abomination: def_title: abomination aliases: - abominable see_also: - kt/adultery - other/desecrate - other/desolate - other/idol - other/sacrifice adoption: def_title: adoption aliases: [] see_also: - other/heir - kt/inherit - kt/spirit adultery: def_title: adultery aliases: - adulterous - adulterer - adulteress examples: - 13-06 - 28-02 - 34-07 see_also: - other/commit - kt/covenant - kt/fornication - other/sex - kt/unfaithful afflict: def_title: afflict aliases: - affliction see_also: - other/leprosy - other/plague - kt/suffer almighty: def_title: Almighty aliases: [] see_also: - kt/god - kt/lord - kt/power amen: def_title: amen aliases: - truly see_also: - kt/fulfill - kt/true angel: def_title: angel aliases: - archangel examples: - 02-12 - 22-03 - 23-06 - 23-07 - 25-08 - 38-12 - 38-15 see_also: - other/chief - other/head - other/messenger - other/michael - other/ruler - other/servant anoint: def_title: anoint aliases: - anointed see_also: - kt/christ - kt/consecrate - kt/highpriest - kt/kingofthejews - kt/priest - kt/prophet antichrist: def_title: antichrist aliases: [] see_also: - kt/christ - kt/reveal - other/tribulation apostle: def_title: apostle aliases: - apostleship examples: - 26-10 - 30-01 - 38-02 - 43-13 - 46-08 see_also: - kt/authority - kt/disciple - other/jamessonofzebedee - other/paul - kt/thetwelve appoint: def_title: appoint aliases: - appointed assembly: def_title: assembly aliases: - assemble see_also: - other/council astray: def_title: astray aliases: - 'go astray' - 'led astray' - stray see_also: - other/disobey - other/shepherd atonement: def_title: atonement aliases: - atone see_also: - kt/atonementlid - kt/forgive - kt/propitiation - kt/reconcile - kt/redeem atonementlid: def_title: 'atonement lid' aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - kt/atonement - other/cherubim - kt/propitiation - kt/redeem authority: def_title: authority aliases: [] see_also: - other/citizen - other/command - other/obey - kt/power - other/ruler avenge: def_title: avenge aliases: - revenge - vengeance see_also: - other/punish - kt/justice - kt/righteous baptize: def_title: baptize aliases: - baptism examples: - 24-03 - 24-06 - 24-07 - 42-10 - 43-11 - 43-12 - 45-11 - 46-05 - 49-14 see_also: - other/johnthebaptist - kt/repent - kt/holyspirit barren: def_title: barren aliases: [] bearanimal: def_title: bear aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/elisha believe: def_title: believe aliases: - 'believe in' - belief examples: - 03-04 - 04-08 - 11-02 - 11-06 - 37-05 see_also: - kt/faith - kt/believer believer: def_title: believer aliases: [] examples: - 43-01 - 43-03 - 43-13 - 46-06 - 46-01 - 46-09 - 47-14 see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/believe - kt/christian - kt/disciple beloved: def_title: beloved aliases: [] see_also: - kt/love betray: def_title: betray aliases: - betrayer examples: - 21-11 - 38-02 - 38-03 - 38-06 - 38-13 - 38-14 - 39-08 see_also: - other/judasiscariot - other/jewishleaders - kt/apostle birthright: def_title: birthright aliases: [] see_also: - kt/firstborn - kt/inherit - other/descendant blameless: def_title: blameless aliases: [] blasphemy: def_title: blasphemy aliases: - blaspheme - blasphemous see_also: - other/dishonor - other/slander bless: def_title: bless aliases: - blessed - blessing examples: - 01-07 - 01-15 - 01-16 - 04-04 - 04-07 - 07-03 - 08-05 see_also: - other/praise blood: def_title: blood aliases: [] examples: - 08-03 - 10-03 - 11-05 - 13-09 - 38-05 - 48-10 see_also: - kt/flesh blotout: def_title: 'blot out' aliases: - 'wipe out' boast: def_title: boast aliases: - boastful see_also: - other/proud body: def_title: body aliases: [] see_also: - other/head - kt/spirit bond: def_title: bind aliases: - bond - bound see_also: - kt/fulfill - other/peace - other/prison - other/servant - kt/vow bornagain: def_title: 'born again' aliases: - 'born of god' - 'new birth' see_also: - kt/holyspirit - kt/salvation bow: def_title: bow aliases: - 'bow down' see_also: - other/humble - kt/worship breath: def_title: breathe aliases: - breath see_also: - other/adam - other/paul - kt/wordofgod - kt/life brother: def_title: brother aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/godthefather - other/sister - kt/spirit call: def_title: call aliases: - calling - called - 'call out' see_also: - other/pray children: def_title: children aliases: - child see_also: - other/descendant - kt/promise - kt/son - kt/spirit - kt/believer - kt/beloved christ: def_title: Christ aliases: - messiah examples: - 17-07 - 17-08 - 21-01 - 21-04 - 21-05 - 21-06 - 21-09 - 43-07 - 43-09 - 43-11 - 46-06 see_also: - kt/sonofgod - other/david - kt/jesus - kt/anoint christian: def_title: Christian aliases: [] examples: - 46-09 - 47-14 - 49-15 - 49-16 - 49-17 - 50-03 - 50-11 see_also: - other/antioch - kt/christ - kt/church - kt/disciple - kt/believer - kt/jesus - kt/sonofgod church: def_title: church aliases: - church examples: - 43-12 - 46-09 - 46-10 - 47-13 - 50-01 see_also: - kt/assembly - kt/believer - kt/christian circumcise: def_title: circumcise aliases: - circumcision examples: - 05-03 - 05-05 see_also: - kt/uncircumcised - kt/covenant clean: def_title: clean aliases: - cleanse see_also: - kt/holy - kt/unclean - other/sacrifice clothed: def_title: clothe aliases: - clothed compassion: def_title: compassion aliases: - compassionate condemn: def_title: condemn aliases: - condemnation see_also: - kt/judge - other/punish confess: def_title: confess aliases: - confession see_also: - kt/faith - kt/testimony confidence: def_title: confidence aliases: - confident see_also: - kt/believe - kt/believer - other/bold - kt/faithful - kt/hope - kt/trust consecrate: def_title: consecrate aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - kt/purify - kt/sanctify cornerstone: def_title: cornerstone aliases: [] corrupt: def_title: corrupt aliases: - corruption see_also: - kt/evil covenant: def_title: covenant aliases: [] examples: - 04-09 - 05-04 - 06-04 - 07-10 - 13-02 - 13-04 - 15-13 see_also: - kt/newcovenant - kt/promise covenantfaith: def_title: 'covenant faithfulness' aliases: - 'covenant loyalty' - 'loving kindness' - 'unfailing love' see_also: - kt/covenant - kt/faithful - kt/grace - other/israel - kt/peopleofgod - kt/promise cross: def_title: cross aliases: [] examples: - 40-01 - 40-02 - 40-05 - 49-10 - 49-12 see_also: - kt/crucify - other/rome crucify: def_title: crucify aliases: [] examples: - 39-11 - 39-12 - 40-01 - 40-04 - 43-06 - 43-09 - 44-08 see_also: - kt/cross - other/rome curse: def_title: curse aliases: - cursed examples: - 02-09 - 02-11 - 04-04 - 39-07 - 50-16 see_also: - kt/bless cutoff: def_title: 'cut off' aliases: [] darkness: def_title: darkness aliases: [] see_also: - kt/corrupt - kt/dominion - other/kingdom - kt/light - kt/redeem - kt/righteous daughterofzion: def_title: 'Daughter of Zion' aliases: [] see_also: - other/jerusalem - kt/prophet - other/zion dayofthelord: def_title: 'day of the Lord' aliases: - 'day of yahweh' see_also: - other/biblicaltimeday - kt/judgmentday - kt/lordgod - kt/resurrection - kt/yahweh death: def_title: death aliases: - die - dead examples: - 01-11 - 02-11 - 07-10 - 37-05 - 40-08 - 43-07 - 48-02 - 50-17 see_also: - kt/believe - kt/faith - kt/life - kt/spirit deceive: def_title: deceive aliases: - deceit - deception - deceptive see_also: - kt/true deliverer: def_title: deliver aliases: - deliverer - deliverance examples: - 16-03 - 16-16 - 16-17 see_also: - kt/judge - kt/save demon: def_title: demon aliases: - 'evil spirit' - 'unclean spirit' examples: - 26-09 - 32-08 - 47-05 - 49-02 see_also: - kt/demonpossessed - kt/satan - other/idol - kt/falsegod - kt/angel - kt/evil - kt/unclean demonpossessed: def_title: demon-possessed aliases: [] examples: - 26-09 - 32-02 - 32-06 - 32-09 - 47-03 see_also: - kt/demon disciple: def_title: disciple aliases: [] examples: - 30-08 - 38-01 - 38-11 - 42-10 see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/believer - kt/jesus - other/johnthebaptist - kt/thetwelve discipline: def_title: discipline aliases: - self-discipline divine: def_title: divine aliases: [] see_also: - kt/authority - kt/falsegod - kt/glory - kt/god - kt/judge - kt/power dominion: def_title: dominion aliases: [] see_also: - kt/authority - kt/power elect: def_title: 'chosen one' aliases: - choose - 'chosen people' - 'chosen one' - 'the elect' see_also: - kt/appoint - kt/christ endure: def_title: endure aliases: - endurance see_also: - other/perseverance enslave: def_title: enslave aliases: - 'in bondage' see_also: - kt/free - kt/righteous - other/servant eternity: def_title: everlasting aliases: - eternal - eternity examples: - 27-01 - 28-01 - 28-10 see_also: - kt/forever - kt/life evangelism: def_title: evangelist aliases: [] see_also: - kt/goodnews - kt/spirit - kt/gift evil: def_title: evil aliases: - wicked - wickedness examples: - 02-04 - 03-01 - 03-02 - 04-02 - 08-12 - 14-02 - 17-01 - 18-11 - 29-08 - 45-02 - 50-17 exalt: def_title: exalt aliases: - exaltation see_also: - other/praise - kt/worship - kt/glorify - kt/boast - other/proud exhort: def_title: exhort aliases: - exhortation face: def_title: face aliases: [] faith: def_title: faith aliases: [] examples: - 05-06 - 31-07 - 32-16 - 38-09 see_also: - kt/believe - kt/faithful faithful: def_title: faithful aliases: - faithfulness examples: - 08-05 - 14-12 - 15-13 - 17-09 - 18-04 - 35-12 - 49-17 - 50-04 see_also: - kt/faith - kt/believe faithless: def_title: faithless aliases: - faithlessness see_also: - kt/unbeliever - kt/unfaithful - other/disobey falsegod: def_title: 'false god' aliases: - 'foreign god' - god - goddess examples: - 10-02 - 13-04 - 14-02 - 16-01 - 18-13 see_also: - kt/god - other/asherim - other/baal - other/molech - other/idol - kt/demon - other/image favor: def_title: favor aliases: - favorable - favoritism fear: def_title: fear aliases: - afraid - 'fear of yahweh' see_also: - other/amazed - other/awe - kt/lordgod - kt/power - kt/yahweh fellowship: def_title: fellowship aliases: [] filled: def_title: 'filled with the Spirit' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holyspirit firstborn: def_title: firstborn aliases: [] see_also: - kt/inherit - other/sacrifice - kt/son firstfruit: def_title: firstfruits aliases: [] see_also: - kt/firstborn flesh: def_title: flesh aliases: [] foolish: def_title: fool aliases: - foolish - folly see_also: - kt/wise foreordain: def_title: foreknew aliases: - foreknowledge see_also: - other/know - kt/predestine forever: def_title: forever aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - kt/eternity - other/reign forgive: def_title: forgive aliases: - forgiveness examples: - 07-10 - 13-15 - 17-13 - 21-05 - 29-01 - 29-08 - 38-05 see_also: - kt/guilt fornication: def_title: 'sexual immorality' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/adultery - kt/falsegod - other/prostitute - kt/unfaithful forsaken: def_title: forsake aliases: - forsaken - forsook free: def_title: free aliases: - freedom - liberty see_also: - kt/bond - kt/enslave - other/servant fruit: def_title: fruit aliases: - fruitful see_also: - other/descendant - other/grain - other/grape - kt/holyspirit - other/vine - other/womb fulfill: def_title: fulfill aliases: [] examples: - 24-04 - 40-03 - 42-07 - 43-05 - 43-07 - 44-05 see_also: - kt/prophet - kt/christ - kt/minister - kt/call gate: def_title: gate aliases: - 'gate bar' gift: def_title: gift aliases: [] see_also: - kt/spirit - kt/holyspirit glorify: def_title: glorify aliases: [] see_also: - kt/exalt - kt/glory - other/obey - other/praise glory: def_title: glory aliases: - glorious examples: - 23-07 - 25-06 - 37-01 - 37-08 see_also: - kt/glorify god: def_title: God aliases: [] examples: - 01-01 - 01-15 - 05-03 - 09-14 - 10-02 - 16-01 - 22-07 - 24-09 - 25-07 - 28-01 - 49-09 - 50-16 see_also: - other/creation - kt/falsegod - kt/godthefather - kt/holyspirit - other/idol - kt/sonofgod - kt/yahweh godly: def_title: godly aliases: - godliness see_also: - other/honor - other/obey - kt/righteous - kt/ungodly - kt/unrighteous godthefather: def_title: 'God the Father' aliases: - 'heavenly father' - father examples: - 24-09 - 29-09 - 37-09 - 40-07 - 42-10 - 43-08 - 50-10 see_also: - other/father - kt/god - kt/heaven - kt/holyspirit - kt/jesus - kt/sonofgod good: def_title: good aliases: - goodness examples: - 01-04 - 01-11 - 01-12 - 02-04 - 08-12 - 14-15 - 18-13 - 28-01 see_also: - kt/evil - kt/holy - other/profit - kt/righteous goodnews: def_title: 'good news' aliases: - gospel examples: - 23-06 - 26-03 - 45-10 - 46-10 - 47-01 - 47-13 - 50-01 - 50-02 - 50-03 see_also: - other/kingdom - other/sacrifice - kt/salvation grace: def_title: grace aliases: - gracious guilt: def_title: guilt aliases: - guilty examples: - 39-02 - 39-11 - 40-04 - 49-10 see_also: - kt/innocent - kt/iniquity - other/punish - kt/sin harvest: def_title: harvest aliases: [] see_also: - kt/firstfruit - other/festival heaven: def_title: heaven aliases: - sky - heavens - heavenly examples: - 04-02 - 14-11 - 23-07 - 29-09 - 37-09 - 42-11 see_also: - kt/kingdomofgod hell: def_title: hell aliases: - 'lake of fire' examples: - 50-14 - 50-15 see_also: - kt/heaven - kt/death - other/hades - other/abyss highpriest: def_title: 'high priest' aliases: [] examples: - 13-08 - 21-07 - 38-03 - 39-01 - 39-03 - 44-07 - 45-02 - 46-01 - 48-06 see_also: - other/annas - other/caiaphas - other/chiefpriests - kt/priest - kt/temple holy: def_title: holy aliases: - holiness examples: - 01-16 - 09-12 - 13-01 - 13-05 - 22-05 - 50-02 see_also: - kt/holyspirit - kt/consecrate - kt/sanctify - kt/setapart holyone: def_title: 'Holy One' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - kt/god holyplace: def_title: 'holy place' aliases: - 'most holy place' see_also: - other/altarofincense - other/arkofthecovenant - other/bread - kt/consecrate - other/courtyard - other/curtain - kt/holy - kt/setapart - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple holyspirit: def_title: 'Holy Spirit' aliases: - 'spirit of god' - 'spirit of the lord' examples: - 01-01 - 24-08 - 26-01 - 26-03 - 42-10 - 43-03 - 43-08 - 43-11 - 45-01 see_also: - kt/holy - kt/spirit - kt/god - kt/lordgod - kt/godthefather - kt/sonofgod - kt/gift hope: def_title: hope aliases: [] see_also: - kt/bless - kt/confidence - kt/good - other/obey - kt/trust - kt/wordofgod hour: def_title: hour aliases: [] see_also: - other/biblicaltimehour houseofgod: def_title: 'house of God' aliases: - 'yahweh''s house' see_also: - kt/peopleofgod - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple hypocrite: def_title: hypocrite aliases: - hypocrisy imageofgod: def_title: 'image of God' aliases: - image see_also: - other/image - kt/sonofgod - kt/sonofgod imitate: def_title: imitate aliases: - imitator inchrist: def_title: 'in Christ' aliases: - 'in jesus' - 'in the lord' - 'in him' see_also: - kt/christ - kt/lordgod - kt/jesus - kt/believe - kt/faith inherit: def_title: inherit aliases: - inheritance - heritage - heir examples: - 04-06 - 27-01 - 35-03 see_also: - other/heir - other/canaan - kt/promisedland iniquity: def_title: iniquity aliases: [] see_also: - kt/sin - kt/transgression - kt/trespass innocent: def_title: innocent aliases: [] examples: - 08-06 - 40-04 - 40-08 see_also: - kt/guilt intercede: def_title: intercede aliases: - intercession see_also: - other/pray iyahweh: def_title: I aliases: - 'yahweh; me' - yahweh see_also: - kt/yahweh jealous: