">the Lord's</w>
<w OGNTsort="119816" strongs="3809" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παιδεία" text="παιδείας">of [2] discipline,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119818" strongs="3366" morph="CONJ" lemma="μηδέ" text="μηδὲ">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="119819" strongs="1590" morph="V-PPM-2S" lemma="ἐκλύω" text="ἐκλύου">grow weary</w>
<w sub="[3]">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="119822" strongs="1651" morph="V-PPP-NSM" lemma="ἐλέγχω" text="ἐλεγχόμενος">when [3] are corrected</w>
<w OGNTsort="119820" strongs="5259" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπό" text="ὑπ᾽">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119821" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">him.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:6">
<Greek>ὃν γὰρ ἀγαπᾷ Κύριος παιδεύει μαστιγοῖ δὲ πάντα υἱὸν ὃν παραδέχεται</Greek>
<preText>\q \v 6</preText>
<ULB>For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, <usfm>\q</usfm> and he punishes every son he receives."</ULB>
<residue>For the the one he , and he punishes every he ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119824" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119826" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">the Lord</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119827" strongs="3811" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="παιδεύω" text="παιδεύει">disciplines</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119823" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="119825" strongs="25" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἀγαπάω" text="ἀγαπᾷ">he loves,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119829" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119828" strongs="3146" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="μαστιγόω" text="μαστιγοῖ">he punishes</w>
<w OGNTsort="119830" strongs="3956" morph="A-ASM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντα">every</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119831" strongs="5207" morph="N-ASM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱὸν">son</w>
<w OGNTsort="119832" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119833" strongs="3858" morph="V-PNI-3S" lemma="παραδέχομαι" text="παραδέχεται">he receives."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:7">
<Greek>Εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ Θεός τίς γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 7</preText>
<ULB>Endure suffering as discipline. God deals with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?</ULB>
<residue>Endure suffering as . deals with you as with . For what is there whom his does not ?</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119836" strongs="5278" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="ὑπομένω" text="ὑπομένετε">Endure suffering</w>
<w OGNTsort="119834" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="Εἰς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119835" strongs="3809" morph="N-ASF" lemma="παιδεία" text="παιδείαν">discipline.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119841" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119842" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119840" strongs="4374" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="προσφέρω" text="προσφέρεται">deals</w>
<w OGNTsort="119839" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">with you</w>
<w OGNTsort="119837" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119838" strongs="5207" morph="N-DPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοῖς">with sons.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119844" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="119843" strongs="5101" morph="I-NSM" lemma="τίς" text="τίς">what</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119845" strongs="5207" morph="N-NSM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱὸς">son</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>is there</w>
<w OGNTsort="119846" strongs="3739" morph="R-ASM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃν">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="119849" strongs="3962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατήρ">his father</w>
<w OGNTsort="119847" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119848" strongs="3811" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="παιδεύω" text="παιδεύει">does [1] discipline?</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:8">
<Greek>εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες ἄρα νόθοι καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>But if you are without discipline, which all people share in, then you are illegitimate and not his sons.</ULB>
<residue>But if you are without , which all people in, then you are illegitimate and not his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119851" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="119850" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="119853" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστε">you are</w>
<w OGNTsort="119852" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρίς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="119854" strongs="3809" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παιδεία" text="παιδείας">discipline,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119855" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="119858" strongs="3956" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντες">all people</w>
<w OGNTsort="119856" strongs="3353" morph="A-NPM" lemma="μέτοχος" text="μέτοχοι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119857" strongs="1096" morph="V-2RAI-3P" lemma="γίνομαι" text="γεγόνασιν"></w>
<phraseWords>share in,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119859" strongs="686" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἄρα" text="ἄρα">then</w>
<w OGNTsort="119864" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἐστε">you are</w>
<w OGNTsort="119860" strongs="3541" morph="A-NPM" lemma="νόθος" text="νόθοι">illegitimate</w>
<w OGNTsort="119861" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119862" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119863" strongs="5207" morph="N-NPM" lemma="υἱός" text="υἱοί">his sons.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:9">
<Greek>εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα οὐ πολὺ δὲ μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ Πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Furthermore, we had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!</ULB>
<residue>Furthermore, we had who us and we them. How much more should we to the of and !</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119865" strongs="1534" morph="ADV" lemma="εἶτα" text="εἶτα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119867" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119872" strongs="2192" morph="V-IAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="εἴχομεν">we had</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119866" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119868" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119869" strongs="4561" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάρξ" text="σαρκὸς">human</w>
<w OGNTsort="119870" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119871" strongs="3962" morph="N-APM" lemma="πατήρ" text="πατέρας">fathers</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119873" strongs="3810" morph="N-APM" lemma="παιδευτής" text="παιδευτὰς">who disciplined</w>
<w OGNTsort="119874" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119875" strongs="1788" morph="V-IPI-1P" lemma="ἐντρέπω" text="ἐνετρεπόμεθα">we respected them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119878" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119876" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119877" strongs="4183" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πολύς" text="πολὺ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119879" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<phraseWords>How much more</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119880" strongs="5293" morph="V-2FPI-1P" lemma="ὑποτάσσω" text="ὑποταγησόμεθα">should we submit</w>
<w OGNTsort="119881" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">to the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119882" strongs="3962" morph="N-DSM" lemma="πατήρ" text="Πατρὶ">Father</w>
<w OGNTsort="119883" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119884" strongs="4151" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνευμάτων">of spirits</w>
<w OGNTsort="119885" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119886" strongs="2198" morph="V-FAI-1P" lemma="ζάω" text="ζήσομεν">live!</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:10">
<Greek>Οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best. But God disciplines us for our benefit, so that we can share in his holiness.</ULB>
<residue>Our fathers disciplined us for a short as they . But God us for our benefit, so that we can share in his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119887" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="Οἱ"></w>
<phraseWords>Our fathers</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119897" strongs="3811" morph="V-IAI-3P" lemma="παιδεύω" text="ἐπαίδευον">disciplined</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119888" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119889" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119890" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="119891" strongs="3641" morph="A-APF" lemma="ὀλίγος" text="ὀλίγας">a short</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119892" strongs="2250" morph="N-APF" lemma="ἡμέρα" text="ἡμέρας">time</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119893" strongs="2596" morph="PREP" lemma="κατά" text="κατὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119894" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119895" strongs="1380" morph="V-PAP-ASN" lemma="δοκέω" text="δοκοῦν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119896" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς"></w>
<phraseWords>as they thought best.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119899" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="119898" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w>disciplines us</w>
<w OGNTsort="119900" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119901" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119902" strongs="4851" morph="V-PAP-ASN" lemma="συμφέρω" text="συμφέρον"></w>
<phraseWords>for our benefit,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119903" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119904" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119905" strongs="3335" morph="V-2AAN" lemma="μεταλαμβάνω" text="μεταλαβεῖν"></w>
<phraseWords>so that we can share</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119908" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">in his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119906" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119907" strongs="41" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁγιότης" text="ἁγιότητος">holiness.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:11">
<Greek>πᾶσα δὲ παιδεία πρὸς μὲν τὸ παρὸν οὐ δοκεῖ χαρᾶς εἶναι ἀλλὰ λύπης ὕστερον δὲ καρπὸν εἰρηνικὸν τοῖς δι᾽ αὐτῆς γεγυμνασμένοις ἀποδίδωσιν δικαιοσύνης</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>No discipline at the time seems to give joy, but to give sorrow. But later it produces the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.</ULB>
<residue>No at the time seems to give , but to give . But later it produces the of for those who have been trained by it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119909" strongs="3956" morph="A-NSF" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσα"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119916" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119910" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119911" strongs="3809" morph="N-NSF" lemma="παιδεία" text="παιδεία">discipline</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119912" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119913" strongs="3303" morph="PRT" lemma="μέν" text="μὲν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119914" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119915" strongs="3918" morph="V-PAP-ASN" lemma="πάρειμι" text="παρὸν"></w>
