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Henry Whitney 2019-08-12 15:54:26 -04:00
parent 6caad51850
commit 67ccb30fc4
54 changed files with 55 additions and 55 deletions

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# amen, truly # amen
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# appoint, appoints, appointed, appointed by lot, appointment, desired, directed, selected, reserved, set ... over, set in place, ordained, prepare, set ... up, consider, prepared, put ... in place, assigned, set under # appoint, appoints, appointed, appointed by lot, appointment, directed, selected, reserved, set ... over, set in place, set ... up, put ... in place, set under
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# call, calls, calling, called, invite, summon, summoning, summoned, given, called out, called on, appeal to, appealed to, appealing to, reads # call, calls, calling, called, invite, summon, summoning, summoned, given, called out, called on, appeal to, appealed to, appealing to, reads, calling out, calls out
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# command, commands, commanded, commandment, commandments, commanders, ordered, given an order, order, orders, given orders, solemnly charge, solemnly charging, give ... solemn command # command, commands, commanded, commandment, commandments, ordered, given an order, order, orders, given orders, solemnly charge, solemnly charging, give ... solemn command
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# eternity, everlasting, eternal, forever, ever, never, everlasting # eternity, everlasting, eternal, forever, ever, never
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# evil, evils, wicked, wickedness, wickedly, bad, evil actions, evil deeds, harm, harmful, violent, violence, do ... violence, done ... violence, violate, violates, violated, fraudulent, displeasing, wretched # evil, evils, wicked, wickedness, wickedly, bad, harm, harmful, violent, violence, do ... violence, done ... violence, violate, violates, violated, fraudulent, displeasing, wretched
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# gift, gifts, gracious gift, offerings # gift, gifts, gracious gift
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# good news, gospel, proclaimed the good news, bring ... good news, brings ... good news, being told good news, proclaiming ... good news, proclaiming the gospel, proclaim, proclaim ... gospel, proclaimed the gospel, preach the gospel, preaching ... the gospel, announcing ... the good news, announced the good news, announce good news, telling ... good news, brought ... good news, were told the good news, had ... good news proclaimed # good news, gospel, proclaimed the good news, bring ... good news, brings ... good news, being told good news, proclaiming ... good news, proclaiming the gospel, proclaim ... gospel, proclaimed the gospel, preach the gospel, preaching ... the gospel, announcing ... the good news, announced the good news, announce good news, telling ... good news, brought ... good news, were told the good news, had ... good news proclaimed
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# high priest, high priests, chief priests, high priesthood # high priest, high priests, high priesthood
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# iniquity, iniquities, evil actions # iniquity, iniquities, evil actions, evil deeds
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# judge, judges, judged, judging, judgment, judgments, decision, being examined, decided, examine, examined, have decided, decided on, judgment seat, considered, regards, regarded, opinion, opinions, go to law, bring a lawsuit, goes to law, lawsuit, lawsuits, concluded, decide, inspected, govern, insightful decisions # judge, judges, judged, judging, judgment, judgments, decision, being examined, decided, examine, examined, have decided, decided on, judgment seat, considered, consider, considering, regards, regarded, opinion, opinions, go to law, bring a lawsuit, goes to law, lawsuit, lawsuits, concluded, decide, inspected, insightful decisions
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# just, justice, unjust, unjustly, injustice, justly, justify, justification, justified, justifies, desire for justice, judgment, vindication, honest, vindicated # just, justice, unjust, unjustly, injustice, justly, justify, justification, justified, justifies, desire for justice, vindication, honest, vindicated
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# reveal, reveals, revealed, revealing, revelation, revelations, the open, came to light, plainly seen, show, showed, be made known, come into the light, visible, become visible, presenting, clearly seen, evident, make ... clear, made known, make ... see, appeared # reveal, reveals, revealed, revealing, revelation, revelations, the open, came to light, plainly seen, show, showed, come into the light, visible, become visible, presenting, clearly seen, evident, make ... clear, make ... see, appeared
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# tabernacle, dwelling place, dwellings, shelter, shelters # tabernacle, dwelling place, dwellings
