Recab / Rekab
1SA 23:29, 24:1; 2CH 20:2 Engedi/En Gedi
1SA 21:1 et al. Ahimelech/Ahimelek
1SA 9:4 Shalisha(h)
DAN 11 quotation marks
Warning from BIEL "Read on Web" view
Luke 8:43
Psa 11:6 and Isa 30:33--Sulfur or brimstone
Place names in JOS
Hallelujah might be better translated as "Praise Yahweh" or "Praise Yah"
Isa 41:21 Double quote marks needed?
Isa 41:21-22 Quotation marks
Quotations, Doublets changed, by Script on ULB from Henry with changes and suggestions by Tom
Lev 20:21 they will be childless
Lev 20:17 uncovers
Lev 18:7 Missing phrase
Mat 21:4 I added "so"
Mic 6:1-5 Quote marks
JDG 6:32 et al. Jerub Baal
JOS 15:16-19 Aksah/Acsah/Achsah
JOS 11:1, 12:20, 19:25 Acshaph
path to road
Jude 1:23 (from tQ #84) Truncated editing, suggested it be reconnected to assist the reader
Dan 2:2 et al., Chaldeans
Mat 5:11-12 Exult
Col 1:9 "spiritual" or "God's Spirit"
Mark 7:22 evil eye / envy
Mark 7:22 (this may be a duplicate)
Act 3: 6 I do not have / do not belong to me
2Co 1:24 lords vs masters
2Co 5:1 our earthly tent home
2Co 9:5 something coveted
Mat 1 "something in her womb"
Act 13:16 honor / fear
Act 26:23 "the first resurrection from the dead" vs " the first to rise from the dead"
Act 27:37 "souls" versus "people"
1Co 4:14 "admonish" versus "correct"
Act 14:12 "main speaker" to "leader of the word"
Mat 13:47 every kind (of what?)
Col 1:11
Act 15:40 entrusted / committed
1Ti 1:4 helping the stewardship of God
Act 19:11
1Ti 6:2 loved vs beloved and disrespect noun vs verb
1 Tim 6:14 spotlessly and blamelessly
1Ti 3:4 obey and always respect
Heb 1:8 scepter of uprightness ... kingdom
Mrk 1:6 was eating
Eph 3:16 Inner Person
Checking some PDF edits for confirmation
ULB Phlippians 3:16
Exodus 28:4 these garments that are set them apart to me
Pro 30:14 are swords ... are like knives
Rom 16:25-27 Benediction formatting at conclusion of book
Ezk 48:19 people belong to all the tribes of Israel
James 4:1
Where have all the gentiles gone?
Ecc 5 Formatting
2Sa 7 Paragraphs
ACT 13:6 Bar-Jesus
Mrk 2:9 easier to say X or to say Y
have showed
Hab 2:5 Who enlarges and is never satisfied?
Jer 36:31 What did they not pay attention to?
Act 7:46 What did David want to build?
Ezra 1:1 Possessive forms of Moses and Jesus vs. Cyrus and Ahasuerus
Lam 4:16 Use same tense?
JAM 1:26 missing a not
Sng 5:13 Footnote format
Isa 29:8 he is fainting
Jer 4:22 do not know to do good
LUK 3:1 Iturea
Jer 9:3 change "but" to "and"?
Jer 9:3 They tread on their bows of lies
Jer 2:19 Lord Yahweh of hosts
Jol 2:25 formatting
ZEC 1:1, MAT 23:35 Zechariah son of ...
2Pe 1:3 All the things concerning divine power for life and godliness?
Ezk 46:22 There the same dimensions
Eze 46:21 incomplete corrections
Isa 17:12 Exclamations and relative clauses
Isa 17:10-11 on the day you plant and hedge and cultivate
Isa 17:9 What kind of relative clause, and what will become a desolation?
Isa 9:1 in the later time
2Ch 9:9 was ever given to him again
2CHh 15:9 people from of Ephraim and Manasseh
2Ch 36:2 Footnote markup error
1Ch 19:4 Where garments were cut
1Ch 18:9-10 When ... and so
1Ch 16:1-2 burnt offerings ... burnt offering
EZK 47:2 - missing 'me'?
HAB 2:13 use of 'peoples' instead of 'people'
Dan:11:37 Extra 'will'
1Ki 18:43 Elijah said ... seven times
Jdg 8:24 request ... would give
Num 27.12
NEH 9:12
1 John 5:9 "The testimony ... is this" to "This is the testimony ..."
2Pe 2:20 "them" to "it"?
\d marker for Additional Text appearing at the beginning of Some Psalms
Psalms Scriptural headings
קָדַד and שָׁחָה
2 Kings 5:13 incoherent
Job 11:13-19 Should have done or Should do?
1Ki 5:11
Deut 19:5 Fixed Typo
Gen 2:14 which flows
Hebrew Months
Bath and Baths equivalent to UDB ...
Mat 8:8 Comma changed to period
Deuteronomy 8:9 lack and poverty
2 Kings 3:14 pleonasm
2Pe 2:3 For a long time ... not
John 10:10 Awkward wording
Job 40:9 a voice like him
Rom 6:12 in order that you may obey its lusts
Num 14:24 Missing "to"
Gal 6:8 Extra "from the Spirit"
Jer 50:17 Israel is a sheep scattered
Readme.md file
1Pe 5:8 Either delete or add comma
MAL 2:3 footnote
UDB Suggestions on LUKE from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins
UDB (only) 2PE, 1-3 JN and JUD from Forest Deal files in repo / edited Tom Warren
Revelation 17:11 comma incorrect in compound predicate
Revelation 2:3 missing word
Acts 27:7 comma needed
Exodus 9:4 Eqypt
Mark 4:15-20 "are" is not "are like"
ULB and UDB Matthew from Forest Deal, edited by Tom Warren and John Hutchins
Deuteronomy 28:18 missing series comma
Leviticus 7:21 unclear punctuation
Isaiah 32:20 spurious comma and syntax error
Jeremiah 33:10 comma needed
Record (not completed) of Forest Deal's recommendations, and Tom Warren's and John Hutchin's edits of them
ULB and UDB suggestions from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins
ULB and UDB Suggestions from Forest Deal for REVELATION
2Ti 1:13
ULB Revelation from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins
Act 27:7 Conjunctions not working well together
Rev 13:14 missing phrase
Rev 13:3
Rev 4:6
Rev 2:2-3
Rev 1:8
ULB LUKE from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins
ULB MARK suggestions from Forest Deal by John Hutchins
Acts 25:20 βούλοιτο
Mrk 12:12
Mrk 4:15-16
Mrk 4:12
Luk 23:50-51
Luk 11.1 missing phrase
2 Thessalonians 3:11 τινας περιπατοῦντας ἐν ὑμῖν ἀτάκτως
2 Thessalonians 2:11
Act 18:4-6 "persuaded" and "compelled by the Spirit"
MIC 6:16 hard returns
JER 26:18 Micah the Morashtite
Matthew ULB suggestions from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins
mark 4:16 ὁμοίως not translated
2Th UDB and ULB Suggestions from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren
1pe 2:12 typo
1pe 1:10 they searched and inquired carefully
1 John 2:1; 5:18: Τεκνία
Jonah 3:8 each and every one
Jonah 3:8 each and every one
Jonah 2:8 hebel, hesed
James and 1 Pet from Forest Deal, suggestions
Mat 17:26
Mat 17:6
Mat 13:23
Mat 12:48
θάλασσα in Mark (and elsewhere?)
Luke 21:34 semantic structure unclear
OBA 1:6 Inconsistent tense
OBA 1:19 Shepelah
Forest Deal's submissions, to be held as backups
From Forest Deal, ULB 2 PE; 1-3 JHN; and JUD
AMO 8:14 "Some scholars want to change the Hebrew text..."
AMO 6:13 Sentence fragment
Act 13:24 This began to happen when
Acts 9:28 coming in and going out
Ecclesiastes 4:7 תַּ֥חַת הַשָּֽׁמֶשׁ untranslated
Titus 1:8 ὅσιον and Heb 7:26
Titus 1:6 ἀνυπότακτα
HOS 2:23 Ammi Attah
Acts 8:19 whomever
Mat 15:6
Ecclesiastes 9:1 comma needed
Ecclesiastes 1:2 typos
Ecclesiastes 1:14 misspelling
Ecclesiastes 6:4 unwelcome remnant
Ecclesiastes 1:2
Ecclesiastes 12:12 incoherent
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Mark 6:3 different name for same person
Titus 1:3 he trusted me to deliver
Act 7:38, 39 This is the man
Isa 33:9 Confusing footnote
Neh 11:8 Unneeded "which"
LXX in ULB footnotes
2 Pet 1:19
Act 3:2 ULB and UDB jumbled
Act 3:16 confusing em-dashes
Act 3:12 missing "or godliness"
HEBREWS UDB and ULB ISSUES from Forest Deal checked by Tom Warren
Act 3:7 "ankle" to "ankles"
Act 1:17 his share of the benefits of this ministry
1Pe 3:18
SNG 6:13, 8:10 (2x) footnotes
ECC 12:12 mixed construction
ECC 3:19 Extra words?
ECC 2:4 reflexive pronoun missing
ECC 1:3 and 2:22
I Timothy UDB and ULB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren
Numbers 24:8 comma splice
1TH UDB and ULB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren
Mrk 3:16 Then he appointed the twelve
Acts 28:31
2 Timothy 4:5
1ti 2:1 comma needed
1ti 1:14 article needed
1ti 1:10 homosexual
lev 15:11 spurious comma
1 Timothy 1:6
col 1:28 that
1Ki 3:11 Sentence fragment starting with "Because"
1Jn 3:3 this hope fixed on him
Col 1:5 this confident expectation
Eph 1:12 might be the first to hope in Christ
Acts UDB and UDB comments by Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren
Duplicate Romans UDB and ULB from Forest Deal's comments edited by Tom Warren
Philippians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren
Ephesians UDB and ULB from Forest Deal's comments edited by Tom Warren
Colossians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal's comments
Col 4:1
Col 1:16 prepositions
Col 4:8-9 I sent
Rom 15:13 for believing
Ephesians for ULB and UDB from Forest Deal
Philippians 4:18 predicate adjective
Eph 3:17-19
Proverbs 30:17 spurious comma
Galatians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal's suggestions, by Tom Warren
Acts 28:25 comma should be colon
act 28:15 improper capitalization
Mark 12:44 spurious space
Prov 30:17 the eye...his eyes...he
Prov 29:20 subject missing
Prov 22:24-25 take bait
2Co 11:28 awkward sentence
PRO 21:29 Modern translations footnote
2 Corinthians 4:10-11 dittography introduced
Mark 12:38-39 awkward wording and punctuation
PRO 18:14 Extra word
PRO 17:19 Broken bones
PRO 16:1 Word order
PRO 12:21 preposition
PRO 10:26, 15:19, 19:24, 21.25 Lazy sluggards
PRO 10:10 Consistency; footnote
Gal 2:9 pillars or builders metaphor?