<phraseWords>at the time</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119917" strongs="1380" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δοκέω" text="δοκεῖ">seems</w>
<w OGNTsort="119919" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAN" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἶναι">to give</w>
<w OGNTsort="119918" strongs="5479" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾶς">joy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119920" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w>to give</w>
<w OGNTsort="119921" strongs="3077" morph="N-GSF" lemma="λύπη" text="λύπης">sorrow.</w>
<w OGNTsort="119923" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="119922" strongs="5306" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="ὕστερος" text="ὕστερον">later</w>
<w OGNTsort="119930" strongs="591" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="ἀποδίδωμι" text="ἀποδίδωσιν">it produces</w>
<w OGNTsort="119925" strongs="1516" morph="A-ASM" lemma="εἰρηνικός" text="εἰρηνικὸν">the peaceful</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119924" strongs="2590" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καρπός" text="καρπὸν">fruit</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119931" strongs="1343" morph="N-GSF" lemma="δικαιοσύνη" text="δικαιοσύνης">of righteousness</w>
<w OGNTsort="119926" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">for those</w>
<w OGNTsort="119929" strongs="1128" morph="V-RPP-DPM" lemma="γυμνάζω" text="γεγυμνασμένοις">who have been trained</w>
<w OGNTsort="119927" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119928" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς">it.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:12">
<Greek>Διὸ τὰς παρειμένας χεῖρας καὶ τὰ παραλελυμένα γόνατα ἀνορθώσατε</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 12</preText>
<ULB>So strengthen your hands that hang down and your weak knees.</ULB>
<residue>So your that hang down and your weak knees.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119932" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ">So</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119940" strongs="461" morph="V-AAM-2P" lemma="ἀνορθόω" text="ἀνορθώσατε">strengthen</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119933" strongs="3588" morph="T-APF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰς">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="119935" strongs="5495" morph="N-APF" lemma="χείρ" text="χεῖρας">hands</w>
<w OGNTsort="119934" strongs="3935" morph="V-RPP-APF" lemma="παρίημι" text="παρειμένας">that hang down</w>
<w OGNTsort="119936" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="119937" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="119938" strongs="3886" morph="V-RPP-APN" lemma="παραλύω" text="παραλελυμένα">weak</w>
<w OGNTsort="119939" strongs="1119" morph="N-APN" lemma="γόνυ" text="γόνατα">knees.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:13">
<Greek>καὶ τροχιὰς ὀρθὰς ποιεῖτε τοῖς ποσὶν ὑμῶν ἵνα μὴ τὸ χωλὸν ἐκτραπῇ ἰαθῇ δὲ μᾶλλον</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>Make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame will not be sprained but rather be healed.</ULB>
<residue>Make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame will not be sprained but rather be .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="119941" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119944" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιεῖτε">Make</w>
<w OGNTsort="119943" strongs="3717" morph="A-APF" lemma="ὀρθός" text="ὀρθὰς">straight</w>
<w OGNTsort="119942" strongs="5163" morph="N-APF" lemma="τροχιά" text="τροχιὰς">paths</w>
<w OGNTsort="119947" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">for your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119945" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119946" strongs="4228" morph="N-DPM" lemma="πούς" text="ποσὶν">feet,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119948" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119950" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119951" strongs="5560" morph="A-NSN" lemma="χωλός" text="χωλὸν">what is lame</w>
<w OGNTsort="119949" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119952" strongs="1624" morph="V-2APS-3S" lemma="ἐκτρέπω" text="ἐκτραπῇ">will [1] be sprained</w>
<w OGNTsort="119954" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="119955" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον">rather</w>
<w OGNTsort="119953" strongs="2390" morph="V-APS-3S" lemma="ἰάομαι" text="ἰαθῇ">be healed.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:14">
<Greek>Εἰρήνην διώκετε μετὰ πάντων καὶ τὸν ἁγιασμόν οὗ χωρὶς οὐδεὶς ὄψεται τὸν Κύριον</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 14</preText>
<ULB>Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness, for without it no one will see the Lord.</ULB>
<residue>Pursue with everyone, and , for without it no one will see the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119957" strongs="1377" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="διώκω" text="διώκετε">Pursue</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119956" strongs="1515" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="Εἰρήνην">peace</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119958" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="119959" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">everyone,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119960" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119961" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119962" strongs="38" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἁγιασμός" text="ἁγιασμόν">holiness,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119964" strongs="5565" morph="PREP" lemma="χωρίς" text="χωρὶς">without</w>
<w OGNTsort="119963" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">it</w>
<w OGNTsort="119965" strongs="3762" morph="A-NSM" lemma="οὐδείς" text="οὐδεὶς">no one</w>
<w OGNTsort="119966" strongs="3708" morph="V-FDI-3S" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὄψεται">will see</w>
<w OGNTsort="119967" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="119968" strongs="2962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριον">Lord.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:15">
<Greek>ἐπισκοποῦντες μή τις ὑστερῶν ἀπὸ τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ μή τις ῥίζα πικρίας ἄνω φύουσα ἐνοχλῇ καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῆς μιανθῶσιν πολλοί</Greek>
<preText>\v 15</preText>
<ULB>Be careful so that no one lacks God's grace, and that no root of bitterness grows up to cause trouble, so that many do not become defiled by it,</ULB>
<residue>Be careful so that no one lacks , and that no root of bitterness grows up to cause , so that many do not become by it,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119969" strongs="1983" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἐπισκοπέω" text="ἐπισκοποῦντες">Be careful</w>
<w OGNTsort="119970" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119971" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>so that no one</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119972" strongs="5302" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ὑστερέω" text="ὑστερῶν">lacks</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119973" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119976" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119977" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119974" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119975" strongs="5485" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριτος">grace,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119978" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119979" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSF" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>that no</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119980" strongs="4491" morph="N-NSF" lemma="ῥίζα" text="ῥίζα">root</w>
<w OGNTsort="119981" strongs="4088" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πικρία" text="πικρίας">of bitterness</w>
<w OGNTsort="119983" strongs="5453" morph="V-PAP-NSF" lemma="φύω" text="φύουσα">grows</w>
<w OGNTsort="119982" strongs="507" morph="ADV" lemma="ἄνω" text="ἄνω">up</w>
<w OGNTsort="119984" strongs="1776" morph="V-PAS-3S" lemma="ἐνοχλέω" text="ἐνοχλῇ">to cause trouble,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="119985" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119989" strongs="4183" morph="A-NPM" lemma="πολύς" text="πολλοί">many</w>
<w>do not</w>
<w OGNTsort="119988" strongs="3392" morph="V-APS-3P" lemma="μιαίνω" text="μιανθῶσιν">become defiled</w>
<w OGNTsort="119986" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="119987" strongs="846" morph="P-GSF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτῆς">it,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:16">
<Greek>μή τις πόρνος ἢ βέβηλος ὡς Ἠσαῦ ὃς ἀντὶ βρώσεως μιᾶς ἀπέδετο τὰ πρωτοτόκια ἑαυτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>and that there is no one who is sexually immoral or profane, such as Esau, who for one meal sold his own birthright.</ULB>
<residue>and that there is no one who is sexually immoral or , such as , who for one meal sold his own .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>and that</w>
<w OGNTsort="119990" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="119991" strongs="5100" morph="X-NSM" lemma="τις" text="τις"></w>
<phraseWords>there is no one who is</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="119992" strongs="4205" morph="N-NSM" lemma="πόρνος" text="πόρνος">sexually immoral</w>
<w OGNTsort="119993" strongs="2228" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἤ" text="ἢ">or</w>
<w OGNTsort="119994" strongs="952" morph="A-NSM" lemma="βέβηλος" text="βέβηλος">profane,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119995" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">such as</w>
<w OGNTsort="119996" strongs="2269" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἠσαῦ" text="Ἠσαῦ">Esau,</w>
<w OGNTsort="119997" strongs="3739" morph="R-NSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὃς">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="119998" strongs="473" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀντί" text="ἀντὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120000" strongs="1520" morph="A-GSF" lemma="εἷς" text="μιᾶς">one</w>
<w OGNTsort="119999" strongs="1035" morph="N-GSF" lemma="βρῶσις" text="βρώσεως">meal</w>
<w OGNTsort="120001" strongs="591" morph="V-2AMI-3S" lemma="ἀποδίδωμι" text="ἀπέδετο">sold</w>
<w OGNTsort="120004" strongs="1438" morph="F-3GSM" lemma="ἑαυτοῦ" text="ἑαυτοῦ">his own</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120002" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120003" strongs="4415" morph="N-APN" lemma="πρωτοτόκια" text="πρωτοτόκια">birthright.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:17">
<Greek>ἴστε γὰρ ὅτι καὶ μετέπειτα θέλων κληρονομῆσαι τὴν εὐλογίαν ἀπεδοκιμάσθη μετανοίας γὰρ τόπον οὐχ εὗρεν καίπερ μετὰ δακρύων ἐκζητήσας αὐτήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>For you know that afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, because he found no opportunity for repentance, even though he sought it with tears.</ULB>
<residue>For you that afterwards, when he desired to the , he was , because he found no opportunity for , even though he it with tears.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120006" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120005" strongs="1492" morph="V-RAI-2P" lemma="εἴδω" text="ἴστε">you know</w>
<w OGNTsort="120007" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120008" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120009" strongs="3347" morph="ADV" lemma="μετέπειτα" text="μετέπειτα">afterwards,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120010" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλων">when he desired</w>
<w OGNTsort="120011" strongs="2816" morph="V-AAN" lemma="κληρονομέω" text="κληρονομῆσαι">to inherit</w>
<w OGNTsort="120012" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120013" strongs="2129" morph="N-ASF" lemma="εὐλογία" text="εὐλογίαν">blessing,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120014" strongs="593" morph="V-API-3S" lemma="ἀποδοκιμάζω" text="ἀπεδοκιμάσθη">he was rejected,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120016" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">because</w>
