## 1 Corinthians 05 Translation Questions ## Q? What report did Paul hear about the church at Corinth? A. Paul heard that there was sexual immorality there. One of them was sleeping with his father's wife. [5:1] Q? What did Paul say must be done to that person who sinned with his father's wife? A. The one who sinned with his father's wife must be removed from among them. [5:2] Q? How and why was that person who sinned with his father's wife to be removed? A. When the church at Corinth gathered together in the name of the Lord Jesus they were to hand the sinning man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved on the day of the Lord. [5:4-5] Q? To what does Paul compare bad behavior and wickedness? A. Paul compares them to yeast. [5:8] Q? What does Paul use as a metaphor for sincerity and truth? A. Paul uses unleavened bread as a metaphor for sincerity and truth. [5:8] Q? With whom did Paul tell the Corinthian believers not to associate? A. Paul wrote to them not to associate with sexaully immoral people. [5:9] Q? Did Paul mean for them not to associate with any sexually immoral people? A. Paul did not mean the immoral people of this world. You would have to go out of the world to stay away from them [5:10] Q? With whom did Paul mean for the Corinthian believers not to associate? A. He meant for them not to associate with anyone who is called a brother or sister in Christ who is sexually immoral, greedy, verbally abusive, a drunkard, a swindler or an idolater. [5:11] Q? Who are the believers supposed to judge? A. They are supposed to judge those inside the church. [5:12] Q? Who judges those outside the church? A. God judges those who are on the outside. [5:13] __[Back to 1 Corinthians Chapter List](./)__