PRO 7:22 footnote
Forest Deal's suggestions for ULB and UDB 2CO
Romans 4:24 syntax mismatch
Acts 26:6-7 subordinate clauses
1 Corinthians 12:6 word choice
Romans 6:16 commas needed
Romans 12:3: incoherent
PRO 1:11-16 If ... then
Part of Galatians, this is a duplicate GAL ULB just a portion from Forest Deal checked by Tom Warren
1Co 12:6 all in all
1 Co 15:8 untimely birth
1 Cor 15:24
Mrk 11:12 when they returned
Mrk 11:26 Other book and abbreviations in footnote
Mrk 11:7 so Jesus could ride it
Mrk 11:4 the open street
PSA 139:14 "fearfully" missing?
PSA 136 Supplied "Give thank/s"
PSA 107:37 They build a city to plant fields in
PSA 104:8 the valleys spread out
PSA 103:21 Extra word
NUM 4:19-20
Forest Deal's notes on UDB and ULB of 1CO
1Co 10:21 fellowship
Rom 15:24 "will be helped" to "to be helped"
1Sa 28:2 "So" doesn't fit
PSA 73:26 text missing
Deut 4:19 Missing "to"
"host" for human army or multitude
Jer 46:10 the Yahweh Lord of hosts
PSA 57:3 loving kindness
PSA 51:11 holy Spirit
Roman's Notes from Forest Deal, checked by Tom Warren
1Co 6:4 Delete "why"?
1Co 2:13
1Co 1:17 "words of human wisdom"
Rom 12:20 "But if your enemy is hungry
MAT 27:24 Variant?
MAT 24:22 verb tense
PSA 18:43 People that
PSA 18:25-26 Nominal adjectives treatment
Acts 8:31; παρακαλεω
PSA 18:13 Speculative footnote
PSA 12:4 ASV "will we prevail"
James 3:6: Punctuation suggestion for improved flow
MAT 20:25 subjugate
MAT 18:25 ASV "had not" to "did not have"
Acts 8:6 ὁμοθυμαδόν again
Acts 7:58 cranky conjunctions
Acts 7:57 "altogether" should be some variant of "all together"
Psalms 118:9 syntax error
PSA 2:8 farthermost regions
MAT 18:11 Citation in footnote
MAT 9:9 tax collection's tent
MAT 5:29-30 More body parts
MAT 1:15 "was" deleted
Acts 5:13 τῶν δὲ λοιπῶν
Acts 5:11 spurious comma
Rom 15:28 having sealed to them the fruit
Romans 15:16
Acts 4:34; wrong word
Rom 15:24 see you in passing
Luk 11:22 missing "in which he trusted"
JHN 20:19 Two sentences?
JHN 18:16 the other disciple, he went out
JHN 16:16-19 Mikrons
Ezk 43:3 Footnote wording is not smooth
Acts 2:40
Acts 4:18
Acts 4:11
Acts 4:8-10
Acts 4:5 comma needed
Romans 10:16-17 ακοη
Romans 10:6 comma should be colon
JHN 1:38,41,42; 9:7; ACT 4:36 Hermeneutic verses
Mrk 2:26 unneeded "it"
Acts 13:50; incoherent
Exodus 19:21; odd English
Mark 2:9, spurious comma
LUK 11:11 Footnote attribution
MRK 15:28 (Compare Luke 22:37)
MRK 7:5 Question/statement
Acts 15:9, extra period. Acts 25:3 "that that"; Acts 8:3 comma slice; Acts 14:4 subject verb
Mrk 2:4 bed
Principles στοιχεῖον Consistency; elements principles
Acts edits for quotation markings, paragraphs, and other incidentals from Forest Deal, with Tom Warren's edits.
Romans body parts to "parts of the body"
Acts 2:18 And
Acts 2:22 spurious commas
Acts submissions and edits from Forest Deal applied by Tom Warren
Rom 7:21, 23 νομος as "principle"
Acts 2:20 spurious comma
MRK 8:19-20 Missing pieces
MRK 7:34 He looked up to heaven, he sighed
MRK 6:48 they straining
Rom 6:13 spurious comma
Rom 5:18; words missing
EZR 10:9b
Mark 14:69 the servant girl there
Square Brackets
LUK 19:22 Inconsistent tense
LUK 18:24 Please check
LUK 10:29, 37 Correct referent supplied?
LUK 8:25 Extra words
LUK 5:17 the town of Jerusalem
LUK 2:22 Supplied names
LUK 2:14 Footnote needed?
Mark 14: 68 courtyard
Mark 14:61 the Blessed
Mark 15:19, τιθέντες τὰ γόνατα
Mrk 13:14 Mark's comment about what Jesus was saying
Jhn 12:3 19:39 Litra to a more commonly known measure
Mrk 13:33 "ancient authorities" in footnote
Tit 1:6, 1 Thes 5:23 without blame
ULB descendants of Israel
Act 25:14 "he" or "they"
Tribes or Clans or Families or Descendants
Use of "Hope" consistency
JHN 12:1, 15:26 separated verbs
JHN 8:1, 4, 7, 9 legacy chunk notes
JHN 6:10 a lot of grass
JHN 5:29 incomplete sentence
JHN 1:38, 41, 42; 9:7; 20:16 translated
JHN 1:38 (quote)
power and authority
Titus 2:4
ROM 14:20 antecedent
ROM 13:9 The commandments:
ROM 13:7 incomplete sentence
ROM 11:25 completion come in
ROM 5:7 man/person
ROM 4:11, 23, 24 counted for him
1CO 16:24 UDB reference
1CO 14:38 UDB mismatch in footnote
1CO 6:6 believer/brother
1CO 3:13 verb tense
Rom 16:2 she herself as well
1CH 25:3, 11 Capitalize first word in footnote
2Sa 21:8 Run-on sentence in footnote
Acts 10:35; ὁ φοβούμενος αὐτὸν
Abbreviations in Footnotes
Quote Marks in Footnotes?
Acts 10:15 ; 11:9: Same sentence translated differently
Ecc 2:8 "etc." in footnote
Pro 30:1 Confusing footnote.
Footnotes missing final period
1CO 16:24 footnote
1CO 14:38 footnote
Acts 6:1: Food?
ICO 9:20 footnote mismatch
Exo 6:14-27 Paragraph Markers needed.
1 Chronicles 20:3; עם people vs בני people
Acts 5:26; UDB passive to active
Deu 33:3 "holy ones" - people or angels
John 18:27
REV 3:9 verb tense
Acts 2:27, 31; direct vs. indirect quote
Rom 8:15 - spirit of ... spirit of
נֶבֶל and כִּנּוֹר stringed instruments often translated as each other -
Acts 1:4
1CO, REV "some older copies"
John 15:27 Indicative or Imperative verb
Decisions Concerning the ULB page - Footnotes
Psalms 84:6
REV 14:12 obey faith in Jesus
"Versions" Footnote: Maybe could be less wordy
Footnote: "transliteration", not "translation"
Rev 12:1 extra word?
Ecclesiastes: "uselessness" for הֶבֶל
EPH 1:4-5 duplicate footnote
EPH 2:20 verb tense
Numbers 20:5: Subject-verb number agreement
PHP 2:8 death of a cross
"manuscripts" and "mss" in ULB footnotes
MT and mss in the footnotes
LXX and Vulgate in ULB footnotes
2TH 2:2 either/or
JHN 12:3 how to render an uncommon weight/volume 'litra'
1TI 2:7 reflexive pronoun
ULB-Intro "relatively literal" "meaning-based" Could it be both?
Exo 34:6-7 -- and many others re covenant love and faithfulness
Jeremiah 4:7; Qal or nip`il, not hip`il.
EXO 34:6-7 from Chris Jarka
minister, ministry
2 Peter 2:12; metaphor should be simile; pleonasm should be maintained
Isaiah 6:12 solitude
Daniel 4:17 "the messenger" to "the messengers"
nomikos - Readme and consistency issue
7 ULB Verse Bridges
Job 35:16 piles up words
Lam 3:60 insults or vengeance?
HEB 4:6, 9, and 10:26 continuity of "remains" and "is reserved"
Heb 4:6-7 incomplete sentence
Deuteronomy 23:1 overly euphemistic?
ISSUE 1535 I Cor 15:31
Psa 91:6 שָׁדַד
Space matters in 1 Timothy NO change to the text
Num 35:15 typo
1Ti 3:14, 15 but so that if
PHP 1:11 broken verse
1Ti 2:11, 12 "But"
Fixes to Titus
ULB clean up
Num 35:19 (Typo) m put the murderer to death
Num 35 slayer vs. accused
Rom 10:10 and Gen 8:17
Act 24:22, Gen 8:22, Issue 1719
Act 24:9 moving footnote around
"unto" in ULB?