<w OGNTsort="120019" strongs="2147" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="εὑρίσκω" text="εὗρεν">he found</w>
<w OGNTsort="120018" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐχ">no</w>
<w OGNTsort="120017" strongs="5117" morph="N-ASM" lemma="τόπος" text="τόπον">opportunity</w>
<w OGNTsort="120015" strongs="3341" morph="N-GSF" lemma="μετάνοια" text="μετανοίας">for repentance,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120020" strongs="2539" morph="CONJ" lemma="καίπερ" text="καίπερ">even though</w>
<w OGNTsort="120023" strongs="1567" morph="V-AAP-NSM" lemma="ἐκζητέω" text="ἐκζητήσας">he sought</w>
<w OGNTsort="120024" strongs="846" morph="P-ASF" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτήν">it</w>
<w OGNTsort="120021" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120022" strongs="1144" morph="N-GPN" lemma="δάκρυ, δάκρυον" text="δακρύων">tears.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:18">
<Greek>Οὐ γὰρ προσεληλύθατε ψηλαφωμένῳ καὶ κεκαυμένῳ πυρὶ καὶ γνόφῳ καὶ ζόφῳ καὶ θυέλλῃ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 18</preText>
<ULB>For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched, a mountain of burning fire, darkness, gloom, and storm.</ULB>
<residue>For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched, a mountain of burning , , gloom, and storm.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120026" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120025" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="Οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120027" strongs="4334" morph="V-2RAI-2P" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσεληλύθατε">you have [1] come</w>
<w>to a mountain</w>
<w OGNTsort="120028" strongs="5584" morph="V-PPP-DSN" lemma="ψηλαφάω" text="ψηλαφωμένῳ">that can be touched,</w>
<w>a mountain</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120029" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120030" strongs="2545" morph="V-RPP-DSN" lemma="καίω" text="κεκαυμένῳ">of burning</w>
<w OGNTsort="120031" strongs="4442" morph="N-DSN" lemma="πῦρ" text="πυρὶ">fire,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120032" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120033" strongs="1105" morph="N-DSM" lemma="γνόφος" text="γνόφῳ">darkness,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120034" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120035" strongs="2217" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ζόφος" text="ζόφῳ">gloom,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120036" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120037" strongs="2366" morph="N-DSF" lemma="θύελλα" text="θυέλλῃ">storm.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:19">
<Greek>καὶ σάλπιγγος ἤχῳ καὶ φωνῇ ῥημάτων ἧς οἱ ἀκούσαντες παρῃτήσαντο μὴ προστεθῆναι αὐτοῖς λόγον</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>You have not come to a trumpet blast, nor to a voice that speaks words whose hearers begged that not another word be spoken to them.</ULB>
<residue>You have not come to a blast, nor to a that speaks whose hearers begged that not another be spoken to them.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>You have not come</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120038" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120039" strongs="4536" morph="N-GSF" lemma="σάλπιγξ" text="σάλπιγγος">to a trumpet</w>
<w OGNTsort="120040" strongs="2279" morph="N-DSM" lemma="ἦχος" text="ἤχῳ">blast,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120041" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">nor</w>
<w OGNTsort="120042" strongs="5456" morph="N-DSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνῇ">to a voice</w>
<w>that speaks</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120043" strongs="4487" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ῥῆμα" text="ῥημάτων">words</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120044" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς">whose</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120045" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120046" strongs="191" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ἀκούω" text="ἀκούσαντες">hearers</w>
<w OGNTsort="120047" strongs="3868" morph="V-ADI-3P" lemma="παραιτέομαι" text="παρῃτήσαντο">begged</w>
<w OGNTsort="120048" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120051" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">word</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120049" strongs="4369" morph="V-APN" lemma="προστίθημι" text="προστεθῆναι"></w>
<phraseWords>be spoken</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120050" strongs="846" morph="P-DPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῖς">to them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:20">
<Greek>οὐκ ἔφερον γὰρ τὸ διαστελλόμενον Κἂν θηρίον θίγῃ τοῦ ὄρους λιθοβοληθήσεται</Greek>
<preText>\v 20</preText>
<ULB>For they could not endure what was commanded: "If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned." <usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned or shot with an arrow \fqa* . \f*</usfm></ULB>
<residue>For they could not what was : "If even an touches the mountain, it must be ."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120054" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120052" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120053" strongs="5342" morph="V-IAI-3P" lemma="φέρω" text="ἔφερον">they could [1] endure</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120055" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120056" strongs="1291" morph="V-PPP-ASN" lemma="διαστέλλω" text="διαστελλόμενον">what was commanded:</w>
<w OGNTsort="120057" strongs="2579" morph="ADV" lemma="κἄν" text="Κἂν">"If even</w>
<w OGNTsort="120058" strongs="2342" morph="N-NSN" lemma="θηρίον" text="θηρίον">an animal</w>
<w OGNTsort="120059" strongs="2345" morph="V-2AAS-3S" lemma="θιγγάνω" text="θίγῃ">touches</w>
<w OGNTsort="120060" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120061" strongs="3735" morph="N-GSN" lemma="ὄρος" text="ὄρους">mountain,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120062" strongs="3036" morph="V-FPI-3S" lemma="λιθοβολέω" text="λιθοβοληθήσεται">it must be stoned."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<usfm>\f + \ft Some important and ancient Greek copies read, \fqa If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned or shot with an arrow \fqa* . \f*</usfm>
<verse name="Hebrews 12:21">
<Greek>καί οὕτω φοβερὸν ἦν τὸ φανταζόμενον Μωϋσῆς εἶπεν Ἔκφοβός εἰμι καὶ ἔντρομος</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>So fearful was this sight that Moses said, "I am terrified and am trembling."</ULB>
<residue>So was this sight that said, "I am and am ."</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120063" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καί"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120064" strongs="3779" morph="ADV" lemma="οὕτω, οὕτως" text="οὕτω">So</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120065" strongs="5398" morph="A-NSN" lemma="φοβερός" text="φοβερὸν">fearful</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120066" strongs="1510" morph="V-IAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἦν">was</w>
<w OGNTsort="120067" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="120068" strongs="5324" morph="V-PPP-NSN" lemma="φαντάζω" text="φανταζόμενον">sight</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120069" strongs="3475" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Μωϋσῆς, Μωσῆς" text="Μωϋσῆς">Moses</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120070" strongs="2036" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἶπεν">said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120072" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="εἰμί" text="εἰμι">"I am</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120071" strongs="1630" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἔκφοβος" text="Ἔκφοβός">terrified</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120073" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120074" strongs="1790" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἔντρομος" text="ἔντρομος">am trembling."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:22">
<Greek>Ἀλλὰ προσεληλύθατε Σιὼν ὄρει καὶ πόλει Θεοῦ ζῶντος Ἰερουσαλὴμ ἐπουρανίῳ καὶ μυριάσιν ἀγγέλων πανηγύρει</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 22</preText>
<ULB>Rather, you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to tens of thousands of angels in joyful assembly.</ULB>
<residue>Rather, you have come to and to the city of , the heavenly , and to tens of thousands of in .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120075" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="Ἀλλὰ">Rather,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120076" strongs="4334" morph="V-2RAI-2P" lemma="προσέρχομαι" text="προσεληλύθατε">you have come</w>
<w OGNTsort="120078" strongs="3735" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὄρος" text="ὄρει">to Mount</w>
<w OGNTsort="120077" strongs="4622" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Σιών" text="Σιὼν">Zion</w>
<w OGNTsort="120079" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120080" strongs="4172" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πόλις" text="πόλει">to the city</w>
<w OGNTsort="120082" strongs="2198" morph="V-PAP-GSM" lemma="ζάω" text="ζῶντος">of the living</w>
<w OGNTsort="120081" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120084" strongs="2032" morph="A-DSF" lemma="ἐπουράνιος" text="ἐπουρανίῳ">the heavenly</w>
<w OGNTsort="120083" strongs="2419" morph="N-DSF-L" lemma="Ἱερουσαλήμ" text="Ἰερουσαλὴμ">Jerusalem,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120085" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120086" strongs="3461" morph="N-DPF" lemma="μυριάς" text="μυριάσιν">to tens of thousands</w>
<w OGNTsort="120087" strongs="32" morph="N-GPM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλων">of angels</w>
<w OGNTsort="120088" strongs="3831" morph="N-DSF" lemma="πανήγυρις" text="πανηγύρει">in joyful assembly.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:23">
<Greek>καὶ ἐκκλησίᾳ πρωτοτόκων ἀπογεγραμμένων ἐν οὐρανοῖς καὶ Κριτῇ Θεῷ πάντων καὶ πνεύμασι δικαίων τετελειωμένων</Greek>
<preText>\v 23</preText>
<ULB>You have come to the congregation of the firstborn, who have been registered in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous ones who have been made perfect.</ULB>
<residue>You have come to the of the , who have been in heaven. You have come to , the Judge of all, and to the of the ones who have been made .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120089" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>You have come</w>
<w OGNTsort="120090" strongs="1577" morph="N-DSF" lemma="ἐκκλησία" text="ἐκκλησίᾳ">to the congregation</w>
<w OGNTsort="120091" strongs="4416" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πρωτότοκος" text="πρωτοτόκων">of the firstborn,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120092" strongs="583" morph="V-RPP-GPM" lemma="ἀπογράφω" text="ἀπογεγραμμένων">who have been registered</w>
<w OGNTsort="120093" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="120094" strongs="3772" morph="N-DPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανοῖς">heaven.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120095" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>You have come</w>
<w OGNTsort="120097" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">to God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120096" strongs="2923" morph="N-DSM" lemma="κριτής" text="Κριτῇ">the Judge</w>
<w OGNTsort="120098" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">of all,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120099" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120100" strongs="4151" morph="N-DPN" lemma="πνεῦμα" text="πνεύμασι">to the spirits</w>
<w OGNTsort="120101" strongs="1342" morph="A-GPM" lemma="δίκαιος" text="δικαίων">of the righteous ones</w>
<w OGNTsort="120102" strongs="5048" morph="V-RPP-GPM" lemma="τελειόω" text="τετελειωμένων">who have been made perfect.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:24">
<Greek>καὶ διαθήκης νέας μεσίτῃ Ἰησοῦ καὶ αἵματι ῥαντισμοῦ κρεῖττον λαλοῦντι παρὰ τὸν Ἅβελ</Greek>
<preText>\v 24</preText>
<ULB>And you have come to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks better than Abel's blood.</ULB>
