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2016-10-01 13:38:00 +00:00
## 1 Peter 03 Translation Questions ##
Q? Why should wives submit to their husbands?
A. Wives should submit so that those husbands who are disobedient might be won without a word. [3:1]
Q? How should wives win their husbands?
A. Wives should win them with the inner person of the heart, not outward adornment. [3:3-4]
Q? Which holy woman did Peter mention as an example of a wife who had confidence in God and submitted to her husband?
A. Peter mentioned Sarah as an example. [3:5-6]
Q? Why should husbands live worth their wives according to knowledge?
A. Husbands should live with their wives according to knowledge so their prayers are not hindered. [3:7]
Q? Why did Peter instruct all of the foreigners, the chosen ones, to be likeminded and to continue to bless?
A. Because they were all called to do so, that they might inherit a blessing. [3:8-9]
Q? Why should the one who wants to love life stop his tongue from evil, and turn away from what is bad and do what is good?
A. Because the eyes of the Lord see the righteous. [3:10-12]
Q? Who were the ones who were blessed?
A. Those who suffered because of righteousness were blessed. [3:14]
Q? What were the believers told to do to maintain their confidence in God?
A. They were told to set apart the Lord Christ as precious in their hearts. [3:15]
Q? How were the believers always to answer everyone who asked about their confidence in God?
A. They were to answer always with meekness and respect. [3:15-16]
Q? Why did Christ suffer once for sins?
A. Christ suffered once so that he would bring Peter and the believers to God. [3:18]
Q? Why were the spirits to whom Christ preached in the spirit now in prison?
A. The spirits who are now in prison were disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in the days of Noah. [3:19-20]
Q? What did God saving a few people through the water symbolize?
A. It symbolized the baptism that now saves the believer. [3:21]
Q? As Jesus is at the right hand of God in heaven, what must angels, authorities, and powers do?
A. They must all submit to him. [3:22]
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