Ch 10-12 edits/corrections

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Bob Johnson 2019-08-12 11:25:32 +00:00
parent 52ea507a6e
commit a13a140dc1
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -551,8 +551,8 @@
\c 10
\v 1 Then Samuel took a small jar of olive oil and poured some of it on Saul's head. Then he kissed Saul on the cheek, and told him, "I am doing this because Yahweh has chosen you to be the leader of his Israelite people.
\v 2 When you leave me today, and when you arrive near Rachel's tomb at Zelzah, in the region of the tribe of Benjamin, you will meet two men. They will say to you, 'The donkeys have been found, but now your father is worrying about you, and he is asking people if they have seen you.'
\v 1 Then Samuel took a small jar of olive oil and poured some of it on Saul's head. Then he kissed Saul on the cheek and told him, "I am doing this because Yahweh has chosen you to be the leader of his Israelite people.
\v 2 When you leave me today and when you arrive near Rachel's tomb at Zelzah in the region of the tribe of Benjamin, you will meet two men. They will say to you, 'The donkeys have been found, but now your father is worrying about you, and he is asking people if they have seen you.'
@ -561,13 +561,13 @@
\v 5 When you arrive at the hill where people worship God near the town of Gibeah, where there is a camp where the Philistine soldiers stay, you will meet a group of prophets who will be coming down from the altar on top of the hill. There will be people in front of them who will be playing various musical instruments: A harp, a tambourine, a flute, and a lyre. And all of them will be shouting out messages from God.
\v 6 At that time the Spirit of Yahweh will come upon you, and you also will shout out in the same way. You will be changed, so that you will become like a different person.
\v 5 When you arrive at the hill where people worship God near the town of Gibeah, where there is a camp where the Philistine soldiers stay, you will meet a group of prophets who will be coming down from the altar on top of the hill. There will be people in front of them who will be playing various musical instruments: a harp, a tambourine, a flute, and a lyre. And all of them will be shouting out messages from God.
\v 6 At that time the Spirit of Yahweh will come upon you, and you also will shout out in the same way. You will be changed so that you will become like a different person.
\v 7 After those things occur, do whatever you think is right to do, because God is with you.
\v 8 Then go ahead of me, down to the city of Gilgal, and wait for me for seven days. Then I will join you there to burn sacrifices and offer other sacrifices to enable you to continue to have fellowship with God. When I arrive there, I will tell you what other things you should do."
\v 8 Then go ahead of me down to the city of Gilgal, and wait for me for seven days. Then I will join you there to burn sacrifices and offer other sacrifices to enable you to continue to have fellowship with God. When I arrive there, I will tell you what other things you should do."
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
\v 14 Later, Saul's uncle saw him there, and asked him, "Where did you go?" Saul replied, "We went to look for the donkeys. When we could not find them, we came here to ask Samuel if he could tell us where they were."
\v 14 Later, Saul's uncle saw him there and asked him, "Where did you go?" Saul replied, "We went to look for the donkeys. When we could not find them, we came here to ask Samuel if he could tell us where they were."
\v 15 Saul's uncle replied, "What did Samuel tell you?"
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
\v 17 Later Samuel summoned the people of Israel to gather at Mizpah to hear a message from Yahweh.
\v 17 Later, Samuel summoned the people of Israel to gather at Mizpah to hear a message from Yahweh.
\v 18 After they arrived, he said to them, "This is what Yahweh, the God we Israelite people worship, says: 'I brought you Israelite people out of Egypt. I rescued your ancestors from the power of the rulers of Egypt and from all the other kings who oppressed them.
\v 19 I am the one who saves you from all your troubles and difficulties. But you have shown that you do not want to worship me. Instead, you have asked me to select a man to rule you as king. So now, your tribal and clan leaders must gather in my presence.'"
@ -602,14 +602,14 @@
\v 22 So they asked Yahweh, "Has someone else been chosen, perhaps?" Yahweh replied, "The man is hiding among the army equipment."
\v 23 So they quickly went there and found Saul, and brought him in front of all the people. They could see that truly he was a head taller than anyone else.
\v 23 So they quickly went there and found Saul and brought him in front of all the people. They could see that truly he was a head taller than anyone else.
\v 24 Then Samuel said to all the people there, "This is the king whom Yahweh has chosen for you. Truly, there is no one else like him in all Israel!" All the people shouted, "May this king live a long time!"
\v 25 Then Samuel told the people what things that the king would force them to do, and all the things the king was required to do. He wrote all those things in a scroll, and then he put it in the place of the temple where Yahweh was. Then Samuel sent all the people home.
\v 25 Then Samuel told the people what things that the king would force them to do and all the things the king was required to do. He wrote all those things in a scroll, and then he put it in the place of the temple where Yahweh was. Then Samuel sent all the people home.
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
\v 1 About a month later, King Nahash of Ammon led his army across the Jordan River, and they surrounded the city of Jabesh in the region of Gilead. But all the men of Jabesh appointed someone who said to Nahash, "Make an agreement with us not to kill us, and then we will let you rule us."
\v 2 Nahash replied, "I will do that if you do one thing. Allow us to gouge out all the right eyes of your people. By doing that we will cause the people in other countries to despise all you Israelite people."
\v 2 Nahash replied, "I will do that if you do one thing. Allow us to gouge out all the right eyes of your people. By doing that, we will cause the people in other countries to despise all you Israelite people."
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@
\v 6 Then God's Spirit came powerfully upon Saul, and he became very angry because of what Nahash wanted to do.