def_title: jealous aliases: - jealousy see_also: - other/envy jesus: def_title: Jesus aliases: - 'jesus christ' - 'christ jesus' examples: - 22-04 - 23-02 - 24-07 - 24-09 - 25-08 - 26-08 - 31-03 - 38-02 - 40-08 - 42-11 - 50-17 see_also: - kt/christ - kt/god - kt/godthefather - kt/highpriest - kt/kingdomofgod - other/mary - kt/savior - kt/sonofgod joy: def_title: joy aliases: - joyful examples: - 33-07 - 34-04 - 41-07 see_also: - other/rejoice judge: def_title: judge aliases: - judgment examples: - 19-16 - 21-08 - 39-04 - 50-14 see_also: - other/decree - other/judgeposition - kt/judgmentday - kt/justice - other/law - kt/lawofmoses judgmentday: def_title: 'judgment day' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/judge - kt/jesus - kt/heaven - kt/hell justice: def_title: just aliases: - justice - justly examples: - 17-09 - 18-13 - 19-16 - 50-17 see_also: - kt/judge - kt/righteous - kt/upright justify: def_title: justify aliases: - justification see_also: - kt/forgive - kt/guilt - kt/righteous kingdomofgod: def_title: 'kingdom of God' aliases: - 'kingdom of heaven' examples: - 24-02 - 28-06 - 29-02 - 34-01 - 34-03 - 34-04 - 34-05 - 42-09 - 49-05 - 50-02 see_also: - kt/god - kt/heaven - other/king - other/kingdom - kt/kingofthejews - other/reign kingofthejews: def_title: 'King of the Jews' aliases: [] examples: - 23-09 - 39-09 - 39-12 - 40-02 see_also: - other/descendant - other/jew - kt/jesus - other/king - other/kingdom - kt/kingdomofgod - other/wisemen lamb: def_title: lamb aliases: - 'lamb of god' examples: - 05-07 - 11-02 - 24-06 - 45-08 - 48-08 - 48-09 see_also: - other/sheep - other/shepherd lament: def_title: lament aliases: - lamentation lastday: def_title: 'last day' aliases: - 'last days' - 'latter days' see_also: - kt/dayofthelord - kt/judge - kt/turn - kt/world lawofmoses: def_title: law aliases: - 'law of moses' - 'god''s law' - 'law of yahweh' examples: - 13-07 - 13-09 - 15-13 - 16-01 - 21-05 - 27-01 - 28-01 see_also: - other/instruct - other/moses - other/tencommandments - other/lawful - kt/yahweh life: def_title: life aliases: - live - living - alive examples: - 01-10 - 03-01 - 08-13 - 17-09 - 27-01 - 35-05 - 44-05 see_also: - kt/death - kt/eternity light: def_title: light aliases: [] see_also: - kt/darkness - kt/holy - kt/righteous - kt/true lord: def_title: lord aliases: - master - sir examples: - 25-05 - 25-07 - 26-03 - 27-02 - 31-05 - 43-09 - 47-03 - 47-11 see_also: - kt/lordgod lordgod: def_title: Lord aliases: [] see_also: - kt/god - kt/jesus - kt/lord - other/ruler - kt/yahweh lordssupper: def_title: 'Lord''s Supper' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/passover lordyahweh: def_title: 'Lord Yahweh' aliases: - 'yahweh god' see_also: - kt/god - kt/lord - kt/lordgod - kt/yahweh love: def_title: love aliases: [] examples: - 27-02 - 33-08 - 36-05 - 39-10 - 47-01 - 48-01 - 49-03 - 49-04 - 49-07 - 49-09 - 49-13 see_also: - kt/covenant - kt/death - other/sacrifice - kt/save - kt/sin majesty: def_title: majesty aliases: [] see_also: - other/king maker: def_title: Maker aliases: [] see_also: - other/creation - kt/yahweh mercy: def_title: mercy aliases: - merciful examples: - 19-16 - 19-17 - 20-12 - 27-11 - 32-11 - 34-09 minister: def_title: minister aliases: - ministry see_also: - other/serve - other/sacrifice miracle: def_title: miracle aliases: - wonder - sign examples: - 16-08 - 19-14 - 37-10 - 43-06 - 49-02 see_also: - kt/power - kt/prophet - kt/apostle - kt/sign mosthigh: def_title: 'Most High' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/god name: def_title: name aliases: [] see_also: - kt/call newcovenant: def_title: 'new covenant' aliases: [] examples: - 21-05 - 21-14 - 38-05 - 48-11 see_also: - kt/atonement - kt/covenant - other/israel - kt/jesus - other/moses - kt/sonofgod oppress: def_title: oppress aliases: - oppression - oppressor see_also: - kt/bond - kt/enslave - other/persecute passover: def_title: Passover aliases: [] examples: - 12-14 - 38-01 - 38-04 - 48-09 - 48-10 pastor: def_title: pastor aliases: [] see_also: - other/shepherd - other/sheep peopleofgod: def_title: 'people of God' aliases: - 'my people' see_also: - other/israel - other/peoplegroup perfect: def_title: perfect aliases: [] perish: def_title: perish aliases: - perishing - perishable see_also: - kt/death - kt/eternity power: def_title: power aliases: - powers examples: - 22-05 - 26-01 - 32-15 - 42-11 - 43-06 - 44-08 see_also: - kt/holyspirit - kt/jesus - kt/miracle predestine: def_title: predestine aliases: - predestined see_also: - kt/foreordain priest: def_title: priest aliases: - priesthood examples: - 04-07 - 13-09 - 19-07 - 21-07 see_also: - other/aaron - other/chiefpriests - kt/highpriest - other/mediator - other/sacrifice promise: def_title: promise aliases: [] examples: - 03-15 - 03-16 - 04-08 - 05-04 - 08-15 - 17-14 - 50-01 see_also: - kt/covenant - other/oath - kt/vow promisedland: def_title: 'Promised Land' aliases: [] examples: - 12-01 - 14-01 - 14-02 - 14-14 - 15-02 - 15-12 - 20-09 see_also: - other/canaan - kt/promise prophet: def_title: prophet aliases: - prophecy - prophesy - seer - prophetess examples: - 12-12 - 17-13 - 19-01 - 19-06 - 19-17 - 21-09 - 43-05 - 43-07 - 48-12 see_also: - other/baal - other/divination - kt/falsegod - other/falseprophet - kt/fulfill - kt/lawofmoses - other/vision propitiation: def_title: propitiation aliases: [] see_also: - kt/atonement - kt/eternity - kt/forgive - other/sacrifice purify: def_title: pure aliases: - purify - purification see_also: - kt/atonement - kt/clean - kt/spirit rabbi: def_title: Rabbi aliases: - rabboni see_also: - kt/teacher raise: def_title: raise aliases: - rise - risen - arise - arose examples: - 21-14 - 41-05 - 43-07 - 44-05 - 44-08 - 48-04 - 49-02 - 49-12 see_also: - kt/resurrection - kt/appoint - kt/exalt ransom: def_title: ransom aliases: [] see_also: - kt/atonement - kt/redeem receive: def_title: receive aliases: [] examples: - 21-13 - 45-05 - 49-06 - 49-10 - 49-13 see_also: - kt/holyspirit - kt/jesus - kt/lord - kt/save reconcile: def_title: reconcile aliases: - reconciliation see_also: - other/peace - other/sacrifice redeem: def_title: redeem aliases: - redemption - redeemer see_also: - kt/free - kt/ransom refuge: def_title: refuge aliases: - shelter remnant: def_title: remnant aliases: [] repent: def_title: repent aliases: - repentance examples: - 16-02 - 17-13 - 19-18 - 24-02 - 42-08 - 44-05 see_also: - kt/forgive - kt/sin - kt/turn rest: def_title: rest aliases: [] see_also: - kt/remnant - kt/sabbath restore: def_title: restore aliases: - restoration resurrection: def_title: resurrection aliases: [] examples: - 21-14 - 37-05 see_also: - kt/life - kt/death - kt/raise return: def_title: return aliases: [] see_also: - kt/turn reveal: def_title: reveal aliases: - revelation see_also: - kt/goodnews - kt/goodnews - other/dream - other/vision reward: def_title: reward aliases: [] see_also: - other/punish righteous: def_title: righteous aliases: - righteousness examples: - 03-02 - 04-08 - 17-02 - 23-01 - 50-10 see_also: - kt/good - kt/holy - kt/evil - kt/justice - kt/faithful righthand: def_title: 'right hand' aliases: [] see_also: - other/accuse - kt/evil - other/honor - other/mighty - other/punish - other/rebel sabbath: def_title: Sabbath aliases: [] examples: - 13-05 - 26-02 - 41-03 see_also: - kt/rest saint: def_title: saints aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy salvation: def_title: salvation aliases: [] see_also: - kt/save - kt/savior sanctify: def_title: sanctify aliases: - sanctification see_also: - kt/consecrate - kt/holy - kt/setapart sanctuary: def_title: sanctuary aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - kt/holyspirit - other/sacred - kt/setapart - kt/tabernacle - other/tax - kt/temple satan: def_title: Satan aliases: - devil - 'evil one' examples: - 21-01 - 25-06 - 25-08 - 33-06 - 38-07 - 48-04 - 49-15 - 50-09 - 50-10 - 50-15 see_also: - kt/demon - kt/evil - kt/kingdomofgod - kt/tempt save: def_title: save aliases: - safe examples: - 09-08 - 11-02 - 12-05 - 12-13 - 16-17 - 44-08 - 47-11 - 49-12 - 49-13 see_also: - kt/cross - kt/deliverer - other/punish - kt/salvation - kt/sin savior: def_title: Savior aliases: [] see_also: - kt/deliverer - kt/jesus - kt/salvation - kt/save seed: def_title: seed aliases: - semen see_also: - other/descendant - other/offspring setapart: def_title: 'set apart' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - kt/sanctify - kt/appoint sign: def_title: sign aliases: - proof - reminder see_also: - kt/miracle - kt/apostle - kt/christ - kt/covenant - kt/circumcise sin: def_title: sin aliases: - sinful - sinner - sinning examples: - 03-15 - 13-12 - 20-01 - 21-13 - 35-01 - 38-05 - 43-11 - 48-08 - 49-17 see_also: - other/disobey - kt/evil - kt/flesh - other/taxcollector sleep: def_title: sleep aliases: - asleep - 'fall asleep' son: def_title: son aliases: - 'son of' examples: - 04-08 - 04-09 - 05-05 - 05-08 - 09-07 - 11-06 - 18-01 - 26-04 see_also: - other/azariah - other/descendant - other/father - kt/firstborn - kt/sonofgod - kt/sonsofgod sonofgod: def_title: 'Son of God' aliases: - 'the son' - son examples: - 22-05 - 24-09 - 31-08 - 37-05 - 42-10 - 46-06 - 49-09 see_also: - kt/christ - other/father - kt/god - kt/godthefather - kt/holyspirit - kt/jesus - kt/son - kt/sonsofgod sonofman: def_title: 'Son of Man' aliases: - 'son of man' see_also: - kt/heaven - kt/son - kt/sonofgod - kt/yahweh sonsofgod: def_title: 'sons of God' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - kt/demon - kt/son - kt/sonofgod - other/ruler - kt/spirit soul: def_title: soul aliases: [] see_also: - kt/spirit spirit: def_title: spirit aliases: - spiritual examples: - 13-03 - 40-07 - 45-05 - 48-07 see_also: - kt/angel - kt/demon - kt/holyspirit - kt/soul suffer: def_title: suffer aliases: - suffering examples: - 09-13 - 38-12 - 42-03 - 42-07 - 44-05 - 46-04 - 50-17 tabernacle: def_title: tabernacle aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/altarofincense - other/arkofthecovenant - kt/temple - other/tentofmeeting teacher: def_title: teacher aliases: - teacher examples: - 27-01 - 28-01 - 37-02 - 38-14 - 49-03 see_also: - kt/disciple - other/preach temple: def_title: temple aliases: [] examples: - 17-06 - 18-02 - 20-07 - 20-13 - 25-04 - 40-07 see_also: - other/sacrifice - other/solomon - other/babylon - kt/holyspirit - kt/tabernacle - other/courtyard - other/zion - other/house tempt: def_title: tempt aliases: - temptation examples: - 25-01 - 25-08 - 38-11 see_also: - other/disobey - kt/satan - kt/sin - kt/test test: def_title: test aliases: [] see_also: - kt/tempt testimony: def_title: testimony aliases: - testify see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - kt/prophet - kt/witness thetwelve: def_title: 'the twelve' aliases: - 'the eleven' see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/disciple transgression: def_title: transgress aliases: - transgression see_also: - kt/sin - kt/trespass - kt/iniquity trespass: def_title: trespass aliases: [] see_also: - other/disobey - kt/iniquity - kt/sin - kt/transgression 'true': def_title: 'true' aliases: - truth - 'come true' examples: - 02-04 - 14-06 - 16-01 - 31-08 - 39-10 see_also: - kt/believe - kt/faithful - kt/fulfill - other/obey - kt/prophet - other/understand trust: def_title: trust aliases: - trustworthy - trustworthiness examples: - 12-12 - 14-15 - 17-02 - 34-06 see_also: - kt/believe - kt/confidence - kt/faith - kt/faithful - kt/true turn: def_title: turn aliases: - 'turn away' - 'turn back' see_also: - other/idol - other/leprosy - kt/worship unbeliever: def_title: unbeliever aliases: - unbelief see_also: - kt/believer - kt/believe - kt/trust uncircumcised: def_title: uncircumcised aliases: - uncircumcision see_also: - other/abraham - kt/circumcise unclean: def_title: unclean aliases: [] see_also: - kt/clean - other/defile - kt/demon - kt/holy - other/sacrifice - kt/unholy unfaithful: def_title: unfaithful aliases: - unfaithfulness see_also: - kt/adultery - other/disobey - kt/faithful - kt/unbeliever ungodly: def_title: ungodly aliases: - godless - ungodliness - godlessness see_also: - kt/godly - kt/evil unholy: def_title: unholy aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - other/honor - other/profane - kt/unclean unjust: def_title: unjust aliases: - unjustly - injustice see_also: - kt/justice - kt/unrighteous unlawful: def_title: unlawful aliases: [] see_also: - other/lawful - other/moses - kt/sabbath unleavenedbread: def_title: 'unleavened bread' aliases: [] see_also: - other/bread - other/egypt - other/feast - kt/passover - other/servant - kt/sin - other/yeast unrighteous: def_title: unrighteous aliases: - unrighteousness see_also: - kt/righteous - kt/unjust - kt/sin - kt/unlawful upright: def_title: upright aliases: - uprightness see_also: - other/integrity - other/law - kt/lawofmoses - other/obey - kt/purify - kt/righteous veil: def_title: veil aliases: [] see_also: - other/moses vow: def_title: vow aliases: [] see_also: - kt/promise - other/oath walk: def_title: walk aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holyspirit - other/honor willofgod: def_title: 'will of God' aliases: [] wise: def_title: wise aliases: - wisdom examples: - 02-05 - 18-01 - 23-09 - 45-01 see_also: - other/obey - kt/fruit witness: def_title: witness aliases: - eyewitness examples: - 39-02 - 39-04 - 42-08 - 43-07 see_also: - kt/guilt - kt/judge - kt/true - kt/testimony woe: def_title: woe aliases: [] word: def_title: word aliases: [] see_also: - kt/wordofgod wordofgod: def_title: 'word of God' aliases: - 'word of yahweh' - 'word of the lord' - scripture examples: - 25-07 - 33-06 - 42-03 - 42-07 - 45-10 - 48-12 - 49-18 see_also: - kt/prophet - kt/word - kt/yahweh wordoftruth: def_title: 'word of truth' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/true - kt/word - kt/wordofgod works: def_title: works aliases: - deeds - work - acts see_also: - kt/fruit - kt/holyspirit - kt/miracle world: def_title: world aliases: - worldly see_also: - kt/corrupt - kt/heaven - other/rome - kt/ungodly worship: def_title: worship aliases: [] examples: - 13-04 - 14-02 - 17-06 - 18-12 - 25-07 - 26-02 - 47-01 - 49-18 see_also: - other/sacrifice - other/praise - other/honor worthy: def_title: worthy aliases: - worth - unworthy - worthless see_also: - other/honor wrath: def_title: wrath aliases: - fury see_also: - kt/judge - kt/sin yahweh: def_title: Yahweh aliases: [] examples: - 09-14 - 13-04 - 13-05 - 16-01 - 19-10 see_also: - kt/god - kt/lord - kt/lordgod - other/moses - kt/reveal yahwehofhosts: def_title: 'Yahweh of hosts' aliases: - 'god of hosts' - host see_also: - kt/angel - kt/authority - kt/god - kt/lord - kt/lordgod - kt/lordyahweh - kt/yahweh zealous: def_title: zeal aliases: - zealous 12tribesofisrael: def_title: 'twelve tribes of Israel' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/inherit - other/israel - other/jacob - kt/priest - other/tribe aaron: def_title: Aaron aliases: [] examples: - 09-15 - 10-05 - 13-09 - 13-11 - 14-07 abel: def_title: Abel aliases: [] abiathar: def_title: Abiathar aliases: [] abijah: def_title: Abijah aliases: [] abimelech: def_title: Abimelech aliases: [] see_also: - other/beersheba - other/gerar - other/gideon - other/jotham - other/philistines abner: def_title: Abner aliases: [] abraham: def_title: Abraham aliases: - abram examples: - 04-06 - 05-04 - 05-05 - 05-06 - 06-01 - 06-04 - 21-02 see_also: - other/canaan - other/chaldeans - other/sarah - other/isaac absalom: def_title: Absalom aliases: [] see_also: - other/geshur - other/amnon abyss: def_title: abyss aliases: [] see_also: - other/hades - kt/hell - other/punish acacia: def_title: acacia aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - kt/tabernacle accuse: def_title: accuse aliases: - accusation - accuser acknowledge: def_title: acknowledge aliases: [] see_also: - other/obey - kt/glory - kt/salvation acquit: def_title: acquit aliases: [] see_also: - kt/forgive - kt/guilt - kt/sin adam: def_title: Adam aliases: [] examples: - 01-09 - 01-10 - 01-12 - 02-11 - 02-12 - 49-08 - 50-16 see_also: - kt/death - other/descendant - other/eve - kt/imageofgod - kt/life administration: def_title: administration aliases: - administrator see_also: - other/babylon - other/daniel - kt/gift - other/governor - other/hananiah - other/mishael - other/azariah admonish: def_title: admonish aliases: [] adonijah: def_title: Adonijah aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/solomon adversary: def_title: adversary aliases: - enemy see_also: - kt/satan age: def_title: age aliases: [] ahab: def_title: Ahab aliases: [] examples: - 19-02 - 19-03 - 19-05 see_also: - other/baal - other/elijah - other/jezebel - other/kingdomofisrael - kt/yahweh ahasuerus: def_title: Ahasuerus aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/esther - other/ethiopia - other/exile - other/persia ahaz: def_title: Ahaz aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon ahaziah: def_title: Ahaziah aliases: [] see_also: - other/jehu - other/ahab - other/jeroboam - other/joash ahijah: def_title: Ahijah aliases: [] see_also: - other/baasha - other/shiloh ai: def_title: Ai aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethel - other/jericho alarm: def_title: alarm aliases: - alarmed see_also: - other/jehoshaphat - other/moab alms: def_title: alms aliases: [] altar: def_title: altar aliases: [] examples: - 03-14 - 05-08 - 13-09 - 16-06 see_also: - other/altarofincense - kt/falsegod - other/grainoffering - other/sacrifice altarofincense: def_title: 'altar of incense' aliases: [] see_also: - other/incense amalekite: def_title: Amalek aliases: - amalekite see_also: - other/arabia - other/david - other/esau - other/negev - other/saul amazed: def_title: marvel aliases: - wonder - amazed - astonished see_also: - kt/miracle - kt/sign amaziah: def_title: Amaziah aliases: [] see_also: - other/joash - other/edom ambassador: def_title: ambassador aliases: - representative see_also: - other/messenger ammon: def_title: Ammon aliases: - ammonites - ammonitess see_also: - kt/curse - other/jordanriver - other/lot amnon: def_title: Amnon aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/absalom amorite: def_title: Amorite aliases: [] examples: - 15-07 - 15-08 - 15-09 - 15-10 amos: def_title: Amos aliases: [] see_also: - other/fig - other/judah - other/kingdomofisrael - other/shepherd - other/uzziah amoz: def_title: Amoz aliases: [] see_also: - other/amos - other/isaiah andrew: def_title: Andrew aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/disciple - kt/thetwelve angry: def_title: angry aliases: - anger see_also: - kt/wrath anguish: def_title: anguish aliases: [] annas: def_title: Annas aliases: [] see_also: - kt/highpriest - kt/priest antioch: def_title: Antioch aliases: [] apollos: def_title: Apollos aliases: [] see_also: - other/aquila - other/ephesus - other/priscilla - kt/wordofgod aquila: def_title: Aquila aliases: [] see_also: - other/apollos - other/corinth - other/rome arabah: def_title: Arabah aliases: [] see_also: - other/desert - other/redsea - other/jordanriver - other/canaan - other/saltsea - other/egypt arabia: def_title: Arabia aliases: - arabian see_also: - other/esau - other/galatia - other/ishmael - other/shem - other/sinai aram: def_title: Aram aliases: - aramean - aramaic see_also: - other/mesopotamia - other/paddanaram - other/rebekah - other/shem - other/syria ararat: def_title: Ararat aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/noah archer: def_title: archer aliases: [] see_also: - other/assyria ark: def_title: ark aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - other/basket arkofthecovenant: def_title: 'ark of the covenant' aliases: - 'ark of the covenant decrees' - 'ark of yahweh' see_also: - other/ark - kt/covenant - kt/atonement - kt/holyplace - kt/testimony - kt/witness armor: def_title: armor aliases: [] see_also: - kt/faith - kt/holyspirit - other/peace - kt/salvation - kt/spirit arrogant: def_title: arrogant aliases: [] see_also: - other/acknowledge - kt/boast - other/proud artaxerxes: def_title: Artaxerxes aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/babylon - other/cupbearer - other/ezra - other/nehemiah - other/persia asa: def_title: Asa aliases: [] asaph: def_title: Asaph aliases: [] see_also: - other/descendant - other/harp - other/lute - kt/prophet - other/psalm - other/trumpet ash: def_title: ash aliases: - ashes - dust see_also: - other/fire - other/sackcloth ashdod: def_title: Ashdod aliases: - azotus see_also: - other/ekron - other/gath - other/gaza - other/joppa - other/philip - other/philistines asher: def_title: Asher aliases: [] see_also: - other/israel - other/12tribesofisrael asherim: def_title: Asherah aliases: - 'asherah poles' - ashtoreth see_also: - other/idol - other/baal - other/gideon - other/image - other/solomon ashkelon: def_title: Ashkelon aliases: [] see_also: - other/ashdod - other/canaan - other/ekron - other/gath - other/gaza - other/philistines asia: def_title: Asia aliases: [] see_also: - other/rome - other/paul - other/ephesus assign: def_title: assign aliases: - assigned see_also: - kt/appoint - other/samuel - other/saul assyria: def_title: Assyria aliases: - assyrian - 'assyrian empire' examples: - 20-02 - 20-03 - 20-04 see_also: - other/samaria athaliah: def_title: Athaliah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaziah - other/jehoram - other/joash - other/omri awe: def_title: awe aliases: - awesome see_also: - kt/fear - kt/glory ax: def_title: ax aliases: [] azariah: def_title: Azariah aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/hananiah - other/mishael - other/jeremiah - other/uzziah baal: def_title: Baal aliases: [] examples: - 19-02 - 19-06 - 19-07 - 19-08 - 19-12 see_also: - other/ahab - other/asherim - other/elijah - kt/falsegod - other/prostitute - kt/yahweh baasha: def_title: Baasha aliases: [] see_also: - other/asa - other/idol babel: def_title: Babel aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/ham - other/mesopotamia babylon: def_title: Babylon aliases: - babylonian examples: - 20-06 - 20-07 - 20-09 - 20-11 see_also: - other/babel - other/chaldeans - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nebuchadnezzar balaam: def_title: Balaam aliases: [] see_also: - kt/bless - other/canaan - kt/curse - other/donkey - other/euphrates - other/jordanriver - other/midian - other/moab - other/peor banquet: def_title: banquet aliases: [] barabbas: def_title: Barabbas aliases: [] see_also: - other/pilate - other/rome barley: def_title: barley aliases: [] see_also: - other/grain - other/thresh - other/wheat barnabas: def_title: Barnabas aliases: [] examples: - 46-08 - 46-09 - 46-10 see_also: - kt/christian - other/cyprus - kt/goodnews - other/levite - other/paul bartholomew: def_title: Bartholomew aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/goodnews - kt/holyspirit - kt/miracle - other/pentecost - kt/thetwelve baruch: def_title: Baruch aliases: [] see_also: - kt/disciple - other/jeremiah - other/jerusalem - other/nehemiah - kt/prophet bashan: def_title: Bashan aliases: [] see_also: - other/egypt - other/oak - other/seaofgalilee - other/syria basket: def_title: basket aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/moses - other/nileriver - other/noah bathsheba: def_title: Bathsheba aliases: [] examples: - 17-10 - 17-11 - 17-12 - 17-13 - 17-14 see_also: - other/david - other/solomon - other/uriah bear: def_title: 'to bear' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burden - other/elisha - kt/endure - kt/fruit - kt/iniquity - other/report - other/sheep - other/strength - kt/testimony - kt/witness beast: def_title: beast aliases: [] see_also: - kt/authority - other/daniel - other/livestock - other/nation - kt/power - kt/reveal beelzebul: def_title: Beelzebul aliases: [] see_also: - kt/demon - other/ekron - kt/satan beersheba: def_title: Beersheba aliases: [] see_also: - other/abimelech - other/abraham - other/hagar - other/ishmael - other/jerusalem - other/oath beg: def_title: beg aliases: - beggar examples: - 10-04 - 29-08 - 32-07 - 32-10 - 35-11 - 44-01 see_also: - other/plead benaiah: def_title: Benaiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/asaph - other/jehoiada - other/levite - other/solomon benjamin: def_title: Benjamin aliases: [] see_also: - other/israel - other/jacob - other/josephot - other/paul - other/rachel - other/12tribesofisrael berea: def_title: Berea aliases: [] see_also: - other/macedonia - other/paul - other/silas - other/thessalonica bethany: def_title: Bethany aliases: [] see_also: - other/jericho - other/jerusalem - other/lazarus - other/martha - other/mary - other/mountofolives bethel: def_title: Bethel aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/altar - other/jacob - other/jerusalem bethlehem: def_title: Bethlehem aliases: - ephrathah examples: - 17-02 - 21-09 - 23-04 - 23-06 see_also: - other/caleb - other/david - other/micah bethshemesh: def_title: 'Beth Shemesh' aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - other/canaan - other/jerusalem - other/joshua - other/levite - other/philistines bethuel: def_title: Bethuel aliases: [] see_also: - other/beersheba - other/laban - other/nahor - other/rebekah biblicaltimeday: def_title: 'biblical time: day' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/judgmentday - kt/lastday biblicaltimehour: def_title: 'biblical time: hour' aliases: [] biblicaltimemonth: def_title: 'biblical time: month' aliases: [] biblicaltimewatch: def_title: 'biblical time: watch' aliases: [] see_also: - other/watch biblicaltimeweek: def_title: 'biblical time: week' aliases: [] see_also: - other/pentecost biblicaltimeyear: def_title: 'biblical time: year' aliases: [] see_also: - other/biblicaltimemonth blemish: def_title: blemish aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believer - kt/clean - other/sacrifice - kt/sin bloodshed: def_title: bloodshed aliases: [] see_also: - kt/blood - other/slaughter boaz: def_title: Boaz aliases: [] see_also: - other/moab - kt/redeem - other/ruth bold: def_title: bold aliases: - boldly - boldness see_also: - kt/confidence - kt/goodnews - kt/redeem bookoflife: def_title: 'Book of Life' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/eternity - kt/lamb - kt/life - other/sacrifice - other/scroll bowweapon: def_title: 'bow and arrow' aliases: [] bread: def_title: bread aliases: [] see_also: - kt/passover - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple - kt/unleavenedbread - other/yeast breastplate: def_title: breastplate aliases: - breastpiece see_also: - other/armor - kt/highpriest - other/pierce - kt/priest - kt/temple - other/warrior bribe: def_title: bribe aliases: [] bride: def_title: bride aliases: [] see_also: - other/bridegroom - kt/church bridegroom: def_title: bridegroom aliases: [] see_also: - other/bride bronze: def_title: bronze aliases: [] see_also: - other/armor - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple burden: def_title: burden aliases: [] burntoffering: def_title: 'burnt offering' aliases: - 'offering by fire' see_also: - other/altar - kt/atonement - other/ox - kt/priest - other/sacrifice bury: def_title: bury aliases: - buried - burial see_also: - other/jericho - other/tomb caesar: def_title: Caesar aliases: [] see_also: - other/king - other/paul - other/rome caesarea: def_title: Caesarea aliases: - 'caesarea philippi' see_also: - other/caesar - other/gentile - other/mediterranean - other/carmel - other/mounthermon - other/rome - other/tarsus caiaphas: def_title: Caiaphas aliases: [] see_also: - other/annas - kt/highpriest cain: def_title: Cain aliases: [] see_also: - other/adam - other/sacrifice caleb: def_title: Caleb aliases: [] examples: - 14-04 - 14-06 - 14-08 see_also: - other/hebron - other/joshua camel: def_title: camel aliases: [] see_also: - other/burden - kt/unclean cana: def_title: Cana aliases: [] see_also: - other/capernaum - other/galilee - kt/thetwelve canaan: def_title: Canaan aliases: - canaanite examples: - 04-05 - 04-06 - 04-09 - 05-03 - 07-08 see_also: - other/ham - kt/promisedland capernaum: def_title: Capernaum aliases: [] see_also: - other/galilee - other/seaofgalilee captive: def_title: captive aliases: - captivity see_also: - other/babylon - other/exile - other/prison - other/seize carmel: def_title: Carmel aliases: - 'mount carmel' see_also: - other/baal - other/elijah - other/judah - other/saltsea castout: def_title: 'cast out' aliases: - 'drive out' - 'throw out' see_also: - kt/demon - kt/demonpossessed - other/lots caughtup: def_title: 'caught up' aliases: - 'caught up with' see_also: - kt/miracle - other/overtake - kt/suffer - other/trouble cedar: def_title: cedar aliases: [] see_also: - other/fir - kt/purify - other/sacrifice - kt/temple census: def_title: census aliases: [] see_also: - other/nation - other/rome centurion: def_title: centurion aliases: [] see_also: - other/rome chaff: def_title: chaff aliases: [] see_also: - other/grain - other/wheat - other/winnow chaldeans: def_title: Chaldea aliases: - chaldean see_also: - other/abraham - other/babylon - other/shinar - other/ur chariot: def_title: chariot aliases: [] examples: - 12-10 see_also: - other/egypt - other/rome cherethites: def_title: Cherethites aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/benaiah - other/david - other/philistines cherubim: def_title: cherubim aliases: - cherub see_also: - kt/angel chief: def_title: chief aliases: [] see_also: - other/chiefpriests - kt/priest - other/taxcollector chiefpriests: def_title: 'chief priests' aliases: [] see_also: - other/chief - kt/highpriest - other/jewishleaders - kt/priest chronicles: def_title: chronicles aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/david - other/exile - other/kingdomofisrael - other/kingdomofjudah - other/solomon cilicia: def_title: Cilicia aliases: [] see_also: - other/paul - other/stephen - other/tarsus citizen: def_title: citizen aliases: [] cityofdavid: def_title: 'city of David' aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/bethlehem - other/jerusalem clan: def_title: clan aliases: [] see_also: - other/family - other/jethro - other/tribe colossae: def_title: Colossae aliases: - colossians see_also: - other/ephesus - other/paul comfort: def_title: comfort aliases: - comforter see_also: - other/encourage - kt/holyspirit command: def_title: command aliases: - 'to command' - commandment see_also: - other/decree - other/statute - other/law - other/tencommandments commander: def_title: commander aliases: - command see_also: - other/command - other/ruler - other/centurion commit: def_title: commit aliases: - committed - commitment see_also: - kt/adultery - kt/faithful - kt/promise - kt/sin companion: def_title: companion aliases: [] conceive: def_title: conceive aliases: - conception see_also: - other/creation - other/womb concubine: def_title: concubine aliases: [] confirm: def_title: confirm aliases: - confirmation see_also: - kt/covenant - other/oath - kt/trust conscience: def_title: conscience aliases: [] consume: def_title: consume aliases: [] see_also: - other/devour - kt/wrath contempt: def_title: contempt aliases: - contemptible see_also: - other/dishonor corinth: def_title: Corinth aliases: - corinthians see_also: - other/apollos - other/timothy cornelius: def_title: Cornelius aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/believer - other/gentile - kt/goodnews - other/greek - other/centurion council: def_title: council aliases: [] see_also: - kt/assembly - other/counselor - other/pharisee - kt/lawofmoses - kt/priest - other/sadducee - other/scribe counselor: def_title: counsel aliases: - counselor - advice - advisor courage: def_title: courage aliases: - courageous courtyard: def_title: courtyard aliases: - court see_also: - other/gentile - other/judgeposition - other/king - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple cow: def_title: cow aliases: - calf - bull - cattle see_also: - other/heifer - other/ox - other/yoke creation: def_title: create aliases: - creation - creator see_also: - kt/god - kt/goodnews - kt/world creature: def_title: creature aliases: [] see_also: - other/creation crete: def_title: Crete aliases: - cretan criminal: def_title: crime aliases: - criminal see_also: - other/thief crown: def_title: crown aliases: - 'to crown' see_also: - kt/glory - other/king - other/olive cry: def_title: cry aliases: - 'cry out' see_also: - kt/call - other/plead cupbearer: def_title: cupbearer aliases: [] see_also: - other/artaxerxes - other/babylon - other/captive - other/persia - other/pharaoh curtain: def_title: curtain aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holyplace - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple cush: def_title: Cush aliases: [] see_also: - other/arabia - other/canaan - other/egypt - other/ethiopia cypress: def_title: cypress aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/cyprus - other/fir - other/lebanon cyprus: def_title: Cyprus aliases: [] see_also: - other/barnabas - other/johnmark - other/mediterranean cyrene: def_title: Cyrene aliases: [] see_also: - other/crete cyrus: def_title: Cyrus aliases: [] see_also: - other/daniel - other/darius - other/ezra - other/nehemiah - other/persia damascus: def_title: Damascus aliases: [] see_also: - other/aram - other/assyria - kt/believer - other/syria dan: def_title: Dan aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/jerusalem - other/12tribesofisrael daniel: def_title: Daniel aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/nebuchadnezzar darius: def_title: Darius aliases: [] see_also: - other/persia - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/ezra - other/nehemiah david: def_title: David aliases: [] examples: - 17-02 - 17-03 - 17-04 - 17-05 - 17-06 - 17-09 - 17-13 see_also: - other/goliath - other/philistines - other/saul deacon: def_title: deacon aliases: [] see_also: - kt/minister - other/servant declare: def_title: declare aliases: - declaration see_also: - other/proclaim decree: def_title: decree aliases: [] see_also: - other/command - other/declare - other/law - other/proclaim dedicate: def_title: dedicate aliases: - dedication see_also: - other/commit deer: def_title: deer aliases: - doe - buck - roebuck - fawn defile: def_title: defile aliases: - 'be defiled' see_also: - kt/unclean - kt/clean delight: def_title: delight aliases: [] delilah: def_title: Delilah aliases: [] see_also: - other/bribe - other/philistines - other/samson descendant: def_title: descendant aliases: - 'descended from' examples: - 02-09 - 04-09 - 05-10 - 17-07 - 18-13 - 21-04 - 48-13 see_also: - other/abraham - other/father - other/jacob - other/noah - other/12tribesofisrael desecrate: def_title: desecrate aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/defile - other/dishonor - other/profane - kt/purify - kt/temple - kt/unholy desert: def_title: desert aliases: - wilderness desolate: def_title: desolate aliases: - desolation see_also: - other/desert - other/devastated - other/ruin - other/waste destiny: def_title: destiny aliases: - destine - destined see_also: - other/captive - kt/eternity - kt/heaven - kt/hell - other/johnthebaptist - kt/repent destroyer: def_title: destroyer aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - other/egypt - kt/firstborn - kt/passover detestable: def_title: detestable aliases: - detest see_also: - other/divination - kt/unclean devastated: def_title: devastate aliases: - devastation devour: def_title: devour aliases: [] discernment: def_title: discern aliases: - discernment see_also: - kt/judge - kt/wise disgrace: def_title: disgrace aliases: - disgraceful see_also: - other/dishonor - other/honor - other/shame dishonor: def_title: dishonor aliases: - dishonorable see_also: - other/disgrace - other/honor disobey: def_title: disobey aliases: - disobedient - disobedience examples: - 02-11 - 13-07 - 16-02 - 35-12 see_also: - kt/authority - kt/evil - kt/sin - other/obey disperse: def_title: disperse aliases: - dispersion see_also: - kt/believer - other/persecute divination: def_title: divination aliases: - diviner - soothsaying - soothsayer see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/falsegod - other/magic - other/sorcery divorce: def_title: divorce aliases: [] doctrine: def_title: doctrine aliases: [] see_also: - other/teach donkey: def_title: donkey aliases: - mule doom: def_title: doom aliases: [] doorpost: def_title: doorpost aliases: [] see_also: - other/egypt - kt/passover dove: def_title: dove aliases: - pigeon see_also: - other/olive - kt/innocent - kt/purify dream: def_title: dream aliases: [] examples: - 08-02 - 08-06 - 08-07 - 16-11 - 23-01 see_also: - other/vision drinkoffering: def_title: 'drink offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - other/grainoffering drunk: def_title: drunk aliases: - drunkard see_also: - other/wine dung: def_title: dung aliases: - manure see_also: - kt/gate eagle: def_title: eagle aliases: [] see_also: - other/daniel - kt/free - other/nebuchadnezzar - kt/power earth: def_title: earth aliases: - earthly see_also: - kt/spirit - kt/world eden: def_title: Eden aliases: - 'garden of eden' see_also: - other/adam - other/euphrates - other/eve edom: def_title: Edom aliases: - edomite - idumea see_also: - other/adversary - kt/birthright - other/esau - other/obadiah - kt/prophet egypt: def_title: Egypt aliases: - egyptian examples: - 08-04 - 08-08 - 08-11 - 08-14 - 09-01 see_also: - other/herodthegreat - other/josephnt - other/nileriver - other/patriarchs ekron: def_title: Ekron aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaziah - other/arkofthecovenant - other/ashdod - other/beelzebul - kt/falsegod - other/gath - other/philistines elam: def_title: Elam aliases: [] see_also: - other/noah - other/shem elder: def_title: elder aliases: [] eleazar: def_title: Eleazar aliases: [] see_also: - other/aaron - kt/highpriest - other/david - other/mighty eliakim: def_title: Eliakim aliases: [] see_also: - other/hezekiah - other/jehoiakim - other/josiah - other/pharaoh elijah: def_title: Elijah aliases: [] examples: - 19-02 - 19-02 - 19-03 - 19-04 - 19-05 - 19-07 - 19-12 - 36-03 see_also: - kt/miracle - kt/prophet - kt/yahweh elisha: def_title: Elisha aliases: [] see_also: - other/elijah - other/naaman - kt/prophet elizabeth: def_title: Elizabeth aliases: [] see_also: - other/johnthebaptist - other/zechariahnt encourage: def_title: encourage aliases: - encouragement see_also: - kt/exhort engedi: def_title: 'En Gedi' aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/desert - other/fountain - other/judah - kt/rest - other/saltsea - other/saul - other/stronghold - other/vineyard enoch: def_title: Enoch aliases: [] see_also: - other/cain - other/seth envy: def_title: envy aliases: - covet see_also: - kt/jealous ephesus: def_title: Ephesus aliases: [] see_also: - other/asia - other/paul - other/timothy ephod: def_title: ephod aliases: [] see_also: - kt/priest ephraim: def_title: Ephraim aliases: [] see_also: - other/kingdomofisrael - other/12tribesofisrael ephrathah: def_title: Ephrathah aliases: - ephrathite see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/boaz - other/caleb - other/david - other/israel esau: def_title: Esau aliases: [] examples: - 06-07 - 07-02 - 07-04 - 07-05 - 07-10 see_also: - other/edom - other/isaac - other/jacob - other/rebekah esther: def_title: Esther aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/babylon - other/mordecai - other/persia ethiopia: def_title: Ethiopia aliases: - ethiopian see_also: - other/cush - other/egypt - other/eunuch - other/philip eunuch: def_title: eunuch aliases: [] see_also: - other/philip euphrates: def_title: 'Euphrates River' aliases: [] eve: def_title: Eve aliases: [] examples: - 01-13 - 02-02 - 02-11 - 21-01 - 48-02 - 49-08 - 50-16 see_also: - other/adam - kt/life - kt/satan evildoer: def_title: evildoer aliases: [] see_also: - kt/evil exile: def_title: exile aliases: - 'the exile' see_also: - other/babylon - other/kingdomofjudah exult: def_title: exult aliases: - exultant see_also: - other/arrogant - kt/joy - other/praise - other/rejoice ezekiel: def_title: Ezekiel aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - kt/christ - other/exile - kt/prophet ezra: def_title: Ezra aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/exile - other/jerusalem - kt/lawofmoses - other/nehemiah - kt/temple falseprophet: def_title: 'false prophet' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/fulfill - kt/prophet - kt/true falsewitness: def_title: 'false witness' aliases: - 'corrupt witness' - 'false testimony' - 'false report' see_also: - kt/testimony - kt/true - kt/witness family: def_title: family aliases: [] see_also: - other/clan - other/father - other/house famine: def_title: famine aliases: [] fast: def_title: fast aliases: [] examples: - 25-01 - 34-08 - 46-10 see_also: - other/jewishleaders father: def_title: ancestor aliases: - father - forefather see_also: - kt/godthefather - kt/son - kt/sonofgod feast: def_title: feast aliases: [] see_also: - other/festival fellowshipoffering: def_title: 'fellowship offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - kt/fulfill - other/grainoffering - other/guiltoffering - other/peaceoffering - kt/priest - other/sacrifice - kt/unleavenedbread - kt/vow festival: def_title: festival aliases: [] see_also: - other/feast fig: def_title: fig aliases: [] fir: def_title: fir aliases: [] see_also: - other/cedar - other/cypress fire: def_title: fire aliases: [] see_also: - kt/purify fisherman: def_title: fishermen aliases: - fishers flock: def_title: flock aliases: - herd see_also: - other/goat - other/ox - other/pig - other/sheep flood: def_title: flood aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/noah flute: def_title: flute aliases: - pipe see_also: - other/flock - other/shepherd footstool: def_title: footstool aliases: [] foreigner: def_title: foreigner aliases: - foreign - alien foundation: def_title: foundation aliases: - founded see_also: - kt/cornerstone - other/creation fountain: def_title: fountain aliases: - spring see_also: - other/flood frankincense: def_title: frankincense aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/learnedmen freewilloffering: def_title: 'freewill offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - other/ezra - other/feast - other/grainoffering - other/guiltoffering - kt/lawofmoses - other/sinoffering furnace: def_title: furnace aliases: [] see_also: - other/idol - other/image gabriel: def_title: Gabriel aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - other/daniel - other/elizabeth - other/johnthebaptist - other/mary - kt/prophet - kt/sonofgod - other/zechariahnt gad: def_title: Gad aliases: [] see_also: - other/census - kt/prophet - other/12tribesofisrael galatia: def_title: Galatia aliases: [] see_also: - other/asia - kt/believer - other/cilicia - kt/goodnews - other/paul - kt/works galilee: def_title: Galilee aliases: - galilean examples: - 21-10 - 26-01 - 39-06 - 41-06 see_also: - other/nazareth - other/samaria - other/seaofgalilee gath: def_title: Gath aliases: [] see_also: - other/ashdod - other/ashkelon - other/ekron - other/gaza - other/goliath - other/philistines gaza: def_title: Gaza aliases: [] see_also: - other/ashdod - other/philip - other/philistines - other/ethiopia - other/gath generation: def_title: "generation" aliases: [] see_also: - other/descendant - kt/evil - other/father gentile: def_title: Gentile aliases: [] see_also: - other/israel - other/jacob - other/jew gerar: def_title: Gerar aliases: [] see_also: - other/abimelech - other/beersheba - other/hebron - other/philistines geshur: def_title: Geshur aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/amnon - other/aram - other/seaofgalilee gethsemane: def_title: Gethsemane aliases: [] see_also: - other/judasiscariot - other/kidronvalley - other/mountofolives giant: def_title: giant aliases: [] gibeah: def_title: Gibeah aliases: [] see_also: - other/benjamin - other/bethel - other/jerusalem gibeon: def_title: Gibeon aliases: - gibeonite examples: - 15-06 - 15-07 - 15-08 see_also: - other/gilgal - other/jericho - other/jerusalem gideon: def_title: Gideon aliases: [] examples: - 16-05 - 16-06 - 16-08 - 16-08 - 16-10 - 16-12 - 16-15 - 16-16 see_also: - other/baal - other/asherim - kt/deliverer - other/midian - kt/yahweh gilead: def_title: Gilead aliases: [] see_also: - other/gad - other/jephthah - other/manasseh - other/reuben - other/12tribesofisrael gilgal: def_title: Gilgal aliases: [] see_also: - other/elijah - other/elisha - other/jericho - other/jordanriver gird: def_title: gird aliases: [] see_also: - other/loins girgashites: def_title: Girgashites aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/ham - other/noah glean: def_title: glean aliases: - gleaning see_also: - other/boaz - other/grain - kt/harvest - other/ruth gnashteeth: def_title: 'gnash teeth' aliases: - 'grind teeth' goat: def_title: goat aliases: - kid see_also: - other/flock - other/sacrifice - other/sheep - kt/unrighteous - other/wine gold: def_title: gold aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/arkofthecovenant - kt/falsegod - other/silver - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple golgotha: def_title: Golgotha aliases: [] see_also: - other/aram - other/mountofolives goliath: def_title: Goliath aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/philistines gomorrah: def_title: Gomorrah aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/babylon - other/lot - other/saltsea - other/sodom goshen: def_title: Goshen aliases: [] see_also: - other/egypt - other/famine - other/moses - other/nileriver gossip: def_title: gossip aliases: [] see_also: - other/slander governor: def_title: governor aliases: - govern - proconsul - government see_also: - kt/authority - other/king - kt/power - other/province - other/rome - other/ruler grain: def_title: grain aliases: [] see_also: - other/head - other/wheat grainoffering: def_title: 'grain offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - other/guiltoffering - other/sacrifice - other/sinoffering grape: def_title: grape aliases: [] see_also: - other/vine - other/vineyard - other/wine greece: def_title: Greece aliases: [] see_also: - other/corinth - other/gentile - other/greek - other/hebrew - other/philippi - other/thessalonica greek: def_title: Greek aliases: - grecian see_also: - other/aram - other/gentile - other/greece - other/hebrew - other/rome groan: def_title: groan aliases: [] see_also: - other/cry guiltoffering: def_title: 'guilt offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - other/grainoffering - other/sacrifice - other/sinoffering habakkuk: def_title: Habakkuk aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/jehoiakim - other/jeremiah hades: def_title: Hades aliases: - sheol see_also: - kt/death - kt/heaven - kt/hell - other/tomb hagar: def_title: Hagar aliases: [] examples: - 05-01 - 05-02 see_also: - other/abraham - other/descendant - other/ishmael - other/sarah - other/servant haggai: def_title: Haggai aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nebuchadnezzar - other/uzziah - other/zechariahot hail: def_title: hail aliases: [] ham: def_title: Ham aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/canaan - other/dishonor - other/noah hamath: def_title: Hamath aliases: - 'lebo hamath' - hamathites see_also: - other/babylon - other/canaan - other/nebuchadnezzar - other/syria - other/zedekiah hamor: def_title: Hamor aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/hivite - other/jacob - other/shechem - other/succoth hananiah: def_title: Hananiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/azariah - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/falseprophet - other/jeremiah - other/mishael hand: def_title: hand aliases: - 'right hand' - 'to hand over' see_also: - other/adversary - kt/bless - other/captive - other/honor - kt/power hang: def_title: hang aliases: [] hannah: def_title: Hannah aliases: [] see_also: - other/conceive - other/samuel haran: def_title: Haran aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/caleb - other/canaan - other/levite - other/lot - other/terah - other/ur hard: def_title: hard aliases: - hardness - harden see_also: - other/disobey - kt/evil - other/heart - other/laborpains - other/stiffnecked harp: def_title: harp aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/fir - other/psalm - other/saul haughty: def_title: haughty aliases: [] see_also: - kt/boast - other/proud head: def_title: head aliases: [] see_also: - other/grain heal: def_title: heal aliases: - cure examples: - 19-14 - 21-10 - 26-06 - 26-08 - 32-14 - 44-03 - 44-08 - 49-02 see_also: - kt/miracle heart: def_title: heart aliases: [] see_also: - other/hard hebrew: def_title: Hebrew aliases: [] see_also: - other/israel - other/jew - other/jewishleaders hebron: def_title: Hebron aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom heifer: def_title: heifer aliases: [] see_also: - other/cow heir: def_title: heir aliases: [] see_also: - kt/firstborn - kt/inherit herodantipas: def_title: 'Herod Antipas' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/crucify - other/herodthegreat - other/johnthebaptist - other/king - other/rome herodias: def_title: Herodias aliases: [] see_also: - other/herodantipas - other/johnthebaptist herodthegreat: def_title: 'Herod the Great' aliases: [] see_also: - other/herodantipas - other/judea - other/king - kt/temple hezekiah: def_title: Hezekiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaz - other/assyria - other/idol - other/judah - other/sennacherib highplaces: def_title: 'high places' aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/idol - kt/worship hilkiah: def_title: Hilkiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/eliakim - other/hezekiah - kt/highpriest - other/josiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/law - kt/worship - kt/yahweh hittite: def_title: Hittite aliases: [] see_also: - other/descendant - other/esau - other/foreigner - other/ham - other/mighty - other/solomon - other/uriah hivite: def_title: Hivite aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/hamor - other/noah - other/shechem holycity: def_title: 'holy city' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/heaven - kt/holy - other/jerusalem honey: def_title: honey aliases: - honeycomb see_also: - other/johnthebaptist - other/jonathan - other/philistines - other/samson honor: def_title: honor aliases: - 'to honor' see_also: - other/dishonor - kt/glory - kt/glorify - other/praise hooves: def_title: hoof aliases: - hoofed - hooves see_also: - other/camel - other/cow - other/donkey - other/goat - other/ox - other/pig - other/sheep horeb: def_title: Horeb aliases: [] see_also: - kt/covenant - other/israel - other/moses - other/sinai - other/tencommandments horn: def_title: horn aliases: - horns see_also: - kt/authority - other/cow - other/deer - other/goat - kt/power - other/royal - other/sheep - other/trumpet horror: def_title: horror aliases: - horrified see_also: - kt/fear - other/terror horse: def_title: horse aliases: [] see_also: - other/chariot - other/donkey - other/solomon horsemen: def_title: horsemen aliases: [] see_also: - other/chariot - other/horse hosea: def_title: Hosea aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaz - other/hezekiah - other/hoshea - other/jeroboam - other/jotham - other/uzziah - other/zechariahot hoshea: def_title: Hoshea aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaz - other/canaan - other/ephraim - other/hezekiah - other/joshua - other/moses house: def_title: house aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/descendant - kt/houseofgod - other/household - other/kingdomofisrael - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple - kt/yahweh household: def_title: household aliases: [] see_also: - other/house houseofdavid: def_title: 'house of David' aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/descendant - other/house - kt/jesus - other/king humble: def_title: humble aliases: - humility examples: - 17-02 - 34-10 see_also: - other/proud humiliate: def_title: humiliate aliases: - humiliation see_also: - other/disgrace - other/humble - other/shame iconium: def_title: Iconium aliases: [] see_also: - other/barnabas - other/lystra - other/stone idol: def_title: idol aliases: - idolatrous examples: - 13-05 - 13-12 - 14-03 - 18-12 - 19-16 see_also: - kt/falsegod - other/image - other/kingdom - kt/worship image: def_title: image aliases: - 'carved image' - 'carved figure' - 'cast metal figure' see_also: - kt/falsegod - kt/god - other/idol - kt/imageofgod incense: def_title: incense aliases: [] see_also: - other/altarofincense - other/burntoffering - other/frankincense inquire: def_title: inquire aliases: [] instruct: def_title: instruct aliases: - instruction see_also: - other/command - other/decree - other/teach integrity: def_title: integrity aliases: [] see_also: - other/daniel - other/josephot interpret: def_title: interpret aliases: - interpretation see_also: - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/dream - kt/prophet - other/vision isaac: def_title: Isaac aliases: [] examples: - 05-04 - 05-06 - 05-09 - 06-01 - 06-05 - 07-10 see_also: - other/abraham - other/descendant - kt/forever - kt/fulfill - other/jacob - other/sarah - other/12tribesofisrael isaiah: def_title: Isaiah aliases: [] examples: - 21-09 - 21-10 - 21-11 - 21-12 - 26-02 - 45-08 - 45-10 see_also: - other/ahaz - other/assyria - kt/christ - other/hezekiah - other/jotham - other/kingdomofjudah - kt/prophet - other/uzziah ishmael: def_title: Ishmael aliases: [] examples: - 05-02 - 05-04 see_also: - other/abraham - other/babylon - kt/covenant - other/desert - other/egypt - other/hagar - other/isaac - other/nebuchadnezzar - other/paran - other/sarah israel: def_title: Israel aliases: - israelites - 'nation of israel' examples: - 08-15 - 09-03 - 09-05 - 10-01 - 14-12 - 15-09 - 15-12 - 16-16 - 43-06 see_also: - other/jacob - other/kingdomofisrael - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nation - other/12tribesofisrael issachar: def_title: Issachar aliases: [] see_also: - other/gad - other/manasseh - other/naphtali - other/12tribesofisrael - other/zebulun jacob: def_title: Jacob aliases: - israel examples: - 07-01 - 07-07 - 07-08 - 07-10 - 08-01 see_also: - other/canaan - kt/deceive - other/esau - other/isaac - other/israel - other/rebekah - other/12tribesofisrael jamesbrotherofjesus: def_title: 'James (brother of Jesus)' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/christ - kt/church - other/judassonofjames - other/persecute jamessonofalphaeus: def_title: 'James (son of Alphaeus)' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/disciple - other/jamesbrotherofjesus - other/jamessonofzebedee - kt/thetwelve jamessonofzebedee: def_title: 'James (son of Zebedee)' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - other/elijah - other/jamesbrotherofjesus - other/jamessonofalphaeus - other/moses japheth: def_title: Japheth aliases: [] see_also: - other/ark - other/flood - other/ham - other/noah - other/shem jebusites: def_title: Jebusites aliases: - jebus see_also: - other/canaan - other/ham - other/jerusalem - other/melchizedek jehoiachin: def_title: Jehoiachin aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/jehoiakim - other/kingdomofjudah - other/manasseh jehoiada: def_title: Jehoiada aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaziah - other/baal - other/benaiah - other/joash jehoiakim: def_title: Jehoiakim aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/eliakim - other/jeremiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nebuchadnezzar jehoram: def_title: Jehoram aliases: - joram see_also: - other/ahab - other/jehoshaphat - other/joram - other/judah - other/kingdomofisrael - other/obadiah jehoshaphat: def_title: Jehoshaphat aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/david - kt/falsegod - other/israel - other/judah - kt/priest - other/solomon jehu: def_title: Jehu aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/ahaziah - other/baal - other/elisha - other/jehoshaphat - other/jehu - other/jezebel - other/joram - other/kingdomofjudah - other/samaria jephthah: def_title: Jephthah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ammon - kt/deliverer - other/ephraim - other/judgeposition - kt/vow jeremiah: def_title: Jeremiah aliases: [] examples: - 19-17 - 21-05 see_also: - other/babylon - other/kingdomofjudah - kt/prophet - other/rebel - kt/suffer - other/well jericho: def_title: Jericho aliases: [] examples: - 15-01 - 15-03 - 15-05 see_also: - other/canaan - other/jordanriver - other/joshua - kt/miracle - other/saltsea jeroboam: def_title: Jeroboam aliases: [] examples: - 18-08 - 18-09 see_also: - other/idol - other/kingdomofisrael - other/kingdomofjudah - other/solomon jerusalem: def_title: Jerusalem aliases: [] examples: - 17-05 - 18-02 - 20-07 - 20-12 - 38-01 - 38-02 - 42-08 - 42-11 see_also: - other/babylon - kt/christ - other/david - other/jebusites - kt/jesus - other/solomon - kt/temple - other/zion jesse: def_title: Jesse aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/boaz - other/descendant - kt/fruit - kt/jesus - other/king - kt/prophet - other/ruth - other/12tribesofisrael jethro: def_title: Jethro aliases: - reuel see_also: - other/captive - other/clan - other/desert - other/egypt - other/esau - kt/miracle - other/moses - other/desert jew: def_title: Jew aliases: - jewish - jews examples: - 20-11 - 20-12 - 37-10 - 37-11 - 40-02 - 46-06 see_also: - other/abraham - other/jacob - other/israel - other/babylon - other/jewishleaders jewishleaders: def_title: 'Jewish leaders' aliases: - 'jewish authorities' - 'religious leaders' examples: - 24-03 - 37-11 - 38-02 - 38-03 - 39-05 - 39-09 - 39-11 - 40-09 - 44-07 see_also: - other/jew - other/chiefpriests - other/council - kt/highpriest - other/pharisee - kt/priest - other/sadducee - other/scribe jezebel: def_title: Jezebel aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/elijah - other/idol jezreel: def_title: Jezreel aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/elijah - other/issachar - other/jezebel - other/palace - other/saltsea joab: def_title: Joab aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/david joash: def_title: Joash aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahaziah - other/altar - other/benjamin - kt/falsegod - other/gideon - other/highplaces - other/idol job: def_title: Job aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/esau - other/flood - other/jacob - other/noah - other/peoplegroup joel: def_title: Joel aliases: [] see_also: - other/joash - other/kingdomofjudah - other/pentecost johnmark: def_title: 'John Mark' aliases: [] see_also: - other/barnabas - other/paul johntheapostle: def_title: 'John (the apostle)' aliases: [] examples: - 36-01 - 44-01 - 44-06 - 44-07 - 44-09 see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/reveal - other/jamessonofzebedee - other/johnthebaptist - other/zebedee johnthebaptist: def_title: 'John (the Baptist)' aliases: [] examples: - 22-02 - 22-07 - 24-01 - 24-02 - 24-06 see_also: - kt/baptize - other/zechariahnt jonah: def_title: Jonah aliases: [] see_also: - other/disobey - other/nineveh - kt/turn jonathan: def_title: Jonathan aliases: [] see_also: - other/abiathar - other/david - other/moses - other/jeremiah - kt/priest - other/saul - other/scribe joppa: def_title: Joppa aliases: [] see_also: - other/mediterranean - other/jerusalem - other/sharon - other/tarshish joram: def_title: Joram aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/david - other/elijah - other/hamath - other/jehoram - other/kingdomofisrael - other/kingdomofjudah - other/obadiah - kt/prophet jordanriver: def_title: 'Jordan River' aliases: - jordan examples: - 15-02 - 15-03 - 19-14 see_also: - other/canaan - other/saltsea - other/seaofgalilee josephnt: def_title: 'Joseph (NT)' aliases: [] examples: - 22-04 - 23-01 - 23-02 - 23-03 - 23-04 - 26-04 see_also: - kt/christ - other/galilee - kt/jesus - other/nazareth - kt/sonofgod - other/virgin josephot: def_title: 'Joseph (OT)' aliases: [] examples: - 08-02 - 08-04 - 08-05 - 08-07 - 08-09 - 09-02 see_also: - other/egypt - other/jacob joshua: def_title: Joshua aliases: [] examples: - 14-04 - 14-06 - 14-08 - 14-14 - 14-15 - 15-03 see_also: - other/canaan - other/haggai - other/jericho - other/moses - kt/promisedland - other/zechariahot josiah: def_title: Josiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/idol - other/judah - other/law - kt/passover - kt/temple jotham: def_title: Jotham aliases: [] see_also: - other/abimelech - other/ahaz - other/gideon - other/uzziah judah: def_title: Judah aliases: [] see_also: - other/jacob - other/jew - other/kingdomofjudah - other/judea - other/12tribesofisrael judaism: def_title: Judaism aliases: - 'jewish religion' see_also: - other/jew - kt/lawofmoses judasiscariot: def_title: 'Judas Iscariot' aliases: [] examples: - 38-02 - 38-03 - 38-14 - 39-08 see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/betray - other/jewishleaders - other/judassonofjames judassonofjames: def_title: 'Judas the son of James' aliases: [] see_also: - other/jamessonofzebedee - other/judasiscariot - kt/son - kt/thetwelve judea: def_title: Judea aliases: [] see_also: - other/galilee - other/edom - other/judah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/samaria judgeposition: def_title: judge aliases: [] see_also: - other/governor - kt/judge - kt/lawofmoses kadesh: def_title: Kadesh aliases: - kadesh-barnea - 'meribah kadesh' see_also: - other/desert - other/edom - kt/holy kedar: def_title: Kedar aliases: [] see_also: - other/arabia - other/goat - other/ishmael - other/sacrifice kedesh: def_title: Kedesh aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/hebron - other/levite - other/naphtali - kt/priest - kt/refuge - other/shechem - other/12tribesofisrael kidronvalley: def_title: 'Kidron Valley' aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/asa - other/athaliah - other/david - kt/falsegod - other/hezekiah - other/highplaces - other/josiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/mountofolives kin: def_title: kin aliases: - kinsman kind: def_title: kind aliases: - kinds king: def_title: king aliases: [] examples: - 08-06 - 16-01 - 16-18 - 17-05 - 21-06 - 48-14 see_also: - kt/authority - other/herodantipas - other/kingdom - kt/kingdomofgod kingdom: def_title: kingdom aliases: [] examples: - 13-02 - 18-04 - 18-07 - 18-08 - 21-08 see_also: - kt/authority - other/king - kt/kingdomofgod - other/kingdomofisrael - other/judah - other/kingdomofjudah - kt/priest kingdomofisrael: def_title: 'kingdom of Israel' aliases: [] examples: - 18-08 - 18-10 - 18-11 - 20-01 - 20-02 - 20-04 see_also: - other/assyria - other/israel - other/kingdomofjudah - other/jerusalem - other/kingdom - other/samaria kingdomofjudah: def_title: Judah aliases: - 'kingdom of judah' examples: - 18-07 - 18-10 - 18-13 - 20-01 - 20-05 - 20-06 - 20-09 see_also: - other/judah - other/saltsea kiss: def_title: kiss aliases: [] know: def_title: know aliases: - knowledge - 'make known' see_also: - kt/lawofmoses - kt/reveal - other/understand - kt/wise korah: def_title: Korah aliases: [] see_also: - other/aaron - kt/authority - other/caleb - other/descendant - other/esau - other/judah - kt/priest laban: def_title: Laban aliases: [] see_also: - other/jacob - other/nahor - other/leah - other/rachel labor: def_title: labor aliases: - laborer see_also: - other/hard - other/laborpains laborpains: def_title: 'labor pains' aliases: - 'in labor' see_also: - other/labor - kt/lastday lamech: def_title: Lamech aliases: [] see_also: - other/cain - other/noah - other/seth lamp: def_title: lamp aliases: [] see_also: - other/lampstand - kt/life - kt/light lampstand: def_title: lampstand aliases: [] see_also: - other/bronze - other/gold - other/lamp - kt/light - other/silver - kt/temple law: def_title: law aliases: - principle see_also: - other/law - kt/lawofmoses lawful: def_title: lawful aliases: - lawfully - unlawful see_also: - kt/lawofmoses lawless: def_title: lawless aliases: - lawlessness see_also: - other/law - other/lawful - kt/lawofmoses lazarus: def_title: Lazarus aliases: [] examples: - 37-01 - 37-02 - 37-03 - 37-04 - 37-06 - 37-09 - 37-10 - 37-11 see_also: - other/beg - other/jewishleaders - other/martha - other/mary - kt/raise leah: def_title: Leah aliases: [] see_also: - other/jacob - other/judah - other/laban - other/rachel - other/rebekah - other/12tribesofisrael learnedmen: def_title: 'learned men' aliases: - astrologers see_also: - other/babylon - other/bethlehem - other/daniel lebanon: def_title: Lebanon aliases: [] see_also: - other/cedar - other/cypress - other/fir - other/phonecia leopard: def_title: leopard aliases: [] see_also: - other/beast - other/daniel - other/prey - other/vision leprosy: def_title: leprosy aliases: - leper - leprous see_also: - other/miriam - other/naaman - kt/unclean letter: def_title: letter aliases: - epistle see_also: - other/encourage - kt/exhort - other/teach leviathan: def_title: Leviathan aliases: [] see_also: - other/isaiah - other/job - other/serpent levite: def_title: Levite aliases: - levi see_also: - other/matthew - kt/priest - other/sacrifice - kt/temple - other/12tribesofisrael like: def_title: like aliases: - likeness see_also: - other/beast - kt/flesh - kt/imageofgod - other/image - kt/perish lion: def_title: lion aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/leopard - other/samson - other/sheep livestock: def_title: livestock aliases: [] locust: def_title: locust aliases: [] see_also: - other/captive - other/egypt - other/israel - other/johnthebaptist - other/plague loins: def_title: loins aliases: [] see_also: - other/descendant - other/gird - other/offspring lot: def_title: Lot aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/ammon - other/haran - other/moab - other/sodom lots: def_title: lots aliases: - 'casting lots' see_also: - other/elizabeth - kt/priest - other/zechariahot - other/zechariahnt lover: def_title: lover aliases: [] see_also: - kt/adultery - kt/falsegod - other/idol - kt/love lowly: def_title: lowly aliases: - lowliness see_also: - other/humble - other/proud luke: def_title: Luke aliases: [] see_also: - other/antioch - other/paul - other/syria lust: def_title: lust aliases: [] lute: def_title: lute aliases: - lyre see_also: - other/harp lystra: def_title: Lystra aliases: [] see_also: - kt/evangelism - other/iconium - other/timothy maacah: def_title: Maacah aliases: [] see_also: - other/asa - other/asherim - other/nahor - other/naphtali - other/12tribesofisrael macedonia: def_title: Macedonia aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believer - other/berea - kt/faith - kt/goodnews - other/greece - other/philippi - other/thessalonica magic: def_title: magic aliases: - magician see_also: - other/divination - other/egypt - other/pharaoh - kt/power - other/sorcery magistrate: def_title: magistrate aliases: - magistrates see_also: - other/judgeposition - kt/lawofmoses magnify: def_title: magnify aliases: [] see_also: - kt/exalt - kt/glorify malachi: def_title: Malachi aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/captive - other/ezra - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nehemiah - kt/prophet - kt/repent - kt/turn manager: def_title: manager aliases: - steward see_also: - other/servant manasseh: def_title: Manasseh aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/dan - other/ephraim - other/ezra - other/idol - other/jacob - other/judah - other/pagan - other/12tribesofisrael manna: def_title: manna aliases: [] see_also: - other/bread - other/desert - other/grain - kt/heaven - kt/sabbath manofgod: def_title: 'man of God' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - other/honor - kt/prophet martha: def_title: Martha aliases: [] see_also: - other/lazarus - other/marysisterofmartha mary: def_title: Mary aliases: - 'the mother of jesus' examples: - 22-04 - 22-05 - 22-06 - 23-02 - 23-04 - 49-01 see_also: - other/cana - other/egypt - other/herodthegreat - kt/jesus - other/josephnt - kt/sonofgod - other/virgin marymagdalene: def_title: 'Mary Magdalene' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/demon - kt/demonpossessed marysisterofmartha: def_title: 'Mary (sister of Martha)' aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethany - other/frankincense - other/lazarus - other/martha matthew: def_title: Matthew aliases: - levi see_also: - kt/apostle - other/levite - other/taxcollector mealoffering: def_title: 'meal offering' aliases: - 'grain offering' see_also: - other/burntoffering - other/grain - other/sacrifice mede: def_title: Medes aliases: - media see_also: - other/assyria - other/babylon - other/cyrus - other/daniel - other/darius - other/elam - other/persia mediator: def_title: mediator aliases: [] see_also: - kt/priest - kt/reconcile meditate: def_title: meditate aliases: [] mediterranean: def_title: 'the sea' aliases: - 'the great sea' - 'the western sea' - 'mediterranean sea' see_also: - other/israel - other/peoplegroup - other/prosper meek: def_title: meek aliases: - meekness see_also: - other/humble melchizedek: def_title: "Melchizedek​" aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - kt/eternity - kt/highpriest - other/jerusalem - other/levite - kt/priest - kt/righteous melt: def_title: melt aliases: - molten see_also: - other/heart - other/idol - other/image - other/seal member: def_title: member aliases: [] see_also: - kt/body - other/pharisee - other/council memorialoffering: def_title: memorial aliases: - 'memorial offering' memphis: def_title: Memphis aliases: [] see_also: - other/egypt - other/nileriver meshech: def_title: Meshech aliases: [] see_also: - other/japheth - other/noah - other/shem mesopotamia: def_title: Mesopotamia aliases: - 'aram naharaim' see_also: - other/aram - other/babylon - other/chaldeans - other/euphrates messenger: def_title: messenger aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - kt/apostle - other/johnthebaptist micah: def_title: Micah aliases: [] see_also: - other/assyria - other/dan - other/ephraim - other/idol - other/isaiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/judgeposition - other/levite - kt/priest - kt/prophet - other/samaria - other/silver michael: def_title: Michael aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - other/daniel - other/messenger - other/persia midian: def_title: Midian aliases: - midianites examples: - 16-03 - 16-04 - 16-11 - 16-14 mighty: def_title: mighty aliases: - might see_also: - kt/almighty - kt/miracle - kt/power - other/strength mind: def_title: mind aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believe - other/heart - kt/soul miriam: def_title: Miriam aliases: [] see_also: - other/aaron - other/cush - kt/intercede - other/moses - other/nileriver - other/pharaoh - other/rebel mishael: def_title: Mishael aliases: [] see_also: - other/aaron - other/azariah - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/hananiah mizpah: def_title: Mizpah aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - other/kingdomofjudah - other/kingdomofisrael - other/moab - other/saul moab: def_title: Moab aliases: - moabite - moabitess see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/judea - other/lot - other/ruth - other/saltsea mock: def_title: mock aliases: - ridicule - 'scoff at' examples: - 21-12 - 39-05 - 39-12 - 40-04 - 40-05 mold: def_title: mold aliases: [] see_also: - kt/falsegod - other/gold - other/idol - other/silver molech: def_title: Molech aliases: - moloch see_also: - other/canaan - kt/evil - kt/falsegod - kt/god - other/idol - other/sacrifice - kt/true - kt/worship - kt/yahweh mordecai: def_title: Mordecai aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/babylon - other/esther - other/persia moses: def_title: Moses aliases: [] examples: - 09-12 - 12-05 - 12-07 - 12-12 - 13-07 see_also: - other/miriam - kt/promisedland - other/tencommandments mounthermon: def_title: 'Mount Hermon' aliases: [] see_also: - other/israel - other/seaofgalilee - other/syria mountofolives: def_title: 'Mount of Olives' aliases: [] see_also: - other/gethsemane - other/olive mourn: def_title: mourn aliases: - mourning see_also: - other/sackcloth - kt/sin multiply: def_title: multiply aliases: [] myrrh: def_title: myrrh aliases: [] see_also: - other/frankincense - other/learnedmen mystery: def_title: mystery aliases: - 'hidden truth' see_also: - kt/christ - other/gentile - kt/goodnews - other/jew - kt/true naaman: def_title: Naaman aliases: [] examples: - 19-14 - 19-15 - 26-06 see_also: - other/aram - other/jordanriver - other/leprosy - kt/prophet nahor: def_title: Nahor aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/rebekah nahum: def_title: Nahum aliases: [] see_also: - other/assyria - other/manasseh - kt/prophet - other/nineveh naphtali: def_title: Naphtali aliases: [] see_also: - other/asher - other/dan - other/jacob - other/seaofgalilee - other/12tribesofisrael nathan: def_title: Nathan aliases: [] examples: - 17-07 - 17-13 see_also: - other/david - kt/faithful - kt/prophet - other/uriah nation: def_title: nation aliases: [] see_also: - other/assyria - other/babylon - other/canaan - other/gentile - other/greek - other/peoplegroup - other/philistines - other/rome nazareth: def_title: Nazareth aliases: - nazarene examples: - 23-04 - 26-02 - 26-07 see_also: - kt/christ - other/galilee - other/josephnt - other/mary nazirite: def_title: Nazirite aliases: - 'nazirite vow' see_also: - other/johnthebaptist - other/sacrifice - other/samson - kt/vow - other/zechariahot nebuchadnezzar: def_title: Nebuchadnezzar aliases: [] examples: - 20-06 - 20-06 - 20-08 - 20-09 see_also: - other/arrogant - other/azariah - other/babylon - other/hananiah - other/mishael negev: def_title: Negev aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/beersheba - other/israel - other/judah - other/kadesh - other/saltsea - other/simeon nehemiah: def_title: Nehemiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/artaxerxes - other/babylon - other/jerusalem - kt/son neighbor: def_title: neighbor aliases: [] see_also: - other/adversary - other/parable - other/peoplegroup - other/samaria newmoon: def_title: 'new moon' aliases: [] see_also: - other/biblicaltimemonth - other/earth - other/festival - other/horn - other/sheep nileriver: def_title: 'Nile River' aliases: - 'river of egypt' examples: - 08-04 - 09-04 - 09-06 - 10-03 see_also: - other/egypt - other/goshen - other/moses nineveh: def_title: Nineveh aliases: - ninevite see_also: - other/assyria - other/jonah - kt/repent - kt/turn noah: def_title: Noah aliases: [] examples: - 03-02 - 03-04 - 03-13 see_also: - other/descendant noble: def_title: noble aliases: - nobleman oak: def_title: oak aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy oath: def_title: oath aliases: - swear - 'swear by' see_also: - other/abimelech - kt/covenant - kt/vow obadiah: def_title: Obadiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/babylon - other/david - other/edom - other/esau - other/ezekiel - other/daniel - other/gad - other/jehoshaphat - other/josiah - other/levite - other/saul - other/zedekiah obey: def_title: obey aliases: - obedient - obedience examples: - 03-04 - 05-06 - 05-10 - 05-10 - 13-07 see_also: - other/citizen - other/command - other/disobey - other/kingdom - other/law offspring: def_title: offspring aliases: [] see_also: - other/descendant - kt/seed oil: def_title: oil aliases: [] see_also: - other/olive - other/sacrifice olive: def_title: olive aliases: [] see_also: - other/lamp - other/mediterranean - other/mountofolives omri: def_title: Omri aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/israel - other/jeroboam - other/tirzah onhigh: def_title: 'on high' aliases: - 'in the highest' see_also: - kt/heaven - other/honor ordain: def_title: ordain aliases: [] see_also: - other/command - kt/covenant - other/decree - other/law - kt/lawofmoses - kt/priest ordinance: def_title: ordinance aliases: [] see_also: - other/command - other/decree - kt/lawofmoses - other/ordain - other/statute overseer: def_title: overseer aliases: [] see_also: - kt/church - other/elder - kt/pastor - other/shepherd overtake: def_title: overtake aliases: - overtook see_also: - kt/bless - kt/curse - other/prey - other/punish ox: def_title: ox aliases: - oxen see_also: - other/cow - other/yoke paddanaram: def_title: 'Paddan Aram' aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/aram - other/bethuel - other/canaan - other/haran - other/jacob - other/laban - other/rebekah - other/syria pagan: def_title: pagan aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - kt/falsegod - other/sacrifice - kt/worship - kt/yahweh palace: def_title: palace aliases: [] see_also: - other/courtyard - kt/highpriest - other/king palm: def_title: palm aliases: [] see_also: - other/donkey - other/jerusalem - other/peace parable: def_title: parable aliases: [] see_also: - other/samaria paran: def_title: Paran aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/desert - other/egypt - other/kadesh - other/sinai pardon: def_title: pardon aliases: [] see_also: - kt/forgive - kt/guilt - kt/judge partial: def_title: partial aliases: - partiality see_also: - kt/favor patient: def_title: patient aliases: - patience see_also: - kt/endure - kt/forgive - other/perseverance patriarchs: def_title: patriarchs aliases: [] see_also: - other/father paul: def_title: Paul aliases: - saul examples: - 45-06 - 46-01 - 46-02 - 46-05 - 46-06 - 46-09 - 47-01 - 47-14 see_also: - kt/christian - other/jewishleaders - other/rome peace: def_title: peace aliases: - peaceful examples: - 15-06 - 15-12 - 16-03 - 21-13 - 48-14 - 50-17 peaceoffering: def_title: 'peace offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/burntoffering - kt/fellowship - other/fellowshipoffering - other/grainoffering - kt/priest - other/sacrifice - kt/unleavenedbread pentecost: def_title: Pentecost aliases: - 'festival of weeks' see_also: - other/festival - kt/firstfruit - kt/harvest - kt/holyspirit - kt/raise peoplegroup: def_title: 'people group' aliases: - peoples - 'the people' - 'a people' examples: - 14-02 - 21-02 - 42-08 - 42-10 - 48-11 - 50-03 see_also: - other/descendant - other/nation - other/tribe - kt/world peor: def_title: Peor aliases: - 'mount peor' - 'baal peor' see_also: - other/baal - kt/falsegod - other/moab - other/saltsea - kt/worship perizzite: def_title: Perizzite aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - kt/falsegod persecute: def_title: persecute aliases: - persecution examples: - 33-07 - 45-06 - 46-02 - 46-04 see_also: - kt/christian - kt/church - kt/oppress - other/rome perseverance: def_title: persevere aliases: - perseverance see_also: - other/patient - other/trial persia: def_title: Persia aliases: - persians see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/artaxerxes - other/assyria - other/babylon - other/cyrus - other/esther - other/ezra - other/nehemiah perverse: def_title: perverse aliases: - perversely - pervert see_also: - kt/corrupt - kt/deceive - other/disobey - kt/evil - kt/turn peter: def_title: Peter aliases: - 'simon peter' - cephas examples: - 28-09 - 29-01 - 31-05 - 36-01 - 38-09 - 38-15 - 43-11 - 44-08 see_also: - kt/disciple - kt/apostle pharaoh: def_title: Pharaoh aliases: - 'king of egypt' examples: - 08-06 - 08-08 - 09-02 - 09-13 - 10-02 see_also: - other/egypt - other/king pharisee: def_title: Pharisee aliases: [] see_also: - other/council - other/jewishleaders - kt/lawofmoses - other/sadducee philip: def_title: Philip aliases: - 'the evangelist' see_also: - other/philiptheapostle philippi: def_title: Philippi aliases: [] examples: - 47-01 - 47-13 see_also: - other/caesarea - kt/christian - kt/church - other/macedonia - other/paul - other/silas philiptheapostle: def_title: Philip aliases: - 'the apostle' see_also: - other/philip philistia: def_title: Philistia aliases: [] see_also: - other/philistines - other/gaza - other/joppa philistines: def_title: Philistines aliases: [] see_also: - other/ashdod - other/ashkelon - other/david - other/ekron - other/gath - other/gaza - other/goliath - other/saltsea phinehas: def_title: Phinehas aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - other/jordanriver - other/midian - other/philistines - other/samuel phonecia: def_title: Phoenicia aliases: [] see_also: - other/cedar - other/purple - other/sidon - other/tyre pierce: def_title: pierce aliases: [] see_also: - kt/cross - kt/jesus - other/servant - other/simeon pig: def_title: pig aliases: - swine - pork see_also: - kt/unclean pilate: def_title: Pilate aliases: [] examples: - 39-09 - 39-10 - 39-11 - 39-12 - 40-02 - 41-02 see_also: - kt/crucify - other/governor - kt/guilt - other/judea - other/rome pillar: def_title: pillar aliases: - column see_also: - other/foundation - other/idol - other/image pit: def_title: pit aliases: [] see_also: - other/abyss - kt/hell - other/prison plague: def_title: plague aliases: [] see_also: - other/hail - other/israel - other/moses - other/pharaoh plead: def_title: plead aliases: - pleading - plea pledge: def_title: pledge aliases: [] see_also: - kt/promise - other/oath - kt/vow plow: def_title: plow aliases: [] see_also: - other/bronze - other/ox pomegranate: def_title: pomegranate aliases: [] see_also: - other/bronze - other/canaan - other/egypt - other/solomon - kt/temple pontus: def_title: Pontus aliases: [] see_also: - other/aquila - other/pentecost possess: def_title: possess aliases: - possession see_also: - other/canaan - kt/worship potiphar: def_title: Potiphar aliases: [] see_also: - other/egypt - other/josephot - other/pharaoh praise: def_title: praise aliases: [] examples: - 12-13 - 17-08 - 22-07 - 43-13 - 47-08 see_also: - kt/worship pray: def_title: pray aliases: - prayer examples: - 06-05 - 13-12 - 19-08 - 21-07 - 38-11 - 43-13 - 49-18 see_also: - kt/falsegod - kt/forgive - other/praise preach: def_title: preach aliases: [] examples: - 24-02 - 30-01 - 38-01 - 45-06 - 45-07 - 46-06 - 46-10 - 47-14 - 50-02 see_also: - kt/goodnews - kt/jesus - kt/kingdomofgod precious: def_title: precious aliases: [] see_also: - other/gold - other/silver prey: def_title: prey aliases: - 'to prey on' see_also: - kt/oppress prince: def_title: prince aliases: - princess see_also: - kt/angel - kt/authority - kt/christ - kt/demon - kt/lord - kt/power - other/ruler - kt/satan - kt/savior - kt/spirit priscilla: def_title: Priscilla aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believe - kt/christian - other/corinth - other/ephesus - other/paul - other/rome - other/syria prison: def_title: prison aliases: - prisoner - imprison see_also: - other/captive proclaim: def_title: proclaim aliases: - proclamation see_also: - other/preach profane: def_title: profane aliases: [] see_also: - other/defile - kt/holy - kt/unclean profit: def_title: profit aliases: - profitable prosper: def_title: prosper aliases: - prosperity - prosperous see_also: - kt/bless - kt/fruit - kt/spirit prostitute: def_title: prostitute aliases: - harlot - whore see_also: - kt/adultery - kt/falsegod - kt/fornication - other/idol prostrate: def_title: prostrate aliases: [] see_also: - other/awe - kt/bow proud: def_title: proud aliases: - pride - prideful examples: - 04-02 - 34-10 see_also: - other/arrogant - other/humble - kt/joy proverb: def_title: proverb aliases: [] see_also: - other/solomon - kt/true - kt/wise province: def_title: province aliases: - provincial see_also: - other/asia - other/egypt - other/esther - other/galatia - other/galilee - other/judea - other/macedonia - other/mede - other/rome - other/samaria - other/syria provoke: def_title: provoke aliases: [] see_also: - other/angry prudent: def_title: prudent aliases: [] see_also: - other/shrewd - kt/spirit - kt/wise psalm: def_title: psalm aliases: [] see_also: - other/david - kt/faith - kt/joy - other/moses - other/sacred puffed-up: def_title: 'puffed up' aliases: [] see_also: - other/arrogant - other/proud punish: def_title: punish aliases: - punishment examples: - 13-07 - 16-02 - 19-16 - 48-06 - 48-10 - 49-09 - 49-11 see_also: - kt/justice - kt/repent - kt/righteous - kt/sin purple: def_title: purple aliases: [] see_also: - other/ephod - other/philippi - other/royal - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple push: def_title: push aliases: [] see_also: - kt/oppress - other/persecute - other/reject qualify: def_title: qualify aliases: - qualified see_also: - other/colossae - kt/godly - other/kingdom - kt/light - other/paul - kt/redeem queen: def_title: queen aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/athaliah - other/esther - other/king - other/persia - other/ruler - other/sheba quench: def_title: quench aliases: [] see_also: - kt/fruit - kt/gift - kt/holyspirit rabbah: def_title: Rabbah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ammon - other/david rachel: def_title: Rachel aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/jacob - other/laban - other/leah - other/josephot - other/12tribesofisrael rage: def_title: rage aliases: [] rahab: def_title: Rahab aliases: [] examples: - 15-01 - 15-05 see_also: - other/israel - other/jericho - other/prostitute ramah: def_title: Ramah aliases: [] see_also: - other/benjamin - other/12tribesofisrael ramoth: def_title: Ramoth aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/ahaziah - other/aram - other/gad - other/jehoshaphat - other/jehu - other/joram - other/jordanriver - other/kingdomofjudah - kt/refuge reap: def_title: reap aliases: - reaper see_also: - kt/goodnews - kt/harvest rebekah: def_title: Rebekah aliases: [] examples: - 06-02 - 06-06 - 07-01 - 07-03 - 07-06 see_also: - other/abraham - other/aram - other/esau - other/isaac - other/jacob - other/nahor - other/negev rebel: def_title: rebel aliases: - rebellious - rebellion examples: - 14-14 - 18-07 - 18-09 - 18-13 - 20-07 - 45-03 rebuke: def_title: rebuke aliases: [] see_also: - other/admonish - other/disobey redsea: def_title: 'Sea of Reeds' aliases: - 'red sea' examples: - 12-04 - 12-05 - 13-01 see_also: - other/arabia - other/canaan - other/egypt reed: def_title: reed aliases: - reeds see_also: - other/egypt - other/moses - other/nileriver rehoboam: def_title: Rehoboam aliases: [] examples: - 18-05 - 18-06 - 18-07 see_also: - other/kingdomofisrael - other/kingdomofjudah - other/solomon reign: def_title: reign aliases: [] see_also: - other/kingdom reject: def_title: reject aliases: [] see_also: - other/command - other/disobey - other/obey - other/stiffnecked rejoice: def_title: rejoice aliases: [] see_also: - kt/joy renown: def_title: renown aliases: - renowned see_also: - other/honor report: def_title: report aliases: [] reproach: def_title: reproach aliases: [] see_also: - other/accuse - other/rebuke - other/shame reuben: def_title: Reuben aliases: [] see_also: - other/jacob - other/josephot - other/leah - other/12tribesofisrael reverence: def_title: reverence aliases: [] see_also: - kt/fear - other/honor - other/obey rimmon: def_title: Rimmon aliases: [] see_also: - other/benjamin - other/judea - other/naaman - other/syria - other/zebulun robe: def_title: robe aliases: [] see_also: - other/royal - other/tunic rod: def_title: rod aliases: [] see_also: - other/staff - other/sheep - other/shepherd rome: def_title: Rome aliases: - roman examples: - 23-04 - 32-06 - 39-09 - 39-12 see_also: - kt/goodnews - other/mediterranean - other/pilate - other/paul royal: def_title: royal aliases: [] see_also: - other/king - other/palace - kt/priest - other/purple - other/queen - other/robe ruin: def_title: ruin aliases: - ruins ruler: def_title: ruler aliases: - rulers - rule see_also: - kt/authority - other/governor - other/king - other/synagogue run: def_title: run aliases: - running see_also: - kt/falsegod - other/perseverance - kt/refuge - kt/turn ruth: def_title: Ruth aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/boaz - other/david - other/judgeposition sackcloth: def_title: sackcloth aliases: [] see_also: - other/ash - other/camel - other/goat - other/humble - other/mourn - kt/repent - kt/sign sacred: def_title: sacred aliases: [] see_also: - kt/holy - kt/consecrate - kt/priest sacrifice: def_title: sacrifice aliases: - offering examples: - 03-14 - 05-06 - 05-09 - 13-09 - 17-06 - 48-06 - 48-08 - 49-11 see_also: - other/altar - other/burntoffering - other/drinkoffering - kt/falsegod - other/fellowshipoffering - other/freewilloffering - other/peaceoffering - kt/priest - other/sinoffering - kt/worship sadducee: def_title: Sadducee aliases: [] see_also: - other/chiefpriests - other/council - kt/highpriest - kt/hypocrite - other/jewishleaders - other/pharisee - kt/priest saltsea: def_title: 'Salt Sea' aliases: - 'dead sea' see_also: - other/ammon - other/arabah - other/jordanriver - other/moab - other/negev samaria: def_title: Samaria aliases: - samaritan examples: - 20-04 - 27-08 - 27-09 - 45-07 see_also: - other/assyria - other/galilee - other/judea - other/sharon - other/kingdomofisrael samson: def_title: Samson aliases: [] see_also: - kt/deliverer - other/philistines - other/12tribesofisrael samuel: def_title: Samuel aliases: [] see_also: - other/hannah - kt/judge - kt/prophet - kt/yahweh sandal: def_title: sandal aliases: [] sarah: def_title: Sarah aliases: - sarai examples: - 05-01 - 05-04 - 05-04 - 05-05 see_also: - other/abraham - other/isaac saul: def_title: 'Saul (OT)' aliases: [] examples: - 17-01 - 17-04 - 17-05 see_also: - other/king scepter: def_title: scepter aliases: [] see_also: - kt/authority - kt/christ - other/king - kt/righteous scribe: def_title: scribe aliases: - 'expert in the jewish law' see_also: - kt/lawofmoses - other/pharisee scroll: def_title: scroll aliases: [] see_also: - other/seal - other/synagogue - kt/wordofgod seacow: def_title: 'sea cow' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/tabernacle seal: def_title: seal aliases: - 'to seal' see_also: - kt/holyspirit - other/tomb seaofgalilee: def_title: 'Sea of Galilee' aliases: - 'sea of chinnereth' - 'lake of gennesaret' - 'sea of tiberias' see_also: - other/capernaum - other/galilee - other/jordanriver - other/saltsea seek: def_title: seek aliases: - sought see_also: - kt/justice - kt/true seize: def_title: seize aliases: [] selah: def_title: selah aliases: [] see_also: - other/psalm selfcontrol: def_title: self-control aliases: [] see_also: - kt/fruit - kt/holyspirit send: def_title: send aliases: - 'send out' - sent see_also: - kt/appoint - kt/redeem sennacherib: def_title: Sennacherib aliases: [] see_also: - other/assyria - other/babylon - other/hezekiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/mock - other/nineveh serpent: def_title: serpent aliases: - snake - viper see_also: - kt/curse - kt/deceive - other/disobey - other/eden - kt/evil - other/offspring - other/prey - kt/satan - kt/sin - kt/tempt servant: def_title: servant aliases: - slave - slavery examples: - 06-01 - 08-04 - 09-13 - 19-10 - 29-03 - 35-06 - 47-04 - 50-04 see_also: - other/commit - kt/enslave - other/household - kt/lord - other/obey - kt/righteous - other/serve serve: def_title: serve aliases: - service see_also: - kt/covenant - kt/lawofmoses - other/servant seth: def_title: Seth aliases: [] see_also: - other/abel - other/cain - kt/call - other/descendant - other/father - other/flood - other/noah sex: def_title: 'sleep with' aliases: - 'have relations with' - lovemaking see_also: - kt/fornication shadow: def_title: shadow aliases: [] see_also: - kt/darkness - kt/light shame: def_title: shame aliases: - shameful - ashamed see_also: - kt/falsegod - other/humble - other/humiliate - other/isaiah - kt/repent - kt/sin - kt/worship sharon: def_title: Sharon aliases: - 'plain of sharon' see_also: - other/caesarea - other/carmel - other/joppa - other/mediterranean sheba: def_title: Sheba aliases: [] see_also: - other/arabia - other/beersheba - other/ethiopia - other/solomon shechem: def_title: Shechem aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/esau - other/hamor - other/hivite - other/jacob sheep: def_title: sheep aliases: - ram - ewe examples: - 09-12 - 17-02 - 30-03 - 38-08 see_also: - other/israel - kt/lamb - other/sacrifice - other/shepherd shem: def_title: Shem aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/arabia - other/ark - other/flood - other/noah shepherd: def_title: shepherd aliases: - 'to shepherd' examples: - 09-11 - 17-02 - 23-06 - 23-08 - 30-03 see_also: - kt/believer - other/canaan - kt/church - other/moses - kt/pastor - other/sheep - kt/spirit