## 1 Peter 02 Translation Questions ## Q? What were the believers told to put aside? A. They were told to put aside all evil deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander. [2:1] Q? Why were the believers to long for pure spiritual milk? A. They were to long for pure spiritual milk that they might grow in salvation. [2:2] Q? Who was the living stone who was rejected by people and chosen by God? A. Jesus Christ was the living stone. [2:4-5] Q? Why were the believers also like living stones? A. They were like living stones because they were being built up to be a spiritual house. [2:5] Q? Why did the builders stumble, disobeying the word? A. The builders stumbled because they were appointed to do that. [2:7-8] Q? Why were the believers a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for God's possession? A. They were chosen so that they might anounce the wonderful actions of God. [2:9-10] Q? Why did Peter call the beloved to abstain from sinful desires? A. He called them to abstain so that those who might speak of them as having done evil would see their good behavior and praise God. [2:11-12] Q? Why were the believers to obey every human authority? A. They were to obey every human authority because God wanted to use their obediene to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. [2:13-15] Q? Instead of using their freedom as a covering for wickedness, what were the foreigners, the chosen ones, to do? A. They were to use their freedom to be servants of God. [2:16] Q? Why were servants supposed to be subject to their masters, even the malicious ones? A. Servants were supposed to be subject even to malicious masters because doing good and then suffering, being punished for it is praiseworthy with God. [2:18-20] Q? Why were the servants called to suffer for doing good? A. Because Christ suffered for them, leaving an example for them, and gave himself to the one who judges justly. [2:21-23] Q? Why did Christ carry Peter, believers, and the servants' sins in his body to the tree? A. He carried their sins so that they might have no more part in sin and live for righteousness, and because they were healed by his bruises. [2:24] Q? After they all had been wandering away like lost sheep, to whom did they return? A. They all returned to the shephered and guardian of their souls. [2:25] __[Back to 1 Peter Chapter List](./)__