Acts 24:9 AWOL
Act 24:9
Nahum 2:1 אַמֵּ֥ץ כֹּ֖חַ
Job 3:4 נְהָרָֽה
Assorted fixes
Luke 10:41 μεριμνᾷς ... θορυβάζῃ
Isaiah 63:1 royal clothing
Acts 2:39 archaism
Acts 24:7,8 footnotes
Acts 24:6 footnote
Acts 15:18 footnote "some older versions"
Daniel 2:17: חַבְרֹ֖והִי
Acts 27:5 and were near the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia
Acts 28:26 parallelism
Acts 28:11 typos
Acts 27:5 Then/When
Acts 26:14 kick a goad
Jeremiah 14:3
Acts 24:21 those who have died
Acts 24:8 footnote
Acts 24:6 double word in footnote
Acts 23:3 Then said Paul
Acts 24:22 ajourned / delayed
Posting ISSUE 1583 from Susan, Tom, and Perry; and a minor (add a space)
ISSUE 1709 emdashes moved to the end of the phrase
1JN 4:15 ὁμολογήσῃ rendered "acknowledge"
LUK 2:16
Roman 8:9 "if it is true"
LUK 11:2 sanctified/ holy
Fix to GEN 18:3
Issues 1704 and 1583
חֻקַּ֥ת עֹולָ֖ם
Misplaced em dashes
ISSUE 1491 Mic 5:1
Acts 22:4 them to prison both men and women
Issue 1691 Act 19:9
Jeremiah 10:3 Heb has instrument, ULB doesn't
Acts 21:5 accompanied out of the city
Nahum 1:10 "saturated" might be better "drunk"
Numbers 23:21: ungrammatical sentence
depraved, depravity
Issues resolved ULB
Php 4:23 Supplied word may not be needed
ULB PHP 3:12-14 "grasp" "take hold of" truncated sentences
PHP 3:10-11 sentence was chopped in half.
Acts 20:24 extra word
Acts 20:23 warns to me
Acts 20:21 testifying both Jews and Greeks
Acts 19:33 the crowd informed Alexander
Acts 19:22 helpers who had helped him
Acts 19:9 took the disciples from him
Psalms 119:96 "everything" or "all perfection"
Ezekiel 24:17 do not veil your facial hair
Jer 2:32 קִשֻּׁרֶ֑יהָ veil or sash?
Act 16:15
Num 31:28-41 מֶכֶס tax or part
Matthew 17:24 half-shekel tax
John 1:18 monogenes
Php 3:8-11 long sentence losing logic
hour and watches
PHP 2:20 anxious to genuine interest/ deep concern
Acts 16:39 double word
Acts 16:37 wrong word
Acts 16:15 stay in house
PHP 2:15 Reconnecting a verse to follow the logic.
Issues and simple fixes
Proverbs 14:3 offshoot of his pride
Issues 1667, 1663, 1665, 1662
Acts 14:15 we bring you gospel
Acts 14:12 punctuation
Acts 14:4 punctuation
Acts 13:28 cause for death in him cp Acts 28:18
Acts 13:15 punctuation
Acts 13:9-10 punctuation
Acts 8:27 Cush should be Ethiopia(n(s))
Exo 9:35 by the hand of Moses etc
Simple changes
Acts 12:25 footnote placement
Acts 10:36 announced gospel
Acts 8:4 gospel of the word
Acts 2:22 incomplete sentence
ISSUE 1654 removed extraneous "and" NUM 11:18
ISSUE 1655 Act 3:2 cp 3:10
Pro 7:22 footnote fix
ISSE 1663
Acts 3:2 Beautiful gate of temple
NUM 11:18 extra 'and'
NUM 2:29-30 mis-spellings
NUM 31:19 and or
NUM 35:19
PRO 7:22 bad formatting of footnote
ISSUE 1584 LEV 1:7, 8, 12
Act 21:38 ISSUE 1618
ISSUE 1604 Ezr 8:2-3
Issue 1645 Num 4:8; Issue 1644 Ezr 2:59-60
Num 4:8
Ezr 2:59-60 Misplaced em dash
Lev 18 fixes; Rev 2:17; 3:22; JOB 8:9; LEV 26:17
PHP 1:16
Lev 26:16 duplicate em dash
Job 8:9 Period goes inside parentheses
Rev 2:17, 3:22 extraneous "to"
Luke Look Listen Behold
Some fixes from the Trainer to the ULB master
2SA 7 edits
Aligning from ULB through issues that had not transferred from the Trainer
Resolutions for 3/12/18
EPH 2:8-9 comma
Alternative Branch to Master attempt
fix missing
Cherubs changed to cherubim in 4 versus, 5x in all.
Resolutions for 3/12/18
GEN 42:4 Should use direct speech instead of indirect
GEN 42:16 Missing end of verse
Heb 10:6, 8 sin offering or sacrifices for sin
1th 2:4 missing backslash
1th 1:10 hyphen should be em dash
Cherubs or Cherubim?
EZR 10:25 sp
Php 3:3 The true circumcision identified
1 Ki 19:10, 14 consistency
2 Sam 7:5-16 Quotation marks
Acts 21:38 RQ and restrictive clause
Acts 1:21-22 Subjunctive or indicative? Be or become?
Acts 1:21-22 Subjunctive or indicative? Be or become?
Ahasuerus or Xerxes
Change in the Issue submission form
Eph 2:8-9 Comma or reconsideration needed.
Malchijah changed to Malkijah in ULB
ISSUE 1602 more on Sea Cows for Fine Leather hides or skins
EXO 39:34 sea cow leather changed to "fine leather"
1 Chr 6:40, 6:41, 9:12; Jer 21:1, 38:1, 38:6 Malkijah | Malchijah
Extra word removed Isa 6:19 ("the" removed") ISSUE 1601 and JOB 6:23-23 ISSUE 1589
ISA 8:19 extraneous "the" needs to be removed
1CH 26:21-22
Ezr 8:2-3
Gen 15:3 born in my house
Mrk 4:8 omitted verb
Exo 39:34 sea cow leather
Isaiah 8:19
Adding extra lines before \s5 marker
1CH 26:20-22 Storehouses consistency
Failed Align 1 Thess Chap1
1Ch 26:21-22 Relationship of Jehieli to Zetham and Joel
DEU 3:9; 4:48; PSA 29:6
Job 12:12 ISSUE 1585
Job 12:12
Updated personal education bio in manifest
Deu 2:10-11 Emites or Emim
Failed 1 Thess edits for aligning
Job 6:22-23
Jeremiah 23:37
Jeremiah 14:8
Issue for 2-26-18
Job 12:12 "my" doesn't belong here
Lev 1:8, 12 Wording is the same, but ULB is different.
Gen 18:3 Missing words and extra verb
Mat 11:5 missing words
Neh 9:16-17 stiff-necked metaphor
1CH 6:60 cities and Kohathites
1CH 4:29 Verb tense
1CH 9:21 "tent of meeting"
MRK 2:22 ISSUE 1428
ISSUE 1438 ULB TIT 1:6
Php 1:9-11 Remove sentence breaks?
Num 30 for tN
NUM 30:4
Official to Officer ISSUE 1571
1Ki 4:7 and 4:27
Num 30
Space missing Act 19:41
1CH 2:55 fixed ISSUE 1566
Space missing Act 19
1Ch 2:55 Missing "father"
1Th 1:8 ULB ISSUE 1445
1Th 1:8 ULB ISSUE 1445
1TH 2:17 ISSUE 1447
REV 11:15. ISSUE 1549
Tit 1:6 ISSUE 1438
1CH 2:54-55 ISSUE 1503
1TH 3:2-3 ISSUE 1448
PSA 10:7 and others ISSUE 1532
PHP 2:2 ISSUE 1521
REV 6:11 ISSUE 1529
PHP 2:15 from ISSUE 1534
ACT 27:12
NEH 5:8
Gen 27:18 ISSUE 1550
ACT 27:12
Gen 27:18
REV 11:15 clarity on "He" in ULB
REV 14:4 sexually pure / virgins
NUM 30:4
PSA 83:5-8
Num 30:4 Missing clause
PSA 83:5ff
Savior in the ULB UC and 2 LC
Several ULB issues from those left open, but here were closed
Notes with references that span verses
Col 1:14 Update footnote to fit m ore literal ULB text?
PHP group of commits
Fixes from Susan Quigley
PHP 2:15 ULB
Gen 32:16 ISSUE 1477
1co 15:31 "I face death"
PHP 2:15 ULB
Php 1:3-5 "fellowship" to "partnership"
Psa 10:7 his tongue injures and destroys
Acts 4:3 and 5:18 τήρησις
Neh 5:8 "brothers and sisters"?
rev 6:11
1 Thess. Edits for Aligning
ULB 1Ti 4:2-3 "forbid to receive" to "require to abstain"
PHP 3:8-11 Remove sentence breaks?
PHP 2:16 ULB
ISSUE 1522, Psa 7:16 and 148:11
PHP 2:4 "take care" to "look"?
Psa 7:16 and 148:11 Extra space before backslash code
PHP 2:2 "thinking alike"
PHP 1:29 granted to "freely given"
GEN 27:18-19 ULB, ISSUE 1479
Mat 1:19 ULB, editing of critical verse.
MRK 3:9 ULB, ISSUE 1464
Align 2Ti
ULB ISSUE #1482 JOS 5:11
Align 1Ti
Rom 9:29, Jas 5:4 Lord of hosts
GEN 47:12 ULB ISSUE 1481
Jos 14:1 ISSUE 1484
Luk 2:13 "a great, heavenly army"
Abbreviations in Footnotes
ULB JOS 14:1 ISSUE 1484
Luk 17:36 Extra comma in footnote
ULB change from omit (in footnotes) to "does not have" SEE ULB ISSUE 1472
ULB 1CH 2:54-55 Aligning the ULB and the UDB
ULB GLOBAL change omit (in footnotes) to "does not have"
ULB 1CH 2:54-55 Aligning the ULB and the UDB
ULB HEB 2:14
formattting question. Capital letter following :
LUK 4:18 adding "the" to "gospel" ISSUE 1499
LUK 4:18 adding "the" to "gospel"
2CO 1:21 mistranslation corrected
2CO 1:21 mistranslation corrected ISSUE 1497
2ch 2:54 The clans (?) of Salma
HEB 8:5
JOS 23:1-2 ISSUE 1418
Jos 23:1-2 completing change
JOS 21:20
MIC 5:1 Missing "the", punctuation, & "soldiers"
HAB 2:15 confusing "over" and a footnote question
JOS 21:21 "any who" to "anyone who"?
