1 Pet fe1a03a2 PDF 1 Peter 10/07/2019 08:33 PM #175

opened 2020-04-08 19:34:16 +00:00 by JohnH · 5 comments


\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and examined carefully,
\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and inquired carefully,
\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and inquired carefully,

In a previous commit the first word in 1:11 [ἐρευνάω] was changed to "inquiring." I imagine that is why ἐξερευνάω was changed to "inquired" in 1:10, but I think "examined" works better in this context.

SQ. I agree.

Tom, could you change "inquired" to "examined" in 1Pe 1:10?

\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and inquired carefully,
\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and examined carefully,

TW Sure ...

The ULB of 1Pe 1:10 now reads:
\v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and examined carefully,

It is committed... Thanks.

1:10 \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and **examined** carefully, \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and **inquired** carefully, \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and inquired carefully, In a previous commit the first word in 1:11 [ἐρευνάω] was changed to "inquiring." I imagine that is why ἐξερευνάω was changed to "inquired" in 1:10, but I think "examined" works better in this context. --------- SQ. I agree. **Tom, could you change "inquired" to "examined" in 1Pe 1:10?** \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and **inquired** carefully, \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and **examined** carefully, ________ TW Sure ... The ULB of 1Pe 1:10 now reads: \v 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to come to you, searched diligently and examined carefully, It is committed... Thanks.


\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, go through the time of your journey in reverence.
\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.
\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.

I don't really care for the original or the change. I think we may have to expand this a little to make sense out of it.

Suggestion: conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as strangers/foreigners

SQ. John, I like your suggestion.

Tom could you make the change below in 1 Peter 1:17?

\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.
\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as foreigners.

TW sure ...

The ULB of 1PE 1:17 now reads:
\v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as foreigners.

Committed, thanks...

1:17 \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, **go through the time of your journey in reverence.** \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, **conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.** \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, **conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.** I don't really care for the original or the change. I think we may have to expand this a little to make sense out of it. Suggestion: conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as strangers/foreigners ------ SQ. John, I like your suggestion. **Tom could you make the change below in 1 Peter 1:17?** \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, **conduct the time of your sojourn in fear.** \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, **conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as foreigners.** _____ TW sure ... The ULB of 1PE 1:17 now reads: \v 17 So if you call "Father" the one who judges impartially and according to each person's work, conduct yourselves in fear during your time here as foreigners. Committed, thanks...


\v 13 Be subject to every human authority for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme,
\v 13 Be subject to every human creation for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme,
\v 13 Be subject to every human creation for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme,

I don't think "creation" makes sense here. I suggest going back to "authority" or possibly translating as "institution" like some other translations.

SQ. I agree. The English word "creation" doesn't make sense here. Since "institution" is not in the ULB, I think "authority" would be better.

Tom, please make the change below.
\v 13 Be subject to every human creation for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme,
\v 13 Be subject to every human authority for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme,

TW sure ...

The ULB of 1PE 2:13 now reads:

\v 13 Be subject to every human authority for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme
\v 14 and also the governors, who are sent for the punishment of evildoers and to praise those who do good.

Removed the comma after supreme, helps to see the single thought ...

Good fix .... committed .... saved...

2:13 \v 13 Be subject to every human **authority** for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme, \v 13 Be subject to every human **creation** for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme, \v 13 Be subject to every human creation for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme, I don't think "creation" makes sense here. I suggest going back to "authority" or possibly translating as "institution" like some other translations. -------- SQ. I agree. The English word "creation" doesn't make sense here. Since "institution" is not in the ULB, I think "authority" would be better. **Tom, please make the change below.** \v 13 Be subject to every human **creation** for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme, \v 13 Be subject to every human **authority** for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme, ______ TW sure ... The ULB of 1PE 2:13 now reads: \v 13 Be subject to every human authority for the Lord's sake. Obey both the king as supreme \v 14 and also the governors, who are sent for the punishment of evildoers and to praise those who do good. Removed the comma after supreme, helps to see the single thought ... Good fix .... committed .... saved...


\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that the people who insult your good life in Christ may be ashamed because they are speaking against you as if you were evildoers.
\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.
\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.

I find the new version hard to follow. I suggest either going back to the original or maybe use commas in the new version.

Have a good conscience so that, in whatever you are spoken of as evil, the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.

SQ. John's commas make it easier to understand, but that phrase "in whatever you are spoken of as evil" is still really odd.

John and Tom, what do you think of adding the commas and changing "in whatever" to "in whatever way"?