<residue>And you have come to , the of a , and to the sprinkled that speaks better than blood.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120103" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">And</w>
<w>you have come</w>
<w OGNTsort="120107" strongs="2424" morph="N-DSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">to Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120106" strongs="3316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="μεσίτης" text="μεσίτῃ">the mediator</w>
<w OGNTsort="120105" strongs="3501" morph="A-GSF" lemma="νέος" text="νέας">of a new</w>
<w OGNTsort="120104" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120108" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120110" strongs="4473" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ῥαντισμός" text="ῥαντισμοῦ">to the sprinkled</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120109" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματι">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120112" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAP-DSM" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦντι">that speaks</w>
<w OGNTsort="120111" strongs="2908" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="κρείσσων" text="κρεῖττον">better</w>
<w OGNTsort="120113" strongs="3844" morph="PREP" lemma="παρά" text="παρὰ">than</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120114" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120115" strongs="6" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἄβελ" text="Ἅβελ">Abel's</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:25">
<Greek>Βλέπετε μὴ παραιτήσησθε τὸν λαλοῦντα εἰ γὰρ ἐκεῖνοι οὐκ ἐξέφυγον ἐπὶ γῆς παραιτησάμενοι τὸν χρηματίζοντα πολὺ μᾶλλον ἡμεῖς οἱ τὸν ἀπ᾽ οὐρανῶν ἀποστρεφόμενοι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 25</preText>
<ULB>See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused the one who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we turn away from the one who is warning from heaven.</ULB>
<residue>See that you do not the one who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they the one who warned them on , much less will we escape if we ı from the one who is from heaven.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120116" strongs="991" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="βλέπω" text="Βλέπετε">See</w>
<w OGNTsort="120117" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120118" strongs="3868" morph="V-ADS-2P" lemma="παραιτέομαι" text="παραιτήσησθε">that you do [1] refuse</w>
<w OGNTsort="120119" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120120" strongs="2980" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="λαλέω" text="λαλοῦντα">one who is speaking.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120122" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120121" strongs="1487" morph="CONJ" lemma="εἰ" text="εἰ">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="120123" strongs="1565" morph="D-NPM" lemma="ἐκεῖνος" text="ἐκεῖνοι">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="120124" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120125" strongs="1628" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="ἐκφεύγω" text="ἐξέφυγον">did [2] escape</w>
<w OGNTsort="120128" strongs="3868" morph="V-ADP-NPM" lemma="παραιτέομαι" text="παραιτησάμενοι">when they refused</w>
<w OGNTsort="120129" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120130" strongs="5537" morph="V-PAP-ASM" lemma="χρηματίζω" text="χρηματίζοντα">one who warned them</w>
<w OGNTsort="120126" strongs="1909" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐπί" text="ἐπὶ">on</w>
<w OGNTsort="120127" strongs="1093" morph="N-GSF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆς">earth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120131" strongs="4183" morph="A-ASN" lemma="πολύς" text="πολὺ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120132" strongs="3123" morph="ADV" lemma="μᾶλλον" text="μᾶλλον"></w>
<phraseWords>much less</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120133" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NP" lemma="ἐγώ" sub="[3]" text="ἡμεῖς">we</w>
<w>will [3] escape</w>
<w OGNTsort="120134" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120138" strongs="654" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="ἀποστρέφω" text="ἀποστρεφόμενοι"></w>
<phraseWords>if we turn away from</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120135" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the one</w>
<w>who is warning</w>
<w OGNTsort="120136" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπ᾽">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="120137" strongs="3772" morph="N-GPM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανῶν">heaven.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:26">
<Greek>οὗ ἡ φωνὴ τὴν γῆν ἐσάλευσεν τότε νῦν δὲ ἐπήγγελται λέγων Ἔτι ἅπαξ ἐγὼ σείσω οὐ μόνον τὴν γῆν ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸν οὐρανόν</Greek>
<preText>\v 26</preText>
<ULB>At one time, his voice shook the earth. But now he has promised and said, "One more time I will shake not only the earth, but also the heavens."</ULB>
<residue>At one , his the . But now he has and said, "One more I will shake not only the , but also the heavens."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120145" strongs="5119" morph="ADV" lemma="τότε" text="τότε">At one time,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120139" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120140" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120141" strongs="5456" morph="N-NSF" lemma="φωνή" text="φωνὴ">voice</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120144" strongs="4531" morph="V-AAI-3S" lemma="σαλεύω" text="ἐσάλευσεν">shook</w>
<w OGNTsort="120142" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120143" strongs="1093" morph="N-ASF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆν">earth.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120147" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">But</w>
<w OGNTsort="120146" strongs="3568" morph="ADV" lemma="νῦν" text="νῦν">now</w>
<w OGNTsort="120148" strongs="1861" morph="V-RNI-3S" lemma="ἐπαγγέλλω" text="ἐπήγγελται">he has promised</w>
<w OGNTsort="120149" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγων">and said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120151" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120150" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="Ἔτι"></w>
<phraseWords>"One more time</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120152" strongs="1473" morph="P-1NS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐγὼ">I</w>
<w OGNTsort="120153" strongs="4579" morph="V-FAI-1S" lemma="σείω" text="σείσω">will shake</w>
<w OGNTsort="120154" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120155" strongs="3441" morph="A-ASN" lemma="μόνος" text="μόνον">only</w>
<w OGNTsort="120156" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120157" strongs="1093" morph="N-ASF" lemma="γῆ" text="γῆν">earth,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120158" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">but</w>
<w OGNTsort="120159" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="120160" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120161" strongs="3772" morph="N-ASM" lemma="οὐρανός" text="οὐρανόν">heavens."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:27">
<Greek>τὸ δὲ Ἔτι ἅπαξ δηλοῖ τὴν τῶν σαλευομένων μετάθεσιν ὡς πεποιημένων ἵνα μείνῃ τὰ μὴ σαλευόμενα</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 27</preText>
<ULB>These words, "One more time," mean the removal of those things that can be shaken, that is, of the things that have been created, so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain.</ULB>
<residue>These words, "One more ," mean the removal of those things that can be shaken, that is, of the things that have been created, so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120162" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120163" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
<phraseWords>These words,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120164" strongs="2089" morph="ADV" lemma="ἔτι" text="Ἔτι"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120165" strongs="530" morph="ADV" lemma="ἅπαξ" text="ἅπαξ"></w>
<phraseWords>"One more time,"</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120166" strongs="1213" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="δηλόω" text="δηλοῖ">mean</w>
<w OGNTsort="120167" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120170" strongs="3331" morph="N-ASF" lemma="μετάθεσις" text="μετάθεσιν">removal</w>
<w OGNTsort="120168" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of those things</w>
<w OGNTsort="120169" strongs="4531" morph="V-PPP-GPN" lemma="σαλεύω" text="σαλευομένων">that can be shaken,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120171" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">that is,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120172" strongs="4160" morph="V-RPP-GPN" lemma="ποιέω" text="πεποιημένων">of the things that have been created,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120173" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="120175" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120176" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120177" strongs="4531" morph="V-PPP-NPN" lemma="σαλεύω" text="σαλευόμενα"></w>
<phraseWords>things that cannot be shaken</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120174" strongs="3306" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="μένω" text="μείνῃ">will remain.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:28">
<Greek>Διὸ βασιλείαν ἀσάλευτον παραλαμβάνοντες ἔχωμεν χάριν δι᾽ ἧς λατρεύωμεν εὐαρέστως τῷ Θεῷ μετὰ εὐλαβείας καὶ δέους</Greek>
<preText>\v 28</preText>
<ULB>Therefore, receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and in this manner worship God with reverence and awe.</ULB>
<residue>Therefore, a that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and in this manner with reverence and .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120178" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="Διὸ">Therefore,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120181" strongs="3880" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="παραλαμβάνω" text="παραλαμβάνοντες">receiving</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120179" strongs="932" morph="N-ASF" lemma="βασιλεία" text="βασιλείαν">a kingdom</w>
<w OGNTsort="120180" strongs="761" morph="A-ASF" lemma="ἀσάλευτος" text="ἀσάλευτον">that cannot be shaken,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120182" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχωμεν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120183" strongs="5485" morph="N-ASF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριν"></w>
<phraseWords>let us be thankful</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120184" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="δι᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120185" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSF" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ἧς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120187" strongs="2102" morph="ADV" lemma="εὐαρέστως" text="εὐαρέστως"></w>
<phraseWords>in this manner</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120186" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύωμεν">worship</w>
<w OGNTsort="120188" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120189" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120190" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120191" strongs="2124" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐλάβεια" text="εὐλ2αβείας">reverence</w>
<w OGNTsort="120192" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120193" strongs="6015" morph="N-GSN" lemma="δέος" text="δέους">awe.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 12:29">
<Greek>καὶ γὰρ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν πῦρ καταναλίσκον</Greek>
<preText>\v 29</preText>
<ULB>For our God is a consuming fire.</ULB>
<residue>For our is a .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120194" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120195" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120198" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120196" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120197" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120200" strongs="2654" morph="V-PAP-NSN" lemma="καταναλίσκω" text="καταναλίσκον">a consuming</w>