JOS 21:4 Extra "the" and "priests" vs "priest"
JOS 19:32 Missing "the"
JOS 19:8 "their the villages"
JOS 15:11
JOS 14:1
JOS 10:37 Missing "in," and punctuation needs work
JOS 5:11
GEN 47:12
GEN 44:18
GEN 27:18
GEN 27:1
GEN 32:16
NAM 3:12-13
SAM 2:23
PHP 1:3-5 Keeping the order of the GRK text
Gospel for Good news in the ULB
Matt 17:21 The best ancient copies omit v. 21
ULB: Gospel vs Good news
Heb 4:12
Heb 8:5 ULB about the tabernacle or about the priests, or both
Two changes for the ULB from Perry, Susan, and Tom
changed the toc2 (line 5) on 3 John
MAT 1:19
MRK 3:9
1Ti 5:1-2
Heb 4:12
Titus 2:14
ISA 43:11 and others -- Savior inconsistently capitalized.
COL 1:13-14, 15 reconnecting two sentences into one
2CH 6:41 PSA 97:10, and PSA 116:15 saints in the OT
3JN has "Second John" in toc2
PHP 2:5 Which attitude?
Php 4:21, 22 saints/believers
PSA 23.6
Heb 2:14
PSA 142.4
PSA 83.5-8
Do Not Merge (Yet): Changes from Trainer
Do Not Merge (Yet): Changes from Trainer
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 3:4
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 3:2,3
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 2:17 location of "brothers"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 2:16 "come on" or "overtake"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 1:8 "For" and "indeed"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 1:7
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 89 v 6
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 86 vs 5
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 57 vs 8
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 52 vs 5
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 22 Vs 6
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:16 "May"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:13-14 "lose heart" & conjunctions
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:10 "For" and "even"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th Footnote punctuation
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 2:4 "As a result"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th, line 21
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:5 "The result is"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:3 "For"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:2 "May"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:22 "No man" to "No one"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:21 "No man" to "No one"
Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:8 "within themselves" or "among themselves"?
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Co - Extra \id line
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Revelation
Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus 1:3 (comma)
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Th - line feeds before \s5
Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:18 "May"
JDG 12:3 Doubled phrase
NUM 30:3-7
JOS 23.1
2TH Changes for Alignment
SWORD module plans?
Titus Changes for Alignment
Clarify README
ULB Titus
Matt 15:28
Align 2TH
Align Ruth
Align Titus
Align 1TH
Fix for Genesis number
1TH Changes for Alignment
1TH Updates Before Alignment
List Item Display
ACT 21:14
συντελείας τοῦ αἰῶνος
Ezk 43:3
lev 11:35
jud 1:3
1 Thess 4:13
pro 15:25
Tit 1:6
Lam 4:5
Romans 2:6
Isa 48:11
Matt 13:8 redux
Isa 3:2
Isa 1:1
Tit 2:3
Luke 2:49
jhn 21
Isaiah 54:14
Isa 33:19
Exo 21:16
eph 3:9
2co 9:8
1 Cor 10:28
Rev 3:4
Rev 4:9-10
1ch 11:7 typo
Rev 1:2
2ch 18:12
Act 5:20
2ti 4:2
PRO 8:15-16
Mark 16:5-6 Astonished
Jer 50:39
Jdg 3:31
Isa 33:19
Exo 23:6
2 Samuel 20:9
ISA 3:2
1 Samuel 18:25
Rom 6:17 ULB "servants of sin"
Hebrews 11:38
PRO 8:15-16 ULB for Concordance 300 LINE 36 on Google Spreadsheet
Missing chapters in Door43 preview
Genesis 41:23
ULB ROM 1:29-31
Genesis 20:2
Psalms 106:15
EPH 6:12 ULB
Isaiah 3:1
Ps 102:title, 61:2
LUK 2:49
Mat 6:16
Rev 12:10
Rom 9:10
Jer 47:7
Errors from Live.door43.org site
HEB 3:10 Greek passive -- Issue from @john_hutchins
John 15:13
Job 18:3
1Co 7:27 "bound" and "free"
Heb 8:8-12
Isa 6
Mrk 1:45 "freely" to "openly" or "publicly"?
Formatting issues
Mat 1:23
Mrk 11:17
Mrk 10:7
Psa 119
Mat 11:5; Luk 7:22
Ecc 4:2
Fixes the media block
Tit 1:11 "breaking up"
PSA 89:19 - Do not put character after tag
JHN 3:20
JHN 3:8
Hab 1:1 and 2:2 Quote margin formatting
Mat 11
Gen. Formatting Poetry (blessings and curses)
Gal 4:23 & 27
Luk 11:43 Delete "the" before "mint and rue"?
ULB footnotes - observations made on the concatenated USFM files from release version 10
Ecc 8 and 9 Formatting issues with poetry
Formatting issues
ULB ROM has 2 instances of spurious U+00A0 NO BREAK SPACE
ULB files have 9 instances of the tab character
ULB EXO 3:22 & EZK 25:17 are both instances of spurious U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE
ULB 1SA 14:41 contains a footnote that has the only instance of left & right double quotation marks
HAB 3:17 contains a spurious EOT control character after the preceding \q2
Titus 1:10
PSA 119:1-176 The 22 acrostic headings should use \qa rather than \d
Zec 5:4
Zec 7:4-10
1pe 3:10-12 Add \q to separate lines of poetry?
1Pe 4:15 \q needed
1co 4:6 Indented quote
John 1:20
2ki 15:16 Missing \fqa*
Titus 1:8
Dan 6:27, 28 \p or \m needed?
Luke 23:45
Luke 22:39
1co 14:21 Indent all of OT quote?
Luke 22:7
Luke 13:22-23
Acts 28:25-26 Not enough indented?
Act 4:26 Too much indented?
JHN 1:42
JHN 1:29
1th 1:3 typo
LUK 24:44
LUK 24:28
LUK 24:50
LUK 24:12
LUK 24:8-9
LUK 23:55
LUK 23:54
LUK 23:12
LUK 23:1
LUK 22:18
LUK 22:16
Luke 20:16
Luke 20:3-4
LUK 21:32
LUK 21:24
LUK 21:21
LUK 21:16
LUK 21:15
LUK 20:25
LUK 20:2
2co 12:7
Luk 19:43
Titus 3: 14
Titus 3:13
Num 12:6-8
Titus 3:11
Titus 3:9
Titus 3:8
LUK 18:33
LUK 18:15
LUK 18:2
LUK 18:1
Tit 3:7
Titus 3:7
Luke 17:28
Luke 16:9-11
Luke 15:18
Luke 17:6
Luke 16:28
LUK 17:2
LUK 16:8
LUK 16:7
Luke 1:2
Jeremiah 13:7
Ezekiel 22:10
Psa 80:12 ULB Question mark needed
LUK 15:21
LUK 15:28
LUK 15:27
LUK 15:25
LUK 15:20
LUK 15:18
LUK 14:28
Num 14:36, 37 ULB
Luk 1:69-71
Titus 2:15
Psalms 74:19
Titus 2:12
Hebrews 11:1
Neh 12:1, 10 UDB Jeshua the high priest
Acts 25:16
1sa 28:19
Luke 12:39
Luke 12:26
Titus 2:9-10
Titus 2:8
Testing Issue
Luk 10:19 Delete comma?
LUK 12:43
LUK 12:37
LUK 12:22
Titus 2:3-4
LUK 11:36
LUK 11:4
LUK 10:36
LUK 10:4
LUK 9:7-8
LUK 8:47
LUK 8:16
LUK 8:43
LUK 8:15
Luke 2:49
Tit 2:1-3
Revelation 19:12
LUK 6:35
Revelation 5:8
LUK 6:34
LUK 6:26
LUK 6:22
LUK 6:1
Psa 96:11; Jer 18:22
Exod 12:38 Cattle
LUK 5:24
LUK 4:35
LUK 4:1-2
river [A-Z]
More typos
Hebrews 11:1
LUK 2:33
LUK 2:22
Genesis 26:3
Ezekiel 22:4ff
Jer 13:5
Exodus 20:26
Daniel 2:23
Amos 7:16
Amos 7:10
Amos 7:7
Amo 1:1
3 John 1:10
jol 3:11
Various files
2 Kings 6:32
2co 7:13
1 Samuel 24:16
1pe 1:25
LUK 1:17
LUK 1:71
LUK 1:2
MRK 16:1
MRK 15:39
MRK 15:21
MRK 14:40
MRK 14:35
Ezk 47:19 ULB difficult sentence
Jeremiah 21:1
Ezk 47:18 ULB between Gilead and the land of Israel will be the Jordan River
MRK 13:30
2 Chronicles 22:11
MRK 12:36
MRK 12:35
MRK 12:10
MRK 12:26
MRK 12:19
MRK 12:6-7
Mrk 8:36 Delete comma?
Job 16:9
Mark 7:24-25 But
MRK 10:25
MRK 10:18
MRK 9:37
MRK 8:36
Esther 5:1
Gen 50:4
Genesis 50:4
1 Kings 15:20
Ezk 20:31 you caused your sons
MRK 7:11-12
MRK 7:25
MRK 7:35
MRK 6:14
MRK 6:40
MRK 6:30
Jeremiah 23:32
MRK 4:24
MRK 4:4-8
Ezekiel 6:13
Ezekiel 26:11
MRK 3:4
MRK 3:14
1 Chronicles 29:9
1 Chronicles 6:54
Titus 1:16
TITUS 1:15
Titus 1:14
Titus 1:13
Titus 1:12
Psalms 95:6
2 Chronicles 29:17
MRK 1:14-15
MRK 1:7
Titus 1:7
MAT 26:59
MAT 26:55
MAT 26:34
Luke 20:26
Matthew 24:51
ULB MAT 25:46 These will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life."
MAT 25:20
MAT 24:49
Mat 12:18 ULB "judgment" to "justice"?
Matthew 23:34
Matthew 23:20-22
MAT 22:24
MAT 22:7
MAT 21:16
MAT 19:5
Exo 34:28
MAT 18:35
Php 1:20 second part missing a main verb?
