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2016-10-01 13:38:00 +00:00
## 1 Corinthians 13 Translation Questions ##
Q? What would Paul become if he spoke with tongues of men and of angels but didn't have love?
A. He would become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [13:1]
Q? What would Paul be if he had the gift of prophecy, understood all hidden truths and knowledge and had great faith, but didn't have love?
A. He would be nothing. [13:2]
Q? How could Paul give all he owned to feed the poor and give his body to be burned and still gain nothing?
A. If he didn't have love he would gain nothing even though he did all these other things. [13:3]
Q? What are some of the characteristics of love?
A. Love is patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it isn't arrogant or rude. It is not self serving, not easily angered, nor does it keep a count of wrongs. It doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, has confidence concerning all things, and endures all things. [13:4-7]
Q? What are some things that will pass away or cease?
A. Prophecies, knowledge and that which is incomplete will pass away and tongues will cease. [13:8-10]
Q? What will never end?
A. Love never ends. [13:8]
Q? What did Paul say he did when he became an adult?
A. Paul said when he became an adult, he put away childish things. [13:11]
Q? What three things will remain, and which of the three is the greatest?
A. Faith, confidence, and love will remain. The greatest of these is love. [13:13]
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