shield: def_title: shield aliases: [] see_also: - kt/faith - other/obey - kt/satan - kt/spirit shiloh: def_title: Shiloh aliases: [] see_also: - other/bethel - other/dedicate - other/hannah - other/jerusalem - other/jordanriver - kt/priest - other/sacrifice - other/samuel - kt/temple shimei: def_title: Shimei aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/benjamin - other/levite - kt/priest shinar: def_title: Shinar aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/babel - other/babylon - other/chaldeans - other/mesopotamia - other/patriarchs - other/ur shrewd: def_title: shrewd aliases: [] sidon: def_title: Sidon aliases: - sidonians see_also: - other/canaan - other/noah - other/phonecia - other/mediterranean - other/tyre siege: def_title: siege aliases: - besiege silas: def_title: Silas aliases: - silvanus examples: - 47-01 - 47-02 - 47-03 - 47-07 - 47-08 - 47-11 - 47-13 see_also: - other/antioch - other/barnabas - other/jerusalem - other/paul - other/philippi - other/prison - kt/testimony silver: def_title: silver aliases: [] see_also: - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple simeon: def_title: Simeon aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - kt/christ - other/dedicate - other/jacob - other/judah - kt/temple simonthezealot: def_title: 'Simon the Zealot' aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/disciple - kt/thetwelve sinai: def_title: Sinai aliases: - 'mount sinai' examples: - 13-01 - 13-03 - 13-11 - 15-13 see_also: - other/desert - other/egypt - other/horeb - kt/promisedland - other/tencommandments sinoffering: def_title: 'sin offering' aliases: [] see_also: - other/altar - other/cow - kt/forgive - other/sacrifice - kt/sin sister: def_title: sister aliases: [] see_also: - kt/brother - kt/inchrist - kt/spirit skull: def_title: skull aliases: [] see_also: - kt/crucify - other/golgotha slain: def_title: slay aliases: - slain see_also: - other/slaughter slander: def_title: slander aliases: - slanderer see_also: - kt/blasphemy slaughter: def_title: slaughter aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - other/cow - other/disobey - other/ezekiel - other/servant - other/slain snare: def_title: snare aliases: - trap see_also: - kt/free - other/prey - kt/satan - kt/tempt snow: def_title: snow aliases: [] see_also: - other/lebanon - kt/purify sodom: def_title: Sodom aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - other/gomorrah solomon: def_title: Solomon aliases: [] examples: - 17-14 - 18-01 - 18-02 - 18-03 - 18-04 see_also: - other/bathsheba - other/david - other/israel - other/kingdomofjudah - other/kingdomofisrael - kt/temple sorcery: def_title: sorcery aliases: - sorcerer - witchcraft see_also: - kt/adultery - kt/demon - other/divination - other/idol - other/magic - other/sacrifice - kt/worship sow: def_title: sow aliases: - sower - plant see_also: - kt/evil - kt/good - other/reap spear: def_title: spear aliases: [] see_also: - other/prey - other/rome - other/sword - other/warrior splendor: def_title: splendor aliases: [] see_also: - kt/glory - other/king - kt/majesty staff: def_title: staff aliases: [] see_also: - other/pharaoh - kt/power - other/sheep - other/shepherd statute: def_title: statute aliases: - statutes see_also: - other/command - other/decree - kt/lawofmoses - other/ordinance - kt/yahweh stephen: def_title: Stephen aliases: [] see_also: - kt/appoint - other/deacon - other/jerusalem - other/paul - other/stone - kt/true stiffnecked: def_title: stiff-necked aliases: - stubborn see_also: - other/arrogant - other/proud - kt/repent stone: def_title: stone aliases: - stoning see_also: - kt/adultery - other/commit - other/criminal - kt/death - other/lystra - kt/testimony storehouse: def_title: storehouse aliases: [] see_also: - kt/consecrate - other/dedicate - other/famine - other/gold - other/grain - other/silver - kt/temple strength: def_title: strength aliases: - strengthen see_also: - kt/faithful - other/perseverance - kt/righthand - kt/salvation strife: def_title: strife aliases: [] see_also: - other/angry strongdrink: def_title: 'strong drink' aliases: [] see_also: - other/grape - other/nazirite - kt/vow - other/wine stronghold: def_title: stronghold aliases: - fortress - fortified see_also: - kt/falsegod - other/idol - kt/refuge - kt/yahweh stumble: def_title: stumble aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believe - other/persecute - kt/sin - other/stumblingblock stumblingblock: def_title: 'stumbling block' aliases: - 'stone of stumbling' see_also: - other/stumble - kt/sin subject: def_title: subject aliases: - 'be subject to' - 'in subjection to' see_also: - other/submit submit: def_title: submit aliases: - 'in submission' see_also: - other/subject succoth: def_title: Succoth aliases: [] sulfur: def_title: sulfur aliases: [] see_also: - other/gomorrah - kt/judge - other/lot - other/rebel - other/sodom - kt/ungodly sweep: def_title: sweep aliases: - swept see_also: - other/assyria - other/isaiah - other/judah - kt/prophet sword: def_title: sword aliases: [] see_also: - other/jamesbrotherofjesus - other/johnthebaptist - other/tongue - kt/wordofgod synagogue: def_title: synagogue aliases: [] see_also: - other/heal - other/jerusalem - other/jew - other/pray - kt/temple - kt/wordofgod - kt/worship syria: def_title: Syria aliases: [] see_also: - other/aram - other/commander - other/damascus - other/descendant - other/elisha - other/leprosy - other/naaman - other/persecute - kt/prophet tamar: def_title: Tamar aliases: [] see_also: - other/absalom - other/father - other/amnon - other/david - other/father - other/judah - other/saltsea tarshish: def_title: Tarshish aliases: [] see_also: - other/esther - other/japheth - other/jonah - other/nineveh - other/phonecia - other/wisemen tarsus: def_title: Tarsus aliases: [] see_also: - other/cilicia - other/paul - other/province - other/mediterranean tax: def_title: tax aliases: - taxes see_also: - other/bethlehem - other/census - other/citizen - other/rome - other/taxcollector taxcollector: def_title: 'tax collector' aliases: [] examples: - 34-06 - 34-07 - 34-09 - 34-10 - 35-01 see_also: - other/jew - other/rome - kt/sin teach: def_title: teach aliases: - teaching - teacher - taught see_also: - other/instruct - kt/teacher - kt/wordofgod tencommandments: def_title: 'Ten Commandments' aliases: [] examples: - 13-07 - 13-13 - 13-15 see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - other/command - kt/covenant - other/desert - kt/lawofmoses - other/obey - other/sinai - kt/worship tent: def_title: tent aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/canaan - other/curtain - other/paul - other/sinai - kt/tabernacle - other/tentofmeeting tenth: def_title: tenth aliases: - tithe see_also: - kt/believer - other/israel - other/levite - other/livestock - other/melchizedek - kt/minister - other/sacrifice - kt/tabernacle - kt/temple tentofmeeting: def_title: 'tent of meeting' aliases: [] examples: - 13-08 - 13-09 - 14-08 - 18-02 see_also: - other/israel - other/moses - other/pillar - kt/tabernacle - other/tent terah: def_title: "Terah​" aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/canaan - other/haran - other/lot - other/mesopotamia - other/nahor - other/sarah - other/shem - other/ur terror: def_title: terror aliases: - terrify see_also: - other/adversary - kt/fear - kt/judge - other/plague - kt/yahweh tetrarch: def_title: tetrarch aliases: [] see_also: - other/governor - other/herodantipas - other/province - other/rome - other/ruler thessalonica: def_title: Thessalonica aliases: - thessalonians see_also: - other/macedonia - other/paul - other/rome thief: def_title: thief aliases: - thieves - robber see_also: - kt/bless - other/criminal - kt/crucify - kt/darkness - other/destroyer - kt/power - other/samaria - kt/satan thomas: def_title: Thomas aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/disciple - kt/godthefather - kt/thetwelve thorn: def_title: thorn aliases: - thistle see_also: - other/crown - kt/fruit - kt/spirit thresh: def_title: thresh aliases: - threshing see_also: - other/chaff - other/grain - other/winnow threshold: def_title: threshold aliases: [] see_also: - kt/gate - other/tent throne: def_title: throne aliases: [] see_also: - kt/authority - kt/power - other/king - other/reign time: def_title: time aliases: [] see_also: - other/age - other/tribulation timothy: def_title: Timothy aliases: [] see_also: - kt/appoint - kt/believer - kt/church - other/greek - kt/minister tirzah: def_title: Tirzah aliases: [] see_also: - other/canaan - kt/inherit - other/kingdomofisrael - other/manasseh - other/shechem titus: def_title: Titus aliases: [] see_also: - kt/appoint - kt/believer - kt/church - kt/circumcise - other/crete - other/elder - other/encourage - other/instruct - kt/minister tomb: def_title: tomb aliases: - grave - 'burial place' examples: - 32-04 - 37-06 - 37-07 - 40-09 - 41-04 - 41-05 see_also: - other/bury - kt/death tongue: def_title: tongue aliases: [] see_also: - kt/gift - kt/holyspirit - kt/joy - other/praise - other/rejoice - kt/spirit torment: def_title: torment aliases: [] see_also: - other/beast - kt/eternity - other/job - kt/savior - kt/spirit - kt/suffer - kt/worship tradition: def_title: tradition aliases: [] see_also: - kt/apostle - kt/believer - kt/christian - other/father - other/generation - other/jew - kt/lawofmoses - other/moses trample: def_title: trample aliases: [] see_also: - other/grape - other/humiliate - other/punish - other/rebel - other/thresh - other/wine trance: def_title: trance aliases: [] see_also: - other/dream - other/vision tremble: def_title: tremble aliases: [] see_also: - other/earth - kt/fear - kt/lordgod trial: def_title: trial aliases: [] see_also: - kt/tempt - kt/test - kt/innocent - kt/guilt tribe: def_title: tribe aliases: [] see_also: - other/clan - other/nation - other/peoplegroup - other/12tribesofisrael tribulation: def_title: tribulation aliases: [] see_also: - other/earth - other/teach - kt/wrath tribute: def_title: tribute aliases: [] see_also: - other/gold - other/king - other/ruler - other/tax troas: def_title: Troas aliases: [] see_also: - other/asia - other/preach - other/province - kt/raise - other/rome - other/scroll - other/timothy trouble: def_title: trouble aliases: - troubles - troubled see_also: - kt/afflict - other/persecute trumpet: def_title: trumpet aliases: [] see_also: - kt/angel - kt/assembly - other/earth - other/horn - other/israel - kt/wrath tubal: def_title: Tubal aliases: [] see_also: - other/cain - other/descendant - other/ezekiel - other/isaiah - other/japheth - other/lamech - other/peoplegroup - kt/prophet tunic: def_title: tunic aliases: [] see_also: - other/robe tychicus: def_title: Tychicus aliases: [] see_also: - other/asia - kt/beloved - other/colossae - other/ephesus - kt/faithful - kt/goodnews - kt/minister tyre: def_title: Tyre aliases: - tyrians see_also: - other/canaan - other/cedar - other/israel - other/mediterranean - other/phonecia - other/sidon understand: def_title: understand aliases: - understanding see_also: - kt/believe - other/know - kt/wise unprofitable: def_title: unprofitable aliases: [] see_also: - other/profit - kt/worthy ur: def_title: Ur aliases: [] see_also: - other/abraham - other/canaan - other/chaldeans - other/euphrates - other/haran - other/lot - other/mesopotamia uriah: def_title: Uriah aliases: [] examples: - 17-12 - 17-13 see_also: - other/ahaz - other/bathsheba - other/david - other/hittite uzziah: def_title: Uzziah aliases: - azariah see_also: - other/kingdomofjudah - other/king - other/leprosy - other/reign - other/watchtower vain: def_title: vain aliases: - vanity see_also: - other/idol - kt/worthy vashti: def_title: Vashti aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahasuerus - other/esther - other/persia vine: def_title: vine aliases: [] see_also: - other/grape - other/vineyard vineyard: def_title: vineyard aliases: [] see_also: - other/grape - other/israel - other/vine virgin: def_title: virgin aliases: [] examples: - 21-09 - 22-04 - 22-05 - 49-01 see_also: - kt/christ - other/isaiah - kt/jesus - other/mary vision: def_title: vision aliases: [] see_also: - other/dream voice: def_title: voice aliases: [] warrior: def_title: warrior aliases: - soldier see_also: - other/courage - kt/crucify - other/rome - other/tomb waste: def_title: waste aliases: - wasteland watch: def_title: watch aliases: - watchman watchtower: def_title: watchtower aliases: - tower see_also: - other/adversary - other/watch water: def_title: water aliases: - waters see_also: - kt/life - kt/spirit - kt/holyspirit - kt/power well: def_title: well aliases: - cistern see_also: - other/jeremiah - other/prison - other/strife wheat: def_title: wheat aliases: [] see_also: - other/barley - other/chaff - other/grain - kt/seed - other/thresh - other/winnow wine: def_title: wine aliases: - wineskin - 'new wine' see_also: - other/grape - other/vine - other/vineyard - other/winepress winepress: def_title: winepress aliases: [] see_also: - other/grape - kt/wrath winnow: def_title: winnow aliases: - sift see_also: - other/chaff - other/grain wisemen: def_title: 'wise men' aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/daniel - other/divination - other/magic - other/nebuchadnezzar - other/ruler - kt/wise wolf: def_title: wolf aliases: - wolves - 'wild dogs' see_also: - kt/evil - other/falseprophet - other/sheep - other/teach womb: def_title: womb aliases: [] written: def_title: written aliases: [] see_also: - other/command - kt/lawofmoses - kt/prophet - kt/wordofgod wrong: def_title: wrong aliases: - mistreat - hurt yeast: def_title: yeast aliases: - leaven see_also: - other/egypt - kt/passover - kt/unleavenedbread yoke: def_title: yoke aliases: [] see_also: - kt/bond - other/burden - kt/oppress - other/persecute - other/servant zacchaeus: def_title: Zacchaeus aliases: [] see_also: - kt/believe - kt/promise - kt/repent - kt/sin - other/tax - other/taxcollector zadok: def_title: Zadok aliases: [] see_also: - other/arkofthecovenant - other/david - other/jotham - other/nehemiah - other/reign - other/solomon zebedee: def_title: Zebedee aliases: [] see_also: - kt/disciple - other/fisherman - other/jamessonofzebedee - other/johntheapostle zebulun: def_title: Zebulun aliases: [] see_also: - other/jacob - other/leah - other/saltsea - other/12tribesofisrael zechariahnt: def_title: 'Zechariah (NT)' aliases: [] examples: - 22-01 - 22-02 - 22-03 - 22-07 see_also: - kt/christ - other/elizabeth - kt/prophet zechariahot: def_title: 'Zechariah (OT)' aliases: [] see_also: - other/darius - other/ezra - other/jehoshaphat - other/jeroboam - other/nehemiah - other/zerubbabel zedekiah: def_title: Zedekiah aliases: [] see_also: - other/ahab - other/babylon - other/ezekiel - other/kingdomofisrael - other/jehoiachin - other/jeremiah - other/josiah - other/kingdomofjudah - other/nebuchadnezzar - other/nehemiah zephaniah: def_title: Zephaniah aliases: [] see_also: - other/jeremiah - other/josiah - kt/priest zerubbabel: def_title: Zerubbabel aliases: [] see_also: - other/babylon - other/captive - other/cyrus - other/ezra - kt/highpriest - other/jehoiakim - other/joshua - other/judah - other/nehemiah - other/persia - other/zedekiah zion: def_title: Zion aliases: - 'mount zion' see_also: - other/abraham - other/david - other/jerusalem - other/bethlehem - other/jebusites zoar: def_title: Zoar aliases: [] see_also: - other/lot - other/sodom - other/gomorrah