Heb 10:11 Odd semicolon
MAT 17:20
MAT 17:18
MAT 16:28
MAT 15:6
JON 4:2 covenant faithfulness
Heb 10:11-12
Heb 7:5-6
ULB Heb 7:4
MAT 13:41
MAT 13:32
Test pull request
Mat 13:12
MAT 13:12
MAT 12:42
MAT 12:5
MAT 10:42
MAT 10:3
MAT 9:13
MAT 9:5
Sea of Galilee, Sea of Chinnereth, Lake of Gennesaret, Sea of Tiberias
MAT 6:31
MAT 5:37
Judges 19:25
Matt 17:25-26 ULB
PHP 2:18 Imperative?
PHP 2:18 Imperative?
2sa 20:16
Php 2:7 ULB Last line is part of v8
Php 3:2
TEST for Susan
PHP 1:20 Extra words?
JOB 31:7 - non-printable character
JHN 1:18 Missing word
JHN 1:15 ULB more than me
Test for Tom Warren
Test for Tom
Add text in description field.
Update description field with what and why
ACT Major Title
Fixed initial s5 marker locations
Update contributors
Reading the BIBLE
#1 Incorrect name in Hos 12:3 Edit
Tit 2:3
Ezekiel 24:13
Luke 24:21
Proverbs 20:9
Exodus 14:5
Ezekiel 21:15
Jeremiah 3:3
Jeremiah 14:22
Psalms 114:1
2 Samuel 17:17
1 Kings 10:28
Proverbs 27:25
Exodus 13:12
Genesis 38:20
Mark 14:67
1 Corinthians 15:28
Luke 2:33
Jeremiah 28:8
Ecclesiastes 7:11
Mark 5:19
Numbers 16:30
Zechariah 13:2
Genesis 24:49
Psalms 59:3
Jos 21:20
1th 4:13 Extra negator
2Pe 1:15 ULB missing word.
1sa 22:19 ULB Extra comma
Acts 27:22
Jud 1:19 ULB Odd punctuation.
Mark 4:24 ULB "you will be measured"
Psalms 138:3
Acts 18:23
Ezra 5:2
2 Samuel 13:25
Psalms 65:11
Ephesians 6:5
Revelation 8:13
Genesis 9:24
2 Samuel 13:28
Numbers 5:15
Daniel 7:7
Song of Songs 5:2
John 19:28
Psalms 89:30
Jeremiah 50:36
Psalms 119:161
Uncover nakedness
Isaiah 42:25
Psalms 9:17
Ezekiel 16:25
Psalms 68:26
Leviticus 25:30
Genesis 21:23
Romans 15:17
Job 31:7
Leviticus 19:7
Pro 7:22
Psalms 106:23
Judges 13:14
Isaiah 38:13
Isaiah 47:15
2 Samuel 22:16
Psalms 89:19
Genesis 49:26
2 Timothy 2:9
Isaiah 33:15
Joshua 11:14
Joshua 10:35
Lev 11:36
Deuteronomy 4:16
Hebrews 9:10
Heb 4:3
Ezk 34:29
Psalms 8:2
Luk 13:15
Act 26:25
2ki 18:20
Jos 7:5
2sa 8:18
Deu 21:5
Job 19:22
Num 14:9
Pro 1:11
isa 19:7
1sa 14:41
Act 15:29
Heb 10:38-39
Rut 1:13
Lev 26:18
Jdg 5:7
Ezr 3:2
2Sa 20:5
2Sa 10:10
2Ch 8:18
1Ki 8:50
Lev 6:2
Job 16:5
Gal 3:27 ULB meaning of "put on Christ"
1 Co 5:3-5 ULB
Jhn 9:7 ULB Siloam (which translated is: Sent)."
2ki 16:3
2Ch 9:4
Dan 9:24, 26
1sa 1:24
Acts 25:21, 25 ULB the emperor versus Emperor
1th 5:27 appeal
Ezk 17:17
Rom 4:19
James 3:8 ULB Typo
Mat 15:6 ULB Footnote marker
Gen 40:4
Act 12:4
2Ch 33:7
Exo 24:11
Hab 2:15
Psa 57:3
Zec 9:8
1Ki 20:39
1Ki 20:20
Psa 7:3-4
Luk 19:22 Tenses not matching
1ch 5:22
Luk 19:21 ULB "exacting standards"
Job 13:16
Heb 12:9 ULB Exclamation
Heb 7:19 ULB "for the future" (extra meaning)
Mat 15:6
Job 37:15
1sa 3:19
Jer 31:25
Jer 31:16
2TH 1:9
Jer 13:19
Ecc 10:12
Jer 12:7
Num 2:14
Exo 21:6
Ecc 5:1
1jn 5:3 ULB lower case on phrase after colon
Ezk 23:19
Jhn 6:69
Rom 11:10
Gen 33:10, 15
Exo 23:3
Gen 30:6
Luk 13:11
Zech 2:9 spelling
Deu 18:10 ULB any one
Tit 3:1,2 lonely adjective
Ezk 1:15 possible missing phrase in ULB
Phm 1:19 Typo
Tit 2:9, 10 ULB mismatching verb forms
Tit 2:8 ULB Typo
Rom 8:15 ULB and UDB "the Spirit of bondage"
Acts 7:45 ULB —before the face of our fathers—
1jn 2:1, 24 and 5:1, 4 ULB Capitalization not needed
1Ti 5:21 typo
2 Th 3:10
Act 19:34 ULB Artemis -> Diana
2Ti 3:8 incomplete sentence in ULB
Amo 2:14
act 7:45 ULB Typo
2Ti 2:14 unclear wording
2ch 24:27 book title capitalization
2 Ch several verses. Capitalization of "Spirit"
2Ch 16:13 ULB/UDB mismatch
2 Ch 16:12 typo
2Ch 16:8 Missing word
2Ch 2:13 name mismatch
Rom 7:15
RMS 3:10-18
2ch 22:10-12 Missing verse and formatting problem in ULB (needed)
Ezk 44:4 "faces the house" or "front of the house"
Ezk 42:4 ULB Typo in footnote
Ezk 40:46 ULB Tense issue
Ezk 40:44 ULB Hebrew text is clearer
2Ch 6:37 UDB typo
2Ch 5:11 awkward wording in UDB
2Ch 5:9 add "in" (maintenance)
2Ch 5:5 change singular to plural
2Ch 4:14-16--3 issues (maintenance)
2ch 4:10 ULB more dynamic than UDB
2Ch 4:4-5 "The Sea"
2ch4:3 wording issue
Gen 16:14 UDB Extra space
1Ch 27:27 (maintenance)
Pro 28:12, 28
john 18:9 British spelling
Jos 8:14 ULB the place facing toward the Jordan River valley
john 19:36 British spelling
(Pull Request): added manifest.yaml for rc spec
1 Ch 6:27 missing phrase in ULB or extra phrase in UDB
1Ch 6:25 genealogy problem
1Ch 5:26 Extra word
2CH 34:25
Lam 4:7 verb tense issue in UDB
2CH 34:7 semi colon
1 Ch 16:19 pronoun issue.
2ch 30:7 ULB destruction vs horror
1Ch 11:18 Typo
2Ch 30:5 ULB implication of comma
2 Ch 32:32 capitalization of book title
2 Ch 32:31 ambiguous phrase
Php 3:8 ULB Punctuation
2Ch 30:3 ULB Extra word
2 ch 32:22 misspelling
2ch 26:23 Capital K not needed
2ch 26:22 ULB Missing word?
2Ch 26:16 Missing word
2ch 26:15 engines
2CH 20:21 verb tense
2CH 18:3 semi colon
1ki 12:18 ULB Adoram vs UDB Adoniram
2CH 17:14 typo
2Ch 10:2 ULB Parentheses
2CH 16:13 semi colon alert
2ch 9:29 ULB Capital letters needed in title
2ch 9:23 ULB Missing words
2 Ch 4:18 ULB/UDB disagreement (needed)
2ch 9:16 ULB Palace/House
2ch 9:12 ULB "No wood like this" to "No things like these"?
2Ch 9:18 ULB round top or gold footstool?
2 Ch 4:6 missing phrase in UDB
2ch 9:12:ULB in addition to that which she had brought to the king
Lam 2:10 verb tense consistency (needed)
Lam 2:8 typo
Lam 1:22 typo (maintenance)
Lam 1:13 typo (maintenance)
Lam 1:18-19 2 typos (maintenance)
lam 1:12 typo (maintenance)
1ki 10:4 ULB "burnt offering" Maintenance
2 Ch 3:8-9 talents and shekels (needed)
1CH 29:7 typo
2Ch 8:5 ULB Delete comma
2 Ch 2:2 ULB/UDB disagreement
Act 7:19
1CH 28:14 phrasing
1ch 9:19
2ch 7:3a ULB "looked on" Maintenance
2 Ch 1:16 Turkey (Maintenance)
Zec 8:19-23 quotation marks (maintenance)
1ch 1:51, 54
2Ch 6:23 ULB Using parallel structures for parallel requests - Maintenance
2Ch 1:2 "of thousands and of hundred" (Maintenance)
1ki 8:32 ULB Odd "to"s Maintenance
1CH 27:1 typo maintenance
1CH 26:14 another alt.
1CH 26:18 too many guards!
1CH 26:1 alt spelling
1ch 7:23-24
Ecc 12:3 change to plural (maintenance)
Lam 4:22 ULB Punctuation
1CH 25:14 alt spelling
1CH 25:11 name mismatch
Lam 4:20 ULB Odd tense
Ecc 5:10 redundant word (maintenance)
Nam 2:6 remove "q2" (maintenance)
LAM 5:13 typo
LAM 5:17 extra phrase
Heb 2:2 ULB Typo
Jer 50:43 verb tense (needed)
Lam 4:6 ULB odd "and it" -- Maintenance
Zec 14:10 locations in the UDB (needed)
Zech 14:6 remove extra "that" (maintenance)
LAM 2:16 verb tense
Ezk 6:12 typo (maintenance)
1Ch 4:22
Zec 13:4 remove extra "that" (maintenance)
Zec 12:3 remove extra "that" (maintenance)
Hab 1:15-17 singular or plural pronouns (maintenance)
Jer 9:3 Add "one." (maintenance)
Mic 7:2
Mic 7:18
LAM 1:16 a / the? (maintenance)
Lam 3:62 ULB Missing word
Jer 44:30 UDB addition (Maintenance)
Jer 44:14 awkward wording (maintenance)
Jer 44:1 Patros (maintenance)
Mic 7:14
Mic 7:13
Lam 3:54 ULB Direction of the water
Jer 29:21 change "say" to "says" (maintenance)
Lam 3:52 ULB Missing word
Lam 3:50 ULB Awkward wording
Mic 7:12
Lam 3:42, 47 ULB Missing close quotation mark?