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# testimony, testify, testifying, testified, testifies, witness, witnesses, witnessed, eyewitness, eyewitnesses, statement, martyrs, spoke well, well spoken of, gave evidence, insist on, testify against # testimony, testify, testifying, testified, testifies, witness, witnesses, witnessed, eyewitness, eyewitnesses, martyrs, spoke well, well spoken of, gave evidence, insist on, testify against
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# worthy, worth, worthily, unworthy, worthless, value, values, valued, valuation, valuable, full price, deserve, deserves, deserved, deserving, appropriate, nullify # worthy, worth, worthily, unworthy, worthless, full price, deserve, deserves, deserved, deserving, appropriate, nullify
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# Jehoram, Joram # Jehoram
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# Judah, Judea # Judah
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# amazed, amazement, astonish, astonished, astonishing, marvel, marveled, marveling, marvelous, wonder, wonders, wondering, wonderful, dumbfounded, confusion, confused, alarmed, remarkable, astounded, surprised, marvelous things, amazing events, appalled, perplexed # amazed, amazement, astonish, astonished, astonishing, marvel, marveled, marveling, marvelous, wonder, wonders, wondering, wonderful, dumbfounded, confusion, confused, remarkable, astounded, surprised, marvelous things, amazing events, appalled, perplexed
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# anger, angered, angry, anger, quick-tempered # anger, angered, angry, quick-tempered
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# bear, bears, bearing, bearing with, bearer, carry, carried, carrying, tolerate, bore, have ... borne, has ... borne, deal with, support, supports, born, gave birth, give birth, gives birth # bear, bears, bearing, bearing with, bearer, carry, carried, carrying, tolerate, bore, have ... borne, has ... borne, support, supports, born, gave birth, give birth, gives birth
## Facts: ## Facts:

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# cast ... out, cast ... off, casting out, drive, driven ... out, drives ... out, drives ... away, driving ... out, throw ... out, threw ... out, thrown, throwing out, thrown out, compelled ... to go, put ... outside, drive ... out, driven ... out, tear ... out, drove ... out, force ... out, forced ... out, forcing ... out, frustrates # cast ... out, cast ... off, casting out, drive, driven ... out, drives ... out, drives ... away, driving ... out, throw ... out, threw ... out, thrown, throwing out, thrown out, compelled ... to go, put ... outside, drive ... out, tear ... out, drove ... out, force ... out, forced ... out, forcing ... out, frustrates
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# counselor, counselors, counsels, plot, plotted, plotting, planned, conspired, plan, plans, purpose, discussed ... matter, discuss ... matter, devised, consult, scheme, schemes, advice, advise, advised, advisor, advisors, counsel, advice, advise, advised, advisor, advisors, counsel, consultation # counselor, counselors, counsels, plot, plotted, plotting, planned, conspired, plan, plans, purpose, discussed ... matter, discuss ... matter, devised, consult, scheme, schemes, advice, advise, advised, advisor, advisors, counsel, consultation
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# cry, cries, cried, crying, crying out, cry out, cries out, cried out, outcry, outcries, shout, shouted, shouting, spoke loudly, shouting out, shouts, calling out, calls out, called, raised ... voice, scream, screams, speak out, cry of distress, cried for help, shouting # cry, cries, cried, crying, crying out, cry out, cries out, cried out, outcry, outcries, shout, shouted, shouting, spoke loudly, shouting out, shouts, raised ... voice, scream, screams, speak out, cry of distress, cried for help
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# deliver, delivers, delivered, delivering, deliverer, deliverers, deliverance, released, rescue, rescues, rescued, be rescued, permit to escape, defended, relieve # deliver, delivers, delivered, delivering, deliverer, deliverers, deliverance, rescue, rescues, rescued, be rescued, permit to escape, defended, relieve
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# desert, deserts, deserted, wilderness, wildernesses, solitary place, remote places # desert, deserts, wilderness, wildernesses, solitary place, remote places
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# enslave, enslaves, enslaved, bondage, being slaves, bring ... into slavery, slave, slaves, slave girl, slaved, slavery, male slaves, female slave, female slaves, slaved # enslave, enslaves, enslaved, bondage, being slaves, bring ... into slavery, slave, slaves, slave girl, slavery, male slaves, female slave, female slaves, slaved
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# gird, girded, wrapped ... around, tied up, belt, tuck in belt, tucked in belt, put ... belt around, put ... belt around your clothes, put belt on, had sashes around, fastening waistband around, put around, belt ... buckled, armed # gird, girded, wrapped ... around, belt, tuck in belt, tucked in belt, put ... belt around, put ... belt around your clothes, put belt on, had sashes around, fastening waistband around, put around, belt ... buckled, armed
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# grape, grapes, grapevine, raisin, raisins # grape, grapes, raisin, raisins
