## 1 Corinthians 07 Translation Questions ## Q? Why should each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband? A. Because of temptations for many immoral acts each man should have his own wife and each wife should have her own husband. [7:2] Q? Does a wife or husband have authority over their own body? A. No. A husband has authority over his wife's body and likewise the wife has authority over her husband's body. [7:4] Q? When is it appropriate to for a husband and a wife to deprive one another sexually? A. It is appropriate if both husband and wife mutually agree and set a specific period of time, so that they may devote themselves to prayer. [7:5] Q? What does Paul say is good for the widows and people who are unmarried to do? A. Paul says it is good for them to remain unmarried. [7:8] Q? In what situation should the unmarried and widows get married? A. They should get married if they burn with passion and cannot exercise self-control. [7:9] Q? What command does the Lord give to those who are married? A. The wife should not separate from her husband. If she does separate from her husband she should remain unmarried or be reconciled to him. Also, the husband should not divorce his wife. [7:10-11] Q? Should a believing husband or wife divorce his or her unbelieving spouse? A. If the unbelieving husband or wife is content to live with their spouse, the believing spouse should not divorce the unbeliever. [7:12-13] Q? What should a believer do if their unbelieving partner departs? A. The believer is to let the unbelieving partner go.. [7:15] Q? What rule did Paul set in all the churches? A. The rule was: Let each one live the life the Lord has assigned them, and to which God called them. [7:17] Q? What counsel did Paul give to the uncircumcised and to the circumcised? A. Paul said the uncircumcised should not become circumcised and the circumcised should not try to remove the marks of their circumcision. [7:18] Q? What did Paul say about slaves? A. If they were a slave when God called them, don't be concerned about it, but if they can become free, they should do so. Even if they were slaves, they are the Lord's freeman. They should not become the slaves of men. [7:21-23] Q? Why did Paul think it was good for a man who had never married to remain unmarried as Paul was? A. Paul thought that because of the impending crisis it was good for a man to remain unmarried. [7:26] Q? What should believers do if they are bound to a woman by a vow of marriage? A. They should not seek freedom from their vow to marry the woman. [7:27] Q? Why does Paul say to those who are free from a wife, and those who are unmarried, "Do not seek a wife." A. He said this because he wanted to spare them from the many kinds of trouble that those who marry will have while living. [7:28] Q? Why should those who deal with the world act as though they had no dealings with it? A. They should act that way because the system of this world is coming to an end. [7:31] Q? Why is it hard for those Christians who are married to be undivided in their devotion to the Lord? A. It is hard because a believing husband or wife is concerned about the things of the world, how to please his wife or her husband. [7:33-34] Q? Who does better than the one who marries his fiancee? A. The one who chooses not to marry will do even better. [7:38] Q? For how long is a woman bound to her husband? A. She is bound to her husband for as long as he lives. [7:39] Q? If a believing woman's husband dies, whom may she marry? A. She may marry whomever she wishes, but only one who is in the Lord. [7:39] __[Back to 1 Corinthians Chapter List](./)__