Mic 7:1
Mic 6:16
Jer 14:9 awkward phrase (maintenance)
Mic 5:8
Jer 30:2 Redundant phrase (maintenance)
Jer 27:7 change plural to singular (Maintenance)
Amo 3:13 ULB Change comma to colon - Maintenance
Jer 27:1 ULB/UDB disagreement (Needed)
Jer 22:18 delete "with" (Maintenance)
Amo 3:11, 12 ULB Replace commas with colon? Maintenance
TIT 2:11
Amo 3:6b ULB odd "and"
Jer 13:21 change "taught" to "thought" (maintenance)
Amo 3:1 ULB Punctuation - Maintenance
Amo 5:26-27 Relationship of 27 to 26
Amo 8:14 problem with footnote (maintenance)
John 6:40
Mic 5:5
Jer 20:12 incomplete sentence (Maintenance)
Jer 19:3 remove "and" (Maintenance)
1Co 8:6 ULB "him" to "whom"?
Mic 4:12
Amo 8:3 incomplete sentence (needed)
Mic 4:6, 5:9
Amo 4:14 ULB Earth
ROM 8:34
ROM 8:2
ROM 8:1
ECC 9:12 evil times
ECC 8:12 typo
Some footnotes contain both the fqa tag and double quote marks in the text
Mic 3:12
LEV 21:20 tR
NUM 14:37-38
Mic 3:5
Mic 1:6-7
Mic 1:5
Jer 6:26 two funerals?
LUK 17:37
Mic 1:4
Mic 1:3
Mic 1:1
Num 9:11 & 12 tR
NUM 2:13 & 16 tR
Jol 2:25 - 3:13
2 Sam 15:19
Jer 6:10 ULB Who reproaches?
Ecc 12:11 missing imagery? (Maintenance)
Jer 6: 7 ULB "plague" to "wounds"?
ECC 6:7 typo
Jer 28:11
Jol 2:30
Jol 2:17
Jol 2:12
Rom 16:26 Missing phrase.
Act 27:15 Missing "the"?
Jol 1:10
Jer 5:14-31 ULB Quote marks
Jer 5:21 ULB vs UDB Who is this talking about?
Jer 51:12
Jer 5:13 ULB Closing quote mark
Jer 5:13 ULB there is no one else to declare Yahweh's messages to us
ECC 4:1 maintenance
Ezk 18:29 Rhetorical question wording (maybe needed for notes)
Ezk 18:7 awkward sentence (Maintenance)
ECC 2:8 questions needed
Jer 51:35
Hag 2:23
Hab 2:16
Jer 5:19 ULB "worshiped" to "served
Jer 5:18 ULB that then
Hag 2:12
Jer 49:29 Different speakers
Jer 49:25
Jer 5:7 ULB took on the marks of
Jer 5:5 ULB Missing end quote mark
JER 10:21 typo
Act 22:4 ULB Typo
Jer 1:1 Test
ULB John 20:16
JER 10:12 parallelism
GEN 42:9
GEN 40:23
JER 10:3 typo
Jer 49:4 ULB/UDB agreement?
Rom 2:19 ULB If-clause without a "then-clause
Eph 5:18 Sentence-initial "And"
Jer 49:2 "daughters will light fires"
Jer 49:1 typo
JER 9"12
Jer 7:1 ULB The word that came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, "..."
Jer 48:39 add possessive
Jer 48:30
Job 22:30 innocent man?
Jer 48:27 rhetorical question
Job 1:21 missing word
JER 9:12 what/who
Jer 46:28 quotation marks (part 2)
Jer 46:14 punctuation and quotation marks
JER 9:7
JER 15:12 mismatch
Jer 2:19 ULB Yahweh the Lord of hosts
Jer 2:19 ULB missing "of"
Jer 4:2 ULB "Yahweh lives"
Jer 46:15 ULB and UDB disagreement?
Jer 5:2 ULB By the life of Yahweh
Job 24:3 apostrophe
Jer 46:14
Job 19:27 missing period
Jer 4:27 ULB "them" to "it"?
Jer 4:23 ULB "and see!" to "Behold"?
Jer 4:20b ULB or UDB Whose tent(s)?
JER 14:13 typo
Jer 4:2 ULB Misplaced quote marks?
Jer 4:7-10 ULB Formatting
Jer 4:5, 6 ULB formatting
Jer 46:8-9 speaker?
Jer 46:4 get in chariots or on horses
Job 9:20 typo
MRK 9:44, 46, 48 - footnote
Jer 3:23 "many" to "noise on"?
Jer 45:4 missing phrase in UDB.
JER 13:27 fragment
Jer 3:14a ULB "I have married you" to "I am your husband"?
Jer 3:16 ULB What won't be made?
Jer 44:19 missing phrase in ULB
Jer 3:5 ULB So continue to do it!
Jer 42:1 and 43:2 name variant
Jer 3:1 ULB That woman is this land!
Jer 2:35 ULB "Instead" to "But" or "Yet"?
John 2:23; 13:29
Jer 2:24 longing for life and panting after the useless wind!
Jer 41:17 spelling variant
Jer 41:9 typo
Jer 41:9 Gedaliah incorrect info
JER 12:9
Jer 2:23 ULB Misplaced question mark
Jer 2:21 ULB a disloyal one from a foreign vine
JER 12:3
Jer 2:14 Is Israel a slave? Was he not born at home?
Jer 2:3 ULB Typo
Jer 2:13 ULB Clarifying the two evils
Ezk 34:31 "I am" or "I will be"
Ezek 34:18 misspelling
Jer 1:6 ULB Paragraph break missing
EZK 25:4 typo
Ezk 30:21 ULB receive medicine?
Ezk 30:16 ULB or UDB
Ezk 30:2 ULB Capital T needed.
EZK 24:21 typo
EZK 24:21 SV agreement
Eze 29:18 ULB shaved or rubbed bald
Ezek 37:24 "like king David" ?
Neh 6:7 redundant "also"
EZK 24:5
ACT 10:19
EZK 23:44-45 typos
Act 15:24 ULB Leftover "Since"
EZK 29:13 ULB Missing "the"
2 KI 11:21
EZK 23:42
Ezk 31:16 him or it
Ezk 31:14 clouds or foliage
Exo 2:9 Dittography in ULB?
Neh 12:41-42 priests with trumpets
Eze 29:7 ULB shattered legs and shaking hips
JON 2:4
RMS 8:28
EXO 28:37 ULB Typo
Act 19:14 ULB missing word
Est 7:5 missing word?
Est 9:30, 32 two issues in UDB
Est 6:13 missing quotation mark
Est 6:3 missing word.
Ezr 2:2 awkward phrase
EZK 23:25
Est 5:8 Incomplete sentence
Est 1:2 "fortress" or "palace"
Neh 11:6 UDB missing part of text
JOB 6:25a
2 Ki 16:5-6 Country confusion
Job 31:23 ULB Typo
2 Ki 17:36 change word order
EZK 21:25 hanging indent
LUK 11:14 tr
Job 30:11b ULB "lose self-control"
Ezr 10:28 Name variant
Job 30:8 ULB "descendants of fools"
Ezr 3:4 misspelled word
Job 29:25 ULB "at a funeral"
Job 29:20 ULB Missing final quote mark
2 Ki 21:12 Different speaker
Pro 25:23 missing "as"
Mat 12:26 ULB "Because of this?"
Pro 25:20 "soda" or "wound"
Job 29:12b ULB those without fathers
Job 29:6 ULB archaic "awash"
2 Ki 10:25 missing "as"
Pro 25:7 "him" or "them"
2 Ki 13:25 Joash or Jehoash?
Dan 8:21 "king" or "kingdom"
Dan 8:11 ULB/UDB disagreement
Dan 8:9-12 little horn="him" or "it"?
1th 2:11 ULB "how" or "that"
Act 28:27 Delete "not"?
1th 2:11-12 ULB "we exhorted and encouraged you" ?
Pro 22:26 missing word
Heb 8:3 ULB Missing "a"?
Job 27:2-3 UDB
Job 21:3 ULB Archaic word?
Job 20:22b ULB vs UDB
Pro 13:8 ULB/UDB agreement?
Job 10:3b ULB vs UDB a spirit ... answers me
Job 20:3 ULB "puts me to shame"
MAT 12:27
LUK 18:18-23 tr
LUK 24:28, 29 tr
Job 19 17 ULB "my pleas" vs UDB "me"
Job 19:7 ULB I call out to say that I have been done wrong
Job 14:21 ULB "come to honor"
Job 19:5 "convince everyone that I am disgraced"
Job 13:9 ULB misrepresent him
Job 12:20 ULB "trustworthy" to "trusted"
Job 12:13 ULB good thoughts
Job 12:9 ULB given them life
dan 5:15 One group or two groups?
HEB 12:27 tr
Heb 11:11 ULB & UDB Abraham or Sarah?
MRK 14:53 tr
LUK 9:33 tr
LUK 21:34 tr
LUK 12:48 tr
LUK 12:35, 37 tr
LUK 12:30-31 tr
LUK 7:45 tr
Isa 51:22 "bowl of the cup" ?
Isa 51:21 change tense?
Est 9:22 ULB from mourning into a holiday
Est 9:17 ULB add "and"?
isa 28:27 "Cumin" or "Caraway"
1SA 15:27 Change "Saul" to "Samuel"
Isa 38:10 Rhetorical question in UDB
Est 5:11 ULB Missing phrase?
