# Son of God, the Son, Son # ## Facts: ## The term "Son of God" refers to Jesus, the Word of God who came into the world as a human being. He is also often referred to as "the Son." * The Son of God has the same nature as God the Father, and is fully God. * God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all of one essence. * Unlike human sons, the Son of God has always existed. * In the beginning, the Son of God was active in creating the world, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. * Because Jesus is God's Son, he loves and obeys his Father, and his Father loves him. ## Translation Suggestions: ## * For the term, "Son of God," it is best to translate "Son" with the same word the language would naturally use to refer to a human son. * Make sure the word used to translate "son" fits with the word used to translate "father" and that these words are the most natural ones used to express a true father-son relationship in the project language. * Using capital letters to begin "Son" will help show that this is talking about God. * The phrase "the Son" is a shortened form of "the Son of God", especially when in the same context as "the Father." (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-ta-translate-vol1/src/master/content/translate_names.md)) (See also: [Christ, Messiah](../kt/christ.md) **·** [ancestor, father, forefather](../other/father.md) **·** [God](../kt/god.md) **·** [God the Father, heavenly Father, Father](../kt/godthefather.md) **·** [Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord](../kt/holyspirit.md) **·** [Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus](../kt/jesus.md) **·** [son, son of](../kt/son.md) **·** [sons of God](../kt/sonsofgod.md)) ## Bible References: ## * [1 John 04:9-10](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/1jn/04/09) * [Acts 09:20-22](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/act/09/20) * [Colossians 01:15-17](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/col/01/15) * [Galatians 02:20-21](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/gal/02/20) * [Hebrews 04:14-16](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/heb/04/14) * [John 03:16-18](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/jhn/03/16) * [Luke 10:22](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/luk/10/22) * [Matthew 11:25-27](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/mat/11/25) * [Revelation 02:18-19](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/rev/02/18) * [Romans 08:28-30](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/rom/08/28) ## Examples from the Bible stories: ## * __[22-05](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/22-05)__ The angel explained, "The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of God will overshadow you. So the baby will be holy, the __Son of God__." * __[24-09](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/24-09)__ God had told John, "The Holy Spirit will come down and rest on someone you baptize. That person is __the Son of God__." * __[31-08](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/31-08)__ The disciples were amazed. They worshiped Jesus, saying to him, "Truly, you are __the Son of God__." * __[37-05](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/37-05)__ Martha answered, "Yes, Master! I believe you are the Messiah, the __Son of God__." * __[42-10](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/42-10)__ So go, make disciples of all people groups by baptizing them in the name of the Father, __the Son__, and the Holy Spirit, and by teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." * __[46-06](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/46-06)__ Right away, Saul began preaching to the Jews in Damascus, saying, "Jesus is the __Son of God__!" * __[49-09](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/49-09)__ But God loved everyone in the world so much that he gave his only __Son__ so that whoever believes in Jesus will not be punished for his sins, but will live with God forever.