\v 7 He took two of his oxen and killed them and cut them into pieces. Then he sent messengers carrying those pieces throughout Israel to tell people this message: "Saul says that he cut this ox in pieces, and that he will do the same thing to the oxen of anyone who refuses to come with him and Samuel to fight the army from Ammon!" Then Yahweh caused all the people of Israel to be afraid of what Saul might do to them if they did not go and help Saul. So the men all gathered together.
\v 7 He took two of his oxen and killed them and cut them into pieces. Then he sent messengers carrying those pieces throughout Israel to tell people this message: "Saul says that he cut this ox in pieces and that he will do the same thing to the oxen of anyone who refuses to come with him and Samuel to fight the army from Ammon!" Then Yahweh caused all the people of Israel to be afraid of what Saul might do to them if they did not go and help Saul. So the men all gathered together.
\v 8 When Saul counted them at Bezek, he saw that there were 300,000 Israelite men there, as well as thirty thousand men from the tribe of Judah.
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
\v 11 But before the sun rose the next morning, Saul and his army arrived. He divided them into three groups. They rushed into the camp of the soldiers from Ammon, and attacked them. By noontime they had killed most of them, and those who were not killed scattered. Each of them who ran away ran away alone.
\v 11 But before the sun rose the next morning, Saul and his army arrived. He divided them into three groups. They rushed into the camp of the soldiers from Ammon and attacked them. By noontime they had killed most of them, and those who were not killed scattered. Each of them who ran away ran away alone.
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
\v 2 My own sons are grown up and with you now, but I have appointed Saul instead of one of them, and he is now your leader. I am now old, and my hair is gray. I have been your leader ever since I was a boy.
\v 3 Now tell me, while Yahweh is listening, and while the king whom he has chosen is listening, whose ox or donkey have I stolen during all those years? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed badly? From whom have I accepted a bribe, in order that I would ignore the evil things he had done? If I have done any of these things, tell me, and I will pay back what I owe."
\v 3 Now tell me, while Yahweh is listening and while the king whom he has chosen is listening, whose ox or donkey have I stolen during all those years? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed badly? From whom have I accepted a bribe so that I would ignore the evil things he had done? If I have done any of these things, tell me, and I will pay back what I owe."
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
\v 8 Many years after our ancestor Jacob went to Egypt, his descendants pleaded to Yahweh to help them. So Yahweh sent Moses and Aaron to them, and they led our ancestors out of Egypt, and eventually they settled in this land.
\v 9 But our ancestors soon forgot about Yahweh, their God. So he allowed Sisera, the commander of the army from Hazor, to defeat them. He also allowed the Philistines and the army of the king of Moab to fight our ancestors and defeat them.
\v 9 But our ancestors soon forgot about Yahweh their God. So he allowed Sisera, the commander of the army from Hazor, to defeat them. He also allowed the Philistines and the army of the king of Moab to fight our ancestors and defeat them.
\v 10 Then our ancestors pleaded with Yahweh again to help them. They admitted, 'Yahweh, we have sinned, and we have forsaken you. We have worshiped idols that represent the god Baal and the goddess Ashtoreth. But if you rescue us from our enemies, we will worship you only.'
@ -690,11 +690,11 @@
\v 12 But now, when King Nahash of Ammon came with his army to attack you, you were afraid. So you came to me, and said, 'We want a king to rule us,' even though Yahweh was already your king!
\v 13 So now, look, here is the king whom you have chosen. You asked for a king, and Yahweh has now appointed a king for you.
\v 12 But now, when King Nahash of Ammon came with his army to attack you, you were afraid. So you came to me and said, 'We want a king to rule us,' even though Yahweh was already your king!
\v 13 So now look, here is the king whom you have chosen. You asked for a king, and Yahweh has now appointed a king for you.
\v 14 If you honor Yahweh and if you serve him, and if you listen to what he says and obey what he commands, and if you and the king who rules over you do what Yahweh your God wants you to do, things will go well for you all.
\v 14 If you honor Yahweh, if you serve him, if you listen to what he says and obey what he commands, and if you and the king who rules over you do what Yahweh your God wants you to do, things will go well for you all.
\v 15 But if you do not listen to what Yahweh says, if you disobey what he commands, then he will punish you, just as he punished our ancestors.
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
\v 19 They cried out to Samuel, "Pray for your servants! We have added to our previous sins by requesting a king! Pray to Yahweh, your God, in order that we will not die because of having done that!"
\v 19 They cried out to Samuel, "Pray for your servants! We have added to our previous sins by requesting a king! Pray to Yahweh your God so that we will not die because of having done that!"
\v 20 Samuel replied, "Do not be afraid! You have done this evil thing, but do not stop doing the things that Yahweh wants you to do. Instead, serve Yahweh with your whole inner being.
\v 21 Do not abandon Yahweh and worship useless idols. They cannot help you or save you from your enemies, because they are truly useless.
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
\v 1 Saul was thirty years old when he began to reign. He ruled for forty years.
\v 2 Some years after he became king, he chose three thousand men from the Israelite army to go with him to fight the Philistines. Then he sent the other soldiers back home. Of the men he chose, two thousand stayed with Saul at Micmash and in the hill country near Bethel, and a thousand stayed with Saul's son Jonathan at Gibeah, in the area of the tribe of Benjamin.
\v 2 Some years after he became king, he chose three thousand men from the Israelite army to go with him to fight the Philistines. Then he sent the other soldiers back home. Of the men he chose, two thousand stayed with Saul at Mikmash and in the hill country near Bethel, and a thousand stayed with Saul's son Jonathan at Gibeah, in the area of the tribe of Benjamin.