HEB 8:5 tr
Isa 28:15, 17 UDB does not agree with itself
Ezr 8:33 ULB Comma or period needed
Isa 28:9 Who is being ridiculed?
NEH 5:18 typo
Deu 28:26 missing "the"
Ezra 8:2-14 List format?
8:16 ULB vs UDB Elnathan?
Ezr 8:3 ULB Missing words?
Ezra 7:27; 8:15
Ezk 45:14 ULB "kor" to "cor"
LUK 6:6
PHP 2:8 tr
PHP 2:1 tr
1JN 4:1 tr
2PE 2:15 tr
1TH 3:13 tr
1PE 5:9 tr
MRK 13:35 tr
1PE 1:22 tr
Ezr 7:14 ULB Restrictive or Non-Restrictive Relative clause?
EPH 6:21 tr
EPH 3:6 tr
EPH 5:27 tr
EPH 1:21 tr
2CO 1:14 tr
EPH 1:13 tr
MRK 3:22 tr
MAT 22:11 tr
MAT 23.25 tr
GAL 2:17 tr
1TI 4.9 tr
REV 14.2 & 18.22 tr
1TH 3:13 tr
1TH 2.11-12 tr
Ezr 6: 12 Missing phrase?
Ezr 6:6 ULB "beyond the River"
NEH 3:26-27 tower
NEH 3:19 awkward verb construct
NEH 3:14 typo?
2ki 6:6-9 "warning" or "warnings"
2KI 10:28 added metonymy
Ezr 6:5 ULB "the temple in Babylon"
2sa 23:7 UDB punctuation
1Sa 22:3 ULB/UDB spelling discrepancy
2ki 15:34 Typo
2ki 15:23 ULB began the reign
2ki 15:25 ULB delete "the"
2SA 1:12 missing phrase in UDB
2KI 9:37 need a verb here
1Sa 25:2-3 Missing phrase in UDB and possible reordering of UDB
1SA 23:19 Different spelling
MAT 25.26
MAT 24.51
1SA 6:19 UDB and ULB very large number in the MT
15:1 ULB began his reign
2ki 15:16 ULB Tiphsah vs UDB Tappuah
2ki 15:17 ULB "began the reign of"
2ki 15:10 ULB vs UDB
1SA 5:7 "god" or "God"
MRK 15.28
1SA 9:23-24
1Ki 16:11 ULB awkward wording
1ki 16:12 Remove extra clause with passive?
1SA 12:8 Change period to comma
JAS 1:4 Delete "in"?
Jos 6:13 Reword
JDG 18:7 awkward wording
JDG 18:17 Remove extra "and"
JOS 4:8
2KI 5:11 typo
JOS 2.24
Genesis 3:6
2KI 3:25 awkward wording
Josh 22:7
Matt 24:15
1Ki 15:2 ULB Capital letter needed
ULB Lev 14:11
Deu 8:14 "become" or "becomes"?
DEU 8:12 incomplete sentence
2KI 22:20 change "nor"
Pro 26:23 ULB Backwards simile?
2ki 22:16 missing word?
2KI 22:15 God sent Huldah?
2KI 22:6-7
Eph 4:24 ULB statement or command?
Eph 3:23 the old man?
Eph 4:20 ULB vs UDB?
DEU 11:27-28 incomplete sentences
1Ki 17:2, 5 Cherith or Kerith
1ki 17:15 add "for"?
Eph 1:10 ULB Christ's work was a plan
Jos 11:20 "they cried out for mercy"? and spelling error
Jos 4:5 typo
Php 1:20 ULB Move second "that"?
Gal 4:21 ULB missing "the"?
Luke 21:34, 35 ULB extra "like/as a trap"
Hos 9:6 silver become like a wilderness
Pro 20:26 Metaphor?
2KI 1:2 spelling
Gal 6:7 ULB Delete "is"
Gal 4:27 "is" to "are"?
Num 31:14, 48 hundreds and thousands
Num 33:11-12 Sin and Zin
Pro 27:13 ULB puts up money?
Lev 27:19 Typo
Deu 24:21 "or" or "and"
Deu 11:21 remove comma
Deu 11:16-17 punctuation
Pro 27:4 ULB "suffered" to "experienced"
Pro 27: 9 ULB the sweetness of a friend is better than his advice
Deu 11:13 Punctuation
Pro 27:8 ULB "backwards" simile
Gal 3:14 ULB Extra "that"?
Deu 11:4 punctuation
Heb 1:5 ULB Two Question marks?
(Pull Request): Fix misplaced \q tags
(Pull Request): Fix Ps 119:35
Num 19:18 missing phrase?
Isa 54:17 missing "is"
NUM 6:11 Typo
Isa 54:13 children or people
Num 1:11
Pro 26:5 ULB Introduced metaphor
ISA 51:22 comma
PSA 119 - Alpha 'headers'
Pro 26:7-10 ULB Backward similes?
Num 6:9 "his separated person"
Lev 22:24
Lev 21:3 ULB missing phrase?
PRO 17:1
Isa 54:6 quotation mark
REV 3:1 Usage of quotation marks
Isa 52:5 "for nothing"
Isa 52:15 startle or sprinkle
Isa 52:13 successful or wisely
Isa 52:5 ULB/UDB disagreement
Isa 52:5 add quotations
LUK 1-5
LUK 17:21 "within you" vs "among you"
Isa 18:4-7 Quote marks
Luk 17:20 ULB vs UDB with signs
Luk 8:47 ULB missing "not"
Luke 8:11 ULB Typo
Gal 3:1 ULB Location of footnote
Gal 3:1 ULB typo
ISA 37:32
Isa 6:9 ULB Quotation mark
Isa 6:9-10 quotation mark
LUK 9:37 ULB Typo
Pro 1:22
Pro 1:17 Move verse?
Luk 9:16 ULB He taking
LUK 8:42 ULB Typo
(Pull Request): Fix errors in the text so it can be published
Luk 8:13 ULB translation of eisin
Pro 1:5
LUK 8:10 ULB others they
Luk 8:10 ULB so that 'that seeing
Isa 6:10 minds that are fat
MRK 8:33 ULB You do are not setting your mind
Mrk 3:5 ULB their hardness of hearts
Isa 6:4 foundations of the thresholds
MRK 11:32 ULB "They" to "they"
LUK 9:33
Isa 30:18
Isa 30:19 typo
ISA 35:6b
Isa 30:28 "lead into exile?"
ISA 35:1-2 clausal breaks
Isa 30:18 "exalt" or "rise up"
Isa 30:10 "straighforward"
Isa 29:16 punctuation
ISA 33:15
ISA 17:10 ULB "strange slips"?
Isa 29:6 "help" or "punish"
ISA ULB 17:7, 8 Not indented
ISA 16:11 spelling
Isa 16:7 ULB
Isa 28: 15 and Isa 28:18 Covenant with Death
ISA 32:20 typo
Isa 28:2
Isa 28:2 "cast down to the earth"
Luk 7:36 Needs "the"
2CO 13:10 ULB the authority the Lord gave me
Isa 27:12 Merism?
isa 27:9 "turn away" or "take away"
2SA 20:14
Isa 26:19 "drop prey" or "give birth"
Isa 26:19 "dew" or "light"
Isa 26:18 reword UDB
Luk 7:6 that you to come
ISA 14:28 What will the poor do?
ISA 14:29 "because" to "that"
ISA 14:20 Who will not be mentioned again?
ISA 14:16 "space comma" to "comma space"
2SA 19:8
ISA 25:4-5
ISA 24:20
2SA 17:29 frag
2SA 17:17
ISA 22:16
Isa 21:12
Isa 21:4
ISA 13:8 ULB sorrows?
2SA 9:9-10
ISA 11:1 ULB "root" to "stump"?
Jos 7:14 The tribe that Yahweh selects by lot
Jos 7:8 ULB ! or ?
JOS 7:1 ULB "Zimri" to "Zabdi"?
MAT 21:15 ULB delete
JOS 6:25 ULB "lived" to "lives"?
2 SA 14:14 mismatch?
1SA 27:8 Quotes in footnote
2SA 12:24 spelling
2SA 12:25 spelling
REV 6:8 ULB one-fourth of the earth
Jos 9:4 "wine skins" to "wineskins"
MAT 23:17 ULB that has makes the gold holy
JDG 19:22
JDG 19:7
JDG 18:19 vs 17:10
JDG 15:12
Lev 27:32 one tenth
Lev 27:28 ULB "sets apart" to "permanently sets apart"?
Lev 27:15 ULB Delete "and"
LEV 21:20
Num 15:2-3 Change period to em-dash?
LEV 21:3
NUM 30:10 confusing
Lev 26:36 ULB Paragraph break needed
Lev 26:23 "teaching" to "discipline"?
Lev 25:31 ULB round around
NUM 27:3
Lev 24:2 ULB for which oil lamps?
Lev 23:32 ULB Missing "must"
Lev 23:27 ULB Change comma to semicolon?
NUM 18:24 ULB Extra "it"
Lev 23:1-2 ULB Missing the word "these"?
NUM 18:30 ULB "by the Levites" to "to the Levites"?
Num 18:28-29 ULB presented offering
NUM 9:12 funky phrasing
NUM 8:21
MAT 5:44 and other verses don't have a \ft tag in their footnote
NUM 7:37+ mingled vs mixed
NUM 18:28 ULB his to "Yahweh
NUM 18:19 ULB Comma needed?
NUM 18:10 ULB vs UDB "holy offerings" vs "sacred place"
Num 18:9 ULB "they is" to "they are"
Num 18:8 ULB "the" needed
Num 17:9 ULB "rod" to "staff"?
Num 17:2 ULB Delete "chosen"?
NUM 16:45 Delete "they"?
odd icon on uW site
Numbers 16:37 ULB "they" to "he"?
\p markers not displaying as expected
NUM 16:16 ULB
Num 16:3, 7 Two English metaphors for one Hebrew idiom
NUM 16:5 bring up
NUM 5:18
NUM 15:5 ULB vs UDB One or two kinds of offering? Lamb for both?
MRK 4:8
NUM 4:31 vs 3:36
NUM 14:35 ULB "consumed" metaphor
NUM 14:33 ULB
NUM 13:30 discouraged or crying loudly?