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# haughty, lofty # haughty
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# humiliate, humiliated, humiliation, low positions, low position # humiliate, humiliated, humiliation
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# image, images, carved image, carved images, cast metal images, figure, figures, carved figure, carved figures, cast metal figure, cast metal figures, cast metal figures, statue # image, images, carved image, carved images, cast metal images, figure, figures, carved figure, carved figures, cast metal figure, cast metal figures, statue
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# know, knows, knew, knowing, knowledge, known, makes known, made known, be known, made known, unknown, seeing, saw, make ... known, made ... known, know ... beforehand, realized, felt, recognize, recognizes, recognized, recognizing, was aware, learn, learned, found out, heard about, noticed, became known, inform, informed, uninformed, awareness, ignorant, ignorantly, are certain, take notice, train for # know, knows, knew, knowing, knowledge, known, makes known, made known, be known, unknown, seeing, saw, make ... known, made ... known, know ... beforehand, felt, recognize, recognizes, recognized, recognizing, was aware, learn, learned, found out, heard about, noticed, became known, inform, informed, uninformed, awareness, ignorant, ignorantly, are certain, take notice, train for
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# like, liken, likeness, likenesses, likewise, alike, unlike, as if, as, in the same way, compare, resembled, the same way, according to, similarly, the same, just as, similar to, is ... like, be ... like, is ... like # like, liken, likeness, likenesses, likewise, alike, unlike, as if, as, in the same way, compare, resembled, the same way, according to, similarly, the same, just as, similar to, is ... like, be ... like
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# lowly, lowliest, lowliness, low condition, low position, of low condition, brought low, bring ... low # lowly, lowliest, lowliness, low condition, low positions, low position, of low condition, brought low, bring ... low
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# might, mighty, mightier, mightily, mighty works, mighty work, mighty one, mighty ones, mighty works, mighty host # might, mighty, mightier, mightily, mighty works, mighty work, mighty one, mighty ones, mighty host
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# ordain, ordained, ordinary, ordination, planned long ago, prepared, bring about, marked out # ordain, ordained, ordinary, ordination, planned long ago, marked out
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# precious, valuable, expensive, fine # precious, value, values, valued, valuation, valuable, expensive, fine
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# punish, punishes, punished, punishing, punishment, unpunished, go ... unpunished, deal with, inflicting punishment, calamities, fined # punish, punishes, punished, punishing, punishment, unpunished, go ... unpunished, deal with, dealt with, inflicting punishment, calamities, fined
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# rebuke, rebukes, rebuked, correct, corrects, corrected, correction, corrections, correction, give correction, convicted, expose, exposed, convict # rebuke, rebukes, rebuked, correct, corrects, corrected, corrections, correction, give correction, convicted, expose, exposed, convict
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# report, bring ... a report, reports, reported, reputation, news, told, told about in detail, credit, give ... a full account, gave ... a full account, account, rumor, rumors, spread ... about # report, bring ... a report, reports, reported, reputation, news, told, told about in detail, credit, give ... a full account, gave ... a full account, account, accounts, rumor, rumors, spread ... about
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# rest, rests, rested, resting, restless, relief, be at rest, wait, lie down, dwell, dwells, rest secure, make ... home, at ease # rest, rests, rested, resting, restless, relief, be at rest, wait, lie down, dwell, dwells, rest secure, make ... home, at ease, lies down, lying down, lay down, lain down
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# seal, seals, sealed, sealing, unsealed, inscription, signet ring # seal, seals, sealed, sealing, unsealed, signet ring
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# seek, seeks, seeking, sought, look for, search for, searches for, searched for, searching, searching for, searched out, searches out, searched, seek advice, look for, looks for, looking for, looked for, consider, considering, try, trying, tried, go to find, search, diligently seek, charged against, required # seek, seeks, seeking, sought, look for, search for, searches for, searched for, searching, searching for, searched out, searches out, searched, looks for, looking for, looked for, try, trying, tried, go to find, search, diligently seek, charged against, required
