# raise, raises, raised, rise, risen, arise, arose # ## Definition: ## __raise, raise up__ In general, the word "raise" means to "lift up" or "make higher." * The figurative phrase "raise up" means to cause something to come into being or to appear. It can also mean to appoint someone to do something. * Sometimes "raise up" means to "restore" or "rebuild." * "Raise" has a specialized meaning in the phrase "raise from the dead." It means to cause a dead person to become alive again. * Sometimes "raise up" means to "exalt" someone or something. __rise, arise__ To "rise" or "arise" means to "go up" or "get up." The terms "risen," "rose," and "arose" express past action. * When a person gets up to go somewhere, this is sometimes expressed as "he arose and went" or "he rose up and went." * If something "arises" it means it "happens" or "begins to happen." * Jesus predicted that he would "rise from the dead." Three days after Jesus died, the angel said, "He has risen!" ## Translation Suggestions: ## * The term "raise" or "raise up" could be translated as "lift up" or "make higher." * To "raise up" could also be translated as to "cause to appear" or "to appoint" or "to bring into existence." * To "raise up the strength of your enemies" could be translated as, "cause your enemies to be very strong." * The phrase "raise someone from the dead" could be translated as "cause someone to return from death to life" or "cause someone to come back to life." * Depending on the context, "raise up" could also be translated as "provide" or to "appoint" or to "cause to have" or "build up" or "rebuild" or "repair." * The phrase "arose and went" could be translated as "got up and went" or "went." * Depending on the context, the term "arose" could also be translated as "began" or "started up" or "got up" or "stood up." (See also: [resurrection](../kt/resurrection.md), [appoint](../kt/appoint.md), [exalt](../kt/exalt.md)) ## Bible References: ## * [2 Chronicles 06:40-42](rc://en/tn/help/2ch/06/40) * [2 Samuel 07:12-14](rc://en/tn/help/2sa/07/12) * [Acts 10:39-41](rc://en/tn/help/act/10/39) * [Colossians 03:1-4](rc://en/tn/help/col/03/01) * [Deuteronomy 13:1-3](rc://en/tn/help/deu/13/01) * [Jeremiah 06:1-3](rc://en/tn/help/jer/06/01) * [Judges 02:18-19](rc://en/tn/help/jdg/02/18) * [Luke 07:21-23](rc://en/tn/help/luk/07/21) * [Matthew 20:17-19](rc://en/tn/help/mat/20/17) ## Examples from the Bible stories: ## * __[21:14](rc://en/tn/help/obs/21/14)__ The prophets foretold that the Messiah would die and that God would also __raise__ him from the dead. * __[41:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/41/05)__ "Jesus is not here. He has __risen__ from the dead, just like he said he would!" * __[43:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/43/07)__ "Although Jesus died, God __raised__ him from the dead. This fulfills the prophecy which says, 'You will not let your Holy One rot in the grave.' We are witnesses to the fact that God __raised__ Jesus to life again." * __[44:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/44/05)__ " You killed the author of life, but God __raised__ him from the dead. " * __[44:08](rc://en/tn/help/obs/44/08)__ Peter answered them, "This man stands before you healed by the power of Jesus the Messiah. You crucified Jesus, but God __raised__ him to life again!" * __[48:04](rc://en/tn/help/obs/48/04)__ This meant that Satan would kill the Messiah, but God would __raise__ him to life again, and then the Messiah will crush the power of Satan forever. * __[49:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/49/02)__ He (Jesus) walked on water, calmed storms, healed many sick people, drove out demons, __raised__ the dead to life, and turned five loaves of bread and two small fish into enough food for over 5,000 people. * __[49:12](rc://en/tn/help/obs/49/12)__ You must believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died on the cross instead of you, and that God __raised__ him to life again. ## Word Data:## * Strong's: G305, G386, G393, G450, G1096, G1326, G1453, G1525, G1817, G1825, G1892, G1999, G4891, H2210, H2224, H5549, H5782, H5927, H5975, H6209, H6965, H6966, H6974, H7613, H7721