<w OGNTsort="120199" strongs="4442" morph="N-NSN" lemma="πῦρ" text="πῦρ">fire.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<chapter osisID="heb.13">
<verse name="Hebrews 13:1">
<Greek>Ἡ φιλαδελφία μενέτω</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \c 13 \p \v 1</preText>
<ULB>Let brotherly love continue.</ULB>
<residue>Let continue.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120201" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120202" strongs="5360" morph="N-NSF" lemma="φιλαδελφία" sub="[1]" text="φιλαδελφία">brotherly love</w>
<w OGNTsort="120203" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAM-3S" lemma="μένω" text="μενέτω">Let [1] continue.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:2">
<Greek>τῆς φιλοξενίας μὴ ἐπιλανθάνεσθε διὰ ταύτης γὰρ ἔλαθόν τινες ξενίσαντες ἀγγέλους</Greek>
<preText>\v 2</preText>
<ULB>Do not forget hospitality for strangers. For through this, some have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.</ULB>
<residue>Do not forget hospitality for strangers. For through this, some have shown hospitality to without knowing it.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120206" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120207" strongs="1950" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="ἐπιλανθάνω" text="ἐπιλανθάνεσθε">Do [1] forget</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120204" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120205" strongs="5381" morph="N-GSF" lemma="φιλοξενία" text="φιλοξενίας">hospitality for strangers.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120210" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120208" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="120209" strongs="3778" morph="D-GSF" lemma="οὗτος" text="ταύτης">this,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120212" strongs="5100" morph="X-NPM" lemma="τις" text="τινες">some</w>
<w OGNTsort="120213" strongs="3579" morph="V-AAP-NPM" lemma="ξενίζω" text="ξενίσαντες">have shown hospitality</w>
<w OGNTsort="120214" strongs="32" morph="N-APM" lemma="ἄγγελος" text="ἀγγέλους">to angels</w>
<w OGNTsort="120211" strongs="2990" morph="V-2AAI-3P" lemma="λανθάνω" text="ἔλαθόν">without knowing it.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:3">
<Greek>μιμνῄσκεσθε τῶν δεσμίων ὡς συνδεδεμένοι τῶν κακουχουμένων ὡς καὶ αὐτοὶ ὄντες ἐν σώματι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 3</preText>
<ULB>Remember prisoners as if you were bound with them. Remember those who are mistreated as if you also were them in the body.</ULB>
<residue>Remember as if you were with them. Remember those who are mistreated as if you also were them in the .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120215" strongs="3403" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="μιμνήσκω" text="μιμνῄσκεσθε">Remember</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120216" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120217" strongs="1198" morph="N-GPM" lemma="δέσμιος" text="δεσμίων">prisoners</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120218" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as if</w>
<w OGNTsort="120219" strongs="4887" morph="V-RPP-NPM" lemma="συνδέω" text="συνδεδεμένοι">you were bound with them.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120220" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="120221" strongs="2558" morph="V-PPP-GPM" lemma="κακουχέω" text="κακουχουμένων">who are mistreated</w>
<w OGNTsort="120222" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as if</w>
<w OGNTsort="120224" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120223" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="120225" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="εἰμί" text="ὄντες">were</w>
<w OGNTsort="120226" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="120227" strongs="4983" morph="N-DSN" lemma="σῶμα" text="σώματι">the body.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:4">
<Greek>Τίμιος ὁ γάμος ἐν πᾶσιν καὶ ἡ κοίτη ἀμίαντος πόρνους γὰρ καὶ μοιχοὺς κρινεῖ ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 4</preText>
<ULB>Let marriage be held in honor by all, and let the marriage bed be kept pure, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers.</ULB>
<residue>Let marriage be by all, and let the marriage bed be kept pure, for sexually immoral people and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120229" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120230" strongs="1062" morph="N-NSM" lemma="γάμος" sub="[1]" text="γάμος">marriage</w>
<w OGNTsort="120228" strongs="5093" morph="A-NSM" lemma="τίμιος" text="Τίμιος">Let [1] be held in honor</w>
<w OGNTsort="120231" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="120232" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν">all,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120233" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120234" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" sub="[2]" text="ἡ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120235" strongs="2845" morph="N-NSF" lemma="κοίτη" sub="[3]" text="κοίτη">marriage bed</w>
<w OGNTsort="120236" strongs="283" morph="A-NSF" lemma="ἀμίαντος" text="ἀμίαντος">let [2] [3] be kept pure,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120238" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120242" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120243" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120241" strongs="2919" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="κρίνω" text="κρινεῖ">will judge</w>
<w OGNTsort="120237" strongs="4205" morph="N-APM" lemma="πόρνος" text="πόρνους">sexually immoral people</w>
<w OGNTsort="120239" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120240" strongs="3432" morph="N-APM" lemma="μοιχός" text="μοιχοὺς">adulterers.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:5">
<Greek>Ἀφιλάργυρος ὁ τρόπος ἀρκούμενοι τοῖς παροῦσιν αὐτὸς γὰρ εἴρηκεν Οὐ μή σε ἀνῶ οὐδ᾽ οὐ μή σε ἐγκαταλίπω</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 5</preText>
<ULB>Let your conduct be free from the love of money. Be content with the things you have, for God himself has said, "I will never leave you, nor will I abandon you."</ULB>
<residue>Let your conduct be free from the love of money. Be content with the things you have, for God himself has said, "I will never leave you, nor will I you."</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120245" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" sub="[1]" text="ὁ">your</w>
<w OGNTsort="120246" strongs="5158" morph="N-NSM" lemma="τρόπος" sub="[2]" text="τρόπος">conduct</w>
<w OGNTsort="120244" strongs="866" morph="A-NSM" lemma="ἀφιλάργυρος" text="Ἀφιλάργυρος">Let [1] [2] be free from the love of money.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120247" strongs="714" morph="V-PPP-NPM" lemma="ἀρκέω" text="ἀρκούμενοι">Be content</w>
<w OGNTsort="120248" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς">with the</w>
<w sub="[3]">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120249" strongs="3918" morph="V-PAP-DPN" lemma="πάρειμι" text="παροῦσιν">things [3] have,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120251" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120250" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸς">himself</w>
<w OGNTsort="120252" strongs="2036" morph="V-RAI-3S" lemma="ἔπω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον" text="εἴρηκεν">has said,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120253" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="Οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120254" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[4]">never</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120256" strongs="447" morph="V-2AAS-1S" lemma="ἀνίημι" text="ἀνῶ">"I will [4] leave</w>
<w OGNTsort="120255" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120257" strongs="3761" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὐδέ" text="οὐδ᾽"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120258" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120259" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μή"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120261" strongs="1459" morph="V-2AAS-1S" lemma="ἐγκαταλείπω" text="ἐγκαταλίπω">will I abandon</w>
<w OGNTsort="120260" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AS" lemma="σύ" text="σε">you."</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:6">
<Greek>Ὥστε θαρροῦντας ἡμᾶς λέγειν Κύριος ἐμοὶ βοηθός καὶ οὐ φοβηθήσομαι τί ποιήσει μοι ἄνθρωπος</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 6</preText>
<ULB>Let us be content so that we may have courage to say, <usfm>\q</usfm> "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. <usfm>\q</usfm> What can a man do to me?"</ULB>
<residue>Let us be content so that we may have to say, "The is my helper; I will not be . What can a man do to me?"</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>Let us be content</w>
<w OGNTsort="120262" strongs="5620" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὥστε" text="Ὥστε">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="120264" strongs="1473" morph="P-1AP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμᾶς">we</w>
<w OGNTsort="120263" strongs="2292" morph="V-PAP-APM" lemma="θαρρέω" text="θαρροῦντας">may have courage</w>
<w OGNTsort="120265" strongs="3004" morph="V-PAN" lemma="λέγω" text="λέγειν">to say,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120266" strongs="2962" morph="N-NSM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριος">"The Lord</w>
<w OGNTsort="120267" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἐμοὶ">my</w>
<w OGNTsort="120268" strongs="998" morph="A-NSM" lemma="βοηθός" text="βοηθός">helper;</w>
<w OGNTsort="120269" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120270" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120271" strongs="5399" morph="V-FOI-1S" lemma="φοβέω" text="φοβηθήσομαι">I will [1] be afraid.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120272" strongs="5101" morph="I-ASN" lemma="τίς" text="τί">What</w>
<w OGNTsort="120275" strongs="444" morph="N-NSM" lemma="ἄνθρωπος" sub="[2]" text="ἄνθρωπος">a man</w>
<w OGNTsort="120273" strongs="4160" morph="V-FAI-3S" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιήσει">can [2] do</w>
<w OGNTsort="120274" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DS" lemma="ἐγώ" text="μοι">to me?"</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:7">
<Greek>Μνημονεύετε τῶν ἡγουμένων ὑμῶν οἵτινες ἐλάλησαν ὑμῖν τὸν λόγον τοῦ Θεοῦ ὧν ἀναθεωροῦντες τὴν ἔκβασιν τῆς ἀναστροφῆς μιμεῖσθε τὴν πίστιν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 7</preText>
<ULB>Consider your leaders, those who spoke God's word to you, and consider the result of their conduct. Imitate their faith.</ULB>
<residue>Consider your leaders, those who spoke to you, and the result of their conduct. Imitate their .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120276" strongs="3421" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="μνημονεύω" text="Μνημονεύετε">Consider</w>
<w OGNTsort="120279" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120277" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120278" strongs="2233" morph="V-PNP-GPM" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγουμένων">leaders,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120280" strongs="3748" morph="R-NPM" lemma="ὅστις, ἥτις" text="οἵτινες">those who</w>
<w OGNTsort="120281" strongs="2980" morph="V-AAI-3P" lemma="λαλέω" text="ἐλάλησαν">spoke</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120285" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120286" strongs="2316" morph="N-GSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεοῦ">God's</w>
<w OGNTsort="120283" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120284" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">word</w>
<w OGNTsort="120282" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">to you,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120287" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ὧν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120288" strongs="333" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="ἀναθεωρέω" text="ἀναθεωροῦντες">consider the result</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120289" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120290" strongs="1545" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἔκβασις" text="ἔκβασιν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120291" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">of their</w>