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# seize, seizes, seizing, seized, seizure, arrest, arresting, arrested, snatch, snatched, snatches, snatching, snatched away, take hold of, took hold of, overcame, were overwhelmed, took ... away, laid hold of, take ... by force, collect, take ... away, taken ... away, takes ... away, taken ... away, overwhelm, overwhelmed, held on, conqueror, conquers, hold on to # seize, seizes, seizing, seized, seizure, arrest, arresting, arrested, snatch, snatched, snatches, snatching, snatched away, take hold of, took hold of, overcame, were overwhelmed, took ... away, laid hold of, take ... by force, collect, take ... away, taken ... away, takes ... away, overwhelm, overwhelmed, held on, conqueror, conquers, hold on to
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# servant, servants, hired servant, hired servants, male servant, male servants, female servant, female servants, servant girl, servant girls, maidservants, serve, serves, one who serves, served, serving, service, services, eyeservice, distribution of help, helpers, attending to ... needs, hired worker, attendant # servant, servants, hired servant, hired servants, male servant, male servants, female servant, female servants, servant girl, servant girls, maidservants, serve, serves, one who serves, served, serving, service, services, eyeservice, distribution of help, helpers, hired worker, attendant
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# asleep, fell asleep, fallen asleep, sleep, sleeps, sleeping, slept, sleeper, lie down, lies down, lying down, lay down, lain down # asleep, fell asleep, fallen asleep, sleep, sleeps, sleeping, slept, sleeper
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# tribute, contribution, fined # tribute
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# trouble, troubles, troubled, troubling, troublemaker, troublesome, tumults, disturbing, upset, shaken, confused, anxious, mischief, bother, misery # trouble, troubles, troubled, troubling, troublemaker, troublesome, tumults, disturbing, upset, shaken, anxious, mischief, bother, misery
## Definition: ## Definition:
A "trouble" is an experience in life that is very difficult and distressing. To "trouble" someone means to "bother" that person or to cause him distress.To be "troubled" means to feel upset or distressed about something. A "trouble" is an experience in life that is very difficult and distressing. To "trouble" someone means to "bother" that person or to cause him distress.To be "troubled" means to feel upset or distressed about something.
A "tumult" is a group of people making much noise because they are confused or troubled or unhappy. A "tumult" is a group of people making much noise because they are troubled or unhappy.
* Troubles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual things that hurt a person. * Troubles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual things that hurt a person.
* In the Bible, often troubles are times of testing that God uses to help believers mature and grow in their faith. * In the Bible, often troubles are times of testing that God uses to help believers mature and grow in their faith.

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# turn, turns, turn ... away, turns ... away, turns ... away from, turn ... back, turns ... back, turned, turned ... away, turned ... back, turned ... away, turning, turning ... away, direct, change # turn, turns, turn ... away, turns ... away, turns ... away from, turned, turned ... away, turned ... back, turning, turning ... away, direct, change
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# watch, watches, watched, watching, watchman, watchmen, watchful, take heed, beware, watch out, guard, guards, standing guard, be alert, stay alert, keep ... safe, kept ... safe, wake up, guarding, on ... guard, look to, cause ... to look, look toward, give ... attention to, pay ... attention to, pays ... attention to, paid ... attention, be concerned about, was ... concerned about, care for, make ... pay attention, care # watch, watched, watching, watchman, watchmen, watchful, take heed, beware, watch out, guard, guards, standing guard, be alert, stay alert, keep ... safe, kept ... safe, wake up, guarding, on ... guard, look to, cause ... to look, look toward, give ... attention to, pay ... attention to, pays ... attention to, paid ... attention, be concerned about, was ... concerned about, make ... pay attention, care
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# cistern, cisterns, well, wells # well, wells, cistern, cisterns
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# word, words, speech, message, news, spread the news, what ... said, statement, question, matter, matters, saying, sayings, account, accounts, given a message from God, talk # word, words, speech, message, spread the news, what ... said, statement, question, matter, matters, saying, sayings, given a message from God, talk
## Definition: ## Definition:

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# wrong, wrongs, wronged, wrongly, wrongfully, wrongdoer, wrongdoing, mistreat, mistreated, suffering wrong, hurt, hurts, hurting, hurtful, injury twisted, deprive ... of justice, defraud, wrongdoing # wrong, wrongs, wronged, wrongly, wrongfully, wrongdoer, wrongdoing, mistreat, mistreated, suffering wrong, hurt, hurts, hurting, hurtful, injury twisted, deprive ... of justice, defraud
## Definition: ## Definition: