## 1 John 01 Translation Questions ## Q? What does John say was from the beginning? A. John says the Word of life was from the beginning. [1:1] Q? By what means did John know about the Word of life? A. John had heard, seen, contemplated, and handled the Word of life. [1:1] Q? Where was the Word of life before it was manifested to John? A. The Word of life was with the Father before it was manifested to John. [1:2] Q? Why is John declaring what he has seen and heard? A. John is declaring what he has seen and heard so that others may also have fellowship with him. [1:3] Q? With whom does John already have fellowship? A. John already has fellowship with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. [1:3] Q? What message from God is John announcing to his readers? A. John is announcing the message that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. [1:5] Q? What does John say about a person who says he has fellowship with God, but walks in darkness? A. John says that such a person is a liar and does not practice the truth. [1:6] Q? For those walking in the light, what cleanses them from all sin? A. The blood of Jesus cleanses them from all sin. [1:7] Q? What does John say about a person who says they have no sin? A. John says that such a person deceives himself and the truth is not in him. [1:8] Q? What will God do for those who confess their sins? A. For those who confess their sins, God will forgive their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. [1:9] __[[home|Back to 1 John Chapter List]]__