<w OGNTsort="120292" strongs="391" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἀναστροφή" text="ἀναστροφῆς">conduct.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120293" strongs="3401" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="μιμέομαι" text="μιμεῖσθε">Imitate</w>
<w OGNTsort="120294" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">their</w>
<w OGNTsort="120295" strongs="4102" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πίστις" text="πίστιν">faith.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:8">
<Greek>Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς ἐχθὲς καὶ σήμερον ὁ αὐτός καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας</Greek>
<preText>\v 8</preText>
<ULB>Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.</ULB>
<residue>is the same yesterday, , and .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120296" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
<w OGNTsort="120297" strongs="5547" morph="N-NSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστὸς">Christ</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120301" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120302" strongs="846" morph="P-NSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτός">same</w>
<w OGNTsort="120298" strongs="5504" morph="ADV" lemma="χθές" text="ἐχθὲς">yesterday,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120299" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120300" strongs="4594" morph="ADV" lemma="σήμερον" text="σήμερον">today,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120303" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120304" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120305" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120306" strongs="165" morph="N-APM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνας"></w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:9">
<Greek>Διδαχαῖς ποικίλαις καὶ ξέναις μὴ παραφέρεσθε καλὸν γὰρ χάριτι βεβαιοῦσθαι τὴν καρδίαν οὐ βρώμασιν ἐν οἷς οὐκ ὠφελήθησαν οἱ περιπατοῦντες</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 9</preText>
<ULB>Do not be carried away by various strange teachings. For it is good that the heart should be strengthened by grace, not by foods that do not help those who walk by them.</ULB>
<residue>Do not be carried away by various strange . For it is that the should be by , not by foods that do not help those who by them.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120311" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120312" strongs="3911" morph="V-PPM-2P" lemma="παραφέρω" text="παραφέρεσθε">Do [1] be carried away</w>
<w OGNTsort="120308" strongs="4164" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ποικίλος" text="ποικίλαις">by various</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120309" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120310" strongs="3581" morph="A-DPF" lemma="ξένος" text="ξέναις">strange</w>
<w OGNTsort="120307" strongs="1322" morph="N-DPF" lemma="διδαχή" text="Διδαχαῖς">teachings.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120314" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w>it is</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120313" strongs="2570" morph="A-NSN" lemma="καλός" text="καλὸν">good</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120317" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120318" strongs="2588" morph="N-ASF" lemma="καρδία" text="καρδίαν">heart</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120316" strongs="950" morph="V-PPN" lemma="βεβαιόω" text="βεβαιοῦσθαι">should be strengthened</w>
<w OGNTsort="120315" strongs="5485" morph="N-DSF" lemma="χάρις" text="χάριτι">by grace,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120319" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120320" strongs="1033" morph="N-DPN" lemma="βρῶμα" text="βρώμασιν">by foods</w>
<w OGNTsort="120321" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120322" strongs="3739" morph="R-DPN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οἷς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120323" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[2]" text="οὐκ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120324" strongs="5623" morph="V-API-3P" lemma="ὠφελέω" text="ὠφελήθησαν">do [2] help</w>
<w OGNTsort="120325" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="120326" strongs="4043" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="περιπατέω" text="περιπατοῦντες">who walk</w>
<w>by them.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:10">
<Greek>Ἔχομεν θυσιαστήριον ἐξ οὗ φαγεῖν οὐκ ἔχουσιν ἐξουσίαν οἱ τῇ σκηνῇ λατρεύοντες</Greek>
<preText>\v 10</preText>
<ULB>We have an altar from which those who serve in the tabernacle have no right to eat.</ULB>
<residue>We have an from which those who in the have no to eat.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120327" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="Ἔχομεν">We have</w>
<w OGNTsort="120328" strongs="2379" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θυσιαστήριον" text="θυσιαστήριον">an altar</w>
<w OGNTsort="120329" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐξ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="120330" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">which</w>
<w OGNTsort="120335" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">those</w>
<w OGNTsort="120338" strongs="3000" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="λατρεύω" text="λατρεύοντες">who serve</w>
<w OGNTsort="120336" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῇ">in the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120337" strongs="4633" morph="N-DSF" lemma="σκηνή" text="σκηνῇ">tabernacle</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120332" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" text="οὐκ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120333" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχουσιν"></w>
<phraseWords>have no</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120334" strongs="1849" morph="N-ASF" lemma="ἐξουσία" text="ἐξουσίαν">right</w>
<w OGNTsort="120331" strongs="5315" morph="V-AAN" lemma="φαγεῖν" text="φαγεῖν">to eat.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:11">
<Greek>Ὧν γὰρ εἰσφέρεται ζῴων τὸ αἷμα περὶ ἁμαρτίας εἰς τὰ ἅγια διὰ τοῦ ἀρχιερέως τούτων τὰ σώματα κατακαίεται ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς</Greek>
<preText>\v 11</preText>
<ULB>For the blood of the animals killed for sins is brought by the high priest into the holy place, while their bodies are burned outside the camp.</ULB>
<residue>For the of the killed for is brought by the into the , while their are burned outside the .</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120339" strongs="3739" morph="R-GPN" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="Ὧν"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120340" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120343" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120344" strongs="129" morph="N-NSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἷμα">blood</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120342" strongs="2226" morph="N-GPN" lemma="ζῷον" text="ζῴων">of the animals</w>
<w OGNTsort="120345" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120346" strongs="266" morph="N-GSF" lemma="ἁμαρτία" text="ἁμαρτίας">sins</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120341" strongs="1533" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="εἰσφέρω" text="εἰσφέρεται">is brought</w>
<w OGNTsort="120350" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="120351" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120352" strongs="749" morph="N-GSM" lemma="ἀρχιερεύς" text="ἀρχιερέως">high priest</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120347" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς">into</w>
<w OGNTsort="120348" strongs="3588" morph="T-APN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120349" strongs="40" morph="A-APN" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἅγια">holy place,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120353" strongs="3778" morph="D-GPN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τούτων">their</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120354" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120355" strongs="4983" morph="N-NPN" lemma="σῶμα" text="σώματα">bodies</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120356" strongs="2618" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="κατακαίω" text="κατακαίεται">are burned</w>
<w OGNTsort="120357" strongs="1854" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔξω" text="ἔξω">outside</w>
<w OGNTsort="120358" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120359" strongs="3925" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παρεμβολή" text="παρεμβολῆς">camp.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:12">
<Greek>διὸ καὶ Ἰησοῦς ἵνα ἁγιάσῃ διὰ τοῦ ἰδίου αἵματος τὸν λαόν ἔξω τῆς πύλης ἔπαθεν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 12</preText>
<ULB>So Jesus also suffered outside the city gate, in order to sanctify the people through his own blood.</ULB>
<residue>So also outside the city , in order to the through his own .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120360" strongs="1352" morph="CONJ" lemma="διό" text="διὸ">So</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120362" strongs="2424" morph="N-NSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦς">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120361" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">also</w>
<w OGNTsort="120374" strongs="3958" morph="V-2AAI-3S" lemma="πάσχω" text="ἔπαθεν">suffered</w>
<w OGNTsort="120371" strongs="1854" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔξω" text="ἔξω">outside</w>
<w OGNTsort="120372" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120373" strongs="4439" morph="N-GSF" lemma="πύλη" text="πύλης">city gate,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120363" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">in order to</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120364" strongs="37" morph="V-AAS-3S" lemma="ἁγιάζω" text="ἁγιάσῃ">sanctify</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120369" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120370" strongs="2992" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λαός" text="λαόν">people</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120365" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
<w OGNTsort="120367" strongs="2398" morph="A-GSN" lemma="ἴδιος" text="ἰδίου">his own</w>
<w OGNTsort="120366" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120368" strongs="129" morph="N-GSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματος">blood.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:13">
<Greek>τοίνυν ἐξερχώμεθα πρὸς αὐτὸν ἔξω τῆς παρεμβολῆς τὸν ὀνειδισμὸν αὐτοῦ φέροντες</Greek>
<preText>\v 13</preText>
<ULB>Let us therefore go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he endured.</ULB>
<residue>Let us therefore go to him outside the , the he endured.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120375" strongs="5106" morph="CONJ" lemma="τοίνυν" sub="[1]" text="τοίνυν">therefore</w>
<w OGNTsort="120376" strongs="1831" morph="V-PNS-1P" lemma="ἐξέρχομαι" text="ἐξερχώμεθα">Let us [1] go</w>
<w OGNTsort="120377" strongs="4314" morph="PREP" lemma="πρός" text="πρὸς">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="120378" strongs="846" morph="P-ASM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτὸν">him</w>
<w OGNTsort="120379" strongs="1854" morph="PREP" lemma="ἔξω" text="ἔξω">outside</w>
<w OGNTsort="120380" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120381" strongs="3925" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παρεμβολή" text="παρεμβολῆς">camp,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120385" strongs="5342" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="φέρω" text="φέροντες">bearing</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120382" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120383" strongs="3680" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ὀνειδισμός" text="ὀνειδισμὸν">disgrace</w>
<w OGNTsort="120384" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<phraseWords>he endured.</phraseWords>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:14">
<Greek>οὐ γὰρ ἔχομεν ὧδε μένουσαν πόλιν ἀλλὰ τὴν μέλλουσαν ἐπιζητοῦμεν</Greek>
<preText>\v 14</preText>