(Pull Request): Updates from Reader Reviews
NUM 13:30 ULB Confusing sentence.
NUM 13:4-14 Change periods to semi-colons?
NUM 3:51 buy-back
NUM 3:25 extra phrases?
PSA 65:12 "It drops" versus "full of flocks"
NUM 1:53
PSA 135:12 ULB Random number
PSA 127:2 food or sleep?
PSA 133:3 ULB Missing "is"
PSA 132:14-18 ULB Quote marks needed?
PSA 132:8 ULB Missing text?
PS 106:30 lost passive
PSA 60:9 ULB and UDB Who is saying verse 9?
PSA 60:4b ULB vs UDB truth or bow
PSA 59:16 ULB missing "in the morning"
PS 105:24
PSA 59:15 ULB vs UDB growl or wait
PS 105:18-19 punctuation
Psalm 59:14-15 ULB vs UDB tense and mood
PSA 58:3 estranged?
Psa 94:8
PSA 58:9 ULB Apostrophe needed
Psa 94:4
Psa 93:1
PS 103:20-22 comma
Psa 75:4-7
Psa 92:10
PSA 37:7
PSA 57:3 ULB swallow me up
PSA 56:11 status of a clause following an em-dash
PSA 56:1 swallow up or harass
Psa 73:8
PSA 55:19 ULB "remain" as metonym for "rule"
PSA 55:10-11 ULB the city - her vs it
PSA 55:9 ULB Confuse their languages
PSA 53:4 ULB but vs and
PSA 53:3 has gone back
PSA 52:7 ULB confirmed himself
PSA 10:15 ULB make him accountable
PSA 9:19 ULB Do not let man prevail
PSA 9:8 fairly vs justly
PSA 9:5 rebuke vs battle cry
PSA 5:9 ULB sepulchre spelling, or tomb
PSA 2:12 ULB vs UDB
PSA 2:2 ULB Messiah vs anointed
PSA 2:1 "are" vs "do"
EXO 34:34 ULB
EXO 34:32
EXO 34:31 ULB came up to him
EXO 34:28 UDB and ULB: the ten commandments
Exo 23:14 ULB empty handed
EXO 34:15 ULB
EXO 34:16 ULB
Exo 19:10 ULB "dedicate" to "consecrate"?
Exo 18:9 ULB power or hand?
EXO 18:18 ULB wear out X and Y
EXO 18:10 UDB 'hand' ULB 'power'
Exo 16:14 Description of Manna
EXO 16:32 ULB Missing word
EXO 16:32 Is coriander white?
EXO 16:14 ULB hoarfrost
EXO 15:24 I, Yahweh your God
PSA 43:5
GEN 40:20 fos dropped
GEN 38:26 sleep with
MAT 23:14
2CH 16:9
Exo 18:23-24
EXO 30:31 ULB
EXO 30:17, 30:22 ULB
HEB 1:3
Switch to Custom Chunk Markers
GEN 36:15 typo
GEN 37:14 ?
MRK 15:42 capitalize?
MRK 15:26 capitalize
MRK 14:63 indent
MRK 14:27 extra phrase
67 books?
MRK 14:12 capitalize?
(Pull Request): Restore Jims mods
MRK 14:3
(Pull Request): Revert James
(Pull Request): Revert changes to James
NUM 3.16
MRK 13 1 ellipsis added
Rev 19:7-8 Is 8 part of the quote?
Rev 18:17 ULB and UDB
Rev 18:15 ULB weeping and loud mourning
Rev 18:9 Quote differences in ULB and UDB
Jas 1:6 ULB - "who doubts"
Rev 18:3 ULB and UDB differ
Rev 18:1 ULB
MRK 12:33 dropped idiom
Rev 17:17 ULB power to rule
Rev 16:21 ULB cursed
Rev 16:3,4 became (like) blood
Rev 15:5 "most holy place" and "tent of witness"
Rev 14:12 ULB the believers
Rev 14:8 ULB the wine of
Rev 13:15 Who causes/commands people to be put to death?
Rev 13:14
Rev 13:13-14 long sentence
Rev 13:3 a lethal wound that would have caused his death
Rev 13:10 patient endurance
MRK 11:15 doves vs pigeons
Rev 13:1, 5-6, 16:11, 17:3 blasphemy/insult
Rev 13:6 tense not matching
13:4 ULB Double quote mark needed
Rev 12:10 Odd em-dash or 'and'
Rev 2:27 ULB rod or staff
Rev 4:5 flashes or bolts
MRK 10:52 passive
Rev 11:16 Almighty One versus ruler over all
Rev 11:13 Comma needed
Rev 10:11 Who spoke?
Rev 11:5 ULB harm
Rev 10:6 the earth and all that is in it
MRK 10 39
Rev 9:2 a column of smoke went up
Jhn 2:20 ULB - misplaced hyphen
Rev 9:1 the key of the shaft leading to shaft
Rev 8:6 ULB "sound off on them"
Rev 1:17 ULB - missing text
Heb 11:37 ULB - footnote mismatch
Rom 4:19 - "dead"
Rev 7:13 Quote mark needed
Rev 7:11 laid down
Verses that span chunks
REV 7:5
MRK 10:7&8 Archaic 'shall'
HEB 9:27
Rev 5:11 200,000,000
MRK 9:17, 9:25
Rev 4:6
Rev 4:5 lightning
Rev 3:17 Comma needed
REV 3:14 ULB vs UDB arche tes ktisesos
Rev 3:13 ULB The one who has an ear, let him hear
MRK 9:18 convulsions
REV 2:27-28 ULB vs UDB What did Jesus receive?
REV 2:23 ULB
MRK 9:9-10
Rev 2:16 without delay
Rev 2:7 ULB - the first and the last
REV 2:7 To the one...I will permit
REV 3:6-7 ULB not showing up
Rev 3:7-8, 14
REV 2:1 These are the words of
REV 2:3 you have gone through much
REV 2:2 says this, "'I know
REV 1:12 "gold" vs "golden"
Luk 20:42 - the book/The Book of Psalms
Gal 6:7ULB
MRK 11:3 ULB '? to ?'
JAS 4:1 "yourselves" to "you"
MRK 7:28 ?
MRK 7:18-19 ?
Mrk 5 ULB - Three instances of "demon possessed"
JE 23:28b-32 Indents
MRK 7:5 FOG lost
JER 38:22-23 Indent
JER 46:25 \m or \p needed?
JER 4:3 ULB \q needed
MRK 6:56 typo
GEN 3:17 ULB Change period to comma
MRK 6:55 typo
ISA 3:16-23 ULB Indents needed
MRK 6:52 lost FOG
Luk 17:6 - sycamore/mulberry
ISA 3:16-23 ULB Indents needed
GEN 3:14-20 Problem with indents
GEN 2:23-24 Indent needs to end before 24
DAN 10:16 like a human being
REV 1:2 "burnished" to "polished"
Mrk 9:23 ULB - space between quotation marks
Jhn 10:34 ULB - space between quotation marks
ULB Acts 2:30 "one of his descendants"
Neh 13:1 ULB - extra "not"
Mrk 9:23 ULB - 'If you are able?'
Jhn 13:31 ULB - Son of man
2Pe 2:7 ULB - mid sentence chunk start
AMO 4:3
Luk 11:2 ULB - Passive "sanctify"
Luk 11:2 - addition of "Jesus"
MAT 12:1 grainfields or grain fields
Luk 10:21 ULB - O Father
1SA 16:5 And he And he
Jhn 12:23 ULB - Son of Man
Jhn 10:34 ULB - missing quote mark
JER 23:37 Sentence Fragment starting with "Because"
Mat 10:25 ULB - seems to need exclamation mark
EZK 32:27 ULB vs UDB
EXO 34:15
Luk 8:24 - capitalization
ISA 40:11 Odd line break in poetry
Luk 6:41-42 and Mat 7:3-5
Luk 6:22 ULB
1Sa 13:1
Luk 4:44 ULB
Luk 4:31 UDB
Luk 4:34 ULB
"non-Israelite" vs "non-Jewish" in UDB
Luk 4:18-19
Luk 4:11 ULB
Act 15:38 ULB
Gal 6:8 ULB
(Pull Request): ULB_SQ_1 global replace
(Pull Request): ULB_SQ_3 Global replace
(Pull Request): ULB_SQ_2 global replace
Verses Not Found
JOS 20:9 Sentence Fragment
(Pull Request): ULBSQ_1 replace Smart quotes
Luk 1:76 ULB
Luk 1:79 UDB
2Ki 14:11 ULB
Luk 1:39 ULB
Rom 15:17 ULB
Isa 3:10 ULB
City/city of David ULB
2Ki 8:16 ULB
Luk 1:57 ULB
Luk 1:56 ULB
LUK 7:14 - sofa?
Psa 55:20 ULB
Psa 44:13 ULB
Psa 40:12 ULB
Sng 2:7 and 5:8 ULB
Zec 3:7 ULB
Lev 14:8 ULB
Neh 9:5-6
Luk 1:31 ULB
Mat 13:15 ULB
Mat 5:25 ULB
ISA 5:10 "four hectares" or "ten acres"
EXO 25:25 Span versus Handbreadth
2Ki 18:22 ULB
2Ki 4:25 ULB
2Sa 23:3 ULB
1Sa 21:11 ULB
Jos 12:03 ULB
Jos 10:37 U:B
2Th 2:1-2 ULB
Gen 35:22-23
Eph 5:25-27 ULB
Rom 8:34 ULB
2Ch 20:29 ULB
2Ch 20:9 ULB needs article
2ch 15:1 Oded/Obed confusion
Job 19:22 ULB sentence break
2Pe 2:6 ULB ends with ellipse
Mat 19:4 ULB em-dash?
I Cor. 13:4 and 5 Need Corrected in ulb #5 from unfoldingword/ulb-en
ACT 4.26 ??????? is rendered as Anointed One in ACT 4:26 issue #2 from uW/ulb-en
ACT 1.3 Missing Phrase in ACT 1.3 Issue #1 from uW/ulb-en
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