\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.
\v 16 Have a good conscience so that, in whatever way you are spoken of as evil, the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.

I also wonder about the word "revile". I don't think it is a common word. We have forms of it 12 times in the ULB. Would "criticize" be better here? (I made a separate issue. #264)

There are no TNs. We may need some.

JH: I like Susan's suggested change. I will look at the "revile" issue on #264.

Tom, in Mat 3:16 please change "in whatever" to "in whatever way" and add commas after "that" and "evil".
\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.
\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that, in whatever way you are spoken of as evil**,** the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.


The ULB of Mat 3:16 now reads:
\v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that, in whatever way you are spoken of as evil, the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.

Committed, saved...

3:16 \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience **so that the people who insult your good life in Christ may be ashamed because they are speaking against you as if you were evildoers.** \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience **so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame.** \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. I find the new version hard to follow. I suggest either going back to the original or maybe use commas in the new version. Have a good conscience so **that,** in whatever you are spoken of as **evil,** the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. --------- SQ. John's commas make it easier to understand, but that phrase "in whatever you are spoken of as evil" is still really odd. **John and Tom, what do you think of adding the commas and changing "in whatever" to "in whatever way"?** \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so **that in whatever you are spoken of as evil** the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. \v 16 Have a good conscience so **that, in whatever way** you are spoken of as **evil,** the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. **I also wonder about the word "revile".** I don't think it is a common word. We have forms of it 12 times in the ULB. **Would "criticize" be better here?** (I made a separate issue. https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WycliffeAssociates/en_ulb/issues/264) There are no TNs. We may need some. ------------------------ JH: I like Susan's suggested change. I will look at the "revile" issue on #264. --------- SQ. **Tom, in Mat 3:16 please change "in whatever" to "in whatever way" and add commas after "that" and "evil".** \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that in whatever you are spoken of as evil the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so **that, in whatever way** you are spoken of as evil**,** the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. ___________________ Sure... The ULB of Mat 3:16 now reads: \v 16 however, with meekness and respect. Have a good conscience so that, in whatever way you are spoken of as evil, the people who revile your good life in Christ may be put to shame. Committed, saved...


\v 3 Do not act as a master over the people who are in your care. Instead, be an example to the flock.
\v 3 Do not act as a lord over those allotted to you. Instead, be an example to the flock.
\v 3 Do not act as a lord over those allotted to you. Instead, be an example to the flock.

I am fine with either "master" or "lord."

If we don't go back to the original, would "those given to you" be simpler than "those allotted to you"?


  • I'm fine with "master" or "lord", but I prefer "lord."
  • I'm ok with "allotted," but how about "assigned" for something closer to the idea of "allotted" but more common?
  • If we keep the word "allot," we need to say something about it on the page for lot. (It's listed, but not defined.)

What do you think of changing it to this?

\v 3 Do not act as a lord over those assigned to you. Instead, be an example to the flock.

JH: I am fine with changing to "assigned." But, if we used "assigned" we may still have to add it to the "lot" page and add an explanation. It may be just as easy for us and end user to keep "allot" and add explanation to the TW page.

I'm fine with whichever option you choose.

SQ Let's leave the verse as is. I'll add a tW issue about explaining two senses of "allot" on the page for "lot."

5:3 \v 3 Do not act as a **master over the people who are in your care**. Instead, be an example to the flock. \v 3 Do not act as a **lord over those allotted to you**. Instead, be an example to the flock. \v 3 Do not act as a lord over those allotted to you. Instead, be an example to the flock. I am fine with either "master" or "lord." If we don't go back to the original, would "those given to you" be simpler than "those allotted to you"? ------- SQ. * I'm fine with "master" or "lord", but I prefer "lord." * I'm ok with "allotted," but how about "assigned" for something closer to the idea of "allotted" but more common? * If we keep the word "allot," we need to say something about it on the page for lot. (It's listed, but not defined.) **What do you think of changing it to this?** \v 3 Do not act as a lord over those **assigned** to you. Instead, be an example to the flock. ------------------------------------ JH: I am fine with changing to "assigned." But, if we used "assigned" we may still have to add it to the "lot" page and add an explanation. It may be just as easy for us and end user to keep "allot" and add explanation to the TW page. I'm fine with whichever option you choose. ---------- SQ **Let's leave the verse as is. I'll add a tW issue about explaining two senses of "allot" on the page for "lot."**
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Will close this ... Susan is fixing the tN ...

Will close this ... Susan is fixing the tN ...
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Reference: WycliffeAssociates/en_ulb#175
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