<ULB>For we do not have a permanent city here. Rather, we are looking for the one that is to come.</ULB>
<residue>For we do not have a permanent city here. Rather, we are the one that is to come.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120387" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">For</w>
<w OGNTsort="120386" strongs="3756" morph="PRT-N" lemma="οὐ" sub="[1]" text="οὐ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120388" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχομεν">we do [1] have</w>
<w OGNTsort="120390" strongs="3306" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="μένω" text="μένουσαν">a permanent</w>
<w OGNTsort="120391" strongs="4172" morph="N-ASF" lemma="πόλις" text="πόλιν">city</w>
<w OGNTsort="120389" strongs="5602" morph="ADV" lemma="ὧδε" text="ὧδε">here.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120392" strongs="235" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἀλλά" text="ἀλλὰ">Rather,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120395" strongs="1934" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἐπιζητέω" text="ἐπιζητοῦμεν">we are looking for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120393" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASF" lemma="ὁ" text="τὴν">the one</w>
<w OGNTsort="120394" strongs="3195" morph="V-PAP-ASF" lemma="μέλλω" text="μέλλουσαν">that is to come.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:15">
<Greek>Δι᾽ αὐτοῦ οὖν ἀναφέρωμεν θυσίαν αἰνέσεως διὰ παντὸς τῷ Θεῷ τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν καρπὸν χειλέων ὁμολογούντων τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \v 15</preText>
<ULB>Through him, then, let us always offer up sacrifices of praise to God, praise that is the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.</ULB>
<residue>Through him, then, let us always offer up of praise to , praise that is the of lips that his .</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120396" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="Δι᾽">Through</w>
<w OGNTsort="120397" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">him,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120398" strongs="3767" morph="CONJ" lemma="οὖν" text="οὖν">then,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120402" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120403" strongs="3956" morph="A-GSM" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὸς"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">always</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120399" strongs="399" morph="V-PAS-1P" lemma="ἀναφέρω" text="ἀναφέρωμεν">let us [1] offer up</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120400" strongs="2378" morph="N-ASF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαν">sacrifices</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120401" strongs="133" morph="N-GSF" lemma="αἴνεσις" text="αἰνέσεως">of praise</w>
<w OGNTsort="120404" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ">to</w>
<w OGNTsort="120405" strongs="2316" morph="N-DSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεῷ">God,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120406" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτ᾽"></w>
<phraseWords>praise that</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120407" strongs="1510" morph="V-PAI-3S" lemma="εἰμί" text="ἔστιν">is</w>
<w OGNTsort="120408" strongs="2590" morph="N-ASM" lemma="καρπός" text="καρπὸν">the fruit</w>
<w OGNTsort="120409" strongs="5491" morph="N-GPN" lemma="χεῖλος" text="χειλέων">of lips</w>
<w OGNTsort="120410" strongs="3670" morph="V-PAP-GPM" lemma="ὁμολογέω" text="ὁμολογούντων">that acknowledge</w>
<w OGNTsort="120413" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120411" strongs="3588" morph="T-DSN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῷ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120412" strongs="3686" morph="N-DSN" lemma="ὄνομα" text="ὀνόματι">name.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:16">
<Greek>τῆς δὲ εὐποιΐας καὶ κοινωνίας μὴ ἐπιλανθάνεσθε τοιαύταις γὰρ θυσίαις εὐαρεστεῖται ὁ Θεός</Greek>
<preText>\v 16</preText>
<ULB>Let us not forget doing good and sharing, for it is with such sacrifices that God is very pleased.</ULB>
<residue>Let us not forget doing and , for it is with such that is very pleased.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120419" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" sub="[1]" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120420" strongs="1950" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="ἐπιλανθάνω" text="ἐπιλανθάνεσθε">Let us [1] forget</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120415" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120414" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120416" strongs="2140" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εὐποιΐα" text="εὐποιΐας">doing good</w>
<w OGNTsort="120417" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120418" strongs="2842" morph="N-GSF" lemma="κοινωνία" text="κοινωνίας">sharing,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120422" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w>it is</w>
<w OGNTsort="120421" strongs="5108" morph="D-DPF" lemma="τοιοῦτος" text="τοιαύταις">with such</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120423" strongs="2378" morph="N-DPF" lemma="θυσία" text="θυσίαις">sacrifices</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120425" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120426" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεός">God</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120424" strongs="2100" morph="V-PPI-3S" lemma="εὐαρεστέω" text="εὐαρεστεῖται">is very pleased.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:17">
<Greek>Πείθεσθε τοῖς ἡγουμένοις ὑμῶν καὶ ὑπείκετε αὐτοὶ γὰρ ἀγρυπνοῦσιν ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ὑμῶν ὡς λόγον ἀποδώσοντες ἵνα μετὰ χαρᾶς τοῦτο ποιῶσιν καὶ μὴ στενάζοντες ἀλυσιτελὲς γὰρ ὑμῖν τοῦτο</Greek>
<preText>\v 17</preText>
<ULB>Obey and submit to your leaders, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give account. Obey so that your leaders will do this with joy, and not with groaning, which would be useless to you.</ULB>
<residue>Obey and to your , for they over your as those who will give . Obey so that your leaders will do this with , and not with , which would be to you.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120427" strongs="3982" morph="V-PPM-2P" lemma="πείθω" text="Πείθεσθε">Obey</w>
<w OGNTsort="120431" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120432" strongs="5226" morph="V-PAM-2P" lemma="ὑπείκω" text="ὑπείκετε">submit to</w>
<w OGNTsort="120430" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120428" strongs="3588" morph="T-DPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῖς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120429" strongs="2233" morph="V-PNP-DPM" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγουμένοις">leaders,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120434" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120433" strongs="846" morph="P-NPM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοὶ">they</w>
<w OGNTsort="120435" strongs="69" morph="V-PAI-3P" lemma="ἀγρυπνέω" text="ἀγρυπνοῦσιν">keep watch</w>
<w OGNTsort="120436" strongs="5228" morph="PREP" lemma="ὑπέρ" text="ὑπὲρ">over</w>
<w OGNTsort="120439" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120437" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120438" strongs="5590" morph="N-GPF" lemma="ψυχή" text="ψυχῶν">souls</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120440" strongs="5613" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὡς" text="ὡς">as</w>
<w OGNTsort="120442" strongs="591" morph="V-FAP-NPM" lemma="ἀποδίδωμι" text="ἀποδώσοντες">those who will give</w>
<w OGNTsort="120441" strongs="3056" morph="N-ASM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγον">account.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120443" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w>your leaders</w>
<w OGNTsort="120447" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAS-3P" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῶσιν">will do</w>
<w OGNTsort="120446" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this</w>
<w OGNTsort="120444" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120445" strongs="5479" morph="N-GSF" lemma="χαρά" text="χαρᾶς">joy,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120448" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120449" strongs="3361" morph="PRT-N" lemma="μή" text="μὴ">not</w>
<w OGNTsort="120450" strongs="4727" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="στενάζω" text="στενάζοντες">with groaning,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120452" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120454" strongs="3778" morph="D-NSN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο"></w>
<w>would be</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120451" strongs="255" morph="A-NSN" lemma="ἀλυσιτελής" text="ἀλυσιτελὲς">useless</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120453" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">to you.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:18">
<Greek>Προσεύχεσθε περὶ ἡμῶν πειθόμεθα γὰρ ὅτι καλὴν συνείδησιν ἔχομεν ἐν πᾶσιν καλῶς θέλοντες ἀναστρέφεσθαι</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 18</preText>
<ULB>Pray for us, for we are convinced that we have a good conscience and that we desire to live rightly in all things.</ULB>
<residue>Pray for us, for we are that we have a and that we desire to rightly in all things.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120455" strongs="4336" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="προσεύχομαι" text="Προσεύχεσθε">Pray</w>
<w OGNTsort="120456" strongs="4012" morph="PREP" lemma="περί" text="περὶ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120457" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">us,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120459" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ">for</w>
<w OGNTsort="120458" strongs="3982" morph="V-PPI-1P" lemma="πείθω" text="πειθόμεθα">we are convinced</w>
<w OGNTsort="120460" strongs="3754" morph="CONJ" lemma="ὅτι" text="ὅτι">that</w>
<w OGNTsort="120463" strongs="2192" morph="V-PAI-1P" lemma="ἔχω" text="ἔχομεν">we have</w>
<w OGNTsort="120461" strongs="2570" morph="A-ASF" lemma="καλός" text="καλὴν">a good</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120462" strongs="4893" morph="N-ASF" lemma="συνείδησις" text="συνείδησιν">conscience</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w>and that</w>
<w OGNTsort="120467" strongs="2309" morph="V-PAP-NPM" lemma="θέλω" text="θέλοντες">we desire</w>
<w OGNTsort="120468" strongs="390" morph="V-PPN" lemma="ἀναστρέφω" text="ἀναστρέφεσθαι">to live</w>
<w OGNTsort="120466" strongs="2573" morph="ADV" lemma="καλῶς" text="καλῶς">rightly</w>
<w OGNTsort="120464" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="120465" strongs="3956" morph="A-DPN" lemma="πᾶς" text="πᾶσιν">all things.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:19">
<Greek>περισσοτέρως δὲ παρακαλῶ τοῦτο ποιῆσαι ἵνα τάχιον ἀποκατασταθῶ ὑμῖν</Greek>
<preText>\v 19</preText>
<ULB>I encourage you even more to do this, so that I will be returned to you sooner.</ULB>
<residue>I you even more to do this, so that I will be returned to you sooner.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120470" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120471" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="παρακαλῶ">I encourage</w>
<w OGNTsort="120469" strongs="4056" morph="ADV" lemma="περισσοτέρως" text="περισσοτέρως">even more</w>
<w OGNTsort="120473" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῆσαι">to do</w>
<w OGNTsort="120472" strongs="3778" morph="D-ASN" lemma="οὗτος" text="τοῦτο">this,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120474" strongs="2443" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἵνα" text="ἵνα">so that</w>
<w OGNTsort="120476" strongs="600" morph="V-APS-1S" lemma="ἀποκαθίστημι" text="ἀποκατασταθῶ">I will be returned</w>
<w OGNTsort="120477" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">to you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120475" strongs="5032" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="τάχιον" text="τάχιον">sooner.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:20">
<Greek>Ὁ δὲ Θεὸς τῆς εἰρήνης ὁ ἀναγαγὼν ἐκ νεκρῶν τὸν ποιμένα τῶν προβάτων τὸν μέγαν ἐν αἵματι διαθήκης αἰωνίου τὸν Κύριον ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 20</preText>
<ULB>Now may the God of peace, who brought back from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep, our Lord Jesus, by the blood of the eternal covenant,</ULB>
<residue>Now may the of , who brought back from the the of the , our , by the of the ,</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120479" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="120478" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="Ὁ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120480" strongs="2316" morph="N-NSM" lemma="θεός" text="Θεὸς">God</w>
<w OGNTsort="120481" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120482" strongs="1515" morph="N-GSF" lemma="εἰρήνη" text="εἰρήνης">of peace,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120483" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSM" lemma="ὁ" text="ὁ">who</w>
<w OGNTsort="120484" strongs="321" morph="V-2AAP-NSM" lemma="ἀνάγω" text="ἀναγαγὼν">brought back</w>
<w OGNTsort="120485" strongs="1537" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐκ" text="ἐκ">from</w>
<w OGNTsort="120486" strongs="3498" morph="A-GPM" lemma="νεκρός" text="νεκρῶν">the dead</w>
<w OGNTsort="120487" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120491" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120492" strongs="3173" morph="A-ASM" lemma="μέγας" text="μέγαν">great</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120488" strongs="4166" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ποιμήν" text="ποιμένα">shepherd</w>
<w OGNTsort="120489" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPN" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν">of the</w>
<w OGNTsort="120490" strongs="4263" morph="N-GPN" lemma="πρόβατον" text="προβάτων">sheep,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120499" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120497" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120498" strongs="2962" morph="N-ASM" lemma="κύριος" text="Κύριον">Lord</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120500" strongs="2424" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦν">Jesus,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120493" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">by</w>
<w OGNTsort="120494" strongs="129" morph="N-DSN" lemma="αἷμα" text="αἵματι">the blood</w>
<w OGNTsort="120496" strongs="166" morph="A-GSF" lemma="αἰώνιος" text="αἰωνίου">of the eternal</w>
<w OGNTsort="120495" strongs="1242" morph="N-GSF" lemma="διαθήκη" text="διαθήκης">covenant,</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:21">
<Greek>καταρτίσαι ὑμᾶς ἐν παντὶ ἀγαθῷ εἰς τὸ ποιῆσαι τὸ θέλημα αὐτοῦ ποιῶν ἐν ἡμῖν τὸ εὐάρεστον ἐνώπιον αὐτοῦ διὰ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ᾧ ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν</Greek>
<preText>\v 21</preText>
<ULB>equip you with everything good to do his will, working in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.</ULB>
<residue>equip you with everything to do , working in us what is pleasing to him, through , to whom be the and . Amen.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120501" strongs="2675" morph="V-AAO-3S" lemma="καταρτίζω" text="καταρτίσαι">equip</w>
<w OGNTsort="120502" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120503" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120504" strongs="3956" morph="A-DSN" lemma="πᾶς" text="παντὶ">everything</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120505" strongs="18" morph="A-DSN" lemma="ἀγαθός" text="ἀγαθῷ">good</w>
<w OGNTsort="120506" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120507" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120508" strongs="4160" morph="V-AAN" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῆσαι">to do</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120509" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120511" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ">his</w>
<w OGNTsort="120510" strongs="2307" morph="N-ASN" lemma="θέλημα" text="θέλημα">will,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120512" strongs="4160" morph="V-PAP-NSM" lemma="ποιέω" text="ποιῶν">working</w>
<w OGNTsort="120513" strongs="1722" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐν" text="ἐν">in</w>
<w OGNTsort="120514" strongs="1473" morph="P-1DP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῖν">us</w>
<w OGNTsort="120515" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASN" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸ">what</w>
<w OGNTsort="120516" strongs="2101" morph="A-ASN" lemma="εὐάρεστος" text="εὐάρεστον">is pleasing</w>
<w OGNTsort="120517" strongs="1799" morph="PREP" lemma="ἐνώπιον" text="ἐνώπιον"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120518" strongs="846" morph="P-GSM" lemma="αὐτός" text="αὐτοῦ"></w>
<phraseWords>to him,</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120519" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ">through</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120520" strongs="2424" morph="N-GSM-P" lemma="Ἰησοῦς" text="Ἰησοῦ">Jesus</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120521" strongs="5547" morph="N-GSM-T" lemma="Χριστός" text="Χριστοῦ">Christ,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120522" strongs="3739" morph="R-DSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="ᾧ">to whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="120523" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="ἡ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120524" strongs="1391" morph="N-NSF" lemma="δόξα" text="δόξα">glory</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120525" strongs="1519" morph="PREP" lemma="εἰς" text="εἰς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120526" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120527" strongs="165" morph="N-APM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰῶνας"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120528" strongs="3588" morph="T-GPM" lemma="ὁ" text="τῶν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120529" strongs="165" morph="N-GPM" lemma="αἰών" text="αἰώνων"></w>
<phraseWords>forever and ever.</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120530" strongs="281" morph="HEB" lemma="ἀμήν" text="ἀμήν">Amen.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:22">
<Greek>Παρακαλῶ δὲ ὑμᾶς ἀδελφοί ἀνέχεσθε τοῦ λόγου τῆς παρακλήσεως καὶ γὰρ διὰ βραχέων ἐπέστειλα ὑμῖν</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 22</preText>
<ULB>Now I encourage you, brothers, to bear with the word of encouragement that I have briefly written to you.</ULB>
<residue>Now I you, , to with the of that I have briefly written to you.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120532" strongs="1161" morph="CONJ" lemma="δέ" text="δὲ">Now</w>
<w OGNTsort="120531" strongs="3870" morph="V-PAI-1S" lemma="παρακαλέω" text="Παρακαλῶ">I encourage</w>
<w OGNTsort="120533" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120534" strongs="80" morph="N-VPM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφοί">brothers,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120535" strongs="430" morph="V-PNM-2P" lemma="ἀνέχω" text="ἀνέχεσθε">to bear with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120536" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοῦ">the</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120537" strongs="3056" morph="N-GSM" lemma="λόγος" text="λόγου">word</w>
<w OGNTsort="120538" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120539" strongs="3874" morph="N-GSF" lemma="παράκλησις" text="παρακλήσεως">of encouragement</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120540" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120541" strongs="1063" morph="CONJ" lemma="γάρ" text="γὰρ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120542" strongs="1223" morph="PREP" lemma="διά" text="διὰ"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120543" strongs="1024" morph="A-GPM" lemma="βραχύς" text="βραχέων"></w>
<phraseWords sub="[1]">briefly</phraseWords>
<w OGNTsort="120544" strongs="1989" morph="V-AAI-1S" lemma="ἐπιστέλλω" text="ἐπέστειλα">I have [1] written</w>
<w OGNTsort="120545" strongs="4771" morph="P-2DP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῖν">to you.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:23">
<Greek>Γινώσκετε τὸν ἀδελφὸν ἡμῶν Τιμόθεον ἀπολελυμένον μεθ᾽ οὗ ἐὰν τάχιον ἔρχηται ὄψομαι ὑμᾶς</Greek>
<preText>\v 23</preText>
<ULB>Know that our brother Timothy has been set free, with whom I will see you if he comes soon.</ULB>
<residue>Know that our has been ı, with whom I will see you if he comes soon.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120546" strongs="1097" morph="V-PAI-2P" lemma="γινώσκω" text="Γινώσκετε">Know</w>
<w OGNTsort="120549" strongs="1473" morph="P-1GP" lemma="ἐγώ" text="ἡμῶν">our</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120547" strongs="3588" morph="T-ASM" lemma="ὁ" text="τὸν"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120548" strongs="80" morph="N-ASM" lemma="ἀδελφός" text="ἀδελφὸν">brother</w>
<w OGNTsort="120550" strongs="5095" morph="N-ASM-P" lemma="Τιμόθεος" text="Τιμόθεον">Timothy</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120551" strongs="630" morph="V-RPP-ASM" lemma="ἀπολύω" text="ἀπολελυμένον">has been set free,</w>
<w OGNTsort="120552" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μεθ᾽">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120553" strongs="3739" morph="R-GSM" lemma="ὅς, ἥ" text="οὗ">whom</w>
<w OGNTsort="120557" strongs="3708" morph="V-FDI-1S" lemma="ὁράω" text="ὄψομαι">I will see</w>
<w OGNTsort="120558" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120554" strongs="1437" morph="CONJ" lemma="ἐάν" text="ἐὰν">if</w>
<w OGNTsort="120556" strongs="2064" morph="V-PNS-3S" lemma="ἔρχομαι" text="ἔρχηται">he comes</w>
<w OGNTsort="120555" strongs="5032" morph="A-ASN-C" lemma="τάχιον" text="τάχιον">soon.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:24">
<Greek>Ἀσπάσασθε πάντας τοὺς ἡγουμένους ὑμῶν καὶ πάντας τοὺς ἁγίους Ἀσπάζονται ὑμᾶς οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς Ἰταλίας</Greek>
<preText>\s5 \p \v 24</preText>
<ULB>Greet all your leaders and all God's holy people. Those from Italy greet you.</ULB>
<residue>Greet all your and all God's people. Those from Italy you.</residue>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120559" strongs="782" morph="V-ADM-2P" lemma="ἀσπάζομαι" text="Ἀσπάσασθε">Greet</w>
<w OGNTsort="120560" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας">all</w>
<w OGNTsort="120563" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">your</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120561" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
<w OGNTsort="120562" strongs="2233" morph="V-PNP-APM" lemma="ἡγέομαι" text="ἡγουμένους">leaders</w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120564" strongs="2532" morph="CONJ" lemma="καί" text="καὶ">and</w>
<w OGNTsort="120565" strongs="3956" morph="A-APM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντας">all</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120566" strongs="3588" morph="T-APM" lemma="ὁ" text="τοὺς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120567" strongs="40" morph="A-APM" lemma="ἅγιος" text="ἁγίους">God's holy people.</w>
<w OGNTsort="120570" strongs="3588" morph="T-NPM" lemma="ὁ" text="οἱ">Those</w>
<w OGNTsort="120571" strongs="575" morph="PREP" lemma="ἀπό" text="ἀπὸ">from</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120572" strongs="3588" morph="T-GSF" lemma="ὁ" text="τῆς"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120573" strongs="2482" morph="N-GSF-L" lemma="Ἰταλία" text="Ἰταλίας">Italy</w>
<w OGNTsort="120568" strongs="782" morph="V-PNI-3P" lemma="ἀσπάζομαι" text="Ἀσπάζονται">greet</w>
<w OGNTsort="120569" strongs="4771" morph="P-2AP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμᾶς">you.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00
<verse name="Hebrews 13:25">
<Greek>Ἡ χάρις μετὰ πάντων ὑμῶν</Greek>
<preText>\p \v 25</preText>
<ULB>May grace be with you all.</ULB>
<residue>May be with you all.</residue>
<w OGNTsort="120574" strongs="3588" morph="T-NSF" lemma="ὁ" text="Ἡ"></w>
2021-04-02 15:00:07 +00:00
<w OGNTsort="120575" strongs="5485" morph="N-NSF" lemma="χάρις" sub="[1]" text="χάρις">grace</w>
<w>May [1] be</w>
<w OGNTsort="120576" strongs="3326" morph="PREP" lemma="μετά" text="μετὰ">with</w>
<w OGNTsort="120578" strongs="4771" morph="P-2GP" lemma="σύ" text="ὑμῶν">you</w>
<w OGNTsort="120577" strongs="3956" morph="A-GPM" lemma="πᾶς" text="πάντων">all.</w>
2021-03-09